How long can you use daily, weekly and long-term wear lenses? Is it possible to wear jewelry without taking it off? What lenses can you leave in for several days?

Contact lenses have many advantages and benefits. For example, compared to glasses, lenses can be used to walk everywhere, play sports, they reduce the risk of myopia progression, they cannot be broken, and the frame does not interfere. But, nevertheless, the lens is a foreign body in the eye, so you should follow the rules for caring for contact lenses. One of the reasons why lenses can cause allergies, infections and inflammation is over-wearing contact lenses. Each contact lens has its own specific mode and wearing period, which is recommended by the manufacturer. Hydrogel lenses provide comfort for 6-7 hours, silicone hydrogel lenses can be worn for up to 10-12 hours. More modern lenses allow you to wear them throughout the day. There is also the option of continuous lens wear for a week, that is, you can wear contact lenses for a week without removing them. The longest wearing period is provided by AirOptix Night&Day contact lenses, which can be worn without removal for 30 days. However, ophthalmologists recommend removing contact lenses for a while every 7 days, at least at night. The packaging of any contact lenses indicates the recommended mode and period of wear.

Over-wearing your contact lenses can cause dry eyes, red eyes, a gritty feeling, and possibly even blurred vision. If these symptoms appear, you need to remove your lenses and use glasses for the rest of the day. You should definitely contact an ophthalmologist. In addition, you need to drip moisturizing drops every 2-3 hours. If you do not feel discomfort after the expiration of wearing contact lenses, you should still change them to new ones, since if you do not comply with the regime or period of wearing contact lenses, microbes may appear on them, which can first grow on the lens itself and then spread to the eye . When any deposits from tear fluid, the environment, hands or bacteria appear on the contact lens, the lens significantly reduces the transmission of oxygen to the cornea. Bacteria and various types of deposits can destroy the surface of the contact lens, causing eye irritation. Also, a lack of oxygen can occur with closed eyelids within 10-15 minutes if you do not remove your contact lenses at night. Lack of oxygen can lead to swelling of the cornea, ingrowth of newly formed vessels, and poor vision.

It is better to use contact lenses with a short wearing period, and even better - one-day lenses, for example, BioTrue One Day - they contain a large amount of water (78%) and they perfectly transmit oxygen (Dk/t - 42) to the cornea. These indicators allow you to maintain comfort for your eyes for 16 hours, but no more. However, the main advantage of daily contact lenses is that after 16-18 hours of wear, a large amount of deposits do not accumulate on the lens, which can cause allergies or infections in the eyes. Before choosing contact lenses for continuous wear, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

To avoid allergies, infections and eye diseases, follow the rules for caring for contact lenses, using multifunctional solutions or a peroxide system for cleaning contact lenses, and also follow the mode and period of wearing. Compliance with these rules is the key to the health of your eyes and comfort throughout your lens wear!

Take care of your eyesight!

Not all people want change every day contact lenses.

In addition, for those who have very poor eyesight, getting up in the morning without them is inconvenient, difficult and problematic.

Contact lenses are produced specifically to solve such problems, which imply Long-term wear without daily replacement.

Long-term wear contact lenses for eyes: what are they?

Lenses can be worn without removing throughout the month due to the fact that they contain special substances that moisturize the cornea.

Important! Exists two modes wearing such products: daytime and flexible, and ophthalmologists It is recommended to use the second one. With flexible mode, vision correction devices can be left on or removed at night.

These CLs are comfortable to wear due to their material. rarely cause side effects. If long-term wear lenses are used in flexible or daytime mode, they are stored in a special disinfectant solution. When not removed for a month, then there is no need to use such a tool.

Photo 1. For storage, a continuous wear contact lens is lowered with tweezers into a container with a disinfectant solution.

To whom are they assigned?

There are people who resort to continuous wearing mode out of necessity. These vision correction products are prescribed to people whose profession involves with business trips and traveling. They are used by those who love to travel.

  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness.

Advantages of products for long-term use

When comparing long-wear contact lenses with other vision correction devices, it is worth highlighting their low cost.

The positive aspects include:

  • long period of use;
  • providing clear images regardless of the time of day;
  • infrequent replacement;
  • variety of models.

Continuous wear lenses, which do not need to be removed, are made from modern safe materials that allow oxygen to pass through well, so the eye tissues can breathe. Thanks to the soft structure, comfortable conditions are created for the visual organs, and the cornea is not injured.

In CLs, the quality of vision remains very high throughout their use. Using these products you can save time because not necessary put them on and take them off daily. It is noted that correction means of this kind can be used for almost any pathology and visual acuity.

Negative sides

One of the disadvantages of these products is that they gradually become less transparent as deposits accumulate on them. Constant wearing can lead to blurred vision and a feeling of a foreign body in the eye. They are not recommended for people who have dry eyes.

Types of lenses that must be worn constantly without removing

All lenses that wear for a long time without replacement, have their own expiration date. The shortest service life is for two-week models. After it passes 14 days, they need to be replaced.

This option is suitable for people with sensitive eyes as it provides the greatest amount of hydration.

Considered no less popular period, which also have good moisture and oxygen permeability.

Products that are worn in a prolonged manner three months, have the following advantages:

  • allow air to pass through;
  • contain a lot of moisture;
  • have low elasticity.

CL to be replaced every quarter, require careful care and regular cleaning in a special solution to remove protein deposits.

Rigid gas permeable

Today, silicone is used to make hard contact lenses, which is responsible for their oxygen permeability.

This indicator makes it possible to use the products within a month. A rigid structure can contribute to the appearance of individual intolerance.

The advantages of rigid gas permeable contact lenses include:

  • dense structure;
  • impossibility of deformation and rupture;
  • comfortable to wear.

All kinds of deposits do not accumulate on the surface, which means that using such products is not dangerous. The diameter of the lens is smaller than the cornea, so it receives a sufficient amount of oxygen. As a result, dry eyes do not occur, and there is no need to use all kinds of moisturizing drops.

Among the disadvantages of such products is long-term addiction to them: in patients It takes a week to adapt.

Important! If you wear glasses after wearing hard lenses, you may notice a decrease in visual acuity. This happens because lenses change the cornea, which, after their use ceases, regains its shape.

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Soft silicone hydrogel

Ophthalmologists advise purchasing soft contact lenses because they significantly improve vision.

They have There are almost no contraindications for use. These products are based on silicone hydrogel.

Thanks to silicone, they allow oxygen to pass through, and the hydrogel moisturizes the organs of vision and makes eye tissue and lenses compatible.

You will also need to get used to contact silicone hydrogels, but over a shorter period.


  • lack of discomfort while getting used to them;
  • obtaining a clear image;
  • comfortable to wear.

Reference! Soft lenses bend easily and at the same time hold their shape well. They are easy to put on and take off.

However, such products easily lost or torn, because they are thin. Their surface quickly becomes dirty. These correction agents are not able to improve vision with astigmatism; their use can lead to the development of dry eye syndrome.

Selection rules

Which products to choose can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist, since each person has his own visual acuity, radius of curvature and optical power of the eyes.

Based on these indicators, the doctor writes a prescription. If they are not taken into account, the products will not only be useless, but also cause harm.

Risks associated with extended-release regimen

Ophthalmologists do not recommend using lenses all the time throughout the month. This is due to the fact that with this wearing regimen, a serious complication can develop: microbial keratitis. This disease causes significant blurred vision and scarring of eye tissue.

In 60% of cases microbial keratitis develops due to the fact that a person does not comply with the deadlines for replacing lenses and stores them incorrectly.

Rating of the best CLs that you can leave on for a month: which ones to choose?

Today on the market there is products from many manufacturers from the rating. It is advisable to purchase quality products famous brands that will not harm eye health.


Bausch + Lomb continuous wear lenses are made of silicone hydrogel. Even in the evening and in poor lighting, objects are clearly visible in them.

Photo 2. Constant wear contact lenses, 4 pieces, from the manufacturer “Bausch + Lomb”.

The use of special technology during production makes these correction products comfortable and safe to use. The oxygen permeability coefficient is 130 units. The surface of these lenses is smooth, so the level of protein deposition is low.

They have the best alignment and mobility. The edges of the products have a rounded shape, which ensures a smooth transition from the lens to the conjunctiva, as well as its soft interaction with the eyelid.

CIBA Vision

Long-term wearing contact lenses AirOptixAqua from the manufacturing company CibaVision can be worn, without removing for up to six days.

They have special protection against ultraviolet radiation, so they prevent the occurrence of corneal dystrophy and lens clouding.

Such products have many advantages:

  • high breathability;
  • good hydration;
  • comfortable and thin structure;
  • comfortable wearing;
  • resistance to protein deposits.

The use of this contact optics eliminates the occurrence of burning, itching, and oxygen starvation.

AcuvueOasys by Johnson&Johnson

Products from the manufacturer Johnson & Johnson are among the most comfortable. They are made of silicone hydrogel, which provides good breathability. ACUVUE OASYS products from Johnson&Johnson are designed for continuous 2 weeks wear and have UV protection. They can be used with dry eye syndrome.

Photo 3. Acuvue Oasys long-wear lenses, 6 pieces, from the manufacturer Johnson & Johnson.

CL are suitable for those who works a lot at the computer or in a room with dry air. Thanks to special technology, contact lenses are comfortable to wear because they are soft and smooth. It contains a patented moisturizing agent that keeps your eyes hydrated throughout the day.

Lenses are a modern type of glasses. This is a fairly popular type of optics among people who have vision problems. Lenses will only provide you with clear vision if you take proper care of them. It is worth noting that they are not exactly cheap, but you can’t save money on your own eyes.

Keep your lenses clean

It is imperative to periodically change the solutions and containers in which this type of optics is stored. If this is not done, harmful microbes may appear on the lenses. They will first multiply directly on the optics itself, and then “attack” your eyes, affecting the cornea.

Even ordinary contaminated water can cause an infection in the eye. So don't use it to clean the container or lenses. During the disinfection process, it is best to use solutions specially designed for this purpose.

How to properly care for your lenses?

Follow this plan:
- rinse the container in which the optics are stored with filtered water and rinse it with a special solution;
- wipe the lens with a disinfectant mixture on both sides;
- Place in a clean container.

How long can you wear lenses?

The tolerance of this type of optics varies from person to person. If the lenses are made of more modern soft materials, then they can be left on for up to about 12 hours. If this type of optics is made of a harder substance, then the period of use should not exceed 10 hours a day. Never leave them in your eyes while you sleep.

“Wear lenses and don’t take them off” - consequences

If you continuously use this type of optics, the cornea of ​​the eye begins to experience excess oxygen. This is due to the fact that she breathes air, and the lens blocks it. In order to somehow provide itself with oxygen, the cornea begins to sprout blood vessels to take it from the blood. In the process, vision loss may occur.

How to avoid problems?

The basic rules for wearing contact lenses are:
- carefully select this type of optics so that your eyes do not become overtired.
- don’t skimp on universal lens solution.
- put them on and take them off correctly.
- You should not use lenses during infectious diseases.
- If your eye becomes red, consult a doctor immediately.

If you follow all the above rules, then no unpleasant consequences will arise. If you have any questions about contact lenses, contact your eye care center and they will answer your questions.

The rhythm of modern life often does not leave people time for the most important thing - taking care of their health. And it often happens that, having put on a sterile pair of contact lenses in the morning, in the evening a person simply forgets about their existence and, as a result, does not take them off while sleeping at night.

This is also due to the fact that modern technologies make it possible to create optical discs with a high moisture content, ultra-thin edges, excellent fixation and good oxygen permeability, which makes wearing them almost asymptomatic, as if they were simply not there.

But if you wear lenses during the day and forget to take them off in the evenings, this can lead to complications. In this case, it is best to switch to wearing extended or continuous optical discs (night lenses), but this should be done only after consulting an ophthalmologist and with his permission.

Night lenses: peculiarities

Contact lenses for prolonged and, especially, continuous wear are made from modern polymer materials with high moisture content and good gas exchange ability. In addition, the material is resistant to dehydration, that is, rapid evaporation of moisture, and is resistant to the deposition of protein, lipid, and salt complexes on its surface. When wearing lenses for extended periods, you can leave them on your eyes for one night, but they must be removed the next night. Such night lenses are perfect for people with irregular working hours or shift work schedules, as well as for all those who, for one reason or another, do not always spend the night at home. In cases where you do not want to take off your lenses in the evenings and deal with their processing, then you should choose products with a continuous wearing schedule. Such optical discs can be worn without removing them for a month, after which they should be replaced with a new sterile pair. When switching to prolonged or continuous wear, the user must listen very carefully to his feelings. If you experience the slightest signs of discomfort or blurred vision, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. But such phenomena are observed extremely rarely. In most cases, 24-hour wearing lenses, on the contrary, expand the field of vision and increase its sharpness, thereby reducing eye fatigue and fatigue, especially in the evening hours. The range of prolonged and 24-hour wearing lenses presented in our optics salon is huge. These include:

  • Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus;
  • PureVision 2 HD;
  • Air Optix Aqua;
  • Air Optix Night & Day Aqua;
  • Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism with Hydraclear Plus;
  • Adria O2O2;
  • Biofinity;
  • Pure Vision Multi-focal;
  • PureVision 2 HD and others.

Thanks to this variety, everyone can choose contact lenses that suit their parameters and switch to comfortable and safe continuous wear. The high quality of modern soft lenses and their excellent characteristics provide the user with great comfort. Just a couple of minutes after putting on the optical discs, you will simply forget about them and just enjoy clear and clear vision. Contact lenses, which do not need to be removed at night, are primarily suitable for easy-going and energetic people who can spend the night at a party at any time or suddenly go to a nightclub. These lenses can also be recommended to people who, for whatever reason, cannot take careful care of them. For example, they are ideal for older people, as well as children and teenagers.

The period of continuous use of lenses primarily depends on what wearing mode is recommended by the manufacturer. The mode is determined by a number of factors: materials, production technologies, level of moisture content, oxygen permeability, as well as how long optical products are able to retain moisture.

To understand how long you can wear without a break, you need to pay attention to the mode of their use. We are talking specifically about the wearing mode, and not about the replacement period. For example, monthly replacement lenses - depending on the mode - can be used only during the day, or day and night, and not removed at all for up to 30 days.

Day mode

At the moment, daytime optics is considered the most common and safe option for contact vision correction. You are allowed to wear such lenses for no more than 9-12 hours, and they must be removed at night. If recommendations are ignored, hypoxia or neovascularization of the cornea may occur during sleep.

Flexible mode

The supply of oxygen to the ocular cornea when using flexible wear optics remains at an acceptable level even with the eyes closed. However, its gas conductivity will be lower than that of optical products with prolonged or continuous modes. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to sleep in such lenses no more than one or two nights throughout the entire period of use.

Extended and continuous wear

It is permissible not to remove correction products with prolonged wear from the eyes for up to 6 days, with continuous use for up to 30 days. As a rule, these optical products are made of silicone hydrogel material and have increased oxygen permeability. During the production process, advanced technologies are used to help consistently maintain a normal or at least acceptable level of moisture in the cornea of ​​the eye.

In our information about the mode of wearing optical products can be found in the product characteristics.