What is better: inhalations or vasoconstrictor drops? How to make an inhalation solution with a nebulizer to treat a runny nose

Inhalation using a nebulizer is by far one of the most effective auxiliary methods in the treatment of runny nose. Depending on the nature of the disease and the prescribed medications, the procedures help to quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, eliminate inflammation and cleanse the nasal cavity of excess secretions.

Inhalations are effective long-term action because they deliver medicine directly into the infected area.

Indications and contraindications

The main advantages of use are that particles of medicinal solutions can be inhaled by small children and patients with contraindications to the use of steam inhalation ( bronchial asthma, hypertension). Procedures for the treatment of a runny nose can be carried out at the first symptoms of a cold or viral diseases and continue until full recovery. The use of some medications allows you to breathe through a nebulizer when the disease is accompanied by fever.

The device is contraindicated for use when neoplasms in the nasal cavity are diagnosed or the patient has a tendency to nosebleeds. It is recommended that small children undergo inhalations only in consultation with the pediatrician, and some types of nebulizers are designed so that the procedure can be performed while the baby is sleeping.

Types of nebulizers

As a rule, you can breathe through a nebulizer only using specially produced medications for the procedure. Solutions prepared at home and herbal infusions they are placed in the inhaler extremely rarely, as they create a risk of blocking the small holes of the membrane. The same applies to the use of essential oils during inhalation.

When using a nebulizer to treat rhinitis and the nasal mucosa, the possibility of getting burned by hot fumes is eliminated. Medicinal solutions are delivered with particular precision to respiratory tract by breaking down the product into tiny particles. This happens under the influence of ultrasound or air pressure.

When choosing a device for treating a runny nose, be sure to provide a function for changing the particle size. The best solution will become a nebulizer that produces particles larger than 10 microns. An aerosol will be created in the chamber of the device from medications and saline solution. Smaller particles will penetrate the respiratory tract without remaining in the nasopharynx.

Special models of nebulizers have been developed for treatment acute forms sinusitis, use of vasoconstrictors in solutions. A variety of attachments included in the package allows you to treat a runny nose of various nature and nature.

Preparations and solutions

All drugs for the treatment of rhinitis are prescribed only by a specialist after an examination and an established diagnosis. Effective medications for relieving inflammatory and infectious processes nasopharynx are:


Recommended for inhalation for chronic nasal congestion and activation normal breathing. The drug belongs to the category of vasoconstrictors and is available in various concentrations. Contraindicated for use in pregnant women and children under 2 years of age. You can breathe xylometazoline solution through a nebulizer only as prescribed by a doctor.


Medicine for the treatment of the nasal mucosa on the background bacterial infection. Advantages of use - can be used for inhalation through a nebulizer for a newborn child. For inhalation for a runny nose, prepare a solution: 3 ml of saline solution and one dose of isofra. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure is carried out 2 times a day.


Medicine local action. Used to treat rhinitis of a bacteriological nature. Adults and children over 3 years old can breathe through a nebulizer. For a bacterial infection of the nose, the procedure is performed 2 times a day. For 1 dose of bioparox, 3 ml of saline solution is required.


Used for runny nose with thick and astringent discharge. Using a nebulizer, you can cure even the most inveterate and persistent forms of runny nose. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. The concentration of the solution is prescribed by a specialist in each case individually. Polydexa. based on two antibiotics.

Use should only be after consultation with a doctor, since this drug belongs to the hormonal group. 1 dose of spray is dissolved in 3 ml of saline solution. You can breathe through a nebulizer for children over 2.5 years old and adults who do not have chronic diseases cardiovascular system.

We use the device for a runny nose

Considering that in given time There are two types of nebulizers used - compressor and ultrasonic; before using the device, be sure to read the instructions.

When treating a runny nose, it is more practical to use compressor nebulizer. The procedure can be used for bedridden patients and newborns. When a child has a runny nose, wear special mask, and the medicine is delivered directly to its intended purpose - to the infected areas of the nose.

Basic rules for using the device to treat a runny nose:

  1. Medicines are placed in a special chamber of the device;
  2. Inhalation for a runny nose is carried out 1-1.5 hours after eating;
  3. The average duration of the procedure for colds and inflammation of the nasopharynx is 8-10 minutes;
  4. The number of sessions and medications used are prescribed by the doctor. For acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, relief occurs after 6-8 procedures. If the condition does not improve, the specialist reviews the methods and forms of treatment.

Another important indicator for treating a runny nose using a nebulizer is the temperature of the solution. It should not be lower than 20-22°C. By using a nebulizer you can achieve significant results in a short period of time. All medicinal aerosols, reaching the most remote areas of the nasopharynx, have a mild but long-lasting effect.

Sinusitis can cause a lot of discomfort and cause severe complications. A wide arsenal of physiotherapeutic techniques and medications is used (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, vasoconstrictors, drops, sprays, etc.), and can be prescribed to the patient surgical operations. Nebulizer inhalation has become a successful way to treat sinusitis.

The advent of nebulizers on sale and the availability of such inhalations have significantly improved the effectiveness of the treatment of sinusitis, since this device is capable of providing not only perfectly fine atomization and uniform distribution of the drug over the surface of the respiratory tract, but also penetration of the drug directly into the respiratory tract. maxillary sinuses. Medicines used according to this method provide maximum vasoconstrictor and drainage effect, facilitate nasal breathing and removal of secretions accumulated in the sinuses, which is especially important, for example, with.

Such procedures are easy to carry out and can be comfortably tolerated not only by adults, but also by children. of different ages. And in our article we will introduce you to the rules for their implementation and medications that can be used for inhalation with a nebulizer for sinusitis.

How is sinusitis treated with a nebulizer?

Treatment of sinusitis with a nebulizer can be started immediately after the first symptoms appear. First you should put it in your nose vasoconstrictor drops, clean the nasal passages, and then put on the mask of the device.

Inhalation with a nebulizer for sinusitis can begin already in the first days of the disease in the absence of an increase in temperature above 37.5 °C. These procedures should only be prescribed by a doctor, since various medicinal solutions can be used to perform them, the choice of which depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of symptoms.

Nebulizer inhalations should be carried out after use vasoconstrictor drops and clearing the sinuses. If the doctor has prescribed a vasoconstrictor solution, then inhalation is performed first, and after it (after 15–20 minutes) procedures can be carried out using other solutions (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.). This approach makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of drugs and their more uniform distribution throughout the respiratory tract.

The duration of the procedures is about 10–15 minutes and is determined individually for each patient. In most cases, inhalations for sinusitis are performed for 7–10 days.

Who is contraindicated for nebulizer inhalation?

Like any procedure, nebulizer inhalation may be contraindicated for certain diseases and conditions.


  • early period after stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • body temperature above 37.5 °C;
  • decompensated form of cardiovascular failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • bullous emphysema;
  • pneumothorax.

What medicinal solutions are used for inhalation with a nebulizer for sinusitis?

For inhalation with a nebulizer for sinusitis, the patient may be prescribed:

  • immunostimulants - prescribed for sinusitis caused by ARVI (such medicinal solutions are advisable to use in the first days of the disease;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs - prescribed to facilitate nasal breathing and the unhindered discharge of secretions accumulated in the maxillary sinuses;
  • antibiotics - prescribed to destroy pathogenic pathogens and reduce signs of inflammation;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process and accelerate the restoration of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • hormonal drugs – eliminate swelling, have an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect;
  • desensitizing agents – reduce tissue swelling, facilitate nasal breathing and the removal of pathological secretions;
  • combined agents – have a complex effect (for example, vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory);
  • saline and alkaline solutions - provide cleansing and moisturizing of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, promote faster removal of mucus from the maxillary sinuses and nose.

The choice of drugs may depend on various factors– the patient’s age, stage and severity of the disease.

Carrying out inhalations with a nebulizer for sinusitis can significantly reduce the duration of therapy, but does not replace the main treatment - appointment antibacterial drugs(orally or parenterally). Also, such procedures may be recommended to patients with the prevention of relapse of the disease.

What should you remember when choosing a device to treat a runny nose or sinusitis?

  • The device should include a comfortable mask that will cover the entire nasolabial triangle;
  • solutions of hormonal or antibacterial agents cannot be used for inhalation;
  • to perform inhalations for small children or bedridden patients, it is better to purchase electronic mesh nebulizers;
  • for performing inhalations oil solutions or decoctions (infusions) medicinal herbs nebulizers are not used (such inhalations are carried out with conventional steam inhalers).

Before purchasing a device, it is better to consult a doctor who knows the specifics of your clinical case and will be able to recommend the model that is right for you.

How is inhalation performed?

The medicine is poured into the reservoir, a little saline is added, hermetically sealed and inhaled.

Before performing nasal inhalation with a nebulizer, assemble the device with clean hands as described in the instructions, connect to electrical network and check the tightness of the tank for medicinal solution(you need to pour some water into it). To carry out this procedure for sinusitis, a face mask is used, which must be prepared in advance. The patient may also need a cotton towel to dry their face.

Next, you need to prepare a medicinal solution for inhalation. To do this, a dose of the drug recommended by the doctor is poured into the reservoir and 2-3 ml of saline or water for injection is added (the water should only be sterile!). When using a solution that was stored in the refrigerator, it is heated to room temperature in a water bath and poured into the container of the device.

Inhalation should be carried out after 1–1.5 hours after eating, and the patient should stop smoking (at least an hour before the procedure), measure the temperature and wear comfortable and loose clothing that does not restrict breathing. After completion of the procedure, the patient is not recommended sharp drop temperatures

Nasal inhalation for sinusitis is performed in a sitting position. The patient places the mask on his face and inhales and exhales through his nose. Breathing should be slow and deep, and if it occurs, inhalation should be stopped and continued only after the cough has stopped. The duration of the procedure is about 10–15. After its completion, the patient blots his face with a towel (if used hormonal agents– washes his face and rinses his mouth).

If dizziness occurs during inhalation, the patient should stop inhalation for 10–15 minutes, and if a similar symptom appears after resuming the procedure, stop using this medicinal solution and report such an episode to your doctor for correction. further treatment. Also, you cannot use for subsequent inhalations those drugs that cause irritation or allergic reactions in the respiratory tract after completion of the procedure. Such conditions may require discontinuation and subsequent replacement of the drug.

Preparations for inhalation with a nebulizer for sinusitis


  • Interferon;
  • Derinat.

Local antibiotics:

  • Bioparox;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Tobramycin;
  • Isofra;
  • Dioxidine;
  • Streptomycin.

Antiseptic solutions:

  • Miramistin;
  • Furacilin;
  • Malavit.

Anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt;
  • calendula tinctures;
  • propolis tincture;
  • eucalyptus tincture;
  • Rotokan.


  • Naphazoline;
  • Oxymetazoline;
  • Xylometazoline;
  • Naphthyzin.

Hormonal drugs:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Budesonide.

Desensitizing agents:

  • Cromohexal;
  • Cromoghlin.

Combined products:

  • Rinofluimicil - has vasoconstrictor and secretolytic properties, accelerates the restoration of the mucous membrane;
  • Polydexa - has vasoconstrictor properties and contains hormonal drug(dexamethasone) and two antibiotics that provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • Tonsilong N – has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Saline and alkaline solutions:

  • alkaline mineral waters Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan);
  • solution of sea or table salt.

The effectiveness of using a nebulizer for sinusitis has been proven by many ENT doctors, and such procedures have been successfully practiced for several years. Headaches, nasal congestion and a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the sinuses, difficulty breathing, sleep disturbances - all these symptoms will help you eliminate inhalation of medicinal solutions and systemic use antibacterial drugs.

It is useful to carry out inhalations for a runny nose with a nebulizer using a special nozzle. Drops of the medicine penetrate into all structures of the nasopharynx, the healing process is accelerated, and associated symptoms disappear.

Treatment of a runny nose with a nebulizer is carried out not only among adult patients, but also among children under one year of age. An inhaler is a device that administers a drug into the body by aerosol method. If the device involves changing modes, then to treat a runny nose, the medicine should be supplied in large particles. This will allow the drug to settle only in the nasal cavity, without reaching lower sections respiratory organs.

Inhalations for a runny nose should be carried out an hour before meals, or 2 hours after meals. It is also recommended to maintain a time interval between the procedure and physical activity. The session cannot be performed during an increase in body temperature and severe attack cough.

To get only the benefits, before treating a runny nose with an inhaler, you need to get acquainted with the basic recommendations. It is not recommended to pour herbal decoctions, diluted, crushed tablets, vasoconstrictors, essential oils. These products not only damage the mechanism of the device, but also cause harm to health. Essential oils can cause pulmonary edema, and nasal constrictors through inhalation can cause suffocation.

Is it possible to breathe with a nebulizer during a cold? Patients with heart and respiratory diseases should not be allowed to use the inhalation route of drug administration.

Instead of a nebulizer can be chosen steam inhaler from a runny nose. This is a device that helps with rhinitis of any origin. When treating a runny nose with inhalation, the mucous surface of the nose is moistened, the viscous secretion is liquefied and its removal is accelerated.

A steam inhaler for a runny nose can be filled with various herbal decoctions and infusions, essential oils, for example, eucalyptus or tea tree. Steam inhalation for a runny nose is not recommended for nasal diseases that are accompanied by brown-yellow discharge and a rise in body temperature. It should also not be used when symptoms last more than 10 days. In this case, you must first establish the cause of the protracted course of the disease.

How to breathe through a nebulizer when you have a runny nose

Using a nebulizer, you can increase the body's resistance to various infections and stop colds, but you definitely need to know how to treat it. Inhalations for a runny nose at home can be done with various drugs which are prescribed only by a doctor. It is imperative to follow the dosage and rules for diluting the solution.

There are a wide variety of recipes for inhalation for a runny nose with a nebulizer.

  • It is allowed to treat a runny nose with a nebulizer using immunomodulators. Interferon solution is often prescribed for a cold. The composition of one ampoule is diluted with saline solution (3 ml). It is enough to breathe for about 12 minutes before breakfast and dinner.
  • The medicine Derinat helps with vasomotor rhinitis. It allows you to treat and prevent viral and bacterial infections, stimulates the immune system. Derinat drops are mixed in equal proportions with saline solution. For one session, 2 ml of the drug is enough.
  • The medicine Miramistin, which has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, helps against the runny nose. For adults, you can add the product to the inhaler cup without prior dilution.
  • Nebulizer inhalations for a runny nose can be done with the drug Tonzilgon. The medicine, based on herbal components, eliminates inflammation, activates the immune system and has antiseptic property. For adults, dilute with saline in the same proportions. In the case of therapy with a nebulizer in young children, Tonsilgon is diluted 1:3.
  • A medicine for inhalation for a runny nose, Chlorophyllipt helps to thin and remove sticky snot, activates local immunity, and eliminates swelling. The medicine must be diluted with saline solution 1:10. It is recommended to breathe in the morning and evening hours.
  • You can use alcohol tincture of Rotokan herbs. To make a solution for inhalation with a nebulizer for a runny nose, take 1 part of the tincture and 10 parts of saline solution. The session is repeated in the morning and in the evening.
  • If there is a need to carry out antibacterial therapy, then you can use a ready-made solution for inhalation for a runny nose based on Furacilin. For one session you will need 4 ml of undiluted medicine. You can repeat the procedure up to three times a day. At bacterial rhinitis will be cured of unpleasant symptoms drops of Polydex or Isofra. They must be diluted with saline solution.
  • When getting rid of a runny nose using a nebulizer, use the antibiotic Fluimucil-IT. The product helps to moisturize the surface of the nasopharynx, clears the sinuses and relieves cough, thins mucus, and relieves inflammation. You will need to dilute the powder of one ampoule with 4 ml of water included in the kit. Ready solution divided into two doses.
  • From viscous thick snot It is recommended to use a mucolytic drug for a nebulizer; Lazolvan or Ambrobene are popular. The selected product is diluted with saline solution in equal quantities. It is recommended to breathe in the morning and at lunchtime.
  • For inflammation that has spread to the sinuses, the drug Sinupret helps well. It reduces swelling, increases resistance to infection and makes breathing easier through the nose. For inhalation, you will need to dilute the drug with saline solution 1:3.

To treat a runny nose, it is useful to breathe with saline solution (ready-made ones are also suitable saline solutions, like Aquamaris, Aqualor) or mineral alkaline water(it is best to choose, for example, Borjomi or Narzan). Mineral water is preheated in a water bath. For one time, 4 ml is enough. Thanks to saline or alkaline solutions, the nasal mucosa is moistened, the crusts are softened, swelling is relieved, and the symptom of nasal congestion goes away.

After the session, you cannot go outside for the next three hours. It is during this time that the medicine actively manifests its effect on the entire mucous surface of the nose.

What to do if you have a runny nose, inhalation over steam

Steam inhalations for a runny nose can be done using proven and effective recipes.

  • It will help to quickly clear the nasal passages of mucus and disinfect the surface. soda solution. Pour 15 g of soda into water (250-300 ml), heat it and inhale the steam for about 10 minutes.
  • Dried chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water, left for 15 minutes and after that you can inhale the vapors of the medicine. It is recommended to repeat the procedure three times a day.
  • It is useful to breathe over the steam of potatoes. The product contains substances that can restore mucous membranes, relieve inflammation and swelling. You will need to boil 2-3 potatoes, drain the water. Advice: “Breathe covered with a towel for 15-20 minutes twice a day.”
  • For a runny nose at home you can make an infusion from bay leaf. You need to boil 5-6 leaves in water for a few minutes and then inhale.
  • For steam inhalation regular one will do sea ​​salt. In half a liter of water you need to dissolve 40 g of salt and add a couple of drops of essential oil. You can breathe for 10-12 minutes.

There are also proven and effective means how to treat rhinitis with inhalations. For treatment using inhalations, the following are used: herbal preparations, like Pinosol, Eucasept, Pinovit.

What to do with inhalations, recipes for a runny nose due to allergies

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by various stimuli. Common allergens include dust, animal dander, plant pollen, food products, medications.

What medications can be used for inhalation for allergic rhinitis? Inhalation at allergic rhinitis must be carried out using saline and alkaline solutions, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating solutions can be used.

  • You can make solutions based on glucocorticoid drugs. They relieve swelling and inflammation. Among the popular and effective medicinal solutions are: Dexamethasone, Cromohexal and Pulmicort.
  • Helps manage symptoms allergic rhinitis anti-inflammatory drugs: Rotocan, Eucalyptus, Propolis. The selected product is diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:2.
  • In the event of a bacterial infection, treatment is carried out with antibacterial solutions for a nebulizer for a runny nose: Nitrofural, Dioxidin.
  • The doctor may decide to prescribe mucolytic drugs, for example, Ambrobene, Lazolvan. They are able to reduce the formation of mucus and stop the inflammatory process.

A runny nose is common symptom many viral and bacterial diseases. It can be quite painful, continue even after treatment, and progress to chronic form and lead to various complications.

Accompanied by frequent sneezing, swelling of the mucous membranes, copious discharge mucus from the nose, disrupts taste perception and worsens the quality of life. People try to quickly get rid of a runny nose and swelling by using various means, including medicines, folk recipes and inhalation.

Nebulizer: what kind of device is it, types

- This is a device for cold inhalation. It converts liquid (usually a saline solution with a drug dissolved in it) into cold steam, which penetrates deep into the bronchi. The nebulizer was originally created specifically for the treatment of the lower respiratory tract. Small particles of steam penetrate directly into the respiratory tract without settling on the throat and nasal mucosa, so it is believed that this method is not the most effective in treatment. However, if you choose the right drug, the size of the vapor particles and the type of nebulizer, the effect will be noticeable.

Nebulizer medications for a runny nose are selected individually, taking into account the diagnosis and severity of the disease. Even ordinary saline and mineral water can be used as a medicine, but the only effect that can be achieved in this way is cleansing and moisturizing the mucous membrane.

There are several types of nebulizers:

  1. Compression. The simplest and most reliable type of nebulizer. Using a compressor, a jet of air turns the liquid into steam and delivers it to a special mask. Using such devices is very simple. They allow the use of a wide variety of drugs, excluding drugs for oil based. These nebulizers are the most affordable in terms of price. However, it is worth noting their relatively large weight and size, as well as high level noise that often frightens children. During inhalation, the mask with the medicine container must be held vertically, which complicates the process of treating bedridden patients or newborn children. This device is the most suitable for treating a runny nose.
  2. Ultrasonic. An ultrasonic nebulizer creates particles that are too small, which practically do not settle on the nasal mucosa, but completely pass into the lungs. These devices are silent and comfortable, but the list possible medications for inhalation is very limited. For example, antibiotics cannot be sprayed this way because active ingredients destroyed under the influence of ultrasound.
  3. Mesh nebulizers. Universal, ultra-compact, convenient nebulizers that do not make noise and are suitable for any drug, but have a fairly high price and therefore are not available to everyone.

Inhalations for a runny nose: indications and benefits

A nebulizer has many long-proven benefits. Unlike sprays and aerosols, nebulizer vapors are distributed evenly throughout the mucous membrane and, when inhaled, enter directly into the lower respiratory tract.

If a regular spray has a rather narrow purpose, then inhalation is always complex. Since any drug dissolves in, when inhaled, the nasal mucosa is moistened, which helps eliminate crusts that appear after use. These same drops can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, dryness and itching. All these consequences can be easily eliminated with several inhalations.

In some diseases, the mucus in the nose is very thick and abundant, making it difficult to blow your nose, especially for children. The moisturizing vapors of the nebulizer make mucus more liquid and facilitate its removal. This is important, since the accumulation of mucus contributes to the further spread of the inflammatory process.

If inhalation is carried out without using strong drugs, hormones, antibiotics, no side effects and allergic reactions, as a rule, do not occur. The device operates softly and safely.

Inhalations can be prescribed both for diseases of the nose and for infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, accompanied by cough and runny nose.

Indications for using the nebulizer:

  • . For inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, sprays are ineffective. They spray the drug unevenly over the mucous membrane, but the effect reaches the maxillary sinuses poorly. The nebulizer produces small particles of steam, which, when inhaled through the nose, enter first the maxillary sinuses and then into the respiratory tract. The effect on the sinus mucosa is stronger and more obvious.
  • . Treatment for rhinitis often depends on its causes. Using a nebulizer allows you to relieve swelling and inflammation from the nasal mucosa and avoid complications such as sinusitis.
  • . With this disease, inflammation occurs frontal sinuses. It is very difficult for any drugs to reach this area. Inhalations are considered the most effective option treatment of frontal sinusitis.
  • ARVI. For acute viral infection symptoms are usually varied: fever, snot, swelling. Inhalation allows you to relieve the entire complex of symptoms, excluding fever. They are not recommended for fever.

Medicines for children and adults: review of the best

Any drug must be prescribed by the attending physician. Both the drug itself and the dosage depend on the diagnosis. You cannot prescribe your own treatment and change the dosage. It must be remembered that only those drugs that have been specially manufactured for this purpose are suitable for the nebulizer. Dissolve regular tablets and they cannot be used for inhalation. This may harm the patient and break the device.

Particular care should be taken when choosing a drug for treating children. Some of them may cause an allergic reaction or other side effects:

  • . This drug is immediately available in a nebulizer suspension. As a rule, it is recommended for asthma or severe respiratory allergies. Pulmicort relieves inflammation, swelling, has a pronounced antihistamine effect. Since allergies are often accompanied by a runny nose, Pulmicort effectively eliminates allergic rhinitis.
  • Atrovent. A bronchodilator, sold as a solution for inhalation. Also prescribed for asthma, bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease. Its effect on the nasal mucosa is not so obvious, but it eliminates swelling.
  • . This drug is a mucolytic. It helps with dry cough and sputum stagnation. If the mucus in the nose is quite thick, Fluimucil helps to thin it and quickly remove it.
  • Interferon. Very effective immunomodulator. Sold in the form of ampoules with powder. The powder dissolves in water and is stored for no more than a day. Interferon for inhalation is suitable for everyone and has no contraindications. It increases local immunity and has an antiviral effect.
  • . Also an effective immunomodulator. The drug is produced in the form of drops, but they are also suitable for a nebulizer. Its action is aimed not only at viruses, but also at bacteria and fungi. At the same time, Derinat does not suppress one’s own immunity, but helps restore the nasal mucosa.

Rules for preparing the solution and performing inhalation

Important! At elevated temperature body inhalation is prohibited

For the drug to be effective, it must be used correctly. An incorrectly chosen dosage or incorrectly performed inhalation not only reduces the effectiveness of the drug, but can also negatively affect the patient’s condition.

Eat certain rules using a nebulizer, which will help avoid mistakes in its use:

  1. Before preparing the solution, you need to prepare the device itself for use. It must be assembled according to the instructions, attach a container for the medicine, prepare a mask and pre-treat it with alcohol.
  2. Any drug is diluted with saline according to the instructions. You cannot use pure drugs, as they cause side effects. Liquid solution can be poured into the container first, drops are added after a certain amount of saline solution has been poured into the container.
  3. How younger child, the more diluted the drug is. You cannot increase the dosage on your own active drug. Not only will this not enhance healing effect, but can also lead to complications.
  4. Alcohol infusions for the nebulizer are more diluted than other drugs. The ratio of the drug and saline solution is usually 1:40 or 1:20.
  5. All inhalations are carried out in courses, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. A one-time inhalation will not give the expected effect. Usually the course lasts 5-10 days, depending on the drug used and the severity of the patient’s condition.
  6. Inhalations are carried out 1-3 times a day an hour after or an hour before meals. Before starting inhalation, it is necessary to measure the patient’s temperature. If it is higher than 37.5, inhalation will have to be postponed.
  7. Before and after the procedure, you should not smoke, eat or drink for an hour, and it is advisable to give some time after inhalation. vocal cords rest.

During inhalation, the patient should be in comfortable position and press the mask tightly to your face. One inhalation lasts 5-7 minutes. If during the procedure there are discomfort, inhalation must be interrupted.

Inhalations using exclusively saline solution or mineral water They have practically no contraindications. If other drugs are added to the nebulizer, you need to read the instructions for them and study the contraindications for each specific drug. Despite the safety of the procedures, there are certain contraindications.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will warn you about possible side effects and available contraindications:

  • High temperature. Availability high temperature is general contraindication for all types of inhalations. During exposure to steam, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation increases, so the temperature can rise even more.
  • Bleeding. In case of bleeding from the nose or throat, inhalation is strictly prohibited. Steam does not stop bleeding; it will only increase it by expanding the lumen of blood vessels. It is also possible for infection to enter the bloodstream.
  • Disease cardiovascular system. For any diseases of the heart and blood vessels, inhalations should be treated with great caution. Inhalation of hot steam is completely prohibited; cold steam is prescribed only when necessary. Absolute contraindications are heart attack and stroke.
  • Hypertension. People with high pressure It is not advisable to use a nebulizer. If there is a need for inhalations, the pressure is measured with a tonometer each time before and after the procedure.
  • Individual intolerance. Intolerance to both certain drugs and nebulizer therapy in general occurs. In some cases, inhalations cause an irritating effect, provoked by any medications used. In this case, the doctor will select another form of treatment.

More information about the rules for using a nebulizer can be found in the video:

Any contraindications should be reported to your doctor. Subject to availability allergic reaction It is not necessary to completely abandon inhalations. Your doctor may advise you to simply change your medication.