Peony tincture and what it cures. Who can benefit from peony tincture: all about indications and contraindications for use. General information about the drug

The evasive peony, also called Maryin root, is a perennial plant with a large number leaves and flowers. It can grow about a meter in height, and its roots are a very strong multi-domed structure.

The peony is found particularly in Siberia, but is also sometimes found in Kazakhstan and China. Listed in the Red Book as an endangered species of flowering medicinal plant. To prepare the medicine, the root, the stem itself and the leaves are used. Rhizomes have healing qualities at any time during the growing season, but leaves and stems during the flowering period.

Peony reaches a height of 35-60 cm, has triple, deeply divided leaves. Upper part The leaves are bare, the bottom is covered with light pile. Flowers are usually pink, purple, violet-red. Garden varieties are usually full-color.

Is it possible for children to drink peony tincture?

This issue is quite controversial, since the negative or positive impact on children's body was not identified. However, it is better not to give to children under 12 years of age. this drug. For teenagers, the dosage principle is based on 1 drop – 1 year.

The medicine is not used in pediatric practice.

Peony is basically ornamental plant with beautiful large flowers, which is also used in folk medicine. How to use beautiful plant, containing important active substances, in therapeutic purposes? How does it affect health?

Active substances

Peony roots and flowers have medicinal properties. The health benefits are due to the content of a number of important substances. The following components are present in the root:

  • alkaloid pergrinine;
  • tannins;
  • starches;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • sucrose;
  • metarabic acid;
  • glycosides.
  • tannins;
  • mucus;
  • peonidin;
  • glucose.

Homemade tincture

Let's see how to prepare peony tincture at home. It can be used for a variety of health problems (see below). You will need:

  • peony roots;
  • 65% alcohol;
  • bottle with cap.

Dig up or buy ready-made roots, carefully clean the surface and cut into small pieces. Fold the raw materials into a bottle to 1/2 volume, fill with alcohol to full volume, and close. Leave the extract to infuse for at least 2 weeks at room temperature. Then strain. Take 20 drops 1-2 times a day before meals.

Attention! This product contains alcohol, so do not take it before driving! Keep the medicine away from children!

Health effects

In folk medicine healing properties peonies have long been used to treat digestive problems, dissolve urinary stones, and stabilize irregular menstruation.

The plant and medicines from it provide antispasmodic effect– reduce pain and spasms (especially of smooth muscles), improve uterine tone, help with asthma, kidney and biliary colic, relieve headaches, treat hemorrhoids, borreliosis, and effectively prevent epileptic seizures.

Peony is a beautiful and healthy plant that has a number of beneficial effects on the body and can help with the following health problems:

  1. Support protective forces body.
  2. Antiseptic, detoxifying effect.
  3. Elimination of various types of pain.
  4. Supports digestion and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Stool stabilization.
  6. Help with gout and rheumatism.
  7. Treatment of diseases respiratory tract, improvement of coughing.
  8. Cleanses and improves kidney and liver function.
  9. Positive effects on the heart and blood vessels.
  10. Regulation of menstruation.
  11. Elimination of pain, reduction of bleeding during menstruation.
  12. Externally – accelerates skin healing.
  13. Elimination of skin diseases.

"Peony tincture" pharmaceutical

So, you have become acquainted with the beneficial properties of peony and learned how to prepare an alcohol extract. But today there is no need to collect herbs or prepare medicines from them... To purchase a healing remedy, just visit the nearest pharmacy. Therefore, next we will consider pharmacy tincture Peony - what it helps with, and how to take it correctly.

The healing properties of the peony flower were known to Tibetan and Mongolian healers; the first mention of the plant is in ancient Greek myths. The use of tincture from the plant has passed through centuries; the alcohol extract is used in modern medicine as a sedative, hemostatic, and anti-inflammatory agent.

Despite a number of positive properties, the plant is relatively poisonous and can cause harm, so it is important to know all the features of its use. Let's take a closer look at the recommendations given in official instructions by application.

Active substances of the drug

methyl salicylate – analgesic effect;

  1. Essential oils have an antimicrobial effect and are suitable for aromatherapy.
  2. Benzoic acid – antifungal properties.
  3. Salicylic acid has a significant anti-inflammatory effect.

Glycosides, saponins, flavonoids enhance the effect of the main components.

Application of tincture

In addition to medicine, peony alcohol extract is one of the main medicines for supporters of a healthy lifestyle due to its ability to strengthen the immune system. Thanks to its multi-component composition, the drug is used in many medical fields. Let's consider the most common problems that will benefit from a natural medicine:

  1. Vascular and heart diseases - post-stroke conditions, disorders cerebral circulation, post-infarction and pre-infarction conditions.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of this area - ulcers, diseases of the esophagus, hemorrhoids, gastritis (low acidity), intestinal colic, diarrhea, food poisoning.
  3. Withdrawal symptoms pathological conditions Central nervous system – anxiety, neurosis, headaches, insomnia, dystonia, various phobias.
  4. Bruises, hemorrhages, joint pain of a rheumatic nature.
  5. Relief of menopausal symptoms and PMS symptoms.
  6. Complex therapy of disorders associated with metabolic disorders - gout, thyroid dysfunction, urolithiasis.

For women

The benefits of the tincture for women are represented by the effectiveness of its use in gynecology.

The natural medicine is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of the following diseases.

Inflammation and neoplasms

Peony tincture will speed up the treatment of ovarian cysts, fibroids, cervical erosion, and polycystic disease. Sometimes natural medicine is used in oncology.

Fertility problems

The plant has a positive effect on the hormonal system and metabolic processes in the body, which is why it is beneficial in the treatment of infertility caused by hormonal imbalances. Peony tincture stimulates secretion female hormones, relieves anxiety - a common factor in psychogenic infertility.

Menopausal manifestations


The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it will be beneficial as additional means in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

An alcoholic extract from a medicinal plant is useful not only for women, but also for men. It is a herbal aphrodisiac used to increase male sexual activity.

Peony also regulates hormonal balance, which is important for men with impaired testosterone levels. Excessively high performance of this hormone cause an increase in sexual activity and even aggression, low levels cause a decrease in sexual performance.

For these diseases and disorders (in both sexes), it is recommended to take 1 tsp of alcohol extract. 3 times a day before meals. Continue the therapeutic course for 1 month, then take a week's break. If necessary, continue taking it after a break.

Pay attention! For serious illnesses, the tincture will not be enough; use it exclusively as a supplement to the main therapy!


Peony roots contain salicylate, one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory and anesthetic substances. When preparing the tincture, it is leached into liquid. Therefore, the alcohol extract can be used as effective means to relieve joint pain - in the form of compresses or rubbing (2-3 times a day).

Application in cosmetology

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, peony tincture prevents and treats various skin diseases. The vitamins and antioxidants present in it promote skin regeneration, slow down aging, and improve skin color.

The tincture can be used to cleanse the face before applying cream, mask... To use it, it should be diluted with cold boiled water(1:1) - this will prevent the appearance of irritation and redness. For acne, the antiseptic and drying effect will ensure the elimination of the rash.

Useful natural hair product. It is used to reduce oily scalp, eliminate dandruff, stimulate blood circulation, and nourish hair follicles. Dilute the extract (1:1) with warm boiled water, rub into the hair roots and skin, after 10 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Side effects

Negative consequences of using peony tincture are rare. They usually occur with severe overdose. Side effects include:

  • sudden decrease in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • decreased attention;
  • allergic reactions (redness, itching, rash, swelling).

If any of the specified symptoms, stop taking the drug immediately and consult a doctor!

When receiving internally, some rules must be followed. Otherwise, you risk experiencing side effects drug (see above).

  • Take the tincture 15-20 minutes before meals;
  • It is recommended no more than 3 doses per day (usually 2 times is enough);
  • single dose – 20-25 drops;
  • The therapeutic course should not exceed 2-4 weeks.

The beneficial effect of the drug appears 1.5 hours after administration (the time depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of symptoms). Duration of action – up to 3 hours.

Calming mixture - combination with other tinctures

Tincture of peony evasive in combination with alcoholic extracts of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol is a good sedative that has a number of beneficial effects on health.

For women

Doctors recommend Maryin root for use not only by women, but also by representatives of the stronger sex. How is peony tincture useful in this case? The benefits and harms for men, again, are determined by the active components of the herbal medicine.

Firstly, peony evasive is a natural aphrodisiac. Of course, its effect is not as strong as that of ginseng, St. John's wort or hawthorn, nevertheless the plant has a positive effect on male sexual activity.

Secondly, a tincture from this plant helps normalize hormonal levels, so it will be useful for men with increased content testosterone. As is known, excess testosterone leads to excessive sexual activity and can even cause aggression. Drinking peony tincture helps to relax the nervous system and relieve stress.

For women


Side effects

  • treatment of insomnia;
  • relieving irritability and increased tension;
  • increased vascular tone;
  • help with hypertension;
  • improvement of blood circulation - prevention of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • elimination of tachycardia.

Read more about the combination of peony tincture with other extracts (tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol) here


Since peony is a slightly poisonous plant, all products made from it are not intended for children during breastfeeding. The drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women (in the early stages they can cause miscarriage, in the later stages they can cause premature birth). Other contraindications:

  • gastritis and diseases of the digestive system with high acidity;
  • hypotension;
  • obesity (peony tincture can aggravate the condition, as it increases appetite);
  • liver and kidney diseases in the acute phase;
  • increased sensitivity or individual intolerance plants.

Peony tincture may cause drowsiness and is therefore not recommended for people whose work involves increased concentration attention (rescuers, doctors, drivers...).

The benefits of the tincture for women are represented by the effectiveness of its use in gynecology. The natural medicine is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of the following diseases.

Inflammation and neoplasms Fertility problems Menopausal manifestations Mastopathy

Peony tincture for menopause

The drug helps get rid of the unpleasant phenomena that accompany hormonal changes in the body: nervousness, insomnia, hot flashes, increased sweating, itching in the perineum. What is the best way to drink peony tincture during menopause: 25 – 30 drops per ½ glass of water, three times a day. The drug is taken for 30 days. After this, you should take a break for a couple of months and repeat again.

Peony tincture in gynecology

The plant extract is used in the presence of fibroids and other neoplasms in order to strengthen the immune defense, relieve neurosis, which prevents the formation of tumors. In addition, the use of tincture helps to normalize menstrual irregularities.

Breed medicine required in the amount of 1 tsp. medicine per 100 ml of water, consume three times a day for a month, after which a doctor’s examination is required.

The healing properties of peony tincture determine wide application in the fields of neurology, gynecology, gerontology, cardiology, dermatology, other areas of medicine, as well as cosmetology. The main condition for use: compliance with the norms and rules of consumption prescribed by the doctor, since all parts of the plant are toxic.

Use during pregnancy

The drug should not be used during pregnancy, since the tincture tones the uterus, which can cause a miscarriage. Also, women who are planning to conceive should not take the drug.

DETAILS: Technique of douching with solution baking soda for the treatment of thrush

Since marina root is a poisonous plant, its use during pregnancy has a toxic effect on the nervous system of the fetus and can provoke the development of various abnormalities in the development of the child.

It is contraindicated to use the drug during these periods.

For women



Treatment of gynecological diseases

Peony tinctures are used for therapeutic treatment the following gynecological ailments:

  • from neurasthenia and increased anxious feeling during the menopausal period;
  • from neuroses and attacks of hysteria, especially with frequent intensity of hot flashes;
  • to alleviate and reduce the intensity of menopausal, premenopausal and postmenopausal syndrome;
  • to normalize the immune system of protecting the female body during menopause and increasing its ability to resist the effects of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • to eliminate insomnia and normalize healthy sleep, metabolic processes, as well as reduce the intensity of hormonal surges, accompanied by excessive sweating and hot flashes;
  • to provide a therapeutic effect against polycystic disease of the uterine cavity and ovaries, as well as tumor-like neoplasms in the area uterine cervix and inflammatory processes localized in the area of ​​organs located in the pelvic area.

Helps those women who have been diagnosed with cysts of various types or cervical cancer. They are recommended to take a tincture of flower petals or plant roots. To prepare it, take three tablespoons of dried flowers and pour half a liter of vodka over them. Keep the drink in a tightly closed container in a dark place for as long as three weeks. After it has infused well, you can take 25 drops three times a day - always half an hour before meals. Treatment lasts about a month.

Like any other folk medicine, peony tincture also has its own characteristics. The benefits and harms of the plant in gynecology are as follows: on the one hand, it helps well with problems with reproductive organs, on the other hand, it is not independent means for their treatment. That is, the drink is an additional therapy for such ailments. In addition, it is very dangerous for pregnant women, as it is an abortifacient and promotes the separation of the placenta in the postpartum period.

Peony tincture should not be taken in the following situations:

  • for allergies;
  • during pregnancy;
  • persons with liver and kidney diseases;
  • with hypotension;
  • people with ulcers, gastritis, increased acidity;
  • children under 12 without a doctor's prescription.

Methods for making homemade medicine

Peony is cultivated as an ornamental flowering plant, in landscape design used to decorate gardens and parks. The medicinal properties of the plant have made it popular in the field of evidence-based and traditional medicine. The benefits of the root have been discovered in Ancient Greece, ancient healers did not know the chemical composition of the plant, but prescribed the use of a decoction of the crushed root to treat the nervous system in cases of hysteria, epilepsy and other systemic disorders.

Plant appearance: perennial herb, up to 50 cm high. The leaves are large, oval in shape with pronounced veins. It blooms in June-July with voluminous double flowers of different shades of pink. The root is harvested from plants of the second year of life, harvesting takes place in the fall. Drying in a special oven and grinding produces raw materials that do not harm the body.

  • acts as an antispasmodic, relaxes smooth muscles;
  • acts as a diuretic and diaphoretic, removes toxins;
  • sedative properties, calms and relieves overexcitement;
  • expectorants, choleretic properties, helps cleanse the bronchi and enhance the work of the endocrine glands;
  • antibacterial properties, stops inflammatory processes and causes damage to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • hemostatic properties, normalizes blood composition and metabolism.

Peony tincture normalizes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on blood composition. Correct usage in accordance with the dosage does not cause harm. Alcohol tincture is sold in every pharmacy and is inexpensive. The use of this traditional medicine is especially important for women who have a hard time with PMS or who have recently experienced menopause.

During sudden changes in hormonal levels, it seriously worsens general health, there are pains in the lower abdomen, headaches, anxiety, weakness, insomnia. Patients react acutely to any changes in environment, show emotional lability. Many women experience neurosis at the age of 45-50; the sedative properties of peony can be used to maintain mental balance.

Decorative fragrant flowers from the front garden are not useful to us. For preparation, you need the Evading Peony, purchased at the pharmacy.

  1. Pour the dried mixture of roots and grass (10 grams) into 100 ml of 40% alcohol in a dark glass container with a tight stopper. Place the vessel in a dark pantry for 20 days, shake daily. Filter the liquid into a light-proof glass vial. The alcohol tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. If you need a water infusion, prepare the product as follows: 1 tsp. grated dry root pour 0.5 liters. boiling water, leave to cool for 30 minutes. Filter and store the infusion on the shelf of the refrigerator door.

Patient reviews from the use of Maryina root tincture

If you purchased a tincture of evasive peony at a pharmacy, instructions for use must be included.

Purpose: Peony tincture refers to herbal remedies, which has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. It is used for sleep disorders, increased nervous excitability and autonomic dysfunction.

Directions for use: Use the tincture for adults and children over 12 years of age, 30-40 drops per dose, 3 times a day for 25-30 days. After a ten-day break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Traditional medicine uses the sedative and calming effects of the plant, but in folk medicine, peony evasive is used more widely due to its other properties. The plant has the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Painkillers;
  • Antitumor;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Expectorants;
  • Strengthens the heart muscle;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Strengthens intestinal motility;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Let's take a closer look at what peony tincture helps with.

Nervous system diseases

This is the most studied area of ​​application of peony tincture; it is used for diseases such as

  • Neuroses;
  • Phobias;
  • Increased nervousness;
  • Excessive excitability;
  • Tendency to hysteria;
  • Feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Fatigue;
  • Autonomic disorders;
  • Headache;
  • Consequences of stroke;
  • Muscle cramps.

A simple tincture can improve the condition of many nervous diseases, relieve fatigue and the effects of stress, relieve irritability and insomnia, improve mood, increase performance and overall well-being. In folk medicine it is used as additional treatment for epilepsy as a sedative and anticonvulsant.

I read reviews about the tincture of peony evasive, took it myself, my friend takes it in courses, and I can say with confidence that in the absence of contraindications, this remedy copes perfectly with sleep disorders, helps cope with stress, and calms the nerves.

Digestive system

Peony tincture enhances secretory function gastric juice, useful for loss of appetite, has a positive effect on digestion, reduces pain, relieves spastic phenomena in the stomach and intestines. The indication for the use of peony tincture is diarrhea, since the tincture reduces the inflammatory process and acts as a natural antiseptic.

Women's problems

Due to the fact that the tincture has anti-inflammatory, soothing, healing, analgesic properties, it is recommended to be taken for inflammatory gynecological diseases, mastopathy, cervical erosion in complex treatment. Improves emotional state and reduces pain during premenstrual syndrome.

Peony tincture will provide significant assistance during menopause, since during this difficult period for women it is very important to establish healthy sleep and calm the nerves.

For external use

Externally, the tincture is used to treat inflammatory skin diseases, pustular skin lesions, and to treat small wounds and ulcers. Acts as an antiseptic, accelerates healing, relieves pain. The tincture is used to treat problem areas like any other antiseptic, obtaining a much more noticeable effect.

A good effect can be obtained by treating with tincture oily seborrhea with dandruff. For this purpose, the tincture must be diluted hot water and rub into the scalp 10 - 15 minutes before washing your hair 2 times a week.

I invite you to watch a video about the benefits of peony evasive.

Peony, or rather its tincture, includes all the necessary healing characteristics inherent in one of the most popular dosage forms vegetation. It consists of the following components:

  • Essential oils that help normalize metabolic processes in women during menopause, as well as support the functionality of the thyroid and pancreas. The healing power of peony enhances the functioning of the liver and pancreas, and also increases the intensity of intestinal motility. Among the indications for use are: the development of constipation and a reduced level of gastric acidity. The positive dynamics of the effects of peony essential oil lie in the strengthening power aimed at vascular walls and a normalizing effect in relation to the tonification of capillary connections.
  • Glycosides and starch compounds, providing a beneficial effect on energy metabolic processes. The use of peony tincture is prescribed when a reduced level of insulin synthesis is detected, as well as when there is an increased level of cholesterol in the blood. Pathological changes metabolic processes in the female body often become the root cause of the development of obesity. In women over 46 years of age, high cholesterol levels in the blood can lead to the formation of pathological atherosclerotic plaques and further development of atherosclerosis. Thanks to the homeostatic properties of the medicinal plant, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other equally serious pathologies associated with the functionality of the heart can be significantly reduced. The glycosides included in the composition provide a diuretic and antibacterial effect on the body. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that peony tincture can be harmful when used during the development of urolithiasis.
  • Organic acids And tannins, which have a beneficial effect on intestinal functionality.
  • Alkaloids belonging to the group of natural poisons plant origin, the effects of which in cases of overdose can have harmful effect on the state of the body. When using the prescribed dose of peony tincture, alkaloids provide antispasmodic and analgesic effects on female body. They also help reduce excessive activity of the central nervous system.

Instructions for use pharmacy variety peony tincture includes complete information on methods of use and duration of treatment.

Before using peony tincture, you must mandatory obtain advice from a qualified specialist.

The use of this medicine under the supervision of a specialist will help develop the optimal treatment regimen, dosage and identify all existing contraindications.

General tips for using peony tincture to reduce the intensity of menopausal syndrome:

  1. add 35-40 drops into a glass of water alcohol tincture peony and stir thoroughly;
  2. take this solution three times a day;
  3. preferably half an hour before meals;
  4. the duration of treatment can vary from two to three weeks;
  5. after the first course of therapy it is necessary to take a two-week break;
  6. After rest, it is recommended to repeat the course of peony tincture according to the above scheme.

Peony tincture is used in the treatment of various ailments:

  • metabolic disorders

Most often, such disorders arise due to malfunctions endocrine system body. Hormone imbalance leads to various ailments. The beneficial substances contained in the marina root tincture have a positive effect on the functioning of the pituitary gland and other glands.

  • diseases of the digestive system

Helps in the treatment of gastritis, relieves heaviness and discomfort in the stomach and helps improve digestion due to its analgesic effect. The drug should be taken before meals.

Helps well with insomnia caused by anxiety and stress. Relieves muscle tension and helps to calm down. Peony tincture should not be mixed with other sedatives. This can cause poisoning, allergic reactions, and emotional overstimulation.

  • psychological disorders

Used to treat mild forms of depression, relieve anxiety and internal tension. Cannot be used for serious mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, because the body's reactions to the drug can be unpredictable.

  • gynecological diseases

Maryin root has been actively used for treatment since ancient times. women's ailments and is considered a "female plant". The tincture helps in the treatment of inflammation of the appendages, cystic formations, cervical erosion and other diseases.

Reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms. Stimulates the immune system and normalizes hormonal balance in the body.

  • epilepsy, seizures and spasms

Has a relaxing effect on the autonomic nervous system, relieves convulsions and muscle spasms. Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system.

  • skin diseases

Can be used externally or taken internally. Removes foci of inflammation, normalizes liver function, relieves itching and swelling. Before use, be sure to check for allergies to the drug. Helps with psoriasis, eczema, various rashes.

Due to its analgesic effect, peony tincture relieves headache, significantly reduces the number of migraine attacks. Normalizes blood circulation in the brain, relieves spasms.

In general, marin root has a sedative, restorative effect, gradually normalizing the functioning of all organs and systems in the body.

Peony tincture has also found its application in cosmetology. She is providing beneficial influence on the condition of the skin and hair. It is necessary to use the product in diluted form, since the alcohol base of the tincture dries out the skin.

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Childhood;
  • Pregnancy, lactation period;
  • Increased stomach acidity;
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • Impact on the central nervous system for the purpose of calming, normalizing the emotional background, reducing excitability, tension, increasing a person’s ability to work and endurance;
  • For obsessive, anxiety, phobias;
  • Normalization of biological rhythms, improvement of sleep;
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms(also cystic formations of the ovaries, the drug is positioned as effective aid for complex therapy of polycystic ovary syndrome, cervical diseases);
  • Cramps, spasms;
  • Skin diseases;
  • General strengthening effect;
  • Correction of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, menopausal disorders;
  • Skin healing (in cosmetology);
  • Improving hair health, combating hair loss, regulating the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp (the alcohol contained in the tincture warms the scalp well, amino acids and essential oils have a beneficial effect on the hair structure);
  • Peony tincture also has some analgesic effect and can be used to treat migraines of unknown etiology.

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First aid for an overdose of tincture

You need to stop taking the tincture immediately. If your blood pressure has dropped significantly, you should drink strong coffee with a teaspoon of sugar. If a skin rash appears, take an antihistamine - suprastin, loratadine, citrine or another drug. Drink as much water as possible.

Nausea and vomiting are eliminated with the help of sorbents and the use of Regidron.

Important! The action of Maryina root is more effective in combination with tinctures of other medicinal herbs.

Conditions for the procedure

The most useful remedy is made from home-ground grains. It’s better to brew coffee, and what’s left is for scrub. If you make a coffee peeling for the face with freshly ground natural powder without heat treatment, you can scratch microcracks in the skin - a future gateway to infection.

How to cleanse your face with a coffee scrub

Wash the skin well and steam a little.

Apply the thickener (or a mixture with other ingredients) to areas of the face with gentle massaging movements for one minute along a circle of small diameters. Do not touch the area near the eyes.

It is better to rinse off with purified filtered (mineral) water at body temperature, rinse with cool water or a decoction of herbs (calendula, celandine, chamomile).

The frequency of application of the procedure is once every 4–6 days.

Preparation of 10% peony tincture at home

Peony tincture is sold in all pharmacies and is quite inexpensive, so it is easier to buy than to prepare. Secondly, the evasive peony is a rather rare plant, one of many plants belonging to the same species, it is important not to confuse it with other peonies. And most importantly, the evasive peony is a toxic plant; all parts of it are poisonous, especially the roots, so you need to handle it with extreme caution.

If you still decide to prepare the tincture yourself, then do it correctly for your own safety. Leaves and flowers are harvested during the flowering period, cutting off its above-ground part, and the roots are dug up in the fall. The raw materials are crushed and dried under a canopy, in the attics of country houses or in any ventilated area. Direct sunlight should not fall on the raw material, otherwise during such drying the medicinal properties of peony are reduced.

Most often, an alcohol tincture is prepared from dried roots, but in folk medicine all parts of the plant are used. For the tincture, take the roots or mix the roots and dry grass in approximately equal parts, pour 20 grams of this raw material into a glass of vodka and infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks. After straining, the tincture should be stored in a glass container, preferably in the refrigerator.

Traditional healers recommend taking 15-20 drops of homemade tincture 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment, depending on the indications, ranges from 2 to 4 weeks. A repeated course can be carried out after a month's break.

The remedy can not only be bought at the pharmacy, but also made at home. And it will be no less beneficial for human health than the pharmacy one. There are 2 types of infusion: alcohol and water.

For the first one you need:

  • take 10 g of crushed grass and roots of peony;
  • pour 1/3 cup of vodka over the raw material;
  • Mix the composition and put it in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. The product should be shaken regularly;
  • After the specified time, strain the infusion.

You need to take the medicine in the same way as a pharmacy tincture.

To prepare the water infusion:

  • take 1 teaspoon of crushed dry peony roots;
  • pour the raw material with 2 cups of boiling water;
  • After half an hour, strain the mixture.

Take the product 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

It is difficult to obtain raw materials for the preparation of medicine due to the limited growth area of ​​peony. This plant is rare and is listed in the Red Book.

The finished dried and crushed root part of the plant can be purchased at the pharmacy. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour vodka into the prepared raw materials and infuse for seven or eight days, then strain. Peony tincture should be stored in a cool place, protected from light. Take in the same way as a pharmacy tincture.

For those for whom alcohol is contraindicated, you can make a decoction from the leaves and roots of this plant. In the future, it can also be used to prepare various tonics and body balms. When making the latter, you can add other herbs to enhance the healing effect, you just need to check their compatibility.

The evasive peony is medicinal plant with a limited halo of growth. It is mainly used as a sedative, as well as for the treatment of gynecological diseases and diseases of the digestive system. It has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation, childhood, allergic reactions. Also active use I found peony tincture in cosmetology. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthens hair and nails.

We will need:

  • peony roots – 20 g;
  • vodka – 200 ml.

Place the prepared raw materials (peony roots) in a dark vessel and fill with vodka. We insist for 15 days in a place protected from light and heat. Periodically it is necessary to shake the container with tincture. After two weeks, strain the mixture. Store in a cool place in a dark glass bottle.

Maryina root tincture is taken 25–40 drops (a full teaspoon) three times a day. The course of treatment is 25–30 days, then a break of at least two weeks.

Quick and easy scrub

  • Brew coffee, drink the drink, massage the warm grounds onto your face after washing it with hot water.
  • Rinse with cool mineral water. The skin is in excellent clean tone.

Bee honey and coffee grounds

This best composition for rejuvenation of all skin types. The honey component will ensure the saturation of cells with powerful natural antioxidants and vitamins while simultaneously cleansing the coffee from old cells and toxins.

  • Bee honey 1 tbsp. l. stir with 2 tsp. fresh strained grounds (37 degrees).
  • Time: 2 minutes of gentle cleansing of each area.

Scrub made from coffee and sour cream (you can use kefir)

Has skin whitening cleansing ability.

  • To create the product, equal portions of ingredients are combined. 2 minutes of light massage movements.

Scrub made from sea salt, boiled vegetable oil and coffee

Ideal cleansing effect. The product instantly draws out stagnant fluid along with bacteria.

  • Ingredients: sea salt - 1 tsp, oil - 2 tsp. and 3 tsp. grounds
  • Processing time – 2 minutes.

Green coffee scrub

If you grind the grains to a fine powder, you get amazing useful mass, which contains living green coffee oil, is unique for the face healthy nutrition and cleansing.

Mix the powder with strawberry puree to create a natural cleansing bleach. But adding essential oils to scrubs is dangerous - you can get burns.

A store-bought lotion can only remove 60% of dirt; the rest slowly and surely settles on your face. It’s good if there is a village bathhouse or sauna: dirt flows out of the steamed pores in streams, but what if we can only achieve a daily semi-warm shower?

Avoid the trouble of accumulating any " evil spirits", which steals the beauty of the face, a scrub made from coffee grounds will be a great help at home. Another advantage of using coffee is that no additional cash costs are required. They drank the drink and used the grounds for their intended purpose – for youth and health.


There are few absolute contraindications to taking the tincture, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and children under 12 years of age. With caution, that is, only according to indications, the tincture should be taken by children over 12 years of age, people with low blood pressure, with increased secretion of gastric juice, with kidney disease, liver disease, organic diseases brain, with injuries to the head.

If the specified dosage is observed, side effects are extremely rare. Allergic reactions may occur in case of individual intolerance to this drug.

Most often, undesirable effects occur due to overdose or long-term use drug. Phenomena such as decreased blood pressure, excessive drowsiness or weakness, dizziness, apathy, nausea or vomiting, and skin rashes may occur. In such cases, treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor.

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The use of peony tincture is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • With increased concentration of gastric juice acidity.
  • Children under 12 years of age.

And also with the development of hypotensive pathology and hypotension. There may also be individual intolerance, manifested by small red rashes on the skin while taking the tincture, causing a burning sensation, itching and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

If such manifestations occur, you must immediately stop taking the tincture and consult a doctor.

Peony is a fairly useful plant that helps improve the level and quality of life of women during menopause, but its use must be coordinated and approved by experienced specialists. You should not self-medicate or prescribe fictitious dosages. This can cause some damage to the general health of an older woman.

There are several conditions in which the use of this remedy is prohibited:

  1. 1. Kidney and liver failure of any severity.
  2. 2. Pregnancy (tincture provokes uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage).
  3. 3. Breastfeeding period.
  4. 4. Increased acidity of gastric juice.
  5. 5. Hypertension (use of the drug provokes an increase in blood pressure).
  6. 6. Individual intolerance to the constituent components of the tincture.

It is important to remember that the drug contains alcohol, so it should not be abused.

It is extremely undesirable to treat children with this remedy; the ban is due to toxicity.

When taking this drug, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage, a serious excess of which can lead to severe poisoning of the body.

When used together with drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, the tincture reduces the strength of their effects; with sleeping pills and sedatives – enhances the effect of their use.

The drug has certain contraindications; it cannot be used in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the tincture

Peony tincture contains medicinal components in concentrated form. In the presence of chronic diseases of the liver and gall bladder, it can cause pain in the right side and a bitter taste in the mouth.

Can be used with caution to treat adolescents. It is better not to give peony tincture to very young children, since it is quite toxic to a fragile child’s body.

Maryin root helps lower blood pressure, which will be very useful for hypertensive patients. However, people suffering from hypotension should avoid taking it.

  • increased stomach acidity

The drug stimulates the production of enzymes and increases the level of acidity in the stomach. This creates favorable conditions for inflammation of the gastric mucosa and burns of the esophagus.

It has a negative effect on the fetus due to its toxicity, so it is better to avoid taking peony tincture during pregnancy. It can also cause miscarriage and developmental abnormalities in the baby.

Before using this medicine, you should consult a specialist. On the Internet you can find many recommendations for preparing a mixture of tinctures from peony, corvalol, hawthorn, etc. The properties of the plants from which the tinctures are prepared have not yet been fully studied; the effect of taking it can be the most unpredictable. Therefore, it is better to refrain from such experiments.


  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hypertension;
  • stress;
  • neurasthenia;
  • insomnia;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • tachycardia;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diseases of the female genital area;
  • oncological formations;
  • alcoholism;
  • nicotine and drug addiction.

Peony tincture is of great importance in gynecology. With its help, you can reduce the pain of menstruation, cure cystic formations and cervical erosion. Peony tincture during menopause helps reduce many unpleasant symptoms associated with this difficult period in a woman’s life. Acting on hormonal level, it helps restore estrogen levels, relieves psychological discomfort and gently soothes. Peony is also used in the treatment of cervical tumors.

The antibiotic contained in the plant helps cope with many inflammatory processes. Flavonoids and essential oils relieve stress and promote the production of endorphins - happiness hormones. Peony root tincture is often used to normalize metabolism. This quality manifests itself especially well in the treatment of skin diseases caused by neurotic disorders. Also, the alcohol preparation of peony has the ability to increase acidic environment stomach, helping to improve digestion.

In the treatment of alcoholism and other types of addictions, the calming effect of taking the drug is used. It helps reduce agitation, calm aggression, and helps relieve withdrawal symptoms. At the same time, peony tincture has a therapeutic effect aimed at treating chronic diseases, which are not uncommon in people who abuse alcohol and tobacco.


Peony tincture has its own contraindications. As a rule, they are associated with the alcohol it contains, but there are other reasons.

Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • presence of an allergic reaction.

It is not recommended to use the drug while driving a car, as it may cause distraction. For the same reason, it should not be used by people engaged in potentially hazardous activities. In rare cases, peony tincture is used during pregnancy, but only a doctor can prescribe it, who assesses the balance of benefit and harm from its use.

DETAILS: Normal menstrual cycle and its regulation gynecology

Side effects

Peony preparations, if you follow the recommendations for their use and strictly adhere to the dosage, as a rule, do not cause side effects. Their occurrence is possible only with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the tincture. In this case, an allergic reaction may occur in the form of skin rashes, drowsiness, distraction, depression, weakness, swelling, itching, bradycardia.

If therapeutic doses of the drug are significantly exceeded, dizziness, loss of orientation in space, loss of strength and nausea may occur. In this case, you need to rinse your stomach with water and drink strong tea with lemon or coffee. If there is no improvement in your condition, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications for Peony Tincture:

  • hypersensitivity to components contained in medicinal raw materials;
  • arterial hypotension.

As already noted, the herbal remedy should be taken exclusively in recommended doses, so as not to provoke negative consequences. In addition, some categories of persons receive of this medicine can only cause harm. In what cases is peony evasive (tincture) contraindicated?

The instructions for the drug contain information that due to the ability to increase the acidity of the stomach, taking the tincture is not recommended for people with a high acid content in the gastric juice. It is especially dangerous for patients suffering from ulcers.

The drug should be taken with caution in case of hypotension, as it further reduces blood pressure and can cause fainting.

Allergic reactions are possible when taking the tincture. Therefore, before you start taking it, you should make sure that the active ingredients are tolerable.

In addition, due to the alcohol content in the tincture, its use is undesirable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. During pregnancy, the herbal remedy is dangerous not only due to the effect of alcohol on the fetus, but also because of its ability to cause spasms of the uterine muscles, which can cause a miscarriage.

Since the tincture has a strong sedative effect, during treatment you should refrain from driving vehicles and performing work that requires rapid mental reaction and increased concentration.

The evasive peony, or Mary's root, is a rare, endangered plant species with a limited habitat. The birthplace of the flower is Siberia. It is also found in Mongolia, China, Tibet, Northern Kazakhstan, and the Urals. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the ancient Slavic herbalists there is no description of the marina root.

  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • lactation period;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • children's age (up to 12 years);
  • increased acidity;
  • alcoholism;
  • allergic reactions and individual intolerance.
  • at vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenia, neurosis;
  • as a remedy for depression;
  • for convulsions and spasms;
  • for the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • during menopause;
  • to counteract the formation of tumors;
  • when getting rid of alcohol and drug addiction;
  • to reduce excitability in patients with epilepsy;
  • at low pressure;
  • as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant external agent;
  • to increase blood viscosity.
  1. Skin diseases.
  2. Vascular networks.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Thin dry skin.
  5. Increased sensitivity of tissues to the effects of the mildest abrasives.

Peony tincture. Contraindications, harm, side effects

Like any medicine, tincture of evasive peony can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm. Instructions for use of the infusion contain information about side effects and contraindications.

The main contraindication to treatment with this drug is the tendency to allergic reactions. The tincture is a strong allergen and sometimes causes skin rash, burning and itching. If, after starting to use this medicine, the described symptoms begin to appear, you should stop using it.

The drug can also cause other side effects:

  • gagging;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased tone and reaction;
  • pain in the stomach, abdomen.

The evasive peony is an endangered plant species. It grows mainly in Siberia, but also in China, Tibet and the Caucasus. Since ancient times, healers and shamans have used it to treat various ailments.

Peony tincture has a strong effect, so before starting treatment you should consult with your doctor so as not to harm your health. You can use both a decoction and an alcohol tincture. To the main positive properties Tinctures of marina root can be attributed to its mild sedative and calming effect. It relieves spasms and headaches, improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure, and helps with digestive problems.

The beneficial substances of this plant are concentrated in the root part and partially in the stems. They are used as raw materials for the preparation of alcohol tincture. Contains salicylic and benzoic acid flavonoids, as well as various vitamins and microelements.

When taking this drug, you must follow the prescribed dosage so as not to cause side effects. They can manifest as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness throughout the body. Allergic reactions in the form of rashes and skin irritations are also possible.

Along with allergies, treatment with peony tincture can cause:

  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • decreased coordination of movement;
  • decreased response;
  • the appearance of the urge to vomit;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the abdomen, stomach;
  • irritation of the gastric mucosa.

All of the above characteristics of the body are contraindications for taking peony tincture.

It is strictly forbidden to be treated with peony tincture for:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • kidney or liver pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • increased stomach acidity.

Does peony tincture increase or decrease blood pressure? The herbal preparation helps lower blood pressure, so if a person is hypotensive, then treatment with such a remedy is absolutely impossible.

It is also important to point out the main factor that peony is classified as a very poisonous plant, therefore, when treating with this remedy, it is important to follow the dosage recommended by the doctor.

In case of accidental overdose, swelling of the skin, rash, itching, and decreased blood pressure may occur. Weakness, dizziness, decreased concentration, and sleepiness may occur.

Peony Tincture price, where to buy

The price of Peony Tincture 50 ml in Russia starts from 17 rubles. The average price of such a drug in Ukraine is 6 hryvnia.

Peony tincture - instructions, application, reviews

Peony tincture is an effective sedative drug available without a prescription. The tincture is widely used in folk medicine to treat various diseases, but modern medical practice prescribes this drug for the correction of neurotic conditions of various etiologies. Reviews position peony tincture as an effective, safe drug for combating insomnia, a sedative, and also as a medicine that helps cope with emotional instability.

Peony tincture is recommended to be taken as a general tonic during periods of increased emotional and mental stress. Regular intake of peony tincture in minimal doses helps better absorption information, normalization of biological rhythms. The product helps to cope with stressful situations.

The drug is effective for periodic mood swings in women, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect during menstruation.

It should be noted that peony tincture does not have an immediate effect on the body. The main therapeutic effect of peony tincture, reviews of which can be found in various sources, occurs 7-10 days after starting to take the drug.

Along with popular natural sedatives such as valerian and motherwort, in folk medicine there is another effective, but less popular drug– peony extract. Undeservedly forgotten modern generation, the elixir copes well with nervousness, insomnia and a number of other unpleasant diseases.

Peony tincture - benefits and harm

A beautiful and beneficial herbaceous perennial plant for the nervous system, it received its name thanks to the healer Pean, known in mythology for his talent to treat the gods. The genus of plants Peony has 32 species, but for the extract they use raw materials from Peony evasive (irregular, extraordinary), also called Maryin root. The properties of peony tincture are used to treat diseases of the central nervous system, gynecological ailments and gastrointestinal problems, and the secret of the medicinal properties of the plant lies in its natural composition:

  • acids: salicylic, benzoic;
  • essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • tannins;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • saponins;
  • microelements.

In gynecology

A medicinal plant called Maryin root is used to prepare an extract that is used to treat diseases of the female genital area. Peony tincture in gynecology is prescribed for:

  • cystic formations;
  • painful menstruation, as a pain reliever;
  • as an anti-inflammatory for erosions;
  • as an antitumor agent for formations in the uterus, mastopathy (benign breast formation);
  • as a hormonal remedy during menopause.

Peony tincture - instructions for use

Peony drops are made by infusing the root of the plant in alcohol solution. The resulting liquid has a light brown color, a pleasant smell and a sweetish taste, and is transparent. Tincture of peony evasive is used in modern medicine, but its effect on the body has not yet been fully studied, for example, the effect on the fetus during pregnancy and on the health of preschool children. Studied by doctors positive side medicines – it helps in healing many ailments.

Indications for use

Maryina root extract gained its popularity due to its sedative properties, but not many people know the other side of the effect of this medicine on the body. The use of peony tincture is useful for:

  • stress, neuroses;
  • gastritis with normal acidity, other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • oncology;
  • gynecological problems;
  • insomnia;
  • alcoholism;
  • hypertension;
  • for epilepsy;
  • cholecystitis.

The herbal preparation will help relieve tension and provide a lasting sedative effect when getting rid of drug addiction and smoking by alleviating withdrawal symptoms. It allows you to overcome aggression and relieve nervous tension. By provoking an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, it improves digestion and helps cope with attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia due to its mild sedative effect. However, in case of VSD in a child, the use of peony extract is undesirable.


The composition of the tincture, which is strong in components, has its contraindications for use, because do not forget that the plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family, many of whose representatives are poisonous and can pose a danger, so it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions when using the Maryina root tincture. Among the contraindications studied are the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • children's age (less than 12 years);
  • hypotension;
  • kidney problems;
  • allergy to constituent components;
  • liver diseases.

Side effects

Maryina root extract is often used in for cosmetic purposes for hair and face, but do not forget that with this use there is a risk of an allergic rash. Side effects of peony tincture with the wrong dosage can manifest themselves in the form of lethargy, drowsiness, vomiting, nausea, weakness, absent-mindedness, and sometimes bradycardia. Do not forget about personal sensitivity to the components of the drug. Drug intolerance is possible not only with an overdose, but also in small doses.

How to take peony tincture

Information on how to drink peony tincture is indicated in the instructions. This medicine has a better effect on the body and is absorbed if the patient takes it before meals, or for sedative purposes - at night. You can also read the instructions on how to drink peony tincture for calming: the required therapeutic dose is 30 drops. You need to drink it, mixing it with water, at approximately equal intervals three times a day, for a period of 2 months. For menopause, the same dosage, period - 3 weeks with a break of 2 weeks. At cardiovascular diseases– 2 months.

During pregnancy

Scientists have not fully studied the mechanism of the tincture’s effect on developing fetus, because it has a combined composition. Due to the fact that the extract contains alcohol, the use of peony tincture during pregnancy is no longer advisable. Traditional medicine knows cases of abortifacient effect after taking this medicine by pregnant women, but this fact is unproven. However, it is dangerous for pregnant women to use the product without medical supervision.

For children

Numerous reviews about the treatment of children with this extract have positive character, but every mother needs to remember that the medicine has not been fully studied. The dosage of the drug that can be used to treat a child should be reduced by 2 times from the standard one. Peony tincture for children is not used at an early age - less than 3 years. With caution, the drug can be prescribed for excessive excitability of the central nervous system in a child under 12 years of age.


One of the main advantages of a sedative drug for plant based– its availability. To find out how much peony tincture costs, you can go to the website of any online store or online pharmacy. More often, bottles of medicine with a capacity of 25 ml go on sale, the price of which fluctuates around 18-45 rubles depending on the manufacturer, but they do not differ at all in quality, having a similar composition.


Today on the shelves of pharmacy kiosks you can find a large variety of pharmacological agents. The lion's share of all existing medicines is occupied by products based on herbal preparations. It is the naturalness that makes a specific group of drugs more in demand, since the effect of treatment herbal remedies characterized as pronounced. Among the effective herbal medicines, it is necessary to highlight peony tincture, which has significant therapeutic properties.

Composition of the evading peony tincture

Peony tincture, which is sold in pharmacies in drops or in the form of a solution, is nothing more than 10% alcohol infusion different parts of the peony plant. To prepare the product, a solvent with a forty percent alcohol content is used. As for the plant component, this is the evasive peony, which belongs to the peony family. This beautiful flower grows mostly in Siberia, Kazakhstan, China, as well as in the European part of Russia.

It should be noted that the peony is listed in the Red Book, since the described flower is a rare plant species. To prepare the tincture, only peony stems, roots and rhizomes are processed, since they contain the maximum amount of valuable, medicinal components. The roots and rhizomes have a brown, slightly reddish tint and sweet taste– they can be prepared at any time. The stems can be adapted for harvesting only during the flowering period of the plant.

The plant contains a lot of nutritional components, which are mainly concentrated in the bark part of the peony. The main active ingredients that give the tincture healing properties include essential oils, acids (benzenic and salicylic), tannins, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids and other substances. Also, it should be noted that the evasive peony is classified as a poisonous plant, and therefore it must be used with great caution.

What the tincture treats: indications for use

The range of diseases for which peony tincture can be used is cosmically wide. In the classical sense, the product in question is classified as a sedative sleeping pill, which is taken for nerves or for restful sleep. Today this herbal preparation can be used as an auxiliary component for the implementation of complex treatment the following problems:

  • for migraines with unknown etymology as a painkiller;
  • for calming nervous agitation, fatigue, tension and loss of ability to work;
  • in order to normalize the rhythm of sleep, eliminate sleep disturbances due to insomnia;
  • for treatment and general improvement of the skin, and therefore a specific tincture is used in cosmetology;
  • for diseases associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • during menopause, as well as premenstrual syndrome to reduce the intensity of characteristic symptoms;
  • with mastopathy, with ovarian cysts, as well as with other diseases accompanied by histological abnormalities of malignant and benign etymology;
  • for convulsions and spasms;
  • from high blood pressure and to normalize heart rate;
  • in order to strengthen the immune system and enhance the barrier properties of the body.

Medicinal properties of tincture in gynecology

Above is a list of diseases and functional disorders for which it is important to use peony tincture. In this regard, it can be stated that this drug has a number of medicinal properties. It is necessary to start with the fact that the described remedy actively affects the nervous system, strengthening neural connections and improving the conduction of nerve impulses. At the same time, the medicine allows you to normalize nervous activity, including the processes of excitation and inhibition.

A similar action allows a person who has suffered stress to cope with tension, sleep disturbances and mental distress. After taking the tincture internally, appetite increases, mood rises, performance increases, etc. This is also facilitated by the aromatic effect, which is also a powerful antimicrobial and antiviral tool. In this regard, it should be noted that peony extract has antiseptic potential.

It is necessary to characterize and cosmetic properties plants that stimulate hair growth and improve skin condition. Plant acids and nutrients penetrate deep into the skin, acting directly on the hair follicles, restoring them, as well as on the cytological structure of the dermis, saturating it with vitamins, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This should also include the antifungal properties of peony, which make it possible to defeat almost all types of mycotic growths.

A specific tincture is useful for digestive disorders, since the active substances contained in it have a healing effect when peptic ulcer stomach and intestines. After treatment with the drug described, stool normalizes and peristalsis improves. Peony is also able to reduce blood pressure, dilate blood vessels, eliminate cramping pain and normalize metabolic processes occurring in the human body.

Instructions for use of the medicine and dosage

Before starting therapy, you need to figure out how to drink peony tincture. We need to start with the fact that this is a drug that has a strong sedative effect, which can “in the wrong hands” lead to negative consequences. For this reason, you should start drinking the tincture only after consulting a doctor. In particular, the instructions state that the solution should be drunk before meals, dissolving 30 drops of the product in a quarter glass of warm boiled water.

According to the instructions, single use remedy will not give the desired results, and therefore it must be taken as a therapeutic course. The course lasts for a month, during which you need to drink the prescribed dose of the drug once a day, in no case independently increasing the amount of tincture for a single use. As already mentioned, peony is a poisonous plant, so consultation with a specialist will be required.

Can I take the drug during pregnancy?

Looking ahead, it is necessary to state that taking peony infusion during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, is strictly unacceptable. In folk medicine, peony has established itself as an abortifacient, leading to contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which leads to the loss of the child. The specific effect of peony oil on the body is characterized as antispasmodic, that is, relaxing smooth muscles. Thus, when the drug penetrates the body, the muscle fibers of the uterus, which keep it in good shape, begin to contract, removing the fetus from it.

Harm and side effects

Besides positive impact Peony tincture can also cause harm to the body, which in some cases can jeopardize human health. The main factor leading to side effects is an overdose that occurs when the dose of a medicine is exaggerated. As adverse reactions to the remedy, it is necessary to note allergies, gastrointestinal tract disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), increased fatigue, general weakness and lethargy, affecting mental activity.

Contraindications to treatment with peony tincture

IN once again Let us clarify that when combining peony tincture with drugs that have a similar or auxiliary effect, difficulties may arise, therefore, before taking the described substance, you should consult your doctor. As for contraindications, people who have low blood pressure, high stomach acidity, suffer from allergies, as well as mothers who are breastfeeding and carrying children will have to stop taking this medicine. In this case, it is better for children under 12 years of age to refrain from taking the tincture, since the potent drug can negatively affect the developing, emerging organism.

Using hair tincture for hair loss

The described product has a pronounced cosmetic effect, which allows not only to stimulate hair growth, but also to provide comprehensive hair improvement. For medicinal and health-improving purposes, the drug is used in its pure form.

The tincture should be rubbed into the hair roots an hour before washing your hair, which will stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, providing them with quality nutrition, as well as innervating the “dormant” follicles, increasing the volume of hair on the head. Also, in some cases, peony tincture is included in nourishing masks for hair, combining it with additional ingredients.

The human nervous system is one of the most fragile and vulnerabilities our body and daily stress, stress and constant tension have an extremely negative effect on its condition. Sleep problems, irritability, chronic fatigue and the inability to relax - hundreds of thousands of patients around the world turn to doctors with these complaints, and sedatives and antidepressants are among the ten most purchased drugs on the planet. If you feel that your nervous system If you need help, you can use one of the simplest and most effective sedatives - tincture of peony evasive.

Tincture of peony evasive - beneficial properties and indications for use

Peony evasive or marina root is a plant whose healing properties have been known since ancient times; the first mention of peony in medicine is found in the works of Theophrastus, a scientist of Ancient Greece, who noted beneficial properties plants and recommended it for use. Today, the evasive peony is actively used in official medicine, alcohol and water tinctures are prepared on its basis, which are absolutely natural remedy, without the use of chemicals.

Previously, peony tincture was used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, gout, rheumatism, uterine bleeding and other diseases, but this remedy gained the greatest popularity in therapy nervous disorders.

The roots of the peony and its above-ground part are extremely biologically rich active substances– glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, organic acids, as well as essential oils, fatty oils and vitamins.

Peony tincture has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, restoring it, removing increased sensitivity, stabilizing blood pressure, blood circulation, sweating and heartbeat. In addition, this remedy also has an effect on the central nervous system, reducing the threshold of irritability, relieving spasm of blood vessels and smooth muscles.

Peony tincture has the following medicinal properties:
- restores the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system - relieves irritability and tension, helps fight stress and fatigue, accelerates the recovery of the body, fights fears, increased anxiety, obsessive states and so on;
— stabilizes metabolism, improving blood circulation and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- enhances the production of endorphins - “hormones of happiness”, which are necessary for a person to achieve internal comfort and a sense of calm;
- relieves spasms of smooth muscles and reduces convulsive readiness of the brain;
- makes it easier to fall asleep and improves sleep quality;
— increases the acidity of gastric juice and improves digestion processes;
- used as tonic for various diseases that cause depletion of the body and nervous system.

Tincture of peony evasive is used for nervous disorders, increased irritability, tearfulness, tendency to hysteria, sleep problems, tachycardia, smooth muscle spasms and skin diseases accompanied by itching. Also, the use of the drug is indicated for patients experiencing severe nervous tension to improve performance and general strengthening body.

Method of application

Peony alcohol tincture is considered the most effective; for the treatment and prevention of nervous disorders, it is recommended to take 15-20 drops of the tincture daily, dissolving it in a small amount of water, 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is about a month, then a break is taken for several weeks and, if necessary, the treatment is repeated.

Contraindications for use

Peony tincture with alcohol should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with increased secretion of gastric juice. Allergic reactions may develop, so before use it is advisable to check the body’s reaction to the tincture; to do this, just take a few drops of the product orally. Also when long-term use there may be a decrease in the speed of reactions, some lethargy and lethargy.

Despite the fact that peony tincture is a natural and safe remedy, be sure to consult a doctor before use.

Various antidepressants and sedatives have long taken their place in the top ten best-selling medical supplies. Constant lack of time, stress, chronic fatigue, seasonal depression - every year the load on the human psyche increases. In order to help the nervous system, it is not necessary to immediately take potent sedatives. Perhaps the best way out of this situation would be to use more soft remedies, such as tincture of peony evasive. Moreover, according to many herbalists, the benefits of peony tincture as a sedative are five times more effective than the well-known valerian tincture.

Peony evasive began to be used as a medicine from ancient times to the present day. In Siberia and Altai, for a long time, the head and toothache treated with decoctions of peony roots. Avicenna recommended a decoction of peony roots with honey as a remedy for getting rid of nightmares. Nowadays, based on extracts from the roots and stems of the plant, water and alcohol tinctures are made, used both in official medicine and as a home remedy. Peony tincture has antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant properties, and increases stomach acidity.

Tincture of evasive peony refers to pharmacological group psycholeptics and is available in the form of a transparent caramel-brown liquid with a specific odor. Dispensed from the pharmacy without a prescription.

The instructions for use indicate that the peony tincture has the following indications:

  • Neurasthenic disorders;
  • Disorders of the autonomic-vascular system of various origins (most often during menopause and premenstrual syndrome);
  • Neuroses, various neurotic conditions;
  • Organic brain diseases;
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • Mild forms of insomnia;
  • Diseases of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract (duodenitis, colitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis);
  • Some chronic skin diseases.

The benefits of alcohol tincture of peony evasive are not limited to the above indications. In addition, it has the following properties:

  • Has extensive anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Relieves cramps and spasms;
  • Helps prevent various bleedings;
  • Improves emotional mood by increasing the production of endorphins;
  • Included in complex anticancer drugs;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes;
  • Used in the treatment of alcoholism, epilepsy and male sexual disorders.

Tincture of evasive peony finds its application in home medicine for general strengthening of the body and increasing performance, veterinary medicine and cosmetology. For cosmetic purposes for treatment acne lotions from the infusion of peony evasive are used (2 liters of dry roots are brewed with 2 tbsp of fresh boiling water and infused for no more than 25–30 minutes).

Rules for taking peony tincture

In order not to harm the health of patients, the instructions strictly provide certain rules and dose of the drug, namely, as a sedative, alcohol tincture of peony, after shaking, is taken orally, 15-25 drops, washed down clean water, in 15 min. before meals. When treating a concussion, the medication dosage regimen is different - 40 drops at a time, an hour before meals.

The water tincture of peony acts more gently, so its dose can be increased: about 2 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals. Doctors do not recommend using the tincture during meals.

Children under 12 years of age may take 1 drop of tincture per 1 year of age. The usual course duration varies from 2 weeks to 1 month. If necessary, after 2 months the tincture of peony evasive can be drunk again.

The therapeutic effect of the tincture lasts from one to three hours. It must be remembered that the evasive peony is a poisonous plant, it contains complex alkaloids, phenyl salicylate and peonol, the effect of which on the human body has not yet been fully studied, and in order to benefit from treatment with its drugs, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of your doctor and take into account all contraindications and possible side effects of peony tincture.

Restrictions for taking tincture of peony evasive

Due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the medicinal product, peony tincture should not be taken by drivers of vehicles and those people whose work requires a high reaction speed and increased attention. Children under 12 years of age can take peony evasive tincture only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Due to the fact that the tincture of peony has abortifacient properties, the instructions for its use should not be taken during pregnancy. As for the use of tincture by women during breastfeeding, then in each specific case it is up to you to decide what outweighs - the benefits or possible harm Only a doctor should stop taking the drug. In any case, to avoid exacerbation of existing diseases, you should consult your doctor before using peony tincture.

Side effects

Like many others medicines, peony tincture has its side effects. As a rule, harm to your health when using this tincture can be caused if the recommended dosage is not followed or if simultaneous use peony tinctures with other pharmaceuticals similar action– sedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers, etc.

Side effects of peony tincture are:

  • Dizziness;
  • General weakness, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • Fatigue;
  • A sharp decrease in pressure;
  • Various local allergic reactions, such as swelling, redness, itching, skin rashes of various locations;
  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

Based on the foregoing, the instructions for taking peony tincture indicate the need for strict adherence to the recommended doses and prescribed dosage regimen.


Although the instructions for its use do not provide any categorical prohibitions for taking peony tincture, and its benefits are undoubted, it should be remembered that the composition of any herbal medicine is very complex and the interaction of all its components has not been fully studied. In any case, in order not to cause harm to health, the following contraindications for taking peony tincture should be taken into account: this medicine is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. This drug should also be taken very carefully by persons with low blood pressure or increased stomach acidity.

Making peony tincture at home

Pour 10 g of dried peony roots and herbs (they are sold at the pharmacy) into 100 ml of a 40% alcohol solution or vodka and put them in a cool place away from sunlight for 2 weeks. The tinctures should be shaken from time to time. After 2 weeks, the finished tincture should be poured into a dark glass container. Store refrigerated away from direct sunlight.

In addition to the alcohol tincture of the evasive peony, its water infusion is often used to help relieve climacteric syndrome in many women, it improves the functioning of the digestive system and helps the liver, which is especially important for patients who have had Botkin’s disease.

Recipe for water infusion - 1 tsp. peony roots pour 2 tbsp. fresh boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. The water infusion should be drunk 10 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. By the way, it is the water infusion of peony that is used in the treatment of epilepsy, since alcohol can cause irreparable harm to the condition of such patients.