Purulent inflammation of the gums near the tooth. Purulent inflammation of the gums. Treatment of gingivitis. At the same time, it is observed

Situations where the gums rot between the teeth can be considered one of the most common dental conditions. This symptom does not always mean a serious illness, but it always requires close attention.

Most often, the causes of what is between the teeth are in the recent past. Or rather, as part of a menu 1-2 days ago. If the diet included fresh hard apples, white cabbage salad and other hard and/or fibrous foods, it is most likely a gum injury. While chewing such foods, coarse particles can get stuck between the teeth, and with subsequent chewing movements they become compacted towards the gum and get lodged under it. If proper attention was not removed from teeth brushing on the same day, a dense fragment of food remains under the gum, which not only injures soft tissue, but also becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic microbes.

Another common cause of gum decay is a foreign body. Most often, it gets under the gum during mechanical removal and when removing food from the teeth using a wooden toothpick - a small fragment of it breaks off and remains between the teeth.

But pathological causes of gum decay should not be ruled out. It can become voluminous deposits of mineralized plaque (tartar). Over time, it moves down towards the neck of the tooth, moving the gum down and forming a permanent periodontal pocket. Soft and food particles accumulate in it, which leads to the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which may include pyogenic bacteria.


It is important to pay attention in time to some symptoms that may indicate that the tooth is rotting between the teeth due to more serious dental conditions:

  1. Stable, which is present regardless of the quality of teeth cleaning.
  2. The area of ​​suppuration increases, capturing healthy areas.
  3. After the spontaneous outflow of pus, after a while it again accumulates in the gums.
  4. The tooth has become more mobile compared to its neighbors.
  5. Formation of purulent .
  6. General feeling of malaise, weakness.
  7. The face swells on the side of the sore gum.
  8. Increased body temperature.

The listed signs may directly or indirectly indicate a periodontal abscess, the formation of a fistula tract, an active infectious process in, the development and other pathologies that require immediate consultation with a doctor.


When complaining that the gums between the teeth are festering, the doctor first examines the inflamed area and curettage it - using a special tool, he moves the gums back in order to identify and remove food debris, foreign bodies, fragments of tartar, etc.

After this, depending on the causes of suppuration, the following manipulations can be performed:

  • Removal of mineralized deposits on the tooth in the area of ​​inflamed gums, thorough treatment of the periodontal pocket with antiseptic solutions, drying it and placing a drug that draws pus from the gums and has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • A surgical operation consisting of excision of soft tissue of the gums and/or bone tissue of the jaw to gain access to a periodontal abscess or cyst. During the operation, the doctor removes infected tissues that have developed irreversible changes and treats the cleaned space with special solutions. After this, the gums are applied, and the patient is prescribed home treatment in the form of rinses, gum applications and oral medications.
  • Opening of the gum and its antiseptic treatment, if the cause of suppuration is the prolonged presence of a fragment of food or a foreign body under the gum.

Treatment tactics are selected exclusively on an individual basis - the doctor is guided by all identified circumstances before prescribing one or another method of therapy.

Home treatment

If the symptoms are not so severe as to cause alarm, or you simply do not have time to see a doctor, this does not mean that you cannot help yourself:

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly with a brush and toothpaste, then remove soft plaque and food particles from the interdental space in the inflamed area. To do this, use dental floss previously soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is important to make slow movements with the thread, trying to deeply treat the interdental space - inflamed gums always swell and cover the possible cause of suppuration.
  2. After flossing your teeth, rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda (1 tsp per 1 glass of water heated to body temperature), hydrogen peroxide or an antiseptic mouthwash. Make active rinsing movements, focusing on the inflamed area.
  3. Finally, treat the inflamed gum and the area next to it (on both sides of the diseased area) with gel, or other anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs for dental use.


Regular and high-quality cleaning of teeth and interdental spaces is the basis for the prevention of any dental diseases.

But it is equally important to eliminate provoking factors. So, if you have wide interdental spaces, gum hyperplasia, crowded teeth and other dental growth abnormalities that cause gum injuries, consult a doctor to eliminate them. One course of orthodontic, orthopedic or surgical treatment will forever relieve you of the risks that these conditions carry.

If for some reason this cannot be done, follow the principles of caring for your teeth and gums:

  • When consuming fresh and firm vegetables and fruits, do not bite them, but eat them after cutting them into small pieces.
  • Get rid of the habit of cleaning interdental spaces with objects not intended for this purpose.
  • Get your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist regularly.

Good day, dear visitors of our site. We will discuss such a problem as pus in the gums. The phenomenon is unfortunately common. Some people develop a small abscess the size of a bead on their gums, while others come to the doctor with a face distorted by gumboil. Unfortunately, people underestimate the danger that a purulent abscess on the gum poses to the body. In especially severe cases, complications such as blood poisoning and even death of the patient are possible. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for treatment.

Why does pus form?

It is worth noting that the causes of pus in the gums are so numerous that sometimes you wonder what can cause such a serious problem. If the gums above the tooth suddenly begin to swell, it is worth thinking about what caused the suppuration.

Pus in the gum - photo

It’s not just children who can injure their gums. Adults are often injured by toothpicks and hard foods such as crackers, shelled nuts and seeds. All this leads to the fact that bacteria get inside the wound and begin to multiply unnoticed by you. Over time, an abscess forms.

Video - Purulent abscess of the root apex as a result of displacement of the pin beyond the tooth root


Swelling on the gums does not form instantly. First, a small formation appears, about the size of a pea or even smaller. People do not attach importance to such a phenomenon and it is completely in vain. Just as a bamboo stalk can grow almost a meter overnight, so in the same time an abscess can turn into a huge bubble the size of half a walnut, distorting the patient’s face.

The main symptoms, in addition to gum swelling:

  • weakness and general discomfort;
  • intoxication;
  • pain and boils;
  • increase in body temperature.

A blister of pus can appear anywhere. If it is in a visible place, the chances of detection are higher than if the formation is between the teeth.

If you do not pay attention in time, the purulent process can spread and develop into purulent periodontitis. To avoid the problem, use not only a toothbrush, but also floss (dental floss). Only in this case can you guarantee high-quality teeth cleaning at home.

Symptoms to watch out for:

A channel may form on the gum, through which the body independently removes accumulated pus. Removing it removes it, but the inflammatory process itself does not disappear. Often this indicates that the patient has either periostitis in chronic forms.

Sometimes an abscess can be confused with a cyst. The latter is no less dangerous. If it is not removed in time, bone destruction begins around it.

Purulent inflammation of the gums in pregnant women

A pregnant woman in itself is a big problem for doctors. Numerous changes in the body, hormonal surges, etc. lead to a number of negative consequences. Often during pregnancy, gums become inflamed. The process can also occur with the formation of pus in the gum pockets.

The mucous membrane is much less protected during this period. It is easy to injure and become infected. Therefore, women need to be extremely careful. No rough food, toothpicks or anything else.


Many patients, faced with such a problem as pus in the gums, simply do not understand what to do. If the disease occurs in a woman, child, or teenager, fear of visiting a doctor is common.

Someone starts looking on the Internet for articles about how to pull out and get rid of the problem at home with the help of some folk remedies and miraculous recipes that promise healing in one day. All this is natural. After all, a frightened person is rarely able to think sensibly.

Professional treatment comes down to the following scheme:

  • anesthesia of the area of ​​​​the gum in which suppuration has formed. This is usually an injection of an anesthetic drug;
  • making an incision in the gum (if necessary, in the periosteum);
  • removal of pus;
  • installation of drainage on the gum;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process with medications;
  • use of antibiotics.
  • removal of drainage;
  • suturing the gum.

Pus in the gums - treatment

Even after removing the pus, swelling persists. It is also caused by the trauma that the gums received during surgery. A compaction appears at the site of suppuration, which persists for several weeks. If the operation was performed on a child, the doctor tries to preserve it. It is removed only under special indications.

It is important not only to remove the pus and eliminate the main symptoms, but also to provide subsequent treatment and support for the body. For this, not only antibiotics are used, but also physiotherapy, vitamins, and restoratives.

Pus in the gums of a child - treatment

If for some reason you cannot get to the dentist, follow these simple recommendations:

  • do not try to squeeze out the pus;
  • do not heat the gums, this will cause severe inflammation;
  • rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions;
  • if there is chamomile, calendula, sage, and other herbs in the house, do not neglect rinsing;
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol-containing drinks are prohibited during treatment;
  • antiseptic solutions are effective;
  • Avoid foods that are too rough, hot or cold;
  • Use a toothbrush with not too hard bristles.

Some people believe that you should not brush your teeth during this period. This only causes bacteria to spread even faster. There is also no point in just taking painkillers. They do not affect the course of the process in any way. The inflammation will not go away on its own and the pus in the gum will not be removed without the help of a doctor.

If the cause of the abscess is periodontitis, you will have to undergo root canal treatment. In cases where the cause is periodontal disease, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth of plaque and tartar. Otherwise, you will simply relieve symptoms temporarily. If periodontitis is suspected, an x-ray should be taken to ensure that the suspicion is correct.

If there is a cyst/granuloma at the root apex, it is most effective to perform a resection and remove the affected area along with the neoplasm. The operation is performed under anesthesia and will take about an hour.

If pus in the gums appears due to periodontitis, treatment also begins with a diagnostic examination - a panoramic radiograph.

Treatment options depend on the extent of the pus. If the process involves 1-3 teeth, the doctor removes deposits and rinses the periodontal pockets with antiseptic agents. If the need arises, the teeth are depulped. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In cases where many teeth are affected, we are talking about chronic periodontitis in the acute stage. Its treatment is carried out in the traditional way.

Video - Removing pus from the gums

Many people make warm compresses and hot rinses, and tie a woolen scarf around their cheek. This causes the abscess to grow in size and burst like a balloon. It’s even worse when a person tries to open it themselves, clean the gums, etc. The risk of getting an even more dangerous infection is extremely high.

Any rinsing should be at room temperature, otherwise you can only harm yourself.

If problems begin after visiting a doctor, you need to seek re-examination. A poorly sealed canal and other problems often lead to extremely negative consequences.

Traditional methods and their dangers

Methods for treating pus in the gums at home with folk remedies:


Propolis is quite often used in folk medicine because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To cure purulent ulcers or abscesses in the mouth, you need to mix 10 g of crushed propolis and 100 ml of oil (preferably olive). Heat the prepared mixture slightly over heat, stirring occasionally, then strain through cheesecloth and cool. Lubricate the affected gum area with the resulting ointment 2 times a day.

The root of this plant helps in treating an inflamed wound in the gum. Application is quite simple: you need to chew the root in the morning on an empty stomach, then apply a compress from the crushed plant to the purulent lesion.

Even in childhood, we were taught to treat various wounds with the help of plantain leaves. This unique plant helps with various abscesses, inflammations and suppurations in the oral cavity. Simply apply a washed plantain leaf to the resulting wound.

This plant grows in almost every home, but many use it for decorative purposes rather than for medicinal purposes. A more mature plant has anti-inflammatory, cleansing and disinfecting properties. To treat, cut off the peel of the aloe leaf and squeeze the juice from the remaining part. Regularly treat the affected gum with the resulting juice.

To prepare the infusion, pour 200 ml of boiling water into 2 tbsp. l. plants and leave for 20-30 minutes. The liquid is then strained through cheesecloth and used as a rinse solution. You can also treat the surface of the gums with this infusion.

Due to its antioxidant content, green tea has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Just brew a mug of strong tea and rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

There are so many recipes you can't find on the Internet. All of them are presented as ancient and simply miraculous. But let's figure out how safe and effective such methods are. One of the proposed options suggests rubbing a mixture of a teaspoon of sea salt and two teaspoons of natural honey into the sore area of ​​the gum. In this case, you get two negative aspects at once - mechanical damage to the gums from salt crystals, and the entry of sugars that make up honey into the wound. That is, you first prepare favorable conditions for the bacteria, and then you also feed them.

Chamomile, calendula, and other infusions and decoctions will not harm you, but they will not eliminate the source of the problem. As already written above, their temperature should be at room temperature, otherwise you will only make things worse. Products based on eucalyptus, propolis, and aloe are more effective and non-hazardous. But before you start such experiments on yourself, consult a specialist. After all, no one can force you to undergo forced treatment.

Dear readers! If you have pus in your gums, contact your dentist immediately. Any delay is fraught with complications!

Video - What is an abscess?

If you find that your gums near a tooth are festering, it is important to see a doctor immediately and not wait until the disease goes away on its own. Although in the early stages gum suppuration usually does not cause pain, other symptoms appear that signal that you have an abscess.

Where does the abscess in the gum come from?

Pus in the gum, commonly known as a gum abscess and medically known as a periodontal abscess, is a condition of inflammation localized to the formation of pockets of pus in the tissues (periodontal tissues) that support our teeth. The pus that comes out of the gum causes soreness, redness, and pain in the tooth. The area around the tooth may feel loose and may cause pain when biting or chewing. And it also swells, and you can see a bubble from which pus will ooze.

Double abscess or flux

Causes and risk factors for pus in the gums

If the gums fester after injury or after the removal of a wisdom tooth, this is due to the invasion and proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. It can also happen due to any of the following factors:

  • Any trauma to the gums due to a foreign body such as a fish bone, toothbrush bristles or toothpick can cause pockets of pus to form and the pus in the gum will cause inflammation;
  • any obstruction at the opening of the gingival tissues;
  • incomplete removal of tartar and plaque from under the gum line or deep pockets;
  • pus can also form as a result of pulp disease through the lateral root canals or root tip;
  • conditions such as bruxism that put excessive pressure on the teeth can cause infection and pus-filled blisters on the gums;
  • not brushing properly leaves food stuck between the teeth, leading to a build-up of bacteria and resulting in infection and pus pockets;
  • changes or decreased immunity due to medical conditions such as diabetes;
  • Perforation of the sides of the teeth during procedures such as root canals can cause pus to appear.

Diagram of the structure of an abscess

Signs and symptoms of pus

One of the main symptoms of pus is pain, which can be intense and throbbing and can be felt when biting or chewing. Other symptoms:

  • The damaged tooth may become weakened or sensitive.
  • The gums appear swollen, red and painful when touched.
  • There is a formation of pus that tracks through the bone, resulting in a shiny, red, painful swelling on the jawbone.
  • There may be symptoms of pus oozing or leaking through the gum pocket.
  • Pus can spread into the soft tissue, causing facial cellulite. The temperature increases with enlargement of the lymph nodes around the affected area.
  • If pockets of pus are left untreated, then gastrointestinal sepsis or liver problems may occur.

Sometimes a purulent pimple may appear on the face in the jaw area, which can be easily squeezed out.

But dentists strictly prohibit this, as this action can lead to the spread of bacteria on the skin of the face or inside the mouth. Such a pimple is removed by a doctor or treated with special medications. Some people wait until the pus comes out on its own. But if the pus does not come out within two to three days, or if the gums on the inside of the jaw begin to redden or swell, and the tooth attached to it is not as stable as before, then you should immediately see a dentist. He will tell you how to treat the disease and by what method.

Severe pain is a sign

Difference between gum abscess and tooth abscess

If pus comes from the gums or when you press on the inflamed area of ​​the oral cavity, blood or an unknown liquid is released, then you have one of the types of abscess. The symptoms of a gum abscess resemble those caused by a tooth abscess. It is important to differentiate between both diseases as the treatment required is different for both. The following factors help differentiate between a gum abscess and a tooth abscess.

  • The location of the pocket of pus or abscess helps determine whether it is a gum abscess or a tooth abscess. If a purulent gel is present at the root tip, it indicates the origin of cellulose, which is seen in dental abscess.
  • If there is decay in the tooth with sensitivity to cold or heat, then this indicates a tooth abscess.
  • If there is gum disease with bone loss and scarring, then this indicates a gum abscess.
  • In the case of a dead tooth, it could be either a gum abscess or a tooth abscess.
  • If the tooth is normal and healthy, but there are purulent portions present on the gum with inflammation, then this is a gum abscess.

Diagnosis of pus accumulation in the mouth

To begin to fight the disease before it worsens your overall health, it is necessary to diagnose it in time. To do this, use the following measures:

  • An x-ray is taken to identify the source of the infection, whether it comes from the tooth or the gum;
  • The vitality of the tooth is tested by performing a pulp vitality test;
  • a microbial test is performed by taking a sample of pus to identify the bacteria involved;
  • You can also do a blood sugar test.

Development of an abscess before the release of pus

How to get rid of pus?

There are several options for removing pus from the gums. Treatment consists of relieving pain and controlling or preventing the infection from spreading elsewhere. Removal of pus from the gum is carried out by cutting it. Drainage is carried out in this way.

Drainage of pus through the incision

  1. A horizontal incision is made using a surgical blade in the area of ​​the swelling that is most variable.
  2. A lift or curette is then used to facilitate lifting of the tissue to allow the pus to drain out. This is how the festered area is removed.
  3. After stopping the drainage of pus, the affected area is rinsed with salt water.
  4. With this method, stitches are usually not needed.
  5. The patient is then advised to rinse his mouth several times a day.
  6. Antibiotics may be prescribed along with painkillers to relieve pain.
  7. The patient comes for an appointment the next day.

Drainage of pus through the gum pocket

  1. The infected area is numbed using local anesthesia.
  2. The probe is carefully inserted into the gum pocket to stretch the pocket wall and then allow drainage.
  3. The pus is removed from the pocket.
  4. Clean the affected area with a saline solution.
  5. The elevator is then carefully inserted into the pocket to further drain the pus and heal any granulation tissue if present.

An incision in the gum to release pus

Follow-up treatment for pus in the gums

Sometimes, after the pus from the gum near the tooth has been removed, complications may appear: when you press on the diseased area, blood bleeds, your cheek becomes swollen, or an abscess or pimple appears that cannot be squeezed out. In this case, additional treatment for the consequences of the disease may be needed, such as:

  • scaling and root planning below the gum line, i.e. subgingival treatment;
  • periodontal flap surgery, which is performed to treat any bone defects as pockets of pus can penetrate into the jawbone;
  • Tooth extraction may be necessary if the tooth involved is in poor condition or the gum underneath the tooth is very damaged;
  • Antibiotics are prescribed if the infection has spread and the patient has symptoms such as facial swelling, fever, and inflammation of nearby lymph nodes.

Home remedies to get rid of pus in gums

There are many ways to remove pus from gums at home. It is very useful to know how to treat the affected area and how to remove rotting tissue. We will tell you how to draw out pus from the gums yourself, using natural materials.

  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C and helps in strengthening teeth and preventing gum inflammation. Using lemon juice on the affected area helps remove the pus.
  • Unripe guava is also rich in vitamin C and contains an antioxidant. Eating raw guava helps stop the formation of pus. You can rinse your mouth with a solution made from guava bark juice. This helps stop bleeding and release of pus. The problems can also be treated by chewing guava leaves.
  • Onions contain powerful germicidal agents that help prevent bleeding gums. Eating raw onions helps kill germs and draws out pus.
  • Juice of carrots and raw spinach in equal quantities is very useful in treating pus and bleeding gums.
  • Lettuce leaves consumed before meals help remove pus.
  • Orange is also rich in vitamin C, which helps keep gums and teeth healthy. You can rub the orange peel on your gums, only carefully so as not to cause pus.
  • Pepper powder used along with salt is a very good remedy for cleaning teeth against dental problems such as plaque, tooth decay, tooth sensitivity, bleeding gums and pus pockets.
  • Powdered pomegranate peel mixed with pepper and regular salt helps fight bacterial infection by getting rid of plaque and tartar.
  • Soaking wheat in water for about 10 minutes and then chewing it is a good exercise to increase blood circulation and is also useful in treating ulcers and bleeding gums.
  • Applying marjoram oil extract to the gums about twice a day works well when they are rotting.
  • Applying a mixture consisting of basil leaves, which are dried, crushed and mixed with mustard oil, on the teeth and gums helps in treating pus, toothache and bleeding.
  • Chewing fresh babul bark also helps stop bleeding and get rid of pus.

Aloe juice is used in treatment

Preventing the appearance of pus in the gums

We often ask ourselves why we have certain problems in our mouth. Pus or any other dental problems mostly occur as a complication of gum disease or tooth decay. Any type of dental problem can be prevented with practical oral hygiene. Some of the measures to prevent pus in the mouth include:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day.
  • Using a mouthwash helps prevent the buildup of bacteria, thereby preventing the formation of pus.
  • For healthy teeth and gums, it is important to follow a healthy diet and avoid sugary foods and drinks. Consuming foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as grapes, oranges, guava and pineapple, helps in maintaining oral health.
  • Quitting smoking will help improve your oral hygiene.
  • The use of toothpicks should be avoided and dental floss should be used instead.
  • It is important to have annual dental exams to identify and prevent problems with your gums and teeth.

Prognosis of pus in the gums

The prognosis for the appearance of a purulent bubble near a tooth or under the gum is good so that treatment can be started on time. The pus can be easily removed and the involved tooth can also be saved if it is not severely damaged. If pockets of pus are left untreated, the abscess may burst in the mouth, which can leave a sinus path between the source of infection and the mouth.

This leads to regular discharge of pus, which can lead to other complications, some of which can be fatal: sinusitis, osteomyelitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis and dental cyst.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor immediately at the first symptoms, such as severe pain, fever, difficulty opening your mouth, breathing or swallowing; swelling on the face, jaw and base of the mouth.

Complications typically develop in people with diabetes and those with compromised immune systems, such as people with HIV/AIDS, during chemotherapy, taking steroids, those with sickle cell disease, and after having their spleen removed.

Pus in the gums: what to do at home, surgical and drug treatment

Inflammation of tissues and accumulation of pus in any part of the body causes a person many problems - from constant pain and fever to the risk of infection spreading throughout the body. Particular discomfort occurs when the gums become inflamed, since an abscess in the mouth interferes with normal eating and talking. Treatment of diseases accompanied by the release of pus from the gums near the tooth should be carried out under the supervision of a dentist, but therapy can also be supplemented with traditional medicine methods.

The process of suppuration and symptoms

If an infection gets into the gums, the body develops a protective response – inflammation. It is accompanied by increased blood flow to the affected area so that immune cells can concentrate around the accumulation of pathogens. Because of this, the tissues swell, turn red, and cause pain. As killed pathogenic microorganisms and dead immune cells accumulate, pus accumulates in the inflamed area.

An abscess in the gum becomes noticeable in the early stages of its formation. At this time, a person may notice that:

Despite all the discomfort, the inflammatory reaction is necessary to neutralize dangerous microbes. But in many cases, the immune system is not able to completely suppress the infection without the risk of complications, so such a pathological process should be treated.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of gum decay and make a diagnosis, which is only possible by visiting a dentist. Even if the abscess has opened on its own and pus comes out of the gums, it can accumulate again, so you will still have to be treated by a doctor.

Why do gums fester?

It is impossible to determine on your own why a tooth has festered or the gums are rotting, because this pathological process is nonspecific and can manifest itself in a variety of dental diseases. Among them the most famous are:

Injury to the gums with a sharp object, an uncomfortable denture, when visiting the dentist or during careless brushing of teeth is one of the main reasons for its infection, and failure to maintain oral hygiene increases the risk of infection getting into the wound.

The likelihood of developing gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases is increased by metabolic and hormonal disorders, as well as weak immunity and malnutrition.

Treatment in dentistry

Treatment of purulent inflammation of the gums includes the following steps:

  1. A thorough examination; if necessary, you will have to take an x-ray of the jaw.
  2. Cleaning gums and teeth from food debris and tartar.
  3. Opening the gums in the area of ​​inflammation to remove pus.

When pus comes out of the gums, the patient is prescribed a course of drug therapy to prevent its re-accumulation. It includes taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as rinsing.

If pus comes out when pressing on a sealed tooth, you will have to remove the fillings and clean the sealed canals to remove purulent discharge. Carious cavities must be cleaned out, as they also accumulate infection. The dentist can install temporary fillings, which, if the accumulation of pus recurs, can be removed to re-clean the canals. Permanent fillings and crowns are installed only when the pus can be pulled out of the tooth, and after an x-ray shows that there is no inflammation.

Surgical treatment

If the gums have festered due to improper filling of the canals, and the problem areas are at the very top of the root, it can be cut off surgically - by resection. This method can quickly get rid of a small abscess that does not spread to the entire space near the tooth. During the operation, the abscess is first opened to allow the pus to come out, and therapeutic measures are taken to relieve the inflammatory process, and then the removal itself is performed.

In advanced cases, when due to pus the tooth can no longer be cured and poses a threat to health, it must be removed. After the operation, a drain is inserted into the inflamed tissue to drain the pus, and a course of antibiotics is required.

Additional procedures

If the tissues of the jaw become inflamed and begin to fester, in addition to treatment at the dentist's office, auxiliary therapy may be needed:

Such procedures quickly remove swelling, help fight suppuration and get rid of pain. To eliminate acute symptoms, five procedures are usually sufficient, but the course is prescribed individually.

Pus in the gums: what can be done at home

Full treatment using folk remedies at home is impossible, but some methods can be used to relieve symptoms and facilitate healing, and then for the purpose of prevention. When visiting a dentist, you should consult what procedures can be carried out for pus in the tooth yourself at home and what you can use to rinse the mouth. The following means are well known:

How to draw out and remove pus from the gums

There is no question of opening a blister with purulent contents, since opening it on your own will certainly lead to serious complications. Doctors remove purulent discharge with special sterilized instruments using suitable antiseptics. After independent attempts to squeeze out the pus, curing the disease becomes much more difficult.

However, there are ways that allow you to pull out pus from the gums at home without opening it. They help weaken the process of suppuration and reduce the size of the abscess. The following recipes are popular:

  • A compress made from a piece of peeled and thoroughly washed ginger root, applied to the inflamed area.
  • Compress from a pre-frozen piece of lard.
  • Lubricating the abscess with ointment made from propolis and olive oil (in a ratio of 1:10).

When using any recipe, you should pay attention to the body’s sensitivity to the components of the compresses. If allergies, burning, itching develop, you need to discard the inappropriate product.

Suppuration on the gums of a child

If the gums near a tooth fester in a child, you should urgently contact a pediatric dentist. Children's immunity is most often weak, so complications may appear even earlier than in adults.

In the presence of milk teeth, gum suppuration has a specific danger: if the pus spreads deep into the jaw, the rudiments of the molars may be destroyed, after which the full formation of the dentofacial apparatus becomes impossible.

You should not even try to remove pus from the gums yourself, since using antiseptic conditions at home this can threaten the baby’s life. Before visiting the dentist, it is only allowed to rinse the mouth with a soda-salt solution (1 teaspoon of each component in a glass of water at room temperature), but only if the child is already old enough and understands how to rinse the teeth and not swallow the liquid.

Complications after suppuration

If a person develops pus when pressing on the gums, and does not treat the disease, it can lead to serious complications that pose a danger not only to the dental apparatus, but also to life:

  • Loss of teeth located near inflamed gum tissue.
  • Development of bleeding.
  • Severe tissue swelling.
  • Purulent melting of tissues.
  • Spread of infection to other organs.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Formation of a cyst or granuloma.

To avoid such negative consequences, you should always consult a doctor if pus appears in the tooth, the gums become infected, or other dangerous symptoms occur. It is imperative to follow the procedures prescribed by your doctor and take medications strictly according to the prescribed regimen. Treatment should only be carried out by qualified, experienced dentists, otherwise complications may arise due to careless actions and unsanitary conditions during the extraction of pus.


To avoid the occurrence of pus in the gums, you can do the following manipulations at home:

  • Don't ignore daily brushing of your teeth after sleep and before bed.
  • Avoid using a toothbrush with bristles that are too hard, especially if you have gum problems.
  • Rinse your teeth not only after brushing, but also after eating, using herbal decoctions or pharmaceutical solutions to strengthen the gums and disinfect the oral cavity.
  • If there are no contraindications, you should periodically massage the gums next to the teeth with clean fingertips.
  • Monitor your diet by introducing a sufficient amount of fresh plant foods and dairy products into your diet.
  • You should give up the habit of gnawing on various objects and use non-sterile means at hand as toothpicks.
  • It is advisable to give up smoking and alcohol.

In order not to miss the appearance of the first symptoms of dental diseases, you need to regularly examine the oral cavity yourself and be examined by a dentist twice a year. If any abnormalities appear, you should go to the dentist as soon as possible.

The first thing that all patients who experience pus when pressing on their gums should do is make an appointment with an experienced dentist. Treatment of inflammation in the early stages is much faster, easier and less painful than with advanced pathology and the presence of complications. A condition where the gums are swollen and very painful causes a person a lot of suffering and harms his health, which is why it is unacceptable to endure such symptoms. And squeezing out an abscess on your own is extremely dangerous.

How to remove pus from gums: in dentistry and at home

Removing pus from the gums

Pus in the gums: brief information

When pus appears in the gum, an abscess forms - this is a small sac filled with exudate. Suppuration can occur in different ways: from mild bleeding and redness of the gums to acute pain and high fever.

The main reason for the discharge of pus from the gums near the tooth is infection. of any nature. An open cavity appears between the gum and the root of the tooth, into which organic debris easily penetrates. This is an ideal environment for the active proliferation of bacteria. The danger of purulent inflammation increases if a person’s gums are weak and loose or they do not fit tightly to the teeth.

All the reasons for the appearance of pus in the gums

Dentists identify several groups of reasons that can cause gums to fester.

  • Periodontitis (develops after poor-quality filling, with advanced carious lesions).
  • Gingivitis is a consequence of poor-quality orthodontic treatment or insufficient hygiene.
  • Periodontitis or trophic damage to gum tissue. It develops against a background of reduced immunity, poor hygiene, or as a hereditary disease.
  • Brushing with a toothbrush with stiff bristles.
  • Inaccurate use of toothpicks and floss.
  • The gums are constantly injured by an overhanging crown.
  • The tooth broke and crumbled.

The first symptoms of suppuration

Among the warning signs that may indicate pathology in the initial stage is discomfort when brushing teeth and chewing food. Slight bleeding of the gums is observed (blood is released at the slightest damage, upon contact with the brush). The gums swell slightly, a slight pulsation and pain are felt inside when pressed.

The following symptoms indicate deterioration of the condition:

  • high temperature;
  • acute sharp pain when pressing on the affected gum;
  • swelling of the cheek (swells on the side of the diseased tooth);
  • as an extreme case - loosening of neighboring teeth.

An increase in temperature is a sign of complications

How to pull pus out of the gums: therapeutic procedures

The tactics of therapeutic intervention are determined based on an examination of the oral cavity and an x-ray. This image allows you to assess the condition of the gums and teeth and determine the exact cause. Next, a decision is made about whether the tooth can be saved if pus has accumulated in the gums.

Dental care

Removal of pus from the gums occurs in 2 methods.

  • If the tooth cannot be saved. The tooth is removed, then an incision is made in the gum, through which the remaining exudate comes out. Next, a drainage is installed in the gum to drain the pus. After removing the drainage, the gum is sutured.
  • If the tooth can be saved. An incision is made in the gum, and the dentist cleans it of pus. If necessary, the pulp is removed and the root canals are filled. This is the fastest and most reliable way to get rid of the problem, which will help avoid complications.

After cleaning the pus, the patient is required to be prescribed antibiotics. Such medications will help prevent the infection from spreading to other tissues and organs.


The purpose of such procedures is to accelerate tissue recovery and reduce the risk of complications. Dentists recommend ultrasound to reduce pain and swelling. Electrophoresis is also useful - the effect of drugs and current on the gums. This will help remove remaining pus and regenerate tissue. Other procedures include the use of a laser beam. It removes swelling and speeds up healing.

Physiotherapy in dentistry

Treatment with medications

Immediately after removal of the pus, the patient is prescribed drugs of several groups:

  • antibiotics – Amoxiclav, Metronidazole for oral administration, Levomekol ointment for local treatment;
  • anti-inflammatory – Ibuprofen;
  • antihistamines to relieve swelling of the mucous membranes - Erius.

To relieve itching and pain, the dentist also prescribes antiseptic rinses. For these purposes, a solution of Chlorhexidine, Betadine, Furacilin is used.

What to do at home

Traditional medicine is not an alternative to medical intervention. Home recipes will have a noticeable effect only with complex therapy. It would not be superfluous to have a preliminary consultation with a dentist and, together with a professional, to choose a folk remedy for home use.

Which products are safe and effective?

  • Traditional soda solution. 1 tsp soda to 1 glass of water. It will have an anti-inflammatory effect and help alleviate the condition before going to the dentist.
  • A solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (1:1). The product disinfects the oral cavity and stops the growth of bacteria. This recipe is also indicated for home treatment after opening the gums and removing pus.
  • Green tea. 1 tsp Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and brew for 5 minutes. Cool and rinse your mouth.
  • 2 tbsp. pour boiling water over chamomile, leave for 30-40 minutes, cool, strain and rinse. The product has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

The decoction or rinse solution should not be hot. It is important to cool the liquid to room temperature. Hot solutions or heating the affected gums will only intensify the inflammatory process.

What complications are possible?

If you take the pathology lightly, the infection spreads to neighboring areas. If treatment is not completed, pus in the gums provokes the development of phlegmon - an acute extensive inflammatory process. The pathology affects soft tissues, is difficult to treat and requires hospitalization.

Surgical intervention and removal of exudate can be difficult due to the large size of the abscess. In this case, a drainage tube must be installed to drain the pus. If the autopsy was performed poorly, the teeth become loose and there is a risk of falling out. Other complications after surgery are bleeding and relapses.

Removing pus from the gums

Preventive measures

Standard rules of prevention will prevent the formation of ulcers on the gums. This includes careful oral hygiene and the use of soft or medium-hard brushes to minimize gum injury, as well as:

  • regular professional sanitation – deep cleaning, removal of tartar;
  • timely treatment of dental diseases (caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and others);
  • healthy eating, saturation of the diet with vitamins;
  • quitting smoking.

So, pus in the gums is a dangerous pathology, the complications of which lie in loosening of teeth, damage to neighboring organs, and the development of phlegmon. The first alarming symptoms of the condition are bleeding and pain in the gums when chewing. To remove the pus, you need to make an incision in the gum. Only a dentist can perform the procedure. After surgery, a course of antibiotics is required.

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An abscess is a small abscess that forms on the gum. Often people do not fully understand its danger, which is why they put off going to the doctor. This can lead to serious complications and even death of the patient, so treatment should not be delayed. You should resort to folk remedies only when going to the doctor is impossible.

Why does an abscess occur?

Harmful bacteria live in the human mouth. When the gums are injured, they penetrate into the resulting wound, provoking an inflammatory process. The accumulation of pus causes swelling of the affected tissue area - an abscess (see photo). The development of an abscess can be triggered by decreased immunity, caries, inflammation of the gums or injury to them.

The first symptoms of suppuration

First, the patient notices bleeding while brushing his teeth. Then there is pain when biting, making it very difficult to eat. There is discharge of pus, bad breath and increased body temperature. Darkening of tooth enamel is possible. In advanced cases, the person experiences constant severe pain. The abscess may rupture on its own, resulting in short-term relief of symptoms.

Treating an abscess at home

It is impossible to cure an abscess at home. Self-medication can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease in cases where a visit to a doctor is impossible.

Some folk remedies can help reduce inflammation, others can help draw out pus. Often used:

  1. infusions of medicinal herbs and solutions of antiseptics;
  2. cold compresses and ice;
  3. painkillers.

After an abscess occurs, you must continue to brush your teeth or otherwise maintain oral hygiene. Inflammation occurs due to bacteria living in the oral cavity, so it is important to clean them out along with plaque. Warming up the abscess or rinsing with warm solutions is unacceptable, as is attempting to open the abscess on your own - this can lead to the development of sepsis.

Gargling with herbal infusions

Infusions of herbs, such as sage, chamomile, calendula and arnica, effectively fight inflammation. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture of these herbs into 200 ml of water, boil and let it brew for 20 minutes. The resulting broth should be passed through gauze and rinsed with it. These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, so after a few rinses the size of the abscess will noticeably decrease.

Soda rinses

If the gums have become rotten, you can use ordinary baking soda. Its solution has pronounced antibacterial properties, so it is excellent for disinfecting the oral cavity. To prepare it, you need to dilute a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Rinse at least 4 times a day. As a result of this procedure, the abscess will shrink and the patient will soon feel relief.


Cold compresses can be used to relieve symptoms. To prepare it, soak a piece of gauze in the solution and place it on the inflamed area. A cold compress will not only cool the gums, but also reduce inflammation. To treat an abscess you can use:

  • table salt solution;
  • onion juice or decoction;
  • cloves

Although hot compresses are better at reducing pain, their use on abscesses and other festering wounds is strictly prohibited. Heating the abscess leads to increased local blood circulation, which is why purulent masses can enter the blood. As a result, inflammation can spread to other organs and tissues. Sepsis (blood poisoning) is especially dangerous - a serious complication that can lead to the death of the patient.

Ginger root treatment

Ginger root is a good remedy for abscesses. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve swelling. Ginger tea is good for treating problems in the oral cavity. To prepare it, just mix 6 teaspoons of crushed root with a glass of water and boil this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, let the broth brew for 5 minutes and add a little honey to it.

To draw out pus from an abscess, you can make a ginger compress (see also: how is pus located in the gum next to the tooth eliminated?). To prepare it, cut a small piece from the root, peel it and apply it to the abscess. If you don’t have fresh root, you can use dried root in powder form.

Other ways to draw out pus

Linden compresses for gums are effective. To prepare, you need to mix linden flowers and oak bark in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is poured with water, left for 30 minutes and filtered thoroughly.

  • Chamomile and St. John's wort herb are mixed in a 1:2 ratio in a porcelain container. The medicinal mass is poured with boiling water, tightly closed with a lid and kept for about 30-40 minutes. Finally, the product is carefully filtered and used to rinse the mouth.
  • A remedy made from the agrimony herb is effective for relieving pain. You need to take 6 tablespoons of dry herb, add 1 liter of water, boil for five minutes and leave under a tight lid for 4 hours. The product is filtered and used for rinsing the mouth.

When is it necessary to see a doctor urgently?

Contrary to popular belief, purulent inflammation almost never goes away on its own. If your gums break out, you need to go to the dentist. Treatment at home can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Complications of purulent inflammation can be severe and even dangerous for the patient. Without proper treatment, the abscess will begin to grow in size. In the future, its contents can enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis.

During pregnancy, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment that is safe for the child.

Prevention of flux

To prevent inflammation, it is important to follow basic rules of oral hygiene: brush your teeth, use dental floss, rinse your mouth with regular warm water or antiseptic solutions. It is important to undergo periodic examinations with a dentist, because caries and other oral diseases contribute to the appearance of abscesses.

It is worth adding apples, carrots and other fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. It is advisable not to eat too cold, hot or hard foods. Due to plant fibers, they do a good job of cleaning teeth from plaque. To prevent damage to your gums, you should use soft toothbrushes.

Try to eat as many foods as possible that are rich in calcium and vitamin C. Although they will not relieve inflammation of the gums of the teeth, they will help eliminate bleeding and strengthen bone tissue.