Otitis in a child: causes, signs and symptoms, treatment and prevention. Otitis in children: symptoms (external, media, internal otitis), treatment methods, prevention, complications Otitis media symptoms and treatment in children

Of the huge number of childhood diseases, otitis media is considered one of the most common. Ear inflammation can occur in different forms: it can be chronic and acute, but it is always accompanied by unpleasant, painful symptoms and requires quite a long treatment.

As a rule, otitis media affects children under three years of age, although older age is not a barrier to this disease. According to medical statistics, boys are more likely to suffer from ear inflammation. To avoid it, you need to follow preventive measures, and at the first signs of otitis, promptly and very quickly consult a doctor.

The painful sensations that accompany otitis media can exhaust and exhaust the child to the limit. It is not always possible to quickly see a doctor and get the help you need; prescribed medications do not always work. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent a disease rather than treat it. And to prevent otitis media, you need to know the reasons that can trigger its occurrence. If you manage to avoid them, the ghost of otitis media will never appear on the threshold of your child’s bedroom. The most common causes of childhood otitis are:

  • any colds (read: why), bacterial and viral diseases;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, throat and respiratory tract;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • weakened immune system;
  • in infants, the cause of otitis media can be a wide eustachian tube in the ear, which is located almost in the same plane as the pharynx, and therefore any mucus from the pharynx can get into the ear and cause inflammation; to avoid this misfortune, it is recommended to feed the baby in a semi-horizontal or even vertical position (we recommend reading:).

After studying this list, you will easily see that all these reasons can be avoided. Be extremely careful, give your child maximum attention and care - this will reduce the risk of otitis media. If this does happen, you need to be sure of the diagnosis in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner. And the diagnosis is made based on the signs and symptoms that can be observed in a sick child, about which he will constantly complain.

Pediatric otitis media: symptoms and signs

Otitis cannot be confused with any other disease due to its purely characteristic signs and symptoms. The child will not tolerate the pain it causes, so pay attention to your baby's complaints. The most obvious symptoms of the disease are:

  • sore throat;
  • mucous discharge from the nose (snot);
  • increasing pain in the ears, which will become more and more intense each time;
  • the child will refuse to eat: chewing, jaw movements, and swallowing will cause him pain;
  • if you press even lightly on the baby’s earlobe, he will scream in pain: but you should resort to this method only if you are not sure of the diagnosis;
  • if this happens in the evening, the child is unlikely to be able to fall asleep due to pain;
  • periods of general lethargy may be replaced by attacks of nervousness and anxiety in the baby;
  • the child may at first simply whimper little by little from the pain, then, as it increases, he will cry more and more, turn his head, grab his ears with his hands; in the end, if no measures are taken in time, the child’s state may turn into hysterical;
  • a sharp increase in temperature to 39–49 °C;
  • purulent discharge;
  • Diarrhea and vomiting can easily begin.

As soon as a number of these signs and symptoms coincide with those listed above, you should seek medical help from a doctor as soon as possible. If this happens in the evening or at night, when children’s clinics are already closed, do not be afraid to disturb and dial an ambulance if the temperature goes beyond 39 °C and the child is in pain. Only a doctor (otolaryngologist) in such a situation can help a sick child.

Drug treatment of otitis in a child will relieve pain, help lower the temperature and gradually block the source of inflammation. The therapeutic course of treatment for otitis includes drugs such as:

  • vasoconstrictor drops against the runny nose: otrivin or Nazivin;
  • painkillers: Panadol suspension or paracetamol tablets, as well as Otinum or Otipax ear drops (the dosage will depend on the age of the baby);
  • Antibiotics are usually prescribed for purulent otitis: flemoxin, amoxiclav, amoxicillin.

At the same time, the child can remove mucus from the nose with a rubber bulb and rinse the nasopharynx with saline solution (AquaMaris). In case of purulent otitis, when the eardrum ruptures, ear drops are contraindicated. This can only worsen the course of the disease. The ear is warmed either with a compress or with a blue medical lamp. If you no longer have a fever, you can make the following compress at home at night.

  1. In 3-4 napkins, folded together, a hole is made for the ear.
  2. The napkins are moistened either in camphor oil or in diluted alcohol (it must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio). Wring out the napkins so that they are damp but not dripping.
  3. Place tissues over the ear of a sick child.
  4. A piece of cellophane cut from a regular bag is placed on top.
  5. The next layer is applied with medical cotton wool.
  6. The entire compress is wrapped in a warm scarf.
  7. It is recommended to do this compress during the day for a couple of hours and overnight.

The pain can also be relieved if you very carefully insert a cotton swab soaked in preheated boric alcohol into the sore ear. Instead, you can also use warm Vaseline oil or even vodka.

Any otitis in a child (be it external, middle or internal) requires prompt medical intervention. There is no need to risk the health of your own child and self-medicate: this cannot lead to anything good. Therefore, be extremely careful, do not allow the child’s body to become hypothermic: this is the only way you can protect your little child from terrible and unwanted ear pain.

Chronic otitis media develops after an acute form of the disease. Several factors can trigger the transition. The main reason is a violation in treatment, either complete or refusal to complete the full course of therapy; usually, parents stop giving antibiotics to the child at the first signs of improvement. Untreated acute otitis easily becomes chronic and is characterized by periodic exacerbations.

It is important to simultaneously treat acute inflammation of the ear and nasopharynx. It has been noticed that otitis media, which is difficult to treat, quickly resolves after treatment of nasal diseases. If you treat the ears separately and the nose separately, then otitis may return in a more aggressive form, and the source of infection will be the nasopharynx, which communicates with the ear through the auditory tube.

Moreover, the cause of chronic otitis can be a large destruction of the tympanic cavity during an acute disease. This can happen if an acute illness was provoked by an extremely pathogenic microorganism and acute inflammation occurred against the background of a significantly weakened immune defense.


Symptoms of the disease will depend on the form in which chronic otitis occurs - benign and malignant. In a benign course, changes affect only the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity and do not extend beyond the bone walls. In the malignant form, inflammation affects not only the cavity, but also the bone walls, followed by melting of the auditory ossicles and perforation of the skull bones.

All forms are characterized by prolonged suppuration, which does not cause pain and practically does not bother the child. In the chronic form, ear discharge and rapid accumulation of wax may become commonplace. And only a decrease in hearing acuity, which can be very severe, forces you to seek help from specialists.

Children may complain of a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, talk about fluid transfusion in the ear. If the outflow of pus is disrupted, pain may occur; it is not severe and gradually increases.

Diagnosis of chronic otitis in a child

Making a diagnosis begins with listening to the complaints of the child and parents. In this case, it is important to find out whether there are exacerbations, when the acute inflammation occurred and how much time has passed.

Diagnosis of the chronic form cannot be carried out without instrumental examination - otoscopy, which allows you to assess the condition of the eardrum and see perforation.

As additional research methods, radiography, CT, and MRI are prescribed to assess the condition of the auditory ossicles and see purulent fusion. Ear discharge is also examined to determine the causative agent.


Chronic otitis media is dangerous due to persistent hearing loss and complications associated with inflammation of the bones of the skull and meninges. Often, it is chronic otitis media that becomes the reason why facial nerve paresis and complete deafness develop.


What can you do

If there is prolonged suppuration from the ear, immediately consult a doctor for a full examination and prescribing adequate treatment. Due to the fact that the child’s condition remains satisfactory (up to a certain point), taking any medications to improve the condition is not necessary.

In case of chronic forms, it is important to follow all the rules of personal hygiene and regularly clean the ears according to all the rules. Only after research and diagnosis can medications and treatment methods be used.

What does a doctor do

Treatment will depend on the nature of the pathogen, clinical symptoms and stage of development of the process and can be carried out conservatively or surgically. For an uncomplicated form of chronic otitis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed; if the cause of chronic inflammation is fungi, appropriate medications are prescribed. Such therapy is possible only if the pus comes out calmly and there are no obstacles in its path. Disinfectants may be prescribed.

Due to the fact that chronic otitis media occurs more often in children with reduced immune defenses, multivitamins are additionally prescribed and hardening procedures are selected. For children with severe immunodeficiencies, immunostimulants are prescribed.

At the stages of recovery, mechanical treatment methods are indicated - ear blowing, pneumomassage, UHF therapy.

Only if conservative treatment does not give positive dynamics or the child’s condition sharply worsens, surgical treatment is indicated. The most common treatment method is tympanic membrane plastic surgery, which can significantly improve hearing.


Chronic otitis media can be prevented by strictly following all the doctor’s recommendations - you should not stop treatment at the first signs of improvement in the child’s condition.

If a child complains of ear pain, immediately seek help from a specialist. Strictly ensure that the child does not put foreign objects into his nose and ears, conduct a preventive conversation. Also, strictly ensure that no water gets into your ear and wipe thoroughly after taking a shower so that liquid does not accumulate in the ear canal.

A child’s ears need to be cleaned several times a week, according to all the rules. The use of cotton swabs is prohibited. You need to clean your ears with cotton wool - start from the auricle, then move to the external auditory canal. You should not touch the internal auditory canal - it is very delicate, and any injury can cause the development of external otitis, which will be complicated due to constant suppuration. The ear cleans itself, the ciliated epithelium pushes the wax to the external passage.

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In the article you will read everything about methods of treating a disease such as chronic otitis media in children. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of chronic otitis in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent chronic otitis media in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the service pages complete information about the symptoms of chronic otitis media in children. How do the signs of the disease in children aged 1, 2 and 3 differ from the manifestations of the disease in children aged 4, 5, 6 and 7? What is the best way to treat chronic otitis media in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and stay in good shape!

Otitis is a disease that is accompanied by an inflammatory process in any part of the hearing organ. Most often, this pathology is noticed in children. The causative agent of the disease can be viruses, bacteria and fungi. Ear otitis is accompanied by severe pain, which causes terrible discomfort. On this basis, every parent has a question about what should be the treatment for otitis media in children.

Symptoms typical for otitis media in children are determined by the location of the suppurative process.

Symptoms of external otitis

With external otitis, the child notices redness and itching of the ears. The external passage suffers from swelling and severe pain. This pathology is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature. When opening the mouth and chewing food, the pain becomes much stronger. Otitis externa can be divided:

  • limited;
  • spilled.

The limited form starts in case of suppuration of the hair follicle and sebaceous glands in the external passage. It is expressed in the form of redness of the skin, the appearance of a boil, in the center of which an abscess forms. Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear occurs. When the abscess is opened, the pain subsides. In place of this abscess, a deep wound appears. Over time, it heals, but a small scar remains in its place.
In the case of a diffuse form, the suppurative process affects the entire auditory canal in the ears. This form usually appears in the event of an allergic reaction or fungal infection of the epidermis. It is very common to notice the formation of blisters. The dermis in the ear canal begins to peel off. This pathology is accompanied by pronounced itching.

Signs of otitis media

In the case of otitis media in a child, the form of pathology plays a role. With catarrhal suppuration, the signs of otitis media are as follows:

  • stinging or shooting pain, which becomes stronger when pressing on the tragus;
  • rapid jump in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • congestion in the hearing organ;
  • restless sleep;
  • lethargy;
  • general malaise;
  • irritability;
  • fastidiousness;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea, but not always.

If you do not start timely and competent treatment of otitis media, the disease can take on a purulent form. Purulent fluid appears in the sweated exudate. This is a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Severe pain and hearing loss are typical for this form of pathology. If the hymen ruptures, purulent mucus comes out of the external auditory canal. At the same time, the pain is no longer so severe.
The serous form of otitis is accompanied by a mild suppurative process. It can last from several weeks to several months. Non-purulent discharge accumulates in the tympanic cavity.
The chronic form of the pathology does not have clearly manifested symptoms. The hole in the tympanum does not heal for a long period. From time to time, pus is discharged from the external auditory canal. Severe pain is not observed, but third-party sounds may appear in the ears.

Symptoms of internal otitis

Internal otitis in a child is accompanied not only by hearing loss, but also by the appearance of extraneous sounds in the ears. The baby may experience dizziness, changes in coordination and balance, vomiting and lightheadedness.

Features of pathology in infants

An extremely difficult task is to identify the disease in newborns, who do not have the opportunity to tell their parents about the symptoms that arise. The main sign of an inflammatory process in the organ of hearing is severe anxiety and severe crying. It is extremely difficult for babies to fall asleep. They always wake up screaming. When touching a diseased organ, the crying only intensifies.
In infants, their appetite deteriorates significantly and they may even refuse to eat. This is due to the fact that the pain intensifies when swallowing. The baby turns his head and does not take the breast.
If the disease is present, the child may begin to pick at his ear. During sleep, the organ is often rubbed against the pillow. In case of unilateral pathology, the child lies with the affected ear on a pillow to reduce pain.
The risk of infection in infants increases due to the fact that most of their lives they remain in a recumbent state. For this reason, the outflow of secretions from the nasopharynx becomes more difficult. When feeding a child, formula can occasionally penetrate from the nasopharynx into the middle ear and thereby provoke a suppurative process.

How to treat pathology?

If treatment is started on time, a favorable outcome can be expected. In acute forms of pathology, treatment may take from 1 to 3 weeks. It depends on the type of illness and the degree of its progression. At the end of therapy, children experience hearing loss for approximately three months. Self-medication is prohibited. Only the attending physician can prescribe a course of therapy.

Treatment of external otitis

Treatment of otitis externa occurs on an outpatient basis. How to treat the disease, the specialist will tell you. The course of treatment consists of using antiphlogistic drugs and alcohol compresses. This method continues until the purulent boil matures. After it matures, it is opened by a doctor. The washing procedure must be carried out using:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistina;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

After such manipulations, a suspension with levomekol is applied. Such dressings should be changed from time to time until the wound is completely healed. If there is a strong increase in temperature and the lymph nodes increase in size, then antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
In case of otomycosis of the external ear, the external meatus and concha are cleaned of wax and pathological deposits. After this procedure, they are washed with antifungal solutions and antifungal creams and ointments are used. The most effective are:

  • Miconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Candide;
  • Nystatin ointment.

Oral tablets may be prescribed. These are:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Mikosist;
  • Amphotericin B;
  • Ketoconazole.

A doctor can tell you how to treat otitis in children with tablets. Only a specialist can prescribe the required dosage and frequency of taking such medications.

Middle ear therapy

Treatment for acute otitis media is usually done at home. Depending on the form of the disease and its severity, the following may be prescribed:

  • antipyretics;
  • analgesic;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • antiseptics;
  • antihistamines;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • surgical intervention.

In children over two years of age, it is necessary to adhere to a wait-and-see approach. At this time, antipyretic drugs are taken, which are based on Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. After a certain period of time, the patient is re-examined to make a diagnosis. If after a couple of days there is no improvement in the baby’s condition, then the doctor prescribes antibacterial medications.

Treatment with antibiotics

Antibacterial drugs for this pathology are prescribed if the root cause of the pathology is a bacterial infection. They should be taken from the first day after appointment. The following medications are available in different forms:

  • tablets;
  • syrup;
  • suspensions;
  • injections.

Accepted from the first day if:

  • the pathology was determined in a baby under one year old;
  • the disease is diagnosed accurately;
  • a suppurative process is noticed in both organs of hearing;
  • severe symptoms are noticeable.

In the case of suppurative otitis media, antibacterial medications are often prescribed by injection. At the same time, their effectiveness increases significantly. In the case of otitis in children, the symptoms and treatment of which are similar to other diseases, the following antibiotics are prescribed:

  1. Penicillin drugs. These include Amoxicillin, Ampisid, Amoxiclav.
  2. Cephalosporin medications. These are Cefotaxime, Cefuroxime.
  3. Macrolides. The most effective drugs are: Azitrox, Hemomycin, Azimed.

The most important criteria when choosing a medicine are safety for babies and good ability to get into the ear cavity.

The dosage of the drug is calculated exclusively by the attending doctor based on the baby’s body weight. The duration of cure usually takes at least a week.

Local drugs for the treatment of pathology

To cure the disease, not only antibiotics can be used, but also local preparations, ear drops with antiphlogistic, analgesic and antibacterial effects are often prescribed. If pus appears, the doctor initially rinses the ear with disinfectant solutions, after which an antibacterial drug is instilled. The most popular antibiotic solutions are:

  • Sofradex;
  • Otofa;
  • Dioxidine.

To relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process, drugs such as:

  • Otinum;
  • Otirelax;
  • Otipax.

Such preparations are instilled into the ear or moistened with cotton wool and placed in the ear canal. The products are instilled in the horizontal position of the baby. He should remain lying down for another 10 minutes.

Otitis media is a very serious disease as it can cause many complications. In addition, the pathology is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms. For this reason, it is necessary to begin timely, competent treatment. Self-medication is prohibited.


Inflammation of the middle ear in children is a common ailment at an early age. At the same time, the baby cannot always clearly explain what actually hurts him. Already with the first symptoms related to otitis and similar inflammations, you need to go to an otolaryngologist, because the chronic form of the inflammatory process can no longer be cured.

Otitis in children - symptoms

You can diagnose possible otitis media in a child based on his complaints and external signs. The initial stage of the disease is expressed by symptoms similar to all causes: a feeling of fluid in the ear, shooting or clicking pain, hearing loss. This alone is a reason to urgently go to the hospital. The further condition will worsen, and the symptoms of this disease in children will manifest themselves in the following:

  1. Acute periodic pain in the ear, reflected in the jaw and throat. In this case, the effect has a wave-like character, which is practically not relieved by painkillers.
  2. Discharge of pus and mucus from the ear. This is the first sign that the eardrum has perforated under the pressure of the exudate. In this situation, the pain decreases or disappears completely, but an open wound with suppuration forms.
  3. High temperature, which is briefly reduced with medication.
  4. Significant hearing loss, the appearance of additional “effects”: muffled voices, echo, regular changes in the frequency of perception.

Symptoms of otitis media in infants are much more difficult to identify. In this case, parents should carefully monitor the baby’s mood and behavior, changes in his mood and the following signs:

  1. Long position of the head on a certain side in the bed (the child will try to put the sore ear on the pillow).
  2. High body temperature.
  3. The baby refuses to feed from one breast. The reason for this choice of position is an attempt to place the large ear more comfortably.
  4. Painful reaction when pressing on the protrusion of the auricle (tragus).

Otitis media

Ear inflammation is divided into three diseases according to localization: internal otitis (labyrinthitis), external and middle. Otitis media in a child is divided into acute and chronic. The last type of disease is divided into serous or purulent. There may be several reasons for the inflammatory process and subsequent otitis media:

  1. Inflammation localized in the nasopharynx. The Eustachian tube works as a channel that spreads infection.
  2. Hypothermia or overheating of the body on the street or at home.
  3. For children of breastfeeding age - incorrect position of the child (lying on his back). In this case, mother's milk can enter through the nasopharynx.
  4. Problems with adenoids and their treatment.
  5. Low immunity. This problem often appears with artificial feeding.

Otitis externa

A quarter of all cases of ear disease are otitis externa in children. Due to the localization of the disease, it is highly treatable. But this happens if the diagnosis is determined correctly and treatment is started. The reasons for the onset of inflammation are the most commonplace: improper ear hygiene, damage to the integument of the auricle. The results of the disease can be completely different:

  • boil formation;
  • purulent external otitis;
  • inflammation of cartilage tissue - perichondritis;
  • fungal infections - otomycosis;
  • eczema on the skin.


One of the common inflammatory processes is suppuration in the tympanic cavity. A simple runny nose is enough for the disease to occur. Since the baby spends a long time lying on his back, the secretory fluid of the nasal mucosa freely passes through the Eustachian tube into the ear canals. Parents need to monitor the cleanliness of the nasal passages and rinse in a timely manner. The symptoms of the disease were described above. In severe cases of acute purulent otitis, children experience bradycardia, clouded consciousness, and vomiting.


A severe type of ear inflammation that is difficult to cure. The reason lies in the fact that the disease is often detected in late stages. It is characterized by impaired ventilation of the middle ear and accumulation of exudate. By the time exudative otitis media is diagnosed in a child, the accumulated fluid already consists of pus and mucus. The causes of the development of the disease are respiratory infections, cleft palate, passive smoking, and poor nasopharyngeal toilet.


A very common disease among children, which is caused by incomplete formation of the auditory canal. Catarrhal otitis in a child almost always precedes the development of a purulent variation of the disease. The causes of the disease are no different from other types of otitis (except external): ARVI, runny nose, accumulation of foreign fluid in the ear. Similar symptoms of two diagnoses can cause improper treatment, so you should contact an otolaryngologist rather than indulge in self-medication.

Double sided

Correct diagnosis of this form of the disease will help to avoid decreased or total hearing loss at a young age. The peculiarities of the structure and process of formation of the hearing aid in children provoke the fact that 90% of children under one year of age suffer from bilateral inflammation of the ears. Bilateral otitis in a child is dangerous because it is sometimes characterized only by a slight decrease in hearing sensitivity. Already with this symptom you need to go to the hospital.

In an infant

It is most difficult to identify any disease in young children, when they cannot yet show what hurts them and how. Otitis media in an infant is fraught with subsequent complications leading to actual complete deafness. A timely visit to the doctor will help to quickly and correctly cure the disease. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor his behavior, changes in his mood and the following signs:

  1. Long position of the head in the crib on one side (the baby will try to put the sore ear on the pillow).
  2. Unmotivated crying, constant worry.
  3. High temperature.
  4. The baby refuses to feed from one breast. The reason is the same as when lying on a pillow.
  5. Painful reaction when pressing on the protrusion of the auricle.

Treatment of otitis media in children

Otitis in children - symptoms and treatment for different types are similar, but the main differences lie in the cause of the disease. Standard therapy takes 1-2 weeks, but there are ways to compensate for pain and improve hearing. Treatment of otitis in children is supported by clearing the nasal passages to ensure normal breathing. The baby’s head should not be cold, and walking outside with the child is allowed after the temperature has returned to normal and the ear pain has resolved. Constant hygienic cleaning of the ear canal from secretions is mandatory.

Treatment of otitis media

With a timely visit to the doctor, treatment of otitis media in children occurs quickly and without consequences. For most diagnoses, conservative treatment with antibiotics (tablets or injections) is used. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used to normalize the patency of the Eustachian tube. Purulent discharge is removed with disinfectants such as chlorhexidine. Next, antiseptics are used - Tsipromed, Normax, Sofradex. On the recommendation of a doctor, thermal physiotherapy (warming, blue lamp) can be performed.

Treatment of external otitis

Depending on the type of disease, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Self-administration of medications (even if parents know what kind of disease it is) can lead to aggravation of the situation. Treatment of external otitis in children must occur in stages and with a set of selected medications in order to achieve a full recovery.

  • analgesics to relieve pain - paracetamol, ibuprofen;
  • neomycin, ofloxacin to reduce the inflammatory process (over time replaced with ointments or creams to avoid the development of recurrent otitis);
  • Boils are treated with antibiotics.

Treatment of otitis media with antibiotics

It is worth remembering that the use of potent drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment of otitis in children with antibiotics can lead to a worsening of the condition and the development of third-party diseases. The most effective pharmaceuticals today, including for staphylococcal otitis media:

  • Sofradex;
  • Ceftriaxone (Unasin, Hemomycin);
  • Ceftazidime;
  • Cefaclor;
  • Cephalosporins;
  • Cefuroxime;
  • Roxithromycin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin (Azitral, Azithromycin, Amikacin, aminoglycosides, Amoxiclav, Ampiksid);
  • Flemoxin solutab, Sollux.

Otitis in a child - treatment at home

If ear inflammation in children goes away without indications for hospitalization, then rest at home and maintaining the right conditions will help you recover as quickly as possible. To do this, ensure bed rest and maintain dry heat in the room. Treatment of otitis in children at home is possible in the absence of a high constant temperature, mild pain and good general condition of the child.

Treatment of otitis media with folk remedies

Folk experience in medicine, when used correctly, can make the treatment process more effective. In this case, the characteristics of the child, individual intolerance and recommendations of specialists must be taken into account. Treatment of otitis media with folk remedies is quite acceptable at home. Here are some proven recipes to combat inflammation:

  1. Warm compress on the ear. Heat a mixture of vodka (alcohol) and water in a one-to-one ratio to about 40 degrees. Soak a piece of gauze in it and place it on the ear area (the auricle should remain free). Cover the top with wax paper or plastic wrap. The next layer is cotton wool. Bandage the compress to the head and cover the bandage with a non-synthetic scarf or scarf. Leave for 30-60 minutes (You can also use heated salt or soda, wrapped in a cloth for warming).
  2. You can use turundas or instillation based on water, medicinal herbs, camphor alcohol, camphor oil, boric alcohol and honey. Before the procedure, the solution needs to be warmed up slightly to avoid hypothermia of the inflamed area.
  3. For external otitis, you can put crushed aloe or Kalanchoe leaves on a gauze cloth into the ear.
  4. Prevention of a runny nose due to otitis is carried out using oxacillin.

Despite the popularity of iodine in the treatment of ear diseases, it is highly not recommended for use in children's treatment. Iodine solutions are aggressive and can cause secondary inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes even in minimal concentrations. Traditional methods of treatment should be used only with the approval of a specialist and under his supervision.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Otitis in a child is an extremely common occurrence. About eight out of ten children experience this disease at least once. All parents must know the main symptoms of the disease, its causes, features, as well as treatment methods. It is not so difficult to identify a child, but only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Warning! It is dangerous to do anything on your own before a verdict is reached. Any methods can aggravate the situation if used inadequately.

Characteristics of the disease and its classification

In medicine, otitis media refers to inflammation of the ears, accompanied by severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms. The causes of the disease are often associated with a discrepancy between the atmospheric pressure and the pressure in the inner cavity of the ear, which, in turn, can be provoked by various factors.

There are several classifications of otitis media. They are built taking into account certain fundamentally important parameters. So, depending on the location in medicine, it is customary to divide the disease into:

  1. Otitis externa - located in the auricle and ear canal to the membrane. It is the easiest to tolerate, but is relatively rare.
  2. Otitis media. It affects the Eustachian tube, which connects the eardrum to the nasopharynx. It has five stages of development. In the vast majority of cases, childhood otitis is of this type.
  3. Interior. It affects the so-called cochlea, the opening at its entrance, as well as the semicircular canals. Another name for this type of otitis is labyrinthitis. It also doesn't happen often. It is fraught with serious consequences.

From the point of view of the duration of the disease, there are three types of inflammation of the middle ear:

  1. Acute otitis media. It develops very quickly. Accompanied by pronounced symptoms. Lasts no longer than three weeks.
  2. Subacute appearance. Accompanied by constant relapses. Lasts from one to three months.
  3. Chronic otitis media. It may drag on for years. Often results from constant contact with water. It also overtakes the patient with inadequate treatment of the acute form. It happens that inflammation of the eardrum in the chronic course of the disease is caused by its mechanical damage.

Depending on the type of inflammation, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Catarrhal otitis in children. Usually becomes a consequence of ARVI. Pathogenic microorganisms, together with catarrhal mucus, enter the ear canal from the nasopharynx during sneezing and coughing, causing inflammation in the ear. This type is one of the most common complications of acute respiratory viral infections.
  2. Exudative otitis media. It is also called secretory, mucosal or serous. It develops very slowly and has several stages. It is provoked by taking antibiotics, as well as poor ventilation in the ear canal.
  3. Allergic otitis media. It becomes a consequence of allergies that occur in a chronic form. Due to swelling of the tissues inside the ear, hearing is impaired. Often, against the background of this form, an infectious form develops.
  4. Purulent otitis in a child. It is a complication of inflammation of the ear in any part of it: external, middle or internal. It is very difficult to tolerate. Characterized by the discharge of pus from the ear canal. Therapy should be carried out in a hospital setting, especially if a very young child is sick.

In addition to all of the above, a distinction is also made between bilateral and unilateral otitis media. The first affects both ears. The second is just one of them.

Comment! If left-sided or right-sided otitis occurs, and drops are used during treatment, then it is necessary to instill not only the diseased ear, but also the healthy ear.

Causes of the disease

Any disease has its own provoking factors, and ear inflammation is no exception. The causes of otitis media are quite varied. The main ones include:

  1. Viral infections. The most common factor. A huge number of children get ear problems due to ARVI. In this case, we are talking about viral otitis media.
  2. Bacterial infections. In particular, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella or pneumococcus. This is also a fairly common reason. If it is identified, the disease is classified as bacterial otitis.
  3. Allergies. This has already been discussed above. Chronic allergic rhinitis leads to swelling of the mucous membrane and ear problems.
  4. Hereditary factor. It is not considered very common. But still, sometimes frequent otitis in a child is explained precisely by the fact that the father or mother also regularly exhibited this disease in childhood.
  5. Adenoids. If they are enlarged, then the walls of the nasopharynx are compressed and the ear canal is narrowed. This leads to poor ventilation in the latter, and, as a consequence, to otitis media.

Comment! Otitis media in infants and preschool children is often explained by the anatomical features of the auditory tube. It is wide and short, which makes it easier for infections to pass from the nasopharynx to the ear.

Other diseases can contribute to the occurrence of otitis media in children. Such, for example, as:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia;
  • rickets;
  • pathologies of ENT organs.

In general, almost any illness can become a “backdrop” for inflammation in the ear. This is explained very simply. Immunity decreases during illness, and any wound in the ear and other sources of ear infection can result in severe inflammation.

Attention! In newborn children, otitis often becomes a consequence of diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, as well as inflammatory ailments from which she is currently suffering.

Symptomatic picture

Anyone who knows what otitis media is only by hearsay will never be able to imagine the pain that occurs with it. Exhausting, aching or pulsating, worsening in a lying position, preventing you from eating or sleeping... It can be considered the main sign of otitis in a child (as, indeed, in an adult). Most other symptoms largely depend on the specific type of disease.

So, usually with external otitis the following are observed (look at the photo):

  • hearing loss;
  • itching in the ear canal;
  • swelling inside the ear;
  • redness in the ear.

As a rule, such otitis occurs without fever. And if it rises, it does not exceed the 38-degree mark.

Important! The external form may not manifest itself in any way or practically at all, which allows the disease to progress, remaining unnoticed.

With otitis media, the child experiences (see photo):

  • throbbing pain radiating to the jaw and head;
  • “stuffed” ears, sudden deterioration of hearing;
  • sore throat;
  • viscous discharge from the eyes;
  • pus and blood from the ear;
  • fever;
  • indigestion;
  • very high temperature.

Signs of the internal type can be:

  • hearing impairment;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • “floaters” in the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Approximately half of all cases of otitis occur in infancy. In addition to the anatomical features of the hearing aid, this is also explained by the fact that the baby lies almost all the time, and mucus from the nasopharynx is very easy to get into the ear. But recognizing a disease is difficult, because the baby won’t tell you what’s hurting him. The main symptoms of otitis media in infants:

  • restless behavior;
  • incessant crying;
  • sleep in fits and starts;
  • throwing back the head;
  • attempts to reach the ear (in children older than four months);
  • swelling of the fontanel;
  • a sharp cry when pressing on the tragus.

Comment! Otitis media in a newborn can be suspected if, starting to suckle, he suddenly throws it away and screams for a long time after that.

There is one more important general point to keep in mind. Ear pain is not always a symptom of otitis media in children. It may also indicate mechanical damage to the eardrum, caries, inflammation of the lymph nodes and other abnormalities. It is impossible to begin treating the ear based only on the presence of this sign.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to relieve symptoms and begin treatment for otitis in children on time, you should call your local pediatrician at home at the slightest suspicion. He will examine the baby, listen to complaints and, if in doubt, refer him to an otolaryngologist. An ENT specialist will be able to accurately recognize otitis media using a special mirror that will show the condition of the eardrum and the walls of the ear canal. But this device alone is not enough. There are additional methods for diagnosing otitis:

  • bacteriological studies:
  • audiometry;
  • CT scan (if in doubt).

The tactics of the examination largely depend on the age of the patient. For a newborn it will be one, but for a child 3 years old it will be completely different. In some cases, a consultation with a neurologist is required to help understand whether intracranial complications of otitis media have developed.

First aid

It is impossible to treat otitis media in a child on your own without consulting a doctor. This is a serious disease, fraught with consequences, including disability. Only a specialist can select adequate therapy. But if it is not possible to get to him in the next hour, first aid for otitis may well be provided by the parents.

Non-steroidal drugs approved for children will help relieve pain. These are Panadol, Tailed, Efferalgan, Nurofen, Naproxen and others. They will not only relieve pain, but also slow down inflammation, and also remove fever if the child’s temperature during otitis is off the charts.

You can drop something vasoconstrictor into your nose. For example, Nazol, Afrin, Tizin. This will help relieve swelling of the nasal and ear canal mucosa.

Attention! You should not drip anything into the ear (Sodium Sulfacyl, etc.) before a medical examination, since many products have contraindications and can damage the eardrum.

Drug treatment

Features of drug therapy depend on the type and stage of the disease. Thus, in the external form, treatment of otitis in children is limited to warming up, placing cotton swabs soaked in alcohol in the ears, and thoroughly cleaning the ears. If after a few days the boil has not disappeared, it will have to be opened.

A more serious approach requires the treatment of acute otitis in a child in case of damage to the middle ear. It must be comprehensive. If the cause of the disease is ARVI, antiviral drugs will be required. If you have an allergy, then there are remedies against it.

In many cases, antibiotics are required for otitis media in children. They are especially often prescribed to very tiny patients, as well as in cases of severe disease. If the child has not received antibacterial drugs during the previous month, Flemoxin Solutab is usually prescribed for otitis media. For children who are regularly ill, as well as when therapy is ineffective, other drugs from this group are prescribed. Amoxiclav, in particular, is considered a good medicine.

As noted above, ear drops should be approached with caution. Many remedies are contraindicated if the eardrum is even slightly affected. And some can damage it. Albucid for otitis media is a completely safe antibacterial and analgesic agent. It is actively used in most cases.

Comment! Sulfacyl sodium can be dripped into the ears only with the permission of a doctor, since the drops are for the eyes and do not have instructions for other situations!

The purulent form requires paracentnesis of the membrane, which will ensure the outflow of fluid. Here you won’t be able to get by with children’s ear drops alone. The exudative form often requires myringotomy and similar procedures. Without them, it will be difficult to remove the mucus.

Particular care should be taken when dealing with otitis media of the inner ear. Labyrinthitis is fraught with serious complications and requires appropriate measures. Therapy must be carried out in a hospital. Treatment at home is unacceptable.

If conservative methods are ineffective and the disease progresses, surgical intervention is indicated. In particular, it is carried out when the disease has already caused hearing loss. The destroyed auditory bone is replaced with a prosthesis.

Traditional medicine

Treatment of otitis in children at home allows the use of traditional medicine methods. They cannot replace drug therapy, but can be used as a supplement.

Popular folk remedies for otitis are heating. A hot egg, a bag of warm salt or a heating pad is applied to the sore ear. Special compresses provide a similar effect. For example, applying napkins soaked in camphor oil to the ear (a hole must be made in the center so that the liquid does not get into the ear canal).

Important! In case of otitis with fever or purulent form, warming measures should not be carried out under any circumstances.

Complications of inflammation

Lack of treatment, as well as inadequate therapy, can lead to very serious consequences. And hearing loss is not the worst complication after otitis media. The disease is fraught with:

  • meningitis;
  • facial paralysis;
  • abscesses;
  • acute mastoiditis;
  • purulent streaks;
  • sepsis;
  • encephalitis;
  • complete hearing loss.

Some of the above pathologies are deadly. Ear treatment must begin on time. In later stages the risk is too high.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent any disease than to fight it - this is a well-known truth. To prevent ear inflammation in a child, parents need to be vigilant. Namely:

  1. Closely monitor the baby's condition, paying attention to every feature in his behavior. An infant, just like a one-year-old child, does not have the opportunity to tell his mother about his condition. Therefore, any deviations should be regarded as a signal. Poor sleep, refusal to eat, moodiness, prolonged crying... All this may indicate that the baby is suffering from headaches, which often become harbingers of ear problems.
  2. Carefully treat ARVI. Many parents, trying to protect their child from chemicals, resort exclusively to folk methods of fighting colds. But antibiotics are often necessary. Without them, the disease can cause complications. And otitis media is not the worst thing that a seemingly ordinary ARVI threatens.
  3. Increase immunity. If a child of 2 years of age still has the opportunity to feed on mother’s milk, this will have a very good effect on the protective forces of his body. Children who are weaned early are at much greater risk of contracting otitis media. It is also necessary to harden the baby, walk a lot in the fresh air and feed him well.
  4. Clean your ears only with special sticks (preferably with stoppers).

And the most important measure to prevent otitis is to prevent water from getting into the ear by covering it with a cotton swab when bathing. By adhering to these rules, you can significantly reduce the risks and save your baby from suffering. Treating otitis media in children (especially very tiny ones) is a complex, nervous and long process. We must try to prevent it at all costs.

So, this article discusses in detail such a disease as ear inflammation. Its causes, symptoms and course features are described. The most common medications for otitis media are listed.

The information will be useful both to those whose child is already sick, and to parents who want to insure themselves. It is impossible to be guided solely by it during treatment. It will be a good help, but will not replace consultation with a competent doctor. Good health to you!

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