Causes of ear diseases in dogs. Dog ear discharge

If the owner has discovered very strange sores on the tips of his beloved pet’s ears, then he should under no circumstances be negligent about this kind of problem. It should not be left without due attention at all.

For every dog, its ears are perhaps the most the main body feelings, we can with absolute confidence call them an important analyzer, therefore, every dog ​​owner must ensure that his ears and hearing are in perfect order.

At home, the dog’s ears can be treated with hydrogen peroxide to improve the pet’s living conditions and diet.


Even the most inattentive owner can find sores, ulcers and scabs on the tips of his dog’s ears. Vasculitis can be noticed immediately, because it is characterized not only by the appearance of sores, but also by hair loss and redness of large areas skin pet.

Vasculitis is inflammation blood vessels, leading to quite serious damage to their walls. This pathology causes an autoimmune reaction, during which the protective mechanisms operating in the body begin to actively destroy its own cells, and subsequently tissues.


This disease is caused by:

  1. Various types of infections.
  2. Reaction to medications. Often, owners try to cure their pets on their own, stuffing them with a variety of medications. Quite often, dogs are given vaccines.
  3. Autoimmune diseases (for example, neoplasia - pathological growth of tissues in the body).

Vasculitis is not a common disease, but it affects equally, both young and old animals.

Signs of the disease

From the moment this pathology appears in the dog’s body, it occurs throughout its entire body. To a greater extent, ulcers may occur at the tips of the ears, at the site of which bleeding appears.

  1. The affected area begins to swell, although signs of inflammation may not be visible.
  2. The dog may experience feverish conditions.
  3. The animal experiences pain, its appetite noticeably decreases and progressive weight loss occurs.


  • Urinalysis.
  • Taking a complete blood test.
  • Blood biochemistry.

If vosculitis is diagnosed it is impossible to do without radiography and ultrasound examination – research of the condition is necessary internal organs animal. How more methods diagnostics will be used, the faster it will be identified main reason the occurrence of pathology.


The main decision in the treatment of vosculitis is to determine the root cause that led to abnormal development autoimmune system, and its further elimination. Treatment of this disease involves the use of drugs such as:

  • Corticosteroids (Pentoxifylline, Prednisolone).
  • Tetracycline antibiotics and nicotinic acid(niacin) (Dapsone, Sulfasazaline).
  • Immunosuppressants – cyclosporines (Imuran).

Treating a pet requires a combined approach. Some dogs can get rid of vosculitis fairly quickly, while others live with this pathology throughout their lives. Relapses of the disease cannot be ruled out either.

Disease prevention

The owner should periodically check the blood condition of his pet. It is almost impossible to cure vasculitis at home on your own.

Allergic reaction

The cause of sores on the tips of a dog’s ears can be a banal allergy to care products, medicines and food

Treating sores on the tips of dogs' ears at home

It is not always possible for an owner to take his pet to veterinary clinic, for example, this happens if a dog lives in the country. In this case, first aid can be provided to your pet as follows:

  1. Buy at a pharmacy birch tar and actively lubricate the tips of the dog’s ears.
  2. The previous option can be replaced with Vishnevsky ointment.
  3. Also, the affected areas are washed with a solution of furatsilin (2 tablets dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water), and then they are sprinkled with streptocide on top.
  4. Review your dog's diet, eliminating porridge and potatoes for a while.
  5. Treat with hydrogen peroxide and burn with brilliant green (after all, it is possible that the pet could simply have gotten into a fight with other dogs).

It would be best to show your dog to a specialist, such as a veterinarian.

Otitis is one of the most common problems with the ears of a dog that pet owners encounter. Otitis is a sign of an inflammatory process in the ears, but this does not mean that there is an infection in the ear. Ear infections can provoke otitis media, or they can be their consequence, i.e. you need to clearly understand the difference between these two conditions.

General information about otitis media and the causes of their occurrence

Otitis externa

Inflammation of the ear canal causes a lot of discomfort for your pet, including painful sensations, itching, fever and general malaise. Initially, the structure of the ears of all dogs is such that there is always a risk of otitis media. There are also breeds with a clear predisposition to this pathology. These are the animals:

  • With long ears;
  • with hairs in the ear canal;
  • With skin folds on the body;
  • prone to allergic reactions.

The potential risk group includes the following breeds:

  • German Shepherds;
  • setters;
  • hunting dogs;
  • bulldogs;
  • spaniels;
  • Shar-Pei;
  • basset hounds;
  • Labradors.

In dogs, otitis occurs in the form of:

  • inflammation of the ear canal and outer ear (otitis externa);
  • inflammatory process involving the middle ear (otitis media);
  • inflammation progressing to inner ear(most rare species otitis).

Otitis media

Otitis and ear mites

Tumor process in the ear

Allergic otitis media

If you do not find out the cause of otitis media, treat it incorrectly or not treat it at all, then all this will provoke perforation of the eardrum (rupture or dissolution of it by pus). In this case, purulent discharge will accumulate not only at the base of the ear canal, but will also go into the inner ear, penetrating into meninges. With such a course of the disease in best case scenario the dog will lose hearing, or at worst, die from purulent meningitis.

Main symptoms of ear problems

There are a number of main signs of otitis media, according to which the owner of the dog will involuntarily pay attention to its ears.

Symptoms of inflammation in the ears:

  • the presence of scratches, hematomas (bruises), wounds or any other damage on the ears;
  • constant urge to scratch your ears or shake your head;
  • a lot of sulfur released (more than usual);
  • any kind of discharge (including purulent) with an unpleasant odor;
  • obvious signs of the inflammatory process - redness, swelling, pain and increased local temperature;
  • hair loss on the ears (from scratching) or inside;
  • the presence of crusts and scabs around the ears or at the entrance to the ear canal;
  • pain not only inside, but also throughout the hearing organ (the animal does not allow you to examine it);
  • increase submandibular lymph nodes with a long-term inflammatory process;
  • changes in general condition animal – depression, lack of appetite, increased body temperature, etc.

Besides common symptoms for all ear problems, there are individual clinical signs otitis, depending on the causes:

  • with otitis due to increased hair growth, in addition to the classic signs of inflammation, you can find hair growing deep in the ear, which must be removed both to prevent otitis and before starting treatment for an existing problem;
  • With ear mites, black-brown, grainy discharge is observed, under which bleeding wounds may be observed when they are separated. Both sides are usually affected;
  • bacterial or fungal otitis is usually accompanied by purulent discharge and rising local temperatures. When inoculating secretions on nutrient media, it is possible to isolate a specific causative agent of inflammation;
  • with otitis due to tumors or foreign objects in addition to all the signs are revealed specific reasons– actually, tumors and foreign things that can only be detected by an otoscope due to their deep location in the ear canal;
  • with otitis caused by the ingress and stagnation of water, the discharge is always liquid, although of a different nature (purulent, serous, cloudy or transparent);
  • if otitis is allergic, then usually signs of individual sensitivity appear in other parts of the body: hives, swelling, itching, etc.

What owners should not do

  1. You cannot self-medicate, because... Incorrectly selected antimicrobial drugs will not help, will cause bacterial resistance to other agents, and may also cause additional irritation and increased inflammation. If you notice any sign that something is wrong with your hearing, you should immediately contact your veterinarian! How to treat otitis depends on the cause of its occurrence, which only a specialist can determine.
  1. You should not try to clean the dog’s ears with ear sticks - it is impossible to clean out the discharge as they should, and there is also a risk of cotton wool remaining inside the ear cavity. In veterinary hospitals, ears are cleaned with tweezers or a hemostatic clamp, which firmly holds a cotton swab and with good metal support allows you to clean out all dirt and secretions.
  1. You cannot put hydrogen peroxide in your dog's ears - when it reacts with bleeding wounds and pus, it begins to foam strongly, which is perceived by the dog as a loud extraneous noise. An animal may behave inappropriately out of fear. Only the outside of the ears can be treated with peroxide.
  1. You can’t clean your dog’s ears if you’ve never done it before. There is a high risk of causing pain, after which the animal will in every possible way interfere with examinations, even those carried out by veterinary specialists (it will run away, hide, bite, etc.).

How to help a dog with signs of otitis media before contacting a veterinarian

If it is not possible to immediately seek help from veterinary specialist, the pet owner can somewhat alleviate his condition with simple procedures:

  • carefully examine the hearing organ, without causing pain to the dog and without using foreign objects, so as not to cause additional damage;
  • treat the outer surface of the ears with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green if there are wounds and scratches on the ears;
  • Apply 3-4 drops of Otinum or Otipax to your ears and gently massage the bases of your ears (if there are no signs of pain). This is absolutely safe drops for dogs that relieve itching, eliminate pain syndrome, dissolve the sulfur and soak the crusts and plaque in the ear canal (if any). The products do not provide an antimicrobial load, eliminating the risk of developing resistance of bacteria that caused inflammation before starting antibiotic therapy;
  • After soaking the ear contents and numbing the ear, clean the ears with a cotton swab wrapped around tweezers. The procedure can only be carried out if you have experience in cleaning your dog’s ears! If before at this moment Having never had cleaning done in your life, it makes sense to wait for a visit to the veterinarian, removing dirt within the visible convolutions of the outer ear. If you feel squishing inside the pus or other contents and it is not possible to clean everything out, a mixture of streptocide powders with boric acid(ratio 1:5). If the dog wants to shake his head, you need to let him do it! Soaked dirt, discharge and wax will move closer to the outer ear, from where they can be removed independently;
  • if the dog has an increase in body temperature, you can give Analgin once as an antipyretic - 0.5 tablets/10 kg orally or 0.1 ml/kg intramuscularly.

All subsequent treatment at home should be carried out with medications prescribed by the veterinarian and in the order determined by him.

IN special cases, for example, when the auditory opening is overgrown, restorative surgery, during which the ear canal is re-formed.

Important: it is impossible to cure secondary otitis media without eliminating the cause that caused it! With one symptomatic treatment the disease can become chronic.

Sequence of treatment procedures:

  1. Cleaning the ears. The outer ear is cleaned with a swab well moistened with hydrogen peroxide or a 2% solution of salicyl-tannin alcohol. All crusts are soaked and removed.
  2. Cleansing the ear canal. The ear canal is cleaned with a swab moistened with a chlorhexidine solution or after instilling prophylactic lotions or drops into the ear to clean the ears. Lotions and drops well soak up internal dirt, waste products of mites, dried blood, crusts, etc. In the process of cleaning the ears, material is selected for microscopy and bacterial culture to identify the causative agent of otitis media for the rational prescription of a drug.
  3. Treatment of bleeding wounds with a solution of brilliant green.
  4. For deep scratches and bleeding wounds on the surface of the auricle, the use of wound healing and antiseptic ointments is recommended.
  5. After cleaning the ears, use it for its intended purpose. ear drops, depending on the identified pathogen - antifungal, antimicrobial or anti-mite agents. If it is not possible to identify the pathogen, use combined drops wide range actions aimed at removing mites, fungi and microorganisms.
  6. At purulent otitis of any etiology, general antibiotic therapy is prescribed for a course of 5-7 days.
  7. If signs of general intoxication are observed, droppers with detoxifiers are used.
  8. Regardless of the degree of development of the disease and the causes of otitis, immunostimulating agents are always prescribed.

Consolidated list of medications for otitis media

They are most often used in the treatment of otitis of various etiologies.

Prevention of otitis media

To prevent otitis, it is enough:

  • trim the hair around the ears to ventilate the ear canal (after preliminary consultation with a veterinarian);
  • pluck hairs that grow right inside the ear;
  • Do not rinse or treat healthy ears with anything, because this can lead to an imbalance in the microbial balance in the ears;
  • Carry out regular ear examinations on your own (weekly) and in a veterinary clinic (once every six months);
  • pay attention to the smell from the ears;
  • Make sure that water does not get into your ears while swimming; after swimming in natural bodies of water, remove water from your ears with a cotton swab;
  • do not let your dog ride in a car, leaning out the window;
  • do not feed the animal sweets;
  • keep an eye on allergic reactions by adjusting your diet.

Four-legged pets are susceptible to a number of ear diseases, which can be avoided if you provide proper care for the pet. But in some cases, diseases develop regardless of what care is provided to the animal.

Signs of disease

The first symptoms of ear diseases in dogs are redness, sores, scabs, and bald spots formed as a result of scratching.

Signifies illness bad smell from the ears, accompanied by purulent discharge.

The dog may frequently shake its head or tilt its head to the side, which signals discomfort and pain. If your pet experiences pain, then when you try to touch the ears, he will dodge and whine.

Irritability and depression are the result of prolonged discomfort, painful sensations.

Common ear diseases

One of the most common ear diseases in dogs is otitis– inflammation of the outer and middle ear. Otitis media most dangerous. The disease cannot be neglected, as complications can lead to serious consequences.

Ear mites, the presence of which may be indicated by itching, an unpleasant odor, cause discomfort and can cause inflammation in the ear canal. Getting rid of ticks is not so easy; treatment lasts at least 3 weeks.

Deafness- deterioration or total loss hearing Deafness can be caused by injury, loud noises, illness nervous system, medicines, heredity, old age.

Infections develop quickly. Predisposition to ear infections dogs have a vulnerability in the immune system - allergies, hormonal disorders. The presence of moisture in the ears can also trigger the development of an infection. TO infectious diseases ears are susceptible to dogs with excess hair in the ears, with long ears. Due to the lack of ventilation in the ear, favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Ear hematoma– accumulation of blood in the cavity between the ear cartilage and the skin. Causes include damage to the ear, such as scratching or bruises.

Got into the ear foreign bodies, for example, plant seeds, can cause irritation with subsequent complications.

Hereditary diseases ears are more common in a number of breeds, for example, collies and shelties. One of hereditary diseases, which affects the skin, muscles, ears is dermatomyositis, which is an inflammatory process.

Treatment of ear diseases in dogs

If you notice signs of ear disease, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for timely diagnosis and treatment prescriptions. Only after identifying the causes of the disease, treatment is prescribed, for example, immunotherapy and antihistamines if the disease is a consequence of allergies or hormonal changes in a dog's body, antibiotics are prescribed to treat infectious diseases.

The dog is not able to properly look after its ears, so this task falls entirely on the shoulders of its owner. If you do not monitor the condition of your pet's ears, you may encounter a number of ear diseases.

What are the types of ear diseases in dogs and their symptoms?

Breeders of long-eared dog breeds most often face the problem of ear diseases: dachshunds, spaniels, setters, Afghan hounds and others. Their ears are usually poorly ventilated, so these dogs are more likely to ear pathologies.

Among the most common ear diseases in dogs are:

  • hematoma - blood stains resulting from injuries;
  • lymphoextravasate - accumulation of lymph in auricle;
  • auricular necrosis is a disease of the ear cartilage in which it ceases to function
  • otitis - inflammation of the ear;
  • hit foreign bodies into the auricle.


A hematoma occurs in the process of injury to the ear: blows, scratches, bites, and so on. Her symptoms:

  • the ear becomes larger;
  • the ear begins to droop down;
  • there is swelling in the ear area;
  • the ear becomes hot to the touch;
  • the dog begins to shake its head and wave it from side to side;
  • the dog constantly scratches the ear, causing even more harm;
  • the animal becomes irritable and restless, and sometimes aggressive.

It is necessary to treat a hematoma, since over time the pain from it increases and there is a risk of complications. It is better to entrust the treatment to a veterinarian - he will open the hematoma, remove dead tissue and blood clots, rinse the ear and tell you what to do next. If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, you need to apply cold to the hematoma, and then treat the ear with special ointments.


This is practically the same disease as a hematoma: the symptoms and causes of these diseases are similar. The only difference is in the treatment. Cold during lymphatic extravasation is contraindicated, and all treatment should be carried out exclusively by a veterinarian - it is necessary to pump out the lymph from the ear with a syringe, which requires certain skills. In addition, in special cases, surgery may be necessary.

It is imperative to treat a hematoma, since the pain from it increases over time and there is a risk of complications. It is better to entrust the treatment to a veterinarian - he will open the hematoma, remove dead tissue and blood clots, wash the ear and tell you what to do next. If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, you need to apply cold to the hematoma, and then treat the ear with special ointments.

Necrosis of the auricle

Necrosis is the death of ear cartilage. It occurs either if you squeeze the ear for a long time and strongly, or if there is a purulent tissue. Necrosis looks like ulcers large size, and the ear cartilage begins to turn black and rot, causing deformation of the ear. Necrosis can only be cured through surgery: you will need to amputate the affected part or even the entire ear.

If signs of otitis are detected, you should immediately contact a veterinarian - in this case, only surgical intervention will help.

Necrosis is the death of ear cartilage. It occurs either if you squeeze the ear for a long time and strongly, or if there is purulent tissue nearby. Necrosis looks like large ulcers, and the ear cartilage begins to turn black and rot, causing deformation of the ear. Necrosis can only be cured through surgery: you will need to amputate the affected part or even the entire ear.

Foreign bodies in the ear

Grains of sand and grass can periodically get into the dog's ear, insect larvae, lice can get stuck, thereby provoking inflammation. And although it's not that much serious illness In order to see a doctor about it, you still need to rinse your pet’s ear with hydrogen peroxide, and to relieve pain, drop a few drops of camphor oil into the ear.

Causes of ear diseases in dogs

There may be several reasons for the occurrence and development of ear pathologies in dogs. These include:

If you notice something wrong with your dog's hearing, it is better to call the veterinarian immediately rather than wait until it goes away. The ears are a very sensitive and fragile part of the body, so ear pathologies must be treated immediately.

Typically, ear diseases in dogs - depending on the diagnosis - are treated with antibiotics, antihistamines and decongestants. Aurikane, Aurizon and Oridermil are the most common remedies for the treatment of ear diseases in dogs.

Prevention of ear diseases in dogs

In order not to encounter such a problem as ear diseases your dog, you need to take every possible preventive measures. These include:

Update: July 2018

Advice for new dog owners is to calm down. In most cases, when a dog scratches its ears and shakes its head, this is not a sign of a dangerous disease. First of all, pay attention to the nature of the symptoms. Each of the signs of the disease (pain, discharge and ear) may have characteristics that indicate the causes of the problem.

Types of symptoms

  • The pain is constant and itchy; in this case, the dog scratches its ear.
  • Another view - sharp pain, the pet moves its head reluctantly, can walk with it tilted to the side, does not let the affected ear be handled, and snarls.
  • Sometimes the pain is unclear, uncomfortable, the dog gives ear, does not whine, but at the same time walks with his head bowed.
  • If there is discharge from the ear, then pay attention to its character. How long has the symptom been present and how quickly did it develop?
  • The exudate is thick with a yellowish or greenish tint, putrefactive and with an unpleasant odor. Or, conversely, the discharge is watery, colorless and odorless.

Your dog may have other symptoms that may not be immediately apparent. At elevated temperature The dog eats reluctantly, stays warm, and its nose is hot and dry. If a dog's ear is swollen, this can be detected by comparing both ears, one being slightly larger than the other. Also feel it, the swollen ear is abnormally soft and thick.

Symptoms and diseases

Symptoms Brief description of the disease What to do
  • The dog has lost hearing or has difficulty hearing and is shaking its head
  • No itchy ears, no signs of pain, no suspicious discharge
  • Wax plug in ear
  • The plug clogs the ear canal, causing hearing loss
  • Dog shakes its head trying to clear its ear
  • This is not a disease, so there are no other symptoms
Do not clean your ear yourself; you may damage your eardrum or injure your ear canal.
  • The puppy does not hear or respond to commands from the moment of purchase
  • The head does not shake, the ears do not itch or hurt, there is no discharge

There are many genetic pathologies

For example it could be complete absence hearing aid or simply an excessively narrow ear canal

  • The dog is already old, and in addition to deafness, other disorders are observed (slow reaction, poor vision).
  • ABOUT poor eyesight says the pet’s inability to recognize its owner at a great distance (50 meters).
  • You can easily guess about lethargy when playing with your pet.
  • If the symptoms are not permanent and recur periodically, then perhaps they are signs of ischemic attacks, and this is fraught with a stroke.
  • If symptoms appear constantly, this indicates increasing sclerosis of the brain - a consequence of narrowing of blood vessels
It is better to show your pet to a doctor.
  • The dog often shakes its head, scratches its ears, and may whine.
  • Upon examination, a granular black discharge is visible inside the ear. You can find dark warts with a bluish tint
  • The pain reaction to touch is weak or not detected at all.
  • The problem is ear mites
  • A blood-sucking insect completely or partially bites into the skin.
  • Dark warts are nothing more than the blood-swollen abdomen of a tick

Removing them is quite simple; you can drop ear mite remedy into your ear yourself.

But then, you still need to see a doctor.

  • The dog has an earache and is shaking its head. Does not allow you to touch your ear or whines when you probe it.
  • The discharge from the ear may turn red or yellow and have a foul odor.
  • When examining the inner surface of the ear, if signs of inflammation are detected (redness, thickening).
  • Otitis media is an inflammation of the outer ear (pinna or ear canal).
  • A characteristic sign is that the problem is often observed in only one ear

The problem is serious, although not dangerous

Otitis media can be caused by fungi and bacteria. Depending on the pathogen, the drug is prescribed. It should be prescribed to you by a doctor.

Anti-inflammatory local or systemic agents are also usually prescribed.

  • The dog shakes its head, does not scratch it with its paws, but at the same time rubs its head on the floor.
  • Upon examination, no discharge is visible and no signs of pain are detected.
  • Foreign body (grain, blade of grass) in the ear
  • If water gets into the ear, the same symptoms are observed, but they quickly disappear when the water evaporates
Take your pet to the doctor, the veterinarian will take out the item and, if necessary, tell you how to treat the dog’s ears.
  • Loss of balance and hearing, vomiting, head tilted
  • The dog does not shake its head, but rather tilts it to the side.
  • Loss of balance is visible when the pet tries to walk.
  • There is vomiting or nausea (retching) without visible reasons(they were not fed anything or were fed the same food).
All this points to inflammatory processes in the inner or middle ear. This disease can be caused by microorganisms or be a consequence of injury to the inner ear.

Despite the eerie signs, the disease can be treated, but it may take one to a month and a half before complete rehabilitation.

Treatment depends on the causes of inflammation (trauma, mites, advanced otitis media)

Antiemetic and anti-inflammatory drugs must be prescribed systemic drugs

  • The ear is swollen and drooping and hurts.
  • When examining the skin in the area of ​​the ear and auricles, swelling with a bluish tint is detected.
  • With a drooping ear, you can feel a specific “bend” as if it were broken.

The usual cause for these symptoms is ear injury. As a result, a hematoma is formed, which the owner will not immediately see under the fur.

Drooping indicates damage to the ear cartilage - the “skeleton” of the ear.

It is possible to cure a hematoma, but broken cartilage cannot always be restored. The sooner you take your pet to the doctor, the greater the chance of recovery.
  • Scabs on the ear and redness of the skin under the hair.
  • At the same time, the dog shakes its head and its ears hurt.
  • A characteristic sign is that scabs are observed only on the white part of the ear that is not protected by fur.
Such symptoms occur with sunburn. You can treat your pet on your own, just apply sunscreen and anti-inflammatory agents to the ear, and try to avoid the sun. If this does not help, then consult a doctor.
  • The dog's ears become inflamed, and abundant dark brown discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • The ears hurt, the dog shakes its head and tries to scratch its ears.
  • Sometimes there is copious discharge from the eyes or the dog’s chest and armpits “sweat” (get wet)
  • A characteristic sign is that inflammation occurs unexpectedly and also disappears for no reason.
  • Allergy
  • In general, the disease is very similar to otitis media. In fact, it is often complicated by it, as a result the dog has both diseases
First of all, you need to take anti-allergenic medications, and also identify the cause of the allergy.

How to give your dog pills

To treat ear problems, ointments and, less commonly, systemic medications in the form of tablets are used. Most drugs can be given with food, as they are tasteless or have good taste. Some remedies will have to be given to the puppy by force:

  • To do this, lift the dog’s head up and open its mouth, place the tablet on the root of the tongue and close the jaws, while continuing to keep the head in a raised position.
  • The task is to wait for the swallowing movements, then open your mouth and make sure that the tablet is swallowed.

Treatment of hematoma

When a dog’s ear hurts from an injury, the doctor must decide what to do with it. In addition, it is necessary to differentiate the injury from an insect bite, which an amateur owner is unlikely to be able to do.

  • For a hematoma, the doctor initially applies pressure bandage. This is done to stop bleeding, usually 4-5 days are enough.
  • After which the area of ​​the hematoma is opened, and clots of dried blood and dead tissue are removed.
  • In case of extensive damage, stitches are applied, and the ear is wrapped and secured with a bandage on the head. After 10 days, the tissues heal and the sutures are removed.

Diagnosis and treatment of ear mites

Important difference ear mites from otitis is that the first one causes both ears to itch and become inflamed.

  • With otitis media, the disease usually affects only one ear, but exceptions are possible.
  • On the inside or outer surface ear, dark brown or black discharge is visible, usually in the form of grains or crusts.
  • As a rule, they have a thick consistency, like an ointment; with otitis media in a dog, a more liquid exudate flows from the ear.

All these differences are important, but decisive role may not work, since ear mite damage is often complicated by otitis externa. It is possible to distinguish the first from the second only by examining a scraping from the ear in the laboratory under a microscope. When a diagnosis is made, acaricidal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. It is also necessary to clean your ear first.

How to clean your ear

Clean the ears with a solution of furatsilin. To do this, dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of hot, but not scalding water. A swab or cotton wool is moistened in water and the ear is cleaned with it. inside. Dried crusts or exudate in hard-to-reach places are cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in a furatsilin solution.

Important! Do not put a cotton swab deep into the ear canal; it is harmful and dangerous.

Acaricides are prescribed by a doctor in the form of ointments, aerosols, and drops. The most common means:

  • Bars, Surolan, Epi-otik, Stronghold, Otoferonol, Oricin, Otodin.
  • “Bars” is the most popular because its price is about 200 rubles, the cost of other drugs varies between 800-1200 rubles.

Since adults and larvae are very different, and the drugs act only on mature ticks, it is necessary to treat the dog’s ears 2 times with an interval of 7-10 days. Your doctor will tell you the exact period; it depends on the type of tick and the medication prescribed:

Diagnosis and treatment of otitis

It can be distinguished due to the fact that pus with an unpleasant odor flows from the dog’s ears. The cause of inflammation is natural skin bacteria, which become a source of problems only when the pet’s immunity decreases. Usually, an examination is enough to make a diagnosis; less often, a scraping is taken from the inner surface of the ear to exclude mites.

Acute otitis media is not dangerous disease, quickly resolves with the prescription of antibiotics and symptomatic therapy, complete with local treatment. For local application Prescribe medications for inflammation, pain, itching. Dried exudate is removed with hydrogen peroxide, and the ulcers are treated with antiseptics.

  • Crusts and pus are removed with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  • Then moisten the surface of the ear with Chlorhexidine. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.
  • Also, twice a day, lubricate the inner surface of the ear with Bepanten and instill 4-5 drops of Sofradex. The cost of each drug (except for hydrogen peroxide) is 200-300 rubles.
  • To eliminate inflammation and facilitate skin cleansing, systemic preparations Serrata and Liarsin are used - both 1 tablet 2 times a day.

The main sign of inflammation of the inner and middle ear is dizziness and complete or partial deafness. To make a diagnosis, the eardrum. With inflammation of the middle ear, it will bulge. The base of the ear is felt, the movements of the pupils are observed, and x-rays or other studies may be prescribed.

Despite the serious and scary symptoms, the disease is not dangerous and the animal will definitely recover. Antibiotics, antihistamines, antiemetics, and sedatives are prescribed. Usually the disease goes away in one to one and a half months.

  • Antibiotic drugs are prescribed penicillin series: oxacillin or amoxicillin. Both are often used in tablet form - 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • Alfaserk reduces dizziness, small tablets are given 1-2 times a day.
  • There are a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, you can use Dicloran - 0.5 tablets 2 times a day.
  • Antiemetics are given before each meal - Bonin 12-25 mg 2 times a day.

Treatment of sunburn

If you do not let your pet out into the sun and walk with him in the shade, then after a couple of days the inflammation will disappear on its own. To prevent complications ( skin infections) and to alleviate the animal’s condition, you can provide first aid and carry out simple treatment. Remember that if the pet’s temperature rises and the pet’s condition worsens, it should be immediately shown to a doctor.

  • First, you can spray the animal warm water from the sprayer.
  • Or make a compress from a cloth soaked in water at room temperature. Please note that the water must be warm, it is forbidden to use cold water.
  • Let's give it to the dog drinking plenty of fluids, the skin should not be washed with soap.
  • Protect your pet from the sun, especially between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • For the skin, use Panthenol spray, it needs to be applied to the skin 2-4 times a day, it is inexpensive - 200-300 rubles.
  • To help your skin heal faster and prevent scarring, you can use vitamin E capsules. You can buy it for several thousand or a couple of hundred rubles, we recommend looking for it in pharmacies, the price is lower and there are more guarantees.
  • To do this, pour the oil from the capsule and lubricate the affected area of ​​the skin with it.

Allergy treatment

Find out the cause of the allergy. If you recently fed your pet food that was new to him, then the reason is clear, otherwise you need to find out what caused the reaction.

  • To eliminate skin reaction dogs are given Tavegil or Suprastin. Your doctor should prescribe the dose for you, but you can estimate it yourself - 0.5 tablets per 10 kg of animal weight, or half a tablet for small pet, a kiss - for a medium-sized dog and 1.5-2 for a large shepherd dog.
  • To do this, you first need to put your dog on a diet. You can start giving it to your pet natural food(porridge, meat) or buy special non-allergenic food. For example, “Hill’s”, “Canine Allergen-Free”, “Feline”, but keep in mind that this is quite expensive - 2-3 thousand rubles for a 3 kilogram package.
  • As soon as you have switched the animal to anti-allergenic food and got rid of the signs of allergy, start introducing other foods into the diet. Start with natural foods and gradually move on to canned foods.
  • To make the “detection” method safer, do not give your pet a full portion of new foods; mix the “sampler” with a non-allergenic special food.
  • To remove allergens on the first day, you can give your pet Enterosgel in the form of a paste. A 200 gram tube costs about 250-300 rubles, 50 grams is enough for one dose. No special feeding techniques are needed; animals like the paste and they eat it willingly.