Endometrial polyp: removal, causes, treatment, symptoms. Microclysters with herbal tinctures. How to determine pathology using ultrasound

Polyps mean neoplasms that are benign in origin. Formed on the walls and in the uterine cavity, they are a consequence of the growth of the endometrium. Usually they are mounted on a special leg. Polyps in the uterus are very variable, ranging from miniature (1-2 mm) to large (3-4 cm). They are very diverse, occurring both multiple and single. The danger is that they are capable of quite intensive growth. Sometimes they go far beyond even the vagina. Absolutely all women are susceptible to the formation of polyps: from adolescence to postmenopausal age.

Is a polyp in the uterus dangerous?

It is dangerous in itself, and the complications it can cause are also dangerous. Often lead to infertility, hormonal imbalances and shifts. Hormone secretion functions may be significantly impaired. The greatest danger is that the polyp can develop into a malignant tumor and cause cervical cancer.

Less dangerous complications consider the inability to conceive, the development of uterine bleeding. This is due to the fact that if left untreated and not removed in a timely manner, it will develop its own blood vessels, which will lead to it gradually developing into a cancerous tumor. An increased risk of bleeding leads to the development of anemia, anemia, and impaired normal functioning, shift in leukocyte formula. Constantly increasing. Large ones contribute to the appearance of increased bleeding, which is unable to stop on its own and requires surgical intervention.

In addition, the polyp is often subject to inflammation, and an active infectious process develops that spreads to the entire reproductive system. Foci of a chronic inflammatory process form, since the polyp is unable to independently resist infection.

ICD-10 code

N84.0 Polyp of the uterine body

N84.1 Cervical polyp

Causes of polyps in the uterus

The reasons why the uterus undergoes the formation of polyps remain completely unexplored. Most researchers believe that polyps are formed due to the fact that hormonal levels and nervous regulation are disrupted in the body. Numerous studies have found that growths have increased sensitivity to hormonal substances, especially estrogen. An increase in the content and activity of estrogen promotes increased growth of the tumor. A pattern has been established: the level of estrogen determines the rate of polyp growth. The higher it is, the large sizes the neoplasm will reach.

Risk factors

The risk group includes women who are most susceptible to various endocrine disorders and who have a genetic predisposition to dysfunction of various glands. The risk of developing polyps increases in women with a history of structural and functional disorders endocrine glands, which are in a state of genetic restructuring of the organism. The risk of developing polyps also increases significantly in those women who are subject to stress and neuropsychic stress, who work in a busy schedule, and do not follow a daily routine, rest, or work.

Women with various metabolic disorders also require careful attention: obesity, dystrophy, diabetes mellitus. The risk increases when taking a drug such as tamoxifen, which acts against breast cancer. But as side effect a polyp may develop in the uterus. Women with high blood pressure and reduced immune status should also be careful about their health.


The pathogenesis is based on hormonal imbalance, which results in structural and functional disturbances in the endothelium - the inner layer of the uterus. The mucous membrane is affected, resulting in hormonal disorders it becomes denser. This leads to the formation of areas increased density, in the place of which polyps are subsequently formed - neoplasms formed from a thickened and overgrown mucous membrane. They tend to continue to grow and can spread throughout the uterus and multiply. Over time, they establish an independent system of blood supply and nutrition, and form their own genetic apparatus. This is what, according to most researchers, is the most dangerous when polyps appear. Establishing independence entails transformation into one of the forms of cancer, uncontrolled growth and reproduction.

Symptoms of polyps in the uterus

They often develop asymptomatically, without bothering the person at all. They appear when they have already reached a certain level of development and independence: at more late stage in the form of menstrual irregularities. The regularity changes significantly. There may be bleeding. Also, the occurrence of sudden bleeding during menopause, prolonged infertility, may indicate the development of polyps in the uterus.

The first signs, which, although indirectly, may indicate the development of polyps, are irregular menstruation, which is accompanied by bleeding. There is an increase in tissue, a gradual opening of the uterus. She tries to push the structure out. Intensive necrosis develops in it, blood circulation is disrupted. It manifests itself as painful and cramping sensations that may resemble mild contractions.

Indirectly, the formation of polyps is indicated by prolonged infertility or absence of menstruation in the absence of pregnancy. You should always remember that most polyps develop completely asymptomatically. They are often discovered during an examination. Therefore, the slightest sign that indicates possible pathology or a violation should be a reason to contact a specialist.

If there are polyps in the uterus, you can be sexually active, since they do not in any way affect sexual intercourse. After removal, you should abstain from sexual activity for at least a month.

Can a uterine polyp hurt?

In most cases, it develops asymptomatically and painlessly. But it can get sick when it has reached a sufficiently large size; it divides and forms multiple polyps. Pain may indicate the beginning of transformation processes in which the polyp begins to turn into cancer if the uterus tries to remove it. It opens up and pushes out with contractions. This is accompanied by pain, since its innervation and blood circulation are disrupted. Twisting and squeezing of the leg also causes painful sensations. This condition can be life-threatening and requires urgent surgical intervention.

Polyp in the uterus and pregnancy

If the size is small, the woman is able to conceive. But quite often such a pregnancy occurs with complications. The main complication is placental abruption, which occurs as a result of the development of a polyp. This entails the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Another danger lies in the fact that during pregnancy and childbirth, damage to the polyp is possible. Damage always increases the risk of transformation into cancer.

But not everyone has such dire consequences. There are many cases where, during pregnancy, polyps completely resolved on their own or under the influence of special therapy. Therefore, only one conclusion can be drawn: each case is individual, and one can predict how the pregnancy will proceed and how the polyp will behave in each specific situation, only the attending physician can, based on the results of tests and instrumental studies. For her part, a woman should be even more attentive to her health, and if the slightest concerns or changes appear, consult a doctor.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a polyp in the uterus?

Conception is possible. Especially when the polyp is small. But you need to understand that a polyp can become one of the causes of a complicated pregnancy, and many additional risks arise.

A slightly different picture will be observed if the polyp is large in size and blocks the entrance to the uterus. This significantly reduces the likelihood of a fertilized egg entering the uterus, complicates the possibility of its implantation, and increases the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

Polyps in the uterus after childbirth

If there was a small polyp before pregnancy, it may resolve during pregnancy or after childbirth. This is due to a decrease in estrogen levels in the blood. It is during this period that the level of estrogen decreases sharply, and a polyp, as is known, develops only with a high level of estrogen. A polyp can form after childbirth only after 2-3 months. Polyps often appear after a complicated pregnancy, caesarean section, against the background of a general imbalance of hormones in the body.


There are many types of polyps. They can be single or multiple. According to the type of tissue and the nature of the lesion, glandular, fibrous, glandular-fibrous, adenomatous and placental are distinguished.

The endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus, its walls, cavity and mucous membrane. When polyps form, excessive compaction occurs, as a result of which the compacted area gradually separates. Separate blood vessels are formed, and the polyp acquires its own innervation. This promotes its further growth. The danger of this type of polyps is that they can greatly increase in size. The membrane can swell so much that it gradually extends beyond the uterus and even fills the vagina.

Moreover, the polyp in the endometrium is capable of dividing rapidly and forming multiple polyps that cover the entire uterine cavity. Such polyps only require curettage. Endometrial polyps are the most dangerous because they have the highest risk of developing into a malignant tumor. They acquire independent system innervation and blood circulation become relatively autonomous. They gradually degenerate into malignant neoplasms, gaining the ability to divide uncontrollably.

Glandular polyp of the uterus

Formed during adolescence and adolescence. They are based on glandular cells. They are a cyst that is filled with fluid. It is a consequence of endometrial hyperplasia. These types of polyps are considered the most dangerous because they have the highest risk of degenerating into a malignant tumor. In most cases, they are the cause of bleeding, pose a threat during pregnancy and often cause infertility. They grow very quickly and require surgical intervention.

Fibrous polyp in the uterus

Connective tissue underlies the formation of fibrous polyps. Characterized sufficiently high density. They appear mainly before menopause and menopause, during the period of hormonal changes.

Glandular fibrous polyp of the uterus

It is formed individual elements endocrine glands, as well as connective tissue.

Adenomatous polyp of the uterus

Such growths are called adenomas. It contains altered cells that are often precursors to cancer. Such polyps quickly degenerate into cancerous tumors.

Polyp on the wall of the uterus

This type of polyp is a neoplasm that arises on the wall of the uterus from the mucous membrane. It is subject to active growth, since the mucous membrane is extensive, rich in blood vessels and nerves. There is a risk of cancer. May affect fertility. This largely depends on its location. If the polyp is located in the area where implantation of the fertilized egg and further development of the placenta should occur, fertilization is impossible. In this case, as the polyp develops and penetrates the mucous membrane, infertility may develop.

Polyp in the uterine cavity

In the uterine cavity, a polyp may or may not cause any harm. It all depends on the degree of its development and localization. If the polyp is large enough, it needs to be removed. If it is small in size, it is not necessary to remove it. The main thing is that it is not located in the cervix area. A polyp located in the cavity can resolve on its own during pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. The amount of estrogen decreases and the amount of progesterone increases.

A polyp in the uterine cavity during pregnancy must be monitored at all times, as it can become twisted or damaged, which can have serious consequences. Bleeding may occur and the risk of malignant cell degeneration increases.

Endometrial polyp on the fundus of the uterus

A polyp located on the bottom of the uterus is considered the safest, since it is practically not subject to external influences or mechanical damage. The danger is that it can grow to large sizes, in which case surgery will be required. If the polyp is small, it can resolve on its own with conservative therapy.

Cervical polyps

Cervical polyps are the leading cause of infertility and cervical cancer. Located in the cervical area, the polyp blocks the fertilized egg from entering the uterus. As a result, its implantation into the mucosa and further development become impossible. The egg dies or an ectopic pregnancy develops, which is a life-threatening condition for the woman.

There is also a high risk of developing a malignant tumor, since with this arrangement the polyp is mobile and well supplied with blood and nutrients. Gradually, it acquires its own blood vessels and transforms into a cancerous tumor. Also in this place the polyp is constantly exposed mechanical damage, movements, which also increases the risk of malignant degeneration.

There is a risk of bleeding, since in such a place the uterus has high reflex sensitivity and contractile activity. She perceives the polyp as a foreign body and begins to push it out into the vagina. This can lead to serious injury to the polyp, damage blood vessels.

Cervical canal polyp

If a polyp appears in the cervical canal, it must be removed as quickly as possible. Firstly, it will grow and block the lumen of the canal. Secondly, the likelihood of fertilization as the polyp grows is minimized. The larger the polyp, the less chance of getting pregnant, since the egg cannot penetrate the uterine cavity. Even if you succeed in getting pregnant, the risk of complications increases sharply during childbirth. Pregnancy itself can also have complications. This is due to the fact that the polyp is injured all the time. During childbirth, it can be damaged, and even come off completely, since it is located directly in the birth canal. This is dangerous due to bleeding, infectious and inflammatory processes.

Polyp of the uterine body

Develops directly in the body of the uterus. Formed as a result of the proliferation of the endometrium. Typically, such a polyp is supported by a thin stalk, its size varies from a few millimeters to several centimeters. May cause heavy bleeding. They often cause infertility and cancer.

Diagnosis of polyps in the uterus

It is important to undergo timely diagnosis. You should always remember that pathology develops asymptomatically, without showing itself in any way. This is their danger. They can show themselves only when it is too late. They often only appear when bleeding occurs, anemia occurs, or a malignant tumor develops. This speaks to the importance timely diagnosis and preventive examinations. Most polyps are discovered during a routine examination.

A gynecological examination, laboratory and instrumental methods research. During the examination, the doctor receives the necessary information about the structure and condition of the mucous membranes and the morphology of the organs. Visually one can assess and suspect the presence of inflammatory and infectious process, tumors. This is the basis for further prescribing the necessary tests, making a differential diagnosis, and establishing the clinical picture.

An important role is played by ultrasound examination, in which the doctor assesses the condition of the mucous membrane and the degree of its development. You may notice hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane, and a change in thickness. Changed areas of echogenicity visible on ultrasound may indicate the presence of a malignant or benign tumor. You can also find bulges and areas of thickened mucosa, which can subsequently transform into tumors. This makes it possible to identify tumors and the prerequisites for their formation at an early stage, and promptly take the necessary preventive and preventive measures.

Instrumental diagnostics

The main and most informative method for identifying polyps in the uterus is hysteroscopy. This is a method during which a hysteroscope is introduced into the body - a thin and fairly flexible device, at the end of which there is a video camera. Using this method, you can examine the walls of the uterus from the inside, the condition of the mucous membrane and detect a polyp if it is present. Measurements can also be taken, during which the doctor receives information about the size, volume and location of the polyp. You can also count the number of polyps: single or multiple.

The big advantage of the method is that a biopsy can be taken during the procedure. During this study, the doctor cuts off a small piece of the mucosa for further histological examination. This is important when areas of increased density or neoplasms of unknown origin are detected. Histological analysis will show whether the tumor is benign or malignant.

Quite often they resort to metrography. This method is a type of x-ray examination that uses a contrast agent that is injected into the uterus. The image is then rendered. Using this method, it is easy to detect bulges, structural changes, as well as intracavitary changes in the uterus.

To obtain diagnostic information, diagnostic curettage may be used, during which accumulated material is removed from the uterus. It is then subjected to study. Additionally, a hysteroscope is used, which makes it possible to study the condition of the uterus from the inside. Sometimes there are cases when the hysteroscope is not used. In this case, the method is called blind curettage.

Biopsy of uterine polyps

The essence of a biopsy is that during the examination, biological material is collected using special instruments and methods. The material is then subjected to further histological analysis, which makes it possible to differentiate the tumor and make a final diagnosis. This method determines whether the tumor is benign or malignant.

Histology of uterine polyp

Histological examination is the examination of a tissue sample obtained through biopsy of various biological methods. To perform a biopsy, a piece of the sample is taken and subjected to preliminary microscopy. To do this, the preparation is stained using a convenient method that best suits the requirements and conditions of the laboratory and the type of microscopy used. During such a study, changes in the cell can be detected that indicate various pathologies, such as cancer, inflammation, and edema.

Having received such preliminary information, the laboratory assistant develops further research tactics. The sample is inoculated on a special selective medium intended for the growth of tissue cultures. The crops are incubated in a thermostat at human body temperature. Whether the tumor is malignant or benign is determined by whether tissue growth appears on the nutrient medium. A malignant, cancerous tumor grows intensively on the medium, while a benign one does not grow.

Then, based on the nature, direction and rate of growth, the type of tumor and its characteristics are determined. It is possible to use the information obtained to further predict the rate of tumor development, select optimal method treatment, evaluate effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

Differential diagnosis

At the core differential diagnosis lies the exact distinction between diagnoses. It is necessary to identify the signs of the disease that a person has and distinguish them from diseases that have similar features. For example, it is necessary to differentiate a regular polyp from an atypical one, which can later transform into a malignant tumor. A biopsy will help figure this out.

It is also important to differentiate a polyp from malignant changes in the endometrium, or from malignant neoplasms, such as sarcoma, carcinoma. Any type of cancer can only be excluded with a biopsy and further histological examination. This is the most precise methods, which are very informative.

It is important to differentiate a single polyp from multiple and growing ones, since they can cause infertility and severe bleeding. Hysteroscopy is used for this.

Treatment of polyps in the uterus

Treatment tactics depend on the results of tests, histological and instrumental studies and are determined by the attending physician and other highly qualified specialists. Self-medication often ends in death.

Treatment of uterine polyp without surgery

Conservative treatment without surgery is possible, but it is not advisable. Treatment with medication is possible only when a single small polyp is detected. It can significantly decrease or disappear completely under the influence of special medications. If the patient is young, or very young, it is worth trying drug therapy first. This is due to the high level of regeneration and recovery capabilities of the body. The young girl’s immunity is quite high and powerful and has all the necessary potential to overcome the disease on her own. Used special drugs, which help increase the body's immunity and resistance. There is also special therapy aimed at suppressing the activity of the polyp, preventing its growth and reproduction. If there is a risk of developing a malignant tumor, special medications are used to prevent the development of cancerous tumors.

Treatment includes hormone therapy. Since the main trigger for the development of a polyp is a high level of estrogen and an imbalance of other hormones, medications are taken that normalize the general hormonal balance and reduce estrogen levels. At the same time, the level of progesterone increases, due to which the polyp shrinks, atrophies and is excreted during menstruation.

If there are polyps, women under 35 years of age need to take estrogen-progestin contraceptives, which restore hormonal levels. The doctor selects the treatment regimen. Women over 35 years old need to take drugs of the gestagen group, for example, duphaston, utrozhestan. Women over 35 years of age should take hormone-releasing hormones, which prevent the unwanted effects of luteinizing hormones and estrogens.

In case of inflammation and a source of infection, additionally take antibacterial drugs. Antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed after preliminary bacteriological research with determination of sensitivity to the isolated pathogen. This method makes it possible not only to isolate the main causative agent of the disease, but also to select the antibiotic to which it will show maximum sensitivity. The optimal dosage of this drug is also selected. In addition they use traditional methods, but they can only be used as part of complex therapy and after prior consultation with a doctor.

If you managed to completely get rid of the polyp, you need to long-term follow-up and regular examination by a gynecologist, since polyps have the ability to self-heal and relapses of the disease may occur after some time.


Medicines should be taken with caution and precautions. The main measure is a preliminary consultation with a doctor and preliminary laboratory and instrumental control. Almost all drugs are selected in accordance with test results, and after preliminary testing for effectiveness and compatibility. In some cases, even dosage selection is carried out in the laboratory. This is due to the fact that the drug must be selected as accurately as possible and have an idea of ​​how the polyp may react to it. Any slightest wrong action can lead to the degeneration of a cell from normal to cancerous, which will start the oncological process. In addition, incorrect selection of the drug, its dosage or method of administration can lead to severe bleeding and infertility.

If the development of a polyp is accompanied by pain (this most often happens if it has reached a large size, as well as when the leg is twisted), you need to take painkillers, for example no-shpa. Take 50 mg 2-3 times a day.

Sometimes polyps can be accompanied by redness of the mucous membrane, swelling, pain and itching in the perineal area. After removal of polyps, there may also be postoperative swelling. In this case, it is recommended to take Suprastin (150 mg 1-2 times a day).

If suprastin does not have any effect within 2 days, it is advisable to take a stronger drug - loratodine. Take 1 tablet per day, as it is a long-acting drug. Effectiveness lasts for 24 hours.

Often, against the background of changes in hormonal conditions, severe headaches and migraines develop. It is recommended to use pirocetam, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.


With polyps, the body needs vitamins. You need to take vitamins both during treatment and during the recovery period after their removal. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily dosages:

  • Vitamin PP – 60 mg
  • Vitamin H – 150 mcg
  • Vitamin C – 500 mg
  • Vitamin D – 45 mg
  • Vitamin K – 360 mcg.

About the treatment of polyps in the uterus folk remedies read this article.

Hormones for uterine polyps

The main reason for their occurrence is hormonal imbalance. They develop when estrogen levels rise sharply. Often prescribed hormonal agents aimed at correcting the balance of hormones.

Predominantly progesterone preparations are prescribed. Progesterone and oxyprogesterone have proven themselves well. They are taken 1-2 times during the menstrual cycle, 125-250 mg according to a specially selected regimen. The attending physician selects a treatment regimen for each patient individually. There are no general recommendations or schemes, since everything depends on the results of research.

Antiestrogenic complexes such as clomiphene are prescribed. Take 50 mg per day for 5 days. At the same time, during treatment you need to periodically undergo ultrasound, which will allow you to monitor the likelihood of side effects.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

For polyps, physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out. Various methods are used, but in the best possible way Magnetic therapy has proven itself, ultrasound therapy and electrophoresis. Magnetic therapy is used to resolve inflammatory processes, eliminate scars and postoperative sutures. Ultrasound is able to penetrate deeply into tissues and have an effect on them. It has a warming effect, resolves seals, restores damaged tissue, vessels, prevents further development of polyps, their formation from remaining tissues.

Electrophoresis is based on the effect of microcurrents on tissue. A bandage soaked in the drug is applied to the mucous membranes or skin. The current affects the body, as a result of which the effect of the drug is enhanced and its penetration deep into the tissues is ensured. Thanks to this, the drug penetrates deep into the tissue and has the necessary effect there. This significantly reduces the need for medications and their dosage. Accordingly, the likelihood of complications and side effects is reduced.

Surgical treatment

The basis of surgical treatment is the removal of polyps. This operation is also called polypectomy. The operation to remove a uterine polyp is quite simple. It can be performed using a conservative method, in which open abdominal surgery is performed. But today it is possible to carry it out laparoscopically - through a special access using a laparoscope. Recovery from this method is slow, it is bloodless, and the risk of complications is minimized.

Methods for removing polyps in the uterus

There are three main methods by which they are removed: traditional, hysteroscopic, laparoscopic. Using the traditional method, a regular abdominal operation is performed, in which the polyp is removed. Almost no one uses this method anymore; it has long been outdated. It is dangerous due to numerous complications, recovery takes a long time, and the risk of bleeding increases. The operation is also quite complicated and takes a very long time. The main difficulty is that you need to sequentially cut all the overlying layers, right up to the uterus itself, carry out the necessary manipulations to remove the polyp, and suture all the layers.

Hysteroscopy is often used. Until recently this was the main method. It is considered low-traumatic, is performed under light anesthesia, and requires little time. During this time, they manage to carry out all the necessary manipulations and remove the polyp. If this method is used, recovery occurs quite quickly, and the patient can be discharged within 24 hours. The operation is performed by dilating the cervix with special instruments. If multiple polyps are detected, curettage is performed under the control of a hysteroscope.

Most modern method is laparoscopic removal, which is performed using a special instrument - a laparoscope using a small laparoscopic approach, which is made in the form of small incisions on the abdominal side (lower abdomen). The method is low-traumatic. Recovery occurs very quickly, there are practically no scars left. Postoperative pain also practically does not bother the patient. During the operation, an incision with a diameter of only 0.5-1.5 cm is made. If multiple polyps are detected or if there is a high probability of developing uterine cancer, the uterus is removed.

Removal of a polyp in the uterus

Most doctors, whenever possible, try to resort to the laparoscopic method, since it has a number of advantages over other methods. The main advantage is that the operation is not performed through a conventional abdominal incision, but through a laparoscopic approach. With this method, small incisions are made in the lower abdomen. Through these incisions it is inserted special device– laparoscope. The diameter of the incisions does not exceed 1.5 cm. This means that with this method there are practically no scars left, the sutures heal quickly and recovery also occurs quite quickly. The method allows you to avoid postoperative pain and blood loss. The risk of complications is minimized.

After the incision is made, carbon dioxide is pumped into the uterine cavity. This makes it possible to expand the walls of the abdominal cavity, which eliminates the risk of damage to neighboring organs, making it convenient for the surgeon to perform the necessary manipulations. The laparoscope is inserted into the cavity. At the end it contains a small camera that renders the image onto the screen.

The doctor examines the polyps in the uterus in detail and determines the tactics for further operation. Using a laparoscope and other special equipment, the doctor excises the polyp and removes it. After this, the cavity is inspected again and the equipment is removed. Stitches are applied. Within a few hours the woman was transferred from surgical department to the gynecological ward. The woman remains under observation for 5-7 days. After about 2 weeks it comes full recovery performance. The method is effective when the risk of developing a malignant tumor is high, since the likelihood of metastases and tumors is virtually eliminated.


Since the main cause of the development of polyps is disruption of the ovaries and excess estrogen, prevention comes down to preventing the development of ovarian dysfunction, as well as prevention endocrine disorders. To do this, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist, and undergo regular examinations.

It is important to eat healthy, homemade food. Avoid fast foods and genetically modified products. It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene and hygiene of the genital organs, and not lead a promiscuous sex life. It is also important to promptly treat chronic diseases and maintain normal immunity. This is facilitated by walks on fresh air, sports and physical exercise. Avoid overcooling and sitting on a cold surface.


If polyps in the uterus are diagnosed in a timely manner and the necessary manipulations are carried out to treat or remove them, the prognosis can be favorable. Poor prognosis may be the case if you do not take any measures and do not follow the doctor’s recommendations. The most dangerous are large polyps and those that contain atypical cells in their structure. Such polyps can develop into a malignant tumor.

One of the advantages that nature has awarded the female body is the ability to bear and give birth to offspring. However, reproductive function may be impaired due to the development of certain gynecological diseases. Such a problem as polyps in the uterus, growing in the mucous membrane of the cavity of the reproductive organ, without timely treatment becomes the cause of infertility. Treatment of polyposis is only surgical, so it is important not to miss the symptoms of the development of pathology.

Neoplasms localized on the uterine mucosa are classified as benign tumors. The inner surface of the organ is lined with a mucous membrane called the endometrium; for a number of reasons, round-shaped outgrowths on a stalk are formed in it, resembling a mushroom in appearance. The size of polyps that appear singly or in groups can be insignificant, but at an advanced stage of the pathology, warty formations grow up to 4 cm.

Visually, polyps look like yellowish or burgundy-purple sacs with a thin shell of a porous structure through which the vessels are visible. From the point of view of morphology, formations are classified as follows:

  • Polyps of the glandular structure consist of the same cells as other glands of the human body. Pathology is more often found in young women with endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Dense fibrous formations are based on connective tissue with inclusions of single glands. Polyposis affects women in the premenopausal period, as well as during menopause due to hormonal changes.
  • The structure of glandular-fibrous growths consists of fragments of connective tissue interspersed with glandular cells. Pathology usually develops in middle-aged women (after 35 years).
  • Reason for formation placental polyps particles of the placental membrane may become. The cells that remain in the uterus after childbirth become a medium for tumor growth.
  • Adenomatous type formations are considered the most common type of pathology. The growths consist of atypical cells that can cause the polyp to degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

Regardless of the age at which formations appear in the uterine cavity, they can turn into a malignant tumor at any time.

The danger of intrauterine growths consisting of a central vascular canal, endometrial and stroma cells, in the ability to grow into the uterine cavity. Polyps grow on a stalk, but can have a wide base. Over time, necrosis may progress on the surface of the growth and ulceration may begin, which leads to infection of the epithelium and degeneration of its cells against the background of prolonged bleeding.

If bleeding occurs with menstrual irregularities, periodic pain, or suspicion of infertility, you should urgently consult a gynecologist. After all, the proliferation of uterine polyps (focal endometrial hyperplasia) can at any time turn into a malignant tumor.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Despite the improvement of diagnostic methods and the technological progress of medical science itself, gynecologists do not have a single theory regarding the causes of the formation of polypous growths. Doctors warn about a number of factors that can provoke the appearance of foci of endometrial growth.

  1. Hormonal moment. The fact that the female hormone estrogen increases along with ovarian dysfunction causes a thickening of the lining of the uterus. Polyps form in places of focal hyperplasia, and with a lack of progesterone produced by the ovaries, the growth of polyps is activated.
  2. Inflammatory process. The consequence of genital infections and inflammation is the development of chronic diseases of the female genital area (adnexitis, cervicitis, endometritis). The body reacts by strengthening the immune response - increasing the level of white blood cells as the infection is destroyed, which promotes the growth of endometrial cells.
  3. Vascular cause. When a vessel located in the endometrial layer of the uterus is blocked, increased growth of epithelial cells begins around the problem area, which leads to the appearance of growths.
  4. Mechanical injury. As a result of diagnostic curettage or long-term use the intrauterine device may damage the mucous membrane. After any gynecological manipulations, unsuccessful or frequent abortions, there is a possibility of developing an erosive process, in the foci of which neoplasms appear.
  5. Heredity and lifestyle. Polyps in the uterus can be a hereditary problem, but they are often found in women who tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle. The pelvic organs, including the uterus and ovaries, suffer from blood stagnation and lack of oxygen, which results in hormonal imbalance and the problem of cell renewal.

Often, polyps on the inner lining of the uterus are diagnosed together with fibroids and mastopathy, when glandular endometrial hyperplasia or polycystic ovary disease is detected. The threat of triggering the mechanism of increased cell division increases with diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, when cell changes occur that accompany a decrease in volume nutrients. Doctors call work disturbances as an indirect cause of focal endometrial hyperplasia thyroid gland, liver, and adrenal glands.

In overweight women, not only does the accumulation of adipose tissue occur in the subcutaneous layer and organs, but the synthesis of the hormone estrogen increases, which triggers the growth mechanism of polyposis formation.

Features of symptoms

IN female body Benign nodules can be located in the cervical canal, as well as on the inner lining lining the uterus from the inside (endometrium). Small neoplasms may not manifest themselves in any way; only with increased growth and volume do tumors appear characteristic features. However, regardless of the type and structural features of the polyps, the symptoms of the pathology are the same. After reaching a certain size, growths on the endometrium are signaled by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of menstrual irregularities (abundance of periods, their pain, brown discharge before them);
  • irregularity of the cycle with varying durations, as well as the intensity of menstrual blood loss;
  • appearance uterine bleeding- between periods, during menopause;
  • pain during sexual intercourse with the appearance of bleeding after sex.

With a significant increase in the size of the polyps, the nerve fibers of the uterus are pinched. This leads to contraction of its muscles with the development of the effect of “pushing out” the interfering growth. Stretching of the polyp results in impaired blood circulation, resulting in pain.

The intensity of growth of foci of endometrial hyperplasia leads to an increase in the severity of symptoms of uterine pathology, manifesting itself with characteristic signs:

  • development of an anemic state due to significant blood loss;
  • persistent menstrual irregularities;
  • miscarriage (premature birth);
  • development of infertility or termination of an existing pregnancy.

Should not be taken lightly frequent bleeding against a background of weakness, pallor and dizziness, as well as cramping pain in the lower abdomen. The main danger of polyps is the threat of uterine cancer.

How is the disease diagnosed?

After collecting anamnesis, the gynecologist will need to conduct additional studies. During a vaginal examination, only a polyp located in the cervix can be detected; other studies will be required to detect neoplasms in the uterine cavity:

  • Ultrasound using a vaginal sensor, as the most informative and painless diagnosis;
  • examination using hysteroscopy, the use of a fiber optic endoscope allows you to take material for a biopsy;
  • performing metrography (X-ray) with the connection of a contrast agent is necessary for visualizing polyps and cavity space.

To confirm the diagnosis and obtain histological examination data, diagnostic curettage is prescribed, combining diagnosis with medical procedure. However, complete confidence that the focus of hyperplasia is not a cancerous tumor is provided by removal of the outgrowth followed by histological examination of the material.

Pathology treatment methods

A distinctive feature of single polyps typical structure is their ability to self-resolve. But other types of tumors are subject to surgical removal, as the most reliable method of treatment, protecting against the threat of degeneration of endometrial cells. Moreover, thanks to modern techniques, this can be done without much blood loss and unaesthetic scars.

Polypectomy (surgery to remove polyps) is prescribed in case of failure of hormone therapy, on the eve of menopause (after 40 years), as well as in case of large polyps (more than 1 cm).

Polyp excision endoscopic method It is considered a low-traumatic operation and lasts only 20 minutes. The manipulation is carried out 2-3 days after the end of menstruation, when the growth rising above the mucosa is easy to identify. Then the polyps in the uterus are removed under light anesthesia using a hysteroscope.

The volume of surgical procedures depends on the number of focal growths:

  • a single polyp is disposed of by excision of the growth using a surgical loop (electric), cutting it off from the wall of the organ;
  • If many small polyps are detected, the separate curettage procedure is performed with a curette, a special instrument such as a spoon with a sharp edge.

The surgeon’s actions contribute to the maximum removal of tumor cells without bleeding, since the site of cutting or curettage is cauterized. Sometimes the removal of a single polyp is performed with forceps, twisting the growth by rotating around its axis. All actions of the doctor using a miniature video camera equipped with a hysteroscope are broadcast on the monitor screen.

Laparoscopic technique

The operation is prescribed for extensive polyposis to excise the uterus. The manipulation involves making small incisions along the lower abdomen, through which the abdominal cavity is filled with a special gas to increase the viewing area and the safety of the surgeon’s actions. The laparoscope tube, at the end of which there is a camera, is inserted through the holes in the abdomen. The doctor uses special instruments to perform resection ( complete removal) uterus.

If a tumor is suspected of being malignant, the most effective method is laparoscopic removal of the polyposis focus, since it demonstrates the absence of pain and complications during fast period rehabilitation.

Removal of polyps with laser

Polypectomy of foci of endometrial hyperplasia is performed precisely using modern laser equipment. Under the influence of a laser beam, only the growth is evaporated, while the pinpoint localization ensures the protection of surrounding tissues from damage. Thanks to the removal of the polyp along with the stalk under full control of the depth of penetration of the laser pulse, the woman is not deprived of the opportunity to become pregnant. Therefore, laser treatment is relevant for patients childbearing age, especially since when the vessels are simultaneously sealed under the influence of a laser, the operation leaves no traces.

– a widespread disease among women of childbearing age. To recognize it, you need to understand the symptoms and signs of this disease. With timely diagnosis and surgical treatment, good results can be achieved.

What is it

Endometrial polyposis - serious gynecological disease women, in which the formation of multiple benign formations occurs. Polyps belong to hyperplastic processes that occur in the mucous layer of the endometrium. The inner layer of the uterus becomes susceptible to active growth of its basal layer.

Polyposis is common in women of any age, but the most frequent patients Women aged 35–50 years are diagnosed with this diagnosis.

The structure is that at its base it always has a suction cup in the form of a stalk, which consists of epithelial tissues and cells. But the shape of the polyps is different. They can consist of a glandular form, have fibroglandular tissues and adenomatous ones.

A local tumor can be round or cylindrical in shape with a porous surface and a yellow or purple-burgundy surface. The size of the formations reaches three centimeters.


The reasons for the development of endometrial polyposis are hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body. Estrogens, which are responsible for stimulating the growth of the mucous layer of the reproductive organ, increase in size.

The causes of the disease are the following pathological changes:

  • anovulatory cycle;
  • tumor manifestations in the reproductive system;
  • endometriosis of the uterus;
  • history of abortion;
  • diseases inflammatory in nature;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • disorder endocrine system;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • obesity;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes mellitus

The metabolism of sex hormones is disrupted due to renal failure, problems of immune regulation.


In the initial period of development of the disease, the endometrium is of insignificant size, and signs of its development may remain without due attention. There are frequent cases of this disease being discovered by chance, usually during a regular gynecological examination.

The first sign of endometrial polyposis is menstrual irregularity. Menstruation becomes scanty or heavy. It all depends on the extent of the disease and its stage. In addition, the woman notices frequent and long delays menstruation, and before or after their onset, bloody discharge may occur.

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen also indicates typical signs of the disease. Such manifestations, as a rule, lead to strong discharge from the uterus in the form of leucorrhoea or mucous fluid. During sexual intercourse, discomfort or even pain also begins to occur.

Due to frequent and heavy blood loss, the woman begins to complain about bad general health, she becomes more tired and weak. As a result, all these processes can lead to anemia.

According to the above listed signs, a woman may develop a disease of the reproductive system - uterine fibroids. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.


Symptoms indicating the development of endometrial polyposis include:

  • Bloody discharge during the non-menstrual period. Blood can appear after the end of menstruation, or it can be released long before it begins. At the same time, the nature of the discharge can both resemble menstruation and be strikingly different from them in its spotting structure.
  • Painful menstrual cycle, irregular discharge.
  • Painful sensations in the uterine cavity, most often aching in nature.
  • In the absence of menstruation and in the absence of blood stains, blood may appear after the end of sexual intercourse.
  • Yellowish vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Such symptoms indicate that the polyp has become infected and inflammatory.
  • The skin becomes pale in color;
  • Weakness, dizziness and nausea occur, indicating the development of anemia.
  • There is noise in the ears, sometimes ringing, and the person becomes very tired from minor physical exertion.
  • Women may also experience heavy blood loss after menopause.

In addition, a woman should undergo an examination by a gynecologist if it is impossible to conceive a child for a long period of time.


After diagnostic procedures, mainly ultrasound examinations uterus, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. As additional methods accurate diagnosis and selection of treatment procedures is carried out laboratory test, Pap smear and hysteroscopy. The type of treatment depends on the extent of the disease and its stage.

The main type of treatment is hysteroscopy. A hysteroscope is inserted into the uterine cavity and tumors are removed with its help.

All tissue obtained during the operation is sent for hysteroscopic examination to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

Hormonal therapy can be prescribed for fibroglandular and glandular pathologies. Its duration depends on the age and condition of the woman and lasts from 3 to 6 months:

  • up to 35 years of age it is recommended to drink “Yarina” or “Zhanine”;
  • after 35 years of age, Duphaston or Utrozhestan is prescribed;
  • The Mirena intrauterine device is used for those who do not plan to have children in the next 5 years.

Radical measures are taken if the polyp is adenomatous. For this reason, women after 45 years of age need to have their uterus removed.


To reduce the risk of polyp formation, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • visiting a gynecologist once every six months;
  • avoid obesity, eat right;
  • do not have abortions, use contraception;
  • promptly treat inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs.

In addition, regular use of hormonal contraception may be necessary. This issue is discussed with the doctor.

It is important to diagnose endometrial polyposis on time. Timely treatment will help prevent relapses. Compliance with preventive measures allows you to avoid this pathology in a woman’s body.

Polyps in the uterus, the symptoms and treatment of which should be discussed with a doctor, are formations of nodules.

Their sizes are generally different, ranging from three millimeters to a centimeter, but no more.

A woman may develop one or more of these nodules.

These are vascular, porous nodules of a slightly elongated, rounded appearance (burgundy, purple or yellowish in color), which have very thin transparent walls.

The reasons for the appearance of such growths on at the moment not fully identified. But the general opinion of scientists comes down to hormonal imbalances in a woman or the presence of long-term inflammatory processes, due to which polyps appear in the uterus. The symptoms and treatment of this disease, according to reviews from women on medical forums, are carried out differently.

The body and stalk are the most common type of polyp growth. The upper part (body) is wider and denser, the lower (thin leg) is attached to the inside of the uterine membrane. In case of very long legs, benign neoplasm can also be found in the vaginal area itself.

Therefore, a regular visit to a gynecologist will already allow you to determine the presence of this type of disease and make the correct diagnosis. The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound to determine the complexity of the disease, and then prescribe conservative or surgical treatment, in which the growth will be removed surgically.

Depending on where the polyps form in the uterus, the symptoms and treatment of which are described below, you can determine what type it belongs to:

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  1. In the cervical part of the uterine organ - a type of polyp located at the beginning of the cervix itself.
  2. In the body of the uterine organ, when a nodule forms directly, inside the uterus itself. There are often cases of their appearance on top of this organ.

In my own way cellular composition growths (polyps) are divided into the following:

  1. Ferrous. They mainly contain cellular formations of the gland. Manifest as a form of the disease in very young girls, in the form of a cyst filled liquid substance. Usually occurs when symptoms are too severe pathological growth endometrium.
  2. Fibrous formations. They contain cellular connections of tissues. They are much denser than the first type of growths. Appear at the age of forty, before the onset of the menopause process, during the period associated with hormonal changes in a woman's body.
  3. Formations that simultaneously have both glandular and fibrous properties.
  4. They include cells of the glands of the uterine lining and connective tissue cells.
  5. An adenoma is a growth consisting of altered cells formed in an erroneous process of continuous cell division. Their negative function is reduced to the appearance of oncological diseases.
  6. The formation of placenta-shaped growths can occur in postpartum cases if at least a small part of the embryonic organ (placenta) remains in the uterine region. The formation of a polyp from such cellular tissues is quite likely.

Polyp in the uterus: causes of formation and why it is dangerous

According to modern medicine, a polyp in the uterus can appear as a result of the following diseases.

Excessively high content level hormonal substances in the circulatory system of the female body, helps to increase the internal endometrium of the uterine organ. This excessive layering makes it possible for the appearance of polyp growths or a widespread increase in all areas of the mucous membrane.

An insufficient amount of another hormonal substance (progesterone) in the body can lead to more active formation of unwanted growths. In cases of blockage or proliferation of blood vessels around this area, rapid proliferation of cells occurs, causing erosion in the cervical cavity of the uterus. The occurrence of various disorders, inflammatory nature of the reproductive system (purulent discharge, pain in the lower abdomen).

During inflammatory processes occurring in the uterine organ, hyperplasia of cells inevitably occurs, preventing their development. Such cellular formations (leukocytes) on the one hand contribute to the destruction of infections, but at the same time, increasing the number of unnecessary cells.

In case of unsuccessful artificial termination of pregnancy, as well as poor-quality surgical curettage of the fetus, bleeding and erosive problems may occur, increasing reproduction at the cellular level of various parts of the mucous membrane in the uterine region.

For diseases of the endocrine system (disruption of its glands). All glands various systems organisms have a connection with each other. In this case, the consequence of occurring disorders of the thyroid gland, liver or adrenal glands is ovarian dysfunction and an excessive amount of hormones in the female reproductive system.

Having diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. Such diseases cause improper blood circulation in small blood vessels. For this reason, insufficient supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients causes their mutation and activation of the division process.

The influence of unnecessary deposits of fatty tissue in a woman’s body under the skin and in the structure individual organs, manifests itself in the production of hormones (estrogens), which provoke the formation of an excessive number of polyp cells.

The heredity factor determines the individual percentage of growth of polyp growths on the walls of the uterine area. If there are such benign or malignant formations in the mother’s body, the daughter should show increased care and attention to the issues of diagnosis and prevention of her health. With insufficient mobility and physical activity the uterus and ovaries are not fully saturated with oxygen compounds, which interferes with the sufficient production of hormonal substances and, accordingly, the proper reproduction of cells. When taking the drug Tamoxifen.

It is used in the treatment of various tumors. In this case, the receptors responsible for sensitivity functions in the reproductive hormonal system are blocked. Unfortunately, the drug, as a side effect, can cause the proliferation of polyp cell tissue. Polyp formations on a stalk in the uterus have the shape of a mushroom. Such multiple benign growths do not pose a serious danger.

However, put off until for a long time undergoing the necessary course of treatment is not worth it. This is due to the fact that over time, a polyp in the uterus can become malignant. And although only a small percentage of women experience such changes in the uterine area, you should pay close attention to your health.

After gynecological surgery, part of the growth is sent for histology to make sure that the formation has not developed into malignant. Polyp growths form inside the uterus itself or its cervical canal. It is important to take into account the fact that these unwanted formations can appear even in girls during adolescence.

This phenomenon most often occurs in the female body before the decline of her reproductive and menstrual functions. . On average, this happens after forty years, during the period when menstruation stops, especially during the postmenopausal period. Rarely, they can enter the vaginal area through the cervical canal, which is excluded.

Endometrial polyp in the uterus: symptoms and diagnosis

An endometrial polyp in the uterus is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The presence of pain during menstruation and heavy bleeding during menstruation. Before this, there is a release of brown substances.
  • Bloody discharge between menstrual cycles.
  • Painful intercourse and bleeding afterwards.
  • Bloody discharge during menopause.
  • Development of an anemic state (weakness, pallor, dizziness) due to frequent bleeding.
  • The large size of the growth is complemented by pain similar to contractions.

Diagnosis based on the presence of pathological growths is preceded by the collection of various necessary information about gynecological disorders and the general condition of the patient. Then comes the actual examination, studying the elements of cell tissue under a microscope after cleaning the uterus. An ultrasound examination is required. An ultrasound allows you to clearly see the cervical polyp and the area of ​​​​enlargement of the mucous membrane.

X-rays are used. In some cases, the fetus can develop normally during pregnancy even in the presence of endometrial polyps in the uterus. You just need to adhere to a calm rhythm as much as possible to prevent the possibility spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, a pregnant woman experiences menstruation due to placental tissue abruption. Polyps can also grow and develop into malignant formations and cause a delay in the development of the embryo or its pathological changes.

Polyp in the uterus: removal and treatment using various methods

A polyp in the uterus, the removal of which is not always necessary, is a pathological change that is characterized by the appearance of neoplasms. Hysteroscopy is both a diagnostic method and a procedure for subsequent surgical intervention to remove polyps in the uterus.

It is usually carried out in the second phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle and consists of several stages:

  • Anesthesia. In case of intolerance general anesthesia, local with additional anesthesia is used.
  • Dilatation of the cervical canal using carbon dioxide or special solutions. Additionally, during the procedure, the doctor evaluates the amount and pressure of the substance that enters the uterus.
  • Insertion of the hysteroscope. The necessary tools for manipulation are installed. These can be forceps, laser and electrical conductors, probes, catheters.
  • Biopsy. Cutting off neoplasms. Polyps are removed by “unscrewing” or direct exposure. The affected area is treated and cauterized. The removed material is transferred to the laboratory for further research.

In general, the procedure does not cause pain. It is for this reason that many women refuse surgery. At local anesthesia possible discomfort, but nothing more. The duration is from 10 to 30 minutes, in some cases 1 hour.

The patient does not have to stay in the hospital and can easily go home after therapy. There are no external scars or obvious violations of the integrity of the uterus.

After hysteroscopy, bloody discharge is observed. To restore the epithelium, it is recommended to undergo a course of hormonal therapy and avoid sexual intercourse for about 3 weeks. It is imperative to undergo a re-examination after finishing taking the medications and the deadlines set for wound healing.

The choice of the appropriate treatment method depends on the preliminary diagnosis and determination of the cause of the appearance of polyps in the uterus. Removing them is not always necessary. Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that influence the growth of the disease. The presence of an inflammatory process in the female genital organs is also investigated.

It is not possible to completely eliminate a polyp in the uterus, but drug treatment without surgery will stop its growth and proliferation:

  • "Monomycin". Antibacterial drug wide range actions. Daily intake - 0.25 grams 3 to 6 times.
  • "Zitrolide". Has a bactericidal effect on the pelvic organs. It is recommended to take 2 capsules per day.
  • "Regulon". Synthetic analogue hormone estradiol. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces the level of endometrial susceptibility. Systematic administration of the drug is necessary. Daily dosage - 1 tablet.
  • "Duphaston". Helps normalize the endometrium and is used as a substitute for hormone therapy. The dosage per day should not exceed 20 mg.
  • "Utrozhestan". It is prescribed when there is an insufficient amount of hormones in the female body, and neoplasms arise against this background. Daily intake - 200-300 mg.
  • Zoladex. Often used to prepare for hysteroscopy. Synthetic analogue of hormones, antitumor agent. It is administered orally exclusively by medical professionals.

The use of hormonal and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist in accordance with the indicated dosage active ingredients medications. Be sure to take hormone tests and monitor changes in the uterine cavity using hardware diagnostics.

You should not use unfamiliar advice from herbalists on your own. Recipes should be selected individually. And only if maintenance treatment is necessary, you can use folk remedies for polyps in the uterus.

  1. Golden mustache We are preparing a tincture, which includes: vodka - 0.5 liters, fragrant callisia - 50 joints. The product is infused for about 10 days. Add 1/3 of water to the finished tincture. Daily intake - 20 drops in the morning and evening. Preferably before meals. Course duration - 10 days, break - 5 days.
  2. Celandine. Used for douching. A tincture is prepared in advance in a liter of boiled hot water and a dry plant. Course duration - 14 days, use - 1 time per day.
  3. Monk's pepper or chasteberry. Ingredients: fruits - 50 grams, alcohol 70% - 50 grams. Leave for 14 days. Take 30 drops per day with a glass of water a large number water, 3 times. It is believed that this medicinal composition promotes the production of progesterone.
  4. Onions. Take the vegetable and bake in the oven until the onion becomes transparent. Fold the composition twice into a piece of gauze, attach a thread and form a tampon. Administer at night. Course duration - 7 days, break - 10 days.
  5. Pumpkin seeds. Ingredients: boiled yolks - 7 pieces, crushed seeds - 6 tablespoons, sunflower oil - 0.5 liters. Mix everything and place in a steam bath for 20 minutes. Daily intake - 1 teaspoon in the morning. Duration of treatment - 5 days, break - 5 days. Repeat several times.
  6. Nettle, rosehip, currant. The medicinal decoction is prepared quite quickly. In two glasses of boiling water add rose hips - 3 teaspoons, nettle plant - 2 teaspoons and berries - 1 teaspoon. Daily intake - 100 ml 4 times.

You should first consult your doctor and get his approval. Possible allergic reactions or intolerance by the body to certain components. Combining alcohol-containing tinctures and medicinal antibacterial treatment is strictly prohibited.

Such interaction will lead to deterioration of health and poisoning of the body. A positive result of the hysteroscopy procedure is considered to be minor bleeding over the next 2-3 days. Among the complications of polyp removal, one can note the presence of sutures in case of extensive damage to areas of the organ or damage to the epithelium and internal tissue.

What else can happen after hysteroscopy of the uterus, and what you should pay attention to:

  • Increase in temperature.
  • Fever.
  • Purulent or bloody discharge.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Pain in the pelvic area.

In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist to determine the reasons. Allergic reactions from the body are possible. Additional examination is required.

What complications can occur after removing a polyp in the uterus through a procedure like hysteroscopy:

  • Re-formation of polyps in the uterus.
  • Cervical stenosis. Change in organ structure. Leads to bleeding and purulent discharge into the pelvis. Provokes cancer.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Infections. Observed when the rules for processing instruments for the procedure are not followed.
  • Infertility. When seeking help late, the reproductive function of the female body is disrupted.

The patient is informed about all the likely above-mentioned consequences before the procedure.

Additionally, the doctor must warn about the need for hysteroscopy in case of focal endometrial hyperplasia.

And only after the woman’s voluntary consent, surgical removal of polyps in the uterus is performed.

There is no remedy or specific recommendations to prevent the appearance of polyps in the uterus. Even the most qualified specialist cannot guarantee the absence of violations of the female reproductive system.

You can only maintain the health of the reproductive system, strengthen it and avoid factors that provoke the disease:

  • Timely diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory processes and infections of the reproductive system.
  • Having a permanent sexual partner.
  • Avoid abortions and curettages.
  • Use hormonal drugs only under the supervision of a gynecologist.
  • Lead an active, mobile lifestyle.

Regular examination and observation by a specialist, strict implementation of all his instructions, admission medicines prevent the formation of polyps in the uterus. The health of the body and the full functioning of her reproductive system depend only on the woman.

Approximately 25% of diagnosed women have benign changes in the cervix. They can be provoked by stressful situations, hormonal imbalances, as well as large production of estrogen. In this case, it detects erosions, leukoplakia, condylomas, as well as polyps in the uterus. The latter can cause unpleasant and painful sensations, and also lead to serious complications. Why is a polyp dangerous? What treatment methods exist in medicine?

Features of the disease

A cervical polyp is a mushroom-shaped formation in the endometrium. In most cases, such a neoplasm is benign and can even occur in little girls aged 9-11 years. Most often, polypous growths are diagnosed in women during menopause (40-50 years). The mechanism of formation of outgrowths is associated with a malfunction of the ovaries. The norm is the formation of estrogen within two weeks of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, as a result of hormonal disorders, a huge amount of female hormone begins to continuously flow into the blood, which leads to the growth of the endometrium (tissue in the uterus). Moreover, during menstruation, this layer is not completely separated and comes out, thereby leading to the accumulation of the endometrium. Subsequently, a neoplasm appears, and then the appearance of the polyp itself.

Important! Despite the fact that polyps are classified as benign formations, they can degenerate into malignant ones. In approximately 2% of cases, serious complications and tumor formation are diagnosed.


The polyp consists of the body itself and a stalk with which it is attached to the mucous membrane of the uterine wall. There are several types of education:

  • Fibrous. The growth has a dense structure and consists of connective tissue cells. Usually diagnosed in women during menopause, as a result of hormonal changes in the body.
  • Ferrous. Occurs in young women. The formation consists of cellular structures of glandular tissue. There is often fluid inside the cystic formation.
  • Glandular-fibrous. The polyp consists of glandular and connective tissues.
  • Adenomatous. Consists of atypically altered cellular structures. Such a polyp in the uterine cavity is prone to malignancy.
  • Placental. Sometimes after childbirth, microscopic cells of the placenta remain in the uterus, from which growths-polyps later form.

It's easy to find photos on the Internet different types growth.

Today, medicine can easily cope with polyps in the uterus. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in a timely manner in order to avoid possible complications


According to doctors, the formation of polyps can be triggered by neurohormonal changes in the body, as well as inflammatory processes occurring in the endometrium. There are several versions. The main causes of polyps are as follows:

  • Gynecological diseases: cyst, ovarian dysfunction;
  • The period of age-related hormonal surges ( puberty and menopause);
  • Injury to the uterine mucosa during diagnostics or curettage and hysteroscopy procedures;
  • Injuries during childbirth and abortion;
  • Inflammation of the uterine mucosa;
  • Depressive states and stressful situations;
  • Overweight and obesity;
  • Sedentary lifestyle and blood stagnation in the pelvic area;
  • Heredity;
  • Infectious diseases that are associated with the inflammatory process (,).

There are also hormonal causes of the formation of growths, which are important to eliminate before removing polyps:

  • Pathologies of the pituitary gland. The formation of the hormone estrogen occurs in the pituitary gland. In the event of a head injury, severe poisoning, or during brain surgery, damage to the pituitary gland may occur, which provokes the production of large amounts of gonadotropin hormone, which affects the synthesis of estrogen. As a result, growths begin to form, and then polyposis is diagnosed.
  • Malfunctions of the adrenal glands, which also affect the concentration of hormones in the blood.
  • Cyst and tumors. As a result of the formation of an ovarian cyst, the egg is not able to be released during ovulation. As a result, large amounts of estrogen are produced. In this case, ovarian tumors may contain cells that themselves produce the hormone and lead to endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Oral contraceptives and hormonal drugs. If you do not adhere to the recommended doses or the body has an individual sensitive reaction to such drugs, then adenomatous formations can form, which for the most part can degenerate into malignant tumors.

Important! It has been proven that taking tamoxifen, used during the treatment of tumors, is the cause of a surge in the formation of polyps in the uterus.


If the cervical polyp is small or single, then the woman may have no signs of pathology at all. Most often, such a formation is diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination or as a result of identifying the causes of infertility.

Only after injury or as a result of an inflammatory process in the uterine area may the following signs appear:

  • Nagging pain during sex and before the onset of menstruation;
  • Bloody discharge between periods and during menopause;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Scanty periods or brown discharge.

As a result of the growth of the polyp, symptoms intensify:

  • Development is taking place;
  • Not carrying a fetus or difficulty getting pregnant;
  • Fetal hypoxia;
  • Persistent menstrual irregularities;
  • Uterine cancer develops.

The process of degeneration of formations into the cancer stage goes through several stages:

  1. Formation of polyps, proliferation of the endometrium;
  2. Metaplasia (transformation of cells from one type to another).
  3. Dysplasia. Malignant degeneration of cells that can result in a malignant tumor.

The appearance of a polyp in the uterus can not be missed if it begins to form against the background of such problems:

  • Chronic diseases genitourinary system. In this case, the formations grow very slowly and do not manifest themselves in any way.
  • Menopause. The symptoms are very similar, so it is quite difficult to identify the disease without special research.
  • Fibrous polyps. When tissue grows without blood vessels, bleeding does not occur. Therefore, the polyp can grow for several years without any symptoms.

Important! If a growth is detected, surgery is not always recommended. Doctors often recommend undergoing regular examinations and monitoring the condition of the formation.


The worst thing that can result from the formation of polyps in the uterus is the degeneration of cells into malignant tumors. But no less dangerous complications are:

  • Problems during pregnancy. There is a risk of ectopic pregnancy, which entails pathologies and rupture fallopian tubes. On later Placental abruption may occur, which will lead to.
  • Difficulty conceiving. As a result of a large accumulation of polyps or its growth, the embryo is not able to attach to the walls of the uterus.
  • Bleeding. As a result of the growth of the formation and germination of blood vessels, bleeding may occur. The woman feels constant drowsiness and weakness due to the development of anemia. If the bleeding does not stop, then, most likely, cell degeneration has occurred.
  • Malignant degeneration. According to statistics, it is adenomatous polyps of the uterus that turn into tumors. In this case, all healthy cells are destroyed, and the neoplasm actively grows. The whole process is accompanied by heavy blood loss.


Before you begin treatment for cervical polyps, you should conduct a series of examinations that will help identify the full picture of the problem. To do this, the following analyzes are carried out:

  • Urine to determine the condition of the liver and kidneys, as well as to detect bleeding;
  • Bacteriological smear. Definition of infections.
  • Hormone analysis.
  • Histology of the biological material of the polyp. Determination of the type of education. For adenomatous polyps, removal of the cervical polyp is recommended.
  • And . The price of this method of diagnosing neoplasms is quite high. Usually performed when cancer is suspected.

  • Colposcopy. Gynecological examination using a speculum. Makes it possible to see a formation with a size of one centimeter.
  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound diagnosis of the genital organs can be performed abdominally or transvaginally. The latest ultrasound method allows you to see the cervical polyp.
  • Hysteroscopy of uterine polyp. During the diagnostic procedure, a fiberscope (a flexible tube with a camera at the end) is inserted into the vagina. Thanks to this, you can see all the neoplasms, determine their size, and also identify the risk of life-threatening degeneration.

Fighting methods

Treatment of uterine polyps without surgery is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, as well as preventing the emergence of new formations. In this case, the doctor recommends hormonal therapy aimed at adjusting the ratio of progesterone and estrogen. Medicines help cope with bloody and mucous discharge. When the leg of the polyp is twisted, severe pain may occur, which can be relieved using such means as:

  • Drotaverine;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen.

If impossible drug treatment Surgery to remove a polyp in the uterus (hysteroresectoscopy) is recommended. The patient must first undergo a complete diagnosis.

How are polyps removed from the uterus? After identifying a single growth using a hysteroscope, it is unscrewed using special forceps, and the bed is cleaned with a carriage and treated with an antiseptic. The twisted vessels heal and stop bleeding. For larger quantities, the curettage method is used (if they are small). To remove large individual formations, a surgical loop is used. Polyectomy is recommended to be performed two to three times after menstruation. During the operation, an electric loop is placed on the polyp, which allows even small formations to be removed as quickly and efficiently as possible. The tear site is cauterized liquid nitrogen or iodine. Hysteroscopy of the uterus is important stage in the treatment and removal of polyps. This method is considered low-traumatic, since there is no damage to the surface layer.

Also popular following methods treatment:

  • Cryodestruction of the growth is treatment with liquid nitrogen, as a result of which the polyp is simply separated from the healthy tissue with tweezers.
  • Curettage. Part of the uterine lining is removed using surgical instruments or a vacuum device.
  • Removal of a polyp in the uterus with a laser. Laser cauterization reduces the invasiveness of surgical intervention to remove a tumor to zero. The beam is aimed specifically at the polyp and removed. In this case, no scars remain, and the woman can easily become pregnant in the future.

Important! It should be noted that after removal of a polyp in the uterus, abdominal pain may be felt, as during menstruation. In this case, discharge may appear for 2-3 weeks after the operation. These symptoms, after removal of polyps in the uterus, are considered normal and do not require treatment.


Serious complications may occur as a result of surgical procedures:

  • Formation of scars and adhesions. Occurs when the lining of the uterus is severely damaged. In the future, this entails difficulties with conception, as well as infertility.
  • Hematometra. As a result of the appearance of adhesions on the cervix, the removal of blood may be difficult, which leads to its accumulation in the uterus and the further formation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Inflammation. As a result of infection, a long-term inflammatory process begins, which can even lead to infertility.
  • Perforation of the uterus. The appearance of a through hole in the wall of the organ can occur during curettage (blind) or surgery on the endometrium with a large number of adhesions and scars. The resulting inflammation is treated with antibiotics and surgery.

Many people are interested in the question: can a uterine polyp form again even after complete surgical removal. Unfortunately, there is no complete guarantee that a relapse will not occur. Doctors recommend regular examination and treatment of all chronic inflammatory processes.

Traditional medicine

Treatment without surgery using traditional medicine recipes will be effective if combined with hormonal drugs. Good reviews have the following folk recipes:

  1. Fill 20 “joints” of the golden mustache with 2 glasses of vodka. Infuse in a cool and dark place for about 10 days. Dilute 20 drops of the product in 100 ml of water and consume in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts a month, and then there is a break for 10 days. Treatment must be completed for 6 months.
  2. 6 spoons pumpkin seeds grind in a coffee grinder. Add 7 boiled yolks, as well as half a liter of refined sunflower oil. The product is heated in a water bath for 20 minutes, and then taken a teaspoon once a day before meals. Drink according to the scheme: 5 days take medication, 5 days rest.
  3. A medicinal infusion of calendula, propolis and rotokan is quite effective. 1 tsp tinctures should be diluted in 100 ml of water. Administer the first part as a microenema in the morning, and the second in the evening.

Important! It should be remembered that treating a uterine polyp with folk remedies is not a guarantee of getting rid of the problem. In case of progression of tissue proliferation and the appearance of complicated symptoms, it is recommended to use a radical method - removal.