Reviews on the use of compression hosiery. How to choose and buy compression tights for varicose veins. What is the difference between compression stockings and tights

Enlarged veins require increased attention to yourself. The disease is not as terrible as its complications. Compression garments for varicose veins are widely used as a modern method of therapy. Which one is better? Your attending phlebologist will help you figure out how to choose it.

Modern therapy for varicose veins is unthinkable without compression garments for men and women. It is used as prophylaxis, as well as in combination treatment.

Compression underwear differs from regular knitwear:

  • Creates pressure at the point of contact with the skin. In this case, physiological pressure is created, which should normally be distributed throughout the lower extremities. The compression created on the legs is not uniform, but decreases from bottom to top. The maximum pressure is on the lower leg, in the knee area the compression is reduced by 1.5 times, on the thigh – by 2 times, in the groin area there is practically no compression;
  • Forms a frame base, which is able to maintain the elasticity of veins at an optimal level. Thanks to the pressure created, the veins narrow, the blood flows in one direction, which reduces swelling and pain in the legs;
  • Provides normalization of the venous system, preventing stagnation of venous blood in the legs.

The use of the best compression hosiery should begin at the first signs of varicose veins after consulting a specialist:

  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • swelling;
  • painful sensations;
  • spider veins.

If the diagnosis of varicose veins is confirmed, wearing compression underwear is combined with.

Indications for the use of compression hosiery include:

  • rehabilitation period after vein surgery;
  • any type of work that causes blood stagnation;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • period of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • air travel and long trips.

Among all types of the best anti-varicose compression garments, the most often chosen are:

Classification of therapeutic knitwear

The basic principle for choosing compression hosiery for varicose veins is the compression class, which indicates the distribution of pressure across the limbs. When purchasing underwear for varicose veins, you need to look at the pressure indicated in mmHg. By class, compression knitwear is divided into 5 groups, among which there are 4 compression classes:

Group 1 – preventive. The pressure exerted is 15 – 18 mm Hg. Indications for use include:

  • family history of varicose veins;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy period;
  • taking COCs;
  • work associated with blood stagnation;
  • air travel, long trips.

Group 2 – compression class 1. The pressure exerted is 18 – 22 mm Hg. Among the indications are:

  • initial signs of varicose veins in the form of a feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain, swelling, spider veins;
  • period of pregnancy and childbirth in the initial stages of varicose veins;
  • phlebopathy of a functional nature;
  • prevention of deep vein varicose veins.

Group 3 – compression class 2. The pressure exerted is 23 – 32 mm Hg. Compression hosiery of compression class 2 is used for:

  • chronic venous insufficiency, accompanied by dilation of superficial veins;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • rehabilitation period after vein removal;
  • prevention of deep vein thrombosis.

Group 4 – compression class 3. The pressure exerted is 34 – 40 mm Hg. Indications for use are:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • severe swelling of the lower extremities;
  • chronic deep vein thrombophlebitis;
  • insufficiency of the lymphovenous system;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical treatment of varicose veins.

Group 5 – compression class 4. The pressure exerted is more than 50 mmHg. Applicable for:

  • severe swelling;
  • lymph stagnation.

Preventive compression underwear for men and women can be purchased freely at pharmacies, but a doctor’s prescription is required for therapeutic ones.

How to choose compression hosiery for varicose veins: review of the best models and their prices

Compression hosiery for varicose veins: how to choose - the first condition for proper therapy. The rules for selecting the best compression garments for varicose veins are simple:

  • strict compliance with compression class, which was prescribed by the attending physician;
  • When choosing the type of product, remember localization of the vein lesion;
  • seams on knitwear should not be convex;
  • preference should be given certified pharmaceutical companies, make purchases in pharmacies or specialized stores;
  • pay special attention when choosing knitwear for pregnant women;
  • the finished medical product must have quality standard RAL-GZ 387;
  • linen must be hypoallergenic and contains the Oeko-Tex Standard 10 mark;
  • The degree of compression is always indicated in mmHg. Any other markings are a sign of counterfeit.

Among the manufacturers producing compression hosiery, the following have gained the most popularity:

Selecting the size of compression garments

In order to achieve the maximum effect from wearing compression hosiery, it is necessary to choose the correct size of the product.

Different manufacturers may have different product sizes, so be sure to check each seller's sizing charts before purchasing.

Measurements should be taken in the morning after sleep so that the legs are free of swelling. The top edge of the underwear should be 5–10 cm above the level of the lesion. To take measurements you will need a measuring tape.

Product Knee socks Stockings Tights
Basic measurements Calf circumference at the lower narrow part
Leg circumference at the widest part
Circumference of the shin below the knee
Length from foot to knee joint
Shoe size
Additional measurements Thigh circumference 25 cm above the knee joint
Leg length from foot to thigh or groin Waist circumference
Hip circumference

How to wear underwear correctly

To achieve the maximum effect from compression hosiery, it is necessary to wear it correctly. The best-chosen underwear is difficult to put on, so there are subtleties when putting it on.

  1. The wearing of medical products should be constant: from morning to night.
  2. Before putting on compression garments, you should pay attention to the nails and the condition of the feet: they should not catch on the product and tear it. You can use gloves to avoid tearing the knitwear.
  3. You should not stretch the product too much or pull it up so as not to damage its structure.
  4. The product should only be worn dry on dry skin. Do this in a horizontal position with your legs raised up.

To put on compression garments, you must:

  • turn the product inside out to the heel;
  • put it on your foot, straighten it out;
  • using your palms, pull the product to the knee, turning it inside out and smoothing it out;
  • Pull the linen over its entire length and smooth it out.

Knitwear for varicose veins during pregnancy

Compression hosiery during pregnancy is recommended as a means of preventing varicose veins for all pregnant women. For this purpose, group 1 is used: preventive underwear. According to indications, the doctor prescribes compression hosiery of the required class.

The following compression garments for pregnant women are used for preventive and therapeutic purposes:

When used correctly, men experience:

  • improved outflow and reduction of venous blood volume;
  • excess pressure in blood vessels decreases;
  • toxins are removed from tissues;
  • volume decreases due to water removal;
  • the mobility of joints and tendons increases.

Men should not be embarrassed to wear compression stockings. It is not noticeable at all in clothes. In non-advanced cases, the condition normalizes within a few days. When choosing underwear, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist can help a man choose the right size and degree of compression of underwear.

In order for compression hosiery to be durable and practical, it is necessary to follow the rules for its use and care:

  • compression underwear must be washed daily by hand, preferably with soap or baby powder without conditioners and rinse aids in water heated no higher than 40 0 ​​C;
  • do not boil the products;
  • do not hang dry laundry;
  • do not dry clothes in the sun or radiator;
  • Do not twist the products, but wring them out with a towel, then level them and place them on a flat surface;
  • Do not iron or bleach knitwear.

If you want to choose the truly best compression garments, be sure to consult a phlebologist. He will tell you which jersey for varicose veins is right for you.

In the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to keep track of your health. Especially when there are no visible reasons for concern. In particular, this applies to diseases such as varicose veins. Few people know that varicose veins are not just unpleasant and not beautiful, but dangerous to health and life.

That's why it's so important to take care of your feet at any stage of life. And take preventive measures in time. Today you can prevent the appearance and development of varicose veins without medications. Compression hosiery is something that will help keep veins toned and avoid unwanted problems.

Medical knitwear is presented in the form of golf, stockings and tights.

It is widely used mainly among women, but sometimes also among men of all ages.

Despite the fact that it has a healing function, from an aesthetic point of view it is no different from ordinary hosiery. That's why Suitable for regular wear.

The occurrence of varicose veins is associated with increased stress, excess weight, and prolonged standing.

How to choose compression stockings for men? Men's knitwear is not much different from women's.

In fact, only anatomical features, because men have a slightly different body structure.

For more information about this, see the video at the end of the article.

Usually the stronger sex chooses stockings or knee socks. They are suitable for both treatment and prevention. And most importantly, they won’t be noticeable under your trousers.

Rating of compression garment manufacturers

When thinking about buying medical knitwear, you want to get a quality product. Which brand of compression stockings is best? We take stocking material, wear resistance, cost and reviews of the manufacturer as a basis. The rating we compiled:

It is worth noting that Such tights and stockings are sold only in specialized stores. The packaging must indicate the compression class indicating the pressure in mmHg. Art. On regular hosiery, only the density (“den”) is indicated.


Compression hosiery plays a big role in prevention and treatment. Stockings, of course, are not a panacea for vascular diseases. However, wearing them will help stop the development and transition of the disease to a more advanced stage.

In contact with

Varicose veins are not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health and even life. A venous network in the legs, in the absence of adequate treatment, can soon lead to complications such as thrombosis, trophic ulcers, and bleeding. Therefore, it is very important to start therapy as early as possible and get rid of the disease. The first path to a successful recovery is to purchase such a necessary product as compression garments for varicose veins. What is the best product to buy so that the effect is achieved and money is not wasted? This is exactly what will be discussed in the article. We’ll also find out what types of therapeutic knitwear are available, as well as how to properly put on special tights or stockings.


Compression garments affect a person’s lower limbs in the following ways:

It supports and compresses dilated veins. Due to this, the blood flow is redistributed from dilated veins to healthy ones.

This type of underwear improves blood circulation.

When properly selected and worn correctly, such knitwear reduces the risk of blood clots.

This underwear is an excellent, safe and simple method. At the same time, this therapeutic knitwear allows you to maintain veins in a natural state.


It is very difficult to choose compression garments for varicose veins. Which medical underwear is best for a particular person depends on the condition of the patient’s legs. Therefore, a person should select knitwear only with the help of a doctor.

In general, therapeutic underwear against varicose veins is divided into 4 types:

  1. Sick leave, which is used only in inpatient settings.
  2. Medicinal.
  3. Prophylactic.
  4. For athletes.

Also, therapeutic underwear is distinguished by types of weaving, material and degree of pressure.

Therapeutic knitwear for pregnant women

Often girls who carry babies in their bellies have problems with veins in their legs, which is why they also need to buy compression garments for varicose veins. What is the best medical underwear during pregnancy and when to start wearing it? It is better to purchase such knitwear from the first trimester, even if there are no obvious signs of varicose veins. True, in this case you need to use preventive knitwear. And in the second or third trimester, you need to take advantage of the recommendations of gynecologists and purchase high-quality medical underwear. The fact is that compression hosiery for expectant mothers differs from other types of medical products.

So, for pregnant women, it will be mandatory to have an elastic bandage at the top of the tights. The main function of this elastic, tight-fitting sewn-in bandage is to support the abdomen without compressing it. Also, from fabrics with increased breathability, it is necessary to make compression underwear for pregnant women for varicose veins. What is the best therapeutic underwear for pregnant women to choose? Most often, pregnant girls prefer wearing special stockings. And they choose them because their weekly growing belly simply no longer fits into the leggings of the tights. And you can choose stockings without any problems, taking into account the physiological characteristics of a woman’s body, as well as her own wishes and preferences. In turn, hosiery for pregnant women can be as follows:

  1. Open toe.
  2. Classic model.
  3. On a corset belt with Velcro.
  4. With rubber band made of silicone.

How to wear it correctly?

Therapeutic knitwear is an expensive pleasure, and if you put stockings or tights on your legs incorrectly, you can easily tear them. Therefore, it is very important to wear compression garments correctly for varicose veins. How to use it so that it helps? Unlike ordinary tights, when putting on therapeutic knitted tights you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Any type of compression garment - knee socks - should be pulled on immediately after sleep. Knitwear should be put on while lying down.
  2. This is done carefully, slowly, without stretching the product or twisting it.
  3. First you need to assemble the upper part of the knitwear into an accordion.
  4. It is convenient to take them and carefully put them on your foot.
  5. Gradually you need to straighten the product, pulling it onto your shin.
  6. Therapeutic knitwear should also be worn on the hips in a lying position, while the torso should be raised as the product approaches the waist.

Simplifying the procedure for putting on underwear

In fact, pulling on therapeutic tights and stockings is not an easy task. To make it easier, you can buy a special plastic device called Medi Butler. Such devices make it easier to put on compression garments. It is important to choose the right device, because it is divided into 4 types:

  1. For people with limited agility, the Longo series is suitable.
  2. Men and women with large dimensions will need a device from the Big series.
  3. For people who travel frequently, they need a device that takes up little space. In this case, the Travel series device is suitable.
  4. There is also a device with a sliding mechanism called the Hospital Butler.

Popular manufacturers of therapeutic linen

Today, the consumer can independently choose for himself a suitable manufacturer of such a product as compression garments for varicose veins. Which company is better can be determined by the person himself by trying this or that item. After all, such medical products differ in design, wear resistance, and price. And a person cannot always afford to buy expensive tights, then he focuses on other indicators. The most popular manufacturers are companies such as Relaxsan, Intex, Orto, Medi, Sigvaris.

Relaxsan company

This is an Italian manufacturer that can offer people models of different designs and any compression class. The lingerie from this company is quite affordable. The maximum price of tights does not exceed 1,300 rubles. The disadvantage of this company's products is the fragility of the product, since compression lasts no more than 1 month. Also, some people note slight discomfort while wearing tights or stockings, as well as their rapid wear.

Firm "Intex"

This is a Russian company that supplies underwear for varicose veins at a relatively low price. Compression knitwear creates excellent compression and is highly wear-resistant. The cost of linen from Intex ranges from 800-1300 rubles. At this price you can buy knitwear made of good fabric, with appropriate impact and quality seams. Lingerie from this company can be worn for 1 year without loss of properties.

Manufacturer Orto

This is a Spanish company that sells. On average, the cost of such a product ranges from 900-1300 rubles. The downside of such stockings is that they quickly wear out your heels. However, the underwear of this company in all other respects has an excellent therapeutic effect.

Medi Company

This is a compression garment that produces high quality compression hosiery. True, the price of the products is also quite high. On average, you need to pay about 4 thousand rubles for stockings. This company has a variety of lingerie designs. The advantage of knitwear from this manufacturer is the long wearing time, as well as the preservation of compression.

Sigvaris company

This is a Swiss company that produces expensive but high-quality compression garments. The cost of therapeutic knitted tights is about 6 thousand rubles. Excellent design, excellent tailoring, long wearing time - these are the advantages of therapeutic stockings from Sigvaris - compression underwear for varicose veins. Which is better, a photo of the knitwear that Russians choose can be seen in this article. But we cannot help but mention that people think about therapeutic tights and stockings from various companies.

Compression garments for varicose veins: which is better? User reviews

People are delighted with the knitted products of the Russian company Intex. Firstly, many people like the long service life of tights and stockings. Secondly, many women note that this manufacturer has a large range of products: there are all sorts of product colors for every taste, any compression class (from 1 to 4). People are also captivated by the cost of knitwear. After all, it is much lower than that of other well-known manufacturers. And all because the underwear is made in Russia, that is, it does not pass customs control. Therefore, there is no cheating on it. Russians willingly support the national manufacturer and believe that inexpensive medical knitwear from Intex is in no way inferior to the same product from other organizations such as Sigvaris or Medi.

There are only positive reviews about Sigvaris. So, people who bought compression underwear from this company note that the manufacturer thought through everything down to the smallest detail: they made knitwear for both summer (so as not to be hot) and for winter. I also made sure that the heel did not wear off, making it secure. In addition, the manufacturer came up with a special perforation to prevent the skin from sweating. The only disadvantage of this company's products is their high cost. Not everyone can afford to buy such underwear.

People have different opinions about Medi tights. Some recommend it, others don't. Those people who do not like tights from this company note that the quality of the products used to be better, but over time it has deteriorated. If earlier it was possible to wear such knitwear for a long time and there were no puffs or arrows on it, now this is a trivial matter. But given the high cost of such a medical product, it is simply unacceptable for an arrow to appear after wearing it three times.

And yet, you need to answer the question: “What is the best compression garment for varicose veins?” Feedback from people indicates that knitwear from the Russian company Intex is the best option for value for money.

Therapeutic socks

A strong half of humanity also suffers from varicose veins, but men go to doctors much less often than women. But even for them, manufacturers make special therapeutic knitwear - compression underwear for varicose veins. What is the best underwear for men and how to choose it? In fact, the issue of beauty for the stronger half of humanity fades into the background. After all, men still wear such underwear under their trousers. Therefore, many manufacturers focus on the quality and comfort of the product. Therapeutic knee socks are designed for men and do not differ in appearance from ordinary socks. Many again choose Intex, but this does not mean that other manufacturers have poor quality. It’s just that this Russian company offers goods cheaper than those of foreign competitors. Most often, athletes, drivers, and office workers apply for compression garments.

Compression garments for varicose veins: how to choose the size for a therapeutic effect?

Before you go to the store for knitted tights or stockings, you need to visit a phlebologist. A specialist must examine the patient’s feet, make a diagnosis and help choose the right product. With recommendations from the doctor, the person is already heading to the store. There he is asked to measure his legs in 4 places: the volume of the lower leg, thigh, ankle, as well as the length of the leg from heel to groin. If all measurements are taken, then the tights will be chosen correctly.

It is also necessary to select the compression class recommended by the doctor. And there are four of them. The first class is the thinnest, and the fourth, accordingly, is the densest.

Many people are interested in the questions: “Is it possible to choose compression garments for yourself for varicose veins? How to choose a size if you are encountering such therapeutic knitwear for the first time?” There is no need to purchase such a product yourself, even if you read enough information about this underwear on the Internet before going to the store. Only the help of a specialist will allow a person to truly choose tights and stockings that will have a healing effect.

Duration of wearing

Many people are interested in the question: “How to wear compression garments for varicose veins, for how long?” Only a doctor can answer this question, because it is he who prescribes medicinal knitwear. So, if as a preventive measure, then it is enough to put on tights or stockings during the day and take them off at night. Typically, the duration of wearing in this case is no more than 3 months. If you need to use knitwear for the treatment of varicose veins, then the phlebologist himself selects the optimal wearing period, as well as the specific model of the product. Usually, after six months, a specialist advises you to come to him for an appointment, where he will already decide on the advisability of further wearing such underwear. There are also hospital compression stockings. It is used a few days before surgery, as well as for 3 weeks after it.


This article introduced the reader to such an important item of clothing for some people as compression garments for varicose veins. Which one is better also became clear. In terms of price-quality ratio, knitwear from the Russian company Intex wins. But all the same, if a person chooses the wrong product size and does not take into account the doctor’s wishes, then even the most expensive underwear will be useless.

Despite the joy of expecting a baby and the happiness in anticipation of his birth, many women during pregnancy may also encounter its negative manifestations, one of which is.

Statistics say that every fourth young mother suffers from varicose veins, and almost all of them note that the disease appeared during pregnancy.

Varicose veins are dangerous not only due to aesthetic defects, which all women are so afraid of, wanting to keep their legs slim and beautiful. In fact, it is a manifestation and symptom of serious cardiovascular diseases, which means it can pose a threat to both your health and the health of the unborn baby.

Compression tights or other knitwear of the same type are considered one of the effective methods of combating varicose veins, as well as preventing it.

If you manage to use this wonderful remedy in time, the pathological process will be stopped. If you want to prevent the onset of the disease, consult your doctor in advance for help in selecting and selecting compression stockings, which are so necessary during pregnancy.

Since a woman’s body undergoes many hormonal changes and changes during pregnancy, and the volume of circulating blood increases significantly, this is often a trigger factor for the appearance of varicose veins (venous pressure increases, the elasticity of the venous walls decreases, etc.).

As the fetus grows, the load on the legs becomes more and more, then they begin to hurt, the woman may feel constant heaviness and fatigue.

The main cause of the disease will be the so-called spider veins (when small capillaries and vessels suddenly appear through the skin in an unaesthetic mesh of blue or purple hue).

A woman may also have a predisposition to varicose veins, and if she suffered from it before pregnancy, then after pregnancy and childbirth the situation, as a rule, noticeably worsens.

This is why doctors advise using special compression hosiery during pregnancy (and even during childbirth): tights or stockings, which are one of the simplest, safest and most effective methods of preventing varicose veins. Of course, those protruding veins or vessels that appeared earlier cannot be removed by wearing stockings, but the appearance of new ones can be prevented.

Main features and principle of operation

Experts say that compression garments help to distribute blood pressure evenly and correctly in the legs, which, in turn, will help improve blood flow and prevent blood stagnation (in blood vessels), and also protect the woman from other possible consequences and complications of varicose veins.

The jersey presses on the leg with a clear intensity: it focuses on the ankles at 100%, in the knee area the compression is about 70%, and reaches 40% on the thigh, that is, it is distributed from bottom to top.

This is precisely the principle of operation of compression hosiery. If we talk about the effect that wearing such tights or stockings has, then it is very noticeable and important for every woman who suffers from varicose veins, in particular:

  • Your legs face serious stress, increasing with each month of pregnancy.

By wearing compression tights or stockings, you help your legs cope with this load, maintaining their beauty and health.

  • The outflow of blood after wearing shapewear is regulated and normalized, and since constant and, most importantly, uniform pressure is applied to the surface of the legs, this causes the blood to circulate very actively.
  • Due to the action of compression garments, veins are protected from expansion, vessel walls are protected from stretching, and tissues are much larger and better supplied with nutrients and oxygen.
  • Blood circulation in the pelvic organs is also stimulated.
  • The legs stop swelling and hurting. Unpleasant sensations and heaviness go away.
  • Microcirculation improves.
  • The risk of ruptures in the walls of blood vessels is significantly reduced (this is especially true during childbirth).

In general, even if such problems are simply assumed, it is better to choose compression stockings or tights so as not to let them slip and bring the situation to a critical point.

Indications for wearing therapeutic underwear may include:

  • the appearance of spider veins or stars/nodules on the legs;
  • calf muscles;
  • discomfort and pain in the lower extremities (pain, fatigue, heaviness, constant severe swelling, etc.);
  • established diagnosis of chronic venous insufficiency;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • the appearance of serious and dangerous symptoms of the disease, such as thrombosis, venous dermatitis or eczema.

However, there are some contraindications, in the presence of which wearing compression hosiery is not recommended and even prohibited. These include:

  • cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, impaired blood flow from the arteries to the extremities);
  • diseases of blood vessels (atherosclerosis, aortoarteritis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • problems with the skin of the legs (pustular diseases, dermatitis, eczema, open wounds, etc.).

After putting on compression tights, you will immediately feel how much easier you feel, because their therapeutic effect will help you maintain health and good shape.

What's in stock for pregnant women: choosing the right class

A phlebologist (vascular surgeon) recommends wearing compression stockings.

He should also help you choose the right class and type of product.

All parameters are individual, since they depend on how the disease progresses, what symptoms it manifests itself in, etc. Other important factors are also taken into account:

  • features of pregnancy;
  • general well-being of the woman;
  • its physiological parameters (physique features, weight);
  • stress that accompanies pregnancy (inactivity, lack of physical exercise or activity, work with a load on the legs).

Based on all this, the doctor will select the degree and compression class of the product that is right for you.

This characteristic distinguishes therapeutic (or hospital) underwear from ordinary preventive underwear (the pressure of such knitwear is only 15-18 mm Hg (or millimeters of mercury), so it can be worn by women who do not yet have pronounced signs and manifestations of varicose veins - just for prevention).

Preventive compression hosiery is recommended for wearing by almost all pregnant women in the later stages, and sometimes during (after) childbirth.

As a rule, compression garments are sold in specialized salons or pharmacies with a prescription prescribed by a doctor.

There are four classes of compression stockings.

  • First grade.

Underwear that belongs to the first class can create compression on the legs, slightly higher than preventive (from 18 to 22-23 mm Hg). It is prescribed to women whose veins have already slightly enlarged, and small protrusions of the spider veins on the legs are also visible.

These stockings can relieve mild swelling that often occurs towards the end of the day. If the pain becomes stronger, and the veins protrude in areas longer than five centimeters, then it is recommended to move on to second-class knitwear.

  • Second class.

Its compression is 23-33 mm Hg. Art. Lingerie will help cope with cramps, pain, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms of progressive varicose veins. It may also be recommended to wear it for manifestations of thrombophlebitis.

  • Third class.

When a woman is diagnosed with severe venous or lymphovenous insufficiency (with impaired trophism, deep vein thrombosis, etc.), the doctor will insist on using third-class compression hosiery (up to 45 mm Hg).

  • Fourth grade.

The fourth class of compression can be prescribed for serious disorders of lymph flow, severe edema, post-traumatic syndromes, etc. (its pressure is above 50 mm Hg).

What to choose: compression stockings, knee socks or tights?

Having understood the classes of compression underwear, you will need to decide which type to choose: tights, knee socks, stockings? There are even elastic bandages of the same type.

  • Knee socks.

Compression socks look like regular ones - they cover the calf and barely reach the knee.

Pregnant women can use such products if leg problems concern only these areas, but if pain, varicose veins, spider veins, cramps and other symptoms spread over the entire surface of the legs, rising higher and higher to the hips, then knee socks will simply be ineffective .

They are convenient to wear only under trousers, and they do not look good in combination with skirts or dresses.

  • Stockings.

One of the most popular types of compression hosiery is stockings. Women love them for their beauty and aesthetics, as well as for their additional features: when wearing stockings, you don’t have to worry about the inconvenience of going to the toilet, and they don’t put any unpleasant pressure on the stomach.

However, if the stockings begin to poorly stay on the leg and slip down, then they can no longer be worn, because if the uniform pressure of the product is disturbed, there can be no question of any therapeutic effect.

  • Tights.

A good alternative to stockings is tights. Yes, you will have to take them off to go to the toilet, but they do not slip and do not need constant tightening. As for the pressure on the abdomen, almost all models for pregnant women are now equipped with special elastic inserts that do not have compression and gently fit the expectant mother’s belly, taking into account its progressive increase.

  • Elastic bandages.

As an additional means, you can use an elastic bandage, however, when compared with compression garments, its low effectiveness should be noted.

The biggest disadvantage of the bandage is that it is difficult to calculate the correct degree of compression with it, since you can simply adjust it manually, in addition, the bandages constantly slip, which further reduces the effect of the therapeutic effect.

Don’t forget that you need to know how to bandage your feet correctly, and you can’t always do it yourself.

Price issue

As a rule, the price of compression hosiery is quite high. Of course, it depends on how popular the manufacturer’s brand is, as well as on the material from which the underwear is made.

Please note that all products are made from natural materials, because they must be safe (have hypoallergenic properties, do not cause itching or irritation of the skin) and high quality (such tights or stockings cannot stretch over time, must be restored to their original size, etc. .).

In addition, knitwear must have good air and moisture permeability. Such products usually consist of microfiber, lycra, rubber and cotton natural threads.

Among the most famous manufacturers are:

  • The Venotex brand (VenoteksTherapy, USA) is considered one of the most widespread and beloved.

This may be due to the fact that the company provides its customers with a fairly wide range of products. If we talk about the wear resistance of products, then it is rather average, however, as is their cost. However, they are certified and do not contradict State Standards in any way.

  • Knitwear from the Italian company Relaxsan also has a relatively low price.

This manufacturer also offers a large range of different models with interesting designs and all classes of compression, but it’s worth clarifying right away that their models are very short-lived, since compression will only be noticeable for a month. Also, judging by the reviews, they cause some discomfort when worn.

  • Products of the Spanish company ORTO can be classified as middle class - both in cost and quality.

Women who prefer this brand note the good quality of its products (compression can last up to four months), however, sometimes the product deteriorates (extreme wear on the foot and toes).

  • Products from German companies Medi or Bauerfeind are of high quality, of course, this is reflected in their price, but the products have an excellent degree of wear resistance.

In addition, all models are very comfortable, pleasant to wear and easy to care for. The products are made in excellent design solutions.

  • The domestic company Intex has become a competitor to Western manufacturers, whose products combine the most attractive factors: high wear resistance, low cost and high-quality compression.
  • If we talk about elite compression hosiery, then this is, of course, Sigvaris.

Unique design, high quality workmanship, minimal wear and tear - these are the qualities for which you can pay such an expensive price, which is what distinguishes the products of this manufacturer.

Choosing the right product

In order for compression hosiery to really help you and have the necessary therapeutic effect, it must be selected and selected correctly. This also applies to choosing the right size, because such underwear can in no case be either small or large.

Compression stockings or tights must exactly match your measurements - only then will the pressure be distributed correctly across your legs.

So, before you go shopping, you will have to take your measurements and write them down.

It is best to measure your legs in the morning, when they are not yet tired and swelling has not appeared.

To select linen you will need the following numbers:

  • How many centimeters is the circumference of the shin?

At the bottom, measure above the ankle, and at the top, under the knee joint.

  • Then you need to measure your hip circumference.

This can be done by raising the meter to a height of 25-30 cm above the knee joint.

  • Once you have this number, measure the length of your leg.

For stockings, stop at the point that was the thigh circumference, and for tights, measure all the way to the groin.

  • Also, to purchase tights, you will also need to take measurements of your waist circumference.

With the results obtained and the doctor’s prescriptions, you can purchase the product you need. The sales consultant must have a special table that details the size correspondences. Provide him with your measurements so that he can choose the best option for you.

Under no circumstances buy such products at markets or in dubious shops and stalls, and also avoid unknown sellers, otherwise you simply risk purchasing a fake.

Remember that high-quality compression hosiery cannot be cheap. Please note that real anti-varicose tights or stockings do not have a certain density, like regular knitwear, so if you are offered to buy tights with a density of 70, 80 or 90 denier, know that these are not therapeutic or even preventive underwear, and there is no special effect from them you won't wait.

Be sure to check whether the product has a RAL standard mark - this is the only way you can find a product that will meet international quality standards.

You also need to dress and wear it correctly

To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, compression hosiery must be worn without taking it off for the whole day.

Putting on such stockings or tights is also not as easy as regular ones.

  1. It is best to put on underwear immediately after waking up.

Don't get out of bed - let it lie somewhere next to the bed. Both tights and stockings are put on lying down (you can lift your torso a little to pull the tights over your waist).

  1. It is necessary to act extremely carefully, do not stretch the product or twist it.
  2. For convenience, gather the top part of the tights or stockings into an accordion, and then, inserting your palm inside the product, carefully put it on.
  3. Check whether the heel of the product is positioned correctly on your foot. Then, slowly straightening it, pull it higher.

Some manufacturers sell special devices to make the process of dressing not so difficult (for example, MediButler; kits also include “sliding socks” for models of compression stockings with an open nose, for greater comfort).

To ensure that stockings or tights serve you as long as possible, follow a few simple rules:

  • Maintain good foot hygiene

Cut your nails in a timely manner - short enough, and polish them well so as not to snag or tear the product, smooth the surface of corns or dry calluses.

  • Wash your clothes by hand every day in warm water (no more than 40 degrees).
  • When washing, do not wring out the product or twist it.
  • Choose a special detergent for washing delicate fabrics.

It could even be shampoo or liquid soap, the main thing is that it is not ordinary washing powder. Also, you should absolutely not use bleach or dry cleaning.

  • Do not hang the product out to dry in the sun; hot drying will not work either;
  • If you purchased stockings, be very careful with the silicone elastic strip.

If water gets on it, it will no longer be able to tightly fix the product, so it is better to clean it with a cotton pad that can be soaked in alcohol-containing liquid.

If you purchased anti-embolic stockings (compression stockings intended for childbirth and the postpartum period), you can wear them for seven days without removing them.

You can shower in these stockings, and they can also be washed at temperatures up to 70 degrees, unlike regular compression stockings. This is very important because they may have to be sterilized to give birth.

Thanks to the open toe, you can monitor the blood circulation in your feet. These stockings are seamless and do not cause any friction. If you didn’t have time to put them on at home, then the midwives will definitely help you in the maternity hospital.

Instead of a conclusion

Varicose veins are, of course, unpleasant, but you should not be upset, because you can cope with them. Compression hosiery can significantly help you with this. If you are concerned that pregnancy will affect your legs, see your doctor to help you find the right compression product.

Considering the questions and topics that constantly arise here about compression hosiery during pregnancy, I think you will be interested in the results of our research in the process of choosing brands for an online store.

Since there are so many brands, we conducted a comparative analysis based on 2 key consumer criteria:

  1. Confirmed product quality
  2. Adequate price

We omit other criteria (convenience of working with the supplier, commercial conditions, assortment), since they ultimately did not influence the choice.

Many of you are also faced with a similar choice - which brand to use? - therefore, we hope that our research will be useful to you.

What brands of compression tights and stockings have you studied?

We have chosen the brands that are the most famous and widely represented in Russian stores (some are sold even in Auchan), namely (in alphabetical order): Medi (Germany), Orto (Spain), Relaxsan (Italy), Medicale line, Sigvaris (Switzerland) .

Also, in the process of studying, we periodically came across other brands, we saved information about them. At your request, we can tell you about them.

Assessing the quality of compression hosiery

Having studied the “material parts” and visited various specialized sites and forums, as well as using simple logic, we have identified three key components of the quality of compression hosiery for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins:

  • Medical quality - the ability of tights to provide the desired therapeutic effect.
  • Performance quality - here we have combined those properties of knitwear that provide ease of use.
  • Visual quality is a purely feminine and metrosexual thing - the ability of compression tights and stockings to bring you and those around you aesthetic satisfaction.

Medical quality

The main sources for assessing the medical quality of the designated brands were the following:

  • Quality standards for compression hosiery with easy-to-learn text.
  • Generally recognized research by reputable authors and research centers.

The country of production, the opinions of doctors and users on the Internet were also taken into account.



Medical standards


Country of Origin

Reviews from doctors

Customer Reviews

Complies with RAL-GZ 387, the most common and stringent standard available for study (see Note 1)

Made in Germany - speaks for itself

Brand No. 1 in Germany

Arouse the greatest recognition among the professional community of doctors (most often mentioned - Medi)

By mentions (U) - No. 2, by positive reviews (PO) - No. 1

Made in Switzerland - speaks for itself

Brand No. 1 in Switzerland

Lioveras Document O29ML09 Rev. 0


The presence of the brand in Spain has not been detected



In Italy among the leaders

Quality Standards for Medical Compression Products

Why is it important to have standards? Essentially, this is a guarantee that you: (a) will not experience undesirable consequences and (b) that you will receive the declared medical effect (pressure in mmHg and its special distribution in the leg). There is no standard - there is no guarantee, therefore the buyer (and not the doctor advising questionable options) assumes all risks. It is logical that we, as sellers of a serious medical device, do not want to create risks for our clients.

We discovered that there are several “professional” standards that describe the requirements for medical elastic compression stockings. At the same time, the German RAL GZ 387 is the most famous, which is confirmed by its use as the basis for a working version of the unified EU standard, the ability to freely find and study on the Internet and the fact that well-known world brands from various countries undergo constant certification for compliance with it. We have studied the standard and can note its comprehensiveness in German. Finally, we noted that it is also an important criterion for doctors when prescribing a product. By following the links you can familiarize yourself with the text of the standard and certified companies. If you find texts of other standards, send them to us.

Performance properties

They follow from the previous point:

  1. Germany and Switzerland are known for the quality of products produced in these countries.
  2. Compliance of compression knitwear with world-famous standards guarantees the preservation of the compression effect throughout the entire service life of the products, wear resistance due to the high requirements for materials. According to reviews from doctors and buyers: brands with the RAL-GZ 387 standard retain compression longer than the warranty period (up to a year).
  3. Compliance with the environmental safety standard Oko Tex Standard 100 guarantees the absence of allergic reactions.

Visual quality




Country of Origin



Compression classes

Preventive class, 1-4

Preventive class, 1-4

Preventive class, 1-3

Preventive class, 1-3


circular, flat





transparent, translucent, opaque

transparent, translucent, opaque

transparent, translucent, opaque

Material composition Polyamide, elastane. To create increased comfort, the fabric is treated with lanolin (in some models), a substance of natural origin used to moisturize and protect the skin. Polyamide, elastane. There are models containing cotton (cotton is added for comfort, but such models are less elastic and take longer to dry; there are models containing natural rubber to give rigidity/compression stability to knitwear, but rubber can cause allergies) polyamide, elastane. There are models with cotton content polyamide, elastane. There are models with cotton content
Special product options Stockings for wide hips, tights models specifically for wide hips and waists (maxi panty top), tights with a low waist, tights with compression in the panties to maintain the shape of the buttocks and abdomen, tights for one leg, push-up & pull-up effects, 4 types of elastic bands for stockings Comfort BodyForm tights with compression in the panty area to maintain the shape of the buttocks and abdomen No No
Custom production Yes Yes No No
Serial sizes 7 12 on average 5 sizes 5
Standard colors 10 (elegance) 6 (magic) 3 2
Add. Seasonal colors (number of colors) 7 (mediven elegance) 4 3 No
Decorations Swarovski rhinestones (mv elegance, plus, comfort), ornaments (mJ-1) No No
Length of serial products 2 3 lengths for stockings, 2 lengths for tights 1 2
Innovative technologies Clima comfort, Clima fresh, Perfect fit, Soft elastic Patented hybrid knitting mediven elegance. antibacterial component “Sanitized”
Quality standards (RAL GZ (387), Oko-Tex Standard 100)

RAL GZ (387), Oko-Tex Standard 100

RAL GZ (387), Oko-Tex Standard 100
Average price (tights 2 cl) 6,500 rub. RUB 7,800 RUB 2,100 4,200 rub.

Conclusion on quality: it is obvious that in the category of medical knitwear the cornerstone is the medical quality of the products, therefore all brands (both here and in general) can be divided into two categories - with confirmed medical quality and with unknown, unpredictable quality. In total, we distribute the places as follows: Medi, Sigvaris, Relaxsan, Orto.

Adequate price

The quality of the therapeutic effect adequate to the problem is the cornerstone, but in Russian realities it is not the only one. Adequacy of the price is the second stone that often turns out to be underwater.

It is well known that compression hosiery is extremely expensive. On average, it can range from 1000 to 8000 rubles.

The price of any product is determined by two main factors - the internal value of the product and the markup.

We found out the intrinsic value in the second point and now we understand that Medi, Sigvaris and other certified European brands should cost more than “cats in compression bags” - they serve better and longer.

How to determine the adequacy of the price?

The easiest way is to look at the retail prices of products in Europe, incl. in the countries where products are produced, and compare with Russian ones. Our hypothesis is that in old Europe, educated people with a developed consumer culture can adequately assess the value of products and will not overpay, therefore, we can assume that the price market there is well-established and balanced. Conclusion: in our opinion, prices in Russia should be 10-30% higher, depending on the sales volume of the brand in Russia.

In practice, unfortunately, this is far from the case. Some brands cannot be found at all during the day in the trading spaces of the country of origin, and some in Russia cost so much that it even becomes embarrassing for such greed of the seller.



Comparative analysis


Compression tights for pregnant women, class 2 compression.

Price in Russia

Excess, %

medi (Germany)

Mediven Elegance

Ganzoni (Switzerland)

? (Spain)

Relaxsan Medicale Soft

Obviously, high-quality compression hosiery for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins should cost 50-100 euros (depending on the type of product and brand). Cheap analogues, costing 15-40 euros, are knitwear with an unknown medical effect, which may either be absent or, in the worst case scenario, be harmful.

Of course, to obtain global and maximally objective conclusions, it is necessary to conduct a more thorough study or even an investigation, which may require dozens of days and pages. But if we take our goals, we believe that we have received enough information and signals to make a decision. In general, our Venoteka’s recommendations may sound like this:

  1. Buy products that are manufactured in accordance with respected standards (a surefire option is the German RAL-GZ 387 standard presented on the Russian market).
  2. Consult your doctor about the compression class and type of product. Follow your doctor's recommendations for the brand of product if you are confident in the doctor's competence in this matter, and always ask for reasons.
  3. The best recommendation is from your friend, acquaintance or stranger, but an authoritative person who has personally tried a specific product. By the way, this could be a doctor.
  4. However, the best experience is not your friend's, but your own. Try different brands if possible. This way you will find the best one for you. And share your experience with Venoteka - the opinion of those who use knitwear every day is important to us. Each of us (4 people) personally tried the product we sell.
  5. When buying in a store, be careful - unfortunately, the average level of consultants in Russia is very average, and they can advise/sell a bad product simply out of ignorance. In some stores - even more unfortunately - they deliberately sell such goods. If you have a discount under a discount program in such a store, but do not want to deal with it anymore, contact us, we will definitely take your discount into account.
  6. If you prefer only offline stores, we can recommend you such as Orteka, Ladomed, Medi, the Swiss orthopedic salon - they have a range of high-quality products and a fairly good level of service. At the same time, if it is convenient for you to order online, then when you contact our store - in addition to free delivery - we will definitely take into account the discount on your discount card from another store.
  7. Do not determine the medical parameters of knitwear yourself, with the help of friends or salespeople in stores. That's what doctors are for.
  8. Medical knitwear made using special technologies. Therefore, carefully study the operating instructions - they contain important nuances for caring for knitwear, putting it on and storing it.
  9. When choosing a brand, approach the price critically - compare it with European analogues, with the manufacturer’s recommended price, with offers from other brands and in other places of sale. A significant deviation down or up from the manufacturer's recommended price is a reason to think twice.
  10. Country of origin is very important. German and Swiss quality is famous all over the world, unlike, unfortunately, Russian, Chinese or Taiwanese. This is the thing for which millions of people in their right mind and sober memory overpay.
  11. Cheap can be expensive. Remember that cheap knitwear will most likely serve little and poorly. Perhaps you will be lucky and it will serve little but well. Therefore, when talking about the price of a product, always keep in mind the cost of the entire period of high-quality use of the product.

Fair elections

As you can tell from our catalog, we chose Medi. Having said that, we must say that Sigvaris, Venosan and other German, Swiss and certified European brands are very worthy products.

Why did we choose Medi?

Having decided to invest in the so-called customer-centricity of our store (free shipping, support for discounts from other stores, flexibility, etc.), it would be universal stupidity to sell something other than the best in quality and fair price.

Medi is the most famous and proven high-quality brand in Russia and the world, for which there is great demand (and, importantly, repeated demand) and which is respected by the professional community of doctors. For us, this is risk minimization and self-confidence.

In addition, Medi is a leader, and for us it is something of a matter of ambition - working with a leader (if you like, it's kind of like having Adidas, Mercedes or Apple in your store).

Last but not least, Medi is always something new and unique (texture patterns, Swarovski, crazy color collections, etc.) - this is very important for a store that wants to offer the customer the best product and the best service, and always be on the wave. Other brands in this regard - at least on the Russian market - are very slow and conservative, and this is always a difficulty in the modern ultrasonic world.

I hope the information presented, our subjective assessments and recommendations will be useful to you. If you have any questions or your own notes, we will be happy to discuss them. They are important to all of us.