Bearberry herb: medicinal properties and contraindications. Bear grass or bearberry: medicinal properties and contraindications, use as part of complex therapy for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys

Among the many medicinal plants There is bearberry, which is popularly called bearberry. It is a low shrub similar to heather.

This plant is perennial, has a not very tall thin stem and rather fast growing tenacious roots. Flowering occurs in late spring and ends in early summer, after which small red berries with a slightly tart taste are produced.

Bearberry has rounded, dense leaves with a smooth surface, which are very similar in appearance to lingonberry leaves. The flowers of this plant are small and light pink in color. Cold weather and mountainous area- the most suitable factors for the growth of bearberry.

In some sources, bearberry is called “bear ears,” but this name is erroneous, as it refers to something completely different. herbaceous plant- scepter-shaped mullein.

Rules for collecting and procuring raw materials

Since ancient times, bearberry has been known for its medicinal properties and is capable of curing many ailments, so people who know a lot about it collected and prepared the plant for further healing.

Nowadays, it is easy to purchase ready-made dried raw materials in pharmacies or fresh ones in specialized markets. Having the opportunity to harvest yourself, you should follow some collection rules:

  1. You should not pull out the branches of the plant, as the growth of the bearberry will slow down. To avoid this, old branches are carefully cut off, and young shoots are left for further growth.
  2. Collecting exclusively the leaves of the plant will help keep the thickets denser, especially since for cooking medicinal decoctions and infusions, the stems are unsuitable.
  3. It is necessary to collect green, unwilted leaves, and discard brown ones.
  4. The leaves must be sifted to remove debris and small twigs. This should be done with fresh, still dense leaves, since dried leaves will crumble and produce a lot of dust.
  5. It is necessary to dry in dry and dark rooms (attics, closets), where there is good air circulation, since during the process the raw materials can absorb foreign odors and start to mold.
  6. The shelf life of harvested leaves should not exceed three to four years in a tightly closed container, but it is better to use raw materials within a year, as this way they are preserved more useful substances plants.

The composition of bearberry and its medicinal qualities

Bearberry contains in its leaves a variety of beneficial and medicinal substances, which have a beneficial and healing effect on the human body and are able to fully cure some serious illnesses or facilitate their occurrence.

Substances Their role for the body
1 Glycoside arbutin Renders antimicrobial effect, capable of suppressing growth pathogenic microorganisms, has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic and analgesic effects.
2 Flavonoids Stimulate protective properties the body against the harmful effects of various infections, especially during epidemics and outbreaks.
3 Ursulic acid Interacts with arbutin and acts as a catalyst for the process, stimulates fluid movement in the body, reduces swelling and stimulates leaching pathogenic bacteria, restores walls urinary tract.
4 Tannins Normalize metabolic processes, have an astringent effect, help with diseases digestive system, accelerate skin regeneration and heal wounds.
5 Hydroquinone and gallic acid They have powerful antioxidant properties, have a rejuvenating effect, eliminate age spots, improve the structure and color of the skin.
6 Essential oils They stimulate blood circulation, accelerate metabolic processes, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
7 Vitamins and minerals They trigger immune processes, regulate excretory processes, have a general strengthening effect on the entire human body, and have a preventive effect in the autumn-spring period.

Main properties of bearberry:

  • has a diuretic effect;
  • is an effective antiseptic;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • liquidates inflammatory processes in organs;
  • relieves muscle spasms.

Not only the leaves of bearberry are healing, but also its berries, from which tinctures are made and teas are brewed that can eliminate tissue swelling in cardiovascular diseases.

Use in home medicine

This medicinal plant used for preparing various decoctions, infusions are made from it and alcohol tinctures, they take a bath with it, make ointments, apply compresses.


Most often they are made from bearberry various decoctions, while adding additional medicinal herbs, flowers and fruits. Below are some recipes for healing decoctions of bearberry.

Recipe 1

Prepare 5 grams of dry crushed leaves of the plant by placing them in a shallow bowl. Fill the container with a glass of chilled boiled water and simmer the contents over low heat for about half an hour, then remove from the stove and let stand for an additional 7-10 minutes. After this, strain the broth and add boiled water to a volume of 250 ml.

Ready medicinal decoction should be consumed 20-40 minutes after meals in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons up to 4 times a day.

This drink is suitable for acute gastritis And increased acidity stomach, as well as for diseases of the heart muscle and infection with tuberculosis bacillus.

The decoction will help with sexually transmitted diseases and others gynecological problems, it should be used for douching or washing. Suitable and how wound healing agent for burns and cuts for baths and washes.

Recipe 2

This decoction is also used for children, but should be less concentrated, so it is prepared identically to recipe No. 1, but using less raw materials - 1 teaspoon of dry crushed bearberry leaves.

Recipe 3

Mix 10 grams of bearberry leaves and 10 grams of motherwort, then put the mixture in a deep container and fill it with 0.5 liters of purified water. At a low boil, evaporate 1/3 of the liquid, then cool, divide into three equal portions and drink throughout the day.

This recipe is suitable for long-term intestinal disorders and nervous exhaustion body.


Combined infusions based on oatmeal leaves are widely used. They are quite easy to make at home.

Recipe 1

You will need approximately 3 dessert spoons of prepared oatmeal leaves, which are poured into 500-600 ml cool water, after which it is infused for about 12 hours at room temperature. After some time, the product should be boiled again for about 3-4 minutes, cooled and strained.

This infusion is drunk 2 dess. spoons before meals. It is advisable to first use the mixture of one teaspoon baking soda and half a glass of water. This procedure is needed to get rid of unwanted symptoms after drinking medicinal infusion such as nausea and diarrhea.

This remedy can cure cystitis and other inflammations bladder and kidneys. This infusion is especially effective for urinary incontinence.

Recipe 2

Achieve more effective treatment Infusion of bearberry with the addition of parsley, celandine and hernia will help inflammation of the urinary tract. To do this, you need to mix the herbs in equal quantities (about one tablespoon each) and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 60 minutes, then cool and take 1/5 of total number in 20-30 minutes. after meals up to three times a day.

Recipe 3

If there are kidney stones, a combined infusion based on bearberry is prepared, lingonberry leaf and plantain with the addition of currant leaves, lavender flowers, birch buds, hop cones, rosehip flowers, chamomile, burda grass and horsetail. Given herbal tea can be purchased at a pharmacy.

The infusion should be prepared at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture per 700-800 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes of infusion, you need to cool the product and drink ½ glass about 4 times a day.

To ease the symptoms and remove sand from the kidneys, gradually reduce the amount of infusion you drink.


Most often, bearberry tincture is used to stabilize blood pressure. You can easily buy it ready-made at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

Recipe 1

The leaves of the plant are infused in ethyl alcohol with a strength of forty degrees for two weeks. Tincture proportions: 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials per 100 ml of alcohol. The mixture must be stored in a dark place during the infusion process. Afterwards you need to strain and consume 10 drops after meals.

This remedy will help with breakthrough bleeding from the vagina and restore the nervous system.

Recipe 2

In this case, the tincture will require more raw materials and less alcohol than in recipe No. 1. You will get a more concentrated oatmeal tincture that can fight alcohol addiction.

Contraindications to the use of bearberry

This medicinal plant is the safest and is not capable of providing harmful influence on the human body, but it is necessary to take into account the patient’s tendency to allergic reactions, as well as his individual intolerance some plant components.

As a rule, expectant mothers, nursing women and children under 12 years of age should not use these products, since they are all at risk and may experience unwanted side effects. side effects and their consequences.

In addition, it is worth observing the dosage, since if you exceed the norm, there is a huge risk of critical dehydration of the body, since persistent diarrhea may occur.

You can learn about the medicinal properties and methods of using bearberry from the following video:

Summing up, it would be useful to add that bearberry can help in the fight against many heart problems, skin diseases, and also eliminates uncontrollable ejaculation at night in men, treats liver diseases, including jaundice, and normalizes the processes endocrine system and strengthens the body as a whole.

Bearberry is a medicinal plant from the Heather genus, used for centuries for treatment. various diseases, mainly the genitourinary tract. Bearberry leaves and shoots are used in traditional medicine. An infusion and decoction are prepared from them, which should be taken like any other medicines, strictly in accordance with the instructions, taking into account everything possible contraindications and side effects.

What does bearberry look like?

The plant has a second popular name, bear ears, due to the shape of its leaves - it is obovate. The leaves are covered with a network of capillaries. The grass blooms in late spring and early summer, flowers are whitish-pink. In place of the flowers, a small red berry is formed, with tart taste. The grass doesn't burn.

Leaves should be harvested before flowering or after the fruits have fallen. The brown color of the raw material indicates that the collection occurred incorrectly, and such leaves cannot be used. The plant should not be plucked from its roots, as this will lead to the death of its thickets.

What grass can do

The medicinal properties of the plant are due to its chemical composition:

  1. The diuretic effect is due to the presence of arbutin and methylarbutin glycosides and flavonoids in the plant.
  2. The combination of arbutin with gallic acid methyl ester and hydroquinone has an antiseptic effect on urine, and also has an antimicrobial effect (urolesan also has the same properties). It is hydroquinone that ensures the destruction of microbes such as E. coli, enterococcus, staphylococcus, enterobacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, mycoplasma, listeria and ureaplasma. It also kills bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
  3. The antifungal, antituberculosis and at the same time anti-inflammatory properties of the plant are due to the presence of tannins in its composition. The anti-inflammatory activity of bear ears is especially pronounced in relation to the urinary system in conditions of a dehydrated body.
  4. Membrane stability kidney cells and the antioxidant effect is provided by the glycoside arbutin.
  5. Grass provides better fabric stability genitourinary system to a small amount of oxygen.
  6. In shock situations, bearberry increases blood pressure.
  7. Hydroquinone, contained in leaves and shoots, improves the absorption of glucose by tissues and reduces the degree of ketoacidosis, a complication of diabetes.
  8. The astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines is due to tannins.
  9. Choleretic properties.

When to use bear ears

The main properties of this plant - anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobial - determine its use in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, but only necessarily - after seeing a urologist:

  • in the treatment of cystitis – acute and chronic
  • for relief of urethritis
  • for treatment urolithiasis
  • as first aid if blood is detected in the urine.

Also read:

Canephron: instructions for use. Be careful...

In all of the above cases, bearberry can only be used when the urine pH is alkaline (therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to test general analysis). Otherwise, the glycosides arbutin and methylarbutin will not be able to break down and exert their effect.

The herb can also be used in the treatment of:

  • diarrhea
  • externally – in the treatment of wounds and ulcers, clean and purulent
  • Topically – to lighten skin hyperpigmentation
  • together with some other herbs - in therapy bronchial asthma, rhinitis, cough
  • A decoction in milk is used in the treatment of gastritis.

Proper use of the plant

The instructions for use indicate that the herb can be used in the form of decoction, infusion and tea. You can also use the leaves of this plant and other herbs to prepare a diuretic mixture.

A decoction of the leaves is prepared as follows:

  • Place 1 tbsp in a glass or enamel bowl.
  • pour 200 ml boiled hot water
  • place, covered with a lid, on water bath
  • boil for half an hour
  • removed from the bathhouse
  • Cool for 10 minutes at room temperature
  • strain and squeeze out the remaining leaves
  • bring the resulting volume to 200 ml
  • the instructions clearly indicate that before using this decoction you need to shake it and drink 1 tbsp. 40 minutes before meals, preheat the broth, 3-5 times a day

It is possible to use medicinal herbs in the form of an infusion. Then the steps are the same as when preparing a decoction, only:

  • Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes
  • cool at a temperature of 18-23 degrees – 45 minutes, only then strain and squeeze.

The infusion is prepared from filter bags as follows:

  1. 3-4 packets are poured with 100 ml of boiling water in an enamel or glass container
  2. leave covered for 30 minutes
  3. squeeze out the bags
  4. Boiled water is added to a total volume of 100 ml.

According to the instructions, drink an infusion of bearberry leaves 1/3 cup 3-5 times a day half an hour before meals.

Use in the development of bladder inflammation

The herb for cystitis is recommended to be taken according to special recipe. To do this, it is advisable to collect the leaves and flowers of the plant yourself, dry it on fresh air, chop the leaves separately. Next, 1 part of the leaves is poured with 10 parts of boiling water, infused for about 45 minutes, and filtered. Take the infusion three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Also read:

Phytolysin during pregnancy: small nuances

What works against kidney stones

Tannins, flavonoids, arbutin, organic acids have an anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfectant effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Bearberry also has diuretic properties. The therapy can be supplemented with half-half grass or herbal preparation phytolysin. A consultation with a urologist or nephrologist is required first.

For whom is the herb contraindicated?

Bearberry leaves are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. Even if before this only she helped you get rid of cystitis, then during this period, if there are signs of this pathology, you can take the only drug - Canephron n.

Other contraindications to taking decoctions and infusions of bear ears:

  1. individual intolerance
  2. acute glomerulonephritis
  3. renal failure
  4. acute or exacerbation chronic disease digestive system
  5. bearberry herb is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age
  6. breastfeeding.

Patients' opinions

Here are some reviews about the drug.

“I took herbs bought at a pharmacy to treat urolithiasis. I brewed it as written in the instructions. I felt an improvement on the third day: although the pain did not go away, it became easier in the lumbar region. I didn’t take any other medications. The pain finally went away only by the end of the week.”

Bearberry is a small evergreen shrub belonging to the Ericaceae family.

Popularly, the plant is often called bear ears.

Bearberry is widespread in the territory North America, Northern Europe, Siberia. It is found in the mountains of Central America.

Bear ears can grow in the harsh conditions of the arctic and subarctic climate zone.

Bearberry blooms in spring, the inflorescences are pale pink.

In their place, red berries appear in the fall, reminiscent of lingonberries ().

The leaves of the plant are small, oval, soft to the touch.

They contain useful components, which is why the leaves of bear ears are used in traditional and folk medicine.

Chemical composition

The plant includes minerals, thanks to which bearberry is used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

The composition of the bear ears includes:

  • flavonoids - substances that contribute to the destruction of microbes and bacteria,
  • tannins- elements that strengthen the intestines.
    They are indispensable for diarrhea disorders gastrointestinal tract,
  • gallic acid is an antioxidant that stops aging and the formation of cancer cells,
  • arbutin is an element that activates the formation and excretion of urine,
  • ursulic acid – a drug with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties,
  • hydroquinone is a substance that whitens and rejuvenates the skin.
    It is used in cosmetology.

Healing capabilities of the plant

Common bearberry has a complex effect on the body. The plant has the following properties:

  • diuretic,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antiseptic,
  • astringents,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • relieving muscle tension.

Useful and healing properties

1. Bearberry is known for its ability to treat diseases of the genitourinary system.
The diuretic properties of bear ears allow you to remove excess fluid from the body.

2. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties, which relieves tension from the affected muscles.

3. The diuretic ability of bearberry helps relieve swelling.
This property has a beneficial effect on people suffering from cystitis, urethritis, and prostatitis.
Bearberry helps normalize kidney function.
The herb helps with. It is successfully used for diseases such as pyelonephritis, pyelocystitis, pyelitis.

4. Bear ears cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
They normalize the functioning of the intestines and stomach, help with gastritis, heartburn, peptic ulcer(about therapeutic diet written).
Gently eliminate constipation, such as colitis.
This is achieved thanks to astringent properties bearberry.

5. The plant can also be used externally.
The herb smoothes wrinkles, softens and brightens the skin, and relieves inflammatory reactions.
At severe irritation For the skin, it is recommended to take baths with the addition of bearberry decoction.
This helps fight bedsores and diathesis.

6. Bearberry infusion has a beneficial effect in cases of alcoholism (read what to do in case of alcohol poisoning on the page).
The product promotes treatment nervous disorders, sleep disorders.

7. The antiseptic power of the plant is so great that douching with a decoction of bear ears is prescribed for people suffering from gonorrhea, gardnerellosis or thrush.

8. Bear's ears help in the treatment of rheumatism, heart failure, Graves' disease.
The plant is taken for tuberculosis, gout, conjunctivitis.

On the page: written about rosemary essential oil and its medicinal properties and contraindications.

Use in folk medicine

Bearberry is consumed in several forms. Based on it, a decoction, alcohol tincture or water infusion can be prepared.

Each variety has its own advantages.

In the form of decoctions

To prepare it you will need a tablespoon dried herb and 250 milliliters of water.

Grind the leaves to a powder, pour a glass of boiling water. Place the broth in a water bath and leave for 15 minutes.

Then the medicine should infuse for 40 minutes. Strain the broth, add water until the original volume is obtained.

Take 30 minutes after meals. Dosage – 50 milliliters, 3 times a day.

The decoction helps in the treatment of:

The product can be used externally. It helps heal wounds, abrasions, and treat dermatosis.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare this product, you need to take a glass of vodka and add 40 grams of crushed bearberry leaves to it.

Pour the tincture into a glass container and place it in a dark place for 2 weeks. After 14 days, strain the resulting solution.

Alcohol tincture helps with insomnia, problems with the nervous system, and alcoholism. It is taken to relieve pain during rheumatism, gout (), and malignant neoplasms.

Infusion of leaves in water

When preparing an infusion, the plant does not lend itself to heat treatment. Preserved in leaves large number useful substances.

Take a tablespoon of dry, crushed herbs, pour a glass of boiled water at room temperature. Insist for a day normal conditions, then strain.

The mixture is good for 48 hours; store it in the refrigerator.

Take 30 minutes after meals. Dosage – 30 milliliters, three times a day.

The infusion helps cope with cystitis.

Home Recipes

1. For problems with the nervous system, mix bearberry leaves with motherwort in equal parts.

Take two large spoons of the mixture, add 500 milliliters of water. Cook in a water bath until the product reduces in volume by a third.

Strain the finished medicine, take 50 milliliters before meals, three times a day.

2. For problems with the intestines and stomach You need to chop a teaspoon of the fruits of the plant, add a small amount of water, and heat it on the stove.

Then add two hundred milliliters of milk and bring to a boil. Leave for 60 minutes, the product is taken orally.

The product should sit for 6 hours. It needs to be added to the bath.

4. For the treatment of cystitis or urethritis, make an alcohol tincture of bearberry.

Take twenty drops, three times a day. Before use, the product should be diluted with water.

5. For the treatment of gout It is worth preparing the following decoction: combine three tablespoons of bearberry with half a liter of water.

Bring to a boil and simmer the solution for fifteen minutes.

After cooling, strain the resulting solution.

Take twice daily, with meals.

Treat yourself with this remedy until the pain leaves you.

You can apply a bandage soaked in this solution to the affected areas (hold for 15 minutes).

1. When preparing a medicinal product (tincture or decoction), the proportions must be strictly observed.

2. When using the medicine, the conditions of administration and dosage cannot be changed.

Deviations from the scheme can lead to an excess of bearberry in the body. This will cause vomiting, nausea and other unpleasant signs poisoning

3. When using bearberry to treat diseases of the genitourinary system, you must follow a special diet.

Protein products should be excluded from the diet.

It is worth eating plant foods.

Before taking bearberry decoction you need to drink a glass soda solution(1 teaspoon of soda per 250 milliliters of water). Thanks to this, the acidity of urine will be within acceptable limits.

4. Before you start taking bearberry, you should find out if you are allergic to this herb. Soak a cotton swab in a decoction of bearberry and apply it to the crook of your elbow.

If within half an hour there are no allergic reactions(rash, redness, tearfulness), then you can safely begin treatment.

In case of allergies- stop treatment.

5. Before using a medicinal plant, you should consult your doctor.

During pregnancy

The plant helps fight all the problems of pregnant women - heartburn, insomnia, nervousness and swelling.

Despite these positive properties, bearberry should not be consumed by pregnant women.

The plant can provoke contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which will lead to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

Contraindications and side effects

Bearberry is medicinal product, has limitations in application. The plant is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period,
  • children's age (up to 12 years),
  • acute renal failure,
  • glomerulonephritis,
  • cannot be combined with drugs from the alkaloid group.

In case of an overdose, nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, painful sensations. Bearberry should not be taken for more than one week.

How to choose quality grass

The leaves of the plant are sold in any pharmacy.

Usually, quality of this product confirmed by the necessary certificates.

Many people prefer to purchase bearberry at the market.

To determine its quality, conduct the following experiment:

  • prepare a highly concentrated solution containing 1 part water and 50 parts plant;
  • add a couple of drops of copper sulfate.

If the bearberry leaves are of high quality, the mixture will turn red, then change to a purple hue.

Bearberry belongs to the category of medicinal plants. She's rich useful elements, helps treat many diseases:

  • gout,
  • nervous disorders
  • gastritis,
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

The plant can be taken either separately from other herbs or in a medicinal collection.

Before using bearberry, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Excessive use may lead to health problems.

What bearberry leaves look like, what diseases they help against, and how to properly prepare a decoction and infusion - you will learn about everything by watching the video.

Bearberry is a common plant that is very often used in both folk and cultural traditions. official medicine. The evergreen shrub is covered with tender flowers in spring pink flowers, from which fruits are born. By autumn, the plant is covered with red berries, similar to lingonberries.

Common bearberry: description

This evergreen shrub belongs to the heather family. The stem grows up to one and a half meters, branches strongly and spreads low along the ground, taking roots in places. The leaves are dense, leathery with small fluffs, the veins are visible from the upper part. They are the main healing power. Because of the oblong oval shape and soft surface of the leaves, bearberry is popularly called “bear’s ear.” In some areas the name " bear berry" In autumn, in September, the bush is completely covered with fruits (bright red drupes). The berries taste sourish-tart.

Bearberry habitat

In total, more than thirty species of this plant are known, for the most part it grows in the Northern Hemisphere. In our country, only bearberry is found. You can meet it both in the middle and in the northern zone of the European part, on Far East and in Eastern Siberia. The main habitat is pine forests, larch woodlands, elfin cedar thickets. Bearberry grows on sandy soils and rocky screes and loves bright places. The plant can also be found in mountainous areas.

Useful components

What are the benefits of bearberry? The leaves contain the glycoside arbutin, flavonoids, and organic acids. Arbutin has a pronounced diuretic and antiseptic effect. Flavonoids quickly destroy viruses, bacteria, and microbes in the body. Ursulic acid has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and gallic acid can prevent the occurrence of various tumors and slow down premature aging. Bearberry leaves also contain tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the intestines. When applied externally, hydroquinone has a rejuvenating effect on the skin and brightens it. In addition to all this, bearberry contains quercetin, various micro- and macroelements, essential oil, and vitamin C.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

To prepare the plant for future use, you should collect it in the spring, when the bearberry has not yet bloomed, or in the fall, when it is already bearing fruit. Using a knife or pruning shears, you need to cut the shoots along with the leaves from the top three centimeters down. Under no circumstances should you pull out the bearberry by the roots - this part will not be useful anyway, and the plant will be completely destroyed. Bearberry takes a very long time to recover. You should not collect raw materials in the same place more than once every three years.

It is better to dry shoots with leaves under a canopy or in a ventilated attic, laying them in a thin, even layer. Periodically, the raw materials need to be turned over. If the shoots are dried in a dryer, the temperature should not exceed 40-45 degrees. After the leaves dry, they need to be separated from the shoots. To remove excess debris, the raw materials are sifted on a sieve with 5 mm holes. After this, it is packaged in bags and stored in a dark place.

Bearberry: instructions for use

Decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures are prepared from dried leaves for medicinal purposes. Let's talk about how to make them.


10 grams of dried leaves should be poured with a glass of hot water and boiled for half an hour in a water bath. Then cool to room temperature, squeeze out and discard the leaves. Bring the resulting liquid to its original volume by adding warm water.

This decoction is used to eliminate swelling. You need to drink it one tablespoon five times a day. Store for no more than two days.


10 grams of raw materials are poured very hot water(200 milliliters), heat in a water bath, without bringing to a boil. Next, cool and filter the bearberry infusion. Use is most often indicated for cystitis. It is better to drink it half an hour before meals, 50 milliliters 3-4 times a day.

Alcohol tincture

20 grams of dry leaves are poured with 100 milliliters of alcohol. Leave in a dark place for several days. The finished tincture is consumed three times a day, 10-15 drops, with water.

Indications for use

Bearberry, whose medicinal properties have long been proven, is most often used in folk medicine. Although many representatives of official medicine do not dispute the medicinal effect of the plant. Dried bearberry leaves are recommended for use against heartburn and gastritis. The decoction relieves swelling, stops uterine bleeding, normalizes cardiac activity, and facilitates the course of tuberculosis. They wash with it purulent wounds. The common bearberry is an indispensable tool for diathesis in children, the infusion is added to the bathtub. The plant is also used for diseases nervous system, insomnia, for the treatment of malignant tumors.

Most often, leaves are used as raw materials, but flowers can also be used - they will help with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and heart disease. The plant helps cure alcoholism. With withdrawal symptoms (more simply, with a hangover), an infusion of it becomes the first assistant - it helps remove all poisons from the body, neutralizing their effect.

Like hog queen (medicinal herb), bearberry is used in gynecology. Decoctions of the leaves in the form of douching are used for leucorrhoea and myometrial contraction. If you believe historical information, to combat venereal diseases Bearberry was one of the first to be used both in Russia and Northern Europe.

Several recipes

For cystitis

An infusion is prepared from the leaves of the plant: pour two teaspoons of the raw material into 250 ml of hot water. Leave for a day. Drink 200 ml warm 3 times a day.

Bearberry is also used as part of the collection: combine 20 g of dry leaves with 20 g of hernia, 5 g of parsley and 5 g of celandine. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the collection and leave for an hour. Drink 70 ml three times a day.

Important! In the treatment of cystitis healing effect Bearberry gives only when the urine reaction is alkaline. The thing is that only in this case methylarbutin and arbutin are able to turn into hydroquinone. So before using bearberry you need to do a urine test. If the environment is acidic, it should be neutralized by using baking soda.

For insomnia

Prepare the mixture: combine in equal proportions birch leaves, corn silk, licorice root, bearberry leaves. One part of the collection must be filled with 20 parts of boiling water. Drink 70 ml three times a day before meals. At the same time, the collection is an antiseptic and diuretic.

For diarrhea, gastritis

Ground berries of the plant boiled in milk help.


Bearberry contains potent substances, so it is best to consult with specialists before using it. When self-medicating, if the dosage has been exceeded, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Inflammation occurring in the kidneys and urinary tract may also worsen.

It is better to use preparations containing bearberry leaves simultaneously with those plants that have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. In this case, the arbutin content will be minimal and the effect of biologically active substances will manifest itself faster.

Some experts claim that the use of bearberry decoctions causes irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. So be careful. Do not self-medicate.

At acute diseases kidneys, you should not even take preparations that contain bearberry. There are also contraindications for pregnant women. Under no circumstances drink decoctions uncontrollably as a diuretic or for cystitis. Bearberry can cause uterine contractions and even cause miscarriage.

  • When treating the urinary tract with bearberry leaves, doctors advise excluding it from the diet. protein food so that urine oxidation does not occur. It's better to eat at this time plant foods so that the pH is in the alkaline zone. Before using bearberry medicines, you can take a solution of soda (one teaspoon per glass of water).
  • Do not uncontrollably consume decoctions, infusions, and alcoholic tinctures that contain bearberry. Instructions for use must be strictly followed. This way you will be able to avoid overdose and the appearance of symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills and fever.
  • Avoid taking bearberry and medications that contain alkali or alkaloids at the same time.
  • Before undergoing treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor, who will determine the required dosage.

How to determine the authenticity of raw materials

Today modern pharmacology offers bearberry in almost any pharmacy. There are cases when the consumer buys dried leaves directly from the market. There should be no doubt about the authenticity of pharmaceutical raw materials, but when purchasing medicine from a private seller on the street, you can run into a fake. It happens that, due to the similarity of the plants, one can confuse bearberry with ordinary lingonberry. Their leaves are somewhat similar. At home, it is quite possible to verify the authenticity of raw materials. How? Prepare an infusion of bearberry leaves according to the recipe described above. Throw in a small crystal of iron sulfate. Watch the reaction. If the infusion is indeed made from bearberry, the liquid will immediately turn red and later turn purple. After the reaction is completed, a dark purple precipitate can be observed at the bottom.

Bearberry is one of the plants that is actively used not only in folk, but also in official medicine. It is a small evergreen shrub. In spring it pleases the eye with delicate white-pink flowers, and in autumn with small red berries, strongly reminiscent of lingonberries. Bearberry leaves have an elongated oval shape and a soft, fluffy surface; perhaps these qualities of the leaves are the reason that this plant is often called bear's ear among the people, and it is also often called bear berry. It is the leaves that are considered the most valuable part of the bush, which can help in the fight against many diseases.

Composition of bearberry leaves

The leaves of bearberry contain many useful components. Among all, it is especially worth highlighting arbutin glucoside, organic acids and flavonoids. Arbutin, when entering the body, has a pronounced diuretic and antiseptic effect. Flavonoids destroy microbes, bacteria and viruses. Ursulic acid has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, gallic acid prevents the development of tumors and premature aging. In addition, bearberry contains tannins that have a beneficial effect on the intestines, hydroquinone, which, when applied externally, has a rejuvenating and brightening effect on the skin. It also contains quercetin, essential oils, macro and microelements.

Bearberry - beneficial properties and contraindications

Bear's ear is endowed with many beneficial properties. First of all, it is an excellent diuretic - it effectively removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, the plant has astringent qualities, relieves muscle tension, and has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, analgesic and enveloping effect.

When consuming infusions and decoctions prepared from bearberry, all kinds of inflammatory processes are eliminated more quickly. Diuretic properties This plant helps get rid of edema and various diseases of the genitourinary system. It has good effect in the treatment of cystitis, prostatitis and urethritis. Bearberry is very useful for the kidneys. Bear berry fights many diseases of this organ, for example, pyelocystitis, pyelitis and pyelonephritis. When taking it, the kidneys recover faster and begin to function better.

Bearberry also copes with gastrointestinal diseases. It helps with chronic colitis, gastritis and constipation, heartburn, ulcers. Thanks to astringent action this plant stabilizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and also helps in their restoration. External use of bear berry will reduce wrinkles, improve health, strengthen protective forces, soften and brighten skin and will also eliminate inflammation. Bearberry is also effective in the fight against rheumatism, gout, uterine bleeding, diabetes, heart failure, diathesis, urolithiasis and even some sexually transmitted diseases.

Bearberry contraindications

Bearberry is considered relatively safe means, so it doesn’t have many contraindications. First of all, you should avoid eating bear berries if you have an acute renal failure and glomerulonephritis. In addition, it is not recommended for children under twelve years of age, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

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Bearberry during pregnancy

Despite the fact that bearberry leaves help get rid of the most common pregnancy problems such as insomnia, excessive nervousness, heartburn and swelling, it should not be taken during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that this plant has an irritating effect on the muscles of the uterus, therefore, as a result of taking bearberry, premature birth or spontaneous miscarriage.

Bearberry - application

In official medicine, bear berry is usually used to treat the bladder, urinary system, and urethra. It is used as independent remedy, and also include various drugs. Traditional medicine uses bearberry more widely. Now there are many recipes based on this medicinal plant.

Bearberry decoction

In folk medicine, bearberry decoction is recommended to be taken for edema, chronic gastritis, cystitis, chronic nephritis, constipation, uterine bleeding, chronic colitis, urethritis, diathesis, diabetes and other diseases mentioned above. This remedy can also be used externally, in which case it will help cure poorly healing wounds, diathesis, abrasions, etc.

To prepare it, grind a tablespoon of leaves until a powdery mass is formed, pour a glass of boiling water into them, and then send them to a water bath. Heat the mixture for a quarter of an hour, then set it aside for forty minutes. Strain the finished broth and use boiled water to bring it to the initial volume. Take the product half an hour after eating, fifty milliliters three times a day.

Bearberry infusion

This remedy perfectly fights cystitis, and it is also used to treat other diseases. To prepare it, two glasses cold water combine with ten grams of bearberry leaves. Leave the resulting mixture for about twelve hours, then heat it for about five minutes, but do not boil, and strain. It is recommended to take thirty milliliters half an hour after eating three times a day. This infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Bearberry tincture

Tincture of bearberry leaves is used for sleep disorders, alcoholism, diseases of the nervous system, urolithiasis, as an analgesic and remedy for rheumatism, malignant tumors and gout.