How to take boron uterus decoction. Tincture of boron uterus for urinary incontinence. Contraindications and side effects of boron uterus herb

Ortilia unilateral (hogweed, boletus grass, boletus, hare salt, side flower, pear grass, forest pear, wintergreen, wine grass) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the forest zone of the Northern Hemisphere. In folk and traditional medicine it is used to treat the female genital area, diseases of the urinary tract, prostate and adenoma in men. Acts as a hormonal, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of boron uterus were well known in Rus'. This herb is found not only in ancient Russian herbal books, but also in legends and beliefs. It is considered a feminine herb, and in ancient images it was depicted next to a female silhouette and the Moon. First of all, the plant was used as a unique remedy for infertility. The phase of the moon must be taken into account when collecting and taking the miracle herb. However, other ethnic groups (for example, the British, Irish, Germans, Canadians) know nothing about the use of this plant for medicinal purposes. In Alaska, this herb is eaten and tea is made from it. Borovaya herb as a medicinal plant for “female diseases” is revered precisely in the culture of the Eastern Slavs - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians.

Features of the hog uterus

Side flower, forest pear, wine grass, bar uterus, one-sided ortilia - all this is the same plant. People often call this medicinal plant “hog uterus” (translated into modern Russian it sounds like “forest mother”). What's special about this grass? What are its healing properties? You can see what the plant looks like in the photo. And why is there such a stir around her on the Internet, primarily on women's sites and forums?


Where does the hog queen grow? This is a “resident” of the Northern Hemisphere. It takes root well in the European part of Russia, in the Ciscaucasia region, and in the Far East. The herb is also found in England, Germany, France, Canada and the USA. Loves damp forest zones, less common in clearings, clearings, and forest edges. More often it can be seen in swamps and meadows; the plant takes root in the tundra and develops well in dark, cool places. Siberia (Altai) is considered the birthplace of the hog queen; here there are clearings overgrown with this grass.

Botanical characteristics

The shoots of this perennial herbaceous plant are small - from 5 to 25 cm. But the root is long and branched, with large annual growth. The grass takes root well in depleted soils. The leaves are alternate, small oval in shape (up to 8 mm), located at the bottom of the stem. The flowers are racemose, drooping, greenish-white, in the form of small, jagged bells. They are collected in a one-sided inflorescence.

How to harvest grass

The entire aerial part, especially the leaves, is considered a valuable medicinal raw material. The root is not used. The collection time depends on climatic conditions, but it must be carried out during the flowering period - approximately July-August. How to dry grass correctly?

  • Spread in a thin layer.
  • Turn the raw materials over periodically.
  • You can dry it outdoors, but make sure the grass is not exposed to sunlight.
  • Can be dried in a room with good air circulation.
  • Dry grass is stored for 2 years.

Altai shamans collected boron grass only during the full moon. Therefore, the plant was credited with not only medicinal but also magical powers.

Chemical composition, pharmacological action

  • What are the medicinal properties of boron uterus? A wide range of pharmacological effects of the plant have been discovered - diuretic, antitumor, antiseptic, immunostimulating, expectorant, analgesic, antispasmodic. In addition, ortilia is a natural hormonal remedy. The herb is taken to rejuvenate the body, normalize blood pressure in hypertension, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • What is the chemical composition? Estrogen and progesterone are precisely those natural phytohormones that regulate women's health and the reproductive system. For example, if a woman does not have enough progesterone, her likelihood of conception decreases, pain appears during menstruation, and there is a risk of miscarriage. The estrogen contained in ortilia helps the female body cope during menopause and makes menopause less painful psychologically and physiologically. What other beneficial substances does it contain? Organic acids, antioxidants (lots of vitamin C), saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, bitterness, resins, tannins, rich composition of microelements.

Unfortunately, the instructions for use of boron uterus tincture (and other dosage forms) do not mention highly toxic substances in its composition. The most dangerous of them are coumarins, hydroquinone, arbutin. For example, coumarins thin the blood and can cause uterine bleeding.

For what diseases is it useful to take

Indications for the use of boron uterus are primarily various gynecological diagnoses and symptoms. These include:

  • fibroids, uterine fibroids;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • infertility;
  • candidiasis, or thrush;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (vaginitis, colpitis);
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • absence of menstruation for several cycles (), cycle irregularity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • menopause;

In addition to gynecology, the plant is also used in other areas of scientific medicine:

  • endocrinology: pine grass can be included in complex therapy for disorders of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands; it is used to treat diabetes mellitus;
  • urology: the herb acts as a diuretic and antiseptic, useful for cystitis, pyelonephritis and other inflammations of the genitourinary area;
  • gastroenterology: in complex therapy, hemorrhoids, liver and gallbladder dysfunction are treated.

What are the contraindications?

Strict contraindications for boron uterus:

  • allergy to herbal preparation;
  • gastritis;
  • blood clotting diseases (the grass thins the blood), which can lead to heavy menstruation;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

What are the side effects of pine grass? The gastrointestinal tract may react in the form of the following symptoms: heaviness in the stomach, belching, heartburn, abdominal pain, upset stool. Allergic reactions and headaches are common. If these symptoms worsen, you should stop taking the herb immediately. It is also important to remember that the herb contains toxic substances that, if overdosed and taken for a long time, can lead to severe poisoning of the body.

Use in folk and traditional medicine

Ortilia lopsided was included in the state pharmacopoeia in 2003, that is, it is officially recognized as a medicinal product and is practiced in scientific medicine. But the experience of treating this herb in folk medicine goes back hundreds of years.

Dosage forms

Ortilia unilateral can be purchased at the pharmacy in various dosage forms. It is important to know that the therapeutic effect does not depend on the form, but on the dosage and duration of the course.

  • Collection of grass. You can buy dry herbs and brew it yourself. Decoctions, infusions, alcohol and oil tinctures are prepared from it at home.
  • Pills. The tablets contain dry extract of Ortilia unilateral. There are tablets with the addition of other herbs, for example, yarrow. The drug belongs to the group of dietary supplements. Therapy according to indications can last up to 4 months. You can also purchase the drug in capsules. The instructions for the tablets primarily indicate the hormonal and restorative effects of the herbal medicine, which is prescribed for the complex treatment of inflammation of the female reproductive system.
  • Alcohol tincture of boron uterus. It contains herbal leaf extract and ethyl alcohol. The bottle contains 50 ml of liquid. Drops must be dissolved in ½ glass of water. How to take boron uterus tincture correctly? A single dose of the medicine should not exceed 35 drops; you can take the medicine no more than 3 times a day. The instructions indicate the average dosage and course duration, but also emphasize that the medicine is prescribed by a doctor in each individual case.
  • Tea. The composition may contain pure boron grass, the addition of green tea or a collection of herbs. Herbal tea is recommended as a dietary supplement not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Drink tea once a day (recommended in the evening, an hour after meals). To prepare the drink, use 1 sachet, pouring a glass of boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes and drink warm.
  • Syrup. Volume - 250 ml. Sugar is used as a preservative, so the drug should not be taken by people with diabetes. Take 1 tsp. three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment can be long - up to six months with breaks.
  • Candles. Made with castor oil. They are prescribed not only for gynecological disorders, but also for cystitis, pyelonephritis, and other diseases of the urinary system.

In some instructions you can read information that after starting to take boron herb, symptoms may worsen, but you need to “endure it” and continue treatment. Under no circumstances should you follow this advice. Exacerbation and side effects may be associated with individual intolerance, or be a sign of intoxication of the body.

Features of use for gynecological diseases

Is it worth mentioning that before starting treatment with boron grass for any diagnosis, an examination and consultation with a gynecologist is required. The doctor prescribes hormone tests. The doctor must see the picture of the hormonal background and only after that can prescribe an adequate course of treatment. During the course of therapy, as well as after treatment, ultrasound is usually prescribed, as well as repeated tests to see what hormonal changes have occurred in the body.

  • Borovaya uterus with endometriosis. Endometriosis is an overgrowth of endometrial cells (the layer of the uterine wall). The reasons for these violations are not fully understood. It has been established that excessive growth of the endometrium is provoked by excess estrogen in a woman’s body in the first phase of the cycle, as well as low levels of progesterone in the second. With the help of the hog uterus, you can reduce the functioning of the ovaries and, accordingly, reduce the level of estrogen. If a woman has undergone conservative or surgical treatment for endometriosis, the doctor may prescribe an herb to prevent relapses.
  • Borovaya uterus with fibroids. Myoma (fibromyoma) is a benign tumor in the muscular layer of the uterus. One of the causes of formations is hormonal imbalances. Most often, in the treatment of this disease, herbs and boron uterus are used. Feedback from women about the treatment of fibroids with these drugs can be both positive and negative. In some, the fibroid resolves in several cycles, in others it increases, and sometimes treatment ends with surgery. It is better not to rely on reviews, but still trust your doctor.
  • Borovaya uterus for conception. The causes of infertility can be very different: tubal obstruction, adhesions; genitourinary system infections; inflammatory processes of the genital organs (including after abortion), endometriosis, immunological and hormonal disorders. If the cause of infertility is related to hormonal imbalance, the doctor may prescribe the herb in combination with other drugs. Why is consultation with a specialist and hormone analysis so important? You need to know in what phase of the cycle it is better to take boron herb, and when it will be ineffective and even harmful. You can drink the herb for three months, then you must take a break. Many women, after taking boron uterus, note disruptions in the menstrual cycle, heavy or scanty periods, jumps in basal temperature, and a decrease in signs of PMS. But complaints of headaches, nausea, and exacerbation of latent or chronic female infections may also appear. If pregnancy occurs while taking the drug, it is recommended to gradually reduce the dose of the herb. Abrupt withdrawal can cause a hormonal surge and cause a miscarriage.
  • Borovaya uterus with cervical erosion. For this disease, douching with a decoction of the herb is recommended. The infusion is also taken orally. The causes of erosion can be very different, and one of them is hormonal imbalance. In addition, this disease can develop against the background of decreased immunity. For douching, you need to prepare a fresh decoction each time (take 2 tablespoons of herbs for 500 ml of water). The procedure is carried out before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts no more than 7 days, so as not to disturb the vaginal microflora. Then, if necessary, it is repeated. Also, in case of cervical erosion, you can use tampons moistened with ortilia decoction. Your doctor may recommend vaginal suppositories made from pine grass.

Features of preparation and reception

How to brew herbs correctly? You can make decoctions, water infusions, alcohol and oil tinctures from it. When brewing and straining, it is not recommended to use metal utensils.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

  1. Take 500 ml of vodka and 3 tbsp. l. dry grass.
  2. Leave for 3 weeks in a dark place.
  3. Shake the tincture periodically.

Before you start taking it, be sure to strain the tincture. For preventive purposes, drink small doses - 15 drops an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.

Preparing the decoction

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Keep in a water bath for 5 minutes.
  3. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain.

The decoction can be taken orally (1 tablespoon three times a day) and used externally for douching. The decoction can also be used as an antiseptic for the skin; it heals purulent wounds well. Store in the refrigerator and use within 2 days.

Preparing infusion in a thermos

  1. Place 2 tbsp in a thermos. l. herbs.
  2. Pour 2 cups boiling water.
  3. Leave for 2 hours.

The infusion is filtered and poured into a dry glass container. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

A few important questions

Abroad, women do not raise such questions because they have not heard anything about this miracle herb. “They” trust scientific medicine more. Unfortunately, our women often prefer to discuss their illnesses not in the doctor’s office, but on women’s forums.

  • Is it possible to drink boron uterus during menstruation? The herb should not be taken during menstruation. It has already been mentioned that this plant thins the blood, which can lead to heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding.
  • What is the compatibility of the hog uterus and Duphaston? The phytohormone is not recommended to be taken together with other synthetic hormonal drugs. Duphaston is no exception. This drug is prescribed for progesterone deficiency, which provokes various disorders of the reproductive system. Increased progesterone can lead to various disorders, primarily to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Some gynecologist-endocrinologists are in no hurry to prescribe hormone replacement therapy and, in case of hormonal disorders, suggest observing the condition for several cycles, if there is no uterine bleeding. Any intervention in the endocrine system can produce unpredictable results. Taking boron uterus is also an intervention in the natural hormonal system. We must not forget about this.
  • What are doctors' reviews of the hog uterus? Gynecologists of domestic and foreign medicine do not deny the effectiveness of herbal medicine for female diseases. Borovaya uterus can help during menopause; it relieves pain during PMS and inflammation of the female genital organs. And many domestic gynecologists include it as an additional remedy in complex therapy. There are also negative opinions about “fashionable weed”. More often they can be heard from gynecologists who practice abroad. There is an opinion that the herb is not only ineffective for infertility, but even causes harm. A number of studies have been carried out abroad on patients diagnosed with infertility. The results of the study showed that women who used medicinal herbs to conceive had a lower chance of pregnancy than other groups of women with this diagnosis. Weed can lead to early miscarriage.
  • Why is the hog uterus prohibited during pregnancy? From the moment of conception, a real “hormonal revolution” begins in a woman’s body. If you add additional phytohormones to this process, they can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, gynecologists do not recommend this plant during pregnancy.
  • How to take hogweed and red brush together? Red brush (botanical name “Rhodiola quadruple”) is another popular “female herb” that normalizes hormonal levels and is widely used in gynecology. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the doctor may prescribe the simultaneous use of boron grass and red brush. This collection is especially effective for fibroids, mastopathy, fibroids, and uterine bleeding. You can buy ready-made drops at the pharmacy. You can also prepare the collection at home. It is important to consider the timing and dosage. Treatment follows the following schedule: take the mixture for 2 weeks, then take a break for 1 or 2 weeks. According to this schedule, treatment takes place in 4 stages. The general course of treatment takes about 4 months. Dosage: 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Conditions of administration: strictly one hour before meals. In case of irregularities in the menstrual cycle, gynecologists recommend drinking red brush in the first phase, and boron grass will be more effective in the second.

Security measures

How to drink boron uterus correctly? Let us once again emphasize the rules of safe reception:

  • drink only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • maintain the dosage and dosage schedule;
  • take breaks during menstruation;
  • do not combine with other hormones;
  • when taking any other medications, you must inform your doctor;
  • drink in courses;
  • for control, take hormone tests;
  • If side effects or allergic reactions occur, consult a doctor immediately.

The use of boron grass in men

Borovaya uterus for men can also be useful for genitourinary diseases and infertility. The herb increases sexual activity, potency, increases the number and motility of sperm, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and is useful for middle-aged and older men. Tincture of boron herb in combination with other drugs helps in the treatment of adenoma and prostatitis. Acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitumor agent, and resolves adenomas well.

Recently, the use of boron uterus in domestic folk medicine has become increasingly popular. Women's herbs are increasingly being prescribed by gynecologists, including them in the complex treatment of female genitourinary disorders. However, the abundance of pharmacy advertising and the promotion of the “miracle herb” to the masses makes some doctors look at it skeptically. First of all, this concerns the issue of treating female infertility.


Borovaya uterus, or Oritilia unilateral, is a medicinal herb that is popular among folk healers of many cultures, especially Russian. The plant's homeland is the humid coniferous forests of Siberia, its distribution area is in the northern hemisphere. The plant is widely used in the treatment of female infertility, it improves reproductive functions and increases the activity of the uterus.

Chemical composition

The main medicinal purpose of boron uterus is in the prevention of female gynecological diseases. Herbal infusions, preparations and teas based on the plant can be purchased at every pharmacy.

Other names for the hogweed are ortilia one-sided, wine grass, side flower, hare salt, forest pear, wintergreen and pear grass.

Useful chemical elements in composition ortilia lopsided:

  • Flavonoids - eliminate gynecological diseases;
  • Arbutin - often added to medications for the treatment of the digestive and urinary systems;
  • Resins are good natural antiseptics;
  • Saponins - have an anti-allergic effect, used in the creation of natural cleaning products;
  • Acids - ascorbic, tartaric and citric;
  • Coumarins - used to treat neuroses, colic and diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Vitamin C - accelerates the absorption of iron, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, strengthens the immune system;
  • Tannins - prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes;
  • Minerals - copper, zinc, magnesium and titanium.

Ortilia lopsided is also notable for the presence of antioxidants in its composition - elements that strengthen the immune system and remove harmful substances from the body.

Medicinal properties

Despite its popularity among the female population, in addition to gynecology, ortilia unilateral is used in the treatment of a great variety of diseases. The people even call the boron uterus “a remedy for forty diseases.”

A huge number of medicinal components gives the boron uterus the following beneficial properties:

  • Painkiller;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Diuretic;
  • General strengthening property.

Indications for use

The most significant properties of Ortilia unilateral include analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Borovaya uterus also strengthens the immune system and helps improve the reproductive ability of the female body, in particular, it increases the activity of the uterus.

Borovaya uterus helps in the following cases:

  • For the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases, in particular adnexitis, uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding, cervical erosion, adhesions, obstruction and inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • Ortilia unilateral is one of the best natural remedies for treating amenorrhea;
  • Borovaya uterus is used to prevent infertility in women and;
  • The herb is used as a diuretic;
  • The plant is an effective medicinal product for pyelonephritis and.

Ortilia lopsided is useful not only for women. Men use the plant to eliminate inflammation in the genitourinary system, normalize blood supply to the pelvic area, and also to strengthen the immune system.

Methods of application

In folk medicine, boron uterus is most often used in the form of alcohol tinctures, herbal decoctions, drops and cleansing tampons. Official pharmaceuticals produce capsules, balms, herbal preparations, suppositories and extracts. Choosing the correct method of using the plant depends on the individual requirements.

Before using boron uterus, be sure to consult with your doctor, because a haphazard approach will not bring any benefit, and may even worsen the problem.

Alcohol tincture

Perhaps preparing an ortilia tincture with alcohol is not the fastest process, but its therapeutic effect justifies all the effort.

Recipe alcohol tinctures

  1. Prepare two tablespoons of ortilia and 50 ml of alcohol;
  2. Mix the ingredients. Place the solution in a glass container and close it tightly;
  3. The liquid should be infused for two weeks in the shade;
  4. Use the tincture three times a day, approximately 15-20 drops, preferably 10-15 minutes before meals.

You should not use alcohol tincture if you are intolerant to alcohol.


Alcohol tincture from ortilia is, of course, effective, but it is not suitable for everyone. Some people don't drink alcohol on principle. The following recipe for a non-alcoholic infusion is suitable for them.

Recipe infusion for the treatment of female ailments:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of dry ortilia leaves with two cups of boiling water;
  2. Close the container tightly with a lid, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave the tea to infuse, then strain;
  3. Half a glass of infusion should be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals.


Not only herbalists, but also official doctors agree with the fact that a decoction of boron uterus helps with women’s problems.

Recipe decoction for the prevention of gynecological diseases:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of boron uterus with a glass of boiling water;
  2. Keep the liquid on low heat for about ten minutes;
  3. Let the broth cool. Take one tablespoon three times a day.

You should not cook a large amount of broth at once; its beneficial properties disappear after a few days.

Herbal tea

Herbal tea from boron uterus helps women who have difficulty conceiving. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of dried tea or in regular tea bags. The duration of brewing bags varies slightly among different manufacturers, but the average figure is around half an hour. Herbal infusions are brewed more complicated, but not much.

Recipe herbal tea infusions from the hog uterus:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of hogweed grass with a glass of boiling water and mix thoroughly;
  2. Infuse the mixture in a warm place for fifteen minutes;
  3. Take half a glass of the medicine three times a day with meals. Course duration is 1 month.

Douching solution

Douching, or vaginal douche, is the process of cleaning the vagina with special medical solutions. Women may be prescribed a course of similar procedures for excessive discharge and constant pain in the intimate area. Herbal solutions from the boron uterus are prescribed quite often. They eliminate inflammation and have a disinfecting effect.

Recipe douching solution based on boron uterus:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of boron uterus with a glass of boiling water;
  2. Infuse the decoction for about half an hour, or more. The temperature should drop and become comfortable for treating the vagina;
  3. Carry out the procedure every day, preferably in the evening and before bed. The positive effect occurs within a week.

Pharmacy drugs

Without a doubt, traditional medicine is the main field that makes excellent use of the medicinal qualities of ortilia. However, we should not forget that official medicine also does not deny the influence of this plant on the health of our body.

Most common types of pharmaceutical drugs with a hog queen:

  • Herbal teas for brewing;
  • Balms;
  • Capsules and tablets.

Herbal mixtures are an official variation of various remedies of traditional healers. Altai pharmaceutical products are popular on the Russian market, for example, “Altayfit-1 Mastopathy” and “Alfit-2 Special”. Herbal infusions have a sedative effect without causing drowsiness or fatigue. They are also used for the prevention of gynecological diseases, normalization of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Capsules and tablets based on boron uterus for the most part have medicinal effects similar to those of natural herbal tinctures. The difference lies in the method and ease of use. Many people are more comfortable taking a few tablets a couple of times a day than making their own decoctions. Well-known manufacturers of ortilia preparations are Evalar, Alfit and Kurortmedservice.


The number of side effects and contraindications when taking boron uterus is small, but requires attention. Be careful, because often a careless attitude can not only have no medicinal effect, but even worsen your health.

Borovaya uterus is considered a very allergenic plant. Be careful if you already have allergies to other foods, get tested before consuming Ortilia and consult your doctor.

In number contraindications When using the boron uterus, the following are included:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • Low blood clotting;
  • Concurrent use of hormonal drugs;
  • Menstruation;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breast-feeding.

It is one of the healing medicines that has long been used to treat many female diseases. Even in Ancient Rus', this plant was considered a female herb, which helped treat infertility and other problems related to female organs.

Due to its healing properties, Borovaya uterus was widely used in folk culture as medicinal infusions for the treatment of gynecological diseases in women. Since ancient times, this plant, as it is also called Ortilia lopsided, has been collected in the Northern Hemisphere and mainly grows in the forest zone. Our ancestors believed in its miraculous abilities, but for the treatment to be effective, the herb had to be collected at a certain phase of the moon.

To date Borovaya uterus can be purchased at any pharmacy chain in the form of herbs. This plant contains a large number of medicinal components, which makes it effective in the treatment of various female diseases. Among them:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Coumarins;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Organic acids;
  • Resins;
  • Tannins;
  • Hydroquinion;
  • Vitamins;
  • Arbuting; copper, zinc, manganese and many other minerals.

In addition, it contains other useful components, one of which is antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system and remove harmful substances from the body. Due to the fact that it has many healing properties, Borovaya uterus has the following effects on the body:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Diuretic;
  • General strengthening effect.

One of the main advantages of this herb is that it has a selective effect, but for the most part has a beneficial effect on genitourinary system. In addition, it is used to treat diseases such as:

  • Chronic diseases of the female genital organs;
  • Prostate;
  • Bladder;
  • Inflammatory processes related to gynecology;
  • They also help treat female infertility, which was caused by improper functioning of the endocrine system.

Therefore, the use of Ortilia unilateral in the treatment has a very positive effect on the hormonal levels of women and prevents the development of benign tumors and malignant formations.

Indications for use

The hog uterus due to its healing properties It is used not only for the treatment of gynecological diseases in women, but can also help with other ailments. The main indications for using tea from this plant are:

  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system in women;
  • Uterine erosion, fallopian tube obstruction;
  • Uterine polyps, fibroids, and also for mastopathy;
  • Infertility. In addition, infertility, which was caused by hormonal imbalance of the body;
  • Disturbances or irregularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • Thrush or candidiasis;
  • Ovarian cyst;
  • Climax;
  • Prostate adenoma.

In addition to the main indications, it is very often used for treatment:

  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Also used for purulent inflammation of the ear;
  • Used for diabetes;
  • Disorders associated with the thyroid gland;
  • Cardiovascular system.

Borovaya uterus tea for the treatment of infertility

Since this herb is considered a female panacea for the treatment of various gynecological diseases, its main purpose is still to help women suffering from infertility. One of the main properties of tea from this plant is that, due to its complex effect on the female body, it makes it possible will speed up conception. During a course of taking tea from the Borovaya uterus, the following actions occur:

  • Due to its antibacterial properties, it makes it possible to get rid of infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • Helps normalize hormonal levels in women;
  • All inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system disappear;
  • The work of the ovaries and appendages is activated;
  • Pipe permeability is significantly improved;
  • Adhesions are dissolving.

Thanks to this herbal mixture, women who have not been able to get pregnant for a long time increase their chances. But still, before starting such a course of additional therapy, it is necessary to consult with your doctor to eliminate the risk of negative consequences.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its healing properties, Borovaya uterus should not be used in such cases as:

    • During pregnancy;
    • During the period of breastfeeding;
    • For fever;
    • If there are problems related to blood clotting;
    • When taking contraceptives;
    • For gastritis;
    • Suspicion of ectopic pregnancy;
    • Or together with hormonal drugs;
    • Children under 14 years old;
    • During menstruation, since this collection tends to thin the blood. This may cause heavy bleeding during this period.

As for the period of bearing a child, this herbal mixture helps enrich the body with vitamins, but for its use, consultation with your doctor is necessary. In addition, it should be taken very carefully for other diseases, since it contains a large number of bioactive substances that can cause. Therefore, before you start drinking tea from it, you need to drink very little for the first time and after a while look at the body’s reaction.

With prolonged use or non-compliance with the doses indicated in the instructions, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Poor health and weakness of the body;
  • Headaches;
  • Dizziness;
  • As well as heavy discharge during the menstrual cycle.
  • In addition, side effects include heartburn;
  • Heaviness in the stomach;
  • Stool disorder;
  • Allergic reactions caused by individual intolerance to any components of its composition.

If such symptoms occur during the period of taking the medicinal collection from Ortilia unilateral, then it is necessary to stop the course of treatment. A very important point is also that before taking a herbal infusion from this herb, you must take a blood test. hormone tests. It is advisable to do this throughout the course and after it to control their growth.

How to properly prepare and consume tea from Borovaya uterus

The beneficial and healing properties of this plant have been known for a very long time, but still not everyone knows how to properly brew tea from it. This is due to the fact that improperly brewed tea will not bring the desired result. It can also harm the body. Since the herbal collection of Borovaya uterus is sold in pharmacies in the form of herbs and bags, the preparation methods depend on this.

If you take grass, then for cooking you need:

  • 2 tsp. – Borovaya uterus herbs;
  • 1 tbsp. - boiling water.

These components must be placed in a glass container and then left for approximately 20-30 minutes to allow it to infuse. Then, the resulting broth must be filtered well and distributed three times. It is used 30-40 minutes after meals. It is not recommended to use this decoction before meals to avoid discomfort.

As for making tea from the Borovaya uterus, everything is much simpler. To do this, you just need to brew it in 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Further, it is also divided into three doses and consumed only after meals.

Basically, the course of treatment with such tea is no more than three weeks, and then you need to take a break of at least one week. If necessary, you can continue the course of treatment.

Considering that tea or decoction from Borovaya uterus was used for a very long time and had a fairly beneficial effect on the female body, today it is very often used not only in folk medicine. It is also recognized as a medicinal drug in traditional medicine, not only as a remedy, but also for preventive purposes. But it is worth knowing that it is prescribed as an additional remedy for the main treatment. Therefore, it cannot be used alone and you should definitely consult a gynecologist so that unpleasant situations do not arise later, which may have irreversible consequences.

This unique plant has been valued since ancient times and is used to treat female diseases, and nowadays it is part of most herbal teas intended for a female audience. Borovaya tea is used to get pregnant and treat the genitourinary system in men and women.

Due to its composition, which contains antioxidants and other substances beneficial to the body, the plant shows a positive effect on the entire body. In addition, providing effects such as:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Moderately analgesic;
  • Antispasmodic.

Borovaya uterus eliminates various inflammatory processes, normalizing hormonal levels.

Borovaya uterus tea for women

Helps to get pregnant, it has been used for many years as an additional remedy for the treatment of infertility.

Borovaya uterus tea for men

It is useful in that it helps normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, increasing “male strength.”

Borovaya tea during pregnancy

How to properly brew and take Borovaya uterus tea

Borovaya uterus tea instructions for use, which are simple, brewing is not difficult at all. While many people know about the beneficial properties of tea, not everyone knows about the proper brewing and consumption of the drink. If you do not follow the preparation recipe, the tea will not bring the desired effect and can even harm the body.

The herbal mixture can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of already packaged bags for brewing, or crushed bulk and dried plants weighing from 50 to 100 grams per package.

The drink is used approximately 35-45 minutes after eating, and the drink must be brewed correctly as follows:

Brew 2 teaspoons (without a slide) of boron uterus with a glass of boiling water and leave for 25-35 minutes to brew, covering the glass with a lid. You should not take the drink before meals to avoid discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. With sachets it is easier - one piece per standard glass of water, the time for brewing the drink is exactly the same, however, as is the consumption pattern.

About the benefits and harm

Borovaya uterus tea, the effect of which is quite strong, should not be taken unreasonably for a long time; if the symptoms described below appear, you should urgently seek medical help:

  • Headaches, migraines, general weakness and poor health;
  • Dizziness and excessive blood loss during “women’s days”;
  • Heartburn, heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Various allergic reactions.

Borovaya uterus tea, the benefits and harms of which have been scientifically proven, can help the body cope with the disease, but can also cause harm. Treatment should be stopped immediately, and before starting it, you should definitely check your hormonal levels by passing special tests. Besides this. It must be constantly monitored while drinking tea.

Herbal medicine is a generous gift of nature, which carries the power of medicinal herbs that can cure a large number of diseases. Herbal treatment has a milder effect than synthetic drugs, but the effect of some plants can be many times stronger than that of drugs. A large number of medicinal plants are recognized as traditional medicine and are widely produced by pharmaceutical companies in the form of infusions, drops, dry herbal extracts and other forms. Among the large list of medicinal herbs, a fairly popular herb is the boron uterus, which has been used by humanity for decades and is widely used for both medicinal and preventive purposes to treat ailments associated with the female reproductive system.

The pine uterus has several names - “Ortilia one-sided”, “Materinka” and others. This plant is recognized as official medicine and is often used in the production of dietary supplements; it is also available in the form of an alcohol tincture or herbs that have undergone primary processing. Borovaya uterus tincture - instructions for use allow you to get acquainted in more detail with the miracle plant, its properties, indications, contraindications, methods of administration. The boron uterus found its use hundreds of years ago, when ancient healers prepared drinks from this plant for women who could not get pregnant. Currently, the scope of application of this herb is wider, since it is used not only in gynecology, but also in urology and gastroenterology.

Borovaya uterus: properties

In herbal medicine, stems, leaves and flowers of the Borovaya uterus are used. They contain a large amount of useful substances, vitamins, flavonoids, as well as phytohormones, tannins, resins, sapotins and other components, which together have a powerful effect. Due to the unique composition of boron uterus, its use has a pronounced antibacterial, immunostimulating, antitumor and analgesic effect. The beneficial properties of boron uterus are as follows:

  • Stimulates the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Improves the function of the ovaries, uterus and its appendages.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Normalizes hormonal balance.
  • Reduces the intensity of pain during menstruation.
  • Increases libido in men and women.
  • Improves sperm quality in men.
  • Improves sperm motility.
  • Eliminates the causes of female and male infertility;
  • Prevents the development of tumor processes.
  • Improves blood composition.

In addition to the above properties of boron uterus, its intake has a positive effect on the entire body: it reduces the development of allergic reactions, improves sleep, and stimulates mental and physical activity. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the hog uterus is a real panacea, but this is far from the case. This plant can be highly effective in the early stages of development of almost any disease. In addition, hogweed is a fairly powerful plant that should be taken in accordance with strict dosage and only after consulting a doctor.

Areas of application of boron uterus

Basically, the boron uterus is used in gynecology, but it has also found its application in other areas of medicine: urology, gastroenterology. Also, infusions from boron uterus cope well with diseases of the respiratory tract or musculoskeletal system. Before using boron uterus as a medicine, it is important to pay attention to the fact that this herb has quite a few contraindications and side effects. Herb or infusion of boron uterus is used in the following areas of medicine:

  1. Gynecology. Mother grass has found its use in the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic disease, fibroma, infertility and other diseases. The use of boron uterus during menopause can reduce climatic symptoms and improve a woman’s well-being. Before using the boron uterus in gynecology, a woman must take hormone tests and be examined by a doctor.

  1. Gastroenterology: gastritis, colitis, enteritis, duodenitis, gastric or duodenal ulcer.
  2. Urology: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

Decoctions or infusions of boron uterus are used in the treatment of bronchitis, pleurisy, as well as rheumatism, gout and other diseases. In any case, you should take this herb after consulting a doctor, since it is considered a fairly powerful natural remedy and can both cure a large number of diseases and harm your health.

Borovaya uterus with fibroids

The course of treatment for fibroids with Borovaya uterus is quite long, but effective. You can take this herb in the form of a decoction or alcohol infusion orally, and you can also douche to increase the effect. During the period of using the herb, an exacerbation of the disease may develop, but despite the relapse, treatment must be continued.

Recipe No. 1. Douching. For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of boron uterus, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 - 2 hours. The finished broth should be filtered and used for douching. You need to start the douching procedure after the end of menstruation for 7 days. Then they take a break and apply again after menstruation.

Recipe No. 2. For preparation, you can take either a pharmacy alcohol tincture or prepare it yourself from herbs. To prepare you will need 50 g of grass + 0.5 liters of vodka or 40 degrees alcohol. You need to pour the alcohol into the grass of the boron uterus, close it tightly and leave for 3 weeks in a dark and cool place. After the specified time has expired, the finished tincture should be filtered and taken from the 4th day of the menstrual cycle, 30 drops 1 time per day for 3 weeks.

Most women prefer to take an alcoholic infusion of boron uterus, but one must remember that the alcohol contained in the tincture dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure, which is not recommended for those women who suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Borovaya uterus for fibroids is a fairly effective remedy, but it is not recommended to take this remedy without consulting a doctor.

Borovaya uterus with endometriosis

To treat endometriosis, Borovaya uterus can be used alone, or together with the red brush, which is also highly effective in treating this disease. Red brush and hogweed, how to take, you can consult your doctor or use our recipe. Treatment is carried out in 4 stages. At the beginning, each herb must be prepared separately and taken 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon of decoction for 2 weeks. Then they take a break for 1 week, then for 2 weeks they take only a decoction from the boron uterus, then again a break of 7 days and again take a decoction of the red brush for two weeks. To enhance the effect, you can do douching from a decoction of the herb of the hogweed uterus.

Recipe No. 1. You will need half a liter of alcohol 40 degrees, pour in 50 grams of grass, let it sit for 3 weeks and take 20 drops per day. Borovaya uterus for endometriosis is quite effective in the initial stages, but, as in other cases, its use should be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Borovaya uterus for infertility

Many women take an infusion or decoction of boron uterus for infertility, but before starting such treatment, you must know the level of hormones - estradiol and progesterone in the blood. Only then, together with your doctor, can you develop a treatment regimen. In addition, during the period of taking boron uterus, you need to monitor the level of hormones. Drinking a decoction of Borovaya uterus is recommended for those women who have increased estrogen levels. If the hormone levels are normal, then this herbal decoction is taken on time in phase 2. When there is a deficiency of hormones, then taking Borovaya uterus is not recommended.

Taking Borovaya uterus cannot be combined with taking hormonal drugs, since such a complex can lead to the development of side effects. You can prepare decoctions from boron uterus according to the same recipes described above.

Borovaya uterus during menopause allows you to regulate the level of sex hormones. This action reduces the appearance of climatic symptoms, as a result, a woman can better tolerate this period. During menopause, you can take both a decoction and an infusion of boron uterus, you can also buy ready-made drops at the pharmacy and take them 20 drops per glass of water 2 times a day for 1 month.

During premenopause or menopause, when menstruation is present, there is no need to use the infusion. It is important to remember that Borovaya uterus should be used in courses for any gynecological diseases. Usually one course lasts 1 - 2 weeks, then there is a break and 1 week and then take it again. Many doctors in the field of gynecology assure that a woman should drink no more than 200 mil of tincture per year. After each course of treatment, you need to see a doctor and take all the necessary tests. After examining the patient, the doctor will be able to assess the state of health and also tell whether it is necessary to extend treatment with Borovaya uterus.


Borovaya uterus is a unique natural plant that allows you to get rid of a large number of ailments associated with the female genital area, but despite the fact that it is quite effective, there are still several contraindications to its use.

  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period;
  • frequent uterine bleeding.
  • taking hormonal drugs.

There are many medicinal plants in the world, among them we can highlight the grass uterus or Ortilia unilateral. The herb hogweed is widely known, but few know what it cures. That is why today we will try to figure out what the hog uterus treats.

Medicinal properties and composition of the plant

The healing properties of ortilia are due to the natural phytohormones it contains. Long-term use will relieve problems with the circulatory, immune, and hormonal systems. The herb is widely used in the treatment of infertility.

The main medicinal composition is indicated in the table.

Component nameCharacteristic properties
HydroquinoneIt is characterized by antiseptic properties and regulates the function of the urinary system.
CoumarinAffects blood clotting.
Vitamin CHelps strengthen the immune system, affects the condition of connective tissue and blood vessels.
SaponinsThey have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes, promote the removal of sputum, and effectively help treat infertility.
MicroelementsThey have a positive effect on the immune system, normalize brain activity and reduce the risk of allergies.
TanninsThey reduce fermentation processes in the intestines and help lower the concentrations of harmful substances in the blood.

Taking into account the medicinal characteristics of this plant, we will now look at what it cures.

What does the hog uterus treat in men?

Borovaya herb is often used together with medications. Today the plant is prescribed to cure common male pathologies. What diseases does ortilia treat?


Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. The following causes of prostatitis can be identified:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • venereal and urological diseases;
  • inflammatory pathologies occurring in a chronic form.

It should be noted that preparations based on boron uterus are characterized by the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • absorbable;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diuretic;
  • antitumor;
  • painkillers;
  • restorative.

Thanks to the above properties, they are effectively used to treat diseases such as prostatitis.

Prostate adenoma

Untimely treatment of this disease can lead to problems with the bladder, the occurrence of inflammatory and infectious pathologies, such as cystitis or pyelonephritis. Upland grass contains components that promote urine output and have an antioxidant effect, helping in the fight against inflammatory processes.

Male infertility

This is a disease caused by the lack of sperm activity after previous chronic or infectious diseases of the genital organs. Due to the natural pigments in the herb, ortilia is effective in treating this condition. With the help of the plant, sperm are activated and sperm quality is improved.


This disease is formed as a result of a violation of the outflow of blood from the hemorrhoidal vein system. The development of hemorrhoids can be caused by the following diseases:

  • thrombosis;
  • inflammation;
  • tortuosity, abnormal expansion of hemorrhoidal veins resulting in the formation of nodes.

Borovaya herb effectively heals these diseases.

Important! In addition, ortilia regulates the functionality of the liver, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, reduces the symptoms of pathologies of the genitourinary system, and increases male potency.

What does boron uterus treat in women?

To protect the female body from various diseases, a woman must undergo regular examinations, including a gynecological examination. Very often, a woman wonders whether it is possible to cure an ovarian cyst and how to treat other common diseases? Borovaya uterus is widely used to treat many pathologies in combination with medications. Let's find out what female diseases this plant treats.

Gynecological diseases

This remedy is effectively used in the following situations:

  1. Helps treat fibroids, can cure interstitial uterine fibroids.
  2. Vaginitis.
  3. Endometriosis.
  4. It will help to effectively treat uterine polyps.
  5. Effectively cure polycystic disease and intestinal adhesions.
  6. Cervical erosions.
  7. Infertility.
  8. Can ease postmenopause.

For treatment, you can use either a tampon for internal administration or herbs in the form of tinctures of decoctions for oral use.

Urological diseases

The healing composition of the plant will help overcome the following diseases of the urinary system:

  1. Will help cure ureaplasma.
  2. Cystitis.
  3. Pyelonephritis.
  4. Urolithiasis.

In addition, taking medications based on this plant is effective for treating hormonal imbalances of the thyroid gland, mastopathy and diabetes. They are effectively used to treat bronchitis, radiculitis, ulcers and cholecystitis.

In what dosage forms is it found?

This plant is sold in pharmacy kiosks in various dosage forms.

  1. Herbal collection. You can brew dry herbs yourself.
  2. Pills. Capsules and tablets contain dry extract of the plant and are classified as dietary supplements. There are also mixtures with the addition of various herbs. The average course of treatment is 4 months. Prescribed for complex therapy of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.
  3. Alcohol tincture. Before use, it is recommended to dilute the drops in 100 g of water. A single dose of medication should not exceed 35 drops. You need to drink a maximum of 3 times a day.
  4. Tea. The composition may include one boron uterus or grass with the addition of green tea or herbal tea. Herbal tea is used for both treatment and prevention purposes. Prescribed once a day, an hour after meals. How to prepare: pour 1 sachet with 200 g of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Take it warm.
  5. Syrup. The drug should not be taken by diabetics because it contains sugar. The course of treatment is long, 6 months with breaks. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  6. Candles. Recommended for the treatment of gynecological pathologies and diseases of the urinary system.

Important! Only a doctor can advise how to treat and what form to choose. You should not self-medicate.


The medicinal composition and properties of the herb have not yet been fully studied. The main contraindication to the use of boron grass and preparations based on it: liver disease, obstruction of the fallopian tubes and individual intolerance to the components. It is not recommended to take the herb together with hormonal medications.

Common Questions

Let's look at frequently asked questions and their answers.

Red brush or hog queen - which is better?

Both plants are effectively used to treat common female diseases. They improve reproductive function, help conceive and bear a child.

Duphaston or boron uterus - which is better?

Duphaston is a medicine that helps with various gynecological diseases:

  • with a pronounced lack of progesterone;
  • with endometriosis;
  • to relieve premenstrual syndrome;
  • to stop bleeding;
  • with dysmenorrhea;
  • with amenorrhea;
  • for infertility;
  • to normalize menstruation;
  • threat of miscarriage.

Important! This drug should be prescribed only by a doctor, after laboratory tests. The dose is prescribed individually.

Duphaston is a hormonal drug. Only a doctor can determine which is better - Borovaya uterus or Duphaston.

Borovaya uterus - which is better, tincture or decoction

Your doctor will be able to advise you in what form to take ortilia, taking into account the severity of the condition. For example, to cure endometriosis, it is more effective to be treated with an alcohol tincture rather than a decoction, since its properties are much stronger.

What does calendula plus boron uterus cure?

The herb boron uterus and calendula are effectively used to treat small uterine fibroids when surgical treatment is not used.

Borovaya uterus - which is better, grass or drops

Only a doctor can tell you how to drink boron herb, or which drug based on it will help more effectively. Pharmacies offer plant-based drops. This will save time on preparing medicinal tinctures.

Borovaya uterus tincture or herb, which is better?

Pharmacies sell an alcohol tincture based on boron uterus. Its properties are no worse than grass. In some cases it is easier to tolerate.

Boron grass is a universal remedy for many diseases, both female and male.