Papillary and cortical necrosis of the kidneys in children. Kidney necrosis or the process of death of kidney tissue cells

Kidney necrosis is diagnosed during destructive processes in the tissues of the organ, which are manifested by swelling of protein molecules. Kidney destruction develops as pathological complication many diseases or due to intoxication of the body. This disease is dangerous because it can initiate kidney failure.

The kidney is a paired bean-shaped organ, the main task of which is urine formation and protecting the blood from intoxication through its filtration.

Additional functions of the kidneys are:

  • removal of toxins and medicines with urine;
  • regulation of electrolytes in the bloodstream;
  • control of acid-base balance;
  • healthy level support blood pressure;
  • production of biologically active substances.

The right kidney is smaller than the left, and it is susceptible various pathologies to a greater extent. The adrenal glands are located in the upper region of the organ, their task is hormonal synthesis. The hormones produced are controlled metabolic processes in the body, affect the functioning circulatory system, internal organs, skeleton.

Impaired renal function affects general health person. One of dangerous pathologies is necrosis. The occurrence of the disease is facilitated by atherosclerosis, thrombosis, diabetes mellitus, taking analgesics.

Characteristics of the pathology

With kidney necrosis, damage to cytoplasmic proteins is recorded, in which the cellular structure of the organ dies. The disease is diagnosed in people different ages, including in newborns.

To the main reasons causing disease, include:

  • infectious processes, sepsis;
  • injuries, blood loss;
  • placental passage during pregnancy;
  • kidney rejection after transplantation;
  • intoxication chemical compounds;
  • exacerbation of cardiovascular pathologies.

Depending on the location of the lesion, cortical, tubular, and papillary types of the disease are distinguished.


A rarely diagnosed type of necrosis, in which the outer membrane of the kidney is affected, while the inner membrane remains intact. The cause of the pathology is blockage small vessels, which nourish the cortex.

Kidney disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • reduction or absence of urination;
  • blood in urine;
  • high temperature.

In addition, changes in blood pressure, as well as pulmonary edema, are possible.

Important! Endotoxic shock promotes centralization of blood flow, its deficiency, which causes necrosis of organ tissue.

The crusted appearance is often found in infants. This is explained by placental abruption, blood poisoning, infectious processes. In women, in most cases, the disease manifests itself in postpartum period due to uterine bleeding, infectious diseases, compression of the arteries.


Papillary necrosis is the necrosis of the renal papilla. The functionality of the organ is impaired due to the destruction of the brain area.

By the way! In patients suffering from pyelonephritis, papillary necrosis is diagnosed in 3% of cases.

The acute form of the disease is manifested by colic, chills, and cessation of urination.

The causes of the pathology are:

  • dysfunction of the blood supply to the brain and renal papillae;
  • disruption of the outflow of urine in the pelvis;
  • inflammatory phenomena, purulent formations in the organ;
  • toxic poisoning of the tissue structure of the kidney.

The disease is more common in women.


Tubular necrosis of the kidneys (acute tubular necrosis) is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the nephron tubules, which provokes renal failure.

Acute tubular necrosis occurs in two types:

  1. Ischemic. Pathology is caused mechanical damage, sepsis, " oxygen starvation» blood, inflammatory phenomena.
  2. Nephrotoxic. It becomes a consequence of severe intoxication of the body.

Acute tubular necrosis develops as a result of serious damage tubular epithelium, accompanied by intense tissue inflammation. As a result, the kidney structure changes, initiating organ failure.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

Taking an anamnesis plays a predominant role in making a diagnosis. Samples are taken, ultrasound scans and radiography are performed. May need computed tomography. Each type of disease is differentiated in different ways.

The main therapeutic task is to eliminate inflammatory foci and prevent the death of the renal structure and tubules. The treatment regimen for necrosis depends on the type of disease and the factors that provoked the disease.

Therapeutic measures:

  1. If a papillary type is detected, antispasmodics are prescribed. In case of ureteral obstruction, a catheter must be inserted. Medicines are used that restore blood supply, increase immune status, and antibiotics. In the absence of positive dynamics from drug therapy removal of the affected organ is necessary.
  2. Acute tubular necrosis is treated antibacterial drugs regulating blood circulation in the kidney. The body is cleansed of toxic elements.
  3. For cortical pathology, treatment is aimed at restoring blood flow to the brain section organ. Infectious phenomena are eliminated with the help of antibiotics.

If treatment is not timely, renal failure develops, which is accompanied by intense poisoning of the body with damage to other organs.

The operation is prescribed only in advanced cases when destruction affects the entire structure of the kidney. In case of vessel thrombosis, thrombectomy is performed.

If the disease is diagnosed on initial stage Kidney function can be restored. However, many patients are indicated for regular dialysis (blood purification) or organ transplantation. Recovery is based on eliminating bacterial infections and improving the reactivity of the human body.

Kidney necrosis - serious illness leading to death if left untreated. To prevent irreparable consequences, undergo regular examinations. If strange symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.

IN childhood kidney necrosis occurs as a result of the introduction of bacteria and viruses into the blood, dehydration and acute diarrhea. In adults, it is often caused by bacterial sepsis. In 50% of cases, necrosis affects the kidneys of women due to sudden separation of the placenta, its incorrect location, uterine bleeding etc. The development of the disease can lead to rejection of a transplanted kidney, burns, inflammatory process in the pancreas, previous injuries. Certain diseases also cause necrosis of the convoluted tubule epithelium. In this case, patients may not seek help from a specialist for a long time, mistaking the symptoms of the disease for manifestations of an existing disease. As a result, necrosis becomes running form, which is much more difficult to treat.

Diseases that cause necrosis include diabetes mellitus, prolonged vasospasm, thrombosis, kidney damage, anemia and infection in the urine. Frequent use of analgesics and actions aimed at dissolving and removing kidney stones can provoke the development of the disease. The risk group includes people who have previously received severe injuries and trauma, as well as those who have already undergone surgery for a dissecting aortic aneurysm.

Making a diagnosis

Necrosis is characterized by gross hematuria, painful sensations in the lower back, decreased diuresis, fever, impaired renal function in combination with arterial hypertension. However, it should be remembered that these symptoms can often be manifestations of an underlying disease. Help to recognize the disease various methods diagnostics

Effective therapy

The treatment of convoluted tubule epithelial necrosis is based on eliminating the cause of this disease. In a state of remission, it is treated taking into account the symptoms that arise. Therapy promotes better microcirculation, elimination of bacteriuria, dehydration, arterial hypertension. Due to polyuria, patients are advised to consume salt and water.

If complications associated with ureteral resistance or massive hematuria occur, the patient is urgently hospitalized. To restore the passage of urine, catheterization of the pelvis is performed and a nephrostomy is applied. The patient is prescribed antibiotics. For acute renal failure hemodialysis is performed.

Prevention of the disease includes treatment of diseases that cause necrosis of the renal nipples, and rational use analgesics.

A condition in which chaotic death of the cellular elements of the paired urinary organ is observed is called kidney necrosis. This severe structural and functional pathology is characterized by the rate of progression and the development of irreversible changes leading to renal failure.

As necrosis develops, the functional activity of the paired organ decreases and develops clinical picture general intoxication of the body, which is caused by the accumulation of toxins and metabolic products in systemic blood flow. If necrotic changes in the kidneys are not detected in a timely manner, the person’s condition will rapidly deteriorate and lead to death.

If we talk in detail about what kidney necrosis is, then this condition can be characterized as structural damage to the proteins of the cytoplasm of the cells of a paired organ, as a result of which the death of individual areas is observed renal tissue.

This condition occurs with equal frequency in both adult patients and newborns. Potential factors for the development of necrotic changes include:

  • Generalized spread of infection throughout the body (sepsis);
  • Traumatic injury to the kidney area;
  • Rejection of a previously transplanted kidney by the body;
  • Placental abruption in a pregnant woman;
  • Bites from poisonous snakes and insects;
  • Poisoning by toxic components and chemical compounds;
  • Complications of existing vascular and heart diseases.


Depending on the location of necrotic changes and the processes occurring in the paired organ, the following types of renal necrosis are distinguished:

  • Tubular (acute) necrosis. In this case, necrotic changes affect the epithelium of the renal tubules. The disease itself is divided into nephrotoxic and ischemic necrosis. Nephrotoxic necrosis is caused by exposure to paired organ toxic and chemical compounds. Ischemic necrosis usually occurs when states of shock, with sepsis, as well as against the background traumatic injuries. Tubular necrosis is characterized by an intense inflammatory process, under the influence of which the tissue of the paired organ is damaged, its structure changes and failure is formed.
  • Cortical necrosis or mercuric bud. This pathology occurs with partial or complete obstruction (blockage) blood vessels, feeding the paired organ. At insufficient blood supply violated functional state kidneys and its failure develops. In no less than 35% of cases of diagnosed cortical necrosis, the pathology arose against the background of septic damage to the body. In addition to sepsis, the disease can be triggered by intoxication with chemical compounds, burns, transplantation procedures and injuries. In newborns, cortical renal necrosis occurs if a pregnant woman is faced with the problem of placental abruption.
  • Papillonecrosis. Papillary form of this disease characterized by the involvement of the renal medulla and renal papillae in the necrotic process. At least 3% of people who have previously had pyelonephritis experience complications in the form of papillary necrosis. Female patients are 2 times more likely to experience this disease.


The clinical manifestations of renal necrosis directly depend on the form of the disease.

At acute form papillary necrosis, the patient is concerned about acute pain syndrome, severe chills and fever. In addition, when emptying bladder fragments of blood are visible in the urine. If the patient is not provided with timely assistance, then within 3-5 days he will develop acute failure renal activity. Chronic form papillary necrosis is manifested by moderate pain in lumbar region, leukocytosis in the urine, as well as signs of sickle cell anemia.

When a mercuric bud forms, the following clinical symptoms come to the fore:

  • Partial or complete absence the act of emptying the bladder;
  • Pain in the area of ​​​​the projection of the kidneys;
  • The appearance of blood fragments in urine, as a result of which it acquires the characteristic color of urine during renal necrosis: brown or red;
  • Decrease in blood pressure;
  • Increase in body temperature.

The tubular form of renal necrosis is characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

  • Swelling in the face, neck and lower extremities;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Decreased volume of urine excreted;
  • Severe damage to the central nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of confusion, even coma.

It is important to remember that failure to provide timely assistance to a person with signs of one or another type of renal necrosis will lead to death in a short period of time.


To correctly formulate a diagnosis, the doctor collects the patient’s medical history and analyzes his complaints. Important has a list of used medicinal drugs, as well as the presence of diseases such as diabetes and heart failure.

It is also important to take into account information about possible contact with poisonous, toxic and other chemical compounds. The following laboratory and instrumental examination options will help confirm the clinical diagnosis:


The primary task when diagnosing renal necrosis is to eliminate the cause that provoked this serious complication.

If the patient has been diagnosed with a papillary form of necrosis, then he is prescribed an appointment antispasmodics and catheterization of the bladder is performed. In addition, they are appointed antibacterial agents wide range actions, drugs that improve blood circulation, as well as immunostimulants. If ineffective conservative treatment, the issue of removing the damaged organ is being decided.

When necrotic changes develop in the area of ​​the cortex of the paired organ, measures are taken to restore normal blood supply to the kidney, the blood is cleansed of toxic elements using the hemodialysis procedure, and a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

If necrosis has affected the kidney tubules, a set of measures is implemented to eliminate general intoxication of the body. Appointed infusion therapy, a course of antibiotic treatment, antiemetics and antispasmodics. In severe cases, patients undergo hemodialysis.

Complications and prognosis

The only possible complication for each form of renal necrosis is functional renal failure. This condition is characterized by severe intoxication of the whole body, heart failure and septic complications. The only way to save a person's life is timely diagnosis and proper treatment.

With timely treatment, it is possible to preserve the paired organ and restore its functional state. Despite this, statistics indicate that 70% of patients with similar problem, there is a need for an organ transplant. For patients with diagnosed necrosis, hemodialysis is vital. In especially severe cases, if treatment is not timely, death is likely.

Kidney necrosis is a disease accompanied by a violation of the separation of cytoplasmic proteins. As a result, a characteristic process of cell destruction occurs. This disease is often observed when the blood supply is disrupted, as well as due to exposure to pathogens - bacteria or viruses.

What types of kidney necrosis are there, symptoms, causes of this disease, what are they? Let's talk about it today:

Classification of necrosis

Distinguish the following types of this pathology:

Prerenal failure: this type of necrosis is characterized by a pronounced impairment of the functionality of the organ, due to general violation hemodynamics. This type often turns into renal failure, since impaired renal blood flow is the main cause of ischemia.

Renal failure: In this type, the functionality of the kidney is impaired due to damage to the organ tissue. Typically, renal failure occurs after warm ischemia or cold ischemia.

Postrenal failure: With this type, kidney function is usually not affected. Difficulty or lack of urine output occurs due to damage urinary tract. This variety can transform into renal when overflowing with urine. renal pelvis compress the kidney tissue, which contributes to ischemia.

Why does kidney necrosis occur? Causes of the condition

In children, infants, this disease can occur due to the penetration of bacteria into the blood, as well as due to dehydration (dehydration), or due to hemolytic-uremic syndrome ( acute diarrhea). The cause of kidney necrosis in adults is often bacterial sepsis.

In pregnant women, pathology may develop due to sudden separation of the placenta, or due to its incorrect location. Besides this pathology diagnosed with severe uterine bleeding, when the artery is filled with amniotic fluid, etc.

Other reasons include: rejection of a transplanted kidney that has not taken root, kidney injuries, inflammatory diseases pancreas. provoke pathological process can be a poisonous snake bite, as well as arsenic poisoning.

Necrotizing papillitis or necrosis of the renal tubules often develops due to organic or functional disorders, which are characterized destructive processes, changes in the renal medulla.

Necrosis can be provoked by diseases such as diabetes mellitus, prolonged vascular spasm, as well as thrombosis, atherosclerosis, anemia, urinary infection etc. There is a high risk of developing acute tubular necrosis in patients who have suffered severe renal injuries, as well as in those who have suffered surgery dissecting aortic aneurysm.

How does kidney necrosis manifest? Symptoms of the disease

The main sign of developing necrosis is deterioration general condition occurring against the background of the underlying disease. Patients complain of strong lumbar pain, severe hyperthermia. High oliguria and other manifestations of acute renal failure are observed. In this case, signs of serious leukocyturia, bacteriuria, and hematuria appear. Sometimes pieces of renal papillae are found in the urine.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, when timely treatment, the patient makes a full recovery. Otherwise, the disease may progress to a relapsing course with severe attacks renal colic. Severe course without the necessary, timely treatment, it may end fatal.

How is kidney necrosis corrected? state

The main thing in the treatment of this disease is diagnosis and elimination of the underlying pathology that caused necrosis. Therapeutic measures are carried out aimed at improving and restoring blood microcirculation, eliminating bacteriuria, dehydration and arterial hypertension.

In the presence of complications, which often arise due to ureteral resistance with massive hematuria, the patient is subject to emergency hospitalization.

In order to restore and normalize the passage of urine, the patient is shown catheterization of the renal pelvis with the application of a nephrostomy. Medication consists of taking antibiotics. In case of acute renal failure, the patient undergoes hemodialysis. Patients with polyuria are advised to drink more and not limit salt intake.

Kidney necrosis, signs, therapy, the causes of which we discussed with you today - a pathology with very serious negative consequences. To prevent or reduce the risk of developing necrosis, diseases that may cause its occurrence should be promptly treated. Be healthy!