Does the corpus luteum cyst resolve? Corpus luteum cyst of the left or right ovary - what is it and how to treat it? So, some facts that you need to know

In accordance with the accepted international classification, a corpus luteum cyst, which forms after ovulation during the normal menstrual cycle, is classified as a functional tumor-like formation. It is a relatively thin round capsule filled with serous fluid, sometimes with blood, and rising at one pole above the surface of the ovary. Such formations occur in girls and women of any age, but mainly in reproductive age (in 2-5% of women).

Formation and function of the luteal body

The normal menstrual cycle consists of two phases - follicular and luteal, during which changes occur in the ovaries and endometrium of the uterus, providing conditions for preparation for fertilization of the egg and pregnancy.

The first day of menstruation is the beginning of the menstrual cycle and, accordingly, the follicular phase, which lasts on average 14 days. During this period, the follicle and the next dominant egg mature, and the glandular cells of the uterine mucosa grow. By the time the egg matures, the pituitary gland releases the maximum amount of luteinizing hormone into the blood, resulting in ovulation, that is, the rupture of the Graafian vesicle and the release of the egg. This moment ends the first phase of the menstrual cycle and begins the second.

During the luteal phase, the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland is minimal, the follicle is reduced, and from its granulosa cells, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, a corpus luteum is formed, reaching 1.5-3 cm and representing a temporary endocrine gland.

It produces progesterone and a small amount of estrogens, which prevent the maturation and release of a new egg, reduce the tone of the uterus and its contractile activity, increase the secretion of endometrial glands, preparing it for implantation and preservation of a fertilized egg.

This period also lasts about 14 days. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum functions for about 2-3 months, otherwise menstruation occurs, and by the end of the luteal phase it undergoes reverse development and grows with connective tissue fibers to form a scar.

Cyst formation

If the regression of the temporary gland by the end of the luteal phase is delayed and its partial functioning is preserved, then a yellowish serous fluid accumulates inside the gland, which may contain an admixture of blood, or blood, stretching the walls of the capsule up to 4-7 cm in diameter. Thus, gradually the corpus luteum itself is replaced by connective tissue with the formation of a cyst.

The inner surface of its capsule is completely or partially lined with luteal granulosa (granular) cells that produce hormones. Often they are replaced by connective tissue cells, leaving only a capsule without an internal epithelial lining, filled with the corresponding contents.

Causes of corpus luteum cyst

Luteal tumor-like formations are always benign; they are usually single and very rarely multiple. It is assumed that they develop as a result of impaired blood supply or lymph circulation in the area of ​​the follicle with the egg. The reasons for their formation are not fully understood. Risk factors may include:

  • hormonal imbalance; it often occurs with thyroid dysfunction;
  • hormonal stimulation of ovarian function during treatment;
  • acute infectious diseases and chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • taking oral medications for systematic and especially emergency contraception, repeated artificial terminations of pregnancy;
  • stressful conditions or significant psycho-emotional stress;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • high physical activity associated with work or sports training;
  • disruption of the body's intake of nutrients and microelements as a result of diseases of the digestive system, as well as fasting or following a mono-diet in order to reduce body weight.

The frequency, quality and activity of sexual intercourse do not affect the possibility of the formation of luteal tumor-like formations.

Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, the cells of the villous membrane of the embryo produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which stimulates the hormonal function of the corpus luteum. In addition to ensuring the continuation of pregnancy, progesterone also affects the formation of the fetal gonads, as well as the corresponding hormonal centers in its central nervous system. This lasts for the first 2-3 months of pregnancy, during which the placenta forms. It gradually takes on the function of maintaining the required levels of progesterone and estrogen. After this, the temporary gland normally undergoes normal reverse development.

But often during pregnancy, instead of its complete involution, a cyst is formed, which does not interfere with the further course of pregnancy and disappears after childbirth. If this occurs before the placenta is fully formed, progesterone production may decrease and there may be a risk of miscarriage.


As a rule, such a tumor-like formation does not manifest itself with any specific clinical symptoms. It can be discovered accidentally during diagnostic laparoscopy or pelvic organs performed for diagnostic purposes for any diseases, or during ultrasound for preventive purposes.

In rare cases, uncharacteristic symptoms such as:

  1. Feeling of discomfort, heaviness, slight pain in the lower abdomen from the localization of the pathological formation.
  2. Pain or discomfort when lifting heavy objects, standing for a long time, or during sexual intercourse.
  3. Menstrual irregularities in the form of a delay in the appearance of menstruation (usually no more than 2 weeks), excessively heavy or longer menstrual bleeding.
  4. Frequent urge to urinate (with significant size of the formation).

Most often, the luteal cyst disappears on its own by the beginning of the next menstruation or within 2-3 menstrual cycles. But sometimes complications may arise in the form of:

  • tumor rupture;
  • intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • complete or partial torsion of the cyst pedicle.

With rapid accumulation of fluid or hemorrhage into the cavity of the formation, it increases to 10 cm in diameter, and the listed symptoms become more pronounced. In these cases, a rupture of the corpus luteum cyst of the ovary may occur with the emptying of its serous contents into the pelvic cavity. If the rupture occurs as a result of hemorrhage, the bleeding may continue into the abdominal cavity. The rate and volume of blood loss will depend on the caliber of the damaged vessels.

The clinical course of the disease upon rupture becomes acute with severe symptoms:

  1. Sudden sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Paleness and dampness of the skin.
  3. A short-term loss of consciousness is possible.
  4. Sometimes nausea, single vomiting, increased frequency of the urge to urinate or defecate occur.
  5. The heart rate increases and blood pressure rises briefly.

If a woman does not seek medical help, these phenomena may go away on their own. However, with bleeding, the condition gradually or quickly worsens, depending on the severity of blood loss, with the development of hemorrhagic shock:

  1. Weakness, moisture and pallor of the skin increase.
  2. Dizziness and repeated vomiting occur.
  3. The pulse rate increases even more.
  4. After a brief rise in blood pressure, a rapid decrease occurs.

The stalk of the neoplasm includes blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, ovarian torsion is accompanied by pain, disruption of its blood supply and nutrition with the further occurrence and development of necrosis of ovarian tissue, especially with complete torsion. The symptoms are the same as for a rupture without bleeding. The difference may be expressed in less intensity of pain, but it is more persistent. If timely assistance is not provided, the phenomena of pelvioperitonitis and general intoxication develop due to necrosis of ovarian tissue and the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction.


Typically, treatment of a corpus luteum cyst is not carried out if its size does not exceed 4 cm in diameter and there are no pronounced subjective symptoms. It is necessary to carry out only dynamic monitoring of its development for 2-3 menstrual cycles through repeated ultrasound examinations. During this time, the function of hormone-producing cells gradually fades away, they are replaced by connective tissue cells, the contents are absorbed, and the walls of the capsule collapse.

In case of long-term existence, frequent formation or growth of the size of the gland, as well as in case of multiple cysts, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, hormonal drugs are prescribed, magnetic laser therapy (exposure to a magnetic field and low-intensity laser radiation) therapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapeutic treatment, with the exception of thermal procedures.

Among hormonal drugs, Duphaston, which is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, has a good effect in the treatment of small cysts. Replacing the body's own progesterone with a synthetic one leads to a decrease in the pituitary gland's production of luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the activity of the corpus luteum, due to which the latter gradually stops functioning and the cyst disappears. Duphaston is also effective as a prophylactic agent for their frequent formation.

In case of formation of a cyst with insufficient function of the corpus luteum during pregnancy and in order to prevent its interruption, appropriate hormone replacement therapy is carried out.

Multiple or large formations are removed by laparoscopic surgery. If an emergency situation arises such as rupture of a cyst without bleeding or torsion of the ovary, sectoral resection is carried out with removal of the cyst shell, necrotic area of ​​the ovary, removal of the ovary (oophorectomy) or removal of it along with the fallopian tube (adnexectomy). These operations are performed, depending on the situation, laparoscopically or laparotomically.

Bleeding, especially with hemorrhagic shock, requires emergency intensive care and surgical care in the amount of oophorectomy or adnexectomy only through laparotomy.

If an emergency occurs during pregnancy, the surgical treatment methods are the same. If they are performed in a timely manner, the prognosis for both the mother and the fetus is favorable.

After each ovulation, a corpus luteum forms in one of the ovaries. The main function of this temporary gland is the synthesis of the hormone progesterone, which prepares the walls of the uterus for the attachment of the fertilized egg and supports the initial stage of pregnancy.

If conception does not occur, it shrinks, turning into scar tissue, and menstruation occurs. Some factors contribute to the appearance of an ovarian corpus luteum cyst, about the treatment, symptoms and complications of which read in this article.

Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary - what is it?

If blood circulation in the corpus luteum is impaired, then fluid accumulates in it - this is how a cyst appears. It is rare, and its contents sometimes contain blood.

This is a benign single-cavity tumor of the ovary (left or right), similar in tissue structure to the normal corpus luteum and lined from the inside with fibrous tissue.

Its other name is ovarian luteal cyst. It is detected in women of reproductive age, as it is associated with cyclical changes in the body. Its dimensions reach 2-8 cm, and most often it disappears on its own within 1-3 menstrual cycles.

It should not be confused with such a functional formation in the ovary as a follicular cyst. The latter develops from a follicle with a maturing egg, which does not burst, as it should, but continues to grow.

Reasons influencing the occurrence of cysts:

  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • impaired lymph and blood circulation in the ovarian tissues;
  • preparation for IVF (artificial insemination);
  • stimulation of ovulation in case of infertility;
  • emergency contraception;
  • inflammatory process in the ovaries;
  • abortions.

The risk of developing a tumor is also increased by strict diets, nervous strain, high physical activity, and chronic fatigue.

Despite the alternate maturation of eggs on each side, a corpus luteum cyst is somewhat more often detected in the right ovary. This is due to its more intense blood supply from the artery coming directly from the aorta.

Clinically, this benign formation manifests itself only in the case of a significant increase in size. Signs of a cyst of the corpus luteum of the right ovary (as well as the left) are as follows:

  1. Failure in the menstrual cycle, which consists of two phases: the first - estrogen and the second - progesterone. The corpus luteum is responsible for the production of progesterone, so the duration of the cycle stages changes noticeably as the cyst grows. Most often, there is a delay in menstruation, accompanied by swelling of the mammary glands.
  2. Aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Irritability, fatigue, nausea and vomiting appear less frequently - in such cases, differential diagnosis is required to exclude or determine ectopic pregnancy.

If the formation is small, then it does not cause ischemia in nearby tissues, that is, it does not interfere with normal blood flow, and therefore no symptoms of an ovarian corpus luteum cyst are observed in this case, and the tumor can be discovered by chance during an examination by a doctor.

Diagnostic methods

A cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary - left or right - is detected only after a comprehensive examination. It includes several diagnostic methods:

  • Gynecological examination and bimanual palpation of the ovaries.
  • Ultrasound (for obese women, a transvaginal sensor is used).
  • Dopplerography - analysis of the blood supply to the vessels of the cyst - is needed to exclude a malignant tumor. Corpus luteum cysts are characterized by active peripheral circulation.

If the diagnosis remains in doubt, laparoscopy is performed - a minimally invasive research method performed under general anesthesia. Through miniature incisions in the abdominal wall, special equipment is inserted, transmitting the image to the monitor. The diagnostic accuracy using laparoscopy is 100%.

Treatment tactics for ovarian corpus luteum cyst

Often the cyst regresses on its own, disappearing within 1-3 menstrual cycles. During this period, regular observation by a gynecologist and control ultrasound examinations are required.

Conservative treatments for ovarian corpus luteum cysts include:

  1. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs: Civilin, Livicin, Medvitsin or others at the discretion of the doctor.
  2. Individual selection of hormonal contraceptives.
  3. Physiotherapy: vaginal irrigation, therapeutic baths, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy.

Therapy should be supported by the exclusion of physical activity and sexual intercourse, which helps prevent rupture or twisting of the cyst.

If the tumor cannot be treated, then surgical removal is resorted to. It consists of laparoscopic enucleation, and in more complex cases, resection of the ovary (removal of part of it).

Corpus luteum cyst in pregnant women

The physiological role of corpus luteum cells is the production of progesterone. This hormone ensures the engraftment of the fertilized egg and the gestation of pregnancy, does not allow the uterus to contract and stimulates its growth as the size of the fetus increases.

That is why the cause of spontaneous abortion is often insufficient production of progesterone.

A corpus luteum cyst on the ovary during pregnancy is detected in the early stages, its size is insignificant - 0.4-0.9 cm. It does not pose a danger to the health of the woman and child, but, on the contrary, is considered a functional necessity of the body.

At 14-16 weeks of fetal development, the placenta begins to perform hormonal functions, and the cystic formation gradually resolves.


A cyst poses a threat to life and health in the following cases:

  • If the pedicle of the corpus luteum is torsioned, the tissue of the cyst dies and inflammation develops, leading to a condition of “acute abdomen” (suddenly occurring severe pain). Treatment is emergency surgery.
  • Sexual contact or physical activity, such as heavy lifting, can cause blood vessels to rupture and cause bleeding into the cyst cavity.

A serious complication in this case is the rupture of the ovarian corpus luteum cyst and, as a consequence, hemorrhagic shock. Its symptoms - pale skin, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, bluish lips, confusion - require urgent resuscitation.

A cyst arising from the corpus luteum does not degenerate into cancer, and if it resolves spontaneously, conservative therapy or surgical removal is timely, the prognosis is favorable.

Article last updated 12/07/2019

A corpus luteum cyst is a normal benign formation in a healthy reproductive organ, arising from the corpus luteum. It is a capsule with serous fluid, rarely with blood. The formation rises slightly above the organ itself. The medical classification classifies this type of pathology as functional oncology. Such processes are rare and do not depend on the patient’s age. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by inflammation in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or hormone imbalance.

The ovary produces many small sacs called follicles. In each such bubble an egg matures. The follicle is small, up to 20 mm, filled with fluid inside and covered with a granulosa membrane on the outside. During 1 menstrual cycle, only 1 full-fledged “adult” follicle with one identical egg is formed in a woman’s body. During the process of ovulation, the vesicle ruptures, the egg is released, and instead of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, which is a temporary formation of a hormonal nature.

Structure of the corpus luteum (photo).

It is an endocrine gland that produces the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. Lives only 4 months and then dies. Then the placenta begins to perform its function. If pregnancy does not occur, the body gets rid of the gland a few days before the start of menstruation.

All processes in the ovaries are controlled by the brain, namely the pituitary gland. In the first period of the cycle, the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is responsible for the maturation of follicles. Its other hormone, LH (luteinizing hormone), controls the formation of the corpus luteum after ovulation.

When the level of hormones in the body is disrupted or unfavorable conditions are created, it will not be possible to avoid the formation of a cyst. A mature follicle does not burst, but continues to accumulate contents. This is how a follicular cyst is formed. The same thing happens with the corpus luteum. By the beginning of menstruation, it is not destroyed, but continues to accumulate yellow serous fluid, forming a corpus luteum cyst on the ovary.

Medicine classifies such cysts as functional, that is, normal formations. It is impossible to prevent their occurrence. They occur frequently, are asymptomatic, and regress after 3-4 months. But sometimes the cyst begins to increase sharply in size and creates a danger to the body. Processes such as torsion, necrosis or rupture can cause internal bleeding (corpus luteum cyst with hemorrhage).

Cysts of the right ovary are more common, since it is equipped with a large number of vessels. Any variants of formations appear along with hormonal imbalance and cause pain on the side where they arise. The temperature with a corpus luteum cyst rises, pain occurs as a result of rupture and hemorrhage. Therefore, if such symptoms appear, it is recommended to undergo an urgent ultrasound.

Such pathologies disappear on their own and do not require any treatment. Surgical intervention is necessary only in cases where regression does not occur after 4 months, and the cyst accumulates a large amount of fluid or blood inside its cavity.

Causes of the disease

A single cause of the disease has not been established. It is generally accepted that any event that negatively affects a woman’s hormonal levels, as well as the processes of lymph and blood supply to the ovaries, can become a provoking factor for the disease. Also influenced by:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • stimulation of the ovaries with hormonal drugs;
  • abuse of emergency contraception;
  • ectopic pregnancies and abortions;
  • chronic diseases and inflammations of the reproductive system;
  • stressful and emotional shocks;
  • heavy regular physical activity;
  • strict long-term diets and poor nutrition.

The main reasons for the appearance of corpus luteum cysts lie in the processes of stimulating ovulation with hormonal medications to prepare for IVF, and in infertility treatment. Therefore, if you are taking appropriate medications, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the ovaries and undergo regular ultrasound examinations.

Symptoms of the disease

The cyst usually has an average size, not exceeding 8 centimeters. Clinical manifestations are usually absent. You may not know about such a process at all, since education can regress on its own. Women should worry if they notice the following signs of a cyst:

  • discomfort and heaviness at the site of the tumor;
  • aching pain;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • basal temperature before menstruation is above 37 degrees;
  • frequent urination;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Cyst symptoms indicating acute complications in the ovaries:

  • sharp, cramping pains that are difficult to endure;
  • feeling of bloating, nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness, pallor, dizziness and fainting;
  • sudden surges in pressure in one direction or another;
  • discharge from a cyst that does not correspond to the phase of the cycle;
  • bleeding from the uterus.

If you feel one of the symptoms, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.


There are a number of complications when diagnosing an ovarian corpus luteum cyst:

  • Torsion of the legs. Such a process can be either partial (movement 180 degrees) or complete (360 degrees or more). In this case, the nutrition of the organ is disrupted due to strong pressure on the vessels and nerve fibers. The woman feels sharp pain in the area of ​​torsion on the left or right, which radiates to the groin area. There is severe nausea, decreased blood pressure, dizziness and a feeling of fear. The basal temperature rises, the pain does not stop even after taking a comfortable body position. This torsion occurs when the cyst reaches a size of 5 cm or more.

  • Cyst rupture. The phenomenon is extremely rare due to the dense shell of the cyst. When a woman ruptures, she feels a sharp piercing pain in the ovarian area, which causes the body to bend. Cold sweat appears on the skin, dizziness and fainting occur.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle. Due to disruption of hormone production, menstruation is delayed by 1-2 weeks. Menstruation still occurs, but the discharge from the cyst becomes painful and takes the form of clots. Often such periods cause uterine bleeding.
  • Internal bleeding. When a cyst bursts, a hematoma forms. Gradually it increases and begins to burst the organ. As a result, it ruptures and blood enters the pelvic or abdominal area. A woman may develop a state of shock, severe weakness, decreased blood pressure and rapid pulse.

Similar complications can occur with sudden body movement, shaking, sexual intercourse, or rapid growth of the cyst.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of this pathology is carried out on a gynecological chair. The doctor examines the patient, collects medical history and complaints. As a rule, upon palpation, a specialist cannot make an accurate diagnosis, since cysts are most often small in size. If the tumor is large or protrudes above the ovary, the gynecologist can detect the location of the organ lesion using manual examination. However, one inspection is not enough. Often a cyst causes an ectopic pregnancy, and only an ultrasound examination can show the true pathological process.

On ultrasound, a corpus luteum cyst appears as a small formation (up to 4 cm) with a clear capsule around it. If the internal cavity is filled exclusively with liquid, then such a formation is called simple. If the fluid contains inclusions of solid particles, then the cyst is called solid.

In some cases, it is not possible to clearly make a diagnosis using ultrasound alone. Then specialists use additional diagnostic methods:

  • Color Dopplerography. The method allows you to distinguish a cyst from a tumor and is based on studying blood flow. If a tumor has formed in the ovary, the blood flow will be determined. If a cyst is present, blood flow is not noticeable.
  • Blood test for tumor markers. This analysis is mandatory and allows you to distinguish benign formations from cancer.
  • Analysis per level hemoglobin and blood clotting.
  • Also for rent blood for hormones, since the disease has hormonal causes.

After a complete diagnosis of the disease, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Treatment of the disease

Let us consider in detail how to treat a corpus luteum cyst. Small cysts that are asymptomatic do not require mandatory treatment. They are monitored over several menstrual cycles and undergo regular ultrasound examinations. After three months, they usually completely disappear and regress. If positive changes do not occur, then conservative therapy is carried out, which consists of the following:

  • Restoration of hormonal levels. Treatment involves taking combined oral contraceptives.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to eliminate concomitant diseases and inflammation in the ovaries.
  • Physiotherapy includes electrophoresis and magnetic therapy.
  • Correction of nutrition and lifestyle by creating an individual menu and selecting physical exercises.
  • As an auxiliary treatment, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and homeopathy drugs are prescribed.

If after six weeks of conservative therapy no positive dynamics are observed, surgical removal is prescribed. The operation is performed by laparoscopy in two ways:

  • Removal of the cyst only. In this case, healthy ovarian tissue is not affected. After surgery, the organ quickly restores its healthy functions.
  • Ovarian resection. In this way, the cyst itself and the affected tissue close to it are removed. The function of the organ is not fully restored, and the number of follicles decreases.

Any treatment option is prescribed exclusively by a specialist. Independent manipulations can lead to the development of complications. Only the recommendations of the attending physician and appropriate observation will help cure the disease. Women with ovarian tumors should avoid any thermal procedures or abdominal trauma. Regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound scan in order to detect the disease in time and begin drug therapy.

Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary- a problem encountered during a woman’s reproductive period. This disease is functional in nature and leads to dysfunction of the ovaries.

The ovaries are a pair of glandular organs located in the pelvic cavity. The ovaries produce the most important sex hormones necessary for the regulation of the menstrual cycle, as well as affecting the functioning of vital human organs.

Estrogens are involved in the processes of emergence of secondary sexual characteristics, the formation of mammary glands, and play a vital function in the regulation of menstruation.

This hormone has an important effect on the skeletal system, protecting against osteoporosis. The effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system consists of a protective effect on the vascular link.

In the ovaries, the maturation of the egg occurs - the cell necessary for fertilization and the onset of pregnancy.

Ovarian function gradually declines after age 35 and practically stops with the onset of natural aging—menopause.

The menstrual cycle lasts on average 28 days, but there may be slight fluctuations, both down and up.

There are two phases - follicular and luteal

In the first phase of the cycle, selection and further growth of the main dominant follicle, which contains the egg, occurs in one of the ovaries. These processes are regulated by follicle-stimulating hormone produced in the pituitary gland.

Under the influence of external hormones in the middle of the cycle, the follicle ruptures and the female reproductive cell is released.

This process is called ovulation. The presence of normal ovulation is a prerequisite for the occurrence of a future pregnancy.

In place of the burst follicle, under the influence of the luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland, a corpus luteum appears - a temporary gland that secretes progesterone.

Progesterone is a steroid hormone that supports and “protects” pregnancy by reducing uterine contractility.

Under the influence of progesterone, lactation is inhibited. Outside the reproductive system, a positive effect of this hormone on the nervous system and skin condition has been noted.

In cases where conception does not occur, the corpus luteum helps start the next menstruation. This gland received its name in connection with its color, which, in turn, is formed due to the specific luteal pigment.

Typically, the luteal phase lasts 14 days and is genetically determined. With the onset of menstruation, the cycle is renewed.

So, what is a corpus luteum cyst?

A corpus luteum cyst is an ovarian formation that occurs at the site of a ruptured follicle. The tumor itself is usually small in size, but can reach sizes of up to 6-7 cm.

In the cavity of the cyst, serous or, and often mixed, fluid accumulates.


The causes of corpus luteum cysts are not fully understood.

At the moment, one of the main factors is the disruption of blood supply and outflow of lymphatic fluid against the background of a failure in the hormonal regulation of menstrual function. Blood and lymph flow into the corpus luteum, forming a specific cavity.

The formation of a cyst can be triggered by intense physical activity, sexual intercourse, taking hot baths during the period of ovulation, as well as frequent inflammatory formations of the appendages.

Insufficient intake of important microelements from food, in particular with mono-diets, can also underlie dysregulation of the menstrual cycle and lead to the formation.


Often, corpus luteum cysts are asymptomatic. In rare cases, there is a slight delay in menstruation, which goes away naturally.

But if the blood circulation of a sufficiently large vessel feeding the tumor is disrupted, pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity and a disturbance in the general condition may occur.

If the formation is large, irritation of the pelvic peritoneum receptors may occur, leading to aching pain, as well as compression of nearby organs. Some patients complain of discomfort during sexual intercourse.


Diagnosis of this disease includes:

  1. Mandatory manual inspection on the chair. The doctor can determine by touch the approximate size of the formation, as well as possible swelling of the surrounding tissue. When pressing on the affected area, a woman may feel sensitivity and even severe pain. The doctor will also check for pain with slight displacement of the appendages relative to the uterus and with palpation of the vaginal walls.
  2. After the inspection is carried out ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, where the doctor can accurately identify the location of the tumor, its size, and also conduct a study of the blood flow of the vessels feeding the tumor. This method is called Doppler blood flow measurement. As a rule, all corpus luteum cysts have pronounced blood flow. This fact can also be used for differential diagnosis.
  3. In rare cases where the diagnosis is not obvious, it is possible to perform diagnostic laparoscopy. It is worth noting that this method is used for complications of the cyst, which will be discussed further.

Main signs of complications

Before we talk about the main signs of complications, let's understand what consequences can arise in principle.

Apoplexy—rupture of an ovarian mass—is the most common complication. In this case, the tumor membrane ruptures and the contents spill into the pelvic cavity.

If the cyst is large, it may twist, thereby cutting off the blood supply to the ovary and fallopian tube.

The main complaints of patients in such cases are severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness as a result of a drop in blood pressure and painful shock.

All complications require immediate hospitalization in order to resolve the issue of surgical treatment.

Differential diagnosis

Given the existence of others, differential diagnosis is often necessary. This is a method that allows you to determine the correct type of tumor by comparing the symptoms and diagnostic picture of different tumors.

For differential diagnosis the following are used:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, allowing to suggest the structure of the tumor;
  • Laboratory methods should include the identification of specific tumor markers CA-125 and HE4, indicating a possible malignant nature. A general blood test will help determine the presence of an inflammatory process.


In most cases, no specific treatment is required. Formations of the corpus luteum undergo reverse development within one to three cycles. In other cases, specific therapy is necessary.

Treatment of ovarian corpus luteum cyst is divided into conservative and surgical:

1) Drug (conservative) therapy. Represents the prescription of combined oral contraceptives in a continuous mode until the formation disappears. As a rule, this takes two to three months. Another type of hormonal treatment is the administration of gestagens in the second phase of menstruation in a cyclic manner. One of the most common drugs in this category is Duphaston.

Additionally, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics are used to relieve tissue swelling and reduce pain.

During treatment, intense physical activity, sexual activity, and visits to baths and saunas should be avoided. You should also not take hot baths, as exposure to temperature can lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the tumor.

2) Surgery. The question of surgical intervention arises in cases where the cyst does not regress despite full-fledged drug therapy. The main method in this case is . In a large operating room, special manipulators are used to enucleate the formation and suturing the ovarian tissue.

You should know that in emergency cases when complications develop, the surgeon will give preference to the abdominal method - laparotomy.

To improve the course of postoperative therapy, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy for the lower abdomen. Magnetic therapy, electro- and phonophoresis are recognized as the most effective physiotherapeutic methods.

These methods are based on the positive influence of physical forces. The regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated and inflammatory reactions are reduced.

The pain syndrome becomes less intense. Radon therapeutic baths are also successfully used by physiotherapists.

Cyst and pregnancy

A corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is essentially one of the subtypes of this formation.

Cysts can reach very large sizes and threaten to cause a very dangerous complication during pregnancy - rupture or necrosis of the tissue of both the tumor itself and the entire ovary.

However, most often the cysts are of medium size and must be dynamically observed using ultrasound. As a rule, such formations resolve by the 16th week of pregnancy and do not require specific treatment.

The question of surgical treatment arises quite rarely and requires a thorough analysis of all the pros and cons.


The basis for the prevention of any hormone-dependent formation is the normalization of the menstrual cycle.

If the cyst has regressed over a long period of time and caused complaints in women, it is advisable to prescribe combined oral contraceptives to reduce the own activity of the ovaries and give them a rest.

It should also be remembered that the basis of any prevention is a healthy lifestyle, adequate physical activity, and timely detection of any inflammatory diseases.

Each woman should be dynamically observed by a gynecologist and periodically undergo screening ultrasound examinations.

Among the various tumor processes that are diagnosed in the female population, ovarian cysts occupy a special place. Such formations may have different natures. Some of them require only surgical treatment. Others are amenable to drug therapy and are able to resolve on their own. One such formation is the ovarian corpus luteum cyst. What it is? Is this education dangerous? And how to deal with it?

Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary: description of the pathology

An ovarian corpus luteum cyst (or luteal cyst) is a tumor formation formed by the accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​a ruptured follicle. The pathology refers to functional cysts.

A functional cyst is a temporary formation. Its appearance is dictated by a disruption in the functioning of the ovaries. Functional cysts can resolve on their own. They respond well to drug therapy.

The corpus luteum cyst of the ovary is localized behind or to the side of the uterus. The size of the formation varies between 3–8 cm. But sometimes its size can even reach 20 cm in diameter.

Like any functional cyst, this formation, with a favorable course, does not require treatment. It can resolve on its own within 2–3 cycles.

Formation mechanism

The menstrual cycle for all women consists of 2 phases:

  1. Folliculinova. During this phase, the follicle matures in the ovary. Then it breaks. A mature egg is released from the follicle.
  2. Luteinova. A ruptured follicle forms a corpus luteum. This is a temporary gland that produces progesterone. This hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

This is how a woman’s body prepares to conceive and bear a child.

Depending on whether pregnancy occurs or not, the following happens:

  1. If pregnancy does not occur, then the yellow gland (or luteal) gradually begins to regress. It stops being supplied with blood and atrophies. In its place, a scar or white body of the ovary forms.
  2. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum continues to function until approximately 20 weeks. Then the placenta begins to “work” and the luteal gland becomes scarred.

In some cases, the corpus luteum does not regress in a timely manner. This gland continues to be supplied with blood and further produces progesterone. It may increase in size and form a cyst.

Sometimes, as a result of a ruptured blood vessel, the formation can fill with blood. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with a hemorrhagic cyst.

Luteal cysts appear in women only during their childbearing years. It does not form in little girls and is not able to form after menopause.

Why is her education dangerous?

This formation is not capable of degenerating into oncology.

Doctors do not consider such a cyst dangerous. But only if it is small in size.

A large formation can provoke a number of serious complications (rupture of the capsule, torsion of the leg). These consequences require immediate surgical intervention.

Types of cysts

Follicles mature alternately in one or the other ovary. This is why a corpus luteum cyst can form on one side or the other.

So, a cyst is isolated:

  • right-sided;
  • left-handed.

The structure of education can be:

  • single-cavitary (the cyst consists of one cavity);
  • multi-cavity (the cyst, through septa, forms several cavities that communicate with each other).

Ovarian cyst: video


The true reasons leading to the formation of cysts in the body have not been reliably established. But one thing is known - a pathological mechanism is triggered by disruption of the functioning of the ovaries.

Some doctors argue that the appearance of pathology is dictated by impaired functioning of the pituitary gland, which controls the functions of the ovaries. As a result, the body develops hormonal imbalance. And in the ovaries themselves, blood circulation may be disrupted.

Main risk factors

A luteal cyst can form in a woman’s body under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Use of emergency contraceptives (Postinor, Escapelle).
  2. Abortion or ectopic pregnancy. Artificial termination of pregnancy leads to severe hormonal disruption, against the background of which both follicular and luteal cysts can form.
  3. Taking medications that stimulate ovulation. Such drugs (Clomiphene, Clostilbegit) are prescribed for the treatment of infertility in women or before the IVF procedure.

Main causes of pathology

The development of a corpus luteum cyst can be dictated by the following unfavorable factors:

  1. Excessive physical activity, hard work.
  2. Passion for a variety of diets (especially mono-diets) for weight loss.
  3. Deviations from normal weight (both underweight and obesity).
  4. Early onset of a girl's menstruation.
  5. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital area (salpingitis, oophoritis).
  6. Thyroid diseases, which also lead to hormonal imbalance in the body.
  7. Harmful living or working conditions.
  8. Constant psycho-emotional stress, excessive stress.

Characteristic symptoms and signs

Very often the cyst does not reveal itself at all. It can be asymptomatic. This formation begins to decrease in size during the next menstrual cycle and disappears completely.

Symptoms of a large cyst

But sometimes, especially if a woman is diagnosed with inflammatory diseases in the reproductive system, a corpus luteum cyst can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  1. There is pain in the appendage area. The discomfort is dull, aching in nature. The pain intensifies 7–14 days after menstruation.
  2. In the field of education, there is a feeling of fullness and heaviness.
  3. Menstrual irregularities. Sometimes there may be a delay in menstruation. Some patients complain of prolonged menstruation.
  4. Anemia may develop against the background of uterine bleeding. The woman experiences weakness, pallor, and increased fatigue.
  5. Before the onset of menstruation, there is a slight increase in temperature (about 37 C).
  6. Frequent urination.
  7. Discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse in the area of ​​the formation.
  8. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area, from the side of the formed cyst.

Symptoms requiring immediate attention

When complications occur, the clinical manifestations of the pathology become pronounced.

In such situations, it is necessary to call an ambulance without delay. The woman needs immediate surgery, because such consequences are life-threatening.

Leg torsion

The cyst is localized on the surface of the ovary. A large formation is attached to the organ with a pedicle. When the cyst is rotated, it twists. This compression disrupts blood flow. Tissues begin to die.

Symptoms of torsion are extremely acute:

  • acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • discomfort radiates to the lumbar region, leg;
  • Nausea may appear, and vomiting is sometimes observed.

If the cyst is not completely twisted (approximately 60–90 degrees), then the symptoms increase gradually, slowly.

Cyst rupture

When the capsule ruptures, a woman develops an “acute abdomen” syndrome caused by bleeding in the peritoneum.

In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • cramping acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • hyperthermia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pallor of the integument;
  • there is stool retention;
  • the stomach is tense;
  • touching the stomach causes severe pain as a result of irritation of the peritoneum;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure (indicates the development of hemorrhagic shock with massive bleeding in the peritoneum).

Diagnostic measures

Making a diagnosis by a gynecologist begins with a thorough examination of the patient’s condition:

  1. Analysis of the history of complaints. The doctor will ask when the discomfort in the lower abdomen began and under what circumstances (physical activity, sexual intercourse) the pain intensifies.
  2. Studying the medical history. The doctor will analyze previous gynecological diseases and surgical interventions.
  1. Gynecological examination. During the examination, the doctor can identify a mobile, fairly elastic formation near the uterus, which has a round shape. When palpated, it causes unpleasant discomfort or pain. However, the gynecologist is only able to detect a large formation. A small cyst (up to 3 cm) is most often not palpable.
  2. Hormone analysis. The study allows us to identify hormonal imbalances.
  3. Ultrasonography. This is the optimal research method. It is harmless and quite informative. By studying the echogenicity of the resulting “picture,” the doctor determines the structure of the formation and gets an idea of ​​the contents of the cyst. Thus, the detection of echo signs indicates the presence of blood clots in the cyst.
  4. Laparoscopy. Today this is the most informative and accurate diagnostic method. Using a small puncture, a camera is inserted into the peritoneal cavity. This allows the doctor to study the formation in detail.

Differential diagnosis

To make a final diagnosis, the doctor will recommend several more studies. They make it possible to distinguish a corpus luteum cyst from pathologies with similar clinical manifestations.

Differential diagnosis includes the following examinations:

  1. Analysis for the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is the "pregnancy hormone". It begins to be produced in a woman’s body 5–6 days after conception. This analysis allows you to exclude pregnancy.
  2. Color Dopplerography. The study is designed to accurately determine the nature of education. If the area of ​​the cyst on the monitor is “colored” in a red-blue tint, then endometroid pathology is diagnosed. A gray and opaque image characterizes a luteal cyst.
  3. Analysis for tumor markers. This study allows us to exclude oncology. If a blood test for the CA-125 marker shows an increased level, then the woman is experiencing a process of malignancy (degeneration into cancer).

Treatment methods

The tactics to combat this pathology are determined solely by the doctor. Since the corpus luteum cyst can regress on its own, in most cases the patient is not prescribed treatment. The woman is recommended to be observed by a gynecologist and undergo follow-up ultrasounds.

If the formation does not decrease in size, the gynecologist will recommend resorting to conservative therapy:

  • drug treatment;
  • lifestyle corrections;
  • physiotherapy.

If the cyst grows rapidly, there is a risk of complications. In this case, the doctor will recommend surgical removal of the formation.

Drug therapy

The conducted research allows the doctor to find out the causes of hormonal imbalance or inflammatory process occurring in a woman’s body.

Depending on the sources of pathology, drug treatment is selected:

  1. Anti-inflammatory medications. For severe pain, medications may be recommended: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Nurofen. In addition to the analgesic effect, they reduce the severity of inflammation.
  2. Hormonal contraceptives. To normalize a woman's hormonal levels, oral contraceptives are recommended: Janine, Regulon, Diane-35, Logest, Ovidon, Anteovin, Novinet.
  3. Progesterone-containing drugs. These funds allow you to restore the required level of progestogen in the body. These medications stop the growth of education and activate the regression process. For such purposes, medications may be prescribed: Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Pregnin, Norkolut.
  4. Vitamin preparations. To support the body and ensure the intake of all useful substances, a woman may be recommended vitamin complexes: Multitabs, Elevit, Vitrum, Alphabet.

Medicines in the photo

Ibuprofen provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects
Novinet regulates hormonal levels in the body Duphaston regulates progesterone levels
Multitabs ensures the supply of all necessary substances


Along with drug treatment, the patient is recommended physiotherapeutic procedures. They help improve cyst resorption.

The following events are most often prescribed:

  • balneotherapy (therapeutic baths, special irrigation);
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.

The patient’s lifestyle deserves special attention. Failure to follow the simple rules recommended by the doctor can lead to rapid growth of the cyst.

Women who have a corpus luteum cyst should heed the following advice:

  1. For patients who are overweight, exercise and diet are recommended. Gymnastics is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and is carried out (at least for the first time) under the supervision of an instructor. Straining and sudden changes in body position (somersaults, jumping) are contraindicated.
  2. Physiotherapy that involves heating the lower abdomen is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to refrain from wraps (mud, algae and other types). Such events have a compressive and warming effect. With a luteal cyst, such procedures are dangerous.
  3. A woman should avoid excessive physical activity.
  4. If pain occurs during sex, then it is necessary to refuse intimacy or eliminate positions that provoke discomfort.
  5. Visiting the bathhouse or sauna is not recommended. It is advisable to avoid tanning in a solarium or under the rays of the sun.


Surgical intervention is discussed after three months after the discovery of the pathology. It is during this period that in most cases the corpus luteum cyst regresses - completely resolves or significantly decreases in size.

Indications for surgery

  1. Uterine bleeding. A corpus luteum cyst can provoke uneven endometrial rejection.
  2. Capsular rupture, perforation or torsion of the pedicle. With such severe complications, most often the cyst is removed along with the ovary. And planned surgery allows, in most cases, to save the organ.
  3. Tumor degeneration. Despite the fact that the transformation of a luteal cyst into cancer occurs extremely rarely, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of malignancy.

Surgical methods

The surgical tactics depend on the patient’s condition.

Surgeons use 2 intervention methods:

  1. Laparoscopy. Through small incisions into which a camera and special instruments are inserted, only the cyst is excised. This is how the operation is performed as planned and only if there are no complications.
  2. Laparotomy. This is a method that involves a midline abdominal incision. It allows the surgeon to gain normal access to the peritoneal organs. This type of intervention is resorted to in the presence of complications or large cyst sizes.

Folk remedies

Healer's recipes can bring benefits. But you should not rely solely on folk remedies, excluding drug treatment. Healer recipes are only an additional method of therapy.

In addition, such treatment must initially be agreed with a doctor. Otherwise, there is a high risk of unpleasant complications.

How to treat with honey tampons

To combat a cyst, the following method is used:

  1. You can take a regular sanitary tampon or use a medical bandage (wide).
  2. The tampon is soaked in liquid honey.
  3. It is recommended to insert it into the vagina as deeply as possible. This tampon should remain in place for a day.
  4. Then it is replaced with a new one.
  5. The procedure is repeated for 10 days.

Treatment with celandine

To prepare the product you will need:

  • celandine juice - 1 part;
  • propolis tincture (alcohol) – 1 part;
  • liquid honey - 4 parts.

All ingredients are combined and mixed thoroughly. The resulting medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.

Take this remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 tsp, 30 minutes before eating. The duration of treatment is 1 month. After such therapy, it is necessary to rest from treatment for 30 days and repeat the course.

Treatment with boron uterus

To make a decoction you need:

  1. Pour boiling water (1 l) over the borovaya uterus (1 tablespoon).
  2. The product simmers in a steam bath for about 20 minutes.
  3. Then the medicine should be infused for another 3 hours in a closed container.
  4. After straining, the product is ready for use.

Drink the decoction 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The duration of therapy is 24 days. After this period, a break of 5 days is recommended, after which treatment can be resumed.

Herbal infusion

You will need the following components:

  • chicory root - 2 parts;
  • plantain - 5 hours;
  • nettle leaves - 5 hours;
  • marigold flowers - 4 hours;
  • rose hips - 3 hours;
  • chamomile flowers - 4 hours;
  • knotweed grass - 2 hours;
  • sea ​​buckthorn leaves - 3 hours;
  • bird cherry flowers - 1 tsp;
  • celandine grass - 2 hours.

All ingredients are crushed and mixed thoroughly. You need 1 tbsp. l. pour the resulting mixture with boiling water (1 tbsp.) in a thermos. The product is infused for 6–8 hours. Take the infusion 1/3 cup 3 times a day 60 minutes before meals. Use the medicine warm, but not hot.

The duration of treatment lasts 1 month. After 2 weeks, if necessary, the course can be resumed.

Folk remedies in the photo

Honey tampons promote the resorption of cysts. Celandine is used to prepare a medicinal decoction. Borovaya uterus relieves a woman from many gynecological diseases. Chamomile has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Possible complications

The prognosis of this pathology is favorable. In most cases, luteal cysts resolve on their own.

But, unfortunately, they can influence the following points:

  1. Intimate life. Sexual acts are not prohibited. However, they must be as careful as possible so as not to provoke torsion or rupture.
  2. Accompanying illnesses. An ovarian cyst often develops against the background of various pathologies occurring in the reproductive system (salpingitis, endometritis, thrush). Without the necessary treatment, such diseases will progress, complicating the patient’s condition.

Luteal cyst and pregnancy

The corpus luteum cyst synthesizes progesterone in the body. This hormone ensures the safety of the fertilized egg and promotes pregnancy. It is the lack of progesterone that can provoke spontaneous abortion.

A corpus luteum cyst does not at all interfere with the process of planning conception and the normal course of pregnancy. It does not harm either the mother or the fetus.

Most often, a luteal cyst is detected in the early stages. The dimensions of this formation are insignificant (about 4–9 mm). This cyst does not pose a threat to the child and woman.

As pregnancy progresses, at approximately 14–16 weeks, the placenta takes over hormonal functions. The cyst gradually decreases and resolves.

If the formation is more than 5 cm in diameter and does not tend to decrease (this is extremely rare), then doctors consider the possibility of surgery.

Preventive actions

Every woman should adhere to simple rules that will protect her not only from the development of a corpus luteum cyst, but also allow her to maintain health for many years.

Preventive measures are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to promptly and correctly treat all hormonal disorders in the body: thyroid pathologies, ovarian dysfunction, adrenal diseases.
  2. Carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. Respond in a timely manner to infectious and inflammatory diseases. Such diseases (salpingitis, vulvovaginitis, endometritis and others) require treatment prescribed by a doctor.
  4. A woman should avoid excessive physical activity.
  5. If possible, it is necessary to exclude severe stress and psycho-emotional experiences.
  6. It is important to visit a gynecologist regularly and promptly.
  7. It is recommended to exclude frequent obstetric procedures such as curettage and abortions.

Corpus luteum cyst is one of the formations that is not dangerous. Moreover, it most often resolves even without drug support. But, despite this, a woman needs to carefully monitor her health and, if there are any suspicious symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.