Medicines that improve memory and mental activity. Nootropic drugs to increase intellectual activity (Moscow), 01/21/2016

Finally got around to telling you about drugs to improve memory and brain function that will help you move through life by leaps and bounds. Any person is full of ambitions, but unfortunately, the capabilities of our body are limited, and we cannot think, remember, create, and even just move forward as much as we like. Fortunately, modern medicine gives us more opportunities and opens up borders! For everyone active people, no matter what you do, medications and means have been created to improve brain function and memory, significantly increasing your capabilities - these are nootropics! Nootropics are necessary in almost any type of activity, since human brain and the nervous system are not always able to respond to your needs as efficiently as possible. Whether you are a designer, a lawyer, an athlete - in any type of work you need a clear mind and concentration! Therefore, pills to improve memory and brain function will help you become more efficient and successful.

What are enhancement pills brain activity and memory?

Many people don't even think that in most cases our success depends on proper operation our brain, breadth of thoughts and clarity of mind. Yes, a factory worker assembling, say, bases on a conveyor belt does not particularly load the brain, but rather works more with his hands, automatically. But even with poor concentration and brain fatigue, he will do his work more slowly and with much less effort. a large number marriage. So even in the most seemingly “non-mental” work, nootropics are needed.

Special medications and means to improve brain function and memory - doping for our “smartest” organ, you can find here.

So what is the effect of nootropics on the human brain?

Improving mental activity, improving cortical-subcortical connections, stimulating learning and memory, increasing the brain's resistance to damaging factors - all this is the specific effect of nootropics on the higher integrative functions of the brain. Thus, modern pharmacology made it possible for a person to speed up all the processes occurring in the nerve center of our body. Nowadays, about 10 effective nootropic ingredients have already been synthesized, and new developments in this direction are regularly carried out.

Drugs that improve memory and thought processes can be divided into two types:

With dominant mnestic effects;

Influencing the improvement of memory, and with broad action.

The latter completely improve all brain processes. In medicine, such drugs are prescribed to patients with disorders of brain processes, as well as nervous system. And healthy people can improve the functioning of their body not only with the help of nootropics purchased at the pharmacy, but also with the help of special supplements that include complexes of similar drugs.

What pills should I take for memory and brain function?

If you want to do any task with 100% motivation and the desire to get better, then we advise you to give preference to complex drugs, for example (the list is made simply in alphabetical order, not by effectiveness): Chaos and Pain Cannibal DaVinci - contains several popular nootropic drugs compounds: oxiracetam, aniracetam, picamilon, etc. Enhances the production of dopamine (the hormone of joy and pleasure), improves the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons, relieves headache, improves cerebral circulation;

Chaos and Pain Cannibal Genius - contains one of the best nootropics - Noopept (can reduce the side effects of alcohol and age on the brain, improve memory and attention). Improves mood, cognitive abilities, cerebral circulation;

RUN Everything Onward is a vitamin and mineral complex enriched with nootropics and immunomodulators. Gives more strength and energy, improves thought processes, memory and concentration, and generally makes you more emotionally resilient and stronger!

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the effect of these supplements is felt much more pronounced! You will not only get relief from headaches and good mood, but also real drive, motivation and nervous relaxation!

Pills to improve brain activity and memory are also an option for athletes who want a more powerful focus on training, for more sophisticated muscle pumping! But if, on the contrary, you are tired of stimulants and pre-workouts and want to give your brain a little relaxation and help restore the central nervous system, then special sleep books and relaxers are what you need! They will plunge you into sweet, serene dreams, and in the morning you will get up rested, as if you slept on a cloud and woke up in paradise. They are great for restoring and relieving stress! Here, in our opinion, are the most effective (the list is simply in alphabetical order, not by effectiveness):

Blackstone Labs Anesthetized - contains the best relaxing substances (GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid), Phenibut, Valerian, etc.). Reduces nervous excitability throughout the body, makes it easier to fall asleep and helps fight stress and recover from it, enhances the production of growth hormone; Centurion Labz Warrior Trance - contains Melatonin, Phenibut, Hydroxytryptophan, GABA - in general, it has the coolest set of relaxing substances! Helps get rid of the effects of stress, strengthens resistance to it, makes it easier to fall asleep and prolongs sleep deep phase sleep, helps the body recover;

Chaos and Pain Hypnos - again, GABA, Phenibut, Picamilon, Melatonin, etc. — all the same cool components for quality sleep + improved functioning and brain health. Has a relaxing effect, calms the nervous system, protects brain cells from stress;

Chaotic Labz Hypnotic - contains Phenibut, GABA, L-Dopa, etc. Improves sleep quality and even promotes the emergence of colorful dreams;

Finaflex G8 - nooropic and relaxant in one bottle! How will it work? Firstly, you will fall asleep easier and faster, your sleep will be more restful and of higher quality. Secondly, you will wake up and get up easily, it will be easier to concentrate, think and remember throughout the day. Overall, it improves your well-being and performance.

List of the most known drugs nootropics

Those drugs that we indicated above essentially consist of several substances described below, which is why they are so effective!

Piracetam is a classic drug that reaches its maximum concentration in the blood 30-40 minutes after administration;

Aminalon - taken orally, quickly absorbed into the blood, reaching maximum concentration 60 minutes after administration;

Phenotropil is a drug that is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged. The bioavailability of Phenotropil is 100%, with a maximum concentration in plasma 1 hour after administration;

Oksibral - the drug is metabolized in the liver. Almost instantly absorbed by the body from the digestive tract;

Melatonin - instant and complete absorption by the body, and is almost completely excreted unchanged;

Modafinil is the most powerful drug on the nootropic market, which is not available in Russian pharmacies;

Vinpocetine is a drug metabolized in the liver and determined in the tissues of the central nervous system;

Picamilon is quickly absorbed and can be taken in any form.

Picamilon is known for its uniform distribution in tissues;

Semax is a nasal drug that significantly improves the memory and intellectual abilities of the human brain;

DMAE is a dietary supplement that improves mood and mental processes in the brain; Coffee and tea are natural nootropics that also have a certain degree of effect on the brain and improve the speed of the nervous system.

There is an even larger group of pharmaceutical drugs related to nootropics: nicergoline, pentoxifylline, nooglutil, nimodilin, cinnarizine, glycine, pyriditol, noopept. Herbal medicines also have a nootropic effect: ginko bean extract and Huato boluses. As we said, all of these single-ingredient additives are usually included in sports nutrition and make up whole powerful complexes!

All drugs, including nootropics, are created to help the brain work more productively, expand your capabilities and provide motivation. Some of them have proven effective in preventing many brain diseases, improving memory not only in children, but even in adults, and even reducing the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease! So we advise you to give your brain quality nutrition and... create!)

As long as your memory doesn’t fail you, you don’t have to think about all the features complex processes, occurring in the brain.

Until some time, people miss information about how to strengthen it with the help of medications.

But when certain circumstances occur (for example, you need to remember a lot of information to master a profession or pass exams successfully), sometimes it becomes necessary to find effective means and techniques to improve brain function and memory.

However, most often, medications to improve memory are prescribed to elderly patients whose mental performance is reduced not only due to existing diseases, but also due to old age.

Why go to the doctor

If you have problems with memory deterioration, you should consult a neurologist, who, by the nature of his specialization, deals with such disorders of the brain. Moreover, not all products are freely available in pharmacies; many of them require prescriptions.

Experts do not recommend self-administration of medications for the reason that incorrectly selected medications will do more harm than good. Before you start drinking synthetic drugs, you can first try taking vitamins and contact folk recipes tinctures and decoctions.

Sometimes it seems that the easiest way is to go to the pharmacists and buy what is advertised in the media.

Therefore, it is important to know the benefits and dangers of each drug for improving memory and maintaining brain function.

After conducting an examination, the specialist may prescribe vitamins, preparations containing herbal extracts, nootropics or other dosage forms to the patient.

Action of nootropics

Nootropics are part of the group of neurometabolic stimulants; they have a special effect on the brain, stimulating cognitive functions, strengthening memory, and increasing learning ability. At the same time, they do not disrupt the activity of movements and do not affect reflexes.

The nootropic effect of the drugs is that they affect the functions of the central nervous system, participating in metabolic processes in nerve tissues.

Activation of processes contributes to:

Also, drugs to improve memory reduce agitation and act as antidepressants with a slight hypnotic effect. They are non-toxic and combine well with medications of other groups, but are often addictive.

Prescription Nootropics

One of the available and widespread domestic drugs– “Piracetam”, created in 1972. It was prescribed to elderly patients who had circulatory problems in the brain.

Based on piracetam (the active ingredient), many new products have been created that are now used throughout the world. The medicine is ideal for improving memory and brain function in adults with disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, with mental illness and various dependencies. Sometimes prescribed to children after hypoxia and birth injuries.

Another medicine based on piracetam is Nootropil. Use very carefully after hemorrhage.

Prescribed after a cerebral infarction and in cases of cerebral vascular pathology, intoxication, and dementia. In pediatrics, it is prescribed to eliminate injuries after childbirth, for children with diseases cerebral palsy and with mental retardation.

Memory is a person’s ability to store and reproduce in consciousness previously received impressions, events, and experiences. Many people after 40 years of age notice a decrease in their ability to memorize, cannot remember certain dates, numbers, etc. important information. This is due to changes or injuries to the brain, diseases of the central nervous system, the absence of the need to memorize something, as in school and college, constantly training and developing memory. Normalizing your daily routine and diet, performing memory-developing exercises and tasks, taking vitamins and special medications will help solve the problem.


Features of choice

The choice of drugs for complaints of memory impairment should be made taking into account the reasons that caused them, which can be found out only after visiting a doctor and performing the examinations prescribed by him. If the weakening of concentration and memory is caused by some disease, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating it. Means for improving memory, the impairment of which is only a symptom of this pathology, can be temporarily used as an auxiliary one. Subject to availability chronic diseases CNS drugs to maintain memory should be taken systematically, repeating courses once or several times a year.

When selecting medications, you need to take into account the patient’s age (child, adult, elderly), their effectiveness, mechanism of action, contraindications, potential negative effects and cost.

On pharmaceutical market There are many drugs available to improve memory. These include medicines with plant extracts, vitamin complexes, vasodilators and nootropics. Some of them can be used independently in for preventive purposes, others are prescribed only by a doctor and are dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.

Herbal preparations

Main component herbal remedies to improve memory is ginkgo biloba leaf extract. This is amazing and unique plant prolongs youth, slows down the aging process, has a positive effect on blood vessels, blood circulation and brain activity. Such means include:

  • Bilobil and Ginkgoba capsules;
  • Intellan syrup and capsules;
  • tablets Memoplant, Gingium, Ginkgo biloba, Ginkofar and Tebokan;
  • Tanakan tablets and solution.

Intellan, in addition to ginkgo biloba, also contains extracts of the herb Centella asiatica and Hepestis monniera, the fruits of coriander sativum, Amomum subulate and Emblica officinalis. Biological activity The drug is due to the amino acids, trace elements, alkaloids and glycosides contained in plants.

The listed agents stimulate metabolism and blood circulation in the cerebral cortex, prolong the life of brain cells, and reduce the risk of thrombosis in case of brain injuries and cardiovascular diseases in the elderly. They have an antioxidant effect, have a positive effect on vascular tone, improve the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation, which leads to increased cerebral activity and, as a consequence, intellectual capabilities, memory and concentration.

Preparations based on ginkgo biloba are effective for therapeutic and preventive purposes in patients with nervous disorders history, overload, stress, protracted depressions, fatigue.

Take them according to the instructions in the instructions or doctor's recommendations. Ginkgo biloba is usually well tolerated, but sometimes dyspeptic disorders are observed during its use, allergic reactions, (swelling, rash, redness), headaches and dizziness. The main contraindication is hypersensitivity.


If memory loss is caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals supplied with food, vitamin-mineral complexes will help improve it. Of particular importance are vitamins B, PP, C, E, D, minerals iodine, selenium, zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids.

It is considered the most effective biologically active additive Vitrum Memory, recommended for decreased thinking abilities, deterioration of intelligence, and memory. It includes:

  • ginkgo biloba leaf extract;
  • zinc oxide;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;

Take 1 tablet per day for 6-8 weeks. Contraindications include hypersensitivity, kidney stones and severe renal dysfunction, thrombophlebitis, copper and iron metabolism disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage.

Over-the-counter products

TO the best drugs for memory loss, which can be purchased without a doctor's prescription, include Glycine tablets, Divaza, Aminalon tablets and capsules, Noofen capsules and their analogues. Contraindications for their use include only individual intolerance or allergy to active or excipients.


Glycine is nonessential amino acid, is an inhibitory neurotransmitter and regulator metabolic processes in brain tissue. It has a sedative, antioxidant, antitoxic effect, reduces psycho-emotional stress, stimulates improvement of adaptive capabilities, mood, makes it easier to fall asleep, increases memory and mental performance.

It is used for weakened memory in older people, manifested in the form of sclerosis or amnesia, as well as in young people after injuries and concussions, under intense mental stress, nervous exhaustion, emotional fatigue.

For absent-minded memory, take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day sublingually (under the tongue) until it dissolves in the mouth. The therapeutic course lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. Suitable for use in children over 3 years of age. Glycine, as a rule, is well accepted by the body, but allergic manifestations, drowsiness, and tinnitus may occur while taking it.


The active ingredient of the product is γ -aminobutyric acid(GABA) is the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter of the nervous system and activator metabolic processes. The drug is used to restore metabolism and normal blood supply in brain tissue, the dynamics of nervous processes, participates in energy metabolism, improves glucose utilization, and increases the respiratory activity of cells. GABA stimulates brain function, enhances concentration on certain tasks, memory, thinking productivity, and helps restore speech function and movements after serious cerebrovascular accidents.

Take 0.5-2 g twice a day for a period of 2 weeks to 4 months. Suitable for use in children over 5 years of age. Side effects include dyspepsia, feeling hot, sleep disorders, and changes in blood pressure.


The active substance is a derivative of GABA (γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid). The drug has an antihypoxic and antiamnestic effect, stimulates learning processes, improves memory, accuracy of sensory-motor reactions, physical and mental performance, increases interest, motivation, initiative. Also relieves psycho-emotional stress.

Take 1-2 capsules three times a day. Approved for use in children aged 5 years and older. Side effects very rarely include headaches, nausea, and drowsiness.

Prescription drugs

To prescription medicinal products to improve memory include nootropics (accelerating the conduction of nerve impulses) and vasodilators (normalizing cerebral circulation). These include Nootropil capsules, tablets and injection solution, Phenotropil tablets, Picamilon, Pantogam tablets and syrup, Phezam capsules, Cavinton tablets and solution for intravenous administration, Encephabol tablets and suspension and their analogues.

Contraindications include individual intolerance, severe kidney pathologies in acute or chronic form (renal failure and others), hemorrhagic stroke, parkinsonism.


The active ingredient is piracetam, a cyclic derivative of GABA. The drug causes an improvement in metabolism in neurons and the interaction of the cerebral hemispheres, changes the speed of spread of excitation, which leads to stimulation of cognitive and cognitive processes of the brain, including learning, memory, attention. Increases mental activity.

Taken in dosages of 1200 to 1800 mg per day, divided into 2-4 doses, for at least 1-2 months. Use with caution to treat children over 3 years of age. From side effects Nervousness, insomnia or drowsiness, depression, headaches, balance problems, allergic reactions (rash, redness, swelling and itching), increased libido may occur. Negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract are also possible: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea.


The active ingredient is a compound that combines GABA molecules and nicotinic acid(vitamin PP, or B3). The drug increases protective functions brain to mental and physical stress, effective against interruptions in blood supply and cerebral vascular diseases, seizures panic attack and irritability, with memory problems.

Take 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 1-2 months. Side effects include increased irritability, nervous agitation, anxiety, headaches and dizziness, allergic reactions, and nausea.


As active ingredients contains piracetam and cinarizine, which enhance joint use each other's action. The drug causes an improvement in energy processes, cellular metabolism of brain tissue, has an antihypoxic effect, expands the lumen of brain vessels and increases blood circulation in areas subject to ischemia. It is used for vascular atherosclerosis, decreased intellectual functions (complaints about bad memory, difficulty concentrating, mood swings), decreased learning ability in adolescents.

Adults take 1-2 capsules three times a day for 6-8 weeks from 1 to 3 months, children from 5 years old take 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day. Side effects include allergic reactions, headaches, and dyspeptic symptoms.


The active component is vinpocetine, a corrector of cerebral circulatory disorders. The drug enhances microcirculation and cerebral metabolism, reduces blood viscosity, dilates blood vessels, and leads to improved glucose utilization and oxygen supply to the brain. Indicated for circulatory failure in the vessels of the brain, decreased memory, intelligence, post-stroke conditions, and head injuries.

Take 5-10 mg three times a day for three months. Side effects include allergic reactions from skin And increased sweating, at intravenous administration- hypotension and tachycardia. The drug is contraindicated for coronary disease heart, severe arrhythmia, unstable blood pressure, low vascular tone.


The active ingredient is pyritinol. The drug causes improvement rheological properties blood and cerebral blood flow, stimulates memory, restores pathologically reduced metabolism in nerve tissue, inhibits the destructive effects of free radicals. Helps with weak mental capacity, childhood encephalopathy and cerebral atherosclerosis.

Take 2 tablets three times a day for at least 6-8 weeks. In the form of a suspension, it is allowed to be used in children from birth. During the reception the following are possible: side effects: allergic reactions, cholestasis, loss of appetite, taste disturbances, alopecia, headaches, excitability, sleep problems, increased activity of bile enzymes. Prescribe with caution when there is a change in the peripheral blood picture, autoimmune diseases(myasthenia gravis and systemic lupus erythematosus), rheumatoid arthritis.

Video: Expert advice on how to prevent age-related memory decline

Any student dreams of improving brain function when preparing for exams, old people during progression, patients with any brain pathologies, therapy alcohol addiction. All measures taken must be combined. A big role is given medical drugs, stimulating brain activity.

Requirements for drugs that improve brain function

Drugs to improve brain activity should help ensure the functioning of the brain. The brain is the most energy-consuming organ. Its functioning requires about a quarter of the energy required for the functioning of the entire organism.

The more intellectual activity it falls on it, the more energy is required. To replenish and maintain energy processes, mainly glucose and oxygen are needed. Therefore, drugs are required that promote the uptake and consumption of glucose, while reducing the need for oxygen for the functioning of biochemical reactions.

The main requirements for drugs include:

  1. Delivery of oxygen, glucose, and others necessary substances provided by blood. Therefore, in the absence of normal blood flow, optimal delivery of these substances and, consequently, full functioning of the brain is out of the question.
  2. The entry of all necessary substances into the brain tissue and its release from waste metabolites and carbon dioxide takes place in the most the smallest vessels. At pathological conditions body, it is the microcirculation that suffers.
  3. It is a well-known saying that nerves do not recover. Therefore, in any pathology of the brain, including ischemia, necrosis, the struggle is not for dead cells, but for the “penumbra” neurons, which are still functioning, but pathological changes they have already begun or may begin.
  4. Synaptic transmission of impulses between neurons is of great importance. It is carried out with the help of neurotransmitters, neurotransmitters and other substances that ensure the transmission of impulses at synapses.

Thus, drugs to improve brain activity should improve blood flow, provide optimal conditions for the supply of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients from the blood, for the functioning of synapses.

Recommendation! Pacceptdrugs,raisingbrainactivity, recommend VperiodintellectualloadsatchildrenAndyouth, attreatmentstrokes, injuries, otherspathologiesheadbrain, Voff-season.

Taking brain-stimulating pills on your own is not recommended. Sometimes a decrease mental activity may result from brain pathologies that require more active treatment.


This is a group medicines is aimed at activating mental activity, strengthening memory, concentrating, and facilitating intellectual processes. They help reduce neurological deficits. Drugs that increase brain activity improve microcirculation of brain tissue, have the ability to improve metabolism in neurons, glucose consumption, and activate the synthesis of ATP, protein and RNA.

Nootropics are low-toxic. Can be easily combined with drugs different groups, their side effects minimal. Drugs to improve brain activity need to be taken for several weeks, as their effect is gradual. Some nootropics act directly on neurons. Other nootropic pills to increase brain activity work indirectly: they improve blood flow and thin the blood. These include:

  • Aminalon;
  • Phenibut;
  • Neurobutal;
  • Ginkgobiloba;
  • Semax;
  • Idebenone;
  • Cortexin;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Cerebramin.

Description of drugs that improve brain activity

Piracetam and its analogues are among the most widely used. They are in demand when there is a decrease in intellectual functions, during drug treatment, and during neurological changes. However, in some European countries, as well as in the USA, it is not prescribed as a drug whose effectiveness has not been proven for any pathology.

Gotu kola is a natural nootropic. Optimizes blood circulation in the brain, restores the structure of the walls of blood vessels, improving brain activity and memory. Increases the emotional background.

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural nootropic. His active substances help improve metabolic processes in the brain, glucose and oxygen consumption. In addition, these activities have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce swelling, and have a positive effect on the structure of blood vessels, improving their strength.

Ampalex - the drug is effective for improving memory functions and intellectual activity. Back in the 90s, substances were discovered that were called ampakines. They help improve synaptic connections between brain neurons, which helps optimize the transmission of impulses. This drug was originally intended for treatment and gave good results.

Omega-3 fatty acids (Atheroblock, Omega-3, Omega-3 plus, Fish oil, Eikonol) - a group of drugs in demand for age-related changes intellectual and mental functions, encephalopathy of various origins, Alzheimer's disease. Research has proven that these acids help improve brain functions and in healthy people of different ages. The ability to concentrate increases, memory function is optimized, and the emotional background improves.

Glycine is a nootropic that improves brain activity and memory. In addition, it has a calming effect and reduces feelings of anxiety and fear. Recommended for treatment alcohol withdrawal, withdrawal syndrome, other addictions, including relieving cravings for sweets.

When choosing medications to improve brain activity, you should not neglect your doctor’s advice. Each medicine has its own characteristics that correspond to the individual needs of the patient (activation of brain activity during periods of intellectual stress, therapy for senility, therapy for disorders of the blood supply to the brain, injuries).

A good memory testifies, first of all, to a person’s health, his clear mind and ability to learn new things, which is necessary for all age categories.

For secondary school students and college and university students - for learning the material and successfully passing tests and exams, for engineering and technical workers and specialists - for completing job responsibilities at the place of their service in order to pass certification, for the elderly - so that the activity of the brain does not fade away and for further maintenance in normal physical shape.

The first stage on the path to perfect memory

Today, almost all people suffer from workload; many of us forget where we put our keys, whether we turned off the gas, and if we go to the counter, we don’t remember what we need to buy. This usually happens when there is a lot of unnecessary information in your head. This is especially bad when the age is not more than 25 years, since constant facts of forgetfulness can worsen.

Available ways to improve brain activity and memory:

Pills to improve brain activity

Drugs that can be taken to improve memory and activate brain function:

  1. – one of known means, which regulates brain activity and metabolism, reduces intoxication. After taking it, sleep normalizes and mood improves. This is a vitamin for cells. This remedy refers to a metabolic drug or a drug that has the property of transforming all reactions occurring in the body to maintain the life process.
  2. – the drug is taken to concentrate attention, improve memory and normalize brain activity. Included it includes piracetam and other excipients. The remedy belongs to. Its use helps improve consciousness, memorize information, and creates an obstacle to the formation of blood clots. Has no effect on increasing the excitability of the nervous system.
  3. - a tonic containing natural ingredients, including vitamins and minerals. When taken regularly, metabolism is stimulated, saturates useful elements brain, fatigue is significantly reduced, indispensable for depression, conditions and feelings.
  4. is a well-known nootropic drug used for concentration, for hypertension, for the treatment of mental retardation. Its action is aimed at facilitating the memorization effect, stimulating normal function vestibular apparatus, reducing the level of depression.
  5. – a drug classified as a nootropic, an effective medicine for improving memory. Significantly improves the activity of brain cells, facilitates memorization when mastering new knowledge, helps activate memory when passing exams, tests or certifications. Happening quick exchange information between the left and right brain hemispheres, cell activity is restored and mood improves.
  6. Tanakan is a herbal medicine that improves blood circulation in the body. This effect on the body is based on the nutrition of cells with glucose, as well as the fact that this drug prevents the formation of blood clots, elimination, and restoration of visual acuity. By normalizing blood circulation, the brain's ability to learn increases.
  7. Picamilon– this remedy is used to normalize blood supply in all types of glaucoma, the ability to perceive significant mental and physical activity, reducing irritability and anxiety. The medicine belongs to.
  8. – these are tablets prescribed to improve brain activity and memory that have been damaged due to trauma, cardiovascular diseases, accompanied by high blood pressure, as well as in cases of developmental retardation in children, conditions and intoxications from the use of alcohol or medications. Refers to nootropics.
  9. - This medicine, intended for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, as well as for people those experiencing great emotional stress, with diseases that are caused by changes in blood vessels located in the brain. It is also prescribed to children with severe mental retardation with attention deficit and . .
  10. Memoplant- this drug is classified as an angioprotector, and its basis is the components plant origin. Increases tone blood vessels, provides normal function metabolic processes. Crushed to reduce headaches, dizziness, noise in occipital region and in the ears, with insufficient blood supply limbs.

Pharmaceutical drugs to improve memory, brain function and enhance the body's capabilities:

Features of some drugs

Some drugs that improve memory and brain function can be used more effectively and safely if you know these nuances:

Traditional methods for improving brain function

Folk remedies for improving memory and activating brain function:

Of course, nutrition also has an impact on the brain and the body as a whole. It is necessary to ensure that protein is present in food, including products such as dried fruits, dark chocolate, baked apples or potatoes, stewed carrots, walnuts, bananas, sunflower seeds, salads with olive oil.

Eating fresh and even frozen blueberries has a beneficial effect not only on visual aggravation, but also on cerebral circulation.

How to make your brain work - mind training

It's never too late to train your mind. Eat simple solutions this question:

  • starting from the first letter of the alphabet to about the twentieth, pronounce words, try to do it quickly, for example, A - algorithm, B - bison, C - fiber and so on;
  • try to pronounce foreign words learned at school as often as possible;
  • pronounce the numbers in reverse order, starting from fifty to zero, gradually increasing;
  • play as if in childhood with the names of cities - when you hear the last letter in the name of the city, say the name of the next one;
  • try to come up with as many synonyms for different words as possible.

In general, solving crossword puzzles, memorizing poems and solving complex tasks Great for training your brain.

Among the people there are also unconventional methods memory recovery. Of course, it is difficult to believe in them, but they do exist.

One of these remedies is “golden water”. Although scientists say that this noble metal does not react with water, those who have tried this method of treatment speak only positively about this procedure.

There's another one interesting way, although it does not seem effective to everyone, people who have done these exercises several times have recognized the effect of this method.

If you put gold jewelry without precious stones, then boil until the volume is reduced by half and take a teaspoon three times a day. After 14 days, the heart muscle will become stronger and memory will improve.

Based on the above, we can conclude that neither method will harm the body.

What to exclude from life to improve memory

IN modern world They give a lot of bad advice, among which not every person will be able to immediately distinguish whether he needs it or not. Understanding comes later.

Many information flows do not provide the opportunity to rest, the brain is overloaded and, in turn, malfunctions, which is where the forgetting of the most basic things begins.

  1. No need to eat a lot of sweet, flour and salty foods, this only delays the excretion of fluid in the body, constipation occurs, and, accordingly, it is provoked.
  2. You can't lead a sedentary lifestyle, since in this case the blood does not circulate enough, and internal organs, including the brain, have no nutrition.
  3. Staying at home all the time is also not recommended., since the brain needs oxygen.
  4. Excessive drinking also negatively affects memory development.
  5. You cannot take medications without a doctor's prescription, side effects can ruin your health and your whole life in general, and the body will become accustomed to the products.

Healthy lifestyle

Research has proven that regular physical activity proper diet and diet, quitting smoking help improve memory.

It is important to be able to hold correct posture, consciously straighten up, even if stooping is present with childhood. When the shoulders are straightened and the neck is tilted back, blood circulation in the brain improves.

Monitor bowel movements, and to ensure regular bowel movements, you need to follow the daily menu.

To live long and healthy life you need to work on yourself, force yourself to work, play sports, go for walks, eat only fresh food, develop your mental potential. After all, only healthy person is happy.