What will happen to a neighbor whose dog shits at the entrance? How to deal with neighbors whose dog craps all over their entrance? How to stop your neighbor's dog from shitting in the hallway

Vandals, or hooligans, or just some kind of bastards were activated in my entrance, because they crap and crap. The intercom is standing. They even hung a sign on the door: “Video surveillance is in progress.” But this scarecrow does not work.

Our house is new, but the train has already worn out over the 1.5 years of its existence, especially the 1st floor where I live. The main reason is that in this one entrance there are 103 apartments (on 15 floors). Everyone lives like in a hostel, probably thinking, since I’m one of a hundred, who will remember me, and even more so, if something happens, figure me out….

I also assume that in the entrance there are many apartments in which tenants, not owners, live. And according to the document, they are “nobody” there. And if anything, we can say that “we were just passing by” or “we came for a visit.”

So they do all sorts of dirty tricks, sometimes they leave a bag of food waste at the door, sometimes they go out to relieve themselves on the common balcony. Because of these regular devastations bladder In a specific place, a stalagmite has already grown in the cold. Also, on the facade of our house, the slogan “Make dirt!” was written in black spray paint. And how angry are the cunning motorists who strive to drive right into the entrance and park at the bench.

I studied in detail possible solutions boiling problem “How to discourage the habit of shitting in the entrance and teach vandals a lesson.” I collected two dozen recommendations. I’ll be honest, I’ve encountered some illegal advice along the way. But I will still present all the knowledge I have accumulated on this issue.

The tips are:

— You can hire a granny for 4 thousand rubles. per month. Who cares where she knits her socks? It would also be nice to equip the granny concierge with a private security alarm button (another 2,550 rubles per month). In addition, introduce a curfew for minors. If they disobey, the parents will be fined and restoration work. What is important here is the conscientious work of the HOA on this problem, and, of course, you wouldn’t run into some Ludwig Aristarkhovich, like from “Our Russia.”

— On the staircase, where they write on the walls and litter, you can attach a sheet of paper in the most visible place in the entrance with the following text printed: “The entrance (place) is enchanted by the clairvoyant Euphrosyne or Black Seraphim. Whoever throws bulls and urinates on strollers and the walls of the entrance, his genitals will dry out and cover himself acne vulgaris" To further intimidate, under the text you can depict a grave mound with a cross.

— One granny, when a parking lot was organized in her former front garden, she poured water into a bag and froze it in the freezer. Then she took the frozen form out of the bag and threw this piece of ice right on the hood at dusk. By morning the dent remained, but the traces of the crime had disappeared. Thus, she confused arrogant motorists and weaned them from parking under her window. In addition, the granny watched for a long time with a grin at the local policeman who was climbing in her front garden in search of evidence.

- Another, more legal way fight against those who like to park under windows and at benches - such a driver should carefully lay a newspaper on the hood and press it with a brick. Perhaps the car enthusiast will get the hint.

- This is in every city and even home. It's more expensive to fight them.

— As one foreign woman advises, you need to move to a decent house. She, however, acted more radically. I actually left Russia and long ago forgot that this happens.

- Start a war. Cruel and merciless. Only fear will calm them down.

- Firstly, organize a meeting of residents, install a concierge and apply measures up to the involvement of a district police officer, of course - not for free.

— Write complaints to the district police officer and, at the same time, about once a week complain to his boss and the prosecutor’s office about the district police officer’s inaction, then the district police officer will personally give you his cell phone number and will call you every day to restore order.

- Write to all authorities. The only thing is that such complaints should be collective; if you complain alone, you will be eaten.

- Drink with hooligans, make friends and then ask in a friendly way not to make shit. It won’t work any other way, and the advice won’t help you.

- Build a house in the village, ignore civilization... and live!

- Trade the stick - they’ll take a break themselves!

— The genocide of the Russian nation is just beginning. It's not the unpleasant odors you need to worry about. And thinking about what you can do to stop this is genocide. We only whine and complain, but those who organized this genocide think and do.

— You can contact the security bureau so that the guards can track you down and force you to wash everything. Rubles for 3,000-4,500.

— Advice: become one of them.

- If you have to walk through puddles of urine and piles of Mr. But if your conscience, means and law do not allow you to stretch high-voltage exposed wires in places of greatest damage, you can consult a chemist you know. Surely there are some compounds that, when interacting with urea, give a violent reaction? For example, try sprinkling chlorine on the floor and quietly rejoice. It is sold at the pharmacy. Domestos, Dosya, any Chloramine will also work.

— The most paradoxical idea might work. One adviser had such an example. Unexpectedly, the entrance was repaired, painted, and whitewashed. Everything sparkled and shone, they even laid a path downstairs in the vestibule. All the windows were sealed for the winter, so it became very warm and wonderful. Really, just like the beginning of a house. And the grannies also washed the floors themselves on their sites. As a result, they not only stopped shitting, but not a single inscription on the walls, no bulls, no candy wrappers. Everything is sterile.

— If it is possible to make a good recording, then you need to record the dirty tricks on video and post them on Utub, with an appropriate comment, and send the recording file (contact the Internet reception) to the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

— It’s worth hanging ultraviolet or blue light bulbs. Their light puts pressure on the brain. There are even fewer people going out on the stairs to smoke, there are fewer cigarette butts.

— I remember one character from “ Heart of a Dog"Professor Preobrazhensky... "What is devastation? Old woman with a stick? The witch who broke all the glass, broke the lamps?.. This is what it is: if instead of operating every evening, I start singing in chorus in my house, I will be in ruins. If, entering the restroom, I start, excuse the expression, urinating past the toilet, the restroom will begin to devastate. Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads... And when they shout “beat the devastation!” - I laugh... This means that each of us should hit ourselves in the back of the head! And so, when he hatches all the hallucinations from himself and starts cleaning the barns, the devastation will disappear by itself!”

    First, create a community of residents, approve it, and register it everywhere.
    Then you can officially write statements from total number residents to the police, and also sue the person in court.
    But it’s long and tedious, and he’ll still shit.

    Another thing is to film what he is doing and write a statement to the police, and again the courts and blah blah blah.

    Friends decided to do it simply: a couple of times they smeared the door handle with his own shit, then they stuck his pupils with his own shit.
    After 5 times, the man understood everything, well, almost, he began to take the nursery out to the playground, they did the same to him a couple more times, that’s it, now the man cleans up after his mongrel in a bag and throws it away.

    complain to the dog's owner, what the hell is he shitting on?

    And you pour valerian on the door for these “neighborhood comrades” (meaning neighbors). Yes, do not spare kindness, be generous (in your own interests), and then watch. It will be fun :)

    Kotan could be imprisoned for rape.

    You must be sweet

    1. Contact the local police officer and the court.
    2. Invite your neighbor to walk his dog in his absence. She's just sad. The dog itself is not happy and suffers no less than you

    Well, it depends on what is written in the contract from the provider... although, if you have a secure network and you just give them access there, no one will get to the bottom of it. What difference does it make - to your own household or to your neighbors?

    When is the next time he shits himself? in the wrong place, remove it with a rag (or paper) and don’t throw this rag away, but put it in a bowl where it should go. And pour vinegar over the place where she shit. (it stinks, but the smell will survive). Cats navigate by smell; eventually, she will come to the dish where the smell of her “good” is. :)

    Sing along with her ;)

    Her opinion depends entirely on the hostess. There's generally a lot of training there.

You will need

  • - bleach, ammonia or pepper spray;
  • - ultrasonic dog repeller;
  • - Antigadin remedy.


Take advantage of a dog's exceptional sense of smell. The smell, which may seem barely noticeable to humans, is very strong for dogs. Once a week, sprinkle a thin line of bleach along the area, or pour in a solution of ammonia, or spray with pepper spray. In just a few hours, the “aroma” will become so weak that you will stop paying attention to it. And he will scare away for a long time. Besides the fact unpleasant odor, they will gradually develop conditioned reflex: It’s better not to come here, it’s very bad here. If possible, treat not only the area along the fence, but also the area itself.

You can take advantage of the fact that dogs, unlike humans, distinguish between ultrasonic frequency signals. They make them feel uncomfortable, painful sensations and a feeling of fear. Devices specifically designed for repelling animals, as well as the “Repeller”. They are portable and stationary. In the first case, it is very small, compact, and fits easily in a jacket pocket. In the second case, it is larger and more massive, often combined with an infrared motion sensor, equipped with an ultrasonic vibration frequency regulator, thanks to which it can be configured not only to scare away dogs, but also, and even birds. Some portable repellent devices are most effective at a distance of 1 to 7 meters, while stationary ones provide reliable protection area of ​​200-300 sq. meters.

There is a series on sale safe drugs, developed by specialists from the UK. The developers of this series “Get off my garden”, that is, “Get out of my garden”. In Russia she received the unofficial "Antigadin". The product is sold in the form of crystalline powder, spray and gel spray. The powder releases odorous substances for a month that repel dogs, while being harmless and environment. Moreover, these substances are released in any weather, even rainy. Sprays and gel sprays can be used in places where it is difficult to add powder (for example, in niches, pipes), as well as to destroy dog ​​marks.


  • dog repellent smell

Not in all situations a dog is a devoted friend and guard. Sometimes these animals behave unpredictably, aggressively and can pose a danger to humans. Therefore, you need to be able to drive the dog away without pushing the situation to the limit.

You will need

  • - pepper spray;
  • - ultrasonic repeller.


Often what seems to you like aggression on the part of an animal is normal behavior for a dog. If you have entered the territory that the animal considers its own, want to pet the puppies, or take the dog’s bowl or toy, it will be difficult to drive it away at this time - the animal is convinced that it is right. It's better not to provoke similar situations, or do it in the presence of the owner. By the way, relationships with a dog owner also have their own nuances. You know that you just want to pat your friend on the shoulder in a friendly manner, and a devoted dog may consider that you have decided to encroach on his life and immediately come to the owner’s defense.

If on the street it seemed to you that the dog was too actively interested in you, try to ignore it. Even if you are afraid of dogs, do not show your fear and continue to go about your business, preferably without turning your back to the animal. Most likely, the dog will soon cease to be interested in you.

Look around carefully. If the dog's owner is walking nearby, it is best to ask him to remove the animal.

You can drive away timid mongrels by simply shouting at them or throwing a stone in their direction. Most likely, the dog will run away from you squealing.

However, this method will not work with large, self-confident dogs - it can only provoke the animal. If you know that you will have to go through the area you have chosen stray dogs as a place of residence - an abandoned construction site, a wasteland, it is better to arm yourself with a gas spray. However, not all “human” gases will affect dogs. It is best to choose pepper.

There are also special ultrasonic dog repellers. The essence of its work is that when turned on, the device begins to make sounds that are not audible human ear, but extremely unpleasant for the animal. The repeller is small in size and can be carried in a handbag or pocket.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

One day, a Canadian postman came across a pack of dogs that were very aggressive towards him. Without being confused, the postal worker got down on all fours and barked at the very large dog. The pack quickly retreated. If you are confident and artistic, you can try to drive away the dogs this way.

Summer. The summer season is in full swing. Most summer residents take their beloved pets with them to their gardens, without thinking that a wide variety of dangers can await a dog in the garden. But you shouldn’t be afraid, because keeping your dog safe is not that difficult.


The worst thing that can happen in a garden is poisoning. Poisoning can occur from grass or seedlings treated with fertilizers or pesticides. Signs of poisoning are standard: she becomes agitated, begins to feel nauseous, saliva foams, shortness of breath appears, etc. In this case, you need to induce vomiting as soon as possible. You can cause it by giving a solution of potassium permanganate. After this, it is recommended to give the dog cool milk.

You should not let your dog out of the garden without a leash and alone. There she may meet other dogs, who may be very unfriendly. In addition, your pet may encounter other dangers, so you should not let him out alone outside the fence.

Don't forget that your dog can be attacked by insects, especially ticks and mosquitoes. So it's worth thinking about protecting your pet from biting insects. There are many products sold in veterinary pharmacies. So there will be no problems with protecting your pet.

Video on the topic

The sense of smell is for dogs the most important tool, through which they interact with the outside world. A dog's nose is 400 times more sensitive than a human's nose. But, just like humans, dogs find some smells pleasant, while others can cause irritation.


Those odors that will displease a dog include, first of all, the same ones that irritate the mucous membranes of humans. These are the smells of freshly ground pepper, organic matter fermented to vinegar, acetone, solvents and cleaning aerosols, and other household chemicals. The dog’s sensitive nose reacts to them much more strongly, and they can irritate not only the nasal mucosa, but also the eyes.

Strong smell chlorine, vinegar or volatile substances released by newly laid asphalt also destroys the olfactory cells. This has a detrimental effect on their olfactory abilities - city dogs are worse at “taking the scent” than those that grew up in fresh air. Therefore, you should not give ammonia to sniff during fainting, which is characteristic of some diseases. To the owners hunting dogs, whose working qualities, first of all, depend on the developed sense of smell, you should remember this and try to protect your pet from the need to spoil the sense of smell by inhaling household chemicals.

Most dogs do not like the smell of alcohol, although many attribute this dislike to the behavior of a drunk person, who tends to be too loud and brandish. But even if a drunk is just passing by, dogs can follow him by barking all the way home.

Dogs also do not like the smell of essential substances released by citrus fruits - lemons, grapefruits, oranges. Even a very loving dog will refuse to eat a piece of such fruit from the hands of its owner. The action of special collars designed to waste is based on this dislike. When barking loudly for a long time, a device in such a collar is triggered, releasing a sharp citrus odor, after which the dog begins to control its behavior so as not to smell it again.

Please note

In some cases, when you need to discourage a dog from some thing or territory, you can use a relatively harmless mixture snuff and ground red pepper. The consequences of such an educational measure will not cause damage to the dog’s sense of smell - the matter will be limited only to sneezing and, in extreme cases, wiping watery eyes with paws, but unpleasant place she will avoid it.

Useful advice

If you are going to visit a place where there is domestic dog, it is better to avoid perfumes and colognes with a strong citrus smell, so as not to cause a bad attitude from the animal.

Sometimes it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not approach a certain place, for example, a flower bed or a crib, but it is important not to scare the animal or cause pain to it. In such a situation, you can use odors that will be unpleasant to the dog.


The smell of citrus is pleasant to most people and unpleasant to most dogs. If you want to discourage your dog from a place where you spend a lot of time, it is best to use lemons, limes, tangerines and grapefruits for these purposes. You can lay out chopped fruits or peeled fruits, or you can use a freshener with an appropriate scent. Remember that a dog’s sense of smell is much finer than a person’s. It is not necessary to decorate a flowerbed or children's room with mountains of tropical gifts; a couple of fruits will be enough. Four-legged friend will give up trying to enter the prohibited territory, and you will be able to enjoy the pleasant aroma.


But the smell of pepper is repulsive to many representatives of the animal world. Nevertheless, it is very convenient to use it to scare away dogs, but this should only be done on the street, so as not to suffer from coughing and pain in the eyes. Ground red pepper will be most effective, but if you don't have it, you can use black pepper. Simply sprinkle a small amount of crushed powder around the perimeter of the fence or along the beds to protect your area, and do not forget to update the improvised protection after rain. Dogs will avoid this area.


To scare away dogs, alcohol, both ammonia and ethyl, is suitable. Soak several rags, tampons or cotton pads in the liquid and place them around the area where you want to block the animal's access. An unpleasant odor for the dog will persist even after the material dries. If you prevent your dog’s access to it in this way, make sure that the alcohol does not come into contact with the soil - such proximity can negatively affect the plants.

Get out of my garden!

There are special means that have a scent that repels dogs. In English-speaking countries this line is under a telling name“Get Out of My Garden”, in Russia it is known as “Antigadin”. At the veterinary store you can buy powder, gel and spray, which will temporarily discourage the dog from poking into the area they have treated. The packaging indicates the period during which the product is valid, after which it must be renewed. The advantage is that Antigadin is resistant to water, and you do not have to reapply the drug every time after rain.

Probably, each of us has encountered such a problem in our own yard: it’s a sunny morning, you leave the house, and a “surprise” is waiting for you at the entrance.

We are talking about lazy dog ​​owners who walk their pets
right next to the entrance door.

And it's okay if you noticed. Yes, unpleasant, but tolerable. What if I didn’t notice and, excuse me, got into trouble? And this happens EVERY morning?!

We decided to figure out whether there is a legal way to punish or educate such neighbors?

It turns out there is! Read carefully and apply. Although I will sincerely be happy for those who will not need it =)

Let's start with a reminder that the city administration has already suffered from the prosecutor's office for the lack of areas for walking dogs. Read more about this. So Tula residents can hope that public dog toilets will appear in the near future. In the meantime...

Today there are several ways to solve this pressing issue.

1. A neighbor who inadvertently allowed the dog to poop right at the entrance and did not clean up after him is violating the rules of improvement of Tula.

And this is a reason to contact the police (the district police officer). But there are a couple of nuances here. First, you need to prove that it was THIS dog and THIS neighbor that did this bad deed. So, to help you, “You are your own director.” And secondly, what is sad, our interlocutor in law enforcement agencies noted that so far no such requests have been received, and “the likelihood that the local police officer will come to the call (orally made over the phone) is small.”

2. Peaceful way. Residents can set up a dog walking area in their own yard.

To do this, it is enough for them to get together with all the owners and stipulate where it is possible and where it is not possible. Fence the place “where possible” with a special fence - and voila! Don’t forget to put the decision of the general house meeting into the minutes and get an autograph from everyone (at least 2/3 of the owners).

And also do not forget to tell the culprit of the kipish about where he will need to go, so as not to violate the decision general meeting owners.


There are, of course, other ways. Not an instruction for action, but as a fact. I had such a “wonderful neighbor” in my yard.

One of the residents, having gotten into once again in dog poop, I decided to act decisively.

She picked it up (with gloves) and took it straight to the neighbor’s door. And then she rang (wearing a glove) the bell and held the handle tightly (also wearing a glove). After that, he somehow immediately re-educated himself. At least there was no more excrement on the threshold of the entrance.


If you write a statement to the police, your neighbor will be fined. A couple of times he will part with his hard earned money and walk around with a bag and a scoop. Well, the people's censure of him. From the entire entrance!