How to train a dog to use the indoor toilet. When a puppy begins to endure and ask to go to the toilet

Dogs, if they had the right to choose, of course, would not set up a toilet where they sleep, eat and play. But they have to relieve themselves at home for several reasons.

Either they are sick, or simply not accustomed to the street, or the dog is marking its territory, or is very scared, upset or excited.

In the apartment where the dog lives, you need to set aside a special place for the animal toilet and not allow the dog to relieve itself in other places. It is necessary to remove all boxes and drawers so as not to lead the dog into temptation. It must be remembered that toilet training an animal is a long and rather complicated procedure. Even puppies can only be toilet trained at 8-12 months of age.

Training a puppy can usually take as long as the animal is months old. A four-month-old dog can remain without a walk for no more than four hours at a time.

How to train a dog to toilet outside?

Accustoming the puppy to the street

It is strictly forbidden to:

  • Never rub your dog's nose when he goes to the toilet.
  • You shouldn’t scold your dog, unless, of course, you caught him doing the toilet in in the wrong place
  • Never physically punish small surprises. You can't even slap a rolled up newspaper
  • you should not lock your dog in a dirty room if the cause of the dirt is
  • Never drive your dog home after using the toilet, especially if she likes being outside. Let the dog frolic and, as they say, “do it” outside the apartment
  • Emergency areas do not need to be washed with ammonia-based cleaners. Urine already contains this substance, so the dog will not be deterred by the smell.
Above all, be patient. If a “little surprise” happened to a puppy, then he did it not because he is harmful or cannot learn, but only because his owner does not look after him properly, does not take him outside often, or does not pay attention to dog signals .

How to train a dog to use the indoor toilet?

It is worth noting here that a dog should be taught to relieve itself outside from the very first day. But you shouldn’t accustom your dog to a paper litter box at home unless there are special reasons for it.

How to toilet train a dog?

For example, you got a puppy, but you live high up and there is no opportunity to go down often, or you are taking care of an untrained dog and yourself have difficulty moving. In the meantime, getting used to home toilet, when there has already been street experience, will lead the dog into confusion. However, the dog is capable of understanding that it is possible to go to the toilet at home. She can even acquire the habit of doing this on special substrates, for example, paper, napkins, pillows, or a car mat.

Getting used to using a home toilet is exactly the same as getting used to a familiar street toilet. First, lock the dog in the right place so that it is ready for the toilet, and then bring it to the paper on a leash. Wait for the dog to do its business, then praise and treat it with something. correct behavior. If the dog relieves itself in the wrong place, then scold it loudly, scare it, pick it up or lead it by the collar to its toilet, where the dog must finish its need.

The space in the house should be limited for the dog, this is done so that it is convenient to monitor it. If you gradually increase it free space, then you can control her desire to go “to the piece of paper.” However, if it is not possible to constantly monitor the dog, then the space for it must be limited until it learns.

Training the dog to use the litter box

It is worth noting that some dogs come out of their toilet dirty. Therefore, it is necessary to change the paper more often so that the dog does not push it away with his paws. It is best for the dog to somehow designate the place of its toilet. You can build a fence and make a separate entrance. For example, special home lawns for dogs have been on sale for a long time. As a last resort, you can arrange a plastic ditch on the balcony.

The editors of the site hope that your pet will be able to please you with its achievements, and not upset you with unexpected “marks” in the apartment.
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If you decide to have a four-legged friend, you will encounter such important task, like toilet training a pet. Let us warn you right away that this endeavor will require a lot of patience and understanding. The article will give effective tips how to toilet train a dog.

The question that needs to be decided first is the place where the puppy will go to relieve himself. In an apartment or private house, it is better to arrange a place for a dog toilet:

  • on an insulated loggia;
  • on the veranda;
  • in the bathroom, making sure that the door is open or slightly open if possible;
  • in the toilet (near the toilet);
  • corridor or hallway;
  • perhaps the puppy will choose and choose some other place.

Once you have accustomed your baby to the tray, do not under any circumstances change either the initially chosen location or the tray itself. The only rule is to keep it clean, changing the contents of the container on time.

Video “Toilet training a dog”

From this video you will learn how to properly train a puppy to go to the toilet.

How to organize

You can arrange a toilet for your pet in the following ways:

  1. Buy a special tray for cats. It is quite suitable in size for any miniature dog breeds. For large puppies, a small plastic basin will completely replace a potty, only the sides should be low. As a moisture-absorbing material, you can use ordinary toilet paper or a newspaper.
  2. A tray with a special filler, which is sold in any pet store.
  3. Tray with disposable diaper. How to train big dog to the diaper, we'll tell you later. However, as a temporary option this method will fully justify itself.

An important tip: while training your pet to use a litter box at home, remove all carpets, paths, and rugs from the floor surface. Once a puppy pees on the carpet once, it will be much more difficult to retrain him. In addition, the carpet will suffer - no matter how it is washed, the specific smell will remain for a long time.

The diaper serves as a necessary and convenient item for both temporary and permanent use. Firstly, it easily absorbs moisture; secondly, with its help the puppy gets accustomed to necessary elements hygiene.

Two types of diapers can be purchased in veterinary pharmacies and stores:

  • disposable;
  • reusable.


Before we advise you on how to train your dog to use the litter box, let’s give some information.

Today, manufacturers have thought through to the smallest detail any pet care items. Trays can be purchased in any size, color and quality. The tray consists of a low rectangular container, on top of which a special mat or grid is installed.

Choice the right size tray depends on the size of your ward. Just keep in mind that the container should provide freedom of movement in it. Manufacturers have provided special trays with posts for mature male dogs. Rest assured: the walls will not be damaged.

Another know-how is a dog toilet with grass. Any dog ​​will love it, because it's almost natural conditions like when walking outside.

If circumstances force the animal to wait for the owner all day, a tray with a lock for securing diapers will help solve the problem. this problem. When you get home, all you have to do is change the diaper.


There are certain rules, how to teach a dog not to hang out in the yard anywhere, or the rules for walking dogs.

Only an ill-mannered owner will allow his dog to “crap” anywhere in the yard. You are supposed to go out with your pet, having chosen in advance a convenient place for the toilet (the place should be secluded - away from the noise of cars and playgrounds).

You should walk with the dog nearby and watch it. As soon as the dog begins to intensively sniff the ground, just getting ready to do his “important” business, take him to the “toilet”. Usually it starts to work literally 2-3 times visiting a given place.

And most of the training depends on the patience of the owner himself. However, success with effort is guaranteed.

Teaching a puppy

Teaching a little fool to use a home toilet is a task of time. Let's make a reservation that a tray in the apartment is needed only for the period of quarantine after vaccinations, while the puppy is not recommended to visit public places.

So, be patient and begin the learning process step by step:

  1. We advise you to limit the puppy’s territory for the first time and fence off the enclosure with improvised means. His “personal” space should include a place to sleep, a food bowl and a tray. Watch the baby's behavior: as soon as he starts spinning and sniffing, place him on a tray.
  2. The best time to go to the toilet is 10-15 minutes after feeding or immediately after sleep.
  3. After a successful attempt, you should praise the animal and reward it with your favorite “yummy.”
  4. If a puddle is noticed after some time, we advise you to simply wipe the floor thoroughly, and do not scold the dog - it will not understand what is wrong. You can scold when the puppy is caught at the “crime scene”.
  5. Do not under any circumstances use physical force to stop your dog from peeing on the floor.
  6. Remember that up to 4 months (this is the physiological threshold of “patience” for dogs) the home toilet should be in full readiness.
  7. Only after this period can the dog consciously “ask” to go outside.

Teaching an adult dog

Now it’s time to help with the question of how to accustom a dog to the street if it was adopted as an adult.
The same recommendations as in the previous training will help you cope with this problem. But this question will be resolved much easier due to the fact that an adult animal is able to endure. Sometimes it is enough to take the dog out for a walk after eating 2-3 times so as not to return to this issue.

The dog cannot always “tolerate” while the owner changes clothes, preparing to take him out for a walk. Try a little trick - give the dog the command “Sit!” She will be so busy completing the task that no unpleasant incident will happen before going outside.

The arrival of a puppy in the house is a great joy for all family members. And it is important from the first days of the baby’s stay in new family teach him the rules of behavior, which will subsequently become the fundamental norms of his life. One of these moments is training a puppy to use the toilet outside. How to properly organize the learning process to make it as effective and accessible to your pet as possible?

Experienced dog handlers offer a step-by-step solution to the problem. At the same time, the owner will need great patience and a certain amount of free time, which he is ready to devote to his four-legged friend. Only in this case can you count on a positive result.

At what age to start

Most kids strive to keep their environment clean. This is an innate instinct that domestic dogs have retained from their wild ancestors. It's rare to see a puppy go to the toilet on his bed.

Taking advantage of this innate habit, the owner must teach the baby to walk or walk from the first days of life. After all preventative measures have been completed and the baby reaches age 3.5 months You can gradually take him out for his first walks. It is very important to initially combine a pleasant and exciting time outside with bowel and bladder emptying.

One of mandatory conditions An effective pet training process will be a clearly established daily routine. Feeding and walking the baby must be strictly certain time. After just a few days, the young body gets used to receiving food at certain hours. The pet begins to develop gastric juice, and 15-20 minutes after eating, intestinal function is activated. Once the owner manages to accustom the puppy to a strict daily routine, the process will go much faster and more efficiently.

The process of accustoming a puppy to the street

Experienced dog handlers and veterinarians remind us that puppies of all breeds and ages go to the toilet in strictly defined situations:

  • After sleep. If the baby has had enough sleep, then early in the morning and during the day you should immediately take him out onto the grass so that he can not only take a walk, but also make a couple of piles and puddles;
  • After eating. 15-20 minutes after eating, intestinal peristalsis increases and the likelihood of creating a “surprise” in the form of a pile on the floor of the house increases significantly;
  • After a long walk or game. If you decide to spend 30-40 minutes playing with the puppy, then remember: in the middle of the game the baby will definitely want to go to the toilet. Active physical activity also leads to increased peristalsis. So don’t forget to take a break and take your baby outside. If this is not possible, then simply take him to the tray or diaper. If you decide to take a long and exciting walk with your four-legged pet, then every 20-25 minutes give him the opportunity to walk quietly on the grass. Let him handle it natural needs body in the right place, and not in the middle of a path or dog walking area.
  • At the moment severe fright or nervous tension . The baby is not yet able to control his urges and emotions, so when nervous, he can make a puddle. Keep this in mind when going to veterinarian for an appointment or plan to visit noisy and crowded places with your four-legged pet.

To make the training process as effective as possible, you will need to give your baby everything free time. In all of the above situations, the pet should be immediately taken outside.
This is important: if you notice that the baby begins to circle around itself and sniff the floor, you should immediately take your pet outside. You should not scold or punish your puppy, because he is not yet ready to control his urges.

How many times a day should you take your puppy outside?

Dog handlers recommend taking your baby outside after every nap and feeding. This will minimize the likelihood of unpleasant “surprises” appearing in an apartment or house. After your baby goes to the toilet, be sure to praise him, reward him with his favorite treat, and take him for a walk with other dogs.

The pet must clearly understand that initially he relieves himself on the street and only after that the exciting process of walking begins. Try to choose the most quiet and peaceful place for the toilet. It should be located away from playgrounds, public transport or places for walking pets. The main thing is that no one distracts or disturbs the baby at this crucial moment.

As soon as the baby learns to tolerate and relieve himself only on the street, you can gradually lengthen the intervals between walks. By the age of one year, an adult dog should be walking go to the toilet 2-3 times per day and do it only on the street. The exception is pets of miniature breeds, which the owner deliberately trains to relieve themselves in.

It is necessary to continue to strictly adhere to the daily routine. You are unlikely to be able to achieve impeccable behavior in your pet if you working week The morning walk is carried out at 6-7 o'clock in the morning, and on weekends the owner tries to get enough sleep and postpones it for 8-9 hours. The pet simply does not understand why the owner does not take him for a walk. And if the owner ignores the animal’s increased activity and whining, then all efforts to train the puppy to use the toilet outside may come to nothing.

How to teach a puppy to ask to go outside

To train a puppy to ask to go outside, the owner needs to devote maximum time to raising the baby. As soon as your pet starts circling around the room and whining, immediately take him outside. After the baby has done all the work in the indicated place, be sure to praise him.

After a short time, the dog will develop conditioned reflex, according to which the owner praises and gives a treat after the pet asks to go outside.

You should not ignore the restless behavior of the animal, even if the usual time for a walk has not yet arrived or the pet has recently returned from the street. Perhaps his normal digestion process has been disrupted and the risk of “mischief” at home increases. Careful observation of your pet's behavior allows you to make the training process effective and quick.

How to stop a puppy from peeing at home

If the owner devotes a lot of time to raising the pet, then after a few weeks the baby begins to regularly go to the toilet outside. But sometimes an animal can make a puddle or stops keeping the room clean. It is important to understand the reasons that led to the development of such a situation. This allows you to choose the most effective algorithm of actions to return to your usual routine.

Why does an older puppy start peeing at home again? Experienced dog handlers say that there are several main reasons:

  • Malaise. Animals fed dry diets often develop pathologies. genitourinary system. The result is puddles that appear on the floor of a house or apartment between walks. It is also possible that the puppy is frozen and cannot control his urges.
  • Resentment. Unfair punishment often becomes a reason to let a puddle fall on the owner’s rug or item of clothing. Try to restore friendly relations with your pet. This will be the key to cleanliness in the room.
  • Stress. It can also cause your pet to pee on the floor again indoors.

The main thing in learning is consistency, patience and attentiveness. If your pet refuses to pee on the street, then you can use the advice of experts:

  • Give your baby something to drink while walking. Large quantity fluid in the body will invariably become a reason for urination.
  • Play and frolic actively with your puppy. The more intense the walk, the higher the likelihood that the animal will want to go to the toilet.
  • Walk longer. Your pet will definitely go to the toilet during a long and exciting walk.

Reward and Punishment

There are several fundamental points things to consider when training your pet:

  • You cannot scold an animal for the piles and puddles that appear on the floor. The pet does not understand the reasons for the owner's dissatisfaction. Especially if the offense was committed earlier. The dog will simply conclude that he can’t shit in front of you. And if the owner caught the animal in the process of committing a mistake, then a sharply negative reaction from the owner will only lead to the fact that the animal may begin to eat its own excrement.
  • You shouldn't poke your nose into the pile and hit. The animal becomes offended and stops trusting its owner. The consequence is a deterioration in the relationship between them and the learning process slows down significantly.
  • Consistency and daily routine. Always take your pet out at the same time every day. There are no excuses to skip your usual walk.
  • Don't skimp on your praise. If your pet did everything correctly and went to the toilet outside in the right place, express your joy and praise the animal. Good decision will be a treat that the puppy receives after a correctly performed action.

Express yours negative attitude There are several effective ways to disrupt the cleanliness of your home:

  • Strict tone. The pet must understand that you are unhappy and express your indignation.
    A ban on your favorite toy. She needs to be taken away and allowed to play only after the dog goes to the toilet outside in a strictly designated place.
  • Using the “Fu” or “No” commands. As soon as your pet shows signs of anxiety and starts looking for a place in the house to urinate or defecate, immediately stop this behavior using these commands and a stern tone.

Remember that an attentive and caring attitude towards your pet allows you to make the learning process much more effective and faster!

Toilet training your puppy is not an easy task and must be approached with the utmost seriousness.

Starting from 10-15 days of age, the babies make their first attempts to crawl out of their shelter and relieve themselves. A small puppy does its business quite often - this happens immediately after sleep, after each feeding, after games, in total - about 15 times a day.

Until the baby has received a full course of vaccinations, he cannot go outside, therefore, you need to be patient and start raising your ward. You need to toilet train your puppy right away, try to do this before 6-7 weeks, since after 7 weeks it will not be easy to change the behavior that has already formed.

It is easiest to toilet train a puppy when its territory is limited, for example, to a cage or enclosure. It is worth expanding the space only if you notice that the puppy is accustomed to relieve himself in a certain place.

Basic rules for toilet training a puppy

As a rule, breeders teach their pet to run errands on a newspaper, which is placed near its bed or bowl. There is a little trick: when the puppy peed on the newspaper, do not throw it all away, tear off a part and place it under each time. new newspaper- this will help the baby find his temporary toilet by smell. There are three basic rules, the observance of which will help to quickly train your pet to the toilet:

  1. The puppy should not be treated roughly. Under no circumstances should you poke your face into a puddle; aggression has never helped in learning. If the puppy went somewhere it shouldn’t, you need to say in a stern voice that this is not possible, you can bend the puppy’s head to the scene of the crime, and then take him to where he was supposed to relieve himself.
  2. The puppy should be punished immediately for an offense. If, for example, you woke up in the morning and noticed a pile or a puddle, you should no longer swear, your pet will not understand why exactly you are punishing him.
  3. Under no circumstances should you forgive someone for making a puddle, especially in your presence. Without receiving punishment for his offense, the puppy will never be toilet trained, but will believe that peeing on the carpet is quite normal and correct.

If you are careful, you will notice that before doing its business, the puppy performs various characteristic actions, for example: barking, sniffing around the floor, marking time in one place, suddenly freezing by accident, and then starting to squat.

As soon as you notice this behavior, make some kind of distracting gesture, clap your hands and. The sharp sound will distract the puppy and give you time to move him to the newspaper. After your pet has done things in the right place, be sure to praise him, and you can reward him with some kind of treat.

What to do if you can’t toilet train your puppy?

As a rule, it takes 8-10 days to train a puppy to write on a newspaper. What should you do if your puppy doesn’t listen and repeatedly pees, for example, on the carpet? To begin, thoroughly wash the area where the puppy has defecated, preferably with some product that has a harsh bad smell– this should scare you away.

And, if, nevertheless, the puppy does not react, and continues to do his business in the same inappropriate place, then meet him halfway and start placing newspaper in this place. Currently, there are products that can help your pet get used to the toilet faster, for example, Serco spray. The product should be applied to newspapers, feeling the smell, it will be easier for the puppy to find the toilet. You can also purchase a special tray for dogs, it comes in both for girls and with a column for boys. Of course, such remedies cannot be called a panacea, but at least they will provide you with some help. Every dog ​​breeder must understand that little puppy- this is the same child who needs to be monitored and cared for.

It can ruin not only your carpets and floors, but also your furniture and shoes, so it’s better to put it somewhere far away for a while, and as soon as the puppy grows up and turns into an adult smart dog, then you will return all the expensive furniture and carpets to their place. When cleaning carpets, keep in mind that the floor on which the puppy will walk should not be slippery - this can lead to bone deformation during growth.

Instead, you can simply lay down an old rug or mat for the time being. As soon as all the vaccinations are done and the pet gets a little stronger, it can be taken outside and taught to do its business there. During the first time, it is better to remove it more often - 5-6 times a day, maybe for a few minutes. At first, try to adjust the party to the time when the puppy should want to go to the toilet, for example, after sleeping or feeding.

A small curious creature has appeared in your house. This little animal is called a DOG, and you hope to raise him to be smart, obedient, well-mannered and true friend for many years.

The puppy follows you like a tail, demanding attention, and its open mouth strives to grab and gnaw everything in its path. In addition, the baby pees often. How to train a dog to toilet outside? You will have to stock up on a lot of patience for this long-awaited moment to come.

You cannot demand from a puppy who is 1-2 months old the abilities and obedience of an adult dog - you will have to come to terms with the fact that for now he relieves his natural needs at home. In addition, such children are not recommended to be outside until the end of quarantine after last vaccination, that is, up to 2.5 - 3 months.

Important! From the very beginning of your puppy's stay in the house, you should train him to use the toilet.

How to potty train a puppy at home at 2 months? First, you need to remove carpets from the area accessible to the puppy. Then determine a place for sleeping, eating and toileting.

Some dog lovers recommend covering almost the entire apartment with newspapers, or putting the baby in a crate with water, a sleeping place and the same newspaper. This is not true, because It’s part of an animal’s instincts not to shit where you live!

Puppies prefer to pee on a soft diaper rather than a hard surface, so old flannel or special absorbent dog diapers are just the thing. As a last resort, you can use newspapers.

How to train a puppy to toilet in an apartment in a tray or on a diaper? There should be one diaper and always be in the same place. When you notice that the baby is spinning, whining, and sniffing, immediately take him to the diaper! Soon he will understand and will run to the right place. The main thing is that the toilet diaper is always clean.

Sometimes a puppy can get too playful and, before reaching the diaper, shit somewhere. This is natural, because he is still small and cannot stand it.

Attention! A puppy should not be punished if he peed in the wrong place. This can scare away, the baby will begin to hide to relieve himself and all efforts to teach him to use the toilet will go down the drain.

Teaching a puppy to relieve itself outdoors

At approximately 2.5-3 months, the long-awaited moment comes when the puppy can be taken for walks and the dog can finally be trained to use the toilet outside. Don't flatter yourself! It won’t be long before he starts defecating exclusively on the street. Within 1-2 months, the dog learns to relieve itself only on the street, and from the age of four to five months, a period will begin when the pet will forget what it’s like to be embarrassed in an apartment.

Only patience, correct behavior and consistency can bring this closer. happy moment. We will tell you further how to train a puppy to use the toilet outside and wean it off the diaper.

In the morning, immediately after the puppy wakes up, we block access to the diaper, jump into sweatpants and carry the puppy outside to the nearest lawn. You can take a diaper with you a couple of times, so that it is easier for the baby to navigate among the abundance of new smells and impressions.

It’s better to walk him 5-6 times a day - and you will be pleased to notice that there are much fewer puddles on the diaper, and the poop appears purely due to our oversight. Praise the puppy after every toilet break outside, treat him with his favorite treat and make it clear that the first thing to do is to do “your own business”, and then pure pleasures will begin - games, communication with fellow tribesmen and other knowledge of the world.

From 6-8 months, the puppy can be fed three times a day and walked three to four times a day. By this time, kids usually begin to “ask”, that is, they make it clear that it’s time. And here it is important to create a clear schedule that matches your capabilities. With constant observance and walking, the dog gets used to relieve its needs at a certain time and will not upset you with the requirement to go for a walk at a completely inopportune moment.

How to train a dog to toilet outside?

To train adult dog to the toilet on the street you need to understand the reason, why does she do this at home?

Dog lived before on the street? Did your previous owners teach you to use a litter box or a diaper? Or maybe she's just being mischievous, or intimidated?

First of all, it is necessary exclude possible diseases, having examined the dog at the veterinarian. And if everything is in order with health, begin the painstaking process, as with a small puppy, with the exception of the number of walks. It is advisable to constantly monitor your pet’s behavior, and as soon as she begins to show anxiety, go outside with her.

Attention! Don't forget to praise and reward with treats and pleasant walks for the dog after using the toilet.

You shouldn’t beat someone for doing something wrong in the house, just show your dissatisfaction - after all dogs perfectly understand the tone of speech and almost mental level guess what the owner likes and what he doesn’t.

How to stop a dog from peeing at home?

Sometimes adult dogs pee at home even after a walk. This is not normal. Again, having ruled out possible diseases, one should patiently and consistently begin to eradicate this evil, doing the following.

  1. Remove diuretic products - buckwheat porridge, kefir and others.
  2. Find your pet a walking buddy. While walking outside, dogs will frolic, which will make you feel the urge to go to the toilet. Also another dog can become an example, and your pet will begin to repeat after it and mark its territory.
  3. Take water with you. When the dog runs around enough, give it a drink. The abundance of fluid will cause her to pee outside.
  4. Increase your walking time. The dog cannot endure it for long and if there is every opportunity, it will definitely go to the toilet.

In the process of "re-education" Do not yell at your pet during or after the “crime”! The dog may interpret that it is forbidden to shit in front of you and will hide, but do it in its own way.

Important! Never hit your dog or poke his nose into the pile.

This may cause her to start eating her own excrement in fear. Cruelty repels, kindness attracts. Remember this when raising pets with complex natures and when working

If you want to teach your dog to go to the toilet outside, follow the feeding and walking schedule! Learn to understand your friend, accompany him on walks Be patient, consistent, friendly- and obedience!

Additionally, check out the video on how to train a puppy to use a diaper at home: