Fear that you won’t recover, homeopathic medicines helped. Great fright. Homeopathy offers treatment


Sazonova L.V.

« Taming passions or how homeopathy changes us.”

Aconite– the drug of choice for the treatment of fear, anger, shock, panic attacks. Symptoms are sudden and intense: strong fear death, crowds, stuffiness, closed spaces. There is a rush of blood to the face, increased blood pressure, severe nervous excitement, melancholy, high fever with motor restlessness and the feeling that one is dying. Drug for emergency assistance: helps to cope not only with mental symptoms, but also save lives!

Arsenicum album– a cure for anxiety, anxiety, increased need for cleanliness and order. Fear of catching any infection, desire to make everything around you sterile. He often panics about his health and goes from one doctor to another. Also present is the fear of poverty and ruin, which results in exceptional stinginess. Suitable for people prone to bronchial asthma and dry skin rashes, with fear of death and everything connected with it. His character is thorough, pathologically accurate, and meticulous. The correct prescription of the drug eliminates fears, as well as the pathological addiction to washing and putting everything away.

Hyoscyamus: a remedy for jealousy, suspicion, restlessness with agitation, impulses to run away from home. Fear of dogs and water can be expressed. The picture of phobias includes fear of heart disease, devilish powers, fear of being cursed. Often these people have an interest in paranormal phenomena, a penchant for mysticism, extrasensory perception, and religious fanaticism.

Capsicum– a wonderful drug for nostalgia. Suitable for people who often move, leaving their homes. Psychologically, they suffer, constantly looking back and yearning for the “lost paradise.” An irresistible desire to eat is typical, as compensation for lost paradise. Hence the tendency to obesity. Can be an excellent remedy overweight in such a case.

Cannabis indica– This is a remedy for teenagers and for people who are emotionally immature, do not understand themselves, with unstable self-esteem and outlook on life. They join dubious groups and are prone to developing addictions - to alcohol, to drugs. The result is a hatred of classes, learning and a reluctance to do anything.

In addition, it helps people who have a special fear - the fear of drowning!

Lac caninum– helps in case of multiple fears: fear of ghosts, snakes, spiders, fear of fainting, falling, fear of pollution: washes hands often. The connection of phobias with problems of the beginning of life and the beginning of feeding. The person has a history of early weaning and a difficult childhood. The child did not receive enough strength and self-confidence. It helps well for hypersensitive people who are prone to fears and migrating sore throats (from one tonsil to another).

Aurum metallicum– helps people who are angry, hot-tempered, and cannot tolerate the slightest objection. By nature, they are pessimists, depressed people with an altered vascular response: a tendency to hypertension, coronary artery disease, and strokes. Atherosclerosis, which manifests itself at a young age. Helps soften temperament, cleanse blood vessels and treat hypertension.

Argentum nitricum– a cure for internal restlessness and haste. Suitable for “fast” people who are always in a hurry to get somewhere, are afraid of being late and are still late. Fear of crowds, heights, closed spaces. Lovers of sweets, chocolate, which calms inner anxiety. Anxious and suspicious people. Throat problems, family history of ulcers.

Chelidonium– the remedy is suitable for irritable people, bilious people, skeptics. Behind the bilious character lies dissatisfaction with the world, hidden aggression. Helps to get along with the world and get rid of warts, gallbladder diseases, liver problems with itchy skin.

Antimonium crudum– very useful for dissatisfied gluttons, those who like to eat a lot of tasty food and grumble in the morning on an empty stomach. Sentimentality and sensitivity to music are also characteristic: “the sound of a bell brings tears”! A remedy for sadness and sadness, as well as a medicine for the touchy-feely: does not like to be touched or looked at. They cannot tolerate cold water: they get sick after swimming in cool water.

Apis– will help fast, active, clumsy people who easily drop objects, and are absent-minded. It is also a cure for jealousy (like Lachesis), disappointment in love and the desire to “sting” the offender. And, of course, Apis is an indispensable medicine for various allergic diseases and conditions with severe swelling and burning.

Agaricus – there is hardly a better cure for pathological timidity, apathy, aversion to work and study on the one hand, and for violent, disinhibited and foolish behavior on the other hand. Inappropriate behavior of a person in society, including at a doctor’s appointment. He grimaces, is rude, speaks incoherently, jumps from subject to subject. Is inappropriately cheerful and inappropriately jokey, although he may have severe pathology, most often neurological. Laughs at serious things or refuses to answer questions. To cope with the situation, Agaricus is simply necessary in such a case.

Cohosh– able to help intemperate, scandalous women, talkative, illogical, jumping from topic to topic, who are susceptible to rheumatic diseases and disorders in the female sphere, especially during the period of hormonal changes. Afraid of rats, expressed fear of death and fear of going crazy! The drug improves mental state, hormonal background, rheumatic damage.

Thuja- the main remedy for people who have felt the negative effects of vaccine toxins, which have resulted in both psychological and somatic changes. Anxious and suspicious people. It seems to a person that he is under the control of supernatural forces, that he is being watched, that his soul and body are separated. The feeling that animals and insects are crawling under his skin and in his stomach. It seems that he is divided in two, parts of his body are “glass”, his legs and arms can break. Fear of ghosts, wind, dreams of the dead. At the physical level, vaccine toxins impart to a person a tendency to growths: (condylomas, polyps, warts, tumors) and suppuration. Thuja is also called the tree of life, apparently not without reason, since without its help a person could hardly be healthy and continue his life’s path.

Ignacia: an indispensable cure for stress. Helps people cope with the consequences of grief, sadness: disappointment in love, loss of loved ones. Is the best remedy after severe shocks, resulting in hysterical spastic phenomena in the form of: headaches; coma in the throat, spasms in the heart, lungs, stomach. And paradoxical reactions: when it’s warm, it hides, when it’s cold, it opens up, laughs, when it’s time to grieve (hysterical laughter) and cries with joy.

Anacardium– helps with anxiety, fear of persecution, feelings of extreme hunger, which decreases after eating. Isolation, gloomy mood, memory impairment. Characteristic headache after mental stress with auditory phenomena. Feeling like sore spot tied tightly with a bandage. Feeling of a coma, pressure on the eyes, stomach, lumbosacral region.

Split into psychological level: 2 wills – one prohibits, the other commands. The key to the remedy is the problem of choice! Constant fluctuation between yes and no. The slightest prohibition for such a person causes an attack of anger. Blasphemy, curses everyone! He swears like a shoemaker. But there may be another side - religiosity.

The medicine helps you make your choice, correct your character and treat various pains.

Staphysagria– helps to cope with the bad consequences of anger, people who are touchy, or in a bad mood in the morning. The basis of a bad state of mind is disturbances in the sexual sphere. If everything is good, then this is the nicest person and everything changes if there is dissatisfaction. They turn into tyrants and misers who are constantly ready to “bite” or hurt someone. Prone to unseemly actions, which he then repents of. They tend to show off their body, love sexy, tight clothes, bright colors. Consequences of masturbation. Different sexual orientation.

Children - capricious, everything must be according to his wishes, in case of refusal - he falls and screams. Blueness around the mouth, under the eyes. Teeth turn black early, teeth deteriorate, teeth grind at night. Timely prescribed Staphysagria helps to cope with both physical and psychological issues.

Fears in children, fear of the dark, timidity. We treat fears in children with homeopathy in Novosibirsk!

Is your child afraid to sleep without light? Does he scream at night as if he's being cut? Classical homeopathy. We help without sedatives. Find out the details!

Fears in children. Fear of the dark. What is this?

Fear of the dark, fear of the shadow, fear of being alone. The child is timid and runs to his parents to sleep at night.
Representatives official medicine they say that all children are afraid, that parents need to actively participate in this, support the child, years will pass, everything will get better... Unfortunately, it doesn’t always get better... That is, fears will pass, but the stress that the child received as a result of fear will become basis for other diseases.
Imagine for a second that something scares you so much that you cannot bear it, you are looking for someone who would protect you. This happens to you every night and you can't do anything about it.

For the doctor there will be no question: will you get sick or not. The question will be: when will you get sick?

Fear is the strongest stress for the body. Persuasion will not help here.

Then you are welcome to see a classic homeopath.

Children's fears can be treated with homeopathy!

There are not many remedies for this in homeopathy, but they exist.
In structure childhood fear there are always features.

Is your child afraid of the dark and screams at night without waking up?
The child is afraid of everything in the world and is sweating hairy part heads?
The child says that there is someone in the room and is sleeping on his stomach, or in a knee-elbow position?
Or maybe he remembers terrible dreams and can talk about them?
Is the child afraid of the dark and aggressive, often fighting?
Is your child afraid not so much of the dark as of loneliness? Is he always with you during the day?
Is the child afraid of strangers, does he really not like to be looked at?

There are many options. And all this is fear. And the drugs will treat this fear - different ones!
Under the influence of a homeopathic prescription, the child may not get rid of his fears at all, but he will definitely be less afraid!
You will also notice that during the day he has become calmer, more adequate, and studies better.
Fear in this case is a signal that not everything is okay. Homeopathy helps to put things in order.

Homeopathic medicines do not have a sedative effect, on the contrary, if such a medicine is given in a non-homeopathic (large) dose healthy person, he may begin to feel afraid. Thus, the homeopathic medicine activates the body’s natural process of fighting fear.

Advantages of homeopathic treatment of fears in a child:

Everyone chooses their own treatment method. You can continue to treat your child with your usual treatments. It is quite possible that everything will be fine for you.

If your child is afraid of the dark and you don’t know what to do, contact us at the Novosibirsk Homeopathic Center. We treat children's fears without sedatives and without unnecessary conversations.

Call the phone number from the site header or click “Order a call” at the bottom of the page, then we will call you back and confirm the time of your visit to us. Or

L.N. Dekhtyareva
Ukraine, Lviv
Lviv Regional Society of Homeopathic Physicians

Beware, O seeker!
Fear the fear that is like black
and the soundless wings of the resulting ghoul
will come between the light of your soul
and a great goal flickering in the distance
E.P. Blavatsky

Fear. What is it? L.N. Dekhtjaryova (Lvov, Ukraine)
The given work is devoted to the inevitable partner in the human life person - fears. The author analyzes the causes of occurrence of fear and traces direct dependence between feeling of fear and changes at a physical level of the person. The paper presents four examples of successful homeopathic treatment of people with conditions caused by this concealed feeling (with the use of Natrium muriaticum, Ignatia amara, Aconitum napellus, Stramonium datura).

Keywords : fear, phobias, situation analysis, violence, terror, homeopathic treatment

Man is inexhaustible. His self-knowledge is limited, since the spiritual essence of the personality lies beyond its borders. Any self-knowledge of a person brings him closer to God; it is painful, sad, requires courage, and convinces him of his own powerlessness. And yet, without such attempts to know oneself and make a free choice for one’s development, a person’s spiritual life is impossible.

The humanity of self-knowledge lies in the fact that only by trying to understand the reasons for the development of our personality, by clearing the springs of our lives, we are able to overcome our own fear and all prejudices, free ourselves from the shackles of prejudice, and become truly free.

There is such a banal expression - “all diseases come from nerves.” Actually, that's how it is. With my twenty years of practice, I can also confirm this. All these notorious “nerves” are fears. Fear is defined, on the one hand, as anxiety, apprehension (fear, horror) of the unknown, and, on the other hand, as a reflex of protecting one’s egocentrism, an instinct of ownership in the face of the need to unite with the world and separate what a person has previously mastered (from the physical to socio-economic). Fear is born in a person, at all seven levels in the spaces of life, characterizing the degree of imperfection of these multi-level relationships, and, accordingly, the increase in uncontrolled manifestations in them, expressed emotional states(such as restlessness, anxiety, apprehension, horror, panic, loss of consciousness, and a number of others).

Analyzing the patient's life with early childhood, and, if this is possible, then from the prenatal period, it is almost always possible to determine: the cause of the disease is some kind of emotional breakdown, a traumatic situation.

I will give a few examples from my own practice.

CASE 1. A boy, 11 years old, several months ago began to have a nasal voice, did not pronounce words clearly, visual acuity sharply decreased, and began to sleep restlessly. The parents turned to a neurologist, who, after performing an MRI, made an appointment antibacterial agents parenterally (“what if there’s some kind of infection?!”). Further, none of the specialists in the children's clinic began to understand anything. It was decided that the boy’s disease was one of the indolent neuroinfections, and further, the child was prescribed hormone therapy.

After conducting a survey and examination, as well as a thorough analysis of the case, I discovered the fact that a few months ago the boy had a brother (from his stepfather). This led to the “catastrophe”. After prescribing NATRIUM MURIATICUM 200CH, within a month the child’s condition returned to normal.

CASE ANALYSIS. The boy has a clearly visible fear of becoming unloved, an outcast in the family, where, moreover, where there is new man at the mother's. And, perhaps, like this, with illness and “childish” speech, you need to attract the attention of your mother, who is now busy with her brother.

Any doctor, and especially a homeopathic doctor, must be a subtle psychologist and a kind of “Sherlock Holmes”. After all, each case is an investigation, and only by correctly analyzing the entire picture of symptoms can we cure a person.

CASE 2. Two years ago, a 13-year-old girl was brought to an appointment with a diagnosis of low-grade fever. unknown origin" She was treated in a children's clinic for a year, conducting all kinds of laboratory diagnostic and clinical physiological tests. The list of prescribed medications can be characterized as more than just polypharmacy!

And the story is simple. The teenage girl was transferred to new school. She didn’t fit in in the class, and her peers locked her in the bathroom, in the basement. It was only in the evening that her parents found her there. After this, “incomprehensible” changes in body temperature began. Within a week, ACONITUM NAPELLUS 200CH helped.

CASE ANALYSIS. As a result of psychodrama, after personal stress, against the background of irritation of higher centers of nervous activity, the reactivity of hypothalamic connections with regulatory structures is upset, and, as a result, not only thermoregulation, but also the blood formula, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) can undergo changes. Other physiological indicators also suffer.
And one more thing CASE FROM PRACTICE (No. 3). After the death of her husband, the woman experienced attacks of suffocation increasing in intensity and frequency for several years. Pulmonologist colleagues made a diagnosis bronchial asthma, and a hormone-containing drug was prescribed. There was no effect, as expected, despite increasing the dosage and supplementing the course of treatment with other means, including sedatives.

Our wonderful IGNATIA AMARA 200CH cured the patient.

CASE ANALYSIS. Have you noticed that “asthmatics” are people of increased emotionality? Their afferent-efferent relationships between stimulating and relaxing “commands” are disturbed. That is why the “emotional” Ignatia from the strychnine-containing family Loganiaceae, which is richly represented in homeopathy, provided assistance. The list of similar cases from practice can be continued endlessly. In the same way, all people with scoliosis have a considerable number of fears. Patients with vision problems (astigmatism, myopia) are all neurotic (after all, their consciousness “does not want” or is not ready to perceive certain images!).

And numerous skin problems! The skin is an organ that limits us from the outside world, and if the outside world causes anxiety or fear, then this reflects itself in the form of dermatoses and “neurodermatitis,” vitiligo and leukoderma, psoriasis, and sweating disorders. This becomes even more understandable from the perspective of embryology (after all, the skin and nervous system are derivatives of the outer layer, the ectoderm).

Phobos is a deity in Greek mythology who personifies fear, a satellite of the god of war - Mars. The definition of terrorism (from the French terreur - fear, horror) - came into use at the end of the 18th century to designate the repressive policies pursued by the Jacobins. Subsequently, the term acquired a universal meaning and is used to motivate violence for political purposes. A lot of people all over the world live in fear of terrorism and, as a result, serious illnesses and mania.

CASE 4. Two children, 6 and 7 years old, developed epileptic convulsions the next day after being near a fire. They became very afraid of lightning and flashes of bright light. Neuropathologists, after conducting electroencephalography and echo-encephaloscopy, recommended anticonvulsant therapy and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, vitamin-metabolite therapy to the parents. However, after two months of taking increasing finlepsin without results, the parents brought the children to a homeopath.

It turned out that about a year ago, during a vacation, the children were in the floodplains. A fire broke out in the reeds, which was very frightening at first, but the parents were able to make the children forget the incident within a week. Staying by the fire a year later served as a provoking factor in the resumption of fear. After the prescription of STRAMONIUM DATURA 200CH, the attacks gradually became less frequent, and, later, finlepsin was gradually withdrawn. Follow-up without seizures – 4 years.

And our amazing VERATRUM ALBUM - how many people it has cured of fears manifested by diencephalic crises (along with Gelsemium, Cimicifuga, Aconitum and other homeopathic medicines). Undoubtedly, homeopathic medicines(BUT ONLY CORRECTLY APPOINTED!!!) – this is a miracle!

Fear is an inevitable part of our lives. Constantly changing, it accompanies us from birth to death. The history of mankind consists of attempts to overcome, reduce, overpower or curb the feeling of fear. Religion, science and magic have made every effort to achieve this. Dedications to idols, etc. later, to God, various studies of the laws of nature, asceticism and philosophy hardly eliminated fear, but helped to endure it stoically or fanatically. To this day, the hope of living without fear remains an illusion: it is contained in existence itself, and is a reflection of our dependence and our knowledge of the inevitability of death. We can only try to counter the development and consolidation of fears with our courage, trust, knowledge, hope, humility, faith and love. Fear exists regardless of the culture and level of development of a people; only the objects of fear change, because as soon as we believe that we have conquered or overcome fear, another variety of it arises.

But the methods of dealing with fears have changed. Instead of making sacrifices and magic spells Today it is fashionable to cover up fear with the help of psychopharmacological drugs. But he still remains with us - patients and healers. A serious opportunity to overcome and overcome fears is psychotherapy, used in conjunction with homeopathy.

However, all new types of fears relate to our present life. We know that fear increases when our lifestyle and activities change against our wishes. We fear that we may lose our powers and think about the dangers that abuse can cause us atomic energies or disruption of natural balance. If formerly man experienced fear of the forces of nature, being defenseless before it, various frightening and threatening demons and the powerful God, then now THERE IS FEAR OF YOURSELF.

Fear is individual and reflects personal characteristics every person. It has a dual aspect. On the one hand, fear activates us, and on the other, it paralyzes us: fear is always a signal and warning of danger. It equally contains the impulse to overcome this danger. Assumptions about the source of fear and its awareness indicate a certain stage of development of the individual, the achievement of maturity.

Any stage of development, any subsequent step towards maturity is associated with fears. Each age, with a corresponding degree of maturity, is accompanied by certain fears (these are the first steps, the first trip to kindergarten or school, first love, first death of loved ones, etc.). Along with these fears, an endless abundance of individual fears is growing. They cannot be understood by others. For some it is loneliness, for others it is a crowd, for others it is crossing bridges, for many others it is the fear of an incurable disease, etc.

We live in the hope that we have unlimited time, and this illusory eternity is the impetus for our activities. Those fears whose size exceeds a critical mass (if they are contained for a long time) are severely oppressive and make them sick. The most severely oppressive fears are those born in childhood. Long-term “unprocessed” fears lead to the development of neurotic forms: schizoid, depression, neurosis obsessive states, hysteria and mania. Fear causes aggression and hatred.

And one last thing. You should accept and understand fear as an invitation to move to a new stage of development, as a call to new freedom, to a new order, to new responsibility. At the same time, we must boldly consider fear in its positive creative aspect - as an initiator of changes in life, consciousness, and society.


1. Riemann F. Basic forms of fear.

2. Blavatsky E. P. The Secret Doctrine.

3. Polyakov I. Yu., Polyakov V. A. Psychosystematology.

Fears. What is this? L.N. Dekhtyareva (Lviv, Ukraine)

This work is devoted to the inevitable companion of human life – fear. The author analyzes the causes of fear and traces the direct relationship between the feeling of fear and changes at the physical level of a person. The article provides four examples of successful homeopathic cures for people with conditions the cause of which was hidden in this feeling (using Natrium muriaticum, Ignatia amara, Aconitum napellus, Stramonium datura).

Fears. What is it? L.M. Degtyarova (Lviv, Ukraine)

This robot is dedicated to a constant companion in human life - fear. The author analyzes the causes of fear, and identifies the direct relationship between fear and changes in the physical level of people. The article provides several examples of successful treatment of plants caused by these diseases (from Natrium muriaticum, Ignatia amara, Aconitum napellus, Stramonium datura).
Author information . Larisa Nikolaevna Dekhtyareva is a well-known practicing homeopathic doctor in Lviv and Ukraine. Head of the Board of the Lviv Regional Homeopathic Society, member of the Association of Homeopaths of Ukraine and the International Medical Homeopathic League (LMHI). Author of a number of interesting publications in professional publications and media. Participant in numerous seminars and forums at various levels.

Lycopodium. Fear of people (Hyoscyamus, Natrum carbonicum, Rhus toxicodendron). Indifference to children. Aversion to homeopathy (Causticum, Hepasulphuris, Nitricum acidum, Nux vomica, Sepia). Aversion to the opposite sex. Tearfulness and feeling of unhappiness. Sadness at the sound of music. Tired of life. Worse in the morning. Silent and sensitive. Cries when thanked. Afraid of the dark. Rudeness and impudence. Fury and anger. Does not tolerate contradictions (Aurum, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Sepia). Gets irritated over trifles. Reproaches others. He argues and scolds. Bad mood in the morning. Worse at dusk.

Aconitum. Afraid to go out into the street where there are a lot of people. The patient is restless and full of fears. Hot dry skin. Afraid to cross the street. Anxious, does everything in a great hurry. The music makes me sad. When rising from supine position the red face becomes deathly pale. It seems that the brain has been scalded by boiling water. Strong pulsation carotid arteries. Pain in the forehead increases with movement and bending. The light blinds the eyes. The face is fiery red and swollen. The tongue is white coated or thick yellow. Unquenchable thirst. Toothache from the cold dry wind. Desire for wine, brandy and beer. Vomiting of bile with green stools. Sudden inflammation with high fever and thirst. Worry and anxiety.

Opium. Convulsions in children after fright. The spasms begin with a loud cry. Foaming at the mouth. The face is dark red or purple. The body is drenched in hot sweat. After the convulsions there comes deep sleep with snoring. Retention of urine from fright or after childbirth (Hyoscyamus, Causticum and Arsenicum). The child is wrinkled and looks like a small, dried-out old man. Intestinal strangulation, colic and vomiting with a fecal odor. Colic with severe tympanitis and frequent eructations that do not bring relief.

Belladonna. Delirium of a violent nature. The patient tosses and turns in his sleep. He jumps up in horror from his sleep. When he closes his eyes, he sees people who disappear as soon as his eyes are open.

Hyoscyamus. Fear of being poisoned or deceived. Suspicious and jealous. The desire to run away. The patient tries to bite or hit others. Aversion to the light. He jumps out of bed and looks for someone in the room. The patient cries, screams and rushes about. Food worsens all symptoms.

Stramonium. It seems to the patient that monsters are crawling from all corners of the room. Chatty nonsense. Hyperemic face with wide with open eyes. Gotta hold hands. Wants light and communication. Wakes up with clenched eyelids, afraid that it will get in your eyes foreign object. He is afraid of water. The patient is extremely talkative, laughs and sings. He swears and prays at the same time. The patient wants to run away. He doesn't recognize those around him. Desire to be naked (Hyoscyamus). Tongue with teeth marks. Screams in his sleep. Bright red face. Fantastic animals scare him. The patient wants light.

Arsenicum. Fear of death. Weak from chronic diseases and stress. Irritability, anxiety, agitation and despair.

Kalium carbonicum. Fear of loneliness. Aversion to comfort. They constantly cry out of fear of death. Fright. The patients scream shrilly in fear. Jumps up when touched. They cry for no reason or in their sleep. Gloomy forebodings. Something terrible will happen. Incurable disease. They get scared and flinch when touched. They get offended over trifles. Can't stand noise. Impatient with their children. Fury and fury. They are constantly in a hurry. Very capricious. Unstable mood. Patients flinch at the slightest sound. He is between fear and rage. Dependency and rebellion. Asthma, bronchitis, anemia. Diseases of the female genital area (Sepia). Hysteria.

Psorinum. Fear of death. Sad, depressed and pessimistic. He doesn't believe in recovery. Rage, anxiety and melancholy. It's dirty and smells bad. The skin is covered with itchy rashes.

Kali bromatum. Acute mania in children. They wake up screaming. It looks like someone is chasing them. They think they want to kill or dishonor them. He says that his relatives hate him and want to harm him.

Anacardium. Depressed, forgetful, indecisive and indifferent. Constant conflict between desire and duty.

Digitalis. Rage, melancholy and fear of death. A restless conscience.

Calcarea fluorica. Indecisive. Concerned about financial problems.

Psorinum. Afraid of financial collapse. Does not take risks in business.

Kali phosphoricum. Tired, weak-willed and nervous patient. He is too exhausted to work.

Pulsatilla. Female temperament. She is affectionate and passive. No self-confidence. No aggression.

Silica. Lacks strength of character. Chilly, sensitive and easily disappointed.

Arnica. Fright from a blow or touch. Dizziness, trembling, fainting, threat of abortion, suppression of menstruation, jaundice from fright.

Borax. Babies cry when they are put into bed. Patients cannot tolerate swings and boat trips. They cannot descend from top to bottom.

Arsenicum album. Headache with anxiety and tinnitus. Fear of death. The patient cannot be left alone. He thinks about his illness. Remorse. Anxiety if left indoors for a long time. Easily scared. He sees a hanged man in the basement of a house. Excessive sensitivity. Everything is annoying: conversation, noise and light. Bad mood in bed in the morning. A bad mood alternates with a friendly one. Weakness of body and spirit. Talks about other people's shortcomings. Little things can cause irritation and anger. Very serious. Attacks of indecision. Anxious and impatient. Marked indifference. Dull and sad. Gets upset and anxious at the slightest reason. Very sensitive to noise. Gets angry over trifles. Freezing and crying. In the evening, disturbing fantasies. It seems something bad happened to the relatives. Desperate in life. Life seems useless to him. He does not hope for recovery and does not want it. Finds fault with everything. All day long he is dissatisfied with himself and reproaches himself. Tends to always be busy. He is very afraid of poison.

Calcarea ostrearum. When the patient closes his eyes, he sees visions that force him to open them again in fear.

Argentum nitricum. Afraid of running into a protruding corner of the house.

Phosphorus. General anxiety increases before a thunderstorm. Patients cannot remain calm. . Fear of change and loneliness. Afraid of the dark and magic spells. Fear of thieves and ghosts. Shy and restless. Can't sit still. Fears and forebodings in the twilight and alone. Fear of hemorrhagic stroke. Fear of lightning and thunderstorms. Palpitations, diarrhea and trembling with fear. Headaches relieved by cold compresses. Thirst for cold water. Bleeding while shaving. Fear of water and suffocation. Fear of madness and illness. Fear of playing the piano. General anxiety is worse in the dark. The patient cannot sit or stand quietly. Crossing the road causes fear. Fear of loneliness. Fear of society. Afraid of the dark. Afraid of thunderstorms.

Ignatia. Convulsions, spasms and twitching from fear. Wakes up in the morning due to a nightmare. Hot feet. Dreams that fell into the water. Doesn't want to work. Afraid fresh air. Very deep, but not refreshing sleep. Restless sleep. Stomps his foot in his sleep. In his sleep he moans, growls, sighs. Very sad dreams. Dreams full of academic studies and scientific discussions. Very frequent yawning. Yawns often after sleep. Fear due to extreme impressionability. Illnesses from fright.

Gelsemium. Afraid of falling when moving down. Sensitivity to startle. Mental unrest. Diarrhea from bad news.

Sepia. Afraid of loneliness. Doesn't want to meet friends.

Panic attacks are attacks of unmotivated fear of varying degrees of intensity in combination with a complex of autonomic disorders.

There are no exact causes of panic attacks, but the influence of hereditary predisposition, psychotrauma, chronic stress and other factors that can cause severe negative emotions. Not the least role among the causes of panic attacks is given to phobias. Source: flickr (gerychrist).


Symptoms of panic attacks can be very diverse:

  • rapid heartbeat,
  • sensations of tightness and pain in the area chest,
  • lack of air up to the inability to breathe,
  • sweating,
  • nausea, abdominal pain,
  • stress diarrhea,
  • frequent urination,
  • decreased libido,
  • trembling in the body,
  • chills, convulsions.

Sleep disturbance is also a classic symptom of panic attacks.

The psychological state of patients varies depending on the feeling internal anxiety to vivid attacks of panic with physical overexcitation, tossing, obsessive ideas or isolation, protecting oneself from the outside world, remaining indifferently in the fetal position in unsuccessful attempts to overcome one’s internal discomfort.

Most often, panic attacks are associated with fear for one’s own health, for one’s family, or for work. As the disease progresses, fears spread to all areas of habitual life. everyday life. Source: flickr (Dominik Plonner).

Patients are unable to cope with their own emotions, lose interest in everything, and their ability to work and social activity decreases.

Treatment of panic attacks

The decision on the choice of treatment tactics depends on the severity of panic attacks.

If we're talking about O severe course panic attacks(from 4 attacks per week), then the patient requires specialized psychotherapeutic or complex psychiatric treatment.

Panic attacks moderate severity can be treated in different ways using traditional medication or not drug treatment, their combination with alternative and homeopathic treatment.

Mild panic attacks are treated depending on the patient’s preferences and can include any methods and methods, ranging from mastering self-control techniques, using homeopathic remedies, ending with the services of a psychotherapist.

Panic attacks and homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines are used depending on the constitutional type of the patient.

The advantages of this type of treatment are:

  • safety of its use,
  • no contraindications,
  • mild, gentle effect on the body.

The following classic monopreparations are used:

  • Lithium mureaticum(Lithium mureaticum) is used to treat panic attacks to relieve symptoms of confusion, eliminate fears and sleep disorders, improve bad mood and elimination of vegetative symptoms (palpitations, profuse sweating, diarrhea, pain and pressure in the heart area, suffocation).
  • (Arsenicum album) is suitable for patients with symptoms of suffocation during panic attacks.
  • (Aconitum) is intended for the treatment of panic attacks in strong normosthenics. Reduces melancholy, fear, relieves the feeling of lack of air, increased heart rate, heavy sweating, pale skin, frequent urination. Eliminates chills.
  • (Ignatia) in dilutions of 6 and 12 is used to treat patients with a tendency to hysteria, when panic attacks occur with pronounced physical agitation and end with convulsions, respiratory arrest and loss of consciousness.
  • (Pulsatilla nigricans) in dilutions from 3 to 12 is used for emotionally labile, tearful people and general asthenia, with nervous exhaustion, loss of interest in life, fear of correcting and changing something. Homeopathic remedy normalizes general condition, sleep, relieves pain and muscle weakness.
  • (Gelsemium) in low dilutions, and sometimes in the form of tincture, is shown to be suspicious and emotional labile people with increased excitability and nervousness to eliminate palpitations, trembling, seizures, unexplained attacks of pain, incl. and migraines. Good for people under chronic stress.
  • (Argentum nitricum) from 6 to 30 dilutions is used as effective remedy to eliminate feelings of fear and melancholy. Helps restore physical and emotional activity in people with a tendency to hypochondria, asthenia, and a love of “eating” unpleasant emotions.
  • Musk(Moschus) in similar dilutions is used in the treatment of panic attacks with excessive physical excitement, seizures, and suffocation. Eliminates symptoms crazy ideas during panic attacks, as well as delirium of an intoxication nature during treatment serious illnesses internal organs.
  • Castoreum(Castoreum) in combination with Musk is used successfully for panic attacks with organ disorders abdominal cavity to relieve pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • (Nux moschata) in low dilutions eliminates behavioral disorders during severe panic attacks with severe agitation, increasing and stabilizing activity during apathy, melancholy, decline vitality. Eliminates symptoms increased salivation, nausea, intestinal cramps.
  • (Platinum metallicum) is used for the same purpose, but to treat patients with fears and obsessions regarding sexual and/or family relationships.
  • Aza fetida(Asa foetida) for panic attacks with intestinal symptoms, in combination with Musk eliminates attacks of palpitations, a feeling of constriction in the throat and chest, fear of death and anxiety about one’s own health. Prevents the development of seizures and loss of consciousness during panic attacks.
  • Magnesia muriatica(Magnesia muriatica) also combines well with psychoactive drugs such as Arsenicum nitricum, Musk to reduce symptoms of intestinal disorders, eliminate lump in the throat, headache and aura with headache, sensations of pressure in the head, eyes, tinnitus. Reduces sweating and heartbeat during panic attacks and other neuroses.
  • (Anacardium orientale) in dilutions 6 and 3 is used to treat panic attacks, alternating attacks of hypochondria with increased emotional and physical arousal. Eliminates mental disorders, eliminates almost everything autonomic symptoms(from palpitations to spasms).
  • Thuja(Thuja) Actea racemosa(Actea racemosa), Cocculus(Cocculus) and Lachesis(Lachesis) from 3 to 12 dilutions are used individually or in combination with other homeopathic remedies to alleviate the condition of female patients with emotional excitability, a tendency to sudden changes mood and panic attacks.
  • and Valerian are effective for mild degree panic attacks, as well as prophylactic drugs to stabilize the psyche under conditions of chronic stress or for people with a tendency to nervous disorders.

Important! Classical homeopathy, according to its basic principles, does not recommend combining several homeopathic remedies at the same time, since their interaction and influence on the body can lead to unpredictable effects and blur the picture of the course of the underlying disease.

There are a number of light composite homeopathic medicines that have a mild sedative or tonic effect. These include Nervoheel, Arsuraneel, Cocculus-Homaccord, Valerianaheel, Barijodeel and others, which are selected according to symptoms.