Don't worry, or How to get rid of feelings of internal anxiety? Feelings of anxiety and fear for no reason - anxiety neurosis

There are plenty of reasons for the emergence of anxiety: these include imperfect relationships with children, work problems, and dissatisfaction in the personal sphere.

The body instantly reacts to negative thoughts:

  • the heart rhythm is disturbed (as a rule, the heartbeat quickens, a tingling sensation may appear, the heart contracts);
  • intermittent breathing (or, conversely, there are such long pauses between breaths that discomfort is felt, the person seems to forget to breathe);
  • covers either fussiness or apathy - just thinking about the scale of the problem makes you want to do nothing;
  • the brain refuses to work productively, even doing routine tasks requires a lot of effort.

Faced with this unpleasant condition, first of all, I want to solve the problem with the help of medicines. But, firstly, only a doctor can make such prescriptions; secondly, similar drugs negatively affect other body systems.

Cope with increased anxiety Treatment at home will help. We picked 18 effective recommendations to combat anxiety in adults.

1. Chamomile.

This is a kind of “first aid” - a cup of tea made from flowers and plant twigs immediately brings a feeling of peace. The effect is provided by substances contained in the plant. In terms of their effect on the body, they are identical to such tranquilizers as diazepam (they bind to the same dopamine receptors as the compounds in pharmaceutical drugs).

Chamomile flowers also contain the active ingredient apigenin. Thanks to antispasmodic effect, this flavonoid soothes, relieves pain symptoms, and helps to relax.

Help chamomile (for long-term use, at least a month) can even during the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.

2. Green tea.

Perhaps it is this drink that helps Buddhist monks maintain peace and concentration during hours of meditation - green tea It has been present in their diet for 13 centuries.

L-theanine has a calming effect on all body systems. Amino acid normalizes heart rate, pressure indicators, reduces anxiety. Those who consume 4-5 servings of the drink per day are calmer and more focused. In addition, green tea is part of a group of natural remedies that protect against the development of cancer.

3. Hops.

It is used not only in the preparation of a popular foamy drink, but also to relieve anxiety.

It is easy to prepare hop cones yourself (in mid- or late August). Hops are harvested when the inside of the cones turn yellow-green with a pinkish tint. It is necessary to pay attention to weather conditions. Ripening may occur at the end of July (if the summer is hot).

The sedative properties of the plant appear not only when brewed; it is useful for relieving anxiety and essential oil hops, its tincture and extract. But the taste of the tea is not pleasant - it is very bitter, so it is better to combine hop cones with mint, chamomile, and honey. If the goal is to improve sleep, it is good to add valerian to the hops (for example, making an aromatic sachet).

When using others sedatives combining them with taking hop cones is not recommended. It would be a good idea to notify the doctor of your desire to use this natural remedy to combat anxiety.

4. Valerian.

Some of the remedies listed above reduce anxiety, but do not have a sedative effect (like green tea, for example). But valerian is from a different group: the plant causes drowsiness and contains sedative compounds that help fight insomnia.

Not everyone likes the taste and smell of the plant, so valerian tea is not as popular as tincture or capsule preparation. To improve the taste, the plant can be combined with mint or lemon balm, honey.

While taking this medication, plan your day so that you no longer need to drive or perform tasks that require precision and concentration after taking this medication. Valerian greatly relaxes both the body and the brain.

5. Melissa.

Another plant that has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress levels and solve sleep problems.

Melissa is safe and beneficial only when used in moderation. Exceeding the dosage is fraught with increased anxiety. Therefore, you need to take infusions, tea, capsules, lemon balm, starting with small portions (for infusion - no more than 150 ml per day). It is not advisable for hypotensive patients to use this remedy, as lemon balm reduces blood pressure.

6. Passionflower.

Passion flower - the second name for passionflower - along with medications, relieves anxiety attacks and is used to treat insomnia.

May cause drowsiness, enhances the effect of other sedatives. Passion flower is best used as a one-time remedy to help relieve anxiety (in extreme cases, use no more than two weeks).

7. Lavender.

The intoxicating aroma of the plant calms and helps balance the emotional state. You can often smell lavender in the waiting room of dental clinics or other medical facilities. And this is not an accident: it has been experimentally proven that the aroma has a calming effect and helps those waiting for a doctor’s appointment to relax.

In another study, students inhaled the scent of lavender oil during exams. And although anxiety levels decreased, some students noted a decrease in concentration. Therefore, people whose work requires good coordination fast response, you should use lavender products carefully.

8. Omega-3 fats.

For those who have had to deal with the treatment of heart ailments, this group of fats is well known. Omega-3 (for example, fish oil) helps restore vascular permeability and restore their elasticity. They are useful when you need to calm your nerves and get rid of a depressive mood.

There are omega-3s in salmon, anchovies, sardines, mussels, vegetable oil(olive, flaxseed), nuts. But it is preferable to get omega-3 supplies from seafood, as they contain a higher concentration of these substances.

9. Exercises.

Exercise is good for your muscles and joints, as well as your brain. Moreover, they can be used both as an urgent remedy to help relieve tension and have an effect in the long term.

Physical activity improves self-esteem and makes you feel healthier. The result of efforts can be assessed objectively - and by appearance, and how you feel. Improving health removes cause for concern even for people prone to reflection.

10. Holding your breath.

Short-term hypoxia and then filling the body with oxygen can reduce anxiety. You can use a technique borrowed from yoga, it is called “breathing on a count of 4-7-8.”

Before you let air into your lungs, you need to exhale powerfully (through your mouth). Inhale (through your nose) for four counts, hold your breath for 7 seconds, then exhale as powerfully as you did at the beginning (for 8 seconds). 2-3 repetitions a day are enough. This practice is also useful in the treatment of insomnia.

11. Adjustment of sugar levels.

Irritability and anxiety often increase as trivial reason- the person is hungry. At the same time, sugar levels drop, which affects mood and behavior.

It is necessary to keep foods with you for a quick snack: nuts (raw and unsalted), whole grain bread, fruit, dark chocolate, a sandwich with lean meat and herbs.

Snacking on processed foods (sausages, smoked meats), sweets only aggravates the condition due to sharp jumps glucose levels. Very soon the body will again require food and return to a state of irritation.

12. Effect of 21 minutes.

If the thought of systematic exercise scares you, it is enough to find just 21 minutes a day in your schedule - this time period is enough to relieve anxiety.

In this case, it is necessary to choose an aerobic exercise: running, jumping, walking on an elliptical (or regular) staircase; in extreme cases, a regular walk is also suitable (if you keep a high pace).

13. Mandatory breakfast.

Those who suffer from increased anxiety often ignore breakfast. An excuse can be too much workload (when every minute, especially in the morning, is precious), or lack of appetite, or fear of gaining weight.

Choice the right products will not only charge good mood for a long time, but it will also have a beneficial effect on the figure. One of the obligatory dishes during the morning reception should be scrambled eggs (boiled eggs or omelet are also suitable). This product fills the body with protein and healthy fats, which allows you to feel full longer. Eggs contain choline - low levels of this element in the body provoke anxiety attacks.

14. Refusal of negative thinking.

When anxiety attacks, for positive thoughts there is no space left, pictures are scrolling in my head again and again, one more terrible than the other. Moreover, the likelihood of such a bad development of the situation may be negligible.

This flow of negativity needs to be stopped as early as possible by practicing deep breathing and looking at the problem from all sides. If you work through the situation soberly, without emotions, it will become clear that everything is fixable, and the order of necessary actions will immediately emerge.

15. Sauna or bathhouse.

When heated, the body relaxes muscle tension subsides, anxiety decreases.

Even the neutron networks that control mood (including those responsible for the production of serotonin) change under the influence of heat. It’s not for nothing that after the procedure there is a feeling of peace, calm, and your head literally clears up.

16. Walk in the forest.

The Japanese know a lot about maintaining health, including emotional health. The popular practice of shinrin-yoku helps restore psychological balance.

The procedure is also available to residents of other countries – it’s an ordinary walk along forest paths. It is preferable to visit a coniferous forest, receiving a portion of phytoncides as a bonus.

The surrounding aromas, sounds, and the need to walk on uneven ground have a calming effect on the psyche. After just 20 minutes of walking, your stress levels are significantly reduced.

17. Mindfulness meditation.

This Buddhist practice is effective in treating anxiety disorder. It helps to realize the importance of each moment, and to critically evaluate what is actually happening, and not the terrible pictures drawn by the overflowing imagination under the influence of panic.

You can start by simply concentrating on what is happening, the most ordinary things, the main thing is not to allow your consciousness to slip into fantasy (especially with a negative connotation).

18. Statement of the problem.

Finding ways to deal with increased anxiety already indicates that the person has realized the problem. The ability to analyze one’s emotional state and draw the right conclusions – good sign and the first step towards improving the condition.

When you know the problem in person, it is easier to solve it. Further steps include work on the formation positive thinking(eg reframing), and lifestyle changes.

Constantly being in a state of anxiety over time destroys not only emotional health, but also physical. Use these recommendations to combat stress, and if there is no improvement, seek help from a specialist.

Good news for those who struggle to cope with daily stress at home and work: there are available methods get rid of constant excitement and anxiety. As first aid, the author of a new book on stress recommends using simple exercises acupressure. Changing our reaction to stress is also within our power; to do this, we need to understand the work of the adrenal glands.

Any stress that we attribute to our emotional state- for example, anxiety, low self-esteem or violent reaction - are actually related to our physiology. These so-called "false feelings" are caused by a deficiency in the brain chemical reaction, capable of maintaining resistance to stress. However, such conditions can be quickly corrected by changing your physiology.

I asked Harvard University integrative medicine specialist Sarah Gottfried, MD, how to stop feeling like a failure if you can't live every moment of your life like you're a superhero. She suggested a new mantra: “It’s my adrenal glands, it’s not me.” According to Gottfried, we should stop blaming ourselves and trying to jump in over our heads, and instead should “think about our biology.”

Stress and the adrenal glands: how does it work?

Up to 70% of people who report stress actually suffer from some degree of adrenal imbalance (the organs that produce the hormones that control your response to stress). Under conditions of chronic stress, our body goes through three stages, which are characterized by: to varying degrees adrenal imbalance and ultimately depletion.

At the first stage we accumulate extra energy to cope with stressors. After the first surge of adrenaline, the adrenal glands begin to secrete cortisol, which initially - and in small quantities - is a source of strength and endurance for us. In the right amount, cortisol helps metabolize food, fight allergies, and reduce inflammation.

But if the state of excessive arousal continues, the adrenal glands begin to secrete too much adrenaline and cortisol, replacing them with our feel-good neurotransmitters, namely serotonin (the source of self-confidence and optimism) and dopamine (the source of pleasure). When cortisol chronically circulates in the body, it begins to stimulate inflammatory reactions and can cause those diseases that it was originally supposed to protect against. Accordingly, signs of disease or infection appear.

We no longer experience the “euphoria” associated with the adrenaline rush; instead bad mood or even depression appears. Too much or too little cortisol can lead to decreased concentration and a feeling of being overwhelmed. We resort to external stimulants - caffeine, salty or sweet food. We exhaust ourselves even more by playing sports, or, conversely, we stop all physical activity. We're starting to feel chronic fatigue and irritation.

On last stage Adrenal imbalance causes such damage to these organs that they are no longer able to produce enough stress hormones. Every minor problem now seems like a global catastrophe. From now on, for example, when your son spills milk or your manager gives you a disapproving look, it is truly the end of the world for you.

Adrenal Fatigue: How to Avoid?

We all experience this condition - from time to time. But if this is your normal lifestyle, your body may be at risk of adrenal fatigue. "Diet with high content sugar and low protein trigger stress reactions without us realizing it,” says best-selling author and nutritionist Julia Ross. Ironically, more than 70% of people eat the most junk food just to get rid of emotional stress. We could all do with getting our stress hormones checked so we know exactly where on the adrenal fatigue spectrum we each currently fall.

Instead of struggling through the thorns of stress or anxiety (and then beating yourself up for it), it's worth learning as much as possible about your physiology. You can do a saliva test using a test sold at a pharmacy, or take a blood test at any medical institution, where you will be helped to interpret the results. Then, using the medications prescribed to you, you can restore normal level hormones in the adrenal glands.

Many experts recommend starting with nutrition - making the necessary changes to your diet and observing the improvements. Start with small but consistent changes in your diet (such as a diet high in protein and gluten-free vegetables), take natural vitamins and supplements (more B vitamins and fish oil, rich in omega-3 acids, for example), and also try natural herbs(such as rhodiola for concentration and balance; chamomile or passionflower to stimulate the “calming” parts of your brain).

Now I want to tell you some secret tricks that will instantly boost your self-confidence and reduce your anxiety levels.

4 quick ways to get rid of anxiety

One of the components of high stress resistance is the ability to pull yourself together and remain calm and confident, no matter what happens around you. You can do this with the following exercises.

What is the benefit of acupressure exercises, that is, pressing on biologically active points on the hands? Many nerve endings are concentrated at the fingertips. Folding your fingers in various combinations and holding them in this position for a specific time applies healing pressure to certain nerve endings. These positions of the hands and fingers can stimulate the expression of various qualities (for example, fearlessness, confidence, a sense of power and peace) in the person performing this exercise, and can have a healing effect in the case of various problems with health.

In fact, you have the key to the internal medicine cabinet.

Exercise 1: Panic Switch Off Point

If you, like many people, are nervous about public speaking, use the following acupressure point, which I call the “panic switch off point.”

Hand position: thumb With your hand, touch the “knuckle” of your middle (third) finger. Then move your thumb toward your palm until you feel a “soft” indentation or small depression. The pressure should be moderate. By pressing this point you help regulate pressure and reduce anxiety.

Exercise 2: Confidence Point

To stimulate a state of confidence, try pressing the “confidence point.” By pressing this point you send a signal that reduces internal emotional stress, stimulating a state of calm. Place your hands in the appropriate position for at least 30 seconds before a speech, presentation, or any other time when you need a confidence boost.

Hand position: Place the thumb of either hand on the side of the index finger between the first and second knuckles. Apply light to moderate pressure.

Exercise 3: Breathing technique to get rid of fear

You can train your body to let go of fear. Vigorous exhalations stimulate the PNS, promoting calm. I used this breathing technique to relieve claustrophobia so that I could live easier in New York, where crowded subways and elevators are a part of life.

Breathing technique: Take vigorous inhalations through your nose and exhale through your mouth, concentrating on each inhalation and exhalation. As you exhale, forcefully throw your arms forward, as if you are pushing something away from you that you don’t like. Then, as you inhale, return your arms to your chest in a straight line, elbows pressed to your sides. Exhale sharply through your mouth, throwing your arms out again. Repeat again.

Hand position: connect the ends of the large and index finger and raise your arms in front of your chest, palms facing away from you.

Duration: Start by performing this exercise for one minute, gradually increase the training time to three minutes. The first time you do this exercise, you may feel a little dizzy—just stop if you feel any discomfort.

Exercise 4: Hand Positions to Encourage Solution Searching

For effective solution problems, you must be confident in your abilities and listen to your intuition. The following hand position can be used to activate the problem-solving brain center. This position helps you focus your attention on a point on your forehead that corresponds to the approximate location of your pineal gland and is located at the intersection of the left and right hemispheres. This point is access to “whole-brain thinking.” In some spiritual and physical yoga traditions, it is considered the “third eye”—the intersection of intuition and wisdom.

Hand position: connect the tip of your thumb right hand with the tips of the second (index) and third (middle) fingers. Place the "top" of this triangle about 2.5 cm from a point on the forehead that is about 2.5 cm above the point directly between the eyes. At the same time, connect the tip of the thumb of your left hand with the tips of the second (index) and third (middle) fingers in the same way. Place the “vertex” of this triangle about 2.5 cm from the point on your forehead that will correspond to your “intuition”.

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My daughter changed schools as a teenager - this is a big problem. New team, new teachers. There was excitement bad dream, absent-mindedness. We started drinking glycine forte at night, 1 tablet. The result was not long in coming. New friends appeared and school improved.

16.10.2018 21:07:32, Elizaveta Simonova

I'm always in a good mood))

I hope it helps me

Comment on the article "Stress, anxiety, panic: how to get rid of it? 4 quick ways"

Stress, anxiety, panic: how to get rid of it? From stress, or how can I say, so that at least a little would relieve me, despite the fact that an ambulance came to my husband and left this recipe in case panic attacks and great excitement...


Good afternoon First you need to clarify the diagnosis, whether these are really panic attacks. A psychotherapist (doctor) deals with this issue, as well as the treatment of panic attacks.

05/05/2018 21:28:27, Palindrome

1. Distraction. At the moment of strong anxiety, fear or panic, you need to switch your attention to something pleasant or funny. Remember something from your life or something you read or saw in a movie, on TV... If you are afraid at home, then you can sit down and watch a comedy. You can start counting some objects (those you see in front of you, or imaginary ones) and try to focus your attention on counting. Try switching to communication with family and friends: call them if no one is around. You can also distract attention with a mechanical effect on the skin: for example, apply cold water to the wrist, stomach, temples. Or you can pinch yourself, i.e. cause painful sensation. When panicking, it is important to be aware of your body and the sensations that arise in it.
2. Breathing exercises. At the moment of fear, you need to slow down your breathing to 8-10 breaths per minute. To learn to slow down your breathing, first learn to focus all your attention on your breathing, discarding thoughts of fear. Next, practice breathing from your diaphragm. To do this, you can put your hand on the stomach area and watch how the muscles in this particular area stretch, while trying to rib cage and the shoulders remained motionless. When you succeed, try to hold your breath while slowly counting to yourself to 8-10. Then exhale slowly, counting to 3. Repeat 1-3 times, or more if needed, until you feel calm. Next, continue breathing in the following rhythm: inhale and exhale on the count of “3”. It is advisable to learn this breathing in advance so that severe anxiety, fear or panic does not take you by surprise.
3. The most famous method is the “method paper bag" When you feel fear approaching, take a paper bag, place it on your face so that it covers your mouth and nose, and begin to breathe slowly and evenly into it. Breathe into it until you calm down and the panic goes away. If fear takes you by surprise, and you don’t have a paper bag at hand, you can cup your hands and breathe into them - in the same way. Panic goes away due to the restoration of blood gas exchange: a decrease in oxygen content occurs, which causes panic and an increase in carbon dioxide levels.
4. Observation. Watch how panic appears and how it develops. Note what you feel, what kind of fear it is and why you need it. Write everything down. That is, you turn into an outside observer and simply record what is happening and how. Thus, you devalue fear.
5. Imagination. Consider your fear or the cause of anxiety - what image does your imagination draw? Then “remake” it! For example, imagine that your fear turned into a cloud and was carried away by the wind. Either the water washed you and washed away all the fear, took it with it...Or the fire burned away the fear. Try to feel how fear leaves you, and calmness comes in its place. Also imagine an image of calm. Choose the images that are closest to you.
6. Creativity. For example, draw your fear. Consider. Then draw what you want to make the drawing fun for you. Or sing thoughts that cause fear or irrational anxiety. Listen to the phrases: usually a person begins to perceive his fear or anxiety as “childish.” That is, express your fear in creativity in a way that is closer to you.
7. “Postponing fear” (according to R. Wilson). The first step is to acknowledge that you may have fear and not ignore it, but put it aside for a while. That is, you tell yourself to be afraid, to worry - after a certain time in the future, for example, in 2 hours, when you return home. 2 hours pass, you actually start to consciously think about your fears or put off thinking about them again - for a while. At first, even if you manage to put your fear aside for a few seconds, this is already a small victory over it, because this indicates that you have begun to control your fear, and you decide when to be afraid and when to remain calm. The goal of this method is to learn to put aside fear. That is, when the allotted time comes, at which time you decide to give vent to fear - again put the fear aside for a while... and so on every time. As a result of this manipulation of fear, you can build a “wall” between the moment the fear arises and its manifestation. The more time passes between them, the more the intensity of fear decreases - and you gain greater control over your condition.
8. Technique “Daily excitement” (according to R. Wilson). This technique suggests, instead of resisting fears, on the contrary, devoting time to them. To do this, you need to allocate a certain period of time: 10 minutes every day, 2 times a day. At this time, begin to consciously think about your fears. Do nothing else or think about anything else during these 10 minutes, only about your fears or worries. At the same time, try to feel maximum discomfort. After 10 minutes, let go of your fear, calm down with a breathing exercise, and return to what you intended to do. The idea behind this method is that a person usually thinks that they can worry forever, but this is usually not the case. When a person concentrates his attention on fear during the time allotted for fear, and does not fight against it, the degree of fear decreases, because. this technique helps change emotions and attitudes towards a problem. Apply this method you need at least 10 days in a row.

Be healthy! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Section: Medicines (why do teenagers need kepra). sedatives. Relieve stress, calm nerves. Home remedies will not help here, you need an examination and medications. Perhaps you are just abruptly stopping, almost all sedatives are needed...


There is no need to give anything.
A change of activity, a change of topics of conversation, walks, some suitable physical activity, massage, a good positive atmosphere at home, no feeling of oppression and fatality of what is happening.
With these medications you will only aggravate the significance of what is happening in the child’s mind.
Life goes on as usual, and exams take their course - and the exams will end very soon, but life will go on.
Keep an eye on your mood.
Don't demonize these exams.

Try Brahma Rasayana.

28.03.2018 22:58:44, at

Stress, anxiety, panic: how to get rid of it? Recommend a sedative. Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins. Marin, the doctor prescribed me Persen (this was in the first trimester, so that I wouldn’t worry too much about the development of the pregnancy, you remember...


Drink Morozov drops at night. You can’t take sedatives while driving, vigilance becomes dull

Yes, like that wand there is and is called tenoten. It can be taken by those who are driving, since it does not cause any drowsiness or other side effects. He helped me a lot at the time. I recommend

Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins. Medicine and health. In such situations, I brew a packet of motherwort and drink the entire glass. drowsiness This question has never arisen. What should I drink to calm down? Stress, anxiety, panic: how to get rid of it?

Anxiety is an emotion that all people experience when they are nervous or afraid of something. Constantly being “on edge” is unpleasant, but what can you do if life is like this: there will always be a reason for anxiety and fear, you need to learn to keep your emotions under control, and everything will be fine. In most cases this is exactly the case.

It's normal to worry. Sometimes this is even beneficial: when we worry about something, we pay more attention to it, work harder, and generally achieve better results.

But sometimes anxiety goes beyond reasonable limits and interferes with life. And this is an anxiety disorder - a condition that can ruin everything and which requires special treatment.

Why does anxiety disorder occur?

As in the case of most mental disorders, no one can say exactly why anxiety clings to us: too little is known about the brain to talk about the reasons with confidence. Several factors are likely to blame, from ever-present genetics to traumatic experiences.

For some, anxiety appears due to the stimulation of certain parts of the brain, for some, hormones - and norepinephrine - are acting up, and for others, the disorder occurs as a result of other diseases, and not necessarily mental ones.

What is an anxiety disorder?

To anxiety disorders Studying Anxiety Disorders. include several groups of diseases.

  • Generalized anxiety disorder. This is the case when anxiety does not appear because of exams or the upcoming meeting with the parents of a loved one. Anxiety comes on its own, it does not need a reason, and the feelings are so strong that they prevent a person from performing even simple everyday activities.
  • Social anxiety disorder. Fear that prevents you from being among people. Some are afraid of other people's assessments, others are afraid of other people's actions. Be that as it may, it interferes with studying, working, even going to the store and saying hello to neighbors.
  • Panic disorder. People with this condition experience seizures panic fear: They get so scared that sometimes they can’t take a step. The heart is beating at a breakneck speed, the vision is getting dark, there is not enough air. These attacks can come at the most unexpected moment, and sometimes because of them a person is afraid to leave the house.
  • Phobias. When a person is afraid of something specific.

In addition, anxiety disorder often occurs in combination with other problems: bipolar or obsessive-compulsive disorder or.

How to understand that this is a disorder

The main symptom is a constant feeling of anxiety, which lasts for at least six months, provided that there are no reasons to be nervous or they are insignificant, and emotional reactions disproportionately strong. This means that anxiety changes your life: you give up work, projects, walks, meetings or acquaintances, some activities just because you are too worried.

Other symptoms Generalized anxiety disorder in adults - Symptoms., which hint that something is wrong:

  • constant fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • constant fear;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • inability to relax;
  • trembling in hands;
  • irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • frequent heartbeat, although there are no cardiac pathologies;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in the head, stomach, muscles - despite the fact that doctors do not find any violations.

There is no exact test or analysis that can be used to identify an anxiety disorder, because anxiety cannot be measured or touched. The decision on the diagnosis is made by a specialist who looks at all the symptoms and complaints.

Because of this, there is a temptation to go to extremes: either diagnosing yourself with a disorder when life has just begun, or not paying attention to your condition and scolding your weak-willed character, when, due to fear, an attempt to go out into the street turns into a feat.

Don’t get carried away and confuse constant stress and constant anxiety.

Stress is a response to a stimulus. For example, a call from a dissatisfied client. When the situation changes, the stress goes away. But anxiety may remain - this is a reaction of the body that occurs even if there is no direct impact. For example, when an incoming call comes from a regular customer who is happy with everything, but it’s still scary to pick up the phone. If the anxiety is so strong that any phone call is torture, then this is already a disorder.

Don't bury your head in the sand and pretend that everything is fine when... constant voltage interferes with life.

It is not customary to consult a doctor with such problems, and anxiety is often confused with suspiciousness and even cowardice, and being a coward in society is shameful.

If a person shares his fears, he will more likely receive advice to pull himself together and not become limp than an offer to find good doctor. The trouble is that you won’t be able to overcome a disorder with a powerful willpower, just as you won’t be able to cure it with meditation.

How to treat anxiety

Persistent anxiety is treated like other mental disorders. This is why there are psychotherapists who, contrary to popular belief, do not just talk to patients about difficult childhoods, but help them find methods and techniques that truly improve their condition.

Some people will feel better after a few conversations, others will benefit from pharmacology. The doctor will help you reconsider your lifestyle, find the reasons why you are nervous a lot, assess how severe your symptoms are and whether you need to take medications.

If you don't think you need a therapist yet, try taming your anxiety on your own.

1. Find the reason

Analyze what makes you worry the most and most often, and try to eliminate this factor from your life. Anxiety is a natural mechanism that is needed for our own safety. We are afraid of something dangerous that can harm us.

Maybe if you are constantly shaking with fear of your boss, it’s better to change jobs and relax? If you succeed, it means that your anxiety is not caused by a disorder, there is no need to treat anything - live and enjoy life. But if you can’t identify the cause of your anxiety, then it’s better to seek help.

2. Exercise regularly

There are many blind spots in the treatment of mental disorders, but researchers agree on one thing: regular physical activity really helps keep your mind in order.

3. Let your brain rest

The best thing is to sleep. Only in sleep does the brain, overloaded with fears, relax, and you get a break.

4. Learn to slow down your imagination with work.

Anxiety is a reaction to something that hasn't happened. It's the fear of what might happen. Essentially, anxiety exists only in our heads and is completely irrational. Why is this important? Because counteracting anxiety is not calm, but reality.

While all sorts of horrors happen in the anxious imagination, in reality everything goes on as usual, and one of the best ways turn off the constantly itching fear - return to the present, to current tasks.

For example, keep your head and hands busy with work or sports.

5. Stop smoking and drinking

When the body is already a mess, it is at least illogical to shake the fragile balance with substances that affect the brain.

6. Learn relaxation techniques

The rule “the more the better” applies here. Learn breathing exercises, seek out relaxing yoga poses, try music, or even drink chamomile tea or use lavender essential oil in the room. Everything in a row until you find several options that will help you.

Do fear and anxiety happen without a reason? Yes, and in this case you need to contact a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, because with a high degree of probability the person suffers from causeless fear and anxiety because he has anxiety neurosis. This is a mental disorder that occurs after severe short-term stress or prolonged emotional overstrain. There are two main signs: constant severe anxiety and autonomic disorders body - palpitations, feeling of lack of air, dizziness, nausea, upset stool. A provoking or background factor can be attractions and desires that are not fully realized and realized in real life: homosexual or sadistic tendencies, suppressed aggression, adrenaline needs. Over time, the cause of the initial fear is forgotten or repressed, and fear and anxiety acquire independent meaning.

Neurosis differs from psychosis in that neurosis always has a real cause, it is the response of an unbalanced psyche to a traumatic event. Psychosis proceeds according to its own endogenous laws; real life has little influence on the course of the disease. Another important difference is criticism. Neurosis is always recognized by a person, causing painful painful experiences and the desire to free himself from it. Psychosis changes a person’s personality so much that reality becomes unimportant for him, his whole life takes place in a world of painful experiences.

Advances in the treatment of mental illness and borderline disorders often depends on time. The result is always better if treatment is started earlier.

For anxiety neurosis to develop, in which feelings of fear and anxiety arise without apparent reason, two factors must converge at one point:

  • traumatic emotional event;
  • insufficient psychological defense mechanism.

Psychological defense suffers if a person has a deep conflict, there is no way to get what he wants. Anxiety neurosis most often affects women between 18 and 40 years old, and this is understandable. A woman is always vulnerable because she is too dependent on society’s assessment. The most successful woman will always have weak point, for which ill-wishers may “bite” her. Problem children, free leisure, insufficient career growth, divorces and new novels, appearance - everything can serve as an impetus for the development of anxious neurosis.

The rapid development of society, distortions and flaws in the moral side of life lead to the fact that the postulates perceived in childhood lose their relevance, and many people lose their moral core, without which a happy life is impossible.

In recent years, the importance of biological factors. It has become known that after severe stress, the brain forms new neurons going from the prefrontal cortex to amygdala. At histological examination It was discovered that new neurons contain a peptide that increases anxiety. New neurons rebuild the work of all neural networks, and human behavior will change. Added to this is a change in the level of neurotransmitters or chemicals, with the help of which nerve impulses are transmitted.

The discovery of the morphological substrate of emotions partly explains the fact that the reaction to stress is delayed in time - the formation of stable anxiety and fear requires some period.

In men, the background factor in the development of anxiety neurosis is considered to be a functional deficiency of neurotransmitters or insufficient quantity or poor quality of substances transporting nerve impulses. Endocrine disorders can play a bad role when the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus - the main suppliers of hormones in the human body - is disrupted. Failure in the functioning of these systems also leads to feelings of fear, anxiety, and decreased mood.

The international classifier does not have a category describing anxiety neurosis; instead, the section “designated as F41.1” is used. This section may be supplemented by F40.0 (Agoraphobia or fear of open spaces) and F43.22 (Mixed anxiety and depressive reaction due to adjustment disorder).


The first and main sign is anxiety, which is constantly present, exhausting, and changes the entire habitual way of life. Such anxiety must be constantly monitored, and this is not always possible. You need to think about illness if deep anxiety lasts for at least six months.

Anxiety consists of the following components:

To assess the level of anxiety, you can use the Zang scale, which is intended for self-diagnosis.

The severity of anxiety is sometimes so strong that the phenomena of derealization and depersonalization are added. These are conditions in which the environment loses its colors and seems unreal, and one’s actions cannot be controlled. Fortunately, they are short-lived and pass quickly.

Vegetative somatic manifestations are as follows:

In all cases of initial treatment, clinical examination to distinguish neurotic or reversible disorders from somatic or bodily diseases. In a properly equipped hospital this may take 2-3 days. This is necessary because some serious chronic diseases can begin under the guise of neurosis.

Drug treatment

It is not always used; if necessary, it is used in a short course, only at the peak of experiences. Medications can temporarily relieve anxiety and normalize sleep, but the leading role in this process belongs to psychotherapy.

Treatment begins with herbal preparations complex action, which is impossible to get used to. The preferred drugs are those that simultaneously improve sleep, reduce irritability and alleviate anxiety. These are Persen-Forte, Novopassit and Nervoflux, they have a balanced composition and are completely harmless. They contain herbal sedatives in different proportions: valerian, passionflower, motherwort, lemon balm, mint, lavender, hops, bitter orange.

A psychiatrist can prescribe medications from the following groups:

The doctor always prescribes these psychotropic drugs for neurosis with caution. Benzodiazepines are given in a short course, and they quickly become addictive. A pronounced effect from antidepressants should be expected no earlier than 4 weeks, and the duration of the entire course medicinal correction usually does not exceed 3 months. Further drug treatment inappropriate good improvement it won't give anymore.

If in the background drug treatment the condition does not improve significantly, this indicates that the person has a mental disorder deeper than neurosis.

In case of malfunction internal organs medications that affect heart rate (beta blockers) and digestive system(antispasmodics).


It is always useful, especially techniques aimed at removing the muscle “shell”. Improving muscle condition, getting rid of muscle tension improves state of mind according to the biofeedback mechanism. Physiotherapeutic methods are good at eliminating vegetative manifestations.

Massage is useful, everything water treatments, electrosleep, darsonval, electrophoresis, impulse currents low frequency, sulfide baths, paraffin applications.


The leading method of treating anxiety neurosis, in which personal problems are consistently worked through, which ultimately contributes to the acquisition of new experience and a revision of a person’s entire value system.

Good results are obtained from the use of cognitive behavioral therapy, which uses confrontation and desensitization techniques. In collaboration with a psychotherapist, the patient voices his deepest fears, dismantles them “piece by piece,” while being completely safe. In the process of training, destructive patterns of thinking and beliefs that are devoid of logic fade away.

Traditional hypnosis or its modern modifications are often used. In a state of controlled relaxation, a person gets the opportunity to fully reveal his fears, immerse himself in them and overcome them.

In large medical institutions They use a variant of group psychotherapy called sociotherapy. This method is more about communication based on interests, obtaining joint impressions. The patient council can organize visits to concerts and exhibitions, excursions, during which personal fears and concerns are worked out.

Group psychotherapy allows you to communicate with people who have similar problems. During the discussion, patients reveal more than during direct communication with the doctor.

Methods that combine communication with a specialist and working with the body are successfully used. This is rebirthing or connected breathing, when there is no pause between inhalation and exhalation. Special breathing allows you to “bring to the surface” suppressed experiences.

The Hakomi Method reveals to the patient the meaning of his favorite poses and movements. Using strong emotions and by appealing to the spontaneity that every person has, the specialist guides the patient to awareness of the problems.

The normal treatment period for anxiety neurosis is at least six months, during which time you can completely get rid of it.