How to treat a cat coughing and sneezing. The cat coughs with his neck stretched out (as if he was choking): reasons and what to do

Cats do not get sick very often, and many diseases are accompanied by a cough that is difficult to miss. However, the reasons why a cat coughs can be very diverse: from completely harmless inhalation of dust to serious problems oncology and heart disease. Don't panic ahead of time. If you pay attention to the coughing process, you can independently determine why your cat is coughing.

How does cough manifest in cats?

Coughing itself is a necessary mechanism, since with its help the pet gets rid of particles that irritate the respiratory tract. Because of this, pus, blood, mucus, particles of dust, fur and even food can be coughed up in the process. Externally, the attack is slightly different from a similar symptom in humans, and therefore often frightens the owners.

A cough in cats manifests itself in the form of a sharp exhalation with a loud sound, since some of the cough receptors are located in the area vocal cords.

Also, during an attack, a reflex muscle contraction occurs, which allows you to push out irritating substances. Usually, during an attack, the cat strongly stretches its neck.

For staging accurate diagnosis You need to watch the cat a little. A cough may just be a one-time occurrence that is not worth worrying about, but a persistent symptom with different characteristics- a reason to see a doctor. During an attack it is worth noting:

  • Its duration. For some animals, coughing is constant symptom for months and even years.
  • Period of manifestation. Sometimes irritation of the upper respiratory tract occurs at the same time or season of the year.
  • Discharges accompanying the process. Cats vary in both dry and wet cough. In the latter case, it may even be accompanied by nausea.
  • Power of attacks. Short and light coughs, as a rule, do not cause as much concern as a hacking cough. Discharge is mainly characteristic of powerful attacks.
  • Sound. Coughing is caused by vibration of the vocal cords, but it is not always the same sound. A loud, sharp sound and a muffled, lingering sound are noted.

After identifying all the signs of a symptom, we can talk about possible reasons ah his appearance. The types of coughs often change during illness, so it is necessary to monitor current state pet.


The causes of cough in a cat are determined by the nature of the attack. But it is not enough to just carefully observe the process; you will also need to analyze the activity of the animal in last days, its diet and even the places where the animal likes to go. Full analysis with a large number data will help you discard unsuitable options.

If it is impossible to independently precise definition source of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose internal organs pet.

1. Trichobezoars, coughing up hair

Cats are very clean creatures, so they lick themselves often. During the washing process, some of the fur ends up in the pet's stomach. Not large number wool can be passed in the feces, but in other cases it accumulates in the stomach. The anatomy of a cat is designed in such a way that the fur dissolves into gastric juice, so constant licking does not lead to the formation of large bezoars. However, hair can still be deposited in the form of hairballs. Such deposits are more difficult to dissolve, so they irritate the walls of the stomach, which is why the cat coughs as if he was choking.

The desire to get rid of fur in the stomach leads to coughing, during which small lumps are spat out.

The owner may mistakenly think that the cat is coughing, as if it was choking. And bezoars are mistaken for pieces of food. Therefore, it is worth considering the discharge before drawing conclusions and starting treatment for a cat’s cough.

2. Helminthiasis

Helminths can also lead to coughing. A pet can become infected with worms even if:

  • does not go outside;
  • has no contact with other animals.

3. Throat injuries and foreign objects in the respiratory tract

The reason why a cat coughs can be ordinary dust. Inhalation of small particles is often accompanied by sneezing, but if dust has settled in the respiratory tract, the cat will try to cough it up to relieve the throat irritation it feels. Sometimes the animal sneezes and coughs at the same time.

More dangerous cause are throat injuries that are caused by large foreign objects, mainly bones.

Small sharp objects enter the throat and esophagus and begin to scratch them from the inside. A bunch of microcracks lead to a sore and dry throat in your pet, which he compensates for by coughing.

4. Respiratory diseases

Coughing during a respiratory illness is just one of many symptoms. The cat becomes lethargic, discharge appears from the nose and eyes, and the body temperature rises. Seizure during infectious diseases similar to symptoms ordinary person: A cat’s cough begins with a ringing and dry cough, but after a few days it becomes wet. In the second stage, the cat coughs up pus and mucus that has accumulated in the respiratory tract.

Pneumonia is one of the complications after a respiratory disease. In general, the animal’s condition does not change, but when coughing, the pet begins to wheeze.

Next bronchial asthma is a listed complication. Unfortunately, this disease is increasingly common in furry pets. In general, the animal’s condition at this moment cannot be called bad, since appetite does not decrease, there are no other external manifestations, except:

  • The cough is dull and lingering;
  • Seasonal nature of the disease;
  • May be accompanied by allergies.

Bronchial asthma often develops in young felines, and some breeds are more prone to the disease.

5. Heart disease

It is impossible to independently identify a problem with the heart muscle, as serious tests and diagnostics are required. Failures of the main organ increase pressure on neighboring systems, including the respiratory tract and bronchi. The body cannot recognize the cause of the pressure, so it tries to solve the problem by coughing. A cardiac or cardiac cough is muffled and frequent, its intensity increases as heart problems increase. There is no discharge during attacks. If your cat coughs frequently for a week, you should consult a veterinarian.

Prevention and treatment

Coping with a cough is quite simple, the main thing is to understand the cause of the symptom. However, the problem is that pet cannot tell what is happening to him, and his own assumptions are not always correct. That's why best recommendation For a coughing cat, visit a veterinarian who can give certain recommendations and prescribe medications.

Treatment for serious diseases can only begin after full diagnostics, so if your cat is coughing as if he’s choking, you shouldn’t give him antibiotics.

It is recommended to give your cat anthelmintic once every six months and periodically treat it with stomach hair thinners. In order to avoid microtrauma to the larynx, it is worth reviewing the animal’s diet and not giving it bones. Respiratory diseases can only be treated with medications as prescribed by a doctor., however, you can avoid problems if you monitor your cat’s health: give him vitamins, balanced diet, sufficient amount of water, do not throw outside in severe frost, dry after bathing.

From time to time, your cat may cough and wheeze. Any owner will be scared hoarse voice cat, and he will immediately rush to the computer to look for the answer to the question: “Why?” Search engines They find many options, ranging from banal allergies to such a frightening word as oncology. Before you get scared, it’s better to sit down and calmly read our article, and then call the veterinarians from the I-VET center. We tried to collect the most relevant answers.

Just yesterday your pet was active and playful, but today it lies with its paws outstretched, this is a reason for an urgent visit to a veterinarian, who should provide qualified assistance.

What is cat cough?

Just like a person, cat cough is an involuntary exhalation, which is usually accompanied by a sonorous exhalation. Largest quantity The receptors responsible for cough are located in the area of ​​the throat ligaments. Coughing is also a protective reflex that helps resist the effects of chemical irritation or food. Among other things, coughing helps remove phlegm and mucus from the body, which only interferes with the animal’s recovery. However, a cough is not always protective reflex, and can cause significant harm. In that case this state considered a symptom of a serious illness.

Why does a cat cough and wheeze, what diseases can there be?

Cat cough, as a rule, never occurs as an independent disease. Most often it is a symptom of other diseases.

These are not all the reasons why a cough may occur. Currently more than 100 ailments are known which are accompanied by this reflex. Therefore, if your the cat is coughing, then this is an excellent reason to grab your pet and rush to the veterinarian, who will examine the fluffy and take it out correct diagnosis.

Who coughs and wheezes: what is the danger, symptoms, insidious and different

An attentive owner should have noticed that A cat's cough has different sounds. Sometimes it's wheezing, sometimes it's a continuous dry sound full of agony. If you record cough sounds on a voice recorder or video camera, this can greatly help the doctor in diagnosing the disease. Sometimes the owner's description is not very accurate. Among other things, cough can be morning, daytime, evening or night. Coughing at night causes a lot of trouble for both cats, depriving it in the first place. normal sleep, and the owner, who begins to worry about the health of his furry friend.

During a coughing attack the animal It can also stretch out its paws and can group itself. These signals indicate that this sound has moved from a reflex, which is designed to save life, to most dangerous condition, which poses a direct threat to the cat. In particularly severe cases the animal may choke, which indicates that the owner needs to contact a veterinary center as soon as possible.


First of all, we would like to remind you that Cough therapy is individualized and it should be selected individually by the attending physician. A kitten that can't cough up phlegm is one thing, but another thing old cat with a whole bunch of diseases. Each case requires individual approach. Any treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. However, the owner must protect his animal from drafts and strong winds.

In case severe cough , it is best to call a veterinarian at home. This will help avoid unnecessary risks and complications, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely protect the animal from exposure to cold. Also in the veterinary center there may be sick and infected animals. This, in turn, is also an unnecessary and stupid risk that will affect your health. Depending on the diagnosis, adequate treatment is prescribed. Also modern pharmacology offers many cough medications, but not all human medications are suitable for treating a cat who is constantly coughing. The most prescribed antibiotic is amoxiclav. It should be remembered that a cough is also a signal of extremely weakened immune system at the cat's.

If a cat is coughing and wheezing, what tests do a veterinarian need?

After a visual examination, you sit tensely in the doctor’s office and wait for the results. A the doctor suggests additional research . For example, the doctor may prescribe fluorography, x-ray of the lungs, possibly an ultrasound. Of course, you will need a classic set of tests - urine, blood and feces. A severe cough should make your doctor consider prescribing antibiotics and other treatments.

However, if you have The nursing mother fell ill bitch or pregnant animal, we recommend that you be more attentive to treatment. Many of modern antibiotics It is simply dangerous for cats to take due to the possible threat of miscarriage or bleeding. Most doctors recommend giving natural preparations , for example, herbal solutions that will need to be poured into the animal’s mouth with a syringe without a needle. Research in the form of tests is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is necessary so that the parameters in the cat’s body do not change.

How to choose a veterinary center to treat an animal

If your cat starts coughing, and the cough itself becomes prolonged and frequent, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian without delay. As a rule, experienced owners already have a veterinarian’s phone number to whom they can turn for help at any time. But what to do if this is your first cat or animal in general? Of course, call the YA-VET veterinary center.

The most experienced veterinarians work here around the clock and will be able to answer any question you ask them. It is possible that an in-person examination of the pet will be required to complete the picture. Don't refuse. This is the only way to make a correct diagnosis and establish the true cause of a cat’s continuous cough. A cough of unknown etiology is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor.

In addition to qualified personnel, our medical center has the most modern equipment, both for x-ray and ultrasound. The laboratory is also equipped with the latest technology.

Benefits of in-home veterinary care

Many owners prefer to personally take their pet to the veterinary center for first aid. medical care. However, there are situations in life when it is not possible to visit a doctor yourself. For such cases, we have a very convenient service - veterinary care at home. Within 40 minutes After you have submitted your application, any of our highly specialized specialists will come to you. So what can we do at home?

    Our spectrum veterinary services very diverse. Our specialists can:
  • Take blood for analysis (both classical and biochemistry)
  • Provide the necessary assistance
  • Take an x-ray if necessary
  • For the most severe cases we have ultrasound
  • If necessary, we can carry out transportation four-legged friend to the hospital.
  • We can also select adequate treatment that will help the animal recover at the earliest possible moment. short terms and again delight the owner with playfulness.

Only the most modern equipment and gentle hands veterinarians and laboratory technicians are able to save another small life. A huge number of branches will allow you to choose medical center closest to your place of residence. However, there are places from where it is difficult to get to our center. In this case, there is a convenient service for providing veterinary care at home. So what are our advantages?

  • Mobility
  • Avoiding unnecessary stress that may affect test results.
  • Reducing the risk of reinfection
  • The owner will be able to significantly save his time and have complete control over the process
  • The animal will be more comfortable with the necessary manipulations.

As you can see, there are many benefits to in-home veterinary care. Many busy owners have already appreciated the benefits of home care, because it helps to collect blood and examine the animal calmly and without stress.

There are a large number of different diseases, the phenomenon of many of which the owners cannot explain on their own. They start digging on the Internet, looking for information and trying to treat the disease on their own.

The reasons why are very different. It happens that it is just a simple cold, in which there is nothing wrong. However, more happens serious illness: heart, blood vessels, respiratory tract. It could also be a serious infection or respiratory disease. In this article we will look at the main diseases that are associated with sneezing and coughing in cats, and we will also look at treatment and prevention. The most important thing is that only a veterinarian is able to diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct course of treatment, capable of returning the animal to its usual way of life.

However, bringing a cat to a veterinary center on your own can be dangerous, because the pet experiences stress and anxiety, which often only intensifies and increases the danger of the disease. The kitten is afraid of new places, so it is better to call a veterinarian from our veterinary center. Thanks to several reference points in Moscow and the Moscow region, the doctor will arrive within 40 minutes after the call. He brings everything he needs with him, so if, for example, an analysis is needed, the owner will receive the result using the express method in 15 minutes.

Why does a cat sneeze and cough?

Ideally, this method of exhaling oxygen and air in animals and people protects them from suffocation if some object, water, or irritating substances in the form of, for example, smoke or gases get in the way. The cat coughs if cigarettes or hookah are smoked in his presence. Often pets are generally allergic to smoky impurities. Also, if there was inflammation in the lungs, by coughing the body gets rid of accumulated inflammation and tries to cough it up. This works for all living beings, including humans. If a cat coughs, it will usually stretch its neck.

If the cat is coughing, then it is obvious that something is wrong with him. This is a “good” symptom for the veterinarian, because by coughing he often determines what the problem is and proceeds further detailed diagnostics selected area. Sometimes it is the respiratory tract, sometimes the heart and blood vessels.

Specifics of cough

In the cat family, unlike the same dogs, Cough occurs rarely. Even if the disease is similar in a dog and a cat, and this is common, the cat only wheezes or suffers from shortness of breath, sometimes it just has difficulty heavy breathing. While the dog has a cough. Often the disease itself is determined by its sounds, and it’s only a matter of detailed diagnosis. For example, if a cat has inflamed pleura and lungs, pneumonia or heart problems, then most likely she will pant and wheeze. They will not cough because they themselves avoid it. Pets become less mobile, do not play, do not show emotions, do not meow or make sounds. Often they simply hide in a secluded place in one position or ventilate near a window or balcony to make breathing easier.

If a pet exhibits similar behavior, then this is already a signal to sound the alarm and call a doctor at home. Just call, because in this state the cat will not want to go to a new place in the clinic. He will only become stressed and the situation will get worse. The disease will also begin to progress. It is better to show the doctor how the cat behaves at the site of the disease. Only in this way will the doctor diagnose the disease correctly and apply a course of treatment.

Sometimes cat sneezes and coughs at the same time. This usually happens when allergic reactions. Allergy in a cat it can be for anything: from dust and some particles and microorganisms at home to new litter or even food. If the cat rubs its nose and sneezes, then this is another proof that she has an allergy.

Main provocateurs

There are a number of pathologies that are also cause coughing in cats, For example:

  1. a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract;
  2. heart problem and vascular problem;
  3. oncology that develops in the animal’s chest;
  4. pneumonia is also dangerous disease, which progresses, develops and causes severe attacks cough even in a cat, which rarely coughs on its own;
  5. pneumothorax or hydrothorax - accumulation of air or fluid in the chest of an animal, respectively;
  6. V chest organ comes from abdominal cavity, this happens when a loop of intestine gets there and causes discomfort;
  7. cats have worms, which also cause;
  8. developing rhinotracheitis in cats;
  9. some others.

It is clear that this is not the entire list that causes coughing in pets. A cat's cough is a symptom of about fifty or even hundreds of diseases. However, if the pet coughs, then they say with confidence that the pet is sick. It is only important not to diagnose yourself and not take any measures to treat your pet and entrust this matter to an experienced veterinarian.

Major diseases

Below we list the main diseases that cause cough. They are the ones that should be monitored more often, because according to statistics, if a pet coughs, it is for one of these reasons, and not for some rare reason. Also in every specific example Treatment methods will be considered, because they are individual and vary greatly from cause to cause.

Bronchial asthma in cats

Disease bronchial asthma, which often affects not only people, but also our smaller brothers. Asthma causes cats to experience mild to severe bouts of coughing and hoarseness. At strong cat can cough, wheeze and breathe heavily, without stopping for a minute, which greatly torments and torments the animal. The cat also sneezes, often without stopping. The cause of asthma is the same as in humans, for example, physical activity, anxiety, surrounding atmosphere and much more.

Often bronchial asthma young kittens suffer, sometimes the age reaches 3 years. If we talk about the breed, then this Siamese cats. Problems happen in autumn and spring period, just like in people. Everything depends on the disease itself.

The disease is long and difficult to treat; bronchodilators and medications are prescribed, which are given to the pet in the form of tablets or injections.

Viral rhinotracheitis in cats

Often during illness viral rhinotracheitis in cats Sneezing, tears, diarrhea, snot and other similar symptoms also occur. The nose is always wet. The symptoms are the same as influenza in humans, but cats have their own version of the flu. The symptoms there are completely identical to those of humans: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc. The disease is also contagious.

It is better to vaccinate and inoculate your pet in advance than to treat the disease. After all, the treatment itself is complex and long. It is assigned depending on each specific situation doctor.

In our veterinary center, a veterinarian is ready to respond to a call within 40 minutes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is beneficial for the animal, because the cat does not leave its usual habitat, which means it worries and worries less. The doctor will examine the cat and diagnose the disease, at the same time prescribe a course of treatment and tell you in detail about the specifics of the treatment. Working with modern methods analysis and European technologies serve as a guarantor of the quality of our clinic.

"Battle" wounds in cats

If during a fight, bruise or bite a pet's trachea is damaged, then the cough is provoked on its own without any illness. At the same time, the cat loses its appetite and desire to play, complete apathy and indifference appear. Treatment here is based on specific injuries and bruises. It is important not to let the injury fester and also to prevent internal bleeding.

Worms in a cat

This is a separate and very big problem that owners all over the world face. Worms can easily cause severe coughing in cats. Moreover, cats of any age and of any gender are susceptible to the disease. Infection occurs even if the pet has not left the walls of the house and has not communicated with other pets.

Cardiac cough in cats

It often happens that Heart disease in cats causes coughing, this happens in dogs and cats. Such a diagnosis is difficult to make, because it requires professional equipment, for example, an electrocardiogram, radiography, echocardiography. Treatment is individual and should be checked with your veterinarian separately.

How to treat?

Even if the owner is sure that the cat is sneezing and coughing due to, for example, bronchitis or another cold, it is absolutely forbidden to You should not treat your pet yourself. All medications and treatment methods can only be prescribed by the veterinarian who diagnosed the disease. There is a risk of taking the medicine for too long, which will only worsen allergies or any other illness. There is also a risk of overdoing the dosage of the drug or simply not using it correctly. After all, many cats have personal intolerance to certain substances and medications.

If we talk about how a doctor treats, then this is a mandatory diagnosis using various express tests, prescribing a course medicines in accordance with personal intolerance to drugs and some characteristics of the animal’s body.

How long to treat if the cat is sneezing and coughing?

If it is a cold or a disease in the bronchi, then it is treated for about a week or a little more. If there is an allergy, it often does not go away throughout the animal’s life or is treated over a long period of time. If the problem is with worms, then everything is individual, because it is quite possible that the worms have spread throughout the body, including the lungs. Then the disease is much more difficult to treat.

It is important to remember that cough is not the disease itself, but only a symptom that means hundreds of various options developments and only an experienced veterinarian can tell what the problem is and how to treat it. Our medical center provides the services of such veterinarians who diagnose the disease using modern techniques at home on call. They arrive within 40 minutes after the call, and the pet owner finds out the price over the phone.

Why does a cat cough and sneeze? Let’s look at the main reasons

Reasons why a cat sneezes- no less than the causes of coughs. Treatment also depends on the cause of the disease. So, if it is a fungus, then drugs are used against it. If a foreign body is stuck in the nose or trachea, the doctor must remove it. And so on for each disease.

Here we will look at the main causes and methods of treating them, however, the information is for informational purposes only and it is strictly not recommended to treat your pet on your own.

Upper respiratory tract infections in cats

Exactly upper respiratory tract infections in cats become the most common cause sneezing in cats. Infections exist different types: fungus, bacteria and viruses. The symptoms are approximately the same:

  1. Kitten sneezes
  2. Coughs often
  3. His nose is wet
  4. Eyes with tears

Allergies in cats

As has already been said, from cat allergies suffer no less than people. The reasons are the same as for people: dust, strong smoke from cigarettes or hookahs, pollen and flowering, various powders, new tray fillers, the smell of food, air fresheners, etc. In such cases, the cat rubs its nose on the surface, as well as with its paws. A cat sneezes only when it is in an allergenic environment; its nose also becomes wet and a runny nose appears. The pet wants to quickly run away from the place where the attacks began.

If you are allergic only to the litter for the tray, then you just need to change it and the allergy will go away, you don’t need to do anything else. If some allergen gets stuck in the pathways and causes discomfort for a long time, you need to consult a doctor for help. It is also worth noting that the exacerbation begins during flowering periods in the spring and sometimes in the fall, so it is enough just to survive short periods of time and suffer a sneeze, but then it will all end and the cat will feel good.

Asthma in cats

Cats also have asthma. A few words have already been said about it, but in some cases the pet coughs, and in others it sneezes. They are treated approximately the same. The cause of the disease is a long interaction with the allergen, which caused sneezing and now continues to do so on a constant and almost chronic basis. They are often treated with warm steam, which the pet inhales. This helps clear the bronchi of excess.

Heartworms in cats

As you know, mosquitoes are carriers of bacteria and diseases; just remember malaria in Africa. However, not everyone knows that mosquitoes can infect a cat with a simple bite. Microscopic larvae enter the body through the insect's proboscis. By blood vessels and along these paths they enter the heart, or more precisely, into its right chambers. The nearby pulmonary and cardiac arteries are affected, the worms become clogged and make breathing difficult, causing the pet to sneeze. If he sneezes frequently, the arteries become clogged and sometimes heart attack. The main symptoms here are the cat's sneezing and coughing.

A pet in such a situation should only be treated by a veterinarian who has already encountered similar problem. It cannot be ignored and you also cannot advise anything, because the case is serious and requires the same serious intervention from a specialist. It is better, of course, to carry out preventive procedures to avoid infection in principle.

Dental problems in cats

This also happens. Yes, this is rare, but if there are any problems with the teeth (smell from the mouth, suppuration, gum disease). The infection that struck and caused these causes also reaches the respiratory tract, which leads to sneezing. This happens to kittens that are still weak and their immunity is susceptible to attack.


As has already been said, if a cat is sneezing and coughing, you cannot treat the pet yourself; you must entrust it to professionals who know how to diagnose the disease and treat it. There are two sides to the coin here. On the one hand, coughing and sneezing mean that not everything is in order and this simply helps you understand that you need to call a doctor. On the other hand, such small and insignificant symptoms indicate one of almost fifty or even hundreds of diseases. You won’t be able to diagnose them yourself even if you want to, because the pet owner doesn’t have an X-ray, the means or the understanding laboratory diagnostics etc.

In our veterinary center, a doctor arrives to a call within 40 minutes, because many strongholds in Moscow and the Moscow region allow you to get to you as quickly as possible. The final price will be announced over the phone and the doctor will also ask a number of questions, the answers to which will help him form an opinion before arriving at the place. This means that the part that is most likely to be sick will be immediately examined and diagnosed on site using rapid tests at the same time. European technologies and professional approach guarantee quality and that pets are in safe and loving arms our experts!

The appearance of cough in cats is not so rare occurrence. The cat may cough various reasons, and this symptom can manifest itself in different variations: annoying, painful, dry, wet, quiet cough.

Your cat may be coughing due to choking.

Most often you can hear a gagging sound, as if the animal was choking on something. It should be noted that coughing is not independent disease, but only a manifesting symptom of any disease.

Experts distinguish several types based on the following components:

  • duration;
  • strength;
  • timbre;
  • discharge;
  • Times of Day.

Cough syndrome can be acute, lasting several days and nights in a row. It can be chronic, periodically appearing for several months in a row or even several years.

Causes of cough

A choking cough appears after the pet has swallowed own wool when licking or when any other foreign object enters the esophagus.

There is no need to panic too much, since the lumps may come out when the cat defecates, but if this does not happen, some measures should be taken to help the animal get rid of such trouble. It is quite possible that the pet will be able to cough up the foreign body itself.

If other signs are observed with this type - shortness of breath, rapid shallow breathing, increased temperature, you should contact the clinic immediately .

Diagnosis and treatment

X-ray of the respiratory organs.

The cause is determined by X-ray of the respiratory organs, laboratory research blood test, sometimes they conduct a study to determine the presence viral infection, bronchial biopsies are performed less frequently. When helping your pet, you cannot be guided by one symptom. It is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The cat is coughing as if he is choking, what should I do?

The ingress of foreign objects cannot always be eliminated independently. Often, specialist help through surgery is required.

  • If the cause is swallowed hairballs and it is clear that the cat cannot cope with this on its own, you can try to induce vomiting , pressing your finger on the root of the tongue.
  • Foreign body fragments visible from the esophagus you can try to pull it out yourself only if you are absolutely sure that they do not have sharp edges and will not cause harm to the animal. This is best done with tweezers and very carefully.
  • There is another method of help, less harsh. Can give the cat phytomines for removing fur.

Examination of the respiratory tract by a veterinarian.


Phytomine complex.

These tablets (phytomins) contain minerals and vitamin supplements. Also plant extracts: centaury, hillwort, tricolor violet, plantain. The fruits of fennel, celandine, immortelle, dandelion, chaga, yarrow, meadowsweet, licorice.

For animals after eight months, the recommended dose is one tablet twice a day, three times a week. For children – one tablet once a day. There are also various pastes for distilling wool. For preventive purposes, you can use dry food that promotes easy hair removal, such as Herbal Control, Royal, Pronatur.

Symptomatic therapy

Along with eliminating the causes, the use of symptomatic therapy . Antitussives are prescribed. Recommended use wound healing drugs. It is permissible to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and expectorants.

Preventive measures

Watch what your cat eats. She can easily get fish out of garbage bags that she might choke on.

Preventive measures for your pet should be aimed at protecting against any cough. To do this, it is necessary to prevent the animal from exercising in dangerous places - near garbage cans, near hazardous chemicals.

Brush your cat's fur regularly, and during the shedding period, do it every day. Keep your pet in favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions. Periodically use pastes to remove hair. Add dry food to the animal’s diet to eliminate hairballs, provide permanent access to clean and fresh water. Eliminate other causes leading to cough: hypothermia, feeding cold food, drafts.

Unfortunately, not only people suffer from colds - representatives of the cat family are also susceptible to these problems. If a cat is coughing, its owner should pay more attention to its well-being - it is quite possible that furry pet needs urgent help.

Reveal serious illnesses in the animal and identify them real reasons Only a veterinarian can do it. Therefore, if your cat is coughing or wheezing, do not delay visiting a specialist.

Confuse normal cough with other diseases it is quite difficult, since it is similar to ordinary human symptom, but it may feel like the cat is choking or wants to vomit.

Pussy coughing occurs as a result of the need to get rid of accumulated mucus in the larynx, so when clogged bronchi and lungs (dead cells, foreign bodies) a cough begins.

When coughing, the cat often stretches its neck forward and makes peculiar movements: arches its back, makes characteristic sounds. Cough is a symptom that indicates a disease, regardless of its nature. Whether it's a grunt or a barely noticeable wheeze, your cat needs a timely, thorough examination and diagnosis.

Causes of cough in cats

Cough can be caused by several factors. On the one hand, a cough in the pussy is a protective reaction of the animal’s body to the influence of chemical or physical irritants from the outside. On the other hand, cough is a characteristic certain diseases symptom.

Considering a cough as a reflex defensive reaction, we can say that it can manifest itself in the following cases:

  1. Exposure to caustic smoke - tobacco, asphyxiating gas or smoke resulting from the burning of plastic, the evaporation of sharp-smelling or chemical toxic substances.
  2. Stuck in the throat, esophagus or airway foreign bodies(bones, hairpins, small toys, balls) that got there during outdoor games or feeding. At the same time, the cat will try with all its might to cough up the extra object out of itself.
  3. Simple dust or other fine substances suspended in the air ( ground pepper, flour, mustard powder), may cause some soreness or unpleasant irritation in the throat.

As a symptom, a cat’s cough occurs with the following diseases:

  1. Various respiratory diseases(tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis or pneumonia) that are caused by microbes or viruses.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Allergic reactions manifested in the form of bronchial asthma.
  4. Invasive diseases (presence of worms). In this case, the cat will cough during the migration of the larvae - when they enter the bronchi and lungs through the bloodstream.

So, a cat’s cough is not some separate ailment, but serious symptom a certain disease or the result of the influence of external irritating factors on the animal’s body.

Types of cough

Experts distinguish the following types cough:

  • by intensity (from coughing to debilitating);
  • by duration - acute (lasts from two days to one month), chronic (lasts several months);
  • by sound - ringing or muffled;
  • by the time of onset of the attack;
  • according to the nature of the discharge - dry or wet with mucus.

The owner of a sick cat needs to observe the nature of the animal’s cough for some time. Thanks to accurate description attacks, the veterinarian will be able to more accurately diagnose the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment at home

He knows better than anyone how to treat a coughing and hoarse cat. veterinary specialist. The chosen treatment methods will directly depend on the causes that gave rise to the pathological phenomenon.

If the owner of the mustache knows the exact cause of the cat’s cough, then he can show some independence by trying to help the cat.

Get rid of foreign objects

First of all, check your pet's mouth and tongue. A hairball or small ball of hair can easily get into your mouth. foreign object. To properly open the mouth, insert your fingers into it (in the area of ​​​​the corners where there are no teeth).

Try to move your jaws apart very carefully, showing special caution. If you find a foreign object, also try to be as gentle as possible without touching the mucous membrane oral cavity, pull it out.

Lack of moisture or allergic reaction

If you don’t find anything in the cat’s mouth, and the cat doesn’t stop sneezing, coughing, and stretches its neck towards the floor, then think about whether your pet is allergic to a new substance that has appeared in the house.

It is worth considering that allergies can occur not only when ingesting something, but also during inhalation. If a new item makes you suspicious, temporarily remove it from your home. Thanks to this, you can either refute the theory of the development of allergies in a cat, or confirm it.

What else can you do if your pet won't stop coughing? In some cases, the cat may simply suffer from lack of humidity. To help your furry breathe comfortably, try using humidifiers. A simplified version of a humidifier is an ordinary wet towel placed on a working battery.

Rid your pussy of worms

According to the above, one of the possible causes of cough in a cat is worms. If you haven’t paid attention to this for a year, be sure to purchase products specially designed for this at the pharmacy, using them strictly according to the instructions.


In order to change the nature of the cough (make it wet instead of dry) or stop it completely, experts have developed an impressive list of medications that can be divided into two groups.

The first is medications that block this reflex, that is, they affect the cough center regardless of its nature. Such medical supplies otherwise called antitussives central action. To use them, you only need a doctor's prescription.

Antitussive drugs are included in complex treatment. This is due to the fact that often they can only remove the symptoms of the disease without eliminating the root cause of its development.

As a result, the cat owner may have the illusion of recovery, but in reality the disease will progress. Another disadvantage of cough suppressants is that they are quite potent, so if used incorrectly, they can seriously harm your pet.

The second group of antitussive drugs are expectorants. They are not intended to relieve a cough, but to provide noticeable relief from a dry cough.

Expectorants increase the volume of mucus produced and thin it. Along with it, the pathogens themselves leave the body. These drugs are used to treat infectious coughs.

Regular pharmacies sell an unimaginable number of different combination medications - both expectorants and antitussives. But for effective treatment Not all of them will suit your cat. Moreover, some types of medications are strictly contraindicated for animals.

E If you are sure that your pet is coughing and sneezing due to a cold, and you do not have the opportunity to visit a veterinarian, then buy Amoxiclav or another antibiotic of this group intended for cats at the pharmacy.

This drug is produced in the form of tablets and powder, from which a suspension is prepared. Exactly liquid form The drug has proven itself to be more effective. To treat a cat, select lowest dosage and pour in the powder clean water. Try feeding your animal this liquid three times a day, 2.5 ml, for no more than a week.

So, the owner of a furry couch potato should not ignore a cough, since this may be caused by serious illnesses lungs, upper respiratory tract and even the heart. Remember that self-medication of a pet can have extremely undesirable consequences.