Features of social policy in Russia. Main directions of state social policy in Russia

As already noted, the market economy does not eliminate social inequality, threatens social stability, and under unfavorable conditions reduces economic efficiency. Social policy is designed to alleviate extreme manifestations of the results of market forces. To this end, the state pursues a policy of supporting vulnerable social groups. The fact that almost all social strata, including entrepreneurs, strive to be socially protected does not require proof; the latter state must guarantee the inviolability of their property and the right to entrepreneurial activity in any area of ​​the market economy.

Main directions of social policy:

Guaranteeing minimum wages and income regulation in general;

Ensuring employment and providing unemployment assistance;

Indexation of fixed incomes and protection of household savings (bank deposits, government bonds, insurance policies);

Providing assistance to the poorest segments of the population;

Creating conditions for a person’s self-realization (free choice of profession, field and place of work, obtaining the desired level of general and special education, material support and retraining of temporarily untrained people);

Ensuring public health protection regardless of income level

Let us take a broader look at the content of social policy in these areas

Income policy occupies a leading place in state regulation of social relations; first of all, it concerns the level of wages and its share in. GDP, redistribution of income in favor of the poorest segments of the population.

Income policy was developed by representatives of almost all directions of economic thought. The general principles of this aspect of social policy were formulated in the post-war period, and in the early 60s they received the status of unofficial but mandatory postulates. Proponents of these principles include such famous scientists as. J. K. Galbraith. R. Thibodtz,. P. Samuelson. S. V. Winetrout. M. Friedman (USA). M. Marshall. J. Lecaillon (France). R. Harrod,. N. Calder (Great Britain).

The income policy of the welfare state is based on the recognition of the constant and, preferably, proactive nature of its implementation. Neo-Keynesians and representatives of the sociological school advocate direct government intervention in the process of income distribution. The main object of influence is considered to be wages. Based on indicative programming, benchmarks for wage growth and state control and external control of prices are established. Since wage growth is taken to be the leading factor of inflation, the state often resorts to “freezing” wages and prices; those. carries out a “policy of containment” that is opposite to it, and there is a “policy of expansion”, in which it is stimulated by the growth of incomes of the population.

Considering the special social significance of income redistribution, the social state is trying to avoid two extremes, namely: the formation of consumer sentiment in low-income segments of the population and a decrease in motivation for fruitful work in the economically active population.

In a market, a dilemma always arises: what to choose from two fundamentally different options - market distribution, which is adjusted by government regulation, or government distribution, which is directed by the market. If we strive for income equality, which, according to many, is socially fair, then economic efficiency will inevitably decrease, since society will take away the individual who works more productively, and give it back to the worker ineffectively. Distribution according to the laws of the free market is highly effective, but uneven and socially unfair. So, equal distribution is socially fair, but economically ineffective, and uneven distribution, on the contrary, is socially unfair, but economically effective.

“Pure” market distribution, ensuring high efficiency of the economy, creates the opportunity to compensate for its injustice by producing a total product in volumes sufficient to increase the well-being of the low-income part of the population. In contrast to this, “fair” (equalizing) distribution undermines incentives for fruitful work and causes a low volume of the total product; we see that equal market distribution has objective advantages over equal, “socially fair” distribution. Historical progress brings these two approaches closer together, but does not eliminate their differences.

Income inequality in a market economy is determined using a curve. Lorentz and coefficient. Jeanie. Curve. Lorenz shows the degree of uneven distribution of the total income of society between different people. Grupama population (Fig. 99).

The x-axis represents the percentage groups of the population, and the y-axis represents the percentage of income that these groups receive. Exactly distribution

income corresponds to the curve. OE. If we plot the actual distribution of income, then the curve. Lorenza will point out the degree of income inequality. The greater the gap between the line of complete equality and the curve. Lorenz, the higher the level of inequality.

The ratio of the shaded area to the area of ​​the entire triangle OAF is called the ratio. Jeanie. The greater the deviation of the curve. Lorentz from the bisector of complete equality in the distribution of income, then closer to the NT coefficient. Gini up to 1. The higher the coefficient. Genie, then the gap between rich and poor is deeper.

There is a certain relationship between the amount of wealth that is distributed and the stability of the proportions of distribution. The distribution of low incomes is characterized by sharp and unpredictable fluctuations, and when higher income levels are achieved, the distribution proportions are stable. This dependence is called the law. Paretoto.

. State regulation of wages. The majority of income comes from the wages of employees, so the welfare state clearly regulates labor relations. The minimum wage rate, the minimum rate of compensatory additional payments (for work in unfavorable, harmful and dangerous conditions), tariff conditions for remuneration of workers and employees in traditional professions and positions are subject to regulation.

The size of the minimum wage and additional payments depends on the level of economic development of the country, the balance of political forces, etc. For reasons analyzed in previous topics, in Ukraine the level of the minimum wage is below the subsistence level. Today the minimum wage is 185 UAH, while the cost of living is 360 UAH.

In the sphere of wage regulation, the state strives to achieve the following goals: 1) provide every working person with a vital level of consumption; 2) maintain a certain balance in wages for different groups of the population; 3) bring wages into line with productivity, 4) increase the level of real wages.

Payment of the minimum wage is mandatory for the employer. Theoretically, this is the socially necessary price of labor power

The minimum wage began to be established legally in the 30s of the XX century. First, the corresponding law was adopted in. USA (1938 p), and in the post-war years - in other market countries

The calculation of the minimum wage is based on the cost of the so-called consumer basket, which includes the minimum set of consumer goods and services necessary to satisfy the physiological and social needs of an unskilled worker and his family. The volume of the consumer basket varies from country to country. So, in. In the USA, it includes payment for rented housing, the purchase of a new car once every five years, the cost of about 20 types of meat products, etc.

The minimum wage in developed market countries ranges from 40% to 50% of the average wage. Today its value, in particular, is c. USA, is $5.15 per hour

As a result of the fact that the minimum wage in Ukraine is significantly below the subsistence level, the overwhelming majority of the population finds itself below the poverty line. Thus, according to estimates for the period 1996-1999, 50% of the population were classified as poor, 10% were at risk of becoming poor; 30% - to those with average incomes, and the remaining 10% - to the wealthy.

The low level of wages has an extremely negative impact on economic development; it does not allow for normal reproduction of the labor force. In Ukraine, there has been a sharp gap between the cost of labor and wages, which causes the reproduction of the labor force on a narrowed basis. The forms of manifestation of this phenomenon are a reduction in the average life expectancy of the population, a deterioration in the health of the nation, a decrease in the educational and qualification level of workers and a growth in the army of unemployed. Naturally, low wages reduce aggregate demand and hinder production growth. Any savings on wages are unfavorable for economic development, since it limits the capabilities of the human factor of production.

Employment policy. A distinctive feature of the market system is underemployment of the population, in other words, it is characterized by permanent unemployment. Therefore, the governments of market countries pay special attention to the policy of ensuring full employment, or rather, maintaining its optimal level. A certain number of unemployed, or reserve army of labor, is a necessary condition for expanded reproduction.

In a market economy, full employment policy includes a system of measures of state regulation of the labor market, ensuring an optimal balance of supply and demand in order to increase the efficiency of the economy. In the post-war years, employment policy in Western countries took into account the interdependence of the level of employment and wages, which consisted in the short term. She proceeded from the fact that a decrease in employment, and hence an increase in unemployment, causes a decrease in wages and undermines social stability. Therefore, during economic downturns and crises. Wages are kept high and artificially maintained, which further provokes inflation. Often it offsets the nominal increase in wages. Governments constantly have to maneuver between employment levels and price levels. Meanwhile, economic growth, which was observed for a long time in the post-war period, was ensured by. Western. Europe is almost at full employment, but now the situation has changed. The number of unemployed there has increased significantly, which is also associated with anti-inflationary policies.

Ensuring full employment is determined by a theoretical understanding of the causes of unemployment. J. Keynes and his followers explain these reasons by the lag in the effective demand of the population from the supply of consumer goods, since as income increases, the marginal propensity to save increases, and entrepreneurs do not invest enough in production, and therefore do not increase the demand for additional labor. K. Marx defined this phenomenon as the overaccumulation of money capital, which is caused by the discrepancy between the consumer and productive forces of society, which is a form of manifestation of the internal contradictions of capital accumulation.

Taking into account all the causes of unemployment, modern full employment policies are aimed at increasing the aggregate demand of the population. She recommends not being afraid of moderate inflation, reducing taxes during crises, increasing the volume of social payments at certain phases of the economic cycle, increasing additional demand for labor, stimulating investment by reducing income taxes, cheaper loans, increasing the volume of government orders to private capital and in.

It is proposed to eliminate structural unemployment through differentiation of wage levels depending on the scarcity of professions, the creation of a flexible education system and retraining of personnel. Today it is very necessary to provide the workforce with more complete and timely information about available vacancies, to improve training and retraining of the unemployed through improving the activities of labor exchanges. Government policies also seek to increase labor mobility by paying for transportation costs and providing subsidies to families who move to a new place of work. Attention is also paid to the construction of enterprises in regions with high unemployment rates. Given the increased percentage of unemployment among young people, the social state is introducing programs for paying certain funds to firms that employ high school graduates on their staff. New forms of work organization have become widespread, which create conditions for working at home, part-time employment, encouraging small businesses, etc.

Despite the fact that the problem of unemployment is very complex, modern social policies of developed countries, on the whole, successfully solve it, creating conditions for providing the population with jobs. A socially oriented economy does not leave the unemployed alone with their life problems, but protects them. Social protection of the unemployed is carried out in the form of unemployment insurance, for which special insurance funds are created. The amount of payments depends on the following factors: duration of unemployment; work experience; term of assistance; the size of the employment period. The volume of unemployment payments hide miscellaneous things. So, in. In Sweden it is 90-45% of previous earnings, but a small number of people receive the minimum benefit. The payment period ranges from 300 days for people under 55 years of age to 450 days for older people. B. US unemployment benefits are equal to 50% of earnings for 26-34 weeks. Germany - 68% of earnings during the year, and then 58% without any time limit.

Retraining and employment programs. Employment and retraining programs are of great importance in the social protection of the population. Many developed market countries have operating systems that facilitate employment. In Sweden, educational programs cover up to 5% of the workforce. An active policy for quality training and retraining of workers explains the high level of employment in this country. There, a person undergoing training in an educational program is not registered as unemployed. And in the long term, increasing the level of education and qualifications provides prospects for employment in the future.

In recent decades, so-called subsidized or incentive training programs have become widespread in Western countries. They consist in the fact that in the case of hiring certain categories of labor (primarily young people and the chronically unemployed), the state to a certain extent compensates firms for the costs of training and remuneration. Thus, in France, in the case of hiring a high school graduate, firms are compensated in artists for their industrial training from 30% to 100% of the minimum wage for a period of 6 to 12 months. In the Netherlands, if a company hires an unemployed high school graduate, he is paid £60 per week to cover the cost of his training. Similar programs. There are also other developed countries.

So, the welfare state is actively involved in regulating the labor market. At the same time, there are differences in labor market regulation policies between Western European countries and... USA and Japan. It is believed that in the Europe has long passed laws and regulations that are too strict and need to be liberalized. V. USA and V. Japan, on the contrary, should strengthen and maintain its system of protecting workers from unjustified harassment.

In modern conditions, employment policy is increasingly intertwined with policy in the field of general and vocational education. A significant part of company personnel today faces a dilemma: or be zag. Inenue younger and more educated workers, or improve their skills through continuous training. Of course, the second alternative is more promising and profitable.

State policy on the labor market in the transition economy of Ukraine The labor market, born in Ukraine, and employment problems have trends and problems in common with developed market countries. However, there are also specifics, in particular the lack of specialists in the field of employment management in market conditions. Many enterprises and organizations lack specialists in the field of control, reporting, planning and organization, because the country lacks a unified state policy for training specialists of this level. The economy needs not just workers with higher education, but specialists who have continuously improved their professional level.

Labor policy must place greater emphasis on job creation programs with a clear anti-crisis focus. To do this, enterprises must pursue a policy of “offensive” competition and productivity, which requires high quality goods and services, which in turn is due to a high level of education and qualifications of the workforce. So, we see how urgent efforts are needed today to improve the skills of the workforce.

Social protection in the field of employment requires the creation of additional jobs. An example again would be the solution to this problem. USA. In the 70-80s of the 20th century, 31 million jobs were created here, while in those taken. Great Britain. Italy. Germany and. France for the larger total population, the total number of jobs remained almost unchanged.

The transition to a market in Ukraine is accompanied by the closure of many industrial enterprises, especially in the sphere. Military industrial complex. A significant portion of laid-off workers could find work in the service sector, because this industry is developing rapidly and creating one job in it requires 2-3 times less money.

Small businesses provide great employment benefits. Only at his expense. The US created more than half of the jobs. However, small business is a risky business. So, in. In the United States, about 10% of small businesses go bankrupt every year. In Japan, where the government actively supports small businesses, the number of bankruptcies does not exceed 1%. The Ukrainian government also faces the task of developing a comprehensive development program for this area of ​​activity.

It should be noted that in Ukraine, tension in the labor market did not arise immediately after the proclamation of the market rate. At first, the situation in this area was not so acute as to attract increased attention from the Agu. But since 1995, there has been a clear trend toward job cuts. Over the twelve years of reform, we have become convinced that the solution to this problem is very difficult. Experience. Neither Mechchina shows that even such a measure as the targeted allocation of large funds to create new jobs does not produce tangible results and is generally ineffective. The main means of combating unemployment is to create conditions for economic growth. In employment policy. The Ukrainian government must shift priorities on social protection and job preservation to productive employment. According to the probable economic development of Ukraine in the coming years, it is assumed that the employment level in 2005 will be 63.95% versus 62.54% in 2000, and the real unemployment rate is 11.35% and 11.64%11.64%.

CUJA experience and. European. The Union over the past decades indicates that intellectual capital and investments in the field of research and development work are becoming no less, but more important factors in economic development than capital and labor. Therefore, public employment policy must recognize that investments in research and development have a high return and their effectiveness increases if the state, and not just the private sector, participates in these expenses.

So, let’s summarize: Ukraine must finally create a new employment model aimed at creating a developed and social labor market, and the main directions of state employment policy should be the following

a high level of employment must be created not through artificial barriers that prevent the dismissal of workers and an increase in economic activity, but by organizing new jobs;

The convergence of wages and the necessary costs for the reproduction of labor on the basis of business incentive mechanisms for the distribution of surplus value;

Significant expansion of the social economy sector, which includes non-profit enterprises and organizations that produce goods and services without a focus on increasing profits;

Encouraging the development of flexible forms of employment (voluntary part-time employment, secondary employment, etc.);

Creation of public works with wages that ensure the reproduction of the labor force;

Creating conditions for the development of small businesses and self-employment (simplified registration, interest-free loans, legal and advisory support, reduction of tax pressure, etc.)

  • Baranova Irina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Don State Agrarian University

This article examines the role and directions of social policy in Russia. Attention is paid to the directions of state policy in the field of an effective system of social protection and the standard of living of the population.

  • Activities of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region in organizing social protection of the population

Social policy is one of the most important areas of state regulation of the economy. Since the ultimate goal of the state is to achieve a high level of well-being of society and create conditions for its further development, social policy is directly related to solving this problem. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of social support for citizens is formed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The role of social policy is twofold. Firstly, with economic growth, the accumulation of national wealth and the creation of favorable social conditions for citizens becomes the main goal of economic activity. From this point of view, the goals of economic growth are concentrated in social policy, and all other aspects of economic development begin to be considered as means of implementing social policy.

Secondly, social policy is a factor in economic growth. If economic growth is not accompanied by an increase in well-being, then people lose incentives for effective economic activity. At the same time, the higher the achieved level of economic development, the higher the requirements for people ensuring economic growth, their knowledge, culture, physical and moral development. In turn, this requires further development of the social sphere (Figure).

Main objectives of social policy:

  • implementation of social protection of a person and the realization of his basic socio-economic rights;
  • providing conditions for improving the well-being of every person;
  • maintaining a certain status of various social groups;
  • development of social infrastructure (housing and communal services, transport and communications, education, healthcare, informatization);
  • the formation of economic incentives for participation in social production;
  • creating conditions for comprehensive human development.

Figure - Directions of social policy in Russia

Federal and regional legislation identifies certain categories of the population protected by certain legal acts, since without protective measures they will be in difficult life situations, such as:

  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and families of fallen servicemen;
  • citizens who suffered from the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and radioactive emissions in other places;
  • unemployed;
  • forced refugees and migrants;
  • children - orphans, children left without parental care and the families in which they live;
  • low-income families;
  • large families;
  • single mothers;
  • citizens infected with HIV or suffering from AIDS;
  • persons without a fixed place of residence.

For these categories social protection is considered as a system of permanent or long-term measures guaranteed by the state, providing conditions for overcoming a difficult life situation. These measures are aimed at creating protected categories of the population equal opportunities to participate in the life of society with other citizens. These include social assistance and social support.

Social assistance– periodic or regular activities that help eliminate or reduce a difficult life situation.

Directions of social policy in the field of an effective social protection system (table):

Table. Directions of social policy in the field of an effective social protection system

An indicator of the effectiveness of social policy is the level and quality of life of the population

The standard of living of the population is the level of consumption of material goods (the provision of the population with industrial consumer products, food, housing, etc.)

The “real picture” of the standard of living is the “consumer basket”, which includes a set of goods and services that ensure a certain level of consumption.

In this regard, a “minimum level of consumption” and a “rational level of consumption” are distinguished. The first is understood as such a consumer set, the reduction of which puts the consumer beyond the provision of normal conditions for his existence. This is where the so-called “poverty line” passes. At the same time, one should not confuse the “minimum level of consumption” with the “physiological minimum consumption”, below which a person simply cannot physically exist. The share of the population below the poverty line is one of the most important indicators characterizing the standard of living in a given country.

The “rational level of consumption” reflects the amount and structure of consumption that is most favorable for the individual. Statistics of approximation to such consumption have corresponding significance for assessing the standard of living.

The situation in the social sphere in the Russian Federation actualizes the problem of choosing the optimal model of social policy. In modern conditions, the confrontation between two alternative options is intensifying - the policies of the social and subsidiary state. At the same time, the implementation of the doctrine of the social state has recently intensified in practice, as evidenced by the national projects put forward by the President of the Russian Federation, which affect the main areas of socio-economic development: education, healthcare, housing construction, agriculture.

In particular, it is planned to increase the wages of education and health workers in order to stimulate improvement in the quality of educational and medical services, the development of mortgage lending to solve housing issues, and measures to support domestic agricultural producers. The implementation of these projects will be important for improving the level and quality of life of the residents of our country.


  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation // Official website. - [Electronic document]. - Access mode: http://www.constitution.ru/10003000/10003000-3.htm Date of access: 02/10/2016.
  2. Didenko Yu.S., Baranova I.V. Forecasting and analysis of socio-economic development of the Rostov region // Scientific and methodological electronic journal Concept - 2015, - T. 13. - p. 1876-1880.
  3. Moroz D.A., Levchenko D.K., Baranova I.V. Food security and food independence of the Russian Federation // State and municipal management: modern problems, practice of solutions. - 2015.No. 3. P. 73-76.
  4. Kholostova E.I. Social policy: Textbook / E.I. Kholostova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2001. – 202 p.
  5. http://www.oprf.ru/2086/newsitem/27654

Covers fundamentally the main directions in the development of society. At the same time, specific tasks facing various sectors of public life are being solved. In this regard, there is a defense and environmental, internal and external, cultural and national, economic and social policy of the state. There is also a sphere related to issues of the political system. Experts often also use fractional division, especially considering the technical, agricultural, demographic and other political sectors.

Due to the fact that all aspects and areas of society are closely interconnected, the above directions also interact. This frequent interpenetration and interweaving also determines a rather conditional distinction.

However, there is a sphere that is closest to the totality of human interests and needs. This area addresses the social life of the population - the social policy of the state.

This definition should be understood as the activities of the state apparatus, charitable foundations, and public organizations aimed at satisfying the interests and needs of citizens.

The practice of social policy in developed countries has developed several directions in its implementation. These include: employment regulation, state policy in generating income, health care policy, social protection of citizens, housing strategy.

The most important of them is the employment policy.

Employment policy is one of the areas of social policy through which the severity of problems of employment, unemployment, and retraining is solved or reduced. Employment policy is considered in the context of measures to stimulate economic growth and pursues the following goals:

· creating opportunities for able-bodied members of society to realize their potential to the fullest;

· care for the unemployed and their families, employment and retraining of the unemployed;

· more complete use of part-time labor;

· creating opportunities for productive and well-paid employment;

· investing in human capital in order to increase labor productivity, its preservation and accumulation;

· development of adaptation mechanisms to market requirements (primarily promoting the development of production and social infrastructures).

In implementing employment policy, the state spends most of its funds on passive measures - payment of unemployment benefits, while in a number of countries it is legally established to link the receipt of benefits with vocational training, retraining or obtaining additional education, as well as the use of forced leaves for the purpose of retraining and obtaining additional education. education.

At the same time, recently there has been a clear tendency to strengthen the role of active measures that are aimed at regulating the demand for labor and require significant financial costs. We are talking, in particular, about paying enterprises that provide employment to certain contingents of the workforce with temporary subsidies covering part of the wages of these workers. As a rule, such a measure is used to stimulate the hiring of the long-term unemployed and young people and usually does not lead to the creation of additional jobs, but it promotes the employment of those groups whose prospects are least favorable.

An expensive but promising measure is direct government investment in creating new jobs. Its undoubted advantage is its targeted nature. Such programs are most rationally used when financing infrastructure projects, including in rural areas, which provides people with work and gives impetus to the development of economic activity in the region.

Active measures include the rational use of flexible forms of employment and part-time employment based on flexible schedules. This allows you to retain a qualified workforce, and employees have the opportunity to maneuver their time quite freely, choosing the most convenient work schedule for themselves.

The most important direction of employment policy is the support and formation of the structure of small businesses. In most countries, the bulk of new jobs are created today not in large, but in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Another component of social policy is the state policy in generating income.

Income is understood as the total amount of cash receipts of an entity from all sources during a specific period of time. Income can take many forms. The main modern forms of income are: wages, profit, rent, interest (on capital), government (transfer) payments.

Despite the differences in these forms of income, each of which has its own essence, they can all be provided in the form of: nominal, disposable and real.

In this case, income assessed in monetary terms is nominal income, and real income is the amount of goods and services purchased with monetary income. Disposable income is considered to be nominal income minus taxes.

Sources of modern income can be: economic activity carried out in one or another sphere of the economy within the limits of existing income in a given country, and shadow activity that does not fit into existing laws, but brings income to the subject.

The government's instruments for regulating income in order to reduce inequality in their distribution are transfer payments, taxes, price regulation and other instruments.

The state, while pursuing social policy, also monitors the health status of the population. Since human health is the highest socio-economic value of society, the state considers its protection and strengthening as one of the priorities of state social policy.

State policy in the field of health care is aimed at providing all social groups of the population with high-quality accessible medical care, increasing the level of sanitary culture, introducing and promoting a healthy lifestyle. To achieve such health policy goals as reducing morbidity, mortality and increasing life expectancy, the state focuses special attention on those areas of activity that provide the greatest medical, social and economic effect. These include: primary health care, immunoprophylaxis, identification of risk groups and regulation on this basis of the system of preventive examinations and dispensary observation for the purpose of prevention and early detection of diseases, improvement of the system and infrastructure for health promotion.

Social protection of workers, as the most important direction of the state’s social policy, is extremely important, because the majority of the population in all countries are working people whose only (or main) income is wages, which means that they are economically vulnerable and have nothing to rely on except government power. In addition, in any state there is a significant number of disabled people and people with reduced ability to work, requiring special attention from the state. To all this we can add that the state policy in the field of social protection of the employed is based on the inequality of the parties in the labor market. The hired worker is a weak party compared to the employer, since he does not own the means of production and is forced to sell his labor power. State actions in this area should be aimed at financial support for workers in the event of damage to the latter’s health or in other cases. For this purpose, the state is developing certain legal norms that ensure the creation of a system of agreements concluded between workers and entrepreneurs. The state, in carrying out such measures, proceeds from the fact that in social relations between employees and employers it should be not just about the purchase and sale of goods, but about the social status of the individual.

The structure of social policy includes social protection policy. This is a system of principles, standards and measures used by the state to create and regulate conditions that ensure the protection of citizens in situations of social risk.

Social risk is understood as the risk of circumstances arising in society that cause significant damage to citizens for objective reasons beyond their control (unemployment, inflation, ethnic conflicts, disability, age-related consequences, crimes against personal security, etc.).

To implement the social protection policy, a social protection system is created, which is a set of specific forms and measures that ensure the maintenance of the livelihoods of those groups of the population and those citizens who find themselves in situations of social risk due to circumstances beyond their control.

The main principles of the social protection policy are: humanity, targeted protection, universality combined with a differentiated approach to different socio-demographic segments of the population, integration of various parts of the system into a single whole, flexibility of the system, reliability of resource support for measures carried out through this system .

Methods of social protection, meaning specific ways of its implementation, are very diverse in practice. This is due to the diversity of social risks and the specific situations, volumes, and forms in which they manifest themselves.

The main methods used for social protection are:

· social assistance provided on free or preferential terms in case of difficult financial situation in conditions of social risk (disabled people, large families, victims of the Chernobyl disaster, etc.);

· social insurance as a system of providing financial assistance through mandatory or voluntary contributions and depending on their size;

Social support is primarily a way to protect those whose incomes are below the subsistence level, etc.

Housing is one of the primary needs of the population.

The degree to which the need for housing is met will largely determine the social and economic behavior of people, the psychological state and health of a person, his production activity, the spiritual and material well-being and development of the entire nation. The development of housing construction is recognized as one of the priorities of the country's socio-economic development and reducing the severity of the housing problem. However, in a market economy, the volume of housing construction is determined by the demand for it, which depends on the financial capabilities of families, as well as on the cost of purchasing, maintaining and maintaining housing.

Given the significant differentiation of income, some part of the population is not able to solve the housing problem on their own, so the state is pursuing a housing policy - part of social policy aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens.

When implementing this policy, the state uses the following tools as tools:

· benefits for the construction, purchase and rental of housing;

· system of tax discounts (for real estate taxes);

· system for regulating payment for social housing;

· government loans for the construction of residential buildings;

· subsidizing interest on loans and issuing direct loans for the construction and purchase of housing;

· housing benefits for pensioners and low-income families;

· subsidies for repairs, reconstruction and improvement of housing, etc.

Housing policy is also carried out in the form of special programs for housing construction.

Thus, the role of social policy is manifested in promoting the development of relations of equality and justice in society, creating conditions for the growth of well-being and living standards of all members of society. However, its application is limited both by budgetary frameworks and by the need to preserve market principles for stimulating labor and generating income.

Models of social policy

An example of a successful solution to the problem of finding a balance between social justice and economic efficiency was the social democratic, or Scandinavian, model of social policy, most fully implemented in Sweden. It is based on the right of all citizens to social security and to receive a wide range of social services. The high quality of contractual relations between associations of employers and workers, with constant control by the state, ensures through the taxation system the redistribution of national income in favor of the poor. Real social protection, by increasing the living standards of low-income citizens, helps to increase their consumer demand for goods and services, thereby stimulating economic growth. Pensions in this model are differentiated as national pensions, paid to each resident of the country from the budget upon reaching retirement age, and labor pensions, depending on the success of work activity. This reflects the implementation of two types of justice – egalitarian and distributive.

As a result of the implementation of a number of social programs in the Scandinavian countries, relatively equal starting opportunities have been created for all groups of the population, and the Swedish development model is called “functional socialism”. At the same time, it is necessary to recognize some imperfections of this model in the area of ​​ensuring growth in economic efficiency.

The conservative model of social policy is often called institutional or continental European. It is built on the principle of compulsory labor participation and the dependence of the degree of social security on the efficiency and duration of a person’s work. The model was most fully implemented in Germany, where in 1880. For the first time in the world, health insurance was introduced, and then a package of laws was adopted, according to which the amount of insurance premiums was linked to earnings, and the amount of the cost of contributions was distributed equally between employers and employees. The state also took part in financing pensions. And although the parameters of this model have been constantly improved, the principles inherent in it initially are preserved today.

In the conservative model of social policy, the distributive type of social justice is implemented: redistribution tendencies are weakly expressed here, and the main emphasis is on the labor participation of workers in social production.

The liberal model of social policy operates in Great Britain and the USA. Here the state ensures the well-being of vulnerable segments of the population and maximally stimulates the creation of non-state forms of social insurance and social support. In addition, citizens receive assistance from the state in the form of transfers from budgets at various levels. The main condition for receiving state benefits is low income. In the USA, for example, there are about 8 thousand social assistance programs that are implemented at the federal, state and municipal levels, and the criteria for their issuance vary from state to state. There is a real opportunity to receive social assistance under several programs simultaneously. The amount of these benefits is insignificant, but together they allow a person in a difficult situation to improve his well-being.

The above three models are not found anywhere in the world in their pure form, representing “ideal types” of a social state, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. In practice, one can usually observe a combination of elements of liberal, conservative and social democratic models with a clear predominance of the features of one of them.

Social policy is formed taking into account the specific historical conditions of the country. The material foundations of social life have a great influence on the implementation of social policy. For example, different countries have different demographic structure of the population, which determines the load factor. At the same time, the burden on the working-age population may increase both from children and from the elderly. Due to these factors, expenditures on social programs will have a different structure. Social programs are significantly influenced by the economic and political situation (for example, wars, blockades, embargoes). To formulate social policy, it is necessary to clearly understand both the social stratification of society and the goals of socio-economic transformations.

Along with this, the characteristics of the subject factor are also of great importance. Since the behavior of people with certain interests, capabilities, social activity, mobility, and type of culture shapes the social sphere, therefore, for social management and choosing a social policy model, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the incentives, preferences of various social groups, and traditions of the country’s population.

  • Property in the economic system
  • Classification of economic systems
  • Topic 4. Market economic system Market, its structure and functioning mechanism
  • Subjects of a mixed economy and the relationship between them. Circulation of goods, resources and income
  • The role of the state in a market economy
  • Basic Concepts
  • Demand and its factors. Demand function
  • Supply and its factors. Suggestion function
  • Interaction of supply and demand: market equilibrium
  • Causes and mechanisms of shifts in market equilibrium
  • The impact of the state on market equilibrium
  • Price elasticity of demand: concept, measurement, types, factors
  • Elasticity of supply: concept, measurement, factors. Three periods of time elasticity of supply
  • Topic 5. Consumer behavior in the market, basic concepts
  • Utility of a good and consumer choice (cardinalist approach)
  • Indifference curves and budget constraints (ordinalist approach)
  • Consumer optimum
  • Basic Concepts
  • Income effect and substitution effect
  • Income-consumption curve and Engel curves
  • Price-consumption curve
  • Constructing an individual and market demand curve
  • Consumer welfare assessment
  • Topic 6. The company as a market entity, basic concepts
  • Production function and its properties. Isoquant. Limit rate of technological substitution
  • Single variable production and the law of diminishing returns. Relationship between marginal and average product
  • Production with two variable factors. Economies of scale
  • Isocosta. Producer Equilibrium
  • Basic Concepts
  • Cost concept. Explicit and implied costs. Accounting, economic and normal profit
  • Production costs in the short run. Constant, variable and general
  • Cost function in the long run
  • Total, average and marginal income
  • Topic 7. Market structures
  • The concept of market structure. Signs of perfect competition. Demand for a competitor's product
  • Properties of market structures
  • Profit maximization by a firm in the short run
  • Long-run production costs. The paradox of profit
  • Pure monopoly market model
  • Marginal revenue curve for a pure monopolist
  • Profit maximization by a pure monopolist in the short run. Long-run monopoly equilibrium
  • Monopoly power and its social costs (buyer surplus and seller surplus)
  • Price discrimination. Concept, conditions of occurrence, types and consequences
  • State regulation of the pure monopoly market
  • Signs of monopolistic competition in comparison with the market of perfect competition and monopoly
  • Product differentiation. Price and non-price competition
  • The demand curve of a firm under monopolistic competition. Equilibrium in the short and long periods under price competition
  • Main features of the oligopoly market. Oligopoly behavior. Broken demand curve. Pricing in an oligopoly market
  • The role of non-price competition and economic efficiency
  • Topic 8. Market of production factors and income distribution basic concepts
  • Competitive resource markets. Supply and demand for resources by firm and industry
  • Pricing in the labor market
  • Capital Market Pricing
  • Pricing on the land market
  • Topic 9. Agricultural economics
  • Forms of agricultural enterprises.
  • Differential and monopoly land rent. Absolute rent.
  • APK, its structure and functions.
  • Topic 10. National economy: goals and results Goals of the national economy
  • Structure of the national economy, its types
  • Macroeconomic model of the circulation of income and expenses
  • System of macroeconomic proportions and their types
  • GNP and methods of its calculation
  • 1) By the production method - as the sum of added values ​​of all enterprises;
  • SNS and circulation of expenses and income
  • 2. Circulation model with state participation.
  • 3. Circulation model taking into account foreign countries. Nominal and real GDP
  • Topic 11. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Macroeconomic equilibrium Aggregate demand
  • Aggregate offer
  • Aggregate supply in the short and long run
  • Macroeconomic equilibrium (ad-as model)
  • Income, consumption and savings in Keynesian theory
  • Investments and their instability. Factors of demand for investment
  • Methods for analyzing macroeconomic equilibrium
  • Changes in equilibrium output. Cartoonist
  • The Paradox of Thrift
  • Topic 12. Macroeconomic instability and forms of its manifestation. Economic cycle and its main characteristics.
  • Unemployment and its types. Economic Costs of Unemployment
  • Inflation: concept, causes and consequences
  • The Phillips curve and the problem of stagflation
  • Topic 13. Financial system and fiscal policy of the state Functions and principles of taxation
  • Types of taxes
  • Fiscal (budgetary and tax) policy
  • Budget deficit and public debt. Public debt management
  • Topic 14. Money market. Monetary policy
  • Money supply and its structure
  • 1) Cash (paper and metal) in circulation and being an obligation of the state;
  • Demand for money and its types. Money Market Equilibrium
  • 1) Demand caused by the use of money in various business transactions;
  • 2) Demand for money as a means of preserving wealth.
  • The banking system as an organizational form of the money market
  • Monetary policy and its instruments
  • 1) Open market operations;
  • 2) Change in reserve norm;
  • 3) Change in discount rate.
  • Topic 15. Macroeconomic equilibrium in the commodity and money markets The relationship between the commodity and money markets
  • Consequences of changes in equilibrium conditions in the market of goods and money
  • The impact of changes in monetary and fiscal policy on the interaction of commodity and money markets
  • Topic 16. Social policy of the state; essence and main directions of social policy
  • Income of the population, their forms in a market economy
  • System and mechanism of social protection of the population
  • Social guarantees
  • Income distribution and social justice
  • Standard of living of the population
  • Topic 17. Economic growth Economic growth and its factors
  • 1) The main problem of this theory is to find ways to increase the volume of GDP under conditions of full employment, i.e., overcoming the frontier of one’s production possibilities;
  • 2) It is based on a dynamic, long-term approach to economics.
  • Theories of economic growth and government regulation
  • 2) Focus on the long-term sustainability of economic growth;
  • 3) They propose to stimulate and regulate economic growth through tax cuts as a means of increasing savings and investments, labor and entrepreneurial activity;
  • Economic growth model Solow
  • Topic 18. World economy The concept of the world economy and the economic prerequisites for its emergence
  • Structure of the world economy
  • Integration processes in the global economy
  • Internationalization of economic life and its forms
  • Globalization as a new stage in the internationalization of the world economy
  • Social policy- a system of measures aimed at improving the level and quality of life of the population. It is also defined as the activities of the state to manage the development of the social sphere of society, aimed at meeting the interests and needs of citizens.

    The main objectives of social policy are:

    Increased well-being;

    Improving working and living conditions of people;

    Implementation of the principle of social justice.

    Social policy must take into account not only the material, but also the political and spiritual interests of members of society.

    The following are distinguished: social policy objectives ensuring the normal development of society:

    1) social protection of a person and his basic socio-economic rights;

    2) providing conditions for improving the well-being of each person and society as a whole;

    3) maintaining a certain status of various social groups and relations between them, the formation and reproduction of the optimal social structure of society;

    4) development of social infrastructure (housing and communal services, transport and communications, education, healthcare, information);

    5) formation of economic incentives for participation in social production;

    6) creating conditions for the comprehensive development of a person, satisfying his needs and the possibility of realization in free labor.

    Social policy expresses the ultimate goals and results of economic growth. The goal of social policy is to encourage all forms of business activity, primarily labor and entrepreneurial activity. As for the results of economic growth, as it accelerates, favorable social conditions are created for citizens, their well-being increases, and incentives for effective economic activity are created. At the same time, the higher the level of economic development achieved, the higher the requirements for people ensuring economic growth, for their knowledge, culture, physical and moral development. Social policy performance indicators are the level and quality of life of the population.

    Social policy is carried out at different levels of economic activity:

    1) social policy of the company (corporation) in relation to its personnel;

    2) regional social policy in relation to regions;

    3) state social policy;

    4) interstate social policy related to solving global environmental problems and overcoming the socio-economic backwardness of groups of countries.

    The possibilities for solving social policy problems are determined by the amount of resources that the state can direct to their implementation. In turn, the resource base depends on the overall level of economic development of the country. The world economy has entered an innovative stage of development. Its distinctive features: high knowledge-intensity of production, continuous innovation process, requiring a new level of professionalism of human resources.

    Success or failure in solving social policy problems depends on the stability or instability of the economic system of society.

    Social sustainability assumes:

    Stable price level for basic consumer goods and services;

    Preventing unjustified differentiation of income;

    Formation of a reliable system of social protection and social guarantees for members of society.

    The social policy of the state in an economy in transition to a market economy has peculiarities, expressed in:

    Support for various segments of the population;

    Social support for low-income citizens;

    Creating conditions for the development of entrepreneurship;

    Adequate funding for education and healthcare;

    Caring for environmental protection;

    Regulation of the sphere of labor relations.

    Social policy in the transition period is implemented in three main directions. These are income policy, employment policy and social partnership policy.

    Income Policy involves the implementation of measures to mitigate their inequality; employment policy consists in ensuring conditions for the effectiveness of labor activity; social partnership policy is aimed at regulating the relationship between employers and employees.

    The market itself plays a great role in solving many socio-economic issues. It distributes income fairly according to the final results; By increasing the efficiency of the economy, it creates the material basis for increasing the well-being of the population. The market forces producers to work to maximally satisfy the diverse needs of people, but at the same time cannot provide social guarantees for all members of society.

    Social policy measures are financed by the state. Currently, there is a transition from government funding to social partnership. This means that a number of social programs to create a housing market, use the possibilities of insurance medicine, and transfer a number of social services to a paid basis are carried out at the expense of not only the budget, but also enterprises.

    Main directions of social policy:

    1) providing all able-bodied people with favorable opportunities and incentives for entrepreneurship and work, for earning the highest possible income through any legal activity;

    2) providing certain social guarantees for the disabled, the poor and the unemployed.

    The first direction includes a set of government measures such as:

    Liberalization of business - freeing it from bureaucratic barriers, giving people freedom of enterprise within the framework of the law and responsibility;

    Maintaining high employment - increasing jobs, promoting vocational training, retraining, employment;

    Regulation of labor relations - minimum wage, working hours, vacations, labor protection, etc.

    Second direction provides for measures aimed at redistributing income, providing pensions and benefits to the disabled, low-income and unemployed, increasing the educational level and strengthening medical care for all those in need.

    Social partnership- coordination of actions of the government, entrepreneurs and employees on the dynamics of wages and social transfers. The social partnership policy is aimed at implementing the principles of equality and social justice in the labor market. It assumes:

    Creation of normal conditions in the labor market (length of the working week, vacations, labor protection, remuneration, rights and responsibilities of an employee);

    Ensuring business conditions (inviolability of property, freedom of enterprise and disposal of income).