Conducting industrial environmental control at the enterprise. Industrial environmental control: process features

In order to comply with the requirements of Art. 67 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, users of natural resources, including car service companies, are obliged to organize production environmental control. Information on the organization of industrial environmental control, appointed officials responsible for carrying out control, as well as the results of control are submitted to territorial authorities in the field of environmental protection.

Industrial environmental control is carried out on the basis of the “Regulations on industrial environmental control”, which is independently developed by the enterprise and approved by the administration of the enterprise.

The “Regulations on Industrial Environmental Control” detail and specify the basic requirements for industrial environmental control in accordance with the specifics of a particular production and the environmental management system adopted by the enterprise.

Appendices to the regulations on the organization of industrial environmental control are job descriptions of responsible persons involved in the implementation of industrial environmental control.

The main tasks of industrial environmental control at car service enterprises are:

1. Control over the rational use of natural resources and accounting for their use;

2. Monitoring the implementation of plans and activities in the field of environmental protection;

3. Control, incl. analytical, for sources of negative impact and the state of the environment in the zone of their influence;

4. Control of physical influences (thermal, acoustic, vibration, etc.);

5. Monitoring compliance with hazardous waste management rules;

6. Control over technical condition and the efficiency of environmental equipment and structures;

7. Preparation and introduction of environmental documentation of the enterprise;

8. Providing operational information to enterprise management for making timely management decisions.

Objects subject to industrial environmental control include:

Sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air: stationary and mobile;

Exhaust gas and wastewater treatment systems;

Sources of discharge of pollutants into the environment (into water bodies, underground soils, onto the terrain), into sewerage systems and drainage networks;

Water intakes, recycling and re-water supply systems (when pollutants are released into the environment);

Sources of production waste (workshops, areas, technological processes);

Facilities for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste (temporary storage sites, landfills, etc.);

Warehouses and storage facilities for raw materials, materials, reagents, finished products;

Environmental objects located within industrial sites, territories (water areas) where environmental management is carried out, impact zones, including sanitary protection zones.

Industrial environmental control can be carried out in two forms:

1 Form of visual monitoring of the activities of workshops and services to comply with the rules of operation of equipment that affects the formation and entry of pollutants into the environment;

2 A form of instrumental control over the quantitative parameters of emissions, discharges or the state of the environment in the zone of influence of pollution sources. In addition, instrumental control is used to verify compliance with the design values ​​of the operating parameters of dust and gas collection equipment and treatment facilities.

Instrumental control can be carried out by the enterprise independently, if the enterprise includes an accredited laboratory, or under a contract by a third-party organization that has the appropriate accreditation.


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1.1. The Regulations on Industrial Environmental Control (hereinafter referred to as PEC) were developed in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation: Federal Law dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection”, Federal Law dated May 4, 1999 No. 96-FZ “ On the protection of atmospheric air”, Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”.

1.2. The Regulations on PEC determine the procedure for organizing and conducting PEC for compliance with environmental legislation and the implementation of environmental measures, and also stipulate the responsibilities of employees Name of the enterprise to fulfill the requirements of these Regulations.

1.3. PEC is carried out in order to ensure compliance with environmental standards as a result of economic and other activities, measures for environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, as well as in order to comply with the requirements in the field of environmental protection established by federal legislation.

1.4. Basic principles of PEC: objectivity, consistency, complexity.

1.5. The main tasks of the PEC:

— taking into account the nomenclature and quantity of pollutants entering the environment

— ensuring timely development (revision) of environmental impact standards (limits) and monitoring their compliance

— monitoring the implementation of plans and measures in the field of environmental protection natural environment, instructions and recommendations of specially authorized bodies of state environmental control (hereinafter - GEC)

— control of physical impacts (thermal, noise, radiation, etc.)

— control over the rational use of natural resources and accounting for their use

— monitoring compliance with the rules for handling hazardous and harmful substances and biological products

— control over the stability and efficiency of environmental equipment and structures

— control over the availability and technical condition of equipment for localization and liquidation of consequences man-made accidents, to ensure personnel safety

— control, including analytical, over the state of environmental objects in the zone of influence of the enterprise

— maintaining environmental documentation of the enterprise

— timely provision of information provided for by state statistical reporting, the state government system environmental monitoring, cadastral registration used to ensure security measures in extreme situations substantiating the amount of environmental payments and damage, etc.

— timely submission of information provided for by the in-production environmental management system

1.6. PEC objects subject to regular observation and assessment (monitoring):

— raw materials, materials, reagents, preparations

natural resources, used in production

— sources of waste generation, including production, workshops, areas, technological processes and individual technological stages

— sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air

— sources of discharge of pollutants into the environment

— sources of pollutant discharges into sewerage systems and wastewater networks

— sources of physical influences

— wastewater treatment and waste disposal systems

— exhaust gas purification and waste disposal systems

— warehouses and storage facilities for raw materials, materials, reagents

— repeated and recycling water supply systems

— systems for recycling raw materials, reagents and materials

— waste disposal and disposal systems

— environmental objects within the industrial site, territory (water area) where environmental management is carried out, sanitary protection zone, zone of influence of the enterprise

- finished products

— systems for localizing and eliminating the consequences of man-made accidents and other unforeseen situations leading to negative impacts on the environment, as well as for preventing such situations and accidents


2.1. The responsibilities of the name of the enterprise include compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, as well as decrees, orders and environmental conclusions of officials of bodies authorized to carry out state environmental protection, including:

— development and implementation of environmental protection measures, as well as implementation of environmental protection measures during the performance of work and provision of services, during production, transportation, storage and sale of products, including through EIA

— ensuring the safety of the work performed and services provided for the environment and human health

— implementation of PEC for compliance with environmental legislation

2.2. PEC is carried out by a special service (environmental service), organized in the structure Name of the enterprise, which is headed by the Chief Engineer. Environmental service specialists must be competent in environmental issues. Certification of specialists is carried out at the Independent Certification and Methodological Center in accordance with the Certification Procedure set out in RD-03-19-2007.

2.3. PEC provides:

a) control over the availability of official regulatory and methodological documentation, methods and techniques for monitoring discharges and emissions, as well as environmental components in accordance with the activities carried out

b) control over the organization and implementation of laboratory research and testing:

— on the border of the sanitary protection zone and in the zone of influence of the enterprise, on the territory of the enterprise, in order to assess the impact of production on the environment and human health

— raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and technologies for their production, storage, transportation, sales and disposal

c) control over the availability of permits: permits for emissions of pollutants into the air, for discharges of pollutants into surface waters, established limits for waste disposal; for the implementation of instructions to eliminate identified violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection; passports for hazardous waste, other documents confirming the environmental safety of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and technologies for their production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal in cases provided for by current legislation

d) maintaining records and reporting established by current legislation and other regulations in the field of implementation of PEC

e) timely notification of authorities local government, bodies and institutions of the Rostechnadzor service, the population about emergency situations, production stoppages, violations of technological processes that pose a threat to the environment and human health

f) visual control by specially authorized officials of the organization of the implementation of environmental protection measures, compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, development and implementation of measures aimed at eliminating identified violations

2.4. Laboratory research and testing is carried out by the name of the enterprise independently (or with the involvement of a third-party accredited laboratory). The nomenclature, volume and frequency of laboratory research and testing are determined depending on the sanitary and epidemiological characteristics of production, the presence of harmful production factors, the degree of their impact on the environment and human health.

2.5. The PEC program is drawn up annually, approved by the head of the enterprise name or duly authorized persons and submitted at the request of specially authorized bodies that carry out the state inspection.

2.6. The head of the name of the enterprise is responsible for the timeliness of the organization, completeness and accuracy of the carried out PEC.

2.7. Officials of the organization bear disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability for environmental violations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


3.1. General management of PEC is carried out by the head of the enterprise.

3.2. PEC is organized in accordance with the order (instruction) of the head of the enterprise. Name of the enterprise.


4.1. To carry out the PEC, the following documents are required:

— regulatory requirements in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management that apply to the name of the enterprise

— data on sources of environmental pollution and the impact on components of the natural environment provided by Enterprise name

— environmental quality in the zone of possible influence Name of the enterprise (sanitary protection zone, zone of influence of the subject, background concentrations)

4.2. Regulatory requirements in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management are contained in legislative acts of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations of Rostechnadzor and other specially authorized state bodies in the field of environmental protection, regulations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (this also includes requirements that apply to Company name).

4.3. Regulatory requirements are formed by the PEC Service Name of the enterprise on the basis of official sources of publication of regulatory legal documents of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Information about sources of environmental pollution and the impact of the name of the enterprise on components of the natural environment is reflected in the following documents:

1) materials from the feasibility study for construction Name of the enterprise

2) conclusions of the state environmental assessment of materials from the feasibility study Name of the enterprise

3) draft standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants

4) permission to emit pollutants into the air

5) draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal

6) permission to dispose of waste generated at the name of the enterprise

7) document on the right of ownership of land plots

8) water management passport

9) inventory list of sources of air pollution controlled by the name of the enterprise

11) data from monitoring impacts on components of the natural environment

Sources of information on the quality of atmospheric air, surface and groundwater, land and soil, animal and flora in the zone of possible influence The name of the enterprise are:

1) section “Environmental Protection” as part of the materials of the feasibility study for the construction of the Subject

2) results of monitoring of the natural environment


Main stages of PEC:

1. Planning

2. Enforcement

3. Preparation of reports

5.1. Planning

5.1.1. PEC is carried out on the basis of approved environmental plans, the development of which must take into account the conditions of environmental management, environmental requirements, technical requirements for the operation of installations, devices and structures for the purification of gas emissions and wastewater, the results of the state inspection and inspection.

5.1.2. The conditions for environmental management are established in the permitting documentation. Name of the enterprise, namely:

— conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise (or Glavgosexpertiza)

- documents for ownership of land plots

— water use agreement or decision to provide water bodies for use

— draft standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the air

— permission to emit pollutants into the air

— permission to dispose of waste

— license to carry out activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation of hazardous waste)

— draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal

— documents for mining allotment

— declaration of industrial safety

— subsoil use license and other licenses in accordance with current legislation

5.1.3. The documentation for installations, devices and structures for the purification of gas emissions and wastewater sets out the technical requirements for their operation (regulations or operating instructions).

5.1.4. Violations of environmental legislation identified as a result of environmental control are recorded in the Logbook of control (supervision) activities Name of the enterprise.

5.1.5. The results of PEC (including the results of industrial environmental monitoring) are reflected in the reporting documentation of the PEC service.

5.1.6. Plan for next year is being developed at the end of the current one. The structural divisions of the PEC Service draw up plans for individual areas of PEC, taking into account the need to conduct laboratory monitoring of compliance with environmental standards and carry out industrial environmental monitoring. During the planning process, the source of funding and the possibility of implementing each of the proposed activities are determined.

5.1.7. IN general plan environmental activities of the Subject include all plans for individual areas of the PEC, which is subsequently approved by its head before the start planning period(year, quarter). The manager determines the deadlines for preparing environmental plans.

5.2. Enforcement

5.2.1. The implementation of planned environmental protection measures is carried out by the PEC Service with the involvement, in the prescribed manner, of specialists from other divisions of the subject of economic and other activities and third-party organizations (in necessary cases).

5.2.2. Basic PEC procedures:

— industrial environmental monitoring

— taking into account impacts on components of the natural environment

— inventory of sources of environmental pollution

— obtaining (extension) of permits

— control over the implementation of measures aimed at protecting atmospheric air, natural waters, lands and soils, flora and fauna, and compliance with hazardous waste management requirements

— monitoring compliance with environmental requirements and standards

— analysis of the results of environmental activities

— development of corrective measures

5.2.3. Industrial environmental monitoring means monitoring the quality of atmospheric air, surface and underground natural waters, soil, flora and fauna within the Subject’s protective measures zone. Monitoring is carried out in accordance with the documents of the Environmental Monitoring System.

5.2.4. The main and mandatory procedure performed within the framework of the PEC is taking into account the impacts on environmental components. Accounting is carried out according to standard forms, developed for each of the areas of activity in the field of environmental protection. The basis for the preparation of reports, memos, forecasts, declarations and other documents on environmental issues is based on accounting data.

5.2.5. An inventory of sources of environmental pollution is carried out to update existing data on the impact on components of the natural environment. When making an inventory, project documentation is used: the name of the enterprise, as well as draft emission (discharge) standards, a water management passport, draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal. During the inventory, information is clarified on the sources of environmental pollution, the qualitative and quantitative composition of emissions into the atmosphere, discharges into natural water bodies, waste generated, as well as the modes of their formation and disposal into the environment.

5.2.6. An inventory of sources of atmospheric air pollution is carried out in accordance with a special Plan (Program). Data for each source of pollution is entered into the appropriate inventory form. Based on the results of the inventory, technical reports are compiled. In turn, the inventory results are entered into the inventory sheet.

5.2.7. Taking into account the implemented technological solutions, the name of the enterprise must have permits available: a permit for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, a permit for waste disposal, a license to carry out activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste, a permit for the discharge of pollutants into the environment, a water use agreement or decisions on the provision of water bodies for use. Receipt and renewal of these documents is carried out in the manner established by Rostechnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor.

5.2.8. Monitoring of compliance with environmental requirements and standards is carried out in accordance with the terms of validity of the above-mentioned permits received by the Subject. Selection and analysis of samples of gas emissions, atmospheric air, wastewater, soil, components of flora and fauna is carried out according to laboratory control plans and schedules, which must be agreed upon with the territorial body of Rostechnadzor and, if necessary, Rospotrebnadzor. The results of laboratory control are recorded in the appropriate primary accounting logs (see sections 6-11 of these Regulations). Based on the results of inspections, reports are drawn up, and in cases of non-compliance with environmental requirements and standards, orders are drawn up to eliminate the noted violations. If the disturbances are caused objective reasons and cannot be promptly eliminated, then such violations are reported to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor, action plans are developed and approved to eliminate violations of environmental requirements (plans for achieving established standards).

5.2.9. The PEC Service analyzes the results of environmental activities as a whole for the Entity at least once a quarter. The results of the analysis are reflected in reports (quarterly, annual). If necessary, based on these results, appropriate corrective measures are developed and included in environmental plans.

5.3. Report preparation

5.3.1. Based on the results of the PEC, reports are compiled (quarterly, annual). The procedure for their preparation is established by the head of the PEC service.

5.3.2. Also, in accordance with the procedure established by Rosstat, state statistical reporting is prepared and submitted according to the federal state statistical observation forms No. 2-TP (air) “Information on the protection of atmospheric air”, No. 2-TP (vodkhoz) “Information on the use of water”, No. 2-TP (waste) “Information on the generation, receipt, use and disposal of hazardous production and consumption waste”, No. 2-TP (reclamation) “Information on land reclamation, removal and use of fertile soil layer”, No. 4-OS “Information on current costs for environmental protection, environmental and natural resource payments”, No. 18-KS “Information on investments in fixed capital aimed at environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.” State statistical reporting is prepared on the basis of primary accounting data using standard Rosstat forms.


6.1. Planning measures to protect atmospheric air

6.1.1. The main provisions of the action plan for atmospheric air protection:

— Obtaining (extension) of a permit for emissions of pollutants into the air

— Carrying out an inventory of sources of air pollution (in case of changes at the Subject, for example, during expansion, reconstruction of an enterprise, commissioning of new workshops, etc., or as directed by the State Enforcement Committee)

— Monitoring compliance with MPE standards and emission limits (carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Draft MPE standards of a business entity or other activity)

— Monitoring compliance with technical standards for emissions from mobile sources of air pollution

- Examination technical characteristics gas cleaning equipment

— Monitoring of atmospheric air at the border of the sanitary protection zone, in the zone of protective measures of the subject of economic and other activities, in waste disposal sites

— Carrying out measures to eliminate deficiencies identified as a result of the state inspection (if any)

— Preparation and presentation of the state statistical reporting according to form No. 2-TP (air)

— Carrying out measures to regulate emissions under adverse weather conditions (upon receipt of a warning/alert)

— Advanced training of specialists in the field of atmospheric air protection

Activities for the above items should be specified.

6.1.2. The head of the PEC Service sets the deadline for drawing up an action plan.

6.2. Implementation of measures to protect atmospheric air

6.2.1. Monitoring compliance with the maximum permissible rules Work to monitor compliance with the maximum permissible limits is carried out taking into account the terms of the Permit for the Emission of Pollutants, as well as the requirements of GOST in accordance with the duly approved System for monitoring compliance with the maximum permissible limits for the name of the enterprise. The control system includes:

a) a map diagram of the industrial zone of the subject indicating controlled emission sources

b) a list of controlled indicators for each emission source, MPE standards, frequency and methods of their control (direct measurement, sampling with subsequent measurement (calculation)

c) a list of measuring instruments, equipment and methodological documents used to monitor compliance with maximum permissible limits, indicating their metrological characteristics

d) schedule for monitoring emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere during NMU periods

e) data on the laboratory performing measurements of the content of pollutants in the emissions of the Subject When monitoring compliance with maximum permissible limits and emission limits, direct methods should be taken as a basis, which use measurements of the concentration of harmful substances and volumes of the gas-air mixture after gas treatment plants or in places where substances are directly released into the atmosphere. To increase the reliability of MPE control, or if it is impossible to use direct methods, balance and technological methods are used. As a way to monitor the implementation of maximum permissible limits in cases where emissions are quite stable in terms of the composition of mixtures of substances or there are no instruments for direct monitoring of emission standards for specific ingredients, it is possible to control by group indicators (total emissions of organic compounds, sulfur-containing substances, etc.) with subsequent calculation of emissions of substances , for which the maximum permissible limits are directly established. It is allowed to use instrument readings as group indicators if they can be used to calculate emissions of substances for which maximum permissible limits have been established. When monitoring compliance with maximum permissible limits, emissions of harmful substances are determined by the maximum one-time maximum permissible concentrations (with a frequency of 20 minutes), as well as on average per day, month and year. If the duration of emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere is less than 20 minutes, control is carried out based on the complete emission of the harmful substance during this time.

6.2.2. Primary accounting during production control in the field of atmospheric air protection

When PEC in the field of atmospheric air protection, it is necessary to carry out primary data recording using standard forms POD-1, POD-2 and POD-3. A corresponding journal is created for each of these forms.

A journal in the form POD-1 “Logbook of stationary sources of pollution and their characteristics” is primary document accounting for stationary sources of air pollution and their characteristics for each structural unit of the Subject. This log takes into account all pollutants emitted into the air from organized and unorganized sources. Entries in the journal are made based on the results of measurements of the parameters of the specified sources and the results of the analysis of selected samples. Primary accounting using the POD-1 form allows you to:

— determine the total amount of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air for each source of their release

- define maximum quantity pollutants in emissions at each change in the technological regime of the emission source

— monitor compliance with MPE standards and emission limits

— assess the environmental characteristics of the Subject’s technological processes

A journal in the form POD-2 “Logbook for recording the implementation of measures for the protection of atmospheric air” is used to record the implementation of measures for the protection of atmospheric air:

— assessing the effectiveness of measures, improving the environmental characteristics of technological processes

— streamlining directions for reducing pollutant emissions

— monitoring the timing of implementation of measures to protect atmospheric air and the costs of their implementation

A journal in the form of POD-3 “Logbook for recording the operation of gas purification and dust collection installations” is used to record the operation of gas purification and dust collection installations. Primary accounting using the POD-3 form allows you to:

— assess the condition of dust and gas cleaning equipment

— determine the actual volume of waste and emitted pollutants into the atmosphere

Data from forms POD-1, POD-2 and POD-3 are used to prepare reports on the federal state statistical observation form No. 2-TP (air).

6.2.3. Regulation of emissions under adverse weather conditions (AMC) The draft MPE standards include a special action plan that ensures a reduction in regulated emissions into the atmosphere for the entire period of the NMU. Adverse meteorological conditions are meteorological conditions conducive to the accumulation of harmful (pollutant) substances in the ground layer of atmospheric air. Warnings (alerts) about the occurrence of NMC must be recorded in a log.

Magazine form

to record warnings (alerts) when adverse weather conditions occur and measures taken on emissions reduction

Date, time Text Last name, I.O. Measures, Note

receiving a warning (notification) warning (notification) receiving a warning (notification) transmitting

warning (alert) adopted to reduce emissions


Column 1 indicates the serial number of the warning (notification) transmitted to the name of the enterprise.

Column 6 indicates to which structural divisions the name of the enterprise the information was transferred and what specific measures were taken. In case of receipt of a warning about the onset of the first, second or third mode of NMU, the head of the Entity issues an order on the transition of the enterprise to the specified operating modes during the period of NMU, indicating the persons responsible for carrying out measures for the Entity and its structural divisions, determining the procedure for receiving and transmitting warning measures.

For substances whose emissions do not create pollution exceeding 0.1 MPCm.r. at the border of the sanitary protection zone or in residential buildings, measures to reduce emissions for the period of non-mandatory conditions are not developed. When operating Enterprise Name in the first NMU mode, mainly organizational and technical measures are carried out without changing the mode of the technological process and the load of the Subject (strengthening control technological discipline, operating mode of equipment and controls, exclusion of equipment cleaning, etc.). These measures can reduce emissions into the atmosphere by 5-10%. In the second and third modes of the NMU, measures are carried out based on the technological process (reducing the productivity of individual devices and technological lines), introduction of a ban on waste burning, stopping technological equipment in case of failure of gas purification systems, restructuring of the fuel consumption structure, etc. Measures to temporarily reduce emissions, presented in the form of tables and explanatory note, are given in the Draft standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants.

6.3. Reporting on the implementation of activities in the area

air protection

6.3.1. The procedure for preparing reports on the implementation of measures to protect atmospheric air is established by the head of the environmental control service.

The report must reflect all planned and unscheduled measures to protect atmospheric air. The report analyzes the work performed, evaluates its effectiveness, indicates the reasons for violation of requirements, non-compliance with standards, and makes proposals for improving activities in the field of atmospheric air protection.

6.3.2. Until January 15, the Entity submits to state statistics and environmental authorities annual state statistical reporting in the form of federal state statistical observation No. 2-TP (air) “Information on the protection of atmospheric air.”

Statistical reporting in form No. 2-TP (air) is prepared on the basis of primary accounting logs in forms POD-1, POD-2 and POD-3.

The subject represents along with annual reports according to form No. 2-TP (air) the subject semi-annual form of federal state statistical observation No. 2-TP-air (urgent).


In order to carry out environmental control of activities in the field of hazardous waste management, the PEC Service performs the following functions:

— development of measures to reduce the impact of generated waste on the environment

— accounting and reporting in the field of industrial and consumer waste management

— control of compliance with environmental requirements when handling production and consumption waste, reporting on compliance with the instructions of the state inspection authorities

— monitoring of the state of the natural environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the natural environment

— organization and participation in the inventory of waste and its disposal facilities, certification, confirmation of the classification of hazardous waste to a specific hazard class, development of draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal (PNOOLR)

— obtaining a license to carry out activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste and monitoring licensing conditions

7.1. Development of measures to reduce the impact of waste on the environment

7.1.1. The PNOLR includes long-term planning activities.

The PEC service carries out annual planning, which should ensure the fulfillment of tasks included in the PNOOLR. Draft plans to reduce the impact of generated waste on the environment, included in the PNOLR, must be agreed upon with the authorities implementing the State Energy Commission. Every year, in development of the implementation of the five-year plan adopted for implementation as part of the PNOLR project, the name of the enterprise develops an Action Plan to reduce generated waste on the environment.

7.1.2. First of all, when developing the annual Action Plan, the PEC Service draws up a list of activities that will ensure a reduction in the impact of generated waste on the environment. The feasibility of carrying out these measures should be confirmed by calculations of the costs of their implementation and the expected results in reducing the impact of generated waste on the environment.

7.1.3. To the number mandatory events included in the Plan include measures to achieve waste disposal limits, obtain (extend) permission for waste disposal, measures to carry out routine, scheduled and preventive repairs of temporary waste storage areas, as well as measures proposed by higher organizations and regulations of the State Energy Committee.

7.1.4. The action plan for the next year is being developed at the end of the current year. The action plan is developed by the person responsible for organizing environmental activities in the field of waste management with the participation of interested department heads. Name of the enterprise.

7.1.5. The developed measures are preliminarily checked by calculation methods for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the sources of their financing and the possibility of implementation are determined. After this, the Action Plan is signed by the chief engineer and approved by the director. The name of the enterprise. The approved Action Plan is submitted for approval to the Territorial Body of Rostechnadzor.

7.1.6. The PEC Service monitors the implementation of the Action Plan. The service specialist responsible for waste management, at least once a month, in order to take preventive measures in case of failure to complete the planned work, checks:

— timing, timeliness of the start of work and its completion

— provision of work with financing, equipment, materials

— availability of a work schedule plan for commissioning, carrying out major and scheduled maintenance repairs, adjustment and timely implementation of the activities of this schedule

— reliability of reporting by department heads Name of the enterprise on the implementation of planned activities

7.1.7. After completion of work for each activity, a record is made in the Action Plan indicating specific data on the implementation: date and document number (order, agreement, permit for waste disposal limits, approvals, commissioning, etc.), work carried out during the implementation of this event, reason for transfer, etc.

The completeness and timeliness of the implementation of the Action Plan is controlled by the bodies of the State Examination Committee.

7.2. Accounting and reporting in the field of industrial and consumer waste management

7.2.1. The PEC Service of the Facility carries out primary accounting of generated, used, neutralized, transferred to other persons, as well as disposed waste in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial and Consumer Waste”.

Journal of primary accounting of waste generation volumes and their removal from places of generation in all departments Name of the enterprise. All types of production and consumption waste are subject to primary accounting - solid, liquid and gaseous, not accounted for in forms No. 2 TP - (water management), No. 2 TP - (air).

7.2.2. Each type of waste has its own section in the journal. The number of sections of the journal coincides with the number of types of waste generated at the facility.

If there is a waste disposal facility (disposal site), an OTX-2 waste log is maintained.

7.2.3. To fill out the “Operational Waste Flow Scheme” form, use the primary waste accounting forms. This form is required to complete the “Waste Mass Balance for reporting period" The form “Waste mass balance for the reporting period” is submitted annually to the Territorial body of Rostechnadzor as part of the “Technical report on the constancy production process, raw materials used and waste generated.” The Technical Report also includes information on waste disposal and information on the implementation of the Action Plan.

7.2.4. The Waste Operational Flow Scheme is completed using the waste classification and coding system and the Federal Waste Classification Catalog.

7.2.5. Maintaining primary records of waste movement also ensures the reliability of the presentation of state statistical reporting (form No. 2-TP (waste). By checking the accuracy of filling out statistical reporting in form No. 2-TP (waste), the PEC Service compares the approved standards for the generation and limits of waste disposal with the actual results , obtained from the analysis material balance and conducting instrumental monitoring of compliance with established standards.

7.2.6. The PEC service ensures the storage of data from the primary report, annual and statistical accounting of waste management. The storage period for documents is determined by the Territorial Body of Rostechnadzor.

7.3. Monitoring compliance with environmental requirements in waste management, production and consumption

7.3.1. Environmental requirements, established by law of the Russian Federation in the field of waste management are recorded in the PNOOLR Name of the enterprise, Permits for the disposal of production and consumption waste, licenses to carry out activities with hazardous waste.

7.3.2. An official of the PEC Service is appointed, responsible for the operation of waste storage (accumulation) sites on the territory of the Subject. His responsibilities include monthly inspection of waste storage sites for compliance with the provisions of the PNOOLR and, in case of detection of non-compliance, issuing an order to eliminate the observed violations, indicating the deadline for its implementation.

7.3.3. The places of storage (accumulation) of waste on the territory of the facility, their boundaries (area, volumes), arrangement, maximum amount of temporary accumulation of waste in accordance with issued permits, terms and methods of their accumulation are subject to control.

7.3.4. When carrying out control, use the PNOOLR table “Characteristics of waste storage facilities” and the table “Characteristics of a waste disposal facility” of the PNOOLR volume. In the case of waste transportation, an official of the PEC Service assesses the likelihood of loss of hazardous waste during transportation, creation emergency situation, causing harm to the environment, human health, economic and other facilities. In this case, the following is controlled: the availability of a hazardous waste passport, compliance with safety requirements for the transportation of hazardous waste to vehicles, the availability of documentation (for the transportation and transfer of hazardous waste) indicating the volumes and types of transported waste, the purpose and location of their transportation, equipping transport with special equipment and supplying it with special signs. In the event of a possible emergency, an official of the PEC Service prohibits the transportation of hazardous waste.

7.3.5. The PEC service monitors waste received or transferred for disposal. Documents for control of waste transfer to other organizations - waste delivery certificates, receipts and control coupons for waste acceptance for disposal.

7.3.6. If there is a waste disposal facility, its operation is checked for efficiency and safety for the environment and public health. The PEC service enters the waste disposal facility into the state register in accordance with the law.

7.3.7. When state authorities control activities in the field of hazardous waste management, the name of the enterprise must draw up an inspection report with instructions to eliminate violations of environmental legislation, which are mandatory for implementation. The deadline for fulfilling the order is agreed upon with the management Name of the enterprise.

7.3.8. Based on the Activity Inspection Act, the person in charge in the field of waste management draws up an Action Plan to eliminate violations of environmental protection activities. The plan is approved by the director Name of the enterprise. Measures to implement the requirements are part of the Action Plan to reduce the impact of generated waste on the environment.

7.3.9. For the purpose of state control over the implementation of regulations, a copy of the approved action plan to eliminate violations of environmental protection activities is sent to the Territorial Body of Rostechnadzor.

7.3.10. On the implementation of requirements, the PEC Service submits a report on the progress of their implementation on a quarterly basis, but no later than the 25th day of the last month of the quarter,

The report reflects all requirements to be fulfilled in a given quarter, the planned timing of their implementation and the results of implementation. The report is certified by the signature of the chief engineer Name of the enterprise.

If at least one instruction is not fulfilled within the time period specified in the Act, the head of the enterprise Name sends a letter to the Territorial body of Rostechnadzor, which indicates the justification for the reasons for non-compliance with the instruction and a request for permission to extend the deadline for completing the measure.

7.4. Monitoring the state of the natural environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the natural environment

7.4.1. PEC controls the organization of monitoring of the state of the natural environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and facilities and within the limits of their impact on the natural environment in the manner established by specially authorized federal authorities executive power in the field of waste management in accordance with its competence.

7.4.2. The department of the PEC service for environmental laboratory control carries out practical work on monitoring the state of the environment in places of storage (accumulation) of waste and monitoring the state of the environment at waste disposal sites.

7.5. Organization and participation in the inventory of waste and its disposal facilities, certification, confirmation of classification of hazardous waste into a specific hazard class, development of draft waste generation standards and limits on their disposal

7.5.1. The PEC service organizes and conducts an inventory of waste and its disposal facilities.

There are 3 stages of conducting an inventory of waste and their disposal facilities:

1. Preparatory

2. Carrying out an inventory survey

3. Processing of survey results and preparation of output materials

7.5.2. The head of the PEC service develops a Work Program for conducting an inventory of waste and its disposal facilities. In case of attraction specialized organization the work program is drawn up jointly with representatives of this organization.

After approval by the heads of structural divisions The name of the enterprise The program is approved by the managers The name of the enterprise and the involved organization.

The program must indicate specific deadlines for work in each structural unit. The Program specifies the person responsible for the implementation of activities or the responsible executor. The deadlines for the work and activities included in the program are binding on both parties. Postponement of deadlines is allowed only with the consent of both parties.

7.5.3. The results of the inventory survey are the basis for calculations and establishment of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal.

The PEC service organizes and carries out certification of hazardous waste in accordance with regulations in force at the time of drawing up passports, etc.

7.5.4. The PEC service carries out calculations (or engages a specialized organization on a contractual basis) to confirm the classification of hazardous waste into a specific hazard class in the prescribed manner in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated June 15, 2001 No. 511.

7.5.5. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste” Enterprise Name, waste generation standards and limits on their disposal are established.

7.5.4. PNOLR projects are developed by specialized organizations on a contractual basis. When drawing up an agreement, the developer, together with the management of the name of the enterprise, draws up a work schedule, including agreeing on standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal and obtaining permission.

7.5.5. The PEC service provides the specialized organization with the necessary information: data on the inventory of waste and its disposal sites, a map diagram of the facility with waste storage sites located on it, passports of hazardous waste, materials to confirm the classification of hazardous waste to a specific hazard class, information about the prospects for the development of the facility and other materials at the request of the developer organization.

7.5.6. The volume and content of the PNOLR volume is regulated by the Methodological Guidelines for the development of draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal.

7.5.7. The completed draft volume of the PNOOLR is checked by the PEC Service and the chief engineer of the Subject for the quality of execution and design, completeness and reliability of the initial data, sufficiency and feasibility of the recommended measures to reduce the impact of hazardous waste on the environment. After consideration and immediate elimination of comments and shortcomings, the draft volume of the PNOOLR is approved by the managers of the name of the enterprise and submitted to Rospotrebnadzor and the State Economic Committee for approval.

7.5.8. A necessary condition for issuing a permit for the disposal of production and consumption waste is the agreed volume of the PNRW.

In the event of a change in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the waste generated by the name of the enterprise, they must be brought to the attention of the Territorial body of Rostechnadzor in advance by submitting additional materials on adjusting the PNOOLR volume.

Permission to dispose of production and consumption waste is issued by the Territorial Body of Rostechnadzor on the basis of the agreed PNOOLR.

7.5.7. To extend the validity period of a permit for the disposal of production and consumption waste, the PEC service no later than 45 days before its expiration submits the necessary completed materials and documents to the Territorial Body of Rostechnadzor. The list of required documentation is specified in the relevant structural division of environmental protection of Rostechnadzor.

7.6. Obtaining a license to carry out hazardous waste management activities and monitoring licensing conditions

7.6.1. The PEC service organizes obtaining a license for activities related to the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste, guided by the Federal Law “On Licensing” individual species activities”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2006 No. 524.

A license for activities with hazardous waste must specify the licensing conditions for this activity.

7.6.2. The PEC service monitors compliance with license conditions. If violations are detected, the PEC service takes measures to eliminate them. If violations of license conditions are detected by an authorized official of the state control service and an order is issued, including those suspending the license, the PEC Service takes measures to eliminate violations of license conditions within the time limits specified in the order and notifies the licensing authority about this.

7.6.3. The licensing authority carries out an inspection of the elimination of violations that led to the suspension of the license within 15 days from the date of receipt of the notification from the Name of the Enterprise about the elimination of these violations.

7.6.4. A license for activities for the collection, use, neutralization, and transportation of hazardous waste is issued for certain period, which can subsequently be extended upon application by the name of the enterprise in the manner prescribed for re-issuance of a license.

7.6.5. In the event of a change in the environmental hazard class of waste, the properties and types of waste, as well as the location of their disposal facilities, the PEC service must notify the licensing authority in writing within 15 days.


8.1. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 1992 No. 632 “On approval of the procedure for determining the fee and its maximum dimensions for environmental pollution, waste disposal, other types harmful effects» Subjects are payers for negative impacts on the environment (emissions of pollutants into the air, discharges of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, disposal of production and consumption waste).

8.2. The PEC service controls calculations of payments for negative environmental impacts made by the name of the enterprise in accordance with Order of Rostechnadzor dated 04/05/2007 No. 204 “On approval of the form for calculating payments for negative environmental impacts and the procedure for filling out and submitting the form for calculating payments for negative environmental impact."



9.1. When assessing the environmental situation that arose during or after the liquidation of an emergency (emergency) situation at a facility, the PEC Service functions in collaboration with the forces and means of monitoring and forecasting of the system of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Emergency Situations and works together with the divisions of this department.

9.2. During this period, information about the deterioration of the situation, detection in the air, water, soil is transmitted to the management of the facility, to the higher-level organization and at the same time to the control and supervisory authorities. chemicals exceeding the maximum permissible levels, in accordance with the Procedure in force on the territory of the subject:

— for atmospheric air — 20 or more times

- For surface waters for substances of hazard classes 1 and 2 by 5 or more times, for hazard classes 3 and 4 - by 50 or more times

— for soils — 50 times or more

9.3. In case of detection of high levels of pollution, as well as identification of signs of an emergency situation based on visual and organoleptic signs, the transfer of information is carried out within the period specified in the Procedure in force at the facility, in the event of an emergency situation and then at intervals of no more than 4 hours via existing lines communications.

9.4. Subsequent observations are carried out by operational groups, consisting of at least 2 people, formed on the basis of territorial environmental authorities and PEC services of the facility, independently or jointly with other monitoring and control services that are part of the Russian system of monitoring and forecasting emergency situations.

9.5. Before leaving for the accident site, the operational team collects the necessary information: wind direction and speed, a list of possible pollutants and hazardous impacts. Observation begins against the wind towards the object.

9.6. The personnel of the operational group is provided by individual means respiratory and skin protection.

Presence chemically hazardous substances determined using the instruments provided for in the Procedure for the operation of personnel of the environmental pollution monitoring system in operating mode in an emergency situation.

9.7. The measurement results are recorded in chemical observation logs and reported to their immediate managers, which, in turn, transmit data to higher organizations and territorial authorities for civil defense and emergency situations with a frequency of no more than 4 hours.

In case of detection of increased levels of chemical pollution, observations are carried out 4 times a day: at 9.00, 15.00, 21.00 and 3.00, and in case of an emergency - every 4 hours.

The time and number of measurements are determined in the orders for the name of the enterprise.

9.8. Along with taking measurements, the boundary of the contaminated area is determined.

To determine a specific list of pollutants released into the atmospheric air or discharged into surface water bodies and watercourses and onto the terrain as a result of an emergency, laboratory control is carried out to identify pollutants and quantitative chemical analysis selected samples.

Sampling is carried out in the contaminated area. In each case, the number of samples is determined separately. As a result of laboratory control of selected samples, a list of pollutants, their quantitative and qualitative composition should be clearly established, and the contamination zone (to background levels) should be determined.

Sampling of environmental objects is carried out in accordance with relevant GOSTs and methods. The results of sampling are recorded in the relevant acts.

Quantitative chemical analysis is carried out according to measurement methods approved by state executive authorities in the field of environmental protection.

This provision comes into force from the date of its approval. The provision may be revised and supplemented in connection with the entry into force of new rules, regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection.

Industrial environmental control does not include:

Chemical composition of air and harmful physical factors at workplaces;

Quality of water from dispensing taps in workshops;

Disinfection of water storage tanks (if water is for drinking);


Control over locker rooms, showers, bathrooms, food preparation and eating areas and much more that relates to sanitary tasks at the facility

Developed by:

Environmental engineer ________________

Key questions

Control in the field of environmental protection (ecological control)

Requirements for the content of the PEC program

The procedure and timing for submitting a report on the organization and results of the implementation of the PEC

In accordance with Art. 1 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 “On Environmental Protection” (as amended on July 3, 2016; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 7-FZ) control in the field of environmental protection (ecological control)— a system of measures aimed at preventing, identifying and suppressing violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection, ensuring compliance by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with requirements, incl. standards and regulations, federal norms and rules in the field of environmental protection.

Environmental control is divided into several types: state, industrial and public. State control is exercised government bodies, public - public associations, citizens, media. Industrial environmental control (hereinafter referred to as PEC) is carried out directly by natural resource users and is part of the industrial control system at the enterprise.

PEC is regulated by Art. 67 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ and is carried out at facilities that have a negative impact on the environment (hereinafter referred to as NVOS), I, II and III categories in order to carry out, in the process of economic and other activities, measures for environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, as well as compliance with requirements in the field of environmental protection. Persons operating objects of categories I-III develop and approve the PEC program, implement PEC, document information and store PEC results.

from Federal Law No. 7-FZ

Article 67. Industrial control in the field of environmental protection (industrial environmental control)

3. The industrial environmental control program contains information:
on an inventory of emissions of pollutants into the air and their sources;
on inventory of discharges of pollutants into the environment and their sources;
on the inventory of production and consumption waste and their disposal facilities;
about divisions and (or) officials responsible for the implementation of industrial environmental control;
about own and (or) attracted testing laboratories (centers) accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in national system accreditation;
on the frequency and methods of industrial environmental control, sampling locations and measurement techniques (methods).

When implementing PEC, it is necessary to measure emissions and discharges of pollutants that are most specific to a given production (marker substances).

Documentation containing information about the results of the PEC includes documented information:

About technological processes, technologies, about equipment for the production of products (goods), about work performed, about services rendered, about fuel, raw materials and materials used, about the generation of production and consumption waste;

About the actual volume or mass of emissions (discharges) of pollutants, about the levels of physical impact and about measurement techniques (methods);

On the management of production and consumption waste;

About the state of the environment, sampling sites, measurement techniques (methods).

Based on the results of the PEC legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating at objects of categories I-III must submit a report on the organization and results of the implementation of the PEC.

Please note: The procedure and deadlines for submitting reports, as well as the form of the report and methodological recommendations for filling it out are not currently established.

At the same time, according to clause 9 of Art. 67 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, at category I facilities, stationary sources, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, must be equipped automatic means of measurement and accounting volume or mass of emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants and concentrations of pollutants, as well as technical means recording and transferring information on the volume and (or) mass of pollutants to the state data fund of state environmental monitoring.

This requirement comes into force 01.01.2018 , however, to date, even lists of stationary sources that need to be equipped with these systems have not been established, although several draft acts have been prepared approving such lists.

Meanwhile, the draft amendments of the Government of the Russian Federation to the draft Federal Law No. 584587-5 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of improving regulation in the field of environmental protection and introducing measures of economic incentives for business entities to implement the best technologies” provides for measures state support to implement the best available technologies (hereinafter referred to as BAT) at facilities of categories I and II, the state will assist in the purchase and installation of automatic pollution control systems. However, for now this is only a draft act.

Requirements for protocols for transferring data to state registers have not been established, and the registers themselves do not yet exist. However, formally, from January 1, 2018, enterprises can already be punished. In addition, a draft amendment to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses has appeared, providing for punishment for the absence automated systems in the form of a fine of up to 200,000 rubles.

One way or another, develop and approve the PEC program for at the moment problematic. More precisely, there is no guarantee that it will not have to be redone after some time. The reason for this is the lack of an approved procedure.

The only PEC documents that are valid according to all the rules are GOST R 56061-2014 “Industrial environmental control. Requirements for an industrial environmental control program" (hereinafter referred to as GOST R 56061-2014) and GOST R 56062-2014 "Industrial environmental control. General provisions"(hereinafter - GOST R 56062-2014).


Industrial environmental-analytical (instrumental) control(hereinafter referred to as PEAK) - component PEC, which provides for obtaining data on the quantitative and qualitative content of substances and indicators using methods analytical chemistry, physical measurements, sanitary-biological methods, biotesting, bioindication and other methods for monitoring compliance with the permissible environmental impact standards established for the organization (clause 3.4 of GOST R 56062-2014).

In accordance with clause 4.19 of GOST R 56062-2014, the documents regulating PEC are:

Regulations on PEC;

PEC program;

PEAK schedules;

Industrial environmental monitoring program;

Instructions for employees carrying out PEC.

GOST R 56061-2014 discusses in detail the structure of the PEC program, its sections, and reporting on PEC results.

In addition, Order No. 92 of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated March 16, 2017 “On approval of the requirements for the content of the industrial environmental control program, the procedure and timing for submitting a report on the organization and the results of industrial environmental control” (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 92, Requirements, Order). However, at the time of writing, Order No. 92 has still not been approved by the Russian Ministry of Justice.

According to clause 3 of the Information on the progress of implementation of the Action Plan to improve control, supervisory and licensing functions and optimize the provision public services provided by federal executive authorities in the field of environmental management, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2012 No. 329-r, the Ministry of Justice of Russia by letter dated April 13, 2017 No. 01/43573-YuL returned Order No. 92 without state registration.

According to unofficial information, the new version of Order No. 92 has also been returned. Be that as it may, the version of Order No. 92 adopted by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources is freely available, which we propose to read in the hope that it will be approved with only minor changes.

M. Lamikhova, environmental engineer, Ecological Center Group of Companies

The material is published partially. You can read it in full in the magazine

When does criminal liability arise for environmental violations? What's happened environmental passport and public environmental control? Where can I order an environmental control program?

Hello, dear readers! Surely each of you has repeatedly seen news on TV or videos on the Internet about how rapidly the natural resources of our planet are declining. About how the environmental situation in the world is deteriorating hourly. And what people are doing to correct this situation.

The sources of the global problem must also be indicated - unjustified use of resources, unacceptably harmful production, improper handling of its waste and violation of any norms in this area. Is it possible to change this and, most importantly, how?

The HeatherBeaver online magazine and I, Anna Medvedeva, welcome everyone who has visited our resource. Our article is devoted to the topic of industrial environmental control.

So let's get started!

1. What is industrial environmental control

The issue of ecology is relevant all over the world. Because it's time technical progress, alas, became a time of intense destruction of natural resources. This process is so global that there is a need to monitor industrial safety and other actions aimed at protecting nature.

Environmental control system - is a combination of three elements: state, industrial and public environmental control.

Let us define these concepts.

Industrial environmental control (PEC)- this is monitoring the safety of production and carrying out measures necessary during this activity for the protection of nature. Such events are organized by the environmental control service.

Public environmental control- this is the sphere of influence of public organizations, associations, movements. Its significant advantage is independence from government agencies. Thanks to this, it protects the environmental interests of the population as much as possible.

Every enterprise should have environmental passport . It is needed to record environmental indicators of industry and the wise use of natural resources by enterprises.

According to GOST, the environmental passport is compiled in the form of tables:

1 General information about the company
2 Natural and climatic conditions of the area where the enterprise is located
3 General description of technological production processes and manufactured products
4 Information regarding land exploitation
5 Information about what raw materials are used in production
6 Description of water consumption and wastewater disposal
7 Information about what emissions and in what quantities are produced into the atmosphere
8 Information on the quantity and quality of waste
9 Information on how disturbed areas of land are restored
10 Data on vehicles used in production
11 Characteristics of the functioning of the enterprise in the environmental and economic sphere

There are cases when it is not necessary for an enterprise to monitor the state of the environment.

Let's list them:

  1. The results of control do not matter in making operational management decisions.
  2. Control results are not required for reporting to government agencies.
  3. The report does not include documents prescribing standards for permitted environmental impact.

If the production of an enterprise violates environmental standards, management bears disciplinary, civil, material, and administrative liability for this.

Criminal liability cannot be excluded. These include massive destruction of ecosystems, destruction of rare representatives of flora and fauna, poisoning of water bodies or air, and other violations of environmental protection standards leading to environmental disasters.


Now in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and some other regions of Russia there is an acute issue of the use of agricultural land by Chinese entrepreneurs.

Foreign greenhouse owners use so many unacceptably toxic pesticides as fertilizers that even after one season of their activity, the soil cover will have to be restored over the course of decades.

Rosselkhoznadzor is sounding the alarm and demanding stronger measures to protect nature. Domestic fertile lands are being destroyed mercilessly and with incredible speed.

2. Why industrial environmental control is carried out - TOP-4 main goals

Now let's talk about what goals the industrial environmental control program pursues.

Let us describe in detail the most significant of them.

Goal 1. Ensuring the environmental safety of the enterprise

For every industrial activity There are environmental regulations. This increases the efficiency of the enterprise. And if it implements energy- and resource-saving processes, then the impact of toxic emissions on both those who work there and on surrounding nature.

If an enterprise complies with Russian and world standards for environmentally friendly production, it becomes competitive, since it can count on cooperation with serious partners.

And when we're talking about on partnerships with foreign customers, environmental friendliness of industry becomes perhaps the main factor. So the challenges ahead are extremely important. There is a separate publication about this.

Goal 2. Compliance with established environmental impact standards

Production and economic standards do not concern the state of nature, but primarily the source of toxic emissions. The purpose of regulations is to limit the activities of an enterprise to strict limits.

These are the norms:

  • permitted emissions;
  • generation of waste and restrictions on its distribution;
  • permitted physical influences;
  • rational use of natural resources;
  • permissible degree of impact on the environment.

Let us add that being in specially protected natural areas is also limited by strict limits.

Goal 3. Ensuring rational use of natural and energy resources

The need for this arose because the consumption of natural resources has become too intense. Ecological crisis inevitably becomes a consequence of their unjustified use. Reasonable use of natural resources helps to overcome this crisis.

This means that it is necessary to preserve natural resources to the maximum and to minimize the impact on the processes of self-healing of ecosystems.

All this can be achieved if we apply an integrated, scientifically based approach to the consumption of natural and energy resources in production.

Goal 4.

When industry has a negative impact on the natural world, it changes all environmental indicators in the worst possible way. Occupational environmental control defines measures to prevent or reduce these impacts.

Let us add that for unacceptable pollution of the environment, as well as for harm caused to the health of workers, the enterprise is charged a separate fee.

3. What activities does industrial environmental control include - 4 main activities

The main purpose of industrial environmental control is to monitor the sources of toxic emissions and natural objects (reservoirs, air, land).

Before the start of the program, it is coordinated with the environmental protection authorities and Rospotrebnadzor.

Activity 1. Environmental control over the use of surface water bodies

A set of measures to protect water bodies concerns the situation with surface and groundwater, bottom, banks and water protection zones.

What does the environmental service do:

  • identifies and predicts processes that adversely affect water bodies;
  • determines and implements a program to eliminate these processes;
  • evaluates the effectiveness of already ongoing activities;
  • controls the degree of contamination of surface water.

It is also necessary to evaluate the properties and composition of water. Physical, chemical and hydrobiological indicators help in this.

Activity 2. Protecting atmospheric air from pollution

Emissions of toxic waste into the air are produced by mobile and non-mobile devices.

What they do to protect the air:

  • control the extent to which permitted emissions standards are observed;
  • conduct an inventory of all sources of waste generation;
  • check whether there is a license to release toxic substances into the air, issued by environmental protection authorities;
  • determine how toxic exhaust gases from motor vehicles are;
  • measure the concentration of toxic substances;
  • monitor the serviceability of gas treatment plants.

All parameters must be recorded in the accounting logs.

Activity 3. Environmental control in the field of waste management

What to do with industrial waste? Here the legislation also provides for a set of measures.

First of all you need to:

  • check whether waste is disposed of correctly and in what order;
  • reduce, as far as possible, the volume and degree of danger of emissions;
  • monitor the state of the environment in places where waste is stored;
  • record and analyze data;
  • introduce low-waste technologies and new methods of processing and disposal of waste;
  • check the compliance of disposed waste with the existing limit.

This also includes checking all documents related to emissions accounting - generation, storage, processing or transfer to other institutions.

Failure to keep a log book results in a fine by law.

Activity 4. Monitoring the timely submission of reports to the relevant authorities

All data identified during the PEC at the enterprise is displayed in the report. It is submitted every year to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.

All enterprises operating production facilities of hazard classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 must submit a report. The report can be printed out, on disk or flash card.

You will learn more about the environmental protection documentation at the enterprise from the video.

4. How to develop and implement an industrial environmental control program - 5 simple steps

What is the procedure for implementing an industrial environmental control program?

To make it clear where to start and how not to miss important points, we have compiled an algorithm of actions.

Step 1. Select a company to carry out environmental control

The company's activities must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Ask for samples of activities already completed. Laboratory research must be carried out within the framework of sanitary and epidemiological standards. The results must be presented in accordance with the established requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and Rosaccreditation.

Make sure that the company employs highly qualified environmental specialists with good experience.

Step 2. We conclude an agreement and pay for services

The cost of developing a PEC program is always individual. It depends on the category of the enterprise, the number of industrial facilities and the number of sources of hazardous waste.

Step 3. Approving the industrial environmental control program

The PEC program must comply with the requirements of GOST R 56062-2014 and R 56061-2014, which are in force from January 1, 2015.

Required program items:

  • information on how waste is accounted for, its sources and disposal sites;
  • list of departments and officials who are responsible for PEC;
  • data on testing laboratories;
  • information about how regularly and by what methods PEC is carried out;
  • information on sample collection sites and measurement methods.

Among other things, the document must include passport data of industrial facilities.

Step 4. We are waiting for control measures to be carried out

Carrying out planned activities involves two systems.


  1. Control the sources and amounts of emissions into air and water bodies.
  2. Monitor the condition of natural objects (flora and fauna, air, water bodies, geological environment, land, etc.).

The set of measures ends with systematization and evaluation of the inspection results.

Step 5. We receive a report on the work done

The report on the PEC program contains all the results of the activities carried out. It is also necessary to determine their compliance with established standards. Based on this analysis, the company issues instructions on effective reduction set parameters.

We would like to add that timely correction of indicators will prevent fines and other unwanted administrative measures for violating sanitary standards. you will learn from the corresponding article of our resource.

5. Professional assistance in implementing industrial environmental control - review of the TOP 3 service companies

Industrial environmental control is carried out by specialized institutions.

We invite you to take a look at some major representatives of this direction.

For 20 years now the company has been working in the field of environmental monitoring and examination, labor protection services, development of project documentation and certification for international standards. One of the most advanced areas of the Ecostandard Group is the introduction of “green” technologies.

The company has its own laboratory center and a large staff of highly qualified specialists. Thanks to this, all work and services are provided here at top level, efficiently and quickly.

The company cooperates with both major projects and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Its area of ​​activity is Russia and the CIS countries.

The environmental firm offers full complex services in the field of environmental consulting. Among other things, they will help you develop an eco-project, compile environmental reports, conduct any laboratory research and prepare all necessary documents to checks.

The company's staff includes highly qualified sanitary and hygienic specialists and environmentalists with many years of experience, who are constantly improving their qualification level. If necessary, EcoCentreProject employees will carry out PEC work along the way, since environmental friendliness of production and sanitation are largely interconnected.

If you need general production control, here we will develop for you full program. Favorable prices, additional discounts and high quality services is what invariably attracts the attention of many customers to EcoCentreProject.

The Association of Environmental Auditors began its activities back in 1990. Here, management and technical personnel are trained according to international standards, improve the qualifications of environmental auditors, develop project documents and conduct environmental audits.

Every year the global environmental situation is getting worse and worse. This happens due to human activity, which thoughtlessly pollutes the surrounding nature. In order to maintain a normal balance in it, it is necessary to carry out industrial environmental control. It provides constant monitoring and recording of any negative changes caused by the activities of a particular enterprise. Organizations are required to take measures to restore the environment. The legislation provides not only administrative, but also criminal liability for failure to comply with the recommendations of regulatory authorities.

Each company is required to periodically submit information about what measures have been taken to preserve the environment in good condition. Industrial environmental control must be carried out by the organization itself at its own facilities. Specialists must independently monitor how rationally natural resources are used, as well as what measures are taken to reduce the degree of negative influence to the surrounding flora and fauna.

Industrial environmental control should be carried out with the help of a special commission that is created in the company. In this case, all information about the monitoring group must be transferred to However, sometimes control is carried out with the participation special organizations. This is necessary if certain species require special permission. Although not all companies want to spend money on creating a monitoring group, as well as on the appropriate protection of the surrounding fauna and flora.

Industrial environmental control involves compliance with legislative norms that establish rules for using the environment; implementation of activities that ensure the conservation and restoration of nature; compliance with established waste disposal limits.

Control at an enterprise has its own objects. First of all, these include sources of waste emissions into the air, water or onto the ground, both stationary and mobile. Naturally, the equipment used to purify processed liquids also needs to be monitored. Monitoring is also carried out at places where pollutants are disposed of, warehouses, and storage facilities for chemicals and reagents.

Environmental control is an important part of protecting the surrounding fauna and flora. Thanks to him, production must ensure the cleanliness and safety of its activities. Therefore, it must be organized correctly: in accordance with current legislation. It is important that there is some liability for violating the rules for using natural resources or excessive pollution. In addition to the law, manufacturers must be guided by their own minds and understand that they themselves will have to live in this world, so they should still be more attentive to nature.