Self-purification of natural waters. Self-purification ability of surface waters

Ecological state water bodies is largely associated with the processes of self-purification - a natural reserve for restoring the original properties and composition of water.
The main processes of self-purification lead to:

  • transformation (transformation) of pollutants into harmless or less harmful substances as a result of chemical and especially biochemical oxidation;
  • relative purification - the transition of pollutants from the water column to bottom sediments, which in the future can serve as a source of secondary water pollution;
  • removal of pollutants outside water body as a result of evaporation, release of gases from the water column or wind removal of foam.

The transformation of pollutants plays the greatest role in the process of water self-purification. It covers non-conservative pollutants whose concentrations change as a result of chemical, biochemical and physical processes in water bodies. Non-conservative ones include mainly organic and nutrients. The intensity of oxidation of a transformed pollutant depends, first of all, on the properties of this substance, water temperature, and conditions for the supply of oxygen to the water body.

Temperature conditions can be assessed by the average water temperature for three summer months, which sufficiently reflects the conditions for the entire warm period (the water temperature on Russian rivers in the winter months remains almost the same, close to 0°C). According to this indicator, rivers and reservoirs are divided into three groups: with temperatures below 15°C, from 15 to 20°C and above 20°C.

The conditions for oxygen supply are determined mainly by the intensity of water mixing and duration, which has a fairly close correlation with summer.

The intensity of water mixing in rivers is estimated approximately, depending on the nature of the terrain through which they flow, and for lakes and reservoirs - by the shallowness coefficient g, depending on the area of ​​the water surface and the average depth of the reservoir. According to these assessment criteria, rivers and reservoirs are divided into 4 groups: with strong, significant, moderate and weak mixing. Based on the combination of temperature and mixing conditions, 4 categories of conditions for the transformation of pollutants in surface waters are distinguished: favorable, average, unfavorable and extremely unfavorable. Assessment of water self-purification based on these indicators is unacceptable neither for the largest transzonal rivers (Volga, Yenisei, Lena, etc.), nor for small rivers (with a basin area of ​​less than 500–1000 km2), since the water temperature and mixing conditions in them are very different from background values.

An important role in the self-purification of water is also played by the physical process of diluting the content of pollutants, the concentration of which in river water decreases with increasing water flow in the river. The role of dilution is not only to reduce the concentration of pollutants, but also to reduce the likelihood of poisoning (toxicosis) of aquatic organisms responsible for the biochemical degradation of pollutants. An indicator of the conditions for dilution of pollutants is the average annual water flow for a river, and the total water flow of the tributaries flowing into it for a reservoir. According to this indicator, all rivers and reservoirs are divided into 6 groups (with water flow from less than 100 to more than 10,000 m3/s). By combination of two the most important conditions– transformation of pollutants and water consumption – it is possible to approximately assess the conditions for self-purification of surface waters from pollutants and combine them into 5 categories: from “most favorable” to “extremely unfavorable”. Self-purification conditions taking into account dilution for transzonal rivers were calculated individually for individual sections of each river. The upper reaches of medium and large rivers, characterized by weak dilution capacity, are classified as rivers with “extremely unfavorable” self-purification conditions.
There are certain spatial patterns in the conditions for the transformation of pollutants in Russian surface waters. Thus, water bodies with “extremely unfavorable” conditions are located in low-lying tundra and forest-tundra areas. All deep-water lakes (Ladoga, Onega, Baikal, etc.) and reservoirs with particularly slow water exchange belong to the same group. And territories with “favorable” transformation conditions are confined to the Central Russian and Volga Uplands, the foothills of the North Caucasus.

Taking into account the dilution of pollution, most medium-sized and almost all small rivers in Russia are characterized by “extremely unfavorable” self-purification conditions. The “most favorable” conditions for self-purification are characterized by sections of the Ob, Yenisei, Lena and Amur rivers that fall into the most high category water content (more than 10,000 m3/s) at water temperatures in the average range (15–20°C), as well as the lower reaches of the Volga with temperatures above 20°C. The following reservoirs have the same category of conditions: Volgogradskoye, Tsimlyanskoye, Nizhnekamskoye.

Analysis of territorial differences in the conditions of self-purification of rivers and reservoirs makes it possible to approximately assess the degree of danger of their pollution from the influx of pollutants. This, in turn, can serve as a basis for establishing the level of restrictions on wastewater discharge in cities and developing recommendations on the size of the reduction in dispersed input of pollutants into surface waters.

One of the most valuable properties of natural waters is their ability to self-purify. Self-purification of waters is their restoration natural properties in rivers, lakes and other water bodies, occurring naturally as a result of interrelated physicochemical, biochemical and other processes (turbulent diffusion, oxidation, sorption, adsorption, etc.). The ability of rivers and lakes to self-purify is closely dependent on many other natural factors, in particular physical and geographical conditions, solar radiation, the activity of microorganisms in water, the influence of aquatic vegetation and especially the hydrometeorological regime. The most intensive self-purification of water in reservoirs and streams occurs in the warm season, when biological activity in aquatic ecosystems is greatest. It flows faster on rivers with fast currents and dense thickets of reeds, reeds and cattails along their banks, especially in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the country. A complete change of water in rivers takes on average 16 days, in swamps - 5 years, in lakes - 17 years.

Reducing the concentration of pollutants in water bodies is not organic matter occurs by neutralizing acids and alkalis due to the natural buffering of natural waters, the formation of sparingly soluble compounds, hydrolysis, sorption and precipitation. The concentration of organic substances and their toxicity are reduced due to chemical and biochemical oxidation. These natural methods of self-purification are reflected in the accepted methods of purifying contaminated water in industry and agriculture.

To maintain the required natural water quality in reservoirs and streams, the spread of aquatic vegetation, which acts as a kind of biofilter in them, is of great importance. The high cleaning ability of aquatic plants is widely used in many industrial enterprises both in our country and abroad. For this purpose, various artificial settling tanks are created, in which lake and swamp vegetation is planted, which effectively purifies polluted waters.

In recent years, artificial aeration has become widespread - one of the effective ways to purify contaminated water, when the self-purification process is sharply reduced due to a deficiency of oxygen dissolved in water. For this purpose, special aerators are installed in reservoirs and watercourses or at aeration stations before discharging contaminated water.

Protection of water resources from pollution.

Security water resources consists of prohibiting the discharge of untreated water into reservoirs and watercourses, creating water protection zones, promoting self-purification processes in water bodies, maintaining and improving the conditions for the formation of surface and underground runoff in watersheds.

Several decades ago, rivers, thanks to their self-purifying function, managed to purify their waters. Now, in the most populated areas of the country, as a result of the construction of new cities and industrial enterprises, water use sites are located so densely that often wastewater discharge sites and water intakes are almost nearby. Therefore, more and more attention is being paid to the development and implementation of effective methods for purification and post-treatment of wastewater, purification and neutralization of tap water. In some enterprises, water-related operations are playing an increasingly important role. Costs for water supply, treatment and wastewater disposal are particularly high in the pulp and paper, mining and petrochemical industries.

Sequential wastewater treatment at modern enterprises involves primary, mechanical treatment (easily settling and floating substances are removed) and secondary, biological (biologically degradable organic substances are removed). In this case, coagulation is carried out - to precipitate suspended and colloidal substances, as well as phosphorus, adsorption - to remove dissolved organic substances and electrolysis - to reduce the content of dissolved substances of organic and mineral origin. Disinfection of wastewater is carried out through chlorination and ozonation. An important element of the cleaning process is the removal and disinfection of the resulting sediment. In some cases, the final step is distillation of water.

The most advanced modern treatment facilities ensure that wastewater is freed from organic contaminants by only 85-90% and only in some cases by 95%. Therefore, even after cleaning, it is necessary to dilute them 6-12 times, and often more. clean water to preserve the normal functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The fact is that the natural self-purifying ability of reservoirs and watercourses is very insignificant. Self-purification occurs only if the discharged water has undergone complete purification, and in the water body it has been diluted with water in a ratio of 1:12-15. If wastewater enters reservoirs and watercourses in large volumes, and even more so untreated, the stable natural balance of aquatic ecosystems is gradually lost and their normal functioning is disrupted.

Recently, more and more effective methods of purification and post-treatment of wastewater after its biological treatment have been developed and implemented using the latest wastewater treatment methods: radiation, electrochemical, sorption, magnetic, etc. Improving wastewater treatment technology, further increasing the degree of purification are the most important tasks in areas of water protection from pollution.

The post-treatment of treated wastewater on agricultural irrigated fields (AIF) should be used much more widely. When post-treatment of wastewater at the ZPO, no funds are spent on their industrial post-treatment, it creates the opportunity to obtain additional agricultural products, and significant water savings, since the intake of fresh water for irrigation is reduced and there is no need to spend water to dilute wastewater. When using urban wastewater in a waste treatment facility, the contents of it nutrients and microelements are absorbed by plants faster and more completely than artificial mineral fertilizers.

Important tasks also include preventing pollution of water bodies with pesticides and toxic chemicals. To do this, it is necessary to speed up the implementation of anti-erosion measures, to create pesticides that would decompose within 1-3 weeks without preserving toxic residues in the crop. Until these issues are resolved, it is necessary to limit the agricultural use of coastal zones along watercourses or not to use pesticides in them. The creation of water protection zones also requires more attention.

On defense water sources From pollution, it is important to introduce fees for wastewater discharge, create comprehensive regional schemes for water consumption, water disposal and wastewater treatment, and automate control over water quality in water sources. It should be noted that complex district schemes make it possible to switch to the reuse and reuse of water, the operation of wastewater treatment facilities common to the region, as well as to automate the processes of managing the operation of water supply and sewerage systems.

In preventing pollution of natural waters, the role of protecting the hydrosphere is great, since the negative properties acquired by the hydrosphere not only modify the aquatic ecosystem and have a depressing effect on its hydrobiological resources, but also destroy land ecosystems, its biological systems, as well as the lithosphere.

It must be emphasized that one of the radical measures to combat pollution is to overcome the ingrained tradition of considering water bodies as wastewater receivers. Where possible, either water abstraction or wastewater discharge should be eliminated in the same watercourses and bodies of water.

    Protection of atmospheric air and soil.

Specially protected natural areas. Animal protection and flora.

Effective form protection of natural ecosystems, as well as biotic communities are specially protected natural areas. They make it possible to preserve standards (samples) of untouched biogeocenoses, not only in some exotic, rare places, but also in all typical natural zones of the Earth.

TO specially protected natural areas(SPNA) refer to areas of land or water surface that, due to their environmental and other significance, are completely or partially withdrawn from economic use by Government decisions.

The Law on Protected Natural Areas, adopted in February 1995, established the following categories of these territories: a) state natural reserves, incl. biosphere; b) national parks; c) natural parks; d) state natural reserves; e) natural monuments; f) dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

Reserve- this is a specially protected by law space (territory or water area), which is completely withdrawn from normal economic use in order to preserve the natural complex in its natural state. Only scientific, security and control activities are permitted in nature reserves.

Today in Russia there are 95 nature reserves with a total area of ​​310 thousand square meters. km, which is about 1.5% of the entire territory of Russia. In order to neutralize the technogenic influence of adjacent territories, especially in areas with developed industry, protective zones are created around nature reserves.

Biosphere reserves (BRs) perform four functions: preserving the genetic diversity of our planet; conducting scientific research; monitoring the background state of the biosphere (ecological monitoring); environmental education and international cooperation.

It is obvious that the functions of a natural reserve are broader than those of any other type of protected natural areas. They serve as a kind of international standards, environmental standards.

A single global network of more than 300 biosphere reserves has now been created on Earth (in Russia there are 11). All of them work according to the agreed UNESCO program, conducting constant monitoring of changes natural environment under the influence of anthropogenic activities.

National Park- a vast territory (from several thousand to several million hectares), which includes both completely protected areas and zones intended for certain types of economic activities.

The goals of creating national parks are: 1) environmental (preservation of natural ecosystems); 2) scientific (development and implementation of methods for preserving the natural complex in conditions of mass admission of visitors) and 3) recreational (regulated tourism and recreation of people).

In Russia there are 33 national parks with a total area of ​​about 66.5 thousand square meters. km.

Natural park- a territory of special ecological and aesthetic value and used for organized recreation of the population.

Reserve is a natural complex that is designed to preserve one or more species of animals or plants with limited use of others. There are landscape, forest, ichthyological (fish), ornithological (birds) and other types of reserves. Usually, after the population density of protected species of animals or plants has been restored, the reserve is closed and one or another type of economic activity is allowed. In Russia there are now more than 1,600 state nature reserves with a total area of ​​over 600 thousand square meters. km.

Natural monument- individual natural objects that are unique and irreproducible and have scientific, aesthetic, cultural or educational significance. These can be very old trees that were “witnesses” of some historical events, caves, rocks, waterfalls, etc. There are about 8 thousand of these in Russia, while in the territory where the monument is located, any activity that could destroy them is prohibited .

Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are collections of trees and shrubs created by man for the purpose of both preserving biodiversity and enriching the flora, and in the interests of science, study and cultural and educational work. They often carry out work related to the introduction and acclimatization of new plants.

For violation of the regime of specially protected natural areas, Russian legislation has established administrative and criminal liability. At the same time, scientists and experts strongly recommend significantly increasing the area of ​​specially protected areas. So, for example, in the USA the area of ​​the latter is more than 7% of the country's territory.

The solution to environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization, is largely related to the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way for a fairly long-term and relatively sustainable use of natural resources in combination with the preservation and maintenance of the stability of the biosphere, and, consequently, the human environment.

Each biological species is unique. It contains information about the development of flora and fauna, which is of great scientific and applied importance. Since all the possibilities for using a given organism in the long term are often unpredictable, the entire gene pool of our planet (with the possible exception of some pathogenic organisms dangerous to humans) is subject to strict protection. The need to protect the gene pool from the standpoint of the concept of sustainable development (“coevolution”) is dictated not so much by economic considerations as by moral and ethical considerations. Humanity will not survive alone.

It is worth recalling one of B. Commoner’s environmental laws: “Nature knows best!” The possibilities of using the gene pool of animals, which were previously unforeseen, are now being demonstrated by bionics, thanks to which there are numerous improvements in engineering designs based on the study of the structure and functions of the organs of wild animals. It has been established that some invertebrates (mollusks, sponges) have the ability to accumulate large amounts of radioactive elements and pesticides. As a result, they can be bioindicators of environmental pollution and help humans solve this important problem.

Protection of the plant gene pool. Being integral part general problem of protection of environmentally friendly nature, protection of the plant gene pool is a set of measures to preserve the entire species diversity of plants - carriers of the hereditary heritage of productive or scientifically or practically valuable properties.

It is known that under the influence of natural selection and through sexual reproduction of individuals, the most beneficial properties for the species accumulate in the gene pool of each species or population; they are contained in gene combinations. Therefore, the tasks of using natural flora are of great importance. Our modern grain, fruit, vegetable, berry, fodder, industrial, ornamental crops, the centers of origin of which were established by our outstanding compatriot N.I. Vavilov, trace their ancestry either from wild ancestors, or are creations of science, but based on natural gene structures. Through the use of hereditary properties wild plants Completely new types of useful plants have been obtained. By means of hybrid selection, perennial wheat and grain-forage hybrids were created. According to scientists' calculations, about 600 species of wild plants can be used in the selection of agricultural crops from the flora of Russia.

The protection of the plant gene pool is carried out by creating nature reserves, natural parks, and botanical gardens; formation of a gene pool bank of local and introduced species; studying biology, environmental needs and competitive ability of plants; ecological assessment of the plant habitat, forecasts of its changes in the future. Thanks to the reserves, Pitsunda and Eldar pine trees, pistachio, yew, boxwood, rhododendron, ginseng, etc. have been preserved.

Protection of the gene pool of animals. The change in living conditions occurring under the influence of human activity, accompanied by direct persecution and extermination of animals, leads to a depletion of their species composition and a reduction in the number of many species. In 1600 There were approximately 4,230 species of mammals on the planet; to date, 36 species have disappeared, and 120 species are in danger of extinction. Of the 8,684 bird species, 94 have disappeared and 187 are endangered. The situation is no better with subspecies: since 1600, 64 subspecies of mammals and 164 subspecies of birds have disappeared, 223 subspecies of mammals and 287 subspecies of birds are in danger.

Protection of the gene pool of humanity. For this purpose, various scientific directions have been created, such as:

1) ecotoxicology- a section of toxicology (the science of poisons), which studies the ingredient composition, characteristics of distribution, biological action, activation, deactivation of harmful substances in the environment;

2) medical genetic counseling in special medical institutions to determine the nature and consequences of the action of ecotoxicants on the human genetic apparatus in order to give birth to healthy offspring;

3) screening- selection and testing for mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of environmental factors (natural environment around humans).

Environmental pathology- the doctrine of human diseases, in the occurrence and development of which a leading role is played by unfavorable environmental factors in combination with other pathogenic factors.

    Fundamental directions of environmental protection.

Standardization of environmental quality. Protection of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biotic communities. Eco-protective equipment and technologies.

Self-purification of water bodies

There is a continuous exchange of matter and energy between the components of the aquatic ecosystem during its functioning. This exchange is cyclical varying degrees isolation, accompanied by the transformation of organic matter, in particular phenols, under the influence of physical, chemical and biological factors. During transformation, a gradual decomposition of complex organic substances into simple ones can occur, and simple substances can be synthesized into complex ones. Depending on the intensity of the external impact on the aquatic ecosystem and the nature of the processes, either the aquatic ecosystem is restored to background states (self-purification), or the aquatic ecosystem moves to another stable state, which will be characterized by different quantitative and qualitative indicators of biotic and abiotic components. If the external influence exceeds the self-regulating capabilities of the aquatic ecosystem, its destruction may occur.

Self-purification of natural waters is carried out due to the involvement of water coming from external sources substances into continuously occurring transformation processes, as a result of which the incoming substances are returned to their reserve fund.

The transformation of substances is the result of various simultaneously operating processes, among which physical, chemical and biological mechanisms. The magnitude of the contribution of each mechanism depends on the properties of the impurity and the characteristics of a particular ecosystem.

Biochemical self-purification.

Biochemical self-purification is a consequence of the transformation of substances carried out by hydrobionts. As a rule, biochemical mechanisms make the main contribution to the process of self-purification and only when aquatic organisms are oppressed (for example, under the influence of toxicants) do they begin to play a more significant role physical and chemical processes. Biochemical transformation of organic substances occurs as a result of their inclusion in trophic networks and is carried out during the processes of production and destruction.

Especially important role plays primary production, since it determines the majority of intra-reservoir processes. The main mechanism of new formation of organic matter is photosynthesis. In most aquatic ecosystems, phytoplankton are the key primary producers. During the process of photosynthesis, solar energy is directly transformed into biomass. By-product This reaction is free oxygen formed by photolysis of water. Along with photosynthesis, plants undergo respiration processes that consume oxygen.

Chemical mechanisms of self-cleaning.

Photolysis is the transformation of molecules of a substance under the influence of light absorbed by them. Special cases of photolysis are photochemical dissociation - the disintegration of particles into several simpler ones and photoionization - the transformation of molecules into ions. From total number Solar radiation of about 1% is used in photosynthesis, from 5% to 30% is reflected by the water surface. The main part solar energy is converted into heat and participates in photochemical reactions. The most effective part of sunlight is ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed in a layer of water about 10 cm thick, but due to turbulent mixing it can penetrate into deeper layers of water bodies. The amount of a substance subjected to photolysis depends on the type of substance and its concentration in water. Of the substances entering water bodies, humic substances are susceptible to relatively rapid photochemical decomposition.

Hydrolysis is an ion exchange reaction between various substances and water. Hydrolysis is one of the leading factors in the chemical transformation of organic substances in water bodies. A quantitative characteristic of this process is the degree of hydrolysis, which is understood as the ratio of the hydrolyzed part of the molecules to the total salt concentration. For most salts it is a few percent and increases with increasing dilution and water temperature. Organic substances are also subject to hydrolysis. In this case, hydrolytic cleavage most often occurs through the bond of a carbon atom with other atoms.

One of the effective ways of self-purification is the transformation of the pollutant due to redox reactions when interacting with redox components of the aquatic environment.

The possibility of Red-Ox transformations occurring in a system is characterized by the value of its redox potential (E h). The Eh value of natural waters is affected by free O 2 , H 2 O 2 , Fe 2+ , Fe 3+ , Mn 2+ , Mn 4+ , ​​H + , organic compounds and other “potential-setting components”. In natural waters, Eh usually ranges from +0.7 to -0.5V. Surface and groundwater saturated with oxygen are most often characterized by the E h interval from +0.150 to +0.700V. Research shows that redox transformations involving H 2 O 2 play an important role in the processes of self-purification of natural reservoirs from phenols natural origin and metal ions of variable valency present in water bodies. In natural water, the stationary concentration of H 2 O 2 is in the range of 10 -6 - 10 -4 mol/l. Hydrogen peroxide is formed due to photochemical and oxidative processes with the participation of molecular oxygen in a homogeneous environment. Since the decomposition of H 2 O 2 is mainly determined by the catalytic amounts of metal ions and sunlight, its speed is almost independent of the initial concentration.

Physical mechanisms of self-cleaning.

Gas exchange at the atmosphere-water interface. Thanks to this process, substances that have a reserve fund in the atmosphere enter the water body, and these substances are returned from the water body to the reserve fund. One of the important special cases of gas exchange is the process of atmospheric reaeration, due to which a significant portion of oxygen enters the water body. The intensity and direction of gas exchange are determined by the deviation of the gas concentration in water from the saturation concentration C. The value of the saturation concentration depends on the nature of the substance and physical conditions in a body of water - temperature and pressure. At concentrations greater than C, the gas evaporates into the atmosphere, and at concentrations less than Cs, the gas is absorbed by the water mass.

Sorption is the absorption of impurities by suspended substances, bottom sediments and the surfaces of aquatic organisms. Colloidal particles and organic substances, such as phenols, which are in a non-dissociated molecular state, are sorbed most energetically. The process is based on the phenomenon of adsorption. The rate of accumulation of a substance per unit mass of the sorbent is proportional to its unsaturation for the given substance and the concentration of the substance in water and inversely proportional to the content of the substance in the sorbent.

Sedimentation and resuspension. Water bodies always contain some amount of suspended substances, inorganic and organic origin. Sedimentation is characterized by the ability of suspended particles to fall to the bottom under the influence of gravity. The process of transition of particles from bottom sediments into a suspended state is called resuspension. It occurs under the influence of the vertical component of the turbulent flow velocity.

Thus, sorption and redox processes play an important role in the self-purification of natural reservoirs.

5 Basic processes of self-purification of water in a water body

Self-purification of water in reservoirs is a set of interconnected hydrodynamic, physicochemical, microbiological and hydrobiological processes leading to the restoration of the original state of a water body.

Among physical factors dilution, dissolution and mixing of incoming contaminants is of paramount importance. Good mixing and reduced concentrations of suspended particles are ensured by the fast flow of rivers. The self-purification of reservoirs is facilitated by the settling of insoluble sediments to the bottom, as well as the settling of polluted waters. In zones with a temperate climate, the river cleans itself after 200-300 km from the place of pollution, and in the Far North – after 2 thousand km.

Water disinfection occurs under the influence ultraviolet radiation sun. The disinfection effect is achieved by direct destructive influence ultraviolet rays on protein colloids and enzymes of the protoplasm of microbial cells, as well as spore organisms and viruses.

From chemical factors self-purification of reservoirs, the oxidation of organic and inorganic substances should be noted. The self-purification of a reservoir is often assessed in relation to easily oxidized organic matter or by general content organic substances.

The sanitary regime of a reservoir is characterized primarily by the amount of oxygen dissolved in it. It should be at least 4 mg per 1 liter of water at any time of the year for reservoirs of the first and second types. The first type includes reservoirs used for drinking water supply enterprises, the second - used for swimming, sporting events, as well as those located within settlements.

TO biological factors self-purification of the reservoir includes algae, mold and yeast. However, phytoplankton does not always have a positive effect on self-purification processes: in some cases, the massive development of blue-green algae in artificial reservoirs can be considered a process of self-pollution.

Representatives of the animal world can also contribute to the self-purification of water bodies from bacteria and viruses. Thus, the oyster and some other amoebas adsorb intestinal and other viruses. Each mollusk filters more than 30 liters of water per day.

The cleanliness of water bodies is unthinkable without protecting their vegetation. Based only deep knowledge ecology of each reservoir, effective control over the development of the various living organisms inhabiting it can be achieved positive results, ensure transparency and high biological productivity of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Other factors also adversely affect the self-purification processes of water bodies. Chemical pollution of water bodies with industrial wastewater, nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) inhibits natural oxidative processes and kills microorganisms. The same applies to the discharge of thermal wastewater by thermal power plants.

A multi-stage process, sometimes extending for long time– self-cleaning from oil. IN natural conditions the complex of physical processes of self-purification of water from oil consists of a number of components: evaporation; settling of lumps, especially those overloaded with sediment and dust; sticking together of lumps suspended in the water column; floating of lumps forming a film with inclusions of water and air; reducing the concentrations of suspended and dissolved oil due to settling, floating and mixing with clean water. The intensity of these processes depends on the properties of a particular type of oil (density, viscosity, coefficient of thermal expansion), the presence of colloids, suspended and transportable plankton particles, etc. in water, air temperature and solar illumination.

6 Measures to intensify the processes of self-purification of a water body

Self-purification of water is an indispensable link in the water cycle in nature. Pollution of any type during self-purification of water bodies ultimately turns out to be concentrated in the form of waste products and dead bodies of microorganisms, plants and animals that feed on them, which accumulate in the silt mass at the bottom. Water bodies in which the natural environment can no longer cope with incoming pollutants are degraded, and this occurs mainly due to changes in the composition of biota and disruptions in food chains, primarily the microbial population of the water body. Self-purification processes in such water bodies are minimal or stop completely.

Such changes can only be stopped by purposefully influencing factors that contribute to reducing the generation of waste and reducing pollution emissions.

This task can be solved only by implementing a system of organizational measures and engineering and reclamation work aimed at restoring the natural environment of water bodies.

When restoring water bodies, it is advisable to begin the implementation of a system of organizational measures and engineering and reclamation work with the arrangement of the catchment area, and then carry out the cleaning of the water body, followed by the development of coastal and floodplain areas.

The main objective of the ongoing environmental protection measures and engineering and reclamation work in the catchment area is to reduce the generation of waste and prevent unauthorized discharge of pollutants onto the topography of the catchment area, for which the following activities are carried out: implementation of a system for regulating waste generation; organization of environmental control in the system of production and consumption waste management; conducting an inventory of facilities and locations for production and consumption waste; reclamation of disturbed lands and their improvement; tightening of fees for unauthorized discharge of pollutants onto the terrain; introduction of low-waste and non-waste technologies and systems recycling water supply.

Environmental protection measures and work carried out in coastal and floodplain areas include work on leveling the surface, leveling or terracing slopes; construction of hydraulic engineering and recreational structures, strengthening of banks and restoration of stable grass cover and tree and shrub vegetation, which subsequently prevent erosion processes. Landscaping work is carried out to restore the natural complex of a water body and transfer most of the surface runoff into the underground horizon for the purpose of its purification, using rocks coastal zone and floodplain lands as a hydrochemical barrier.

The banks of many water bodies are littered and the waters are polluted chemicals, heavy metals, oil products, floating debris, and some of them are eutrophicated and silted. It is impossible to stabilize or activate self-purification processes in such water bodies without special engineering and reclamation intervention.

The goal of carrying out engineering and reclamation measures and environmental protection work is to create conditions in water bodies that ensure the effective functioning of various water purification structures, and to carry out work to eliminate or reduce negative impact sources of distribution of pollutants of both off-channel and channel origin.

The structural and logical diagram of organizational, engineering, reclamation and environmental measures aimed at restoring the natural environment of a water body is shown in Figure 1.

Only systematic approach to the problem of restoration of water bodies makes it possible to improve the quality of water in them.


Reclamation of disturbed lands

Reclamation of silted and polluted water bodies

Activation of self-cleaning processes

A system of measures aimed at restoring the natural environment of water bodies

Development of coastal areas, strengthening of banks

Activities and work carried out in the catchment area

Work performed in the water area of ​​a water body

Water purification

Elimination of sources of riverbed pollution

Improving environmental legislation and regulatory framework

Increased responsibility

Waste rationing, environmental control, inventory of waste disposal and disposal sites

Creation of water protection zones

Rehabilitation of contaminated lands and territories



Mineral silts

Technogenic silts

floating trash

Restoring the natural environment, natural water ecosystems and improving human habitats and health

From chemical and bacteriological contamination

From crude oil and petroleum products

Monitoring system


The level of environmental safety of humans and the natural environment is currently measured by indicators that determine the state of public health and the quality of the environment. Solving the problem of identifying damage to public health and environmental quality is very complex and must be carried out using modern information technology, the most promising of which is the technology of geographic information systems, which can be used to support the process of making and implementing business decisions when assessing the impact on environment and environmental assessment. One of the structural elements of GIS are databases, which store all the information available in the system: graphic (spatial) data; thematic and regulatory reference data (information on the territorial and temporal reference of thematic information, reference data on maximum permissible concentrations, background values, etc.).

Databases are formed based on the purpose of the study and the availability of reliable information on the state of atmospheric air, surface and groundwater, soil, snow cover, public health and other information.

Forecasting the environmental situation in the area of ​​possible activity of an economic or other facility and making decisions in the event of hazardous pollution and emergency emissions are based, as a rule, on the use of intuitive procedures based on information, which for the most part is incomplete, not entirely accurate, and sometimes unreliable .

In these cases, given the need for prompt decision-making, it is advisable to use powerful modern means systems artificial intelligence and decision making. An intelligent environmental safety system allows users, using fuzzy criteria for representing knowledge about information, to obtain proposals for possible options decisions based on the rules of logical inference of data and knowledge of the expert system and on the method of imprecise reasoning.

Analysis of works devoted to the development of intelligent environmental safety systems industrial enterprises and territories, shows that the development of such systems in Russia is at an initial level. Effective for organizing in an industrial region current system environmental safety as an integral system of control, assessment and forecast of dangerous changes in the natural environment, it is necessary to build a network of ground, underground and aerospace observations of all components of the natural environment. At the same time, to obtain an objective picture of the state of the environment and to resolve issues at the regional level (expertise, decision-making, forecast), an organization is needed environmental monitoring all major sources of pollution, constant monitoring of the state of environmental parameters that change as a result of the impact of pollution from waste coming from various sources.

Most of the known environmental monitoring systems are regional systems; their task is to monitor the ecological state of the region as a whole. To ensure environmental safety, a regional monitoring system is not enough; more accurate information about local sources of pollution on an enterprise scale is needed.

Thus, relevant and important task What remains is the creation of automated environmental monitoring systems, systems for preparation and decision-making, which will ensure a high-quality assessment of the environmental impact of the designed objects of economic and other activities.


Surfactants, petroleum products, nitrites; the largest are suspended substances, BODtot, sulfates, and therefore the maximum permissible discharge of these substances is higher. Conclusion During thesis the environmental hazard of wastewater has been assessed food industry. The main components of wastewater from the food industry are considered. The influence of food industry wastewater on the state of natural...

It is carried out in special structures - electrolyzers. Wastewater treatment using electrolysis is effective in lead and copper plants, in paint and varnish and some other areas of industry. Polluted wastewater is also purified using ultrasound, ozone, ion exchange resins And high pressure, cleaning by chlorination has proven itself well. Among the wastewater treatment methods...

And the effect of cleaning from undissolved impurities. One of the main conditions normal operation settling tanks is the uniform distribution of incoming wastewater between them. Vertical settling tanks For the treatment of industrial wastewater, vertical settling tanks with an upward flow are used. Settling tanks have a cylindrical or rectangular shape. Waste water inserted in the center through...

Territories, and on the other – on quality groundwater and their impact on human health. Chapter III. ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER USE IN KURSK REGION 3.1 General characteristics 3.1.1 Main indicators of water use The Kursk region is located in the southwest of the European territory Russian Federation within the Central Black Earth economic region. Square...