The maximum amount of payment of citizens for utility services. What do you eat with the limit index?

New rules for targeted training in higher and secondary schools have been approved educational institutions Resolution of March 21, 2019 No. 302. In connection with the entry into force of changes in legislation aimed at improving the mechanisms of targeted training, the Regulations on targeted training in educational programs secondary professional and higher education, rules for establishing an admission quota for targeted training in universities at the expense of the federal budget, standard form agreements on targeted training. The implementation of targeted training mechanisms is designed to increase the motivation of applicants and students in choosing a future place of work, increase the responsibility of employers for the selection of future workers, and reduce the shortage of qualified personnel in those regions where there are not enough specialists in the professions most in demand in the economy.

March 20, 2019, Railway transport The long-term development program of OJSC "Russian railways» until 2025 Order No. 466-r dated March 19, 2019. As part of the implementation long-term program development of JSC Russian Railways, in particular, it is planned to develop comprehensive services for shippers and improve the quality of freight transportation, increase transport mobility of people within and between agglomerations, develop container transportation, expand the network of high-speed highways, develop infrastructure to ensure promising volumes of traffic, transition to “digital railway."

March 20, 2019, Issues of labor productivity and employment support On the distribution of interbudgetary transfers for retraining and advanced training of enterprise employees in order to support employment and improve the efficiency of the labor market Order of March 19, 2019 No. 463-r. Interbudgetary transfers in the amount of 1.525 billion rubles were distributed to 31 constituent entities of the Federation. State support will allow 18,443 employees to undergo advanced training in 2019 vocational training and get additional vocational education, meeting the needs of employers - participants in the national project and consistent with the goals of increasing labor productivity.

March 20, 2019, On the investment project for the construction of a liquefied marine transshipment complex natural gas in Kamchatka region Order of March 14, 2019 No. 436-r. Approved comprehensive plan implementation of the investment project “Offshore transshipment complex of liquefied natural gas in the Kamchatka Territory”. The implementation of the project will allow increasing the volume of transportation along the Northern Sea Route from 9.7 million tons in 2017 to 31.4 million tons by the end of 2026, ensuring the passage of the Northern Sea Route sea ​​route for year-round loading, create the largest regional LNG hub in the region, attract about 70 billion rubles of private investment, and create new jobs.

March 20, 2019, State and municipal services On expanding the list of government services Resolution of March 19, 2019 No. 285. List of state and municipal services supplemented public service Pension Fund Russia “Informing citizens about being classified as citizens of pre-retirement age.”

March 18, 2019, Gas production, transportation, export. LNG industry. Gasification On the use of foreign vessels for the implementation of projects for the production of liquefied natural gas Order of March 14, 2019 No. 435-r. To meet the need for specialized gas carrier vessels for the removal of liquefied natural gas and gas condensate from the Yamal LNG and Arctic LNG 2 projects, the possibility of using 28 foreign vessels for these purposes has been established.

March 16, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Orenburg region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order No. 411-r dated March 13, 2019. The program provides for the resettlement of compatriots to the Orenburg region in order to meet the needs of the regional economy for qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will attract 4,200 compatriots to the Orenburg region by 2024.

March 16, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Kostroma region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order No. 419-r dated March 13, 2019. The program provides for the resettlement of compatriots to the Kostroma region in order to meet the needs of the regional economy for qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will attract more than 750 compatriots to the Kostroma region by 2020.

March 16, 2019, Migration policy Program agreed upon Stavropol Territory to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad Order No. 421-r dated March 13, 2019. The program provides for the resettlement of qualified personnel for the development of the economy of the Stavropol Territory, including for the implementation investment projects, development of small and medium-sized businesses, development of rural areas. The implementation of the program will attract 1,500 compatriots to the territory of the region by 2021.

March 16, 2019, Migration policy A program of the Republic of Tatarstan to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order No. 420-r dated March 13, 2019. The program provides for the resettlement of qualified personnel, including specialists and scientists leading current scientific research and technological developments for the development of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. The implementation of the program will make it possible to attract 450 compatriots to the territory of the Republic by 2021.

March 15, 2019, Countering drug addiction About government approval Russian Federation draft Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on Cooperation of CIS States in the Fight against Illicit Trafficking narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors Order of March 9, 2019 No. 394-r. The Protocol, in particular, proposes to introduce such new forms of cooperation between the Parties to the Agreement in the fight against illicit trafficking in drugs and precursors, such as the creation of joint investigative and operational teams for the purpose of uncovering and investigating crimes of a transnational nature related to illicit trafficking in drugs and precursors, as well as conducting comprehensive coordinated and joint interdepartmental, preventive and operational investigative activities, special operations.

March 15, 2019, Pension provision On indexation of social pensions Resolution of March 15, 2019 No. 271. The indexation coefficient for social pensions was set at 1.02 from April 1, 2019.

March 15, 2019, Development of the North Caucasus The Strategy for the Development of Tourism on the Territory of the North Caucasus has been approved federal district until 2035 Order of March 7, 2019 No. 369-r. The strategy is aimed at increasing the influx of foreign tourists, integrated development tourism in the North Caucasus, the growth of its contribution to the indicators of socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District.

March 13, 2019, Hydrocarbon processing, oil and gas chemistry. Chemical industry The development plan for the petrochemical complex until 2025 was approved Order No. 348-r dated February 28, 2019. In order to develop the Russian petrochemical complex, it is planned, in particular, government support export supplies of domestic high-value products, stimulation of investment activities of producers of petrochemical products, reducing the impact of infrastructure restrictions, stabilization of tax conditions and customs tariff regulation for a period of 15 years for organizations implementing large petrochemical investment projects.

March 13, 2019, Remuneration. Income of the population On increasing wages for public sector workers Order of March 13, 2019 No. 415-r. From October 1, 2019, wages will be increased by 4.3% for employees of the public sector of the economy employed in federal institutions. Funds for these purposes are provided in the federal budget for 2019.

March 11, 2019 About the rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov Order of March 7, 2019 No. 380-r

March 11, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Belgorod region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad for 2020–2024 has been agreed upon Order of March 7, 2019 No. 373-r. The program provides for the resettlement of compatriots to the Belgorod region in order to meet the needs of the regional economy for qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will attract about 1,900 compatriots to the Belgorod region in 2020–2024.

March 11, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Novgorod region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order of March 7, 2019 No. 372-r. The program provides for the resettlement of compatriots in order to meet the needs of the economy of the Novgorod region for qualified personnel for the implementation of economic and investment projects, the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The implementation of the program will attract about 2 thousand compatriots to the Novgorod region in 2019–2020.


About the use of indexes of changes in the size of utility fees in examples

Recalculation according to the marginal index - for many of us, these are the magic numbers in the payment slip, according to which we must pay less than the actual cost of utilities.

But how can you tell whether these numbers are correct, or whether the cunning people from the housing and communal services reduced the fees solely at their own discretion?

In some bills it is designated as “recalculation according to the marginal index”, in others as “compensation for expenses for utility bills”, but everywhere the meaning is the same: limit index sets the bar for the growth of fees for utility services, and if utilities rise in price faster than established by the limit index, this increase is compensated by the state.

According to Article 157.1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation promotion is not allowed the amount of fees paid by citizens for utility services above the limit indexes changes in the amount of fees for utility services in municipalities approved by the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

In practice, everything is quite simple: the amount of payment for all utilities that you pay in the current month should not be higher than the amount of payment for all utilities that you paid in the base period by the size of the established limit index.

The base period is December of the previous calendar year. The marginal index is measured as a percentage. If the marginal index is equal to X%, then the amount of payment for utilities should not be greater than the amount of payment for December increased by X%.

If you live in the same apartment, you have a constant number of residents, and every month you consume approximately the same amount of utilities, then everything is simple for you.

To check the correctness of the recalculation (compensation) according to the marginal index, you pick up the payment slip for December of the previous year and see how much you paid for all utilities.

Communication service






For payment

Cold water

Cold water for domestic hot water

Heat for domestic hot water

Water disposal



Receipt 1. As you can see, for December of the previous year we paid 1477 rubles 56k. See exactly the actual payment amount.

Then you take that amount and multiply it by (100% + Cap Index(%))/100%.

For example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the second half of 2015, the limit index was set at 8.9%, so for Krasnoyarsk Territory we will multiply by 1.089 (108.9%).

We compare the resulting figure with the one written on our payment slip for the current month. For example, for August.

Communication service






For payment

Cold water

Cold water for domestic hot water

Heat for domestic hot water

Water disposal



Receipt 2. As you can see, the amount of payment for utilities, taking into account recalculation according to the marginal index, increased by the same 8.9%. If you got about the same thing, then you don’t have to read further.

This method of checking the correctness of recalculation based on the limit index is correct for 80% of owners. But the experience of the People's Control reception offices in housing and communal services has shown that in the remaining 20% ​​of cases questions and problems arise.

What are these cases:

1) The consumption standards for a particular utility service have changed.

2) The volume of consumption of utilities by the residents of your apartment has changed.

3) The number of residents has changed.

4) You moved to a new place of residence.

5) You have installed individual metering devices.

To understand all these cases, let’s look at how the mechanism for limiting the growth of utility bills works.

The size of the indices and the procedure for their application are determined in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2014 No. 400. For brevity, we will call it Resolution No. 400.

In accordance with paragraph 10 of Resolution No. 400, the use of marginal indices must ensure an increase in utility fees in each month of the current year to the amount of utility fees in December of the previous year (base period) no more than the established value of the limit index.

That is, if we have set a limit index of 8.9%, then the increase in fees for utilities should not be higher than 8.9%, and everything that goes beyond this value is asked by the utility provider not from the owners, but from the state .

According to paragraph 5 of Resolution No. 400, when applying and calculating marginal indices and indices for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation The difference in the amount of payments arising as a result of:

1) changes in the set of utilities;

2) changes in the amount of payment of citizens for utility services, which is due to a change in the volume of consumption of utility services, determined by the readings of utility metering devices;

3) changes in the volume of subsidies provided to citizens provided for in Article 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, and measures social support for payment of utility services, with the exception of additional social support measures aimed at compliance with established limit indices;

4) changes in actual consumption volumes as a result of recalculation of the amount of payment for utility services for past billing periods, in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings";

5) transition to payments for utility services using prices (tariffs) differentiated by time of day (established periods of time);

6) application, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of penalties that increase coefficients to tariffs and standards, for example, penalty coefficients for uninstalled metering devices;

7) application of consumption standards differentiated by month of the calendar year, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

8) transition after January 1, 2015 from the application of the procedure for calculating the amount of payment for utility services for heating evenly for all billing months of the calendar year to the application of the procedure for calculating the amount of payment for utility services for heating for a period equal to the duration of the heating period.

Important to note. When recalculating, it is taken into account full complex provided utilities

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Resolution No. 400, the structure of citizens' payments for utility services is established in accordance with Part 4 of Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

According to Part 4 of Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, fees for utility services include fees for hot water supply, cold water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, gas supply (including supplies domestic gas in cylinders), heating (heat supply, including supplies solid fuel in the presence of stove heating).

Thus, The amount of payment for utility services paid by citizens according to the marginal index is calculated based on the amount of payment for utility services provided to the citizen.

The accuracy of recalculation based on the limit index depends on how the utility service provider takes into account all these features.

Let's sort it out in order.

The range of utilities has changed.

In this case, recalculation is made based on the volume of utilities that was in effect in December of the previous calendar year (in the base period).

For example, in December of the previous year you did not have gas, but during the current year it appeared. In this case, the payment amount for all utilities is taken, the payment for gas is removed from it, and a recalculation is made to the resulting total amount.

Reverse example. In December of the previous year you had gas, but now your apartment is disconnected from the gas supply. In this case, the recalculation does not take into account the gas payment that was in December of the previous year (in the base period).

The volume of utility service consumption determined by individual metering devices or standards has changed.

In this case, if we consumed more resources than in December of the previous year, then we receive a recalculation only for that part that is equal to that consumed in that same December of the previous year.

And if we consumed less of a resource than in December of the previous year, then when recalculating we reduce the amount of payment for utilities in December of the previous period as if we had consumed it then communal resource less.

Example, in December of the previous year we consumed this much resources and paid this much money for them.

Communication service






For payment

Cold water

Cold water for domestic hot water

Heat for domestic hot water

Water disposal



Receipt 3.

And this month we have already consumed so many resources:

Communication service






For payment

Cold water

Cold water for domestic hot water

Heat for domestic hot water

Water disposal



Receipt 4.

As you can see, cold water we consumed 1.2 cubic meters. meters more, hot water was consumed by 1 cubic meter less, and drainage accordingly increased by 0.2 cubic meters, and we spent 5 kW/h more electricity. Due to this change in consumption volume, we have a difference in payment equal to:

differencexvs = 1.2 cubic meters * 15.56 rubles = 18.67 rubles

difference in hot water = -1cub.m*15.56+-1cub.m*0.0645Gcal/cub.m*1448.35r = -108.98r

differenceelectric = 5kW/h*1.45r = 7.25r

total difference = -83 rub 06 k.

These -83 rubles 06 kopecks are not taken into account when recalculating according to the limit index. That is, when recalculating, we do not take into account this difference in the cost of utilities in the current month. Moreover, as you have already noticed, this difference can be both positive and negative.

In this example, if utility consumption were at the same level as in December of the previous year, the maximum utility cost would be:

1477 RUR 56 k * 108.9% = 1609 RUR 06 k

but as we calculated, we should not take into account the difference of -83 rubles 06 kopecks, which arose due to changes in the volume of consumption of utilities. We simply add the resulting difference to this number:

1609r 06k + -83r 06k = 1526r

This should be the amount that we must pay this month for all utilities, taking into account all the requirements of Resolution No. 400.

If consumption standards or the number of residents have changed, then we do the same, only the consumption volumes will be equal to the corresponding standards multiplied by the number of residents.

You have installed individual metering devices.

If you installed new meters this year, and in December of the previous year you made charges according to the standards, then you do the same as if the consumption of utility services has changed. At the same time, consumption in December of the previous year is equal to the standard then in force, and consumption in the current month is taken according to meter readings.

Transition to payments for utility services using prices (tariffs) differentiated by time of day (established time periods).

If we have switched from a single-rate tariff for any utility service to a tariff differentiated by time of day, then just as in the previous case, we calculate the difference in the cost of utilities that arose during the transition and do not take it into account in the cost of utilities for the current month when recalculating according to the limit index.

Application, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of penalties that increase coefficients to tariffs and standards, for example, penalty coefficients for uninstalled metering devices.

If, due to the lack of metering devices, utility bills have increased because marginal indices have been applied to utility consumption standards, then the amount by which the fee has increased is not taken into account when recalculating according to the marginal index.

You have moved to a new place of residence

Since in this case, the utility service provider does not have information about what the amount of payment for utilities was for you at your previous place of residence, the Federal Tariff Service recommends using information from the payment document of the previous owner of the apartment for December of the previous year when recalculating.

In case we're talking about regarding the new building, we are not aware of the FTS recommendations. In this case, we recommend providing the utility service provider with your payment documents with previous place residence for December of the previous year.

What if we pay for utilities not to the management company or homeowners association, but directly to resource-supplying organizations?

In this case, recalculation according to the limit index is made by the supplier of the utility service whose specific share in total amount maximum payment for utilities. In this case, you must provide this supplier with information about the cost of all utilities.

Dmitry Ivanov especially for NKZHKH.RF. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved the “Fundamentals for the formation of marginal indices for changing the amount of citizens’ payments for utility services.” The text of the document is literally permeated with concern for the welfare of the population. Yet there is something missing from this freshly prepared dish.


In the beginning lines of the document a separate item proclaimed: “The main principle of establishing a marginal index is the availability for citizens of the total payment for all consumed utilities, calculated taking into account this marginal index.” Let us recall that the marginal index is the maximum possible annual increase in utility bills, expressed as a percentage.

On first reading, everything looks very promising. However, a more detailed examination of the document shows that it does not add anything fundamentally new to the protection of the interests of citizens in settlements with public utilities. Rather, on the contrary: the “gate” for raising tariffs may turn out to be even more open.

The document defines the principles and procedure for the formation of maximum indices for increasing the amount of citizens' payments for utility services. Proposals for establishing the index are formed annually by the authorities local government taking into account current expenses and funds for the development of public utilities. These proposals are approved by the authorized body executive branch subject of the Russian Federation.

The main condition for the passage of proposals at all stages is the availability of payments for the population. The conclusion about affordability is made on the basis of previously established criteria, the main one of which is the share of utility costs in the total family income. Maximum value Each region takes this share for itself, but it should not exceed the federal standard of 22%. If at some stage of the approvals it turns out that payments are not available to the population, then it is proposed to either moderate the enormity of development plans utilities, or attract additional budget funds for their implementation.

In essence, the document sets out the procedure for adjusting payments to the capabilities of the population.

The meaning of government instructions can be interpreted in two ways, depending on who you like. That is, it can be understood that the entire procedure is initially aimed at protecting the interests of citizens. And therefore, the growth of payments should initially be limited by all reasonable means, and in the end, the size of payments should also be checked for compliance with affordability criteria. But it can be interpreted differently: let public utilities raise prices for their services as they please (it doesn’t matter whether the cost corresponds to the volume of work or not), as long as they fit into the authorities’ ideas about the ability of citizens to pay. Judging by the context of the document, the second option is most likely the case. There is not a word in the resolution about tightening or even improving the feasibility study of proposals to increase payments. Instead of encouraging utilities to reduce the cost of services and save every penny, they are almost provoked to increase tariffs to a predetermined ceiling.

To make it clearer, I’ll try to explain the situation with numbers. According to the State Statistics Committee, in August the average accrued salary in the country per employee was 18,306 rubles. If we assume that in a family of three people two work, the total is 36,612. According to federal standard the maximum allowable family expenses for housing and utilities (22% of total income) are 8,054 rubles. If utility companies count more, the excess will be compensated to residents with a targeted subsidy from the budget.

At the same time, according to statistics, such a family has a total area of ​​approximately 66 square meters. meters, the real rent for which is approximately 3,500 rubles. Thus, with all our complaints about increasing utility bills, from the point of view of accessibility for the population, they can still grow and grow.

Of course, the least wealthy citizens already today receive government support to pay for housing and communal services. But if we talk about the average family, then communal services have the right to more than double in price. In this case, utility bills will be considered affordable for her.

Social protection measure... budget

Let's try to evaluate likely consequences“Basics” of increasing payments for all interested parties.

For low-income groups, who already now fall under the criterion of the maximum share of expenses for utility bills, absolutely nothing changes. They paid the percentage of their total income established in the region, and will continue to pay. Anything beyond this is compensated by a budget subsidy.

Average-income citizens will fully feel the further increase in tariffs, which will most likely begin to rise in price at an even more accelerated pace. At least, as can be seen from the numbers, “Fundamentals” allow this. This will happen until the payments of this most massive category of residents increase to approximately regional standard the maximum share of citizens' expenses for utilities (remember, in Moscow this is 10%). Only after this will the mechanism of restrictions established by the Fundamentals come into effect. Utilities will not be allowed to increase tariffs further.

High-income citizens will take refuge in the “shadow” of the middle-income ones, since tariffs are the same for everyone, and their growth will be limited for everyone at the same time. However, I assume that oligarchs and mini-oligarchs are generally of little interest in housing and communal services tariffs.

Utility workers, apparently, can rest easy. In a veiled form they were given the go-ahead: “Forward! You still have solid reserves for increasing tariffs.” Moreover, when the limit on the availability of payments is nevertheless reached, the process of increase will not end there, but will only slow down. After all, the crisis does not last forever. The economy will begin to move, household incomes will grow, and then an automatic barrier will rise on the way to increasing utility bills.

But the state seems to have found reliable protection from excessively increasing their expenses on subsidies for housing and communal services. After all, as soon as tariffs reach the maximum level of affordability for the population, that is, when a mass of new candidates for budget subsidies appear, utility companies will immediately be told: “Stop.” Because there is not enough budget for the increasing volume of subsidies.

Muzzle on the Internet

Finally, about what I would like to see in “Fundamentals”, but for which there was no place. This is public control over tariffs through ensuring their full transparency. The ultimate dream is that on the Internet, at a glance, you can consider all the components of the tariff, down to the last penny. So that you can see not only the final cost of heating one square meter. meters of housing in any municipal formation, but also to trace the entire sequence of calculations down to the volume of soil removed from the trenches during the repair of heating systems, salaries for excavators and bonuses for the management apparatus. Moreover, this is not so difficult to do, since all document flow is carried out mainly in electronic form.

One may ask, where does such selective interest in housing and communal services come from? I'll explain. This is one of the most monopolized areas of the economy. Citizens have no choice. In Russia, absolutely everything is constantly becoming more expensive. However, it has become almost a tradition that the growth rate of housing and communal services tariffs significantly exceeds inflation. Natural bewilderment arises - why? Last winter, world oil prices fell four times (!), and other types of fuel also became cheaper. At the same time, the heating tariff increased more than all others - by almost 30%. And not a word to justify it.

President Dmitry Medvedev last week drew attention to the fact that losses in the heat supply system reach 50%. But power engineers are unlikely to care about this, because the population will pay for everything. A broad campaign has been launched in Moscow to install water consumption meters. As a result, it is almost universally found that actual consumption is significantly lower than what utilities charge. So I want to “put on the counter” the entire housing and communal services sector.

What will the openness of reports and justifications give?

It is clear that ordinary citizens are unlikely to rush to understand them. But deputies from opposition parties or persistent journalists will not miss their point and will start asking questions publicly. From specific but numerous questions, a general picture will begin to emerge, on the basis of which organizational conclusions can be drawn. And organizational conclusions in Russia from time immemorial were considered the best medicine from all diseases and an excellent remedy prevention.

New rules for targeted training in higher and secondary educational institutions have been approved Resolution of March 21, 2019 No. 302. In connection with the entry into force of changes in legislation aimed at improving the mechanisms of targeted training, the Regulations on targeted training for educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education, the rules for establishing an admission quota for targeted training in universities at the expense of the federal budget, and a standard form of an agreement on targeted training were approved. training. The implementation of targeted training mechanisms is designed to increase the motivation of applicants and students in choosing a future place of work, increase the responsibility of employers for the selection of future workers, and reduce the shortage of qualified personnel in those regions where there are not enough specialists in the professions most in demand in the economy.

March 20, 2019, Railway transport The long-term development program of JSC Russian Railways until 2025 has been approved Order No. 466-r dated March 19, 2019. As part of the implementation of the long-term development program of JSC Russian Railways, in particular, it is planned to develop comprehensive services for shippers and improve the quality of freight transportation, increase the transport mobility of people within and between agglomerations, develop container transportation, expand the network of high-speed highways, and develop infrastructure to ensure future traffic volumes , transition to the “digital railway”.

March 20, 2019, Issues of labor productivity and employment support On the distribution of interbudgetary transfers for retraining and advanced training of enterprise employees in order to support employment and improve the efficiency of the labor market Order of March 19, 2019 No. 463-r. Interbudgetary transfers in the amount of 1.525 billion rubles were distributed to 31 constituent entities of the Federation. State support will allow 18,443 employees in 2019 to undergo advanced vocational training and receive additional vocational education that meets the needs of employers participating in the national project and meets the goals of increasing labor productivity.

March 20, 2019, On the investment project for the construction of a marine transshipment complex for liquefied natural gas in the Kamchatka Territory Order of March 14, 2019 No. 436-r. A comprehensive plan for the implementation of the investment project “Offshore transshipment complex of liquefied natural gas in the Kamchatka Territory” was approved. The implementation of the project will allow increasing the volume of transportation along the Northern Sea Route from 9.7 million tons in 2017 to 31.4 million tons by the end of 2026, ensuring the transition of the Northern Sea Route to year-round loading, creating the largest regional LNG hub in the region, attracting about 70 billion rubles of private investment, create new jobs.

March 20, 2019, State and municipal services On expanding the list of government services Resolution of March 19, 2019 No. 285. The list of state and municipal services has been supplemented by the state service of the Russian Pension Fund “Informing citizens about their classification as citizens of pre-retirement age.”

March 18, 2019, Gas production, transportation, export. LNG industry. Gasification On the use of foreign vessels for the implementation of projects for the production of liquefied natural gas Order of March 14, 2019 No. 435-r. To meet the need for specialized gas carrier vessels for the removal of liquefied natural gas and gas condensate from the Yamal LNG and Arctic LNG 2 projects, the possibility of using 28 foreign vessels for these purposes has been established.

March 16, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Orenburg region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order No. 411-r dated March 13, 2019. The program provides for the resettlement of compatriots to the Orenburg region in order to meet the needs of the regional economy for qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will attract 4,200 compatriots to the Orenburg region by 2024.

March 16, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Kostroma region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order No. 419-r dated March 13, 2019. The program provides for the resettlement of compatriots to the Kostroma region in order to meet the needs of the regional economy for qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will attract more than 750 compatriots to the Kostroma region by 2020.

March 16, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Stavropol Territory to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order No. 421-r dated March 13, 2019. The program provides for the resettlement of qualified personnel for the development of the economy of the Stavropol Territory, including for the implementation of investment projects, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, and the development of rural areas. The implementation of the program will attract 1,500 compatriots to the territory of the region by 2021.

March 16, 2019, Migration policy A program of the Republic of Tatarstan to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order No. 420-r dated March 13, 2019. The program provides for the resettlement of qualified personnel, including specialists and scientists conducting current scientific research and technological developments, for the development of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. The implementation of the program will make it possible to attract 450 compatriots to the territory of the Republic by 2021.

March 15, 2019, Countering drug addiction On approval by the Government of the Russian Federation of the draft Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on Cooperation of the CIS States in the Combating Illegal Traffic in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors Order of March 9, 2019 No. 394-r. The Protocol, in particular, proposes to introduce such new forms of cooperation between the Parties to the Agreement in the fight against illicit trafficking in drugs and precursors, such as the creation of joint investigative and operational teams for the purpose of uncovering and investigating crimes of a transnational nature related to illicit trafficking in drugs and precursors, as well as conducting comprehensive coordinated and joint interdepartmental, preventive and operational investigative activities, special operations.

March 15, 2019, Pension provision On indexation of social pensions Resolution of March 15, 2019 No. 271. The indexation coefficient for social pensions was set at 1.02 from April 1, 2019.

March 15, 2019, Development of the North Caucasus The Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the North Caucasus Federal District until 2035 has been approved Order of March 7, 2019 No. 369-r. The strategy is aimed at increasing the influx of foreign tourists, the comprehensive development of tourism in the North Caucasus, and increasing its contribution to the indicators of socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District.

March 13, 2019, Hydrocarbon processing, oil and gas chemistry. Chemical industry The development plan for the petrochemical complex until 2025 was approved Order No. 348-r dated February 28, 2019. In order to develop the Russian petrochemical complex, it is planned, in particular, state support for export supplies of domestic high-value products, stimulation of investment activities of producers of petrochemical products, reducing the impact of infrastructure restrictions, stabilization of tax conditions and customs tariff regulation for a period of 15 years for organizations selling large petrochemical investment projects.

March 13, 2019, Remuneration. Income of the population On increasing wages for public sector workers Order of March 13, 2019 No. 415-r. From October 1, 2019, wages will be increased by 4.3% for employees of the public sector of the economy employed in federal institutions. Funds for these purposes are provided in the federal budget for 2019.

March 11, 2019 About the rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov Order of March 7, 2019 No. 380-r

March 11, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Belgorod region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad for 2020–2024 has been agreed upon Order of March 7, 2019 No. 373-r. The program provides for the resettlement of compatriots to the Belgorod region in order to meet the needs of the regional economy for qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will attract about 1,900 compatriots to the Belgorod region in 2020–2024.

March 11, 2019, Migration policy A program for the Novgorod region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed upon Order of March 7, 2019 No. 372-r. The program provides for the resettlement of compatriots in order to meet the needs of the economy of the Novgorod region for qualified personnel for the implementation of economic and investment projects, the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The implementation of the program will attract about 2 thousand compatriots to the Novgorod region in 2019–2020.


Today, all citizens of the Russian Federation, without exception, are obliged to pay for utilities that were consumed while living on the territory of a specific real estate property. It should be noted that the amount of utility fees may vary from region to region, depending on living conditions, including climate. Therefore, it would be wrong to talk about a single cost for housing and communal services.

Utility fee amount

So, what determines the tariff and payment for residential premises and utilities? The procedure and rules for calculating utility bills for the population are established directly by the authorities state power at the regional or local level. At the same time, the amount of payment for utility services for the population is the amount that was calculated depending on the consumption of services recorded by metering devices.

If citizens do not have so-called meters installed on the territory of a residential building, then the legislative procedure implies the calculation of payments depending on the consumption standards for certain utilities established by local self-government bodies. However, it is worth noting that the legislative order regulates that gas and light consumption standards for the population can only be fixed at the federal level.

The procedure for calculating payments for the population of the Russian Federation is approved in more detail in numerous federal laws under numbers 416-ФЗ, 190-ФЗ, 69-ФЗ, 35-ФЗ, 210-ФЗ. Each of the presented regulations includes key rules for determining the amount of payment for a certain type of supplied utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation.

Composition of utility services provided to consumers

So, the legislative procedure provides for the determination of the specific composition of public services provided to the population. In particular, this is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354. Thus, for citizens, utility bills include the following items:

  • Cold water supply. In this case, we are talking about a round-the-clock supply of water to the population that meets safety standards. It should be noted that water supply occurs both in multi-apartment buildings and private houses.
  • Hot water supply for the population. Water supply of adequate quality is carried out through the city network, which is clearly regulated by law.
  • Drainage. Legislative rules imply additional charges made monthly for withdrawal waste water, produced in the process of life of citizens.
  • Electricity supply is also included in the utilities that are available to the population of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the procedure for providing electricity implies round-the-clock power supply to both multi-apartment buildings and private houses of citizens from the city network.
  • Payment for utility services implies the inclusion of such an item of household expenses as gas supply. Gas, according to legislation, must be available to citizens around the clock. At the same time, the definition and composition of the amount of payments also includes the supply of gas through cylinders in the absence of a central network.
  • Heating is also included in utilities, for which a monthly payment is made, which establishes a legislative procedure. At the same time, the quality of services for citizens must be appropriate. In particular, the air temperature in the room must comply with regulations that approve the rules for the provision of utility services.

It should be clarified that the composition and structure of public services that are provided to citizens, as well as the determination of cost, takes place only taking into account the amenities of the residential premises, in particular, the presence of utilities.

Actual volumes and standards of utility service consumption

Payment for housing and utilities is a responsibility that is placed on the shoulders of all citizens by housing legislation. If we refer to Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, then payments for residential premises and utilities are calculated in accordance with consumption standards, which establish legislative rules. It should be noted that this determination occurs by taking readings obtained from metering devices installed in residential buildings.

In the event that payments for residential premises and utilities are calculated according to standards, and not according to actual consumption, then in such cases additional indices are provided, implying an increase in the amount of payments.

This is stated in the rules signed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Consumption standards and, accordingly, payments for residential premises and utilities are calculated in accordance with living conditions and may vary from region to region of the Russian Federation. In particular, for example, indices aimed at increasing payments are used if additional electrical equipment is installed in houses, or personal subsidiary plots, a vegetable garden, etc. are organized.

Metering devices

Payments for residential premises and utilities in most cases are based on data received from meters. At the same time, legislative rules establish a certain procedure for how metering devices should be installed, how readings should be taken and equipment should be operated, and other issues that may be important to consumers.

So, paying for utility services and its maximum amount, which is formed by taking readings from metering devices, is more profitable than if the amount was determined through the application of a standard. Only in this case, the payment for living quarters and utilities will depend on the consumer himself.

Legislative rules and procedures classify metering devices on several grounds:

  • depending on the number of owners (individual or communal);
  • depending on the utility service (gas, electric, water, etc.).

Based on the rules included in the legislation of the Russian Federation, all homeowners must install metering devices within the period allotted by law. Only in this case, indices aimed at increasing and changing the amount of utility fees, which are deposited into the account monthly, will not be applied.

In addition, all citizens undertake to check and replace meters within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Of course, such rules have been repeatedly criticized by citizens, since for any action an additional financial payment is made, which causes an increase in costs for the population. Many people hope that this is a violation of the interests of citizens. But if you turn to the legal acts, then as such a violation does not occur.

Calculation of rent and tariff. Calculation of fees for services of inadequate quality

Calculation and recalculation of utility fees is one of the most pressing topics, which has repeatedly become the subject of discussion among practicing lawyers. This is due to the fact that this topic is included in our everyday life. However, not always and not all citizens can understand how indices are used aimed at increasing or decreasing payments, why payment for services must be made monthly, and violation of such a condition, that is, failure to pay, can be punished by the legislator. The question of how the amount of payment for utility services is recalculated is also of interest.

Calculation and recalculation of the amount of payment for utility services is formed taking into account social norm, which is stopped by government authorities at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In addition, tariffs and indices aimed at increasing payments depending on the region of the Russian Federation are taken into account, which are included in mandatory composition payment document. At the same time, the structure of the tariff schedule itself is approved by the resource company, which is considered the supplier of a particular utility service.

In addition, the legislator provides for the possibility of calculating and recalculating the amount of payment for utility services on a differentiated basis. In other words, the maximum tariff for a service will depend on the category of citizens that includes a particular subject of legal relations. Thus, for beneficiaries there is an index that reduces the cost of utilities. For legal entities On the contrary, indices may lead to an increase in value.

Even if increasing indices are established, and the rights and interests of citizens are not violated, payments are calculated taking into account such additional coefficients.

But at the same time, the index cannot exceed the limit (maximum) level fixed in a particular subject of the Russian Federation. This item is also included in the payment document.

In addition, indices aimed at increasing or, conversely, decreasing tariffs can be established depending on the time of day when the utility service is provided, whether two-component (two-part) prices are included in the tariff, etc.

Despite the fact that the calculation of utility bills has been carefully worked out by the legislator, in practice there are widespread cases of unfair charges. In such a situation, a citizen can write an application for recalculation. In particular, the application must contain the basis for such a recalculation: temporary absence from the residence address, inadequate quality of the services provided, including the unavailability of services at certain time etc.

Violation of payment by the subscriber

Even if the consumer does not agree with a particular tariff, he undertakes to pay a fee for the services. Failure to enter financial resources is a direct violation of the law. In other words, failure to pay may result in certain penalties being imposed by the service provider. In particular, failure to enter may result in the subscriber being disconnected from city networks.

If a violation is detected, that is, payment is not made for several billing periods, the service provider must send a statement (notification) to the consumer about the need to fulfill its obligations. In addition, if a violation of the terms of provision of utility services occurs over many months, then the application may be addressed to a judicial authority.

The application must contain substantiated facts that the payment is not deposited into the current account by the subscriber for unjustified reasons.

The application must be submitted either in writing or electronically. In this case, the application must contain comprehensive information about both the consumer and the supplier of a particular range of utility services. If statement of claim will be approved by the judicial authority in favor of the plaintiff, that is, a violation will be identified, then forced collection of funds from the debtor is possible.

Collection is one of the most effective legal mechanisms that allows you to eliminate the budget deficit of utility companies. Forced debt collection is carried out by authorized authorities. However, the subscriber can submit a counter-application to the judicial authority in order to protect his interests so that the decision can be canceled aimed at forced collection. But as practice shows, such a statement most likely will not find satisfaction, since the fact of malicious evasion of duties is clearly revealed.

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Olga 12/16/2018 12:35

Good afternoon If he owns two rooms, then he can be forced to sell one room to pay off the debt. But if he has one room, then he cannot be evicted. According to Art. 446 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation inrecovery under executive documents cannot be applied to next property, owned by a debtor citizen by right of ownership:residential premises (parts thereof), if for the debtor citizen and members of his family living together in the premises owned, it is the only premises suitable for permanent residence, with the exception of the property specified in this paragraph, if it is the subject of a mortgage and on it in accordance with the legislation on mortgage foreclosure may be filed. We invite you to our office for a consultation, where our specialists will answer all your questions in more detail. For a 50 percent discount on a consultation - Promo code - "MIP".

Saibotalov Vadim Vladimirovich 16.12.2018 18:24

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17.12.2018 10:17

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Good afternoon I am interested in whether there are legal grounds for the forced eviction of the owner of a share of a communal apartment in case of malicious evasion of payment of housing and communal services at the initiative/claim of the co-owners of the residential premises?

Olga 12/16/2018 12:35

Good afternoon If he owns two rooms, then he can be forced to sell one room to pay off the debt. But if he has one room, then he cannot be evicted. According to Art. 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, recovery under executive documents cannot be applied to the following property owned by a citizen-debtor by right of ownership: residential premises (parts thereof), if for the citizen-debtor and members of his family living together in the owned premises, it is the only suitable for permanent residence in the premises, with the exception of the property specified in this paragraph, if it is the subject of a mortgage and can be foreclosed on in accordance with the legislation on mortgages. We invite you to our office for a consultation, where our specialists will answer all your questions in more detail. For a 50 percent discount on a consultation - Promo code - "MIP".