Educational program. Standard for consumption of utility resources. Average monthly sales volume of the enterprise

Light / Electricity meters and metering

How to pay for electricity without a meter? In what cases should the consumer pay according to average consumption, and in what cases - according to the standard? In what cases is the fee charged according to the standard with an increasing factor? And how, after all, is it more profitable to pay for electricity - according to the meter or according to the standard? Visitors to often ask these kinds of questions. Let's try to figure it out.

Paying for electricity without a meter: what the current legislation says

Probably everyone knows how electricity charges are calculated if an electricity meter is installed and working properly in an apartment.

There is a counter. There is his testimony. Take the number of kilowatt-hours spent per month and multiply it by the current tariff in your region. You receive the amount you need to pay for electricity consumption. It's simple!

But how is electricity payment calculated without a meter? The current legislation reduces all diversity life situations to the following options:

  • there is a meter, but its readings were not transmitted on time (in accordance with the established procedure)
  • There is a meter, but it turned out to be faulty (it broke down, the verification period has expired)
  • There is a meter, but representatives of the energy supply service provider are not allowed to see it
  • there is a meter, but upon inspection it turned out that it was deliberately damaged (or electricity was connected past the meter)
  • Finally, there is simply no counter. And this situation is by no means uncommon.

How the fee for the electricity supply service is calculated in each of these cases is described in detail in the Rules for the provision of utilities.

This document was approved by Government Decree No. 354 of May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” Since then, numerous changes have been made to it. The current version of the Rules can be found, for example, .

Following the Rules, let's look at the options listed above.

Payment for electricity if meter readings are not submitted on time

Let's start from the beginning. In order to be able to pay for electricity based on meter readings, you need to transfer these readings to the person who supplies you with electricity.

How to transmit meter readings? When? To whom? These questions are quite appropriate and deserve separate analysis. In short, the readings are sent either to the energy sales company (your electricity supplier) or to management company your home, or through a city (regional) settlement center.

There are also several other ways. But here and now it is important to note that if the meter readings are not transmitted, then you will not be able to pay for electricity using them. Looks fair.

So, if you have not provided meter readings, the electricity fee is determined based on your average monthly consumption.

"Monthly average“Consumption in this case is calculated based on the readings you took (or they were obtained, for example, during a check of your meter) over the past six months.

The exception referred to in the Rules is in cases where payments on the meter began less than six months before the moment you did not transmit its readings. For example, the meter was delivered to you in June, but in October you did not provide the readings. In this case, your average monthly electricity consumption for the period of actual operation of the meter is taken as a basis. But not less than 3 months.

You didn’t submit your testimony for one month, the second, the third... What’s next? Starting from the fourth month, during which you do not submit meter readings, you will be transferred to payment according to the standards. How it looks - see.

If you are interested in how the above is formulated in the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities, then you need to study clause 59 (b) of this document.

Payment for electricity if the meter turns out to be (was found) faulty

Let's imagine: you somehow discovered that your meter is faulty. Was broken during repair work. Damaged in a fire. It just stopped working, and even you can see it. Alternatively, it was stolen. Either its verification period has expired, or its service life has expired... How is the payment for light calculated in this case?

The situation is described by paragraph 59 (a) of the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities. First of all, the moment of occurrence of the “event” is determined, that is, when exactly is the metering device considered faulty (lost)?

This may be the date of your statement to the energy sales company about a faulty meter. Or the date of drawing up a report on the malfunction of the meter based on the results of its inspection by an inspector. Or the expiration date of the meter's verification interval. If exact date no, then the month (payment period) in which the “event” occurred is taken as the “reference point”.

From this date you will be transferred to payment based on average monthly consumption. Average monthly consumption is calculated in the same way as in the previous paragraph - based on the last six months.

However, “on average” you will only be paid for three months in a row. After which they will transfer to payments according to the standard. How the electricity fee is calculated according to the standard, see.

It is worth noting that for some time now consumers whose electricity meter has failed and who have been living without a meter for more than three months have been charged according to the standard with an increasing factor of 1.5. So it would be good to hurry up with the installation of a new meter.

Separately, it is worth considering the case when a malfunction of the meter is discovered during a meter inspection by a representative of an energy sales company, and the inspector insists that there was unauthorized interference in the operation of the meter. The list of signs of such interference is given in clause 81.11 of the Rules.

Violations must be described in a special Act. From the date of its signing, electricity consumption is recalculated based on the standard increased by 10 times (about the standard, again, see).

The recalculation period is three months preceding the date of detection of the violation and until the date of their elimination (which in most cases means replacing the meter).

There is a meter, but representatives of the energy sales company are not allowed to see it. How are electricity charges calculated?

First, let's be clear - what does “not allowed” mean? Often, electricity meters are installed directly in the apartment or in the vestibule, access to which from the landing is closed with a “good iron door” (c).

That is, it is not so easy for an outsider to get into the meter. At the same time, energy sales inspectors have a habit of visiting subscribers in working hours. They do not travel at night or early in the morning. This means that they have little chance of crossing paths with the apartment’s inhabitants.

Just for such a case, the Rules for the Provision of Utility Services detail the procedure that the energy sales representative must follow in order to agree on the inspection time with the apartment owner.

Representatives of the electricity supplier organization are required to notify the owners of the apartment being inspected in advance. Those, in turn, must confirm that they will be at home at the proposed time.

They don't confirm? This means that the utility service provider is obliged to send a second notification. If it is not possible to agree on the date of the visit for the second time (or the inspectors came at the agreed time, but there is still no one at home), then a special document is drawn up - an Act on the refusal of the contractor’s access to the metering devices.

Each iteration of this difficult procedure is described in detail in clause 85 of the Rules. If you really need to know exactly who should do what and in what order? - be sure to read it.

From the date on which the Certificate of Denial of Admission is issued, the consumer is transferred to payment based on average monthly consumption. If the issue with checking the meter is not resolved within three months, then you will begin to receive payments for electricity, calculated according to the standard.

How is the payment for electricity calculated if the meter is deliberately damaged, or (as an option) electricity goes to the apartment, bypassing the meter?

It was already written about a little higher. This situation is the most unpleasant for the consumer. The method of payment for electricity in such circumstances is described in clause 62 of the Rules for the provision of utility services.

So, during the inspection, the inspectors discovered that your electric meter was deliberately put in a faulty state and counts the electricity in “your favor”, or the electricity in your apartment (house) was supplied by the meter. What's next? The consequences are quite severe.

Utilities have the right to charge additional charges for electricity based on total number electricity consumers in an apartment (private house) and their maximum power consumption. The calculation is made based on the fact that electricity consumption occurs around the clock. And the additional charges themselves are made for three months preceding the elimination of an unauthorized connection past the meter.

If it is impossible to determine which electricity consumers are in the apartment and what their maximum power is, then the payment for electricity in this case is calculated based on a standard increased tenfold.

Read about the standard below; here it is worth noting that the amounts accrued in this way are several times, or even an order of magnitude, higher than the fee for actual electricity consumption.

As in the case of calculations based on maximum power, recalculation according to a 10-fold increased standard is made three months prior to the removal of the connection to the electrical networks past the meter.

A small clarification - if less than three months before the violation was discovered, inspectors visited you and did not find anything “criminal”, then the calculation of electricity charges based on the maximum possible consumption (or 10 times the standard) will be made from the date of this visit.

How to pay for electricity if your apartment does not have a meter? And/or never happened? Those. according to the standard?

Electricity meters are, of course, not water meters, which began to be installed en masse only in the last decade.

Apartments began to be equipped with electricity meters in mandatory back in the days of the USSR. And yet, many apartments (one of the most common cases are apartments in former dormitories) and private houses still do not have meters. Payment for electricity in this case is calculated according to the standard.

The standard in this case is the calculated value of electricity consumption in a residential premises, which is tied to the number of rooms in the apartment and the type of its amenities (gas stove or electric).

In the Rules for the Provision of Utility Services, the issue of payment for electricity according to the standard is dealt with in paragraph 42. Let's go through it.

So, three indicators are taken:

  • number of citizens permanently or temporarily residing in residential premises
  • electricity consumption standard, it is determined for each region by a separate decision of local authorities
  • electricity tariff valid for this type of consumer

These three figures are multiplied and the cost of electricity is obtained, which is indicated on the payment invoice.

To this it is worth adding the following:

First: if no one is officially registered in the apartment (either permanently or temporarily), then the standard fee is calculated based on the number of homeowners

Second: the authorities strongly want electricity meters to be installed in all houses and apartments, so if the residential premises are not equipped with an electricity meter, then the standard fee is charged with a coefficient of 1.5 (without a coefficient, the standard fee is charged in cases where there is a meter , but his testimony is not transmitted).

What is more profitable: according to the meter or according to the standard?

People often ask: what is the best way to pay for electricity? According to the standard or, nevertheless, according to the meter, without spending money on its purchase and installation?

If we speak in “general”, then the answer will be like this:

  • if the apartment is actually lived in more people than officially registered, then paying according to the standard may be more profitable,
  • and if, on the contrary, more people are registered than live, then, of course, it will be cheaper to pay for electricity using the meter.

Well, if you are interested in specifics, you need to look for a decision from the tariff authority of your region, which approved consumption standards. Next, arm yourself with a calculator and count.

But still, we would venture to assume that in most cases it will still be more profitable to install a metering device.


Calculation of the average monthly consumption of communal resources according to item No. 354

What if in the period taken into account for the calculation of the average monthly volume of consumption of a utility resource according to P No. 354, there are periods in which the calculation was ALREADY carried out according to the average or according to the standard?

According to paragraph 354:

59. Payment for utility services provided to a consumer in a residential or non-residential premises for the billing period, is determined based on the calculated average monthly consumption of a utility resource by the consumer, determined according to the readings of an individual or general (apartment) meter for a period of at least 1 year (for heating - based on the average monthly consumption volume for the heating period), and if the period of operation metering device was less than 1 year, then for the actual period of operation of the metering device, but not less than 3 months (for heating - at least 3 months heating season) in the following cases and for the specified billing periods.

To calculate the average monthly volume, use: 1. volumes for the last 12 months (at least 3 after installing the PU) or 2. according to the DIFFERENCE of readings for the last 12 months (3)?

September 24, 2012 address: /Russia ( Sverdlovsk region) /Ekaterinburg /Repina /93

Category: Housing and communal services tariffs

Answers to the question “Calculation of the average monthly consumption of communal resources according to item No. 354”:

09/27/2012, Alexander Nikolaevich Garkusha
Answer to the point if your question concerns not the calculation, but the recalculation for unconsumed utility services during the temporary absence of the Consumer for more than 5 days, if apartment meters are not installed: for each absence of the Consumer for more than 5 days, a recalculation is made.
Recalculation when equipping the premises with individual metering devices for hot water supply and water supply is not carried out. In this case, accrual for general house needs is made, regardless of the temporary absence of the Consumer.

09/24/2012, Vladimir U
Answer to the point I understand it this way.
You submitted data based on meter readings. Then there was a period in which you did not submit data - for some reason: you had no time, you were on vacation, and the resource was accrued to you on average for this period. Then you returned and again began to submit data on resource consumption, but less than a year had passed - you again did not submit data.
If the meters did not change, you could submit real consumption resources for the period when data were not submitted and were calculated based on the average.
Those. give readings at the beginning of the period - and at the end, divide by the period - you will get what you need.
However, if at any time the meter was calibrated, under repair, or the meter was changed, then the readings of the device will be incorrect. Therefore, it will need to be taken into account as newly installed with indications at the start of operation, and data taken for a period of at least 3 months, as you indicated above.

Option 2.

Task 1. Consider the situation “Management of sales activities of CJSCNovgorod bakery» and answer questions by acting as external consultants. Provide your answers in presentation form.

CJSC "Novgorod Bakery" is a manufacturer of bakery and confectionery such as gingerbreads, cookies, bagels, dryers, waffles, wafer candies and cakes, oriental sweets, pasta, etc. Assorted

the list includes more than 150 items.

The company has production shops (pasta, gingerbread, confectionery, waffle) and auxiliary units(administration, sales, supply, accounting, transport department, administration).

Analysis of the work of the enterprise sales department

The sales department is part of the commercial service of the enterprise, which also includes the transport department and the marketing department. The staff of the sales department is as follows: head of the department; city ​​store manager; senior customer service operator; sales department operator; manager regional sales; city ​​store managers (6 people); regional sales representatives (5 people); warehouse keepers finished products(4 people); loaders-forwarders of the sales department (10 people). The total number of sales department is 30 people.

Product distribution channels 3JSC Novgorod Bakery »

1. The company has three of its own brand stores that sell retail sales. One store is located at the enterprise, the other two are in the city area. Delivery to stores is carried out by the company’s own vehicles.

2. The company's products are also sold through city stores. Delivery is carried out by the company's vehicles through a ring delivery. To do this, the sales department manager accepts applications by phone or through city store managers and organizes three trips around the city: one car for two or three districts of the city. Distribution of products is carried out by loaders-forwarders of the sales department and drivers of the transport department.

3. Products are shipped to private entrepreneurs (pickup).

4. Products through regional sales representatives implemented in nearby regions. Delivery is carried out to stores by company vehicles. The responsibilities of regional representatives include collecting applications from clients and monitoring accounts receivable, analysis regional markets sales

5. Wholesale enterprises of the city, region and nearby regions purchase the company’s products for the purpose of subsequent resale. This distribution channel involves pick-up of products.

6. Provided individual contracts with independent wholesalers about the delivery of products by the company’s vehicles (regardless of where the delivery is carried out: within the city limits or beyond its boundaries). For example, the company carries out such delivery to Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and other regions.

Thus, the enterprise has various distribution channels. Of these, the first four channels are the most expensive (maintaining your own stores, wages their personnel, transportation costs per unit of product are high, since delivery is carried out in small batches, etc.).

The last two channels have much lower transport costs, not only due to larger quantities, but also due to the fact that most wholesalers bear this type of cost. However, the development of these distribution channels is weak. The reason for this lies in the lack of attention to these methods of selling finished products by the management of the enterprise, which results in a lack of proper financing.

The average monthly sales volume of the enterprise is presented in the table. The city's market capacity is approximately 5.8 million rubles. per month. As can be seen from the table presented, CJSC Novgorod Bread Factory covers only a small part of this need. An analysis of the activities of city sales managers showed the ineffectiveness of their work. The company's sales volumes in this area can be increased by more than 50%. However, there are other obstacles to increasing sales volumes: the high price of products compared to competitors ( high cost); strong competition in the market; quality does not correspond to its price.

Average monthly sales volume of the enterprise

Analysis of the work of the transport department of the enterprise

14 vehicles with carrying capacity are involved in servicing consumers

10; 5; 3; 1.5 t.

An analysis of the work of the transport department showed the following bottlenecks.

1. In the current situation, mostly vehicles with a carrying capacity of 5 tons are sent on trips around the city. These are quite large vehicles, convenient for loaders when unloading products, but have high fuel consumption in city driving conditions. At the same time, the average tonnage of one trip around the city makes it possible to use vehicles with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons, which will accommodate the entire assortment and exclude mismatches during loading/unloading. Savings on fuel with such work will be up to 50%.

2. The purchase of fuel by vehicle drivers is carried out in cash, which leads to difficulties in controlling costs.

3. The company's vehicles (mostly large-capacity ones) leave the regions empty. There are no options for using vehicles during the return journey.

Questions for discussion:

1. Provide a short analytical report state of affairs in the industry.

2. Give brief description economic situation in 3 JSC "Novgorod Bakery".

3. Analyze the distribution channels of the enterprise’s finished products. Determine which channels are direct and which are indirect; which are single-level, and which are multi-level.

4. Analyze data on the volume of product sales by the enterprise. Taking into account other available data, draw conclusions about the most promising sales channel for finished products. What problems need to be solved to develop these channels?

5. Think about and present a list of activities necessary to reorganize or modify distribution channels in order to increase economic results enterprises (reducing logistics costs, increasing sales volumes, etc.).

6. Answer the question whether measures will be necessary to expand or reduce the staff of the enterprise’s commercial service in the context of the implementation of your proposals, as well as how the question of financing should be raised, possible risks and information flows.

Task 2. Examples are presented on the website of the consulting company AXIMA completed projects. Take any one project and draw up its description in the form presented in Table 1 (we write the description on behalf of the management of the organization under study).

Table 1

Project description form

Task 3.

Case: "Olympic Games 2000 - Sydney, Australia."

In managing a project developed for a specific event, the Olympic Games are considered one of the most important events. Let's look at the components of this project.

Target. Hold the 2000 Olympic Games at specified locations in Sydney from 15 September at a cost of $1.4 billion.

Customer. Not one specific client. Events are guaranteed by the New South Wales (NSW) Government. Many clients and stakeholders, for example, NSW citizens, NSW Government, Australian citizens, the International Olympic Committee, the wider international community, athletes, international business and the Australian business community.

TK. Organization of all ceremonies. Mobilization of all technologies and resources necessary to conduct the games. Work in the field of PR fundraising.

Criteria for success: Smooth, glitch-free and incident-free execution of the games. High level of public interest, enjoyment of the games. Stimulates economic activity in New South Wales and Australia. Continued interest in future Olympic Games.

Project team. SOCOG was officially appointed as project manager. Other organizations contributing to the success of the Olympic Games, such as the IOC, the Australian Olympic Committee, Sydney City Council, and the Olympic Coordination Committee (NSW Government), became parties to the Olympic Host City Contract. The Olympic Coordination Committee is responsible for all infrastructure projects, most of which are either already being worked on or are being amended to make them fit for the Games. Completion of these projects on time is vital to the success of the Olympic Games.

Structure of work distribution by stages(SRRPE). The ERP for this project includes the following main areas: sports competitions, competition venues and sports facilities, hotels, transport, media facilities and coordination of their activities, telecommunications, security measures, medical services, personnel, including volunteers, cultural program, training of game staff (pre-game training), information technology projects, opening ceremonies game coverage, PR, financing, tryouts ) games and competitions, sponsorship management and control over unorganized marketing. Each of these points should be considered as an independent project. Extremely clear coordination is required so that all these projects, and, therefore, the overall Olympic project games, were completed on time.

Priorities. Time is the most critical factor in the Sydney 2000 Olympics project. Any timing issue must be resolved either in terms of money or quality. However, the functioning of all three factors is vital to the success of the Games. The experience of people around the world will depend on the quality of the facilities, the effectiveness of the management of competitions and other events and the attitude towards foreign athletes and spectators. The cost estimate for the Games is $1.4 billion, and any excess will cause public dissatisfaction and cast a shadow over the entire event. However, if adjustments are necessary, then the estimate will be sacrificed first.

Case assignments.

1. What organizational structure for project management did you propose for the implementation of the presented project? Why?

2. Which option for distributing responsibility for the listed work among project participants do you think is the most rational? Present your version of the matrix for distributing responsibility for the project presented in the case.

3. Build a project goal tree.

4. Build a structure of work and resources for the project.

5. Propose a scheme for monitoring and control of work on the project.

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Page creation date: 2018-01-08

The concept of “utilities” means the following:

  • hot and cold water supply,
  • constant supply,
  • thermal energy,
  • gas for domestic needs,
  • lead waste water,
  • waste disposal and others.

They provide a person with comfortable use of the room for its intended purpose.

The supply of communal services is provided by special companies, which, accordingly, require appropriate payment for their services.

How is this fee determined?

To ensure fair payment, premises are installed metering devices- special equipment that allows you to determine the amount of resources for a specific area. Subsequently, the amount of actual consumption is multiplied by those established by the supplier company and the resulting amount is presented for payment.

Utility tariffs depend on many factors, including the time of year, terrain (region), fluctuations in fuel prices, national currency exchange rates, etc.

Installation required in premises of any type and purpose. This is prescribed at the legislative level, including in paragraph 12 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ.

However, there are often situations when it is impossible to install a meter due to technical reasons (engineering systems requiring reconstruction, a house in disrepair, etc.) or the owners deliberately avoid installing the equipment.

In this case, the cost of utilities is determined according to consumption standards - average resource consumption per person. Moreover, the calculation uses special formulas and many variables - technical specifications houses, type and degree of wear of engineering systems and others.

Currently for calculations consumption standards the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 306, the current Rules for the provision of utility services, as well as regulations adopted at the regional level are used.

In September 2012, the Government decree on the implementation of social norm for utility consumption. However, at that time this only affected individual species services (electricity) and only certain areas. In 2019, find out if there is social norm in a particular region and when it was introduced follows in regional sources. For example, in Rostov region new normal electricity consumption is valid from September 1, 2013.

As in previous years, the rate of electricity consumption directly depends depending on the number of people living in the apartment. The more residents live in a particular room, the less electricity there is for each of them.

If we take as an example an apartment from Saratov where one person lives, then the norm for him will be 203 kW. At the same time, if two people live in the same apartment, then the norm for each person will be 126 kW. The size of the norm will decrease with the increase in the number of residents in the apartment.

The rate of consumption of hot and cold water, as well as drainage. On average, per person there are 7 cubic meters of water per month.

Depending on the type of resources used for heating, the rate of heat supply to the living space is calculated. You also need to take into account that the size of the norm will depend on the area of ​​the apartment, the type of walls, the degree of wear and tear of the residential building, as well as the average annual air temperature and other factors.

Electricity consumption standards

- one of the most expensive resources for owners (tenants) of residential premises. However, to do without it is modern world absolutely impossible.

When determining amount of electricity use in apartment buildings the following parameters are taken into account:

  • Availability of elevator equipment, electric or gas stoves, water heaters.
  • Area, number of rooms in a residential building and the number of people living in it (registered).

Specific standards for electricity supply are established at the regional level taking into account the welfare of the population and individual characteristics terrain. The established consumption levels are fixed in normative act, approved executive body(Government) of the subject.

The standards for electricity consumption are as follows: the more people lives indoors, the less kW per month per person. For example, in the Saratov region, in a city apartment of 2 rooms with an electric stove and water heater, 1 person has 203 kW per month. However, if 2 residents live there, then each person already has 126 kW. And then the standard decreases in proportion to the increase in the number of tenants.

Standards for water supply and sanitation

For these types of public services, standards are calculated indicators in 1 cubic. m per person. Moreover, it can vary greatly even within 1 municipal district, because the calculation formula takes into account many factors:

  • Floor of the house.
  • Type and degree of wear and tear of the water and heat supply system.
  • Level of amenities of the apartment.

Consumption standards wastewater disposal are also determined taking into account these indicators. During the calculation process it is calculated average volume water consumption for bathing, showering and going to the toilet. For example, it is established that 1 person uses 7 cubic meters of water per month for bathing.

The indicators used by officials are often very approximate and inflated. All costs for water supply and sanitation remaining after deducting standards and accounting are considered common house. However, there is a practice of “debt spreading,” when the remaining water in an apartment building is distributed to all residents who do not have meters.

Heating standards

Indicators for the use of heat supply resources (thermal energy) are distributed for several groups depending on the type of supply to the house - electric, wood, coal or gas.

The standards also take into account the area, material of walls, roofs, level of wear and tear of the building, average annual temperature and other factors.

The formula by which the cost of heating is calculated is as follows:

Board = A x B x T

Moreover, in this case A - this is the living area(excluding loggia, terrace or balcony), B - heating standard, set by region, T - tariff price for thermal energy.

Payment for services in the absence of individual metering devices

Metering devices that calculate how much resources have been used in a particular residential premises help determine the cost of utilities for a particular premises. Depending on the installation location, they are divided into collective(common house) and individual(apartment). The latter make it possible to determine the volume of resources supplied to a specific residential premises and present their cost for payment.

However, it happens that for technical reasons or due to the wishes of the owners, There are no apartment meters. In such a situation, to calculate the price of utility services, use consumption standards established at the regional level- average volumes of resource use. These indicators do not always correspond to actual consumption, as they take into account “estimated consumption volumes”.

Regional standards take into account the number of people in the room, as well as the number of rooms. When calculating, an analogue method is used - a similar volume of consumption in houses of similar characteristics.

Depending on the reasons for the lack of metering devices in the apartment, payment for utilities is made as follows:

If installation of meters is impossible for technical reasons, then the owners pay only according to resource consumption standards, without any extra charges. Confirmation that metering devices cannot be installed in the apartment is an inspection report, copies of which must be sent to utility service providers.

If the appliances can be installed, but the homeowner refuses to do so, “increasing coefficients” are also added to the standards, the sizes of which are indicated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306 (as amended by Decree No. 344 of April 16, 2003): from 01/01/2017 - 1.5.

It is obvious that every year there is an increase in the coefficients, which in this case play the role of sanctions against those premises owners who refuse to install metering devices and thereby make it difficult to determine the actual consumption of resources.

Water meters - are they required?

Payment for services in the absence of common house meters

- this is a measurement tool that is used to determine the amount of resources supplied to a specific apartment building.

Cost of utilities in houses without communal meters can be calculated using the following options:

  1. If individual appliances are installed in apartments, then payment for the use of resources is based on their indicators. Payment for the maintenance of common property is “spread out” across all apartments in proportion to their share. Their cost is determined taking into account clause 19 of the Rules for the provision of utility services. And this paragraph, in turn, refers to formulas in which regionally approved consumption standards are used to determine prices.
  2. If there are also no individual metering devices, then the cost of utility resources for residential premises is determined by the normative method, and for common property in proportion to the share of each apartment.

The absence of a common building meter is a great danger for the owners of an apartment building. The fact is that utilities are not always distributed only to consumers. In utility networks, breaks, accidents and other situations often occur when the resource is simply “sprayed”. Resource supply companies distribute such losses proportionally among facilities where collective metering devices are not installed.

Calculation of utility bills when consumption standards are exceeded

Standards for the use of utilities are also a kind of payment limit. If the volume of resources consumed by residents during the billing period exceeds the indicator established in the region, then the supplier company must pay for the amount of resources exceeding the standard at your own expense. The legislator still protects owners of premises that do not have meters from unnecessary economic pressure from utility suppliers.

Despite the fact that over the past few years they have been methodically trying to switch residents to paying for resources according to the volumes actually consumed, many still do not install meters. This means that their payment for “utilities” is calculated according to approved standards. What are they, how are they installed and how long do they remain unchanged? About this and we'll talk in this issue of the “Educational Education” series.

What is a standard?

Utility resource consumption standard– this is the average monthly volume (quantity, norm) of consumption of a utility resource (cold\ hot water, sewerage, gas, electricity, heating), which is used to calculate the amount of payment for utility services in the absence of metering devices.

In other words, no matter how much water you spend this month, for example, it will not affect the amount of your payment. Let's give clear example. Having paid for a tour with an all-inclusive set of services in a hotel where the catering method is a buffet, you can eat as much as you want, or you can not eat at all - this will not affect the amount of costs. But who and how calculates the standards - a kind of “all inclusive” for a specific utility service?

Who calculates the standards and how?

The standards in the constituent entities of Russia are different, which is due to many factors. For example, when calculating the standard for thermal energy consumption, indicators are used, including the average outside air temperature during the heating period. The duration of the heating period is also taken into account. Agree that the rate of heat consumption in this case will rightly be higher in the Arctic Circle than here, in middle lane Russia.

Now it’s clear why the Government entrusted the calculation of standards to regional bodies state power. In our area Ministry of Competition Policy and Tariffs V Resolution No. 149-EC approved these same standards. How are they calculated?

Resolution No. 354 mentions the “established procedure” for calculation standard indicators. Where can I find it? IN Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2012 No. 258 - about changes with its introduction can be read in the article “Resolution No. 258 - what has changed?”) Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services are given. In principle, we, as end consumers, don’t need to know more in terms of the procedure for calculating standards.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that standards are approved for a period of at least three years. During this time they can only be revised for two reasons:

The design and technical parameters, the degree of improvement of an apartment building or residential building have changed, climatic conditions, at which the volume (quantity) of consumption of utility resources by the consumer in apartment building or residential building has changed by more than 5 percent;

The Rules have changed in terms of the requirements for the composition of standards for the consumption of utility services, the conditions and methods for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services.

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