Characteristics of the Labrador Retriever breed: an “energizer” that you won’t get bored with. Labrador Retriever: description and general characteristics of the breed Brief descriptions of Labradors in photographs

It is considered one of the most popular breeds in the world.

The breed has become an indispensable assistant for humans in many areas:

  • Copes well with the work of a guide dog for blind people.
  • For an avid hunter, he will be an excellent partner, possessing excellent instincts and a soft grip (the breed has a special mouth structure, it is also called a soft mouth, it especially carefully captures the game and does not crush the bird’s feathers when feeding).
  • He will become a loyal and reliable friend and companion for you and your child; there is absolutely no feeling of aggression towards people and animals.

In England, Sweden, Finland, when receiving the title of champion in exterior, each dog must be tested to ensure it meets the standard in behavior and psyche.

History of the Labrador Retriever breed

Despite the name "Labrador", its homeland is the Newfoundland peninsula.
The breed appeared in the 16th - 17th centuries, thanks to a fisherman who managed to breed a smaller variety of the Newfoundland breed. Having short and dense hair, she could stay in the water for a long time, so she served him as an assistant, taking out and bringing fish from the water.

It got its name from the sea in which they worked, namely the sea called Labrador. Later in the early 19th century, the Labrador was exported to England, where breeders continued to breed and improve it. In 1903, the English Kennel Club recognized a new breed of Labrador Retriever.

The first breeders bred a dog with the criteria of an excellent hunter:

  1. Like retrievers, Labradors have membranes of leather between their toes. These fins make them the best swimmers among dogs.
  2. The tail is like that of an otter, its thick base acts like a rudder in the water.
  3. Multi-layered wool with thin layers of fat.
  4. Soft mouth or soft mouth (a well-trained Labrador Retriever may bring raw egg without damaging the shell)
  5. Amazing ability to training (he is always concentrated and attentive, always strives to understand and complete the task assigned to him)

Although breeders wanted to create a very healthy breed, they still carry many genetic diseases.

Description of the Labrador Retriever breed and FCI standard (ICF)

N.B.: Males must have two normally developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum.

Labrador retriever color

Photo of Labrador Retriever puppies in three colors

The Labrador Retriever is a wire-haired breed with a short, close-lying coat. They have hard guard hair and a dense undercoat that is resistant to cold and water.

The color is:

  1. Black
  2. Sand or yellow
  3. Chocolate (brown or liver)
  4. Silver (but not very popular in the American Kennel Club)

Among representatives of black and brown, small is allowed white spot on the chest.

Labrador retriever character

By nature, the Labrador Retriever is affectionate, friendly, mischievous, active, playful, intelligent and sociable. Easily adapts to any conditions of detention, to different natural conditions, tolerates cold well, but can live anywhere. He is always ready to please his owner, and is friends with the people around him. It is impossible not to love the Labrador Retriever, everyone adores him, and he, in turn, responds with great devotion and tenderness.

If you want to buy a Labrador Retriever, you must remember that they are big pranksters and mischief-makers, and it is not easy for an elderly person, or a too young and inexperienced breeder to cope with them. Gets along well with various other animals in the house, cats, guinea pigs, other breeds of dogs, parrots, etc.

From other hunting breeds, the Labrador Retriever is distinguished by its soft grip (the so-called soft mouth), which makes it possible not to crush the bird, excellent flair, and a great passion for water. He has a good and easy-going character, excellent reactions, and many breeders claim that he is a passionate hunter, easily adapts to a new place, and a very loyal companion. An intelligent, intelligent, affectionate, and insightful dog will become a great friend for you and your family.

In the photo there is a Labrador Retriever - side stance

The Labrador Retriever is an excellent hunting assistant. different birds, which likes to hide in hard-to-reach places, such as a pheasant, other hunting breeds are not always able to lift this bird on the wing.

With improper feeding and sedentary life tends to gain overweight Therefore, the owner must clearly understand what kind of dog he has and strives to provide it with sufficient physical activity.

The Labrador Retriever is easy to train and makes contact with people easily, but the training process itself should begin from puppyhood. He can easily remember 300 human phrases. But on the scale of determining canine intelligence, they are only in 7th place, while the Border Collie takes an honorable first place, and the Poodle takes second place. The best dog to train due to its keen intelligence and strong desire to please its owner. They are capable of many things: with their help they find bombs, weapons and drugs, they can find and save a person trapped under a rubble, they are an excellent guide for blind people.

In the photo there is a Labrador Retriever, black and white color near the lake

The connection between the owner and the Labrador is especially strong on a subconscious level; they seem to understand each other at a glance, or half a word. She loves to move a lot, run, swim and dive. In water he can swim at a speed of 5 km per hour. He just needs a long walk every day, at least an hour in the morning and preferably two hours in the evening. Be sure to provide opportunities to run and stretch your leg muscles. She loves movement; when running, the Labrador Retriever can reach a speed of 20 km per hour.

Young puppies will also need time for long, fun games and activities. Remember, Labrador Retrievers are not kept in an enclosure; you should not even try to force him to live there. He needs human society and constant communication with him.

Sleeping place for a dog in the house

If you want to have a Labrador Retriever, you must clearly define its position in your home and understand that you have acquired a loyal and reliable friend and future family member. Labrador Retriever puppies have one unpleasant property: while they are small, they love to bite. This should be stopped from the first months of life. Experienced breeders recommend teaching your puppy the “no biting” command. Let's lick your hand with extreme caution; puppies have very sharp baby teeth.

There must be a place in the house where she can be and feel safe, and know that this is her territory. Prepare the place in advance, and when you bring your Labrador Retriever into the house, take him there immediately.

To feel comfortable, a Labrador needs:

  1. Located in a quiet location.
  2. There should be no draft.
  3. Placed away from heating sources in the house.

In most cases, owners choose a corner in the room. Never place the house in the kitchen or bathroom. It is advisable to tidy up your pet’s place every day, be sure to do wet cleaning, and clean the dog’s bedding.

At least once a week, it is recommended to wash the floor with detergent and disinfectant, and be sure to wash the bedding. During shedding periods, cleaning will have to be done twice a day. Be sure to keep the bowl clean and wash hot water with a drop of detergent.

Remember that his strong tail can sweep away any object from a low table, so place fragile and small things at a height.

You should always remember that a Labrador Retriever needs not only feeding and care, but also your love, affection, attention and communication.

How to Choose a Healthy Labrador Retriever Puppy

Labrador puppies photo in barrels

When purchasing a Labrador Retriever puppy, it is better to contact an experienced breeder, inspect the place where the dog is growing, assess its activity and health, they should be active and moderately well-fed. If possible, look at the puppy’s parents, find out their pedigree and medical history.

Parents of a Labrador puppy must have tests for hip and elbow dysplasia, and a test for the result of the DNA test "prcd-PRA", this is a determination of the genotype, which allows the animals to be divided into three groups: healthy (homozygotes for a normal copy of the gene), carriers (heterozygotes) and patients (homozygotes for the mutation).

That is, in the words of breeders, there should be tests on the dog’s arms, legs and eyes.
Be sure to review your passport for the period of purchases must be made necessary vaccinations, according to age, and deworming was carried out (prevention of the removal of worms).

Always pay attention to the psyche of the puppy’s parents; if they are show dogs, working dogs, have diplomas, you can understand accordingly whether their psyche is in order.

Not all dogs attend shows and receive diplomas, in this case, just pay attention to how you are greeted adult dog whether she is aggressive or cowardly.

One of the pleasant features of the Labrador Retriever is that it is not too painstaking to care for. Labrador Retriever is a short-haired breed, shedding is seasonal, 2 times a year, moderate. Thick, waterproof wool requires brushing at least 2 times a week. During shedding, brush outside every day.

Be sure to comb your pet with a massage brush or rubber mitt; this will be an excellent massage for him, improve blood circulation, and remove excess dirt and dust.

You should bathe when soiled, but not more often than after 7-10 days. After all, too frequent bathing washes away the natural oils that protect the coat. During rain, slush, or simply for some reason you are unable to wash after a walk, put on overalls.

After a walk, regularly inspect your paws for injuries and cracks. IN winter period Olive or sunflower oil softens paw pads perfectly.

Trim the nails once a month using a nail clipper. large breeds. Be sure to inspect your ears and wipe them inner part auricle with a damp cotton swab.

Inspect your eyes regularly; to prevent souring, wipe your Labrador's eyes with weak tea leaves once a week. If you notice redness, souring or excessive tearing, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Labrador retriever food

The health, activity and life expectancy of a Labrador are directly related to its diet. The owner must independently make a choice of what to feed the dog, ready-made dry food or natural food. If you are a busy person and don’t have time to cook, feed ready-made dry food top quality, premium class, according to his age, health and body weight. The proportions are indicated on the packaging.

It’s convenient for you to prepare natural food, it’s up to you, and besides, you always know what’s in the food. When feeding naturally, the main thing to remember is what you can feed your Labrador, and what foods are strictly prohibited for him.

Healthy foods for your Labrador:

Photo of a Labrador Retriever playing with his favorite toy

  • Lean meat (beef, lamb, rabbit)
  • Poultry (chicken, turkey)
  • Porridge (buckwheat, rice)
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Lactic acid products, low fat content
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • sea ​​fish boneless

Prohibited foods for dogs:

  • Pork and any fatty meat
  • Legumes
  • Chocolate
  • Sweets
  • Bakery
  • Smoked meats
  • river fish
  • Fat broths
  • Fried foods
  • Pasta

Labrador Retriever illness

  • Addison's disease (affects the adrenal cortex)
  • Depigmentation of the nose
  • Histiocytoma (intradermal tumor originating from Langerhans cells, histiocytes skin epithelium). Appears on the head ears, trunk, neck and distal limbs. This is a single tumor, resembles a pimple, round shape, up to 2.5 cm in size.
  • Retinal detachment
  • Bloating
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Dysplasia elbow joint
  • Progressive retinal degeneration
  • Hemangiosarcoma (malignant tumor process affecting the inner layer of blood vessels)
  • Epilepsy
  • Interdigital dermatitis
  • Allergy
  • Perianal fistula (chronic degenerative ulcerative disease of the perianal sinuses and surrounding soft tissues)
  • Lymphosarcoma
  • Lymphoma
  • Cataract
  • Lipoma (tumor in the fatty subcutaneous tissue)
  • Tricuspid valve dysplasia
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Cancer mast cells
  • Ectropion (eversion of the eyelid)
  • Lick granuloma
  • Myasthenia gravis ( autoimmune disease neuromuscular system)

Photo of Labrador Retriever


Labrador is a well-known and sought-after dog breed. She is sociable and easily makes contact with children and adults. Thanks to its natural good nature and calmness, the animal is a wonderful family friend. These pets are the first helpers for people with disabilities. They take an active part in various search and rescue operations.

Origin of the breed

The most ancient ancestors of Labradors are the domestic dogs of the Indians. In their North American homeland, they helped their owners in fishing and hunting game.

At the beginning of the 19th century on the island of Newfoundland traveling European sailors landed. They were amazed by the beauty and abilities of the dogs. Sailors began to willingly buy Labradors from local residents for service on ships.

Hardy and patient dogs helped to lift fallen cables and gear from the sea, and get fish from nets. Their fur practically did not absorb water, and their special tail correctly chose the direction of swimming.

In 1830, dogs came to England, where they gained incredible popularity as hunters. Farmers were also happy to buy Labradors. Good-natured dogs didn't torment poultry, like terriers, and got along well with children.

Over several decades, the dogs were crossed with the retriever, foxhound and setter. The English Kennel Club has approved the standard for the Labrador Retriever. On July 7, 1903, the breed was recognized as an independent breed and received the name Labrador.

Gallery: Labrador Retriever (25 photos)

Description and character of Labrador

The dog stands out for its muscular build and proportional shape.

The breed has its own international standards:

In the 19th century, dogs were bred only with black coat color. Later chocolate and fawn colors were recognized. There are also several unique colors of the breed that are not suitable for exhibition:

  • silver;
  • red or fox;
  • white with black pigment;
  • spotted;
  • Dudley.

Characteristics and advantages of a retriever

Charming dogs with high intelligence perceive others as their best friends. They are sociable and energetic dogs. They feel sad when alone and require a lot of attention.

If the owner doesn't have enough time to spend with the dog, the dog will spoil things without feeling guilty about his behavior. He won’t wait quietly for him. Natural mobility and curiosity will force you to resort to destruction. It may begin to howl out of boredom, and the voice of this hunting breed is very loud.

Little puppies are real bullies. They persistently explore corners and secret places in rooms, sweeping away everything with their tail. It's interesting to watch them, but such activity can be dangerous for themselves. Poisoning, damage to limbs and electric shocks are possible.

Until two years old, you should not hope for a quiet life. Help out cooperative games and lots of dog toys. It is important to maintain order and hide things that could harm your puppy.

It is necessary to give your dog daily physical activity. Swimming is the best pastime for her. Water brings pleasure. A pond, puddle or filled bucket will always attract attention. Although, wet, dirty grass is also suitable for her entertainment.

The dog's stable psyche allows it to remain calm in noisy places with large crowds of people. A discerning mind is able to adapt to the needs and mood of the owner. With their help, a lonely person will avoid depression and depression.

Representatives of this breed get along well with other pets. Cat owners should worry about how their furry friend will perceive the retriever, not how he will perceive it. They are absolutely safe for children. A peaceful character will not allow you to snap and growl. Even kids can be trusted with Labradors.

The disadvantages of the breed arise from the character traits and excessive activity:

In addition, aggression is completely unusual for them. For this reason, they are completely unsuitable for home security. For some breeders and fanciers, this is seen as a fault in the breed. But people choose retrievers for reliable and affectionate friendship, and not as bodyguards.

A good option for keeping a dog is a house where it can run around in the yard to its heart's content. A pond or lake located nearby will also not let her get bored. If they are not there, you can put a small children's pool on the site.

When the retriever is within the apartment, he needs to allocate his own corner. From this place, a large area should be visible to monitor family members. No need to put a box or plush booth there. It is enough to lay a wide bedding, on which the dog can stretch out.

To avoid loss of strength and depressed mood, it is important to expose your dog to physical activity, especially when kept in a small apartment. Long walks twice a day will prevent joint diseases. Let the animal run after the ball in the park without a leash. Puppies should not be heavily loaded - their ligaments are still too weak. But swimming will only benefit them.

When caring for Labradors special attention should be given to the coat and ears. Once a week, the animal needs to be combed with a special brush. Small hairs are subject to constant molting. Additionally, this procedure will improve blood circulation. You can train your dog to use a vacuum cleaner without an attachment. She will enjoy this massage and time will be saved.

The ears are cleaned with lotion or a cotton pad soaked in water. After this, wipe dry with a towel. The hanging form is the cause of inflammatory processes and frequent contamination.

Puppies need to be accustomed to the process of grooming their nails so that they can be trimmed calmly, as needed. You don't need to wash your dog often. Twice a year is enough. Otherwise, the waterproof undercoat may lose its effectiveness.

Proper nutrition

A retriever's large uncontrolled appetite will lead to obesity and development chronic diseases: dermatitis, osteochondrosis, dysplasia, cataracts and cracks on the nose.

No one should be allowed to feed the dog from the table. Being overweight is fraught with diseases, but they can eat anything and everything around the clock. Will help balanced diet and vitamin supplements.

Feeding scheme:

  • puppies up three months- six times a day;
  • up to five months - five times;
  • up to ten months - four times;
  • up to one year - three times;
  • dogs older than one year - 2 times a day.

Dry food is suitable for a puppy. A veterinarian will help you make your choice. It is important to control the presence of water in the bowl.

The diet should also include meat, lean fish, cereals, soups, eggs, and cottage cheese in moderate quantities. When choosing meat, preference is given to beef, poultry and lamb. Dogs need fruits and vegetables. They can be used to reward her for successfully completed exercises and commands.

Mixture natural food Not allowed with dry food. This leads to stomach problems.

Choosing a puppy

The best place to buy a Labrador puppy is from a kennel. Before visiting, you need to study the signs of appearance and decide on the gender. Do not try to find a low price on the Internet from private breeders. A purebred and healthy puppy cannot cost less than 10-15 thousand rubles.

When meeting, you need to pay attention to the mother of the offspring. If she runs away or barks, this is a mental defect, and you should not purchase a puppy from this litter. It must also be contained in good conditions and not be physically exhausted.

Retriever selection criteria:

  • good appetite;
  • activity and playfulness;
  • friendliness;
  • physical shape - you should not choose a well-fed puppy;
  • clean skin and no fleas;
  • a curious and clear look.

No need to take the puppy away from its mother before age six weeks.

An apartment or house must be prepared for a dog:

  • remove carpets from the floor and small objects;
  • hide chemical solutions, electrical sockets, shoes, telephone wires;
  • buy a mattress for sleeping, age-appropriate food, a bowl, toys, a leash and medicine.

You can also purchase an adult animal, having first become acquainted with its owners and living conditions. Formed habits will be difficult to change. If the dog lived in a house with a large area, it will be difficult for him to restrain his activity in a small room in the apartment.

Dwarf Labrador

The development of the mini-Labrador breed made it possible for people with small living spaces to purchase a small copy of a retriever. The height of such dogs is up to 40 centimeters. Varieties of color and appearance the same as those of ordinary representatives.

They have all the skills of their species:

  • flexible character;
  • sincere care for the owner;
  • love for children;
  • patience and endurance.

Experts consider such a dog to be a defect in the breed and are not allowed to participate in exhibitions. Despite this, she enjoys in great demand, and the price of a healthy puppy starts from 20 thousand rubles.

Labradors can live up to 18 years. At making the right choice puppy, control of its diet and conscious care of the family pet for a long time will be there as a devoted and cheerful friend.

An incredibly popular breed all over the world - labrador retriever— it was not without reason that she gained such fame and earned the attention of millions of people.

These good-natured and cheerful dogs are true family members, incapable of aggression (in the most literal sense of the word) and loving their owners and children with all their hearts.

There are two recognized dogs for these dogs: English and American. For the average person, the differences between these standards are invisible.

Labrador Retriever breed standard

The description of the Labrador Retriever breed standard is characterized not only by distinctive external signs, but also focusing on characteristic psychological characteristics these dogs, their mood and behavior.

Labrador retriever- a dog breed with a strong constitution. Representatives of this breed are very athletic, have developed muscles, which allow them to withstand long runs over long distances.

Labradors were originally bred for hunting. Therefore, these dogs must remain light and energetic.

The ideal height at the withers for a male dog is 57-62 cm with ideal weight at 29-36 kg. Bitches are always smaller than males, and with a height of no more than 55 cm they can weigh up to 31.5 kg.

Photo 1. Labrador Retriever - an ideal pet

Excess weight for such a dog can lead to a decrease in its activity.

The head is moderately large (in proportion to the size of the body). It is distinguished by a wide skull, but at the same time it does not have rough lines.

The muzzle is not pointed, the transition from the forehead to it is not clearly expressed.

The top of the head is almost parallel to the line of the nose. The jaw is characterized by a so-called dry structure, that is upper lip does not hang, while in general the lips fit quite tightly to the jaw.

The head is located on a strong and muscular neck.

The Labrador's chest is located at the level of the elbows of the front legs and tapers at the bottom for freer movement.

Photo 2. Brown Labrador Retriever

It is not considered a deviation from the standard if the chest is lowered a little lower.

Distance from shoulder joint to the base of the tail should be equal (in some cases - slightly more) to the height of the dog at the withers.

The top line of the body of these pets tends to remain straight both at rest and while walking or running. It is also typical for the lower line of the abdomen to be straight, that is, the abdomen is not retracted or hanging.

The length of the paws of dogs of this breed is such that it does not make the Labrador too stocky, but at the same time it cannot be called long-legged either.

The paws are strong, the toes are short, and the pads are sufficiently developed. Dewclaws are usually removed.

In general, the paws are located exactly under the body and are perpendicular to the ground. Thanks to this, the movements of Labradors are easy and free.

Labrador Retriever Color Types

The Labrador's coat is short and comes in a variety of colors: white, black, brown, yellow.

Whatever color the pet is, it should be uniform.

Photo 3. The color of Labradors can be black, white, red...

Black and yellow Labradors have black noses and eyes.

The brown (chocolate-colored) representative of this breed is distinguished by its brown nose and hazel eyes.

Deviations from these parameters according to the standard are unacceptable.

There may be brown Labradors with black or very dark color eye, which is not desirable, as it gives the dog an angry or aggressive expression.

Millions of fans all over the world know for sure that Labradors cannot be angry and aggressive.

Labrador retriever personality

Labradors - to quote famous cartoon- They are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence.

In this regard, they can be compared with fox terriers and a host of other wonderful dog breeds.

Labradors strive to be helpful and are very obedient pets.

According to many official and unofficial dogs, Labradors always occupy an honorable place in the top five leaders in terms of intelligence and aptitude for training.

Photo 4. Labrador retrievers are incredibly friendly

Labradors simply shine with a love of life and are incredibly playful.

They are often started in young families. In England, Labradors are a sign of a happy family.

If for some reason the owner does not have time to play with his pet, he will find entertainment for himself.

The friendly nature of the Labrador is embedded not only in the genes of these dogs, but is already officially included in the breed standard.

Ready to share his joy, the Labrador is friends with everyone.

The Labrador will become your child's best friend and will happily take part in joint games and entertainment.

Since Labrador is originally hunting dog, - extreme caution is recommended to keep these dogs together with birds. The latter may fall prey to the hunting instinct of Labradors.

The childhood and adolescence periods in the life of this dog last about three years. And at this age, it is very common for them to get distracted during exercise. However, in general, they are very easy to train and remember commands on the fly.

Labradors are in the top three smart dogs who are able to master a new command in 5 or less repetitions, and in 95% (and above) of cases they carry out the command voiced by the owner the first time!

The world this dog lives in loves her. And the dog loves this world and all its inhabitants in return. It is unacceptable to undermine this selfless love of a Labrador for people, because this can lead to the pet becoming quiet, sad and unnoticeable.

Advantages of the Labrador Retriever breed

Labradors deserve their popularity not only for their friendly disposition. They are excellent swimmers, hunting assistants, and have a sense of smell that has virtually no analogues among domestic dogs.

For example, German shepherd copes with investigative activities 25% worse.

Photo 5. Labrador retriever in service

Labradors are very smart, they are used in the police service (usually for searching and finding missing things, weapons, drugs, banknotes), and they cope well with the role of guides for the blind.

And this is not the entire list of amazing, useful and important qualities of the Labrador.

According to research conducted in the United States, these dogs are among the four most popular breeds worldwide.

How was such a universal breed formed? Was she always loved so much and was she always so good friend for a person?

To answer these questions, let's take a brief excursion into history of the Labrador breed.

History of the Labrador Retriever breed

The history of the emergence of Labrador is covered, if not with darkness, but with a slight haze, through which various versions of the formation of modern Labrador seep through to us every now and then. Four main theories of the origin of the Labrador breed deserve attention.

Theory one, which has the largest number of supporters, says that the ancestors of Labradors were, which were crossed with another little-known large dog. It could have been a small Newfoundland dog, or a Saint John dog.

At that time (roughly the 19th century) on the island of Newfoundland, breeders focused on two breeds of dogs.

From the first of them came the modern thick-haired breed, which eventually received the name “Newfoundland”, and the second was slightly smaller in size. She became the founder of the Labrador Retriever breed.

Since scientists still cannot trace the ancestors of the St. John's dogs themselves, it is generally accepted that the roots of the breed are on the island of Newfoundland ( island off North America on its northeastern side, separating the Gulf of St. Lawrence from Atlantic Ocean; is part of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador).

Photo 6. St. John's Dog

Theory two comes from the fact that initially the so-called water dogs were brought to the island of Newfoundland, which eventually became the ancestors of Labradors.

Using Portuguese water dogs, people practiced the same working skills that later became characteristic of Labradors - pulling nets and boats out of the sea, rescuing drowning people (in particular, necessary things, “escaped” fish, etc.).

In this regard, the conclusions about the origin of Labradors from Portuguese water dogs are quite reasonable.

Third theory(its inconsistency has been proven more than once) says that the ancestors of Labradors were the dogs of the Indians of North America.

The theory turned out to be untenable after archaeological excavations indicated that Indian dogs were of a completely different type and could not possibly have become the ancestors of Labradors.

Fourth theory claims that the roots of Labradors should be sought among the dogs of the ancient Scandinavians who settled on the island before our era.

The above dogs mixed with the dogs of the ancient Basques who inhabited the Labrador Peninsula in the 16th-18th centuries. However, there is no real evidence of this.

Where does the name of the Labrador Retriever breed come from?

Breed name Labrador Retriever can be interpreted as follows.

« Labrador"- the name of the peninsula, which is translated from Portuguese as “worker”.

"R etriver"- derived from English verb retrieve- find, serve.

Photo 7. Labrador retriever - both a hunter and a home helper

Putting everything together, we can conclude that the Labrador Retriever is a hard worker, hunter, bloodhound and helper “all in one”.

At the dawn of the 20th century, most hunters chose Labradors as dogs that brought shot game during hunting (retrievers), which ultimately served as the reason for the official recognition of this breed. It happened on July 7, 1907.

These dogs were originally considered black. It’s not for nothing that they were called little Newfoundlands.

However, litters regularly included puppies of other colors. Initially, breeders considered this a marriage, which led to either death or an inglorious life for these “wrong” puppies.

Everything changed in 1923, when the first yellow puppy was officially registered by the Radcliffe family. Ben of Hyde.

Since then, the life of non-black puppies has become more attractive, and representatives of Labrador Retrievers with different shades of coat began to appear at exhibitions.

Video about Labrador in the program “Living House”:

Do you like Labrador and Retriever puppies? Do you want a new friend to move into your home, but don't know who to choose? Both of these breeds have mass positive qualities. But which representative should you choose? Who has what features? To understand who a Labrador and a retriever are, what is the difference between these breeds, you must first find out the main features of each of them. This is exactly what we will do now.

Labrador - a miracle with a motor

Labrador is a breed that is suitable for almost anyone. The only exception, probably, are pensioners, as well as people who do not lead or do not want to lead an active lifestyle. Because this dog needs good physical activity and long walks. In addition, she, of course, needs joint games with the owner.

What is the nature of a Labrador? This is a dog with a strong, dense, muscular build. Her chest and back are wide. The back is level, the loin is strong and short. The head is wide without fleshy cheekbones. Jaws medium length, quite powerful, but soft. The eyes are medium in size, brown or walnut color. Labradors' ears are medium-sized, drooping, not heavy, and set quite far back. The front legs are straight and bony. The hindquarters are well developed and there is no slope towards the tail. There are different colors: fawn, chocolate and black.

The height at the withers is 57 cm (on average), and the weight ranges from 25 to 40 kg.

Labrador behavior

Now let's talk about what kind of character such a dog has, and how he behaves in different conditions Labrador. Reviews about this dog are sometimes contradictory. Some say that a real angel has settled in their house, while others say that some kind of monster has appeared in their apartment and destroys everything in its path.

Every opinion is true, since the Labrador is a breed of very cheerful and playful dogs. They will find something to have fun even where, at first glance, there are no toys. To avoid problems with chewed things, you need to pick up a sufficient number of things for your pet to enjoy. Then, as a rule, no problems arise.

Character of Labradors

In general, Labradors are very good dogs, they are faithful, affectionate, kind. These dogs make gentle nannies for children. Dogs understand their owners perfectly, one might say, perfectly. They sense the mood of their owner well. If he feels bad, the Labrador will come and lie down next to him, burying his muzzle in his knee. When the owner is busy, the dog will not disturb him.

Another big plus is high level intelligence of representatives of this breed. They learn well and quickly remember commands. In addition, they can take part in various sports competitions, such as agility.

Such a dog finds a common language with all representatives of the fauna. Even friends with cats confirm this phenomenon. In many families, Labrador cats and puppies get along well with their mother. By the way, purrs often take care of small dogs.


We’ll probably start describing the breed with what its representative looks like. This is a dog with a harmonious, strong physique. Her limbs are muscular and her paws are round. The head is proportional to the body. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is quite well defined, parietal part wide. Nose is black. Representatives of the breed have wide-set eyes dark brown color, the edges of the eyelids are dark. The ears are small, hanging, set approximately at eye level. The retriever has a wide chest, a fairly long and muscular neck.

The tail is straight, long, and never curls. The coat is wavy or straight, there is a thick undercoat that does not allow water to pass through. There are different colors (from any golden to cream). There are retrievers that have a white spot on their chest. The height at the withers of a representative of the breed is on average 55 cm. The weight of one such dog ranges from 26 to 41 kilograms.

Behavior and character of a handsome long-haired cat

The retriever is a hardy, fairly energetic dog. She has good instincts and excellent memory. A retriever dog exhibits its qualities both on land and in water, where it can search for (killed) game. Anyone who goes hunting with a dog believes that his best assistant is a retriever. Reviews of similar joint activities are confirmation. Indeed, they were originally bred to work in hunting. Now these dogs have successfully mastered many other specialties. Retrievers work at customs and participate in many rescue operations.

Representatives of the breed are good swimmers. They are also great with children. These dogs are highly trainable, but retriever training should take place in a calm atmosphere, without screaming or nervousness. These dogs catch everything on the fly. There is no need to raise your tone or use any serious punishment.

By nature, dogs are smart, affectionate, playful, kind and calm. They rarely bark, so they are not suitable for guard service. Retrievers are not prone to dominance; they get along well with children. In many countries, these beauties are used as therapy dogs, which brighten up the lives of children with mental disorders, as well as those who live in shelters.

Retrievers make excellent therapy dogs due to their unique sensitivity and optimistic, gentle nature. If there are small children in the family, he will become a friend and companion for them.

Such dogs are very delicate, they are not aggressive towards people (this behavior is not typical for them).

What are the differences and similarities between the breeds?

We figured out what a retriever is. What is the difference between these breeds? It is this topic that we will now discuss in detail.

These two breeds are very popular; due to their similarities, they are sometimes confused. International titles These species also have similarities: Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever. But besides this, there is much more in common.

I would like to say that there are also many differences between these breeds. Let's discuss them. This topic will be of interest especially to those who want a Labrador or retriever puppy in their home.

Both of these hunting breeds belong, according to the FCI classification, to Group 8, Section 1 - Retrievers. Initially, representatives of both species were intended for retrieving and searching for downed game.

Labrador and retriever: what is the difference between these beautiful dogs?

Despite the similarity, it is still different breeds. The main difference between the two types of dogs is their different “social” origins. Golden Retrievers were bred by the Scottish Lord Tweedmouth. This man devoted half his life to breeding this breed.

Labrador is a direct descendant of Indian dogs that lived in a fishing village in the East winter time During the summer, these dogs pulled sledges, and in the summer, they pulled fishing nets. From Portuguese the word labrador is translated as “hard worker”, “worker”.

The Labrador has a simpler appearance and is more stocky. According to the standard, the first impression of such a dog is “strong build, compact dog...”, and the first impression of a retriever is “a harmonious dog.”

If we talk about behavior, the Labrador is emotional and straightforward, while the retriever is reserved, impressionable, and sometimes even touchy. Although all these character traits in the process of upbringing can change both for the worse and for the worse. better side. In this matter, everything depends on the individual owner.

Visible differences between representatives of breeds

Now let's look at the visible differences between the Labrador and Retriever breeds. What is the difference between them?

  • Firstly, the color. When the lord developed the retriever breed, he preferred a color that was clearly visible against the background of dark peat bogs. Therefore, colors of all golden shades are acceptable for representatives. If you see a dog with a chocolate or black color, you know that this is a Labrador. Although there may be doubt - representatives of both breeds can have a fawn color.
  • Secondly - wool. This is another distinctive feature. Labradors' fur is covered with a specific, easily tactile coating. Anyone who wants to get such a dog must understand that such a coating is not pleasant for everyone, it is “greasy”. The guard hair is not silky, thick, elastic. The length of the spine does not exceed five centimeters. Curly and wavy hairs are not acceptable for a Labrador. The retriever dog has a more decorative coat of golden (shiny) shades, often with a light wave. On the hips, tail, neck and back of the paws there are beautiful long feathers, usually a shade lighter than the base color.
  • Thirdly, the Labrador has an “otter” tail (covered with strong, short hair, thickened at the base). The retriever has a feathered tail, which is decorated with the same dewlap as that of setters. When in high spirits, the Labrador carries a “cheerful” tail (it is at a right angle to the back). In a retriever, the line of the back is continued by the line of the tail (he sometimes only raises his tail up).
  • Fourthly, this is the head. In Labradors it looks a little more massive than in retrievers. The first representatives were used for large prey, including hares (weighing an average of five kilograms). Retrievers were “sharpened” for feathered, lighter game.

When they are together

How else does the retriever breed differ from the Labrador? In order to understand this issue, you need to look at how these two dogs work (or hunt) or play together. During such an event, those details that are not striking are revealed. By attending a couple of such meetings, you can accurately learn to identify the breed.

There is one interesting comic method for determining the type of dog. So, in front of you are two dogs - a retriever and a Labrador. You need to go to the river bank and throw a stick into the water. The dog that swims to the middle of the river before the object is thrown is a Labrador. The dog that first calculates the current and (in general, thinks about it) is a representative of the retriever breed.

A little conclusion

Now you know who a Labrador and a retriever are. We also discussed in detail what the difference between these breeds is. We hope that the information presented in the article will help you choose the right one for yourself, desired dog. Regardless of the decision, give little puppy love and care. He will definitely answer you in kind. Good luck to you and a true friend!

The Labrador Retriever is one of the friendliest and most popular breeds in the world. Legends are made about the remarkable character, intelligence and devotion of these dogs.

Danish film director T. Dreyer called them “the last angels on earth.” Labrador: description of the breed, character and much more in detailed review further.

The history of the breed began on the island of Newfoundland in the 19th century. It is believed that the ancestors of the modern Labrador are the Newfoundland dog, which helped Canadian fishermen pull nets ashore. Often relatives of Labradors saved the lives of sailors fishing on a ship.

In the 30s of the 19th century, the breed was brought to England, where its large-scale breeding began. The first standard was adopted in 1887, and the breed became generally recognized only at the beginning of the 20th century.

The origin of the name is still controversial. According to one version, the black color of the dogs’ fur was similar to the labradorite stone; according to another, the dogs’ homeland was actually the island of Labrador in eastern Canada. Portuguese-speaking dog lovers believe that the name of the breed comes from the words “hardworking”, “hard worker”.

Exterior description

FCI Standard No. 122 dated 10/13/2010 “Labrador Retriever”.
Group 8 "Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs."
Section 1 “Retrievers”.
Height: 56-61 cm (males), 52-56 cm (females).
Weight: 27-40 kg (males), 27-35 kg (females).

How long do Labradors live? They delight the owner for an average of 12 to 14 years.

What does a Labrador Retriever look like? This is a strong and muscular dog. It has a wide skull with a large muzzle. The transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced. The nose is pigmented and wide. Eye color ranges from light to dark brown.

The ears are medium in size, set close to the back of the head. The neck is strong, the back is straight, the dog's tail is wide at the base and thin towards the end. Well-developed limbs are strong and strong. The paws are oval, the toes are tightly adjacent to each other.

The Labrador's coat is coarse, straight and short with a characteristic undercoat. The standard establishes two types of color:

  • solid black;
  • fawn or chocolate/liver.

Fawn ranges from light cream to fox red.

Attention! On the chest is allowed white spot medium size.

Labrador Retriever

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever and Labrador: there are differences, but many confuse them, considering these breeds identical. Let's highlight three obvious differences:

  1. Color. Three colors are allowed for a Labrador, and one for a Golden Retriever;
  2. Wool structure. Labradors have short and coarse hair, while golden retrievers have flowing and soft hair;
  3. Character Labrador is playful, cheerful and cheerful. Golden is thoughtful and dreamy.

Labradors: breed characteristics, abilities, skills

Labrador is a true friend of man. It is difficult to imagine a more friendly, open and cheerful breed. Labradors: breed characteristics highlight distinctive feature– love for the world and the family in which they live. No wonder the Labrador Retriever is included in the rating

They are good-natured towards strangers, happy to meet new people and communicate. But loneliness is poorly tolerated; your pet should not be left alone with itself for a long time.

The dog is ready to be friends with other pets, including cats and relatives of the same sex. Difficult relationships can only arise with birds - the innate instinct of a hunter makes it clear.

This breed is perfect for families with children, as well as single people, even older people. A Labrador will not knowingly harm children, but children should not be left alone with the dog - the dog may accidentally knock over the child while playing.

Important! The Labrador is not aggressive, so it is not suitable as a guard dog.

Another weakness of the Labrador is water and bathing. The dog will happily play in the water, be it a bath or a river. When walking with him near the water, be prepared to get wet yourself - the dog will definitely share his greatest joy in life with his owner.

Pros and cons

The advantages of the breed include the following qualities:

  • balanced psyche and friendly disposition;
  • boundless devotion to the owner and family;
  • minimum effort in care;
  • friendliness towards children and animals;
  • can serve as a guide for the blind and disabled.

There are two not obvious disadvantages:

  • the need for walking and playing at any time of the year, regardless of the weather;
  • may chew personal belongings and furniture.

Care and maintenance

Labrador wool does not require special care - You need to comb it several times a week, and during the molting period - 2 times more often. You should bathe when dirty.

Walk your pet daily for at least two hours. Without sufficient physical activity The Labrador will shift his energy to petty pranks.

Attention! Labradors are suitable both for keeping in an apartment and in a private house.

What to feed a Labrador puppy? The puppy will need a lot of liquid food. These can be soups cooked on meat broth, liquid porridge with milk. Include lean meat, cottage cheese and vegetables in his diet. The number of meals depends on age - from 6 times a day for the youngest

What to feed a Labrador at home? The diet of an adult dog should include boiled meat, cereals, and dairy products. In summer, you can give your dog fresh vegetables; in winter, heated frozen vegetables are also suitable. An adult dog is fed 2 times a day.

Important! Do not overfeed your pet - Labradors are prone to obesity.

Concluding the review, we note that we tried to convey everything or almost everything about Labrador retrievers. Any difficulties in maintaining a lab are more than compensated by the joy that these dogs generously give to their owners. This breed is suitable active people who want to find a devoted companion and brave friend.

Additionally, check out the video about the Labrador Retriever dog: description of the breed, character and much more.