I cut off my husband's balls. The last and final stage of child slavery. Treatment of post-castration syndrome

A resident of Astana found photos of other girls on her boyfriend’s phone

It ended sadly for a resident of Astana romance novel with a 36-year-old citizen of Kazakhstan. Suspecting her boyfriend of having relationships with other girls, the angry woman grabbed a scalpel and castrated the man.

As the NewTimes.kz agency reports, the incident became known from the materials of the Yesilsky District Court No. 2 of Astana, which on January 24 considered the investigation’s request to arrest the suspected 36-year-old woman for a period of two months.

According to the investigation, the woman decided to study cell phone your lover. There she read the man’s correspondence with his sister, in which he spoke flatteringly about some stranger. In addition, photographs of girls were stored on the man’s phone.

Then the Astana resident decided to teach her boyfriend a lesson. She invited him to diversify his carnal pleasures and the unsuspecting lover allowed her to tie her arms and legs with scarves to the bed.

But the woman had no intention of indulging in love. She put sleeping pills in his mouth, and when the man fell asleep, she injected him with icecoin. groin area, took a scalpel and cut off the left testicle, then sewed the wound with thread. In addition, the angry woman beat the man on the torso and head with an aluminum stick.

In the same way, she cut off her lover’s right ovary, but the thread came off spermatic cord and the man started profuse bleeding. Then the woman untied her friend, dragged him into the car and drove him to city ​​hospital No. 2 Astana.

At the hospital, the unfortunate man was treated and the police were called, who detained the suspect.

Doctors diagnosed the admitted patient with “bodily injuries: a stab wound to the scrotum of the genital organ, amputation of the testicles.”

At the same time, the agency reports that the court materials were leaked online, but the investigation and the court do not officially disclose the circumstances of this case.

Translator Lilu Owlet

The last thing, which any man wants to read about or hear about in the news, is “de-penisification” or in Russian “deprivation” manhood» another man. Many agree that not even the devil himself should experience such pain. Some of the people described below may have gotten what they deserved, others certainly did not, but we cannot deny that they all suffered terribly.

A woman defended herself from a rapist

On May 24, 2012, a woman from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, was walking with her two children, aged eleven and nine, when a man named Mukhululi Ndubeko approached her outside a bar and tried to stop her. She continued walking, but Ndubeko decided to up the ante by removing his pants, thereby exposing his dignity to her children. The woman began to call for help as soon as he knocked her down and jumped on top. Fortunately, his attempt sexual assault failed. Ndubeko couldn't pull her underwear off, the woman grabbed his testicles and squeezed them so hard they cracked! Passers-by came running to the scream and dragged them away different sides. Ndubeko was dragged to the police station.

Amanda Monti vs Jeffrey Jones

On May 30, 2004, Amanda Monti (who had a strained relationship with her boyfriend Jeffrey Jones) decided to make one last argument, and in front of a dozen witnesses, she reached down to his pants and literally tore his left testicle. Jones fainted and Monty tried to swallow his testicle, but couldn't and simply spat it out. One of the witnesses picked up part of Jones's penis and gave it back to him, saying: "This is yours."

Monti pleaded not guilty on the grounds of self-defense, but the judge disagreed based on her attempt to swallow the testicle. She then told the court that: "I am in no way a violent person."

Wife tore off husband's testicles

Yes, yes. Both. My husband allowed his story to be published under his first name only. Howard lived in the cute town of Tioga, in North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On the night of May 17, 2006, he woke up with excruciating pain in his groin. His wife, Monica, tugged at his scrotum until she tore his balls off!

Monica claimed that her husband was cheating on her, while Howard claimed that his wife was bisexual. After surgery, and full recovery, Howard was asked how much pain he felt on a scale of 1 to 10, to which he responded, “About 30.”

Geraldo Ramos lost his penis while he was sleeping

At the time of publication, Ramos is 64 years old and lives in Santiago, Dominican Republic. One night in late July 2013, Geraldo fell asleep and when he woke up, his groin was bleeding and his dignity was gone. He claims that he got very drunk the night before and woke up at approximately 5:00 pm the next day, on the sidewalk and in a pool of blood. One of his neighbors claimed to have seen Ramos being attacked by a dog before he lost consciousness. Why the neighbor did not do anything to help the unfortunate man is unknown.

A woman cut off her husband's penis and threw it into the garbage chute

April 29, 2013 in Garden Grove, California married couple had a difficult time when Katherine Q Becker slipped sleeping pills into her husband's soup, tied him up while he slept and cut off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife before throwing the organ down the garbage chute. Her husband was not identified publicly but testified in court with tears in his eyes. He said he could never lead sex life, and also that he is barely able to go to the toilet without squatting. Katherine pleaded not guilty, citing emotional disorders received from her husband over the years they lived together. Her husband, however, demanded a divorce, which Katherine refused. The woman was sentenced without the possibility of parole, but the verdict was never made public.

A man drilled his lover's testicles

In January 2011, Renato Seabra beat his lover (who, coincidentally, was named Carlos Castro) with a bottle of wine, then pulled down his trousers and pierced his testicles with a wine corkscrew, completely tearing his lover's scrotum, and then smeared his body with blood from Carlos's body! Seabra pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, citing messages from God who required him to eliminate his partner's homosexuality.

It is not clear whether Castro was still alive when his genitals were mutilated. The further legal fate of Seabra is also unknown.

Dutch Catholic priest castrated a man

Hank Heythuis is the only named victim of 10 teenagers who, in the 1950s, were accused of homosexuality by the Dutch Roman Catholic Church and punished by surgical castration. Heithuis claimed he was sexually abused by two priests. Although the priests were convicted, the boy was sent to psychiatric hospital, where he claimed that he was forcibly castrated. Heithuis died two years later in a car accident. The investigation into the case of forced castration against the will of a teenager is still ongoing.

Puppy bit off owner's testicle

July 30, 2013, 39-year-old Trumann, Arkansas man with paralysis lower limbs, woke up from acute pain lower abdomen. He looked down and saw blood on the face of a "small, white, fluffy stray dog" - which he had recently picked up on the street - and blood dripping from his groin. The man called ambulance, and was taken to the hospital. The dog, which ate its owner's testicles, was euthanized the same day. The pain in the testicles was so severe that it spread upward to the abdomen, which paralytics feel. Fortunately, the man is still able to have children.

Woman kills man by tearing off his testicles

If you've ever wondered if testicular rupture can kill a man, the answer is yes, it can. Regardless of blood loss, the intensity of the pain may be so unbearable that the victim may die from painful shock. This is what happened to the unknown Chinese man who got into an argument with a woman over parking space in Meilen, Haikou City, Hainan Province, China. She parked her scooter and attacked the man when he started shouting at her to move. The first and only attack she used was by grabbing the man's groin, squeezing it and jerking. Witnesses heard her scream: “I will squeeze him to death! And you will never have children!”

The unfortunate man fainted and never got up again. The doctor testified to such a level of pain from testicular rupture that it caused heart attack. The woman was arrested and sentenced to death penalty.

Pit bull chewed off the testicles of a 6-month-old baby

On April 9, 2009, Carrie McKinney, a 22-year-old mother in Loma Linda, California, was visiting a friend and left her six-month-old baby in an infant car seat on the floor of the apartment. She left the room, leaving the child unattended in the company of two adult pit bulls, who immediately tore the child's diapers and bit off his scrotum. When McKinney returned to the room, both dogs had blood on their faces. Carrie lost custody of the child and was charged with criminal neglect.

Copyright site © - Lilu Owlet

So, beloved wives, if you want a fur coat, don’t push the patient, but cajole us and we ourselves will take you to a fur salon. And maybe we'll buy it mink coat, coat and something else... ;)

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

In the Russian Federation, women are the majority of the male population. The essence of their existence is to crawl on all fours in front of women. But now there has emerged, so to speak, a vanguard of ideological extremist slaves. They are ready to lay their eggs on the altar of masochism. I came across their unadvertised forum. Judge for yourself:

The role of the wife in the decision to castrate her husband

Yes, my wife was present at the operation and helped the doctor.
The idea of ​​castration was mine. My wife didn’t want this at first, but after a detailed study of the issue, we decided to do it together. At the same time, we must take into account that before that she caught me with my mistress. The relationship was on the verge of divorce...

Everything is fine now. She just controls mine sexual behavior, regulating the intake of hormones. If she leaves somewhere without me, she takes all the medications and prescriptions with her. In about certain time sexual desire disappears. The erection lasts for quite a long time, but there is no desire. My wife is very pleased and her confidence in me has increased.

Reply to message: Castration

Are there any men here who have undergone voluntary castration?
One man really asks me (?) to castrate him, and completely (both testicles and penis). At first I was shocked and thought that he had gone crazy, but now I think differently.

He doesn't say why he wants it, and I can't do it with healthy man until I understand the reason.

Please tell me why you decided to castrate yourself? Is it sexual pleasure, psychological or something else? I'm completely confused.
I am especially interested in the opinion of those who have decided to undergo complete castration. Please tell us about your feelings.

I also want to have this operation for myself for personal reasons. I have a desire to remove only the scrotum along with its contents...

Reply to the message: Castration: Question for voluntary castrates

I can tell you about myself... I have been a castrato since 1997. Voluntary. Although three years later I regretted it, but what is missing cannot be returned. And I got used to this idea.

Oddly enough, what prompted me to do this was a break with my girlfriend. I worried about him very much. At first I got a tattoo - her name on the head of the penis, but this seemed not enough, and I decided that I would become a castrato so that no woman could ever receive such love as she did. A former classmate (I am a doctor myself) helped me realize my plan when she realized that my desire was final. Of course, she tried to dissuade him.

She did this at her dacha. I didn't want it to be done in an operating room and under anesthesia.
I shaved my hair, she tied me to a bench, tied my scrotum with a rope, waited 30-40 minutes and... cut me off. I felt as if I had been hit by an electric current, my vision went dark, but I didn’t lose consciousness, probably because I was determined to do so. The most painful sensations were when she treated the wound.

The most interesting thing is that she was very excited by this procedure. And after 3 weeks we had our first sexual intercourse. The depression associated with that girl went away, and... just like that.

Reply to the message: Castration: Some thoughts on the issue

Hi all!
I must say that all your fantasies are quite funny. I actually lost my testicles. My own wife cut them off for me...

The fact is that I loved women very much, I walked around in a dark way. And then one morning I woke up tied to the bed, and my other half was sitting next to me and was pulling my scrotum with some kind of cord. I tried to scream, call for help, but she quickly lit a match and brought it to the head of the penis, promising that she would burn it if I screamed. After that, she brought a knife from the kitchen and began to sharpen it in front of my eyes and describe how she would cut off my balls and take revenge for all her suffering in her marriage to me.

At first I didn’t believe her, I thought it was just some kind of joke, or that it had occurred to her to engage in sadomasochism. I even started to get a little hard from anticipation unusual sensations. She noticed this and said that she would give me (“so be it”) the last normal orgasm, and began to give a blowjob.
I completely relaxed and as the cum sprayed into her mouth, she suddenly moved away from me, grabbed the knife and slashed her scrotum with the knife. At first I didn’t understand anything, and then the TERRIBLE PAIN came. And she raised my scrotum and screamed so enthusiastically that now she does not depend on me and will fuck with whomever she wants and when she wants, and I will lick her there after the lovers. After that I don’t remember anything, apparently I passed out. It turns out that she asked a nurse she knew to come and treat the wound.

After a few days everything healed, I basically forgave her and didn’t report her to the police. I still live with my wife, sometimes I even have a slight erection. She often brings her lover to our home. And recently she came with him...

At that moment I was at home, he was trying to leave, and my wife explained to her lover that I was a eunuch and was simply guarding her bed (as she put it), forced me to undress and show him my empty scrotum. He was simply stunned when he saw this, attacked her like mad, and had sexual intercourse right in front of my eyes, seeing my flaccid penis. Having had an orgasm, my wife told him that she castrated me herself without anesthesia. This guy just went into ecstasy. And this is how I live with this wife. Everything is true. So, guys, don’t go out too much, otherwise your wife will be stabbed in the balls with a knife, and that’s all...

Reply to the message: What is the essence of castration?

I have studied this topic a lot. Not easy, frankly... And, nevertheless, I was convinced that a lot of women are directly interested in castration of a man, as a rule, not a stranger, but a well-known one, with whom they had sex together, and, moreover, successful , which is very revealing and requires special psychological analysis.

One of the women, who had already performed a series of similar operations, admitted that each time she received a strong sexual charge (and for a long time: for several months). One of the main satisfactions is psychological. During the operation, the unconscious feeling of inferiority of the female nature compared to the male, which, as she claims, is present in almost everyone, dissipates normal women...There is a feeling of superiority over a man and being chosen.

A woman begins to appreciate her own beauty or sexuality more, to pay attention to the fact that she, even with a minimum of eroticism and sexuality, becomes desirable to men. Due to the awareness of herself as a Lady, strong, feminine, sexually talented. At the same time, those who have not previously experienced a strong orgasm, or did not even know what it was, having sex with a personally castrated man, receive a STRONG orgasm, which they are not going to refuse in the future. She explains this by saying that the libido of a castrated man seems to pass into the possession of the Mistress. This can be attributed to mysticism, but this thesis can also be justified psychologically.
However, the danger is not to continue the mania for castrating men any further. A woman, after all, belongs to the weaker sex, which, by psychological nature, is less responsible for its actions than a man. This is typical for everyone who feels their physical or psychological weakness, not only on a personal level, but also on a social one.

Another woman (pathologist) stated, not without pleasure, that she carried two specially treated male testicles when he goes outside, receiving physiological and psychological pleasure from it. It’s as if she’s watching herself from the outside. Her philosophy is simple and devoid of pathos - she calls herself “My Excellency” and believes that there is nothing shameful in this.

Thus, this topic is multifaceted; in Russia it has not yet been studied at all, although the very phenomenon of voluntary castration of men by women has existed for a long time.

Reply to message: Re: Castration is a great sin, from the point of view of Orthodoxy

There are different types of slavery... Christianity makes us free... from everything, only few people listen to it... Jesus liberated a woman, forced the other half of humanity to pay attention to the fact that a WOMAN is not only a PERSON, but also a respected creature, as much as a man, here!

And if you are non-Russian or not a Christian, then say so: “I am a materialist from the fucking Marxist-Leninist teaching”... In the next world, God will definitely ask you: “How did you treat a WOMAN, like a servant of God or a handsome narcissist? ". Here! Don't be offended, you're wrong!!! A woman must be loved and respected!!!

Reply to the message: Castration: Leonid and Alina from Andrey and Svetlana

You know... I didn’t dare write to you, but I still decided...
You are great, really! It’s rare that anyone can openly express their desire like this! This is a kind of heroism! This is just what happened with Vitya and I, and Vitya is my boyfriend, not my husband, he will remain my boyfriend forever: we did it... I castrated him, but not completely, but partially... Now we are afraid that this will become public knowledge to our family and friends. We decided to get married in the summer.
I don’t blame myself... I want to say a lot, but I don’t dare... I like everything that is happening to us now...

I found this site and read your letter to Alina. I decided to write to you...

Reply to message: Castration is my conscious choice

I really want to cut off my husband’s penis and testicles together with his scrotum! Initially, castration was his idea: when he told me about it, I experienced a shock of surprise. He suggested castrating him in two stages: first, so that I cut off his scrotum “at the root,” and after a couple of months, his penis. This desire just TURNS me on. Secretly, I always dreamed of castrating a handsome man with a big and beautiful penis, and my husband is just like that. I agreed on the condition that the “trophies” would belong to me, and I would keep them as a keepsake; he agreed with my quirk. Now all that remains is to find out how to CORRECTLY and, most importantly, SAFELY do these two procedures, as well as preserve the penis and scrotum with testicles (without formaldehyde). Please help practical advice people who performed castration.

Reply to the message: I would like to take a man’s genitals by force

Nastya, I am a man. One day I cheated on my wife and she found out...
The fact is that we often make love while tying each other to the bed. She tied me up and started BEATING me between my legs. She beat me skillfully, painfully and for a long time. My balls turned blue. For a couple of weeks I couldn’t touch them or walk normally. My wife discovered NEW way entertainment. Maybe you should try it too? After that, I promised my wife to do whatever she wants, and now I wear women's panties and pee while sitting. And she's just happy, and I know that if I deceive her, she'll just CRUSH my testicles.

Reply to the message: Castration: Three reasons for thoughts about castration: Orthodox view

I want to castrate myself... Absolutely voluntarily... And yet - I’m not crazy or schizophrenic (I was examined at the military registration and enlistment office and when applying for a part-time job)...

In general, I want to remove the testicles and scrotum, but leave the penis... Recommend how to correctly carry out the operation at home (with medical point view)???

Thanks in advance... Another question... Are there REAL castrati here, and not dreamers and people who are simply turned on by this? Are there people here who are ready to REALLY be castrated?
I really want to chat with you...

Reply to post: A man without balls is a girlfriend

Sorry for the rudeness, but I read your forum here and was amazed at the kind of nonsense you wrote here.

First, let's look at the purpose of castration.
Its main goal is to get rid of the base instinct, which so strongly dominates the minds of our beloved men and creates a bunch of all kinds of problems for them. It is stupid to go for castration with any other intentions, and you will not be able to achieve any significant results.
I myself am a staunch supporter of this procedure, perhaps because I myself have always been very sexy woman, and the vulgar looks of the guys always irritated me wildly; I watched a bunch of ruined lives of people close to me because of servility to women, which is not worth even a drop of attention from the stronger sex.

Now let’s figure out who needs to do it and when!
As a doctor, I bring to your attention that castration should be done only in youth (immediately after puberty). If you castrate in adulthood, you will only harm yourself and your health. A man who has already had sex for many years, having lost hormonal stimulation (artificial injections will not help here), will continue to experience desire for the opposite sex only for psychological level, however, satisfying this desire will be difficult, which will lead to mental disorder, depression and various somatic diseases(which are actually always possible after castration at any age). TO possible diseases I would consider it a violation immune system, prostatitis, sclerosis and in general complete violation in the functioning of the body.

Let us ask ourselves: why are testicles needed?

To put it simply in simple language, they turn the boy into a healthy one strong man during puberty. At early castration(up to 13 years old) the boy’s body will not be fully formed, which will lead to deterioration general condition, immature prostate, problems with urination and aesthetic unattractiveness of the young man.
I recommend lying down (or laying them down, if they are very stubborn) under a scalpel at the age of 18, HAVING PRELIMINARY DEPOSITING THE SPERM TO THE BANK (or better yet, several)!!! It is highly desirable that the boy be a virgin and not masturbate for at least 2 weeks before the operation (here you need to pay attention to education). The operation should not be performed in the first days after a wet dream. Sometimes this operation is indicated in more early age, at the age of 15-16 or even earlier (it all depends on how physically developed the boy is). Such cases include early puberty, early sexual intercourse and the manifestation of too much interest in girls, which can negatively affect the boy’s consciousness.

Regarding the practice of the operation (which is essentially a resection), I can say that a year ago I performed it on a young man at home. By the way, at the request of his mother, my old friend. The boy turned 18 then and had just entered the first year of college. A month after the operation he returned to normal blood pressure and the signs of tachycardia, which had previously been constantly observed, completely disappeared. The young man stopped looking at girls and began to study better. In short, if you are interested in this story, I can write in detail separately.

The Boy Who Came Through this procedure at this age, with high probability in the future will avoid a large number of diseases: both male and related cardiovascular system, and also save your nerves and achieve great success in life, without wasting yourself on all sorts of trash.

Reply to the message: Castration: Irina's delirium

I am 15 years old. I'm not a pervert...

I’m going through puberty, I started liking women, I started looking at girls, watching different films, and my mother really doesn’t like this. She has very puritanical views. Mom is very beautiful, tall and with big breasts chic shape. I have always admired her, but for some time now I began to like her as a woman, although I am very ashamed to admit it...

He began to take an interest in her underwear and spy on her. Mom began to notice this, but did not show it. A week ago we were lying on the bed together and watching TV (she was wearing a black slip and was very tired). After 20 minutes she dozed off, and I began to stroke her chest and caress her legs. Suddenly she woke up, expressed bewilderment and started a wild scandal. She reminded me of all my pranks like magazines, adult films, said that she had long suspected that I was growing up abnormal, and all that. I listened to all this, everything seemed to be settled, but then, the next morning, my mother called me over again...

She had in her hands medical encyclopedia. My mother began to tell me about castration and promised to castrate me in the very near future. She said that it would be better for me, and I would not torture her or myself. I'm just terrified. I can’t understand whether she’s serious about this or just wanted to scare me.

He talks to me like that, it seems that he is no longer angry, but he still promises to castrate me... It’s just some kind of horror. He says that there’s nothing wrong with this, I just don’t care about all the women, he says that I’ll live longer and all that... I’m very afraid. We don’t have a father, there’s no one to intercede.

Irina, hello.

I completely agree with the topic of castration at a young age.
I am married, I have a daughter (9 years old) and a son of my husband (15 years old) from my previous wife. The guy is not bad, but he is terribly lustful and constantly pesters his sister.

He simply needs to be castrated, otherwise the consequences could be dire. I would really like to find you. I hope you can help us with this problem.

Reply to the message: Castration immediately after puberty

Only a wife can castrate a man, but after the birth of children, which need to be conceived naturally (not from a sperm bank).

We already have children, and soon I will fulfill our dream - I will castrate Yura, but I will only remove the testicles. I like the empty scrotum. He considers castration the highest phase of mutual trust.
Yura is 21 years old, I will soon be 25. He decided to have an operation on my birthday - to present himself in the person of a husband and a eunuch as a guarantee of devotion.

I'm delighted! My doctor friend will castrate, but with my participation.

P.S. Ira, where can I find your work on the benefits of castration? Thank you.

Reply to the message: Castration immediately after puberty

Dear Irina!
Everything you write is so wonderful! Nice to read your revelations!
Female friendship is something! When women are friends male balls not needed. They just fly off to the side. Your friend asked you for the favor of cutting off her son's balls, and you immediately agreed. This is amazing!

You brought them to your home; apparently, the hospital doesn’t allow you to practice surgery. You combine the professions of a urologist and a surgeon. That is, in the hospital you are a urologist, and at home you are a surgeon. You even have a surgery couch in your bathroom. Incredible!

By the way, you cleverly persuaded the guy to decide to have an operation. Apparently, they found the necessary arguments. The mention of his mother sitting in the next room was especially impactful. Then you put his head to your breasts! Lovely! Apparently, you kept silent about the blowjob. About a wonderful farewell blowjob, which finally convinced the boy that he no longer needed eggs.

Then you put him on the couch (how wonderfully you describe it), taped his penis to his stomach (wonderful) and performed the operation. Amazing! It is clear that you enjoy such procedures. And you probably took the Hippocratic Oath to HippoCastratus or someone else. Because harming the body and at the same time considering oneself a doctor is arrogant.
If you really like all this, I suggest a way to prolong the pleasure. You can persuade a guy to undergo circumcision, and after the wound heals, cut off his penis. By the way, the penis can be cut off in parts to prolong the pleasure.

I wish you success in your work, dear Irina, and happiness in your personal life!
This is something!!!

Let us condemn and brand the eunuchs with shame!

From the point of view of fertility and the genetic health of the nation, it is logical to castrate 95% of the male population. Leave eggs only for blue-eyed blondes with a height of 185-195 cm, broad shoulders, narrow waist, straight teeth... The list goes on. Place these 5% in brothels, and women will come and pay for the opportunity to give birth genetically healthy child.And the castrato husband will feed and raise the children, and he will not worry that the child is not his.

I have never told anyone the story of how a patient who came to see me asked to have his balls cut off.
It's rare for me to be surprised by anything. And it's not just about age and life experience. The medical profession, which initially presupposes that the person who comes to practice it has a certain amount of healthy cynicism in his outlook on life, gradually grows it to gigantic proportions.
It’s not that there aren’t compassionate doctors in the world who sincerely care about their patients. But the absolute majority of us, if we were killed based on any complaint or story from every patient, sooner or later we would actually kill ourselves, and there are already not enough doctors on Earth.
A large and healthy bearded man, about sixty years old, who crossed the threshold of the office, was dressed in a good-quality black suit, white shirt and a black kippah. According to these external signs it was immediately possible to determine that he belonged to the Orthodox community.
He stunned me right away, with his first answer to my question about what brought him to my appointment?
His answer, or rather a pre-prepared request, about the possibility of castrating him as quickly as possible, took me by surprise. I spent the few seconds it took me to raise my slumped jaw, lower my raised eyebrows, bulge my eyes back and slow down the rapid blinking of my eyelashes on the formulation the following questions. On the one hand, it often happens that even real schizophrenoids come to the urologist, but on the other hand, you don’t want to offend a person or let him feel all the unusualness and absurdity of the situation that has arisen; maybe he actually has a real and big problem.
After a few minutes of conversation, it turned out that he was a widower, real chances to create new family with a woman younger than him, especially in his orthodox environment, according to objective and subjective reasons are negligible, and NATURE demands its way.
He INCREDIBLY WANTS SEX every day, despite his age of sixty. He is just a healthy man, albeit an Orthodox believer, which some fellow citizens still consider to be a disease. According to the strict laws of the Torah, it is impossible to engage in masturbation or go to a “fallen” woman.
In short - a skiff, fuses are burning, his brains are boiling, steam, escaping from all the holes of his head, tears off his black pile along with the remnants of his rather lush hair. So he thought that the best solution from his unbearable suffering, there will be a scalpel in my hands, which I undoubtedly wield with enough precision to cut off his balls without touching anything else he needs...

Why did I remember all this, and even decided to tell everyone, despite medical confidentiality and other obscurity?
Yesterday in our ill-fated parliament - the Knesset, a law passed its first reading,
according to which a client who has used the services of a prostitute can be sent to prison for six months.

It is simply impossible to imagine such a crazy law, even, for example, in a country like the United States that has completely succumbed to feminofascism and political correctness.

We will not rummage through history, go into social and cultural characteristics, understand the reasons and look for those to blame.
Let’s just imagine an adult, healthy, free, independent woman who decided, on her own initiative, thoughtfully and carefully, to provide a service (in this case, sexual) for a material reward to an adult, free, independent person of the opposite sex, who decided on her own initiative, thoughtfully and use this service in a balanced way, and be ready to reward him financially for it.
Who cares and what the hell is it to forbid them to enter into this kind of relationship?
What if we imagine that a man is physically or psychologically unhealthy, and there is no other way for him in life to calm his “basic instinct”, and he has found a woman who is ready to help him with his problem? I hope you've heard of sex therapists?
This topic can be developed for a long time. One can give examples of “ad absurdum”, because life is much more inventive than any fantasy. But at this rate, if our country continues to run ahead of the rest, it will soon be possible to put people in prison simply for having eggs. Maybe someone would suggest imprisonment for thoughts and desires, but brains are a dark matter and cannot yet be fully deciphered.
Therefore, I propose that the next step is to introduce a law so that they do not put people in prison, but immediately cut off their eggs. To everyone who wants to take advantage of the law in the future, I can also offer my professional knowledge and skills, as well as a sharp scalpel. Additional income, moreover, does not bother anyone, least of all me.

Removal of testicles in men is carried out only for serious reasons. medical indications. This operation is called orchiectomy. It can be one- or two-sided. Bilateral orchiectomy is called castration.

For men who have undergone castration, a slightly sad joke serves as consolation: they need not be afraid of a blow to the groin. After surgical intervention Removing the testes is almost painless.

In what cases is testicular removal prescribed?

The reasons why it is necessary to remove the testicles in men are divided into medical and non-medical.

  1. This may need to be done upon detection. Moreover, sometimes the procedure can be diagnostic.
  2. Orchiectomy is also indicated if breast or prostate cancer is diagnosed. With these diseases, it is necessary to block the production of testosterone, and the testicles are the organ that produces this hormone.
  3. In the case when for some reason the seminal canal becomes twisted and the blood supply to the testicle stops. In men, this more often occurs during vigorous physical effort or sports; in children, torsion can be a birth defect.
  4. Removal of the testicle is recommended when there is excessive production of testosterone in the body due to systemic diseases.
  5. Young men have their testicle removed if it does not descend into the scrotum in time during puberty.
  6. Bilateral orchiectomy is performed for those men who decide to change gender.

Also, the testes have to be removed if one or both of them are damaged after traumatic exposure.

Physiological consequences of surgery

Castration in adult men does not lead to the disappearance of erection, even if it was bilateral. But since the testicles are the organ that is the main source of testosterone, the main male hormone, it should be noted that without them it decreases sexual desire. This means that erectile function will weaken over time.

If the removal was unilateral, then the remaining testicle will take on the main functions of producing sex hormones, and the operation will not affect the condition of the body.

With bilateral removal surgery in adult men, hair on the face and body may begin to fall out, health may deteriorate, and the figure will begin to develop into a female type.

In addition, there may be side effects, reminiscent of female ailments during the onset of menopause: hot flashes, pressure changes, weight gain, height mammary glands. A sharp decrease in testosterone production gives impetus to the development of osteoporosis.

Therefore, those who have undergone such an operation will have to take medications throughout their lives that replenish the required amount of male hormones in the body.

Preparing for an orchiectomy

The operation to remove the testicles at the preparation stage is no different from any other surgical operation.

The doctor makes a diagnosis based on clinical picture and according to the results of the survey. Conducted medical examination, the degree of risk and the need for surgical intervention are assessed, and the necessary anesthesia is determined.

You must tell your doctor what medications you have taken recently.

If you had to take blood-thinning drugs, the operation may be postponed for a week. Before the operation, you should not eat or drink for 8 hours; sometimes you need to do an enema or cleanse the intestines using mild laxatives, such as Fortrans or Flip.

This type of surgery is performed in a hospital setting.

On average, it takes about an hour to remove one testicle.

As with any operation, removal of the testicles can cause complications. And at the first stage, immediately after the operation, and after some time.

Primary complications include:

Assistance for complaints immediately after surgery is provided in the hospital.

Secondary complications include the following conditions:

  • loosening of seams;
  • severe pain;
  • swelling at the site of removal of the testicles and sutures;
  • bleeding:
  • formation of purulent contents;
  • temperature rise.

If you notice these phenomena at home, you need to consult a doctor.

Concerns about appearance

It is believed that men are not bothered by complexes about appearance just like women. To some extent this is true, but removing the testicles creates complexes. Undress in front of your partner or public place, for example, a bathhouse is difficult for such men.

Therefore, special implants have been developed that are implanted in place of the removed testicles. Currently they are made of plastic or silicone, they only fix cosmetic defect. But experiments are already being carried out during which silicone prostheses are injected with male hormones, gradually entering the body. Such prosthetics are still at the development stage, but there is hope that in 2-3 years the testicles will no longer be removed, but replaced.

If doctors suggest an orchiectomy, they understand perfectly well that there is no alternative. This operation is prescribed only taking into account all factors.

When choosing between increased libido and life, you should choose life.