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Begonias are rarely affected by pests and diseases, but if you notice unpleasant changes in the appearance of leaves or flowers, it is necessary to identify the cause and treat your pets.

Begonia diseases and their treatment, pests and their control

Begonia leaf diseases

    Why Begonia leaves rot, curl at the edges, dry out or fall off, you can find out below:
  • The leaf becomes covered with small light spots, which, gradually growing, cover the entire surface of the leaf blade with a white powdery coating, the leaf darkens and dries out? You are experiencing symptoms of powdery mildew.
  • Treatment: 2 grams of copper sulfate, 20 grams of tar soap per 1 liter of water or any fungicide for indoor plants.

  • White spots with a slight gray coating appear on the leaves, tops of shoots and flowers, they gradually darken, become brown, damp, the stems rot and break off, when the humidity decreases, the rotten areas on the leaves dry out and fall out, the leaves become covered with large holes? This disease is called gray mold.
  • Treatment: 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, solution of 2 grams of copper sulfate and 20 grams of soap per 1 liter of water, fungicides.

  • The underside of the leaf becomes covered with watery spots, similar to glass fragments, over time they darken to brown, do the leaf petioles darken? This is bacterial spot.
  • The disease cannot be cured, the diseased specimen is destroyed and the pots are disinfected.

    Prevention: treatment with a 0.5% suspension of copper oxychloride, repeating spraying after two weeks.

  • The leaf gradually becomes covered with light spots, dead areas, does the leaf turn bronze? We are seeing ring spotting.
  • The diseased plant is destroyed Since ring spotting is viral in nature, the virus is well preserved in cells and cannot be cured. The carriers of pathogens are insect pests, so it is important to destroy them in a timely manner and take appropriate preventive measures.

Determining the disease by the condition of the flower

The soft scale insect is an insect up to 5 mm, transparent, covered with a waxy, yellowish coating; it and its larvae inhabit the edges of the leaf, veins and feed on sap, which entails its weakening and death.

Methods of protection:

  1. spraying with garlic infusion, 10 grams of garlic per 1 liter of water, repeated spraying after 12 - 14 days.
  2. Spraying with any pesticide for indoor plants according to the instructions for the product, repeated spraying is required.

  • The leaf turns yellow, on its underside clusters of oval-shaped insects are clearly visible, their size reaches 2.5 millimeters, and the color is light yellowish or greenish - these are aphids and their larvae. They feed on sap, weakening their host, and can carry dangerous viral diseases.
  • Methods of protection:

    1. a solution of laundry soap at the rate of 20-30 grams per 1 liter of water.
    2. shag infusion, 20 grams per 1 liter of water, infusion time - 2 days.
    3. any insecticide of your choice.
  • Yellowing of the leaves is observed; insects up to 1.5 mm can be found on the underside of the leaf. with 2 pairs of wings covered with a white coating? This is a diptera; it and its larvae, like aphids, feed on plant sap and transmit diseases.
  • Methods of protection:
    Regular spraying with a solution of laundry soap at the rate of 40 grams per 1 liter of water.

  • Begonia is severely stunted in growth, the leaves become discolored, turn yellow, and brown insects up to 1.5 mm in size can be found on the leaves. with 2 pairs of wings? These are thrips.
  • Methods of protection:

    1. spraying with a solution of laundry soap at the rate of 40 grams per 1 liter of water.
    2. spraying with tobacco infusion or decoction, 100 grams per 1 liter of water.
  • A slowdown in plant growth is associated with the appearance of a root-knot nematode; this is a worm up to 1.2 mm in length that inhabits the roots and lower part of the stem and forms galls to lay eggs. The nematode causes rotting of the root system and the death of its host.
  • Methods of protection:
    Begonias are watered with heterophos at the root.

  • Do the shoots thicken, bend, light spots appear on the leaves, and do severely affected specimens die? This is due to a tiny worm measuring up to 1 mm. - leaf nematode.
  • Methods of protection:
    Treatment of plants with heterophos solution.

    Determining the type of pest by the type of flower damage

    • Begonia buds, flowers and leaves fall off - the reason may be plant infestation by aphids
    • The flowers have an ugly shape - the reason is most likely are thrips.

    Proper agricultural technology will help your pets to always be healthy and delight you with the beauty of their appearance. They say that there are no ugly flowers, only unkempt flowers. Sick plants are more likely to upset you than to please you - so let your begonias always be healthy!


    Next you will see photos of diseases and pests of begonias:

    Useful video

    In this video you will learn about Begonia diseases:

    Useful material
    Below is a list of articles that may be of interest to you.

      Types of begonias:

    is a beautiful perennial plant that received its name in the second half of the seventeenth century thanks to Michel Begon, who described the flower in detail.

    In total, there are almost three thousand of this plant, 2000 of which are bred artificially. The flower grows well both at home and in open ground.

    Features of growth

    Begonia is very light-loving, and the optimal temperature for plant growth is 15-24 degrees Celsius. The plant should be protected from direct sunlight, as the leaves are very sensitive and burns easily appear on them. The plant will feel best on the southwest or southeast side.


    The flower must be watered in a timely manner. During the spring-summer period, this procedure is carried out daily; in winter, the regularity of watering should be reduced. If there is a lack of moisture, the growth and development of the plant may stop completely.

    At the same time it is important to follow simple:

    • The water should sit for several days.
    • The temperature of the liquid should be the same as the room temperature.

    Important! When watering, be sure to ensure that the water does not stagnate.

    The flowering process is usually very abundant. Accordingly, during this period the plant definitely requires. Mineral concentrates are well suited for fertilizer. Now in specialized stores you can also find fertilizers designed specifically for begonias - they are also perfect for supporting the plant during the growing season.

    Causes of the problem

    You can almost always determine what is wrong with a plant by its external condition., what it lacks, accordingly, based on this, you can make the right decision about what kind of help you need to provide to the flower.

    Insufficient watering

    This sign indicates that the plant is not receiving the amount of moisture it needs. This applies both to watering itself and to air humidity.

    Helping a plant in such a situation is quite simple.:

    1. It is necessary to establish the correct watering regime. The plant needs to be watered when the top layer of soil dries slightly.
    2. In winter, the plant must be regularly sprayed with a spray bottle (you will find tips on caring for a flower in winter). But you need to take into account that it is better to spray water on a plant with fuzzy leaves next to the pot.
    3. A container of water that should be placed nearby will help cope with dry air.

    Little light

    Yellowing leaves indicate that the plant is not getting enough light.. If the first signs of yellowness appear on the plant, then you should find a more illuminated place for it. It is important to remember that begonia does not tolerate direct sunlight.

    Reference! In case, pay attention also to watering. In some cases, yellowness appears when there is insufficient or excess moisture.

    Too much moisture

    If the leaves of the plant have darkened and begin to rot, this means that the flower is watered too much. In this case, the frequency of watering should be reduced. Diseased leaves need to be removed.

    Lack of microelements

    Even under ideal conditions, begonias may show signs of wilting. Very often this is due to the fact that the plant does not receive all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities. This often happens during the flowering period. To solve the problem of wilting in this case, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods to the plant. This should be done at least three times a month.

    The plant is extremely susceptible to powdery mildew and signs of rot.. In addition, the flower can be attacked by caterpillars, thrips and aphids.

    The plant should be inspected so that appropriate measures can be taken at the first appearance of pests and diseases:

    1. When rot and powdery mildew appear: It is best to transplant the flower into new soil, remove the affected leaves, and treat the plant with a fungicide.
    2. When pests appear: spray the plant with karbofos, fitoverm or intavir, after which it is better to place the flower under a damp bag for a day to enhance the effect of the drugs.

    Read more about begonia diseases and pests

    Begonia will delight you for a long time with abundant and fairly long-lasting flowering. It is not difficult to figure out how to create ideal conditions for a plant, given that this does not require anything complicated.

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    Has it ever happened to you when you couldn’t or forgot to water your plants? Yes, this doesn’t happen to anyone. For some this is fatal, but not for begonias. Even if the result of such forgetfulness looks simply terrible, it is not the end. If the leaves have already turned into a pile of gerbanium, but the stem has not dried out, even if it hangs like a half-withered rope, you have a chance to pump it out. I must say a very big chance. The main thing is not to panic and follow a few rules so as not to destroy the unfortunate plant.

    So. There are several options for what you can do and what you have to do.

    1.If the plant has fallen, then it is enough to lightly water it and cover it with a bag. It is very convenient to use transparent paper files. the package will create greenhouse conditions, which will help the plant grow new roots. It should be noted that old roots gradually become fibrous and, despite their dry appearance, are actually alive and with their help the plant quickly recovers. It is advisable to cut off those leaves that have not just fallen, but whose stem is twisted, part of the leaf or the entire leaf blade has dried out, i.e. such leaves will only take away the strength of the plant, but will not recover themselves. if the plant is very lush, but grows into one trunk, then it is also advisable to cut it. But if it has several trunks, then it will have enough strength to lift the entire head of leaves on its own. in any case, the next day you will see it for yourself and cut off the unrecovered sheets.

    2. If the begonia has dried out all the leaves or almost all of them and the stem has fallen and become completely soft and hangs like a rope, then it is advisable to do this. We remove the soil, tear off the roots and leaves. We get a bare or almost bare stem. It depends on the condition of the roots and foliage. Soak for 12-24 hours in settled clean water. Then, plant this stem in light high-moor peat with perlite and cover it with a bag. Water very carefully and away from the stem. Just a little drop under the stem. Symbolically. If you water well, you will see a blackened stem in a couple of days. This means the plant died. This cannot be allowed.

    3. If the plant looks as described in the second case, but some of the leaves are still alive, just hanging, perhaps you can do without extreme measures and just carefully water the plant, remove leaves that cannot be restored and cover with a bag.