How to distinguish eczema from other skin diseases: fungus, dermatitis, herpes, urticaria. Dry eczema on the hands - how to distinguish the disease and deal with it correctly

that word has Greek roots and means “to boil.” And indeed, if you look closely at the affected skin, you can easily see the resemblance to the surface of boiling water.

What is eczema?
Eczema is a skin disease that manifests itself as unevenly scattered or closely crowded nodules, blisters, and pustules on red, swollen skin. If the disease is not treated, the surface of the skin becomes weeping - constantly wet due to opened blisters and pustules - or covered with scales and yellow crusts.

Causes of the disease
Due to the fact that this disease has deep historical roots, doctors of all times have had enough time to study it. But at different stages of history, the dominant role in the origin of eczema was assigned to different factors: either disorders of the nervous system, or problems in the endocrine or immuno-allergic spheres; of course, hereditary predisposition was not forgotten.
To date, scientists have come to a consensus that eczema develops as a result of the complex effects of neuroallergic, endocrine, metabolic and external factors (chemicals, bioagents, bacteria, overheating and hypothermia, burns, injuries, medications, cosmetics).

How to recognize eczema?
Eczema, like most skin diseases, is characterized by several forms with different manifestations. True eczema has the most striking picture.
This eczema begins in most cases with redness and swelling of the skin, on which nodules the size of millet grains soon appear. Next, the nodules turn into vesicles with transparent contents, which subsequently become cloudy and become purulent. The surface layer of skin in the affected areas lags behind, and a weeping (wet) surface is obtained. Later, the secretion dries out and turns into crusts that are yellow, green, brown, or completely dark with blood.
The skin is renewed, but for some time it still peels off and remains of a bluish-reddish tint. And only after some time it returns to normal. Throughout this entire process, if eczema occupies a small area of ​​skin, the patient is bothered by itching, often moderate, a feeling of skin tension, and slight chilling. Only in places that rub against clothing can pain occur.
If the disease is widespread, then all of the above symptoms are much more pronounced. All this is characteristic of the acute course of true eczema - one of the forms of this multifaceted disease.
Acute eczema, with proper treatment, goes away in a short time, which, of course, does not exclude the possibility of relapse, but once neglected, it becomes chronic. In this situation, puffiness, swelling and redness of the skin are mild, but the skin itself becomes hard, unyielding and easily cracks with movement.
There is another, more studied, form of eczema, which, unlike true eczema, is located only on those areas of the skin where there was trauma, namely a wound, burn, scratching, bites, etc. This form of the disease is called microbial eczema. It manifests itself in the same nodules, blisters, itching, swelling of varying intensity, weeping and crusts that form around ulcers, along varicose veins, on the face along the hair growth when an infection occurs during shaving.
Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle is possible in nursing women. It occurs both in the area of ​​the postoperative stump and as a result of improper application of the plaster cast. In other words, this eczema is paratraumatic or peri-wound.

Seborrheic eczema
This form usually affects the skin of the scalp, face, chest, behind the ears, in the interscapular area, that is, those places where seborrhea often occurs. This form of the disease is characterized by the presence of round yellowish-pink spots covered with fatty yellowish scales. All this and untidiness can lead to the formation of mats on the head and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. And subsequently end with hair loss.

Childhood eczema
It is noted that in children eczema develops against the background of exudative diathesis, and most parents or close relatives of sick children in the past or present have had allergic reactions in various manifestations (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, etc.).
Statistics say that if only the mother is sick, then the child’s chance of getting sick is approximately 40%. And if both parents are affected, the risk is 50–60%.
The peculiarity of this form of eczema is that the disease begins at an early age - in the first months of life - with rashes on the skin of the face and head, and from there it spreads to other parts of the body. On the reddened, swollen skin of the face, blisters quickly burst and turn into erosions. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, worsening at night, which greatly plagues children. Sometimes erosions occupy large areas, which gradually heal, forming an armored crust. Often, when an infection occurs, the process takes on a purulent character. Such children are usually overfed, pasty, sleep poorly, agitated, and their lymph nodes are enlarged.
It is noted that if this disease is not cured before 3 years, it usually turns into neurodermatitis - an even more painful disease.

First of all, in each individual case it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. The results of the study allow us to select individual treatment, because there is no universal treatment for eczema. For therapeutic purposes, they monitor the diet, try to reduce the body’s sensitivity to allergens with the help of calcium and antiallergic drugs (tavegil, diphenhydramine, suprastin), and prescribe vitamin therapy. For microbial eczema, antibiotics, Castelani liquid, blue, and brilliant green are prescribed.
Local treatment depends on the stage of eczema and is determined by the well-known principle: “like is treated with like.” That is, liquids are used to treat wet rashes, and powders are used to treat dry rashes. If there is only redness and unopened blisters in children, talc, zinc, and starch are recommended. In the soaking stage, cooled lotions of boric acid, silver nitrate, and resorcinol are used. To avoid intoxication, small children are not prescribed boric acid and resorcinol, but use ointments with absorbable agents (naphthalan, sulfur, tar).
After removing the crusts, use boiled vegetable oil in the form of lotions.
At all stages of the disease, Advantan, Flucinar, Fluorocort, Prednisolone ointment and others are prescribed. But you cannot prescribe them yourself, since pus and hormones are incompatible. And only a doctor can detect this.
Alena Kamynina-Tyrziu

10 rules for preventing eczema
Compliance with hygiene rules is most important for all forms of eczema, since a basic lack of hygiene contributes to the addition of an additional infection, which only worsens the course of the disease. Therefore, when small rashes appear on the skin, they should be lubricated with Castellani liquid or 1 - 2% aqueous or alcohol solutions of aniline dyes (brilliant green, methylene blue). To prevent the expansion of the process, you should remember several rules that will be auxiliary in carrying out the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Rule one - Diet
Those suffering from eczema are recommended to eat a dairy-vegetable diet, boiled lean meat, cereals, carrot and apple juices, compotes, vegetables and fruits. The consumption of oranges, tangerines, apricots, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries should be limited. You should also limit your intake of liquids and eggs, broths, syrups, alcoholic beverages, salty and spicy foods, canned food and marinades. In children, both overfeeding and underfeeding should not be allowed.

Rule two - Normal digestion
Great importance is attached to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestines and pancreas.

Rule three - Water procedures
Baths and showers with extensive lesions should be temporarily canceled. However, in some patients, baths, for example, with chamomile decoction, and in children with bran and oak bark, have a healing effect.

Rule four - for varicose veins
For varicose veins, it is recommended to wear rubber stockings or bandage the legs with medicated rubber bandages to prevent the occurrence of varicose eczema. And do not forget that with this disease it is necessary to contact surgeons too.

Rule five - eczema and burns
Serious burns and frostbite should be treated under medical supervision, as incorrect treatment can lead to the development of eczema.

Rule six - breastfeeding
Nursing mothers with nipple eczema should express milk and treat their nipples.

Rule seven - take care of your hands
If eczema has captured your hands, then it is worth remembering that you should not wet your hands with too cold or too hot water and wash your hands without gloves with synthetic powders and soaps containing hydrogen peroxide.

Rule eight - avoid allergens
It is necessary to avoid any contact with the suspected allergen in everyday life and at work as long as possible and as completely as possible.

Rule ten - watch your clothes
Those suffering from eczema are not recommended to wear synthetic, flannel and woolen underwear.

Traditional medicine recipes
Internal use
Take 1 tablespoon each of dandelion and burdock roots. Pour the mixture with 3 glasses of water, leave overnight, boil for 10 minutes in the morning and leave for 20 minutes. Drink half a glass 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
Fennel seeds (dill), dandelion root, chicory root take 10 g, buckthorn bark - 20 g. Boil one tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water for 20-25 minutes and leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take one glass 3 times a day.
The rhizomes of tall elecampane, the herb of gentian and yarrow should be taken equally. Pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes and leave for 30 minutes. Take about 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Products for external use
Wash raw potatoes, peel and grate on a fine grater. Wrap the resulting mass in a gauze napkin and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin. After two hours, replace the mixture with fresh one. You can add honey to the potato mixture - 1 teaspoon per 1/2 cup of gruel.
Apply crushed aloe leaves to the affected area of ​​skin. They can be mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio.
Propolis ointment is prepared as follows: either dissolve propolis in 90% alcohol to the consistency of an ointment, or use 50% propolis ointment prepared in vegetable oil at low boiling.
A mixture of oak bark decoction with propolis tincture. A decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 part bark to 5 parts water. Add 1 teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture (30-40%) to one glass of decoction. Apply the mixture to the skin.
For compresses
Boil 200 g of pine buds in 1 glass of water for half an hour.
Cranberry juice.
Infusion of horsetail herb - 1 tablespoon of herb per 1 glass of boiling water.
Burdock root decoction - 1 tablespoon of crushed root in 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, cool, strain.
Infusion of roots and rhizomes of elecampane - pour 100 g of raw material with 4 cups of boiling water, leave for 4 hours.
Licorice naked - 15 g of licorice root per glass of boiling water.
Take 5 g of oak bark, horsetail grass, ivy budra, lemon balm, immortelle inflorescences and calendula officinalis, burdock root - 10 g. Pour the mixture with 1 glass of vegetable oil, boil for 15 minutes, leave in a warm place for 10-12 hours , strain.
Creeping thyme herbs, chamomile inflorescences - 15 g each, true lavender flowers - 10 g. Pour three tablespoons of the mixture into 2 glasses of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain.

50 g of celandine roots, chop, add cold water, leave for 2 hours, boil for 20 minutes, strain. Take a bath at night. Course - 8-12 baths.
50 g of burdock roots, pour 1 liter of cold water, boil for 30 minutes, strain. Take a bath at night. Course - 12-14 baths.
Pour 50 g of chopped nettle herb with roots into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Course - 12-14 baths.
A mixture of oak bark with other plants: oak bark - 100 g, oregano grass, calamus rhizomes, yarrow inflorescences - 10 g each, pine branches with needles, string grass, tricolor violet grass - 20 g each, wheat bran, sprouted rye grains and leaves black currants - 500 g each; mix everything, put it in a cloth bag and in a saucepan, boil for 30 minutes.
Pour two tablespoons of crushed calamus rhizomes into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Course - 10-12 baths.

Quite a large number of people have to deal with a skin disease such as eczema in their lives. The disease is very unpleasant because it most often appears on the skin of exposed areas of the body (arms, feet and face). The process is chronic, occurring with periods of remission and exacerbation.

Causes of eczema

Eczema rashes are accompanied by intense, often painful, itching for the patient.

The true causes of eczema are not fully understood today, but it is known for certain that there are a number of factors that play an important role in the development of this disease. Eczema is divided into several types depending on the cause that led to its appearance:

  1. True (idiopathic eczema) is a type of eczema, the exact cause of which has not been established. It is believed that various internal and external factors may play a role in its occurrence: emotional and mental stress and mental trauma, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, diseases of the digestive system, hereditary predisposition.
  2. Atopic eczema is eczema that occurs in people prone to allergic reactions (allergy to food, pollen, animal fur), as well as those with a hereditary predisposition to atopic diseases (bronchial asthma).
  3. Occupational eczema is said to occur when the skin is exposed to chemicals such as chromium, nickel, formaldehyde, dyes, and detergents for a long time. Typically, occupational eczema first appears at the site of skin contact with an irritant (hands), and then can spread to other areas of the skin.
  4. Microbial eczema occurs in those areas of the skin where there has been an inflammatory process caused by microbes or fungi for a long time. The activity of the fungus Malassezia furfur on the skin is the cause of seborrheic eczema, which most often appears on the scalp.
  5. Varicose eczema can occur on the skin of the lower extremities as a result of poor blood supply.

Symptoms of eczema

The signs of eczema differ somewhat depending on the type of disease and the stage of the inflammatory process, but in general, they are similar. The main signs characteristic of any type of eczema:

  • the appearance of a limited area of ​​inflammation on the skin, which is characterized by redness, the skin looks thickened;
  • the appearance of a rash, which has a different appearance for different types of eczema;
  • itching of the skin, and sometimes it can be so severe that it disrupts the normal rhythm of life and sleep;
  • the rash blisters burst, forming painful cracks and wounds on the skin;
  • during an exacerbation, body temperature may rise and malaise may appear;
  • after the exacerbation subsides, the skin on the affected area becomes dry, inelastic and cracks.

Treatment of eczema

The dermatologist selects the treatment of the disease individually for each patient, taking into account the type of eczema, the severity of the manifestations of the inflammatory process, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Treatment consists of eliminating contact with irritating chemicals, organizing proper nutrition, eliminating itchy skin, as well as local treatment of the affected area with ointments and creams.

General recommendations for people suffering from chronic eczema:

  • avoiding skin contact with substances that cause exacerbation of eczema;
  • following a hypoallergenic diet excluding citrus fruits, chocolate, cocoa;
  • Skin care during remission is best done with the help of special cosmetics (Bioderma cream, Topicrem);
  • a measured lifestyle that excludes nervous tension and stressful situations.

Local treatment of eczema

The basis for the treatment of eczema is the local use of glucocorticoid ointments, antiseptic solutions or topical calcineurin inhibitors. The doctor determines which drug to prescribe individually.

For eczema, accompanied by the opening of blisters and weeping of the skin in the affected areas, the doctor may prescribe lotions with antiseptic solutions (a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a 2% solution of boric acid).

The main treatment is hormonal ointments and creams containing corticosteroids. They help speed up the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin after opening the blisters, and also help reduce the intensity of inflammation. Ointments Elokom, Triderm, Advantan, Lokoid are usually prescribed. You cannot start using hormonal medications on your own, as they have side effects.

Topical calcineurin inhibitors (Pimecrolimus, Protopic) are a recently emerged group of non-hormonal drugs that have already proven highly effective in the treatment of eczema. These medications help reduce skin itching and inflammation.

Antibacterial and antifungal drugs are prescribed to treat microbial eczema.

General treatment of eczema

To eliminate skin itching in eczema, antiallergic drugs (Zyrtec, Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin) are usually prescribed.

Systemic treatment of eczema can be prescribed in cases of severe disease, extensive skin lesions and no effect from external treatment. Corticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) in the form of injections or tablets, as well as cytostatics (Methotrexate, Cyclosporine A) are prescribed.

Which doctor should I contact?

Eczema is treated by a dermatologist. However, it is often a manifestation of other diseases. In this case, it may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist, phlebologist, vascular surgeon, or allergist.

Health-saving channel, dermatovenerologist Makarchuk V.V. answers questions about eczema:

that word has Greek roots and means “to boil.” And indeed, if you look closely at the affected skin, you can easily see the resemblance to the surface of boiling water.

What is eczema?
Eczema is a skin disease that manifests itself as unevenly scattered or closely crowded nodules, blisters, and pustules on red, swollen skin. If the disease is not treated, the surface of the skin becomes weeping - constantly wet due to opened blisters and pustules - or covered with scales and yellow crusts.

Causes of the disease
Due to the fact that this disease has deep historical roots, doctors of all times have had enough time to study it. But at different stages of history, the dominant role in the origin of eczema was assigned to different factors: either disorders of the nervous system, or problems in the endocrine or immuno-allergic spheres; of course, hereditary predisposition was not forgotten.
To date, scientists have come to a consensus that eczema develops as a result of the complex effects of neuroallergic, endocrine, metabolic and external factors (chemicals, bioagents, bacteria, overheating and hypothermia, burns, injuries, medications, cosmetics).

How to recognize eczema?
Eczema, like most skin diseases, is characterized by several forms with different manifestations. True eczema has the most striking picture.
This eczema begins in most cases with redness and swelling of the skin, on which nodules the size of millet grains soon appear. Next, the nodules turn into vesicles with transparent contents, which subsequently become cloudy and become purulent. The surface layer of skin in the affected areas lags behind, and a weeping (wet) surface is obtained. Later, the secretion dries out and turns into crusts that are yellow, green, brown, or completely dark with blood.
The skin is renewed, but for some time it still peels off and remains of a bluish-reddish tint. And only after some time it returns to normal. Throughout this entire process, if eczema occupies a small area of ​​skin, the patient is bothered by itching, often moderate, a feeling of skin tension, and slight chilling. Only in places that rub against clothing can pain occur.
If the disease is widespread, then all of the above symptoms are much more pronounced. All this is characteristic of the acute course of true eczema - one of the forms of this multifaceted disease.
Acute eczema, with proper treatment, goes away in a short time, which, of course, does not exclude the possibility of relapse, but once neglected, it becomes chronic. In this situation, puffiness, swelling and redness of the skin are mild, but the skin itself becomes hard, unyielding and easily cracks with movement.
There is another, more studied, form of eczema, which, unlike true eczema, is located only on those areas of the skin where there was trauma, namely a wound, burn, scratching, bites, etc. This form of the disease is called microbial eczema. It manifests itself in the same nodules, blisters, itching, swelling of varying intensity, weeping and crusts that form around ulcers, along varicose veins, on the face along the hair growth when an infection occurs during shaving.
Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle is possible in nursing women. It occurs both in the area of ​​the postoperative stump and as a result of improper application of the plaster cast. In other words, this eczema is paratraumatic or peri-wound.

Seborrheic eczema
This form usually affects the skin of the scalp, face, chest, behind the ears, in the interscapular area, that is, those places where seborrhea often occurs. This form of the disease is characterized by the presence of round yellowish-pink spots covered with fatty yellowish scales. All this and untidiness can lead to the formation of mats on the head and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. And subsequently end with hair loss.

Childhood eczema
It is noted that in children eczema develops against the background of exudative diathesis, and most parents or close relatives of sick children in the past or present have had allergic reactions in various manifestations (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, etc.).
Statistics say that if only the mother is sick, then the child’s chance of getting sick is approximately 40%. And if both parents are affected, the risk is 50–60%.
The peculiarity of this form of eczema is that the disease begins at an early age - in the first months of life - with rashes on the skin of the face and head, and from there it spreads to other parts of the body. On the reddened, swollen skin of the face, blisters quickly burst and turn into erosions. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, worsening at night, which greatly plagues children. Sometimes erosions occupy large areas, which gradually heal, forming an armored crust. Often, when an infection occurs, the process takes on a purulent character. Such children are usually overfed, pasty, sleep poorly, agitated, and their lymph nodes are enlarged.
It is noted that if this disease is not cured before 3 years, it usually turns into neurodermatitis - an even more painful disease.

First of all, in each individual case it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. The results of the study allow us to select individual treatment, because there is no universal treatment for eczema. For therapeutic purposes, they monitor the diet, try to reduce the body’s sensitivity to allergens with the help of calcium and antiallergic drugs (tavegil, diphenhydramine, suprastin), and prescribe vitamin therapy. For microbial eczema, antibiotics, Castelani liquid, blue, and brilliant green are prescribed.
Local treatment depends on the stage of eczema and is determined by the well-known principle: “like is treated with like.” That is, liquids are used to treat wet rashes, and powders are used to treat dry rashes. If there is only redness and unopened blisters in children, talc, zinc, and starch are recommended. In the soaking stage, cooled lotions of boric acid, silver nitrate, and resorcinol are used. To avoid intoxication, small children are not prescribed boric acid and resorcinol, but use ointments with absorbable agents (naphthalan, sulfur, tar).
After removing the crusts, use boiled vegetable oil in the form of lotions.
At all stages of the disease, Advantan, Flucinar, Fluorocort, Prednisolone ointment and others are prescribed. But you cannot prescribe them yourself, since pus and hormones are incompatible. And only a doctor can detect this.
Alena Kamynina-Tyrziu

10 rules for preventing eczema
Compliance with hygiene rules is most important for all forms of eczema, since a basic lack of hygiene contributes to the addition of an additional infection, which only worsens the course of the disease. Therefore, when small rashes appear on the skin, they should be lubricated with Castellani liquid or 1 - 2% aqueous or alcohol solutions of aniline dyes (brilliant green, methylene blue). To prevent the expansion of the process, you should remember several rules that will be auxiliary in carrying out the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Rule one - Diet
Those suffering from eczema are recommended to eat a dairy-vegetable diet, boiled lean meat, cereals, carrot and apple juices, compotes, vegetables and fruits. The consumption of oranges, tangerines, apricots, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries should be limited. You should also limit your intake of liquids and eggs, broths, syrups, alcoholic beverages, salty and spicy foods, canned food and marinades. In children, both overfeeding and underfeeding should not be allowed.

Rule two - Normal digestion
Great importance is attached to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestines and pancreas.

Rule three - Water procedures
Baths and showers with extensive lesions should be temporarily canceled. However, in some patients, baths, for example, with chamomile decoction, and in children with bran and oak bark, have a healing effect.

Rule four - for varicose veins
For varicose veins, it is recommended to wear rubber stockings or bandage the legs with medicated rubber bandages to prevent the occurrence of varicose eczema. And do not forget that with this disease it is necessary to contact surgeons too.

Rule five - eczema and burns
Serious burns and frostbite should be treated under medical supervision, as incorrect treatment can lead to the development of eczema.

Rule six - breastfeeding
Nursing mothers with nipple eczema should express milk and treat their nipples.

Rule seven - take care of your hands
If eczema has captured your hands, then it is worth remembering that you should not wet your hands with too cold or too hot water and wash your hands without gloves with synthetic powders and soaps containing hydrogen peroxide.

Rule eight - avoid allergens
It is necessary to avoid any contact with the suspected allergen in everyday life and at work as long as possible and as completely as possible.

Rule ten - watch your clothes
Those suffering from eczema are not recommended to wear synthetic, flannel and woolen underwear.

Traditional medicine recipes
Internal use
Take 1 tablespoon each of dandelion and burdock roots. Pour the mixture with 3 glasses of water, leave overnight, boil for 10 minutes in the morning and leave for 20 minutes. Drink half a glass 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
Fennel seeds (dill), dandelion root, chicory root take 10 g, buckthorn bark - 20 g. Boil one tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water for 20-25 minutes and leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take one glass 3 times a day.
The rhizomes of tall elecampane, the herb of gentian and yarrow should be taken equally. Pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes and leave for 30 minutes. Take about 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Products for external use
Wash raw potatoes, peel and grate on a fine grater. Wrap the resulting mass in a gauze napkin and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin. After two hours, replace the mixture with fresh one. You can add honey to the potato mixture - 1 teaspoon per 1/2 cup of gruel.
Apply crushed aloe leaves to the affected area of ​​skin. They can be mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio.
Propolis ointment is prepared as follows: either dissolve propolis in 90% alcohol to the consistency of an ointment, or use 50% propolis ointment prepared in vegetable oil at low boiling.
A mixture of oak bark decoction with propolis tincture. A decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 part bark to 5 parts water. Add 1 teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture (30-40%) to one glass of decoction. Apply the mixture to the skin.
For compresses
Boil 200 g of pine buds in 1 glass of water for half an hour.
Cranberry juice.
Infusion of horsetail herb - 1 tablespoon of herb per 1 glass of boiling water.
Burdock root decoction - 1 tablespoon of crushed root in 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, cool, strain.
Infusion of roots and rhizomes of elecampane - pour 100 g of raw material with 4 cups of boiling water, leave for 4 hours.
Licorice naked - 15 g of licorice root per glass of boiling water.
Take 5 g of oak bark, horsetail grass, ivy budra, lemon balm, immortelle inflorescences and calendula officinalis, burdock root - 10 g. Pour the mixture with 1 glass of vegetable oil, boil for 15 minutes, leave in a warm place for 10-12 hours , strain.
Creeping thyme herbs, chamomile inflorescences - 15 g each, true lavender flowers - 10 g. Pour three tablespoons of the mixture into 2 glasses of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain.

50 g of celandine roots, chop, add cold water, leave for 2 hours, boil for 20 minutes, strain. Take a bath at night. Course - 8-12 baths.
50 g of burdock roots, pour 1 liter of cold water, boil for 30 minutes, strain. Take a bath at night. Course - 12-14 baths.
Pour 50 g of chopped nettle herb with roots into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Course - 12-14 baths.
A mixture of oak bark with other plants: oak bark - 100 g, oregano grass, calamus rhizomes, yarrow inflorescences - 10 g each, pine branches with needles, string grass, tricolor violet grass - 20 g each, wheat bran, sprouted rye grains and leaves black currants - 500 g each; mix everything, put it in a cloth bag and in a saucepan, boil for 30 minutes.
Pour two tablespoons of crushed calamus rhizomes into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Course - 10-12 baths.

Dermatological diseases are a large group of pathologies that manifest similar symptoms. In some cases, only a qualified specialist can distinguish one species from another after conducting a series of diagnostic procedures. In medical practice, eczema is often confused with other reactions to internal and external triggers. If not treated correctly, the disease becomes chronic. It is important to know the main differences between eczema and other diseases.

Characteristic symptoms of eczema

Eczema is a complex inflammatory disease of the skin. Doctors have identified many forms of this pathology, which are characterized by the following features:

  1. True. It occurs in stages: first the skin turns red, then papules (vesicles) appear, liquid appears inside them, the wounds become wet and crusty. It has a chronic course.
  2. Seborrheic (seborrhea, rosacea). A distinctive feature is that it does not have vesicles (nodules) and does not become wet. The rash is located on the scalp in the form of yellow, greasy scales on yellow-pink spots.
  3. Microbial. Affects the legs, hands, forehead. The rashes are asymmetrical and do not spread. The surface is covered with crusts. Varieties: varicose - around trophic ulcers; post-traumatic - at the site of wounds, stitches. The culprit is a fungus.
  4. Professional. It is a response to an allergen. It occurs in stages.
  5. Children's room. Starts from the head and face: swelling of the skin, redness, multiple papules.

Differences from other skin diseases

If a rash or other clinical signs of a skin disease appear, you should seek help from a medical facility. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose, determine the severity of the course, and prescribe adequate treatment.

Independent use of ointments, drugs, and traditional medicine can cause complications, transition to a chronic form with regular relapses and exacerbations.


A dermatological disease that occurs in the form of inflamed lesions on the surface of the body. It is the body’s response to the influence of an external or internal negative factor.


  • sun or severe frost;
  • vaccinations;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • food;
  • overwork;
  • plant pollen;
  • fungal disease, infection;
  • insect bites;
  • chronic diseases.

Dermatitis occurs suddenly, has a pronounced pattern and is treatable. The rashes are similar, but the difference between dermatitis and eczema is the simultaneous appearance of apparently different elements on the same lesion. Eczema is characterized by gradual proliferation of one type of papule.

The chronic form - atopic (eczematous) dermatitis develops rarely. In this case, the clinical picture has many similarities, but the distinctive symptom of dermatitis is the dry nature of the rash without blisters.

The allergic type of disease is not difficult to identify. It is accompanied by rhinitis, sneezing, lacrimation, and rashes.

Contact dermatitis develops strictly at the site with which the allergen came into contact. Localization is diverse and has no clear boundaries. Treatment consists of relieving the inflammatory process. The main condition is to eliminate the irritating factor.


Herpes is a virus that manifests itself in the development of characteristic defects on the surface of the skin - red papules with watery contents. When many small bubbles appear, a union occurs, forming a solid spot. The inflamed area experiences itching and pain. The infection has a second name - Kaposi's eczema herpetimorpha. It is caused by the penetration of type 1 virus.

The herpetic form, unlike other forms of eczema, is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. It can affect the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, genitals, etc.

Herpes has a profuse rash. Characteristic: cracks, erosions with blood, crusts.

The main difference between eczema and herpes on the skin is localization and distribution. With eczema, it quickly invades new areas, which is completely unusual for the family of herpes viruses, each representative of which manifests itself as rashes in a strictly defined area. Herpes zoster never spreads beyond the projection of the nerve bundles.

Herpetic eczema is diagnosed after examination by a doctor and restoration of the disease picture. The specialist is obliged to find out whether the patient had any dermatosis before, or whether he was in contact with someone with herpes over the past few days. Body temperature must be measured and a blood test taken.

Nail fungus

The most common skin disease among modern people is fungus. It is easy to become infected, but difficult to remove from the body. The pathology has a similar picture to eczema and is difficult to diagnose.

Eczema can affect the legs and arms, which makes diagnosing a fungal disease difficult. But there are a number of distinctive characteristics.

Localization - foot, palm, nail; - eczema spreads to other parts of the body.

A separate type is fungal eczema. This is a secondary pathology. It develops in cases where the eczematous process is complicated by the addition of a fungus. The infection penetrates the skin through mechanical damage and a weakened immune system is unable to provide an adequate response. The feet and hands are susceptible to infection, but the process may involve nails - a typical localization area. Other parts of the body may be affected.

The fungus manifests itself mainly as dry rashes with flaky scales and crusts. With fungal eczema, the skin becomes covered with vesicles (nodules) and weeping wounds with cloudy discharge. At the sites of inflammation, dirty-colored crusts form.

Diagnostics using scraping allows you to detect the presence of fungi, spores or their absence, which allows you to accurately determine the nature of the origin of the disease.


Urticaria is a disease belonging to the group of allergic dermatoses. Arises as the body’s response to stimuli:

  • taking medications;
  • food;
  • insect bites;
  • chemical substance;
  • high or low temperatures;
  • gastrointestinal intoxication;
  • intestinal worm infestations.

Clinical picture: a rash in the form of blisters of different diameters, reminiscent of a burn after contact with nettles. The main symptom is unbearable itching. Blisters can unite and take on the appearance of large plaques with jagged edges. If the rashes are extensive and cover the face and nasopharynx, suffocation, voice changes, and difficulty swallowing may occur. Urticaria or urticaria develops quickly, immediately after contact with the allergen.

Eczema is often allergic in nature, but the disease develops progressively. First there is dryness, then inflammation, redness, papules, ulcers. A characteristic feature is the presence of weeping wounds with the development of a severe form.


A disease that occurs in a chronic form. The following factors provoke:

  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • medicines;
  • unbalanced diet.

Neurodermatitis is a response to changes in the body's reactivity system. The rash is similar to eczema, but the itching worsens at night. The main difference is the type of rash. Neurodermatitis elements have different shapes, diameter - papules, nodules, congestive erythema. The person becomes restless, irritable, sleep is disturbed, and weight loss occurs. The neurogenic disorder that caused the disease is clearly manifested.

The relapse is seasonal.

Neurodermatitis is very similar in its manifestations to psoriasis; the diseases have the same origin. The treatment is the same: ointment to relieve inflammation, diet, etc. The main difference with eczema is that mild forms of neurodermatitis can be cured forever.

Diagnosis of eczema

To make an accurate diagnosis, a differential study is required. If eczema is suspected, the medical history is studied in detail, a survey is conducted about disturbing symptoms, and the doctor examines the patient for the nature of the rash and the presence of specific signs.

A skin biopsy followed by histology and microscopic examination helps to distinguish eczema from fungus, dermatitis, pemphigus, scabies, psoriasis and other diseases. A urine and blood test is required.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor looks for the cause of inflammation and checks sensitivity to various allergens. Treatment directly depends on what factor influenced the development of the disease - internal or external.

The skin is sensitive to any disruptions within the body and the effects of external irritants. When unfavorable conditions occur, various rashes, redness, and rashes appear on the surface. You should not neglect such symptoms. In many cases, skin lesions signal serious dermatological diseases that have developed as a result of infection, decreased immunity, and malfunction of the endocrine system. This may be a reaction to a stressful environment at work and at home. Do not delay your visit to the doctor, do not self-medicate. It is difficult to accurately determine the disease and the cause of the pathology without special diagnostic measures.