Pearl barley: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harm. Eating pearl barley: benefits and possible harm

Greetings, readers! Today, it is rare for any family to boast that they often prepare dishes from pearl barley. Many people consider pearl barley tasteless, and men who served in the army often call it “shrapnel” or “tarpaulin porridge” due to the fact that army cooks rarely boiled the porridge until fully cooked, and since the cereal was cheap, they fed it often. Pearl barley is one of the most affordable, but at the same time undeservedly ignored by housewives these days.

Many people simply have no idea what benefits for the body are hidden in this simple and inexpensive cereal.

First, let's allow ourselves a little history.

The word “pearl pearl” began to be used to call barley groats in Rus' because of its similarity to freshwater pearls, which were called “pearls.” And to get the cereal, the outer shell was peeled off the barley grains.
The first mention of the fact that barley grains can be eaten is more than four and a half thousand years old. IN Ancient Egypt barley was often used in brewing.

Some people call this porridge “peasant rice,” although in ancient times pearl barley was considered a food worthy only of noble people. It was this porridge that was one of the favorite dishes of Peter I. Of course, porridge was prepared for him differently than for soldiers in the army, but we will tell you later how to prepare pearl barley porridge so that it would be impossible to drag the eaters away by the ears.
And now a little about the properties of this cereal, as well as what benefits it can have and when its use can be harmful.

Useful properties of pearl barley

First of all, the benefit of pearl barley is that it is strong antioxidant. That is, the substances contained in cereals have the inherent ability to stop cascades of free radical oxidation reactions. Pearl barley contains several times more selenium than rice grain. In addition, pearl barley contains B vitamins, vegetable protein and a complex of minerals.

Pearl barley protein consists of several amino acids, including essential ones. That is, those that are not synthesized by the body. They can come exclusively from outside, along with food. And from them the body synthesizes its own necessary amino acids. In particular, the benefit of this cereal is that it is rich in lysine, an amino acid that has a beneficial effect on protective forces body. In addition, lysine takes an active part in the production of collagen, due to which the formation of wrinkles slows down and the skin maintains its youthful appearance.

Lysine is required for growth and normal repair of damaged tissue and keeps the lenses of the eyes healthy. The level of this amino acid in pearl barley is sufficient to ensure the prevention of diseases of many organs.

Barley is rich in vitamins A, B, PP, E and rightfully occupies one of the first places in terms of phosphorus content, on which the absorption of calcium and the regulation of brain activity depend. In addition to vitamins and phosphorus, pearl barley contains the whole complex necessary for the body trace elements such as chromium, strontium, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, nickel, bromine and cobalt.

This cereal also contains enough fiber, which removes waste and toxins from the body and contains substances that prevent the formation of fatty deposits.

A decoction of pearl barley can be used in the diet of patients who have inflammatory processes in the stomach. Its benefits are especially noticeable for speedy recovery patients after abdominal operations. Moreover, the benefits of such pearl barley broth will be the same regardless of whether it is prepared with water or milk.

The undoubted benefit of barley lies in the polysaccharides it contains. Thus, b-glucan, contained in this cereal in significant quantities, has a cholesterol-lowering effect. Therefore, regular consumption of pearl barley can remove excess cholesterol from the bloodstream, which harms blood vessels, and over time completely normalize its level.

100 grams of pearl barley porridge contains about 1.2 mcg of pure retinol (provitamin A), which is necessary to maintain the level of functioning of the body's immune system. This substance helps to increase the protective functions of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, preventing penetration into them pathogenic bacteria.

Silicic acid, also found in pearl barley large quantities prevents the deposition of toxins in the body and the formation, as well as bile and bladder. And although silicic acid does not have strong action, the introduction of pearl barley porridge into the diet can have beneficial influence on the condition of patients diagnosed with stones in these organs.

The high protein and fiber content will be useful for those who want to lose weight.

Now I regularly include this wonderful cereal in my diet. Here is one of my recipes

Recipe for making delicious pearl barley porridge with milk

The first stage of preparation takes 10-12 hours. Are you scared? In vain. In order to rinse the cereal and pour it cold water you will need at most 5 minutes. It is most convenient to do this at night, before bed. Then in the morning you can simply drain the pearl barley, throwing it in a colander - and it will be ready for cooking.

An important point: 1 two-hundred-gram glass of pearl barley should be soaked in 1 liter of water.

The second stage begins with heating the milk. We will need 2 liters of it.

Remember required quantity products are quite simple:

  • 1 glass of cereal;
  • 1 liter of water for soaking;
  • 2 liters of milk for cooking.
  1. The milk must be heated to 40 degrees, then put the cereal into it and continue to cook over an open fire until it boils. You will need to boil the porridge for another 5 minutes after the milk boils in it.
  2. Then the pan with porridge must be moved into a large pan with water and continue cooking in a water bath. A water bath is needed to prevent the milk from running away and the porridge from burning. In addition, this way there will be no need to stand over it. The porridge should be cooked in a water bath for 6 hours.
  3. For a long time? In time, yes. If you start preparing porridge in the evening, you can serve it on the table only for lunch next day. But the result is worth it. Each barley grain will double in size during cooking and acquire a noble fawn hue. And the porridge itself will have the aroma and taste of baked milk and will literally melt in your mouth. It would never even occur to anyone to call it “shrapnel.”

And now for those who consider this cooking method inapplicable due to the fact that it takes a lot of time, we will tell you how much time you will actually spend on it:

  1. rinse the cereal and fill it with water - 5 minutes;
  2. pour milk into the pan and heat for 7-10 minutes;
  3. drain the cereal and place in milk - 1 minute;
  4. bring to a boil and simmer for another 10 minutes, during which we prepare a large saucepan for a water bath;
  5. move the pan with porridge to water bath— 5 seconds;
  6. Once every half hour, go to the stove and check the water level in the water bath, if necessary, add it - 1 minute every half hour.

Moreover, the latter can be done not even by you, but by a retired father or a schoolchild son who is at home.

The rest of the time, the porridge does not require your participation at all; it prepares itself perfectly. It is soaked, soaked in milk and puffed in a water bath. And if you have a multicooker in your arsenal, the time for directly cooking the porridge is reduced to about an hour.

How do you prepare barley, write in the comments, I’ll be interested!

Contraindications and harm

  • Thus, pearl barley is not recommended for consumption by people with increased acidity stomach, and also prone to flatulence. The high content of gluten in cereals is to blame for this.
  • In addition, eating pearl barley can also be harmful during pregnancy. If gluten does not harm the baby in the womb, then expectant mother, whose body is actively restructuring, pearl barley can cause intestinal disorders.
  • Pearl barley can also be harmful to small children. Still, this cereal is difficult to digest, so it is recommended to introduce it into the diet of children over three years of age.
  • For the same reason, it is not recommended to use it too often. IN large quantities it can harm the digestive processes.
  • Also in in rare cases this cereal may be harmful to people with hypersensitivity to some allergens.
  • And now - the promised recipe for making pearl barley porridge. This cooking method takes quite a long time, although it requires very little actual effort and attention.

There is a rather ambiguous attitude towards pearl barley. Some people like her, but others can't stand her. However, it should be noted that this is one of the most useful. In this article we will take a closer look nutritional value and how pearl barley is useful for our...

What grain is pearl barley made from?

Barley is made from barley. Whole barley grain processed by grinding.
If the barley is crushed, then it is barley grits, it is not polished, and has an angular shape. Depending on the size and shape of the grain, pearl barley can be large, oval, small and round.

Did you know? There are several varieties of this cereal. The Dutch is considered the most delicious. Its grains are small, round, milky. This variety is the fastest to prepare.

What it contains: calories and chemical composition

Now let’s take a closer look at what is contained in pearl barley.

100 g of cereal consists of:

  • 10 g;
  • 10 g;
  • 1.16 g;
  • 62.12 g;
  • 15.6 g;
  • 11.1 g ash.
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • manganese;

100 g of pearl barley have a calorie content of 352 kcal.

Why is it useful?

Barley is very useful for:

  • enriches the body with essential macro- and microelements;
  • promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium by the body;
  • improves intestinal functionality;
  • stabilizes work;
  • helps with;
  • strengthens enamel;
  • has an enveloping effect, improves digestion;
  • reduces to level;
  • improves protective functions mucous membranes of internal organs;
  • helps fight stones and sand in the bladder (as it contains silicic acid);
  • supports ;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the lens.

No less useful is in which the porridge was cooked. It has the following properties:
  • improves digestion;
  • has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs;
  • has a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • is an effective hepatoprotector;
  • has expectorant properties;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.

The benefits of pearl barley for the body cannot be overestimated. Thanks to its vitamin E content, it helps normalize hormonal metabolism. The decoction improves lactation in. Regular consumption of cereals helps. Folic acid, which is contained in the product, is necessary for normal development fetus during .

Representatives of the stronger sex, of course, are interested in how pearl barley is useful for. Firstly, it is very nutritious and helps quickly replenish energy costs. Secondly, a decoction of pearl barley grains is useful to drink for prostatitis, as it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Thanks to vitamin E and collagen, pearl barley and its decoction are very beneficial for hair, helping to strengthen them, giving them a healthy shine, and preventing fragility and split ends.

Pearl barley in dietetics

Cereal is an indispensable product in terms of nutrition. This is explained by the following properties of cereals:

  • contains a lot of protein, accelerates;
  • helps cleanse the body of toxins;
  • improves digestion;
  • improves intestinal function;
  • normalizes hormonal metabolism;
  • saturates the body essential vitamins and elements that are prerequisite any diet.

How to select and store pearl barley

Good cereals, depending on the variety, have a light brown or milky white hue. There should be no black grains in it; their presence indicates a violation of the product’s storage. Also, the grains should not stick together. This defect indicates that the product was stored in conditions of high humidity.

Pearl barley is a type of processed barley. Pearl barley is obtained by removing the bran, husk and steaming from barley. The degree of purification of the cereal may vary - the more the cereal is cleaned, the less beneficial properties it will retain.

Pearl barley is often used as a side dish. It is added to salads, soups and desserts. This cereal can be eaten both hot and cold.

Pearl barley has fewer beneficial properties than whole barley.

Composition of pearl barley

Pearl barley contains antioxidants and a lot of fiber. Chemical composition 100 gr. pearl barley as a percentage of daily value presented below.


  • B3 – 10%;
  • B1 – 6%;
  • B6- 6%;
  • B2 – 4%;
  • B9 – 4%.

Pearl barley is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. It improves immunity, improves skin condition, prevents osteoporosis, heart and intestinal diseases. And that's not all beneficial properties pearl barley

Pearl barley is good for bones, thanks to its rich mineral composition. Not taking enough of these substances can lead to bone loss.

Copper in pearl barley reduces symptoms rheumatoid arthritis. It is necessary for the flexibility of bones and joints.

High blood pressure And high level cholesterol provoke the development cardiovascular diseases. Soluble fiber in barley reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, and also normalizes blood pressure.

Pearl barley is a source of vitamin B3, which protects the heart and blood vessels. Cereals prevent and strengthen the walls blood vessels, reduces platelet count and lowers cholesterol levels.

Copper in pearl barley is needed to maintain cognitive functions in old age and health nervous system and production of red blood cells. Manganese in pearl barley is important for brain health and strengthening the nervous system.

Antioxidants and selenium in pearl barley reduce the likelihood of asthma, which is accompanied by narrowing of the airways.

Barley eliminates constipation and diarrhea, and also relieves bloating and increased gas formation. It reduces inflammation and symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Cereals increase height beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. This is important for maintaining a healthy balance and increasing probiotic activity.

Pearl barley contains selenium, which is important for the metabolism of thyroid hormones.

In the kidneys and gallbladder Stones may form, which over time lead to pain and require removal. The fiber in pearl barley prevents their appearance and protects the urinary system from illness. It not only speeds up the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines, but also reduces secretion bile acids, an excessive amount of which leads to the formation of stones.

Barley contains selenium. It improves skin and hair health and also restores metabolic processes, saturating cells with oxygen. Pearl barley helps maintain skin elasticity and protects it from early aging.

Pearl barley protects against cancer and slows down its development. Selenium stimulates the production of substances necessary to fight cancer cells.

Barley for diabetes

The magnesium and soluble fiber in pearl barley protect against diabetes and reduce the risk of developing it by lowering blood sugar levels and improving insulin production. binds with water and other molecules when passing through digestive tract, slowing down the absorption of sugar into the blood. That's why moderate consumption pearl barley is useful for diabetes.

Barley for weight loss

Eating pearl barley reduces hunger and provides a feeling of fullness, which will lead to weight loss over time. This happens thanks to fiber. It slows down digestion and absorption nutrients. Moreover, soluble fiber affects abdominal fat, which indicates metabolic disorders.

People usually think about this cereal when they want to “cleanse” the body or declare war. excess weight. Most people do not have a very high opinion of its culinary merits. So should we have pearl barley in our diet? What are the benefits and harms of such a dish?

Pearl barley – tasty and healthy!

Many people associate this porridge with a hospital or army, but in the old days it was treated very differently. It’s not for nothing that pearl barley was given such a poetic name. It comes from the word “pearls” - pearls, because the polished grains resemble small pearls.

Pearl barley produces a diuretic, enveloping, antacid, antibacterial, emollient, antispasmodic, antiviral effect, improves blood composition, and reduces inflammation. It is recommended for almost everyone, but is especially indicated for diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and organs. genitourinary system. Barley tidies up digestive process, protects against cancer and gives a great mood.

Where do so many medicinal properties come from in ordinary pearl barley? Both the benefit and its harm to human health are determined chemical composition. It includes so many valuable components that it surpasses more famous cereals in health characteristics. So, it contains much more selenium than rice cereal.

Looking at the composition of pearl barley, you understand that this product must be included in the diet. It contains up to 20 vitamins, including A, E, K, D, PP, seven representatives of group B (including folic acid). She will share with the eater zinc, iron, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, copper, chromium, molybdenum and potassium. It contains fiber, and the protein and carbohydrate components are balanced in the best possible way.

Medicinal properties of pearl barley porridge:

  • regulates the digestive process, has a positive effect on the liver;
  • is a natural sorbent;
  • strengthens the immune system, prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the body (this effect is due to the fact that 100 g of pearl barley contains up to 1.2 mcg of pure retinol);
  • neutralizes free radicals (due to the presence of antioxidants), that is, prevents a person from aging early and reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • treats cough: the mucus it contains frees the bronchi from phlegm, envelops the walls of the alveoli, increasing their functionality;
  • relieves inflammation in the stomach, promotes ulcer healing;
  • prevents the formation of kidney, urinary and gallstones (silicic acid helps with this);
  • keeps the lens of the eye healthy (this quality is associated with the presence of lysine);
  • included in the diet of postoperative patients;
  • removes from the bloodstream bad cholesterol(as it contains b-glucan);
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • strengthens bones;
  • enhances lactation in a nursing mother;
  • activates brain activity(because of high content phosphorus), therefore pearl barley is recommended for those who are engaged in intellectual work;
  • helps in building up muscle mass, as it is rich in protein;
  • increases collagen synthesis, that is, maintains beauty, elasticity of the skin and slows down the appearance of wrinkles;
  • prevents the body from storing fat on the sides and helps in weight correction.

Important! It is better to eat it for breakfast twice a week.

An aphrodisiac on a plate? About men's secrets of pearl barley

Some men are dismissive of the “soldier’s” porridge. They call it “tarpaulin”, “shrapnel”, without even realizing how pearl barley affects the male body.

This affordable product was previously included in the army diet. Of course, not every member of the stronger sex will be happy if pearl barley is regularly included in the home menu. How do its benefits and harm compare for men?

Although she is not among the best folk remedies to increase potency, still has the ability to increase male strength. This dish will have a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. Porridge made from this cereal also serves to prevent diseases of the reproductive system. It is also a source of energy and a means of increasing muscle mass.

Important! To experience the positive effects of pearl barley, a man only needs to eat it once a day and no more than three times a week. If he begins to consume pearl barley porridge too often, it may have disservice– will reduce libido and reduce potency. That is, you shouldn’t partake with her!

Stop, barley! For whom is this an unwanted guest on the menu?

While praising (quite rightly) the benefits of barley, we must also note its harm to the body. This seemingly harmless porridge can harm pregnant women. The fact is that it contains gluten. It won’t do anything bad to the baby growing in the mother’s tummy, but it can cause intestinal upset in the woman.

Porridge made from polished grains is prohibited for those who follow a gluten-free diet. It can seriously worsen the condition of people with celiac disease.

Also pearl barley is not the most best product for children under three years old. Still, it is difficult to digest, so it is recommended to introduce it to the menu from the age of four.

There are several other cases when the harm from barley exceeds its benefits.

Contraindications for eating pearl barley:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • predisposition to flatulence;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • individual hypersensitivity to such a product.

How to lose weight and cleanse the body with pearl barley?

Barley can be found on the menu of many nutrition systems designed for weight loss. Its use inevitably leads to a reduction in body fat. The calorie content of the grain itself is 290 Kcal, but if you cook the cereal in water, then no more than 100 Kcal will remain in a 100-gram portion. To satisfy your hunger, only 150-200 g is enough, that is, a maximum of 200 kcal will appear on the plate.

Product value for weight loss:

  • saves muscle tissue(fat will go away, but the skin will not “sag”);
  • there is almost no fat in the cereal - only 2 g per 100 g;
  • short glycemic index– 30, for example, for oatmeal with water it is 40 (all products with a GI below 40 are suitable for weight loss);
  • makes the intestines work well, so eaten fats quickly leave the body;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • warns sharp jumps sugar, gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, eliminates snacking.

But “empty” porridge has such abilities - with water, without sauces, butter and spices. To make it tastier without losing its dietary characteristics, it is allowed to add fresh vegetables and fruits, low fat fermented milk products, greens.

By consuming this cereal, you can become thinner and healthier. Due to the presence of coarse fibers, pearl barley works as a sorbent: it frees the intestines from “garbage” - toxins, decay products, allergens. How to carry out an “audit” of it using pearl barley porridge?

Rules for “cleaning” the body with pearl barley:

  • Every day for 5 days, three times a day, you need to eat this porridge, cooked in water, plus fresh vegetables;
  • snack on natural juices, fruits or low-fat fermented milk;
  • the use of salt should be sharply reduced, and a little should be used to season the dish vegetable oil;
  • You should drink at least 2 liters per day clean water, V mandatory this should be done within 20 minutes. before meals.

A Culinary Digression

When describing the health benefits and harms of barley, one cannot help but touch on the nuances of its preparation. Although this cereal can be turned into a real culinary masterpiece by adding meat, aromatic seasonings, and “ennobling” it with sauce, the simplest recipe is most suitable for recovery - with water.

To prevent the porridge from turning out too hard and turning into a homogeneous mass (if you do not intend to cook a “mush”), you should wash and soak the cereal in cold water for 3 hours, or even better - until the morning.

During the cooking process, it “grows” three times. It must be prepared in a large bowl. The process is not complicated: 1 tbsp. Pour the soaked cereal into the pan. Add 2.5 tbsp. water. Keep on low heat for 30 minutes. Add salt or sugar. Simmer over low heat for another half hour.

To make the porridge crumbly, take 10 minutes. Before turning off the burner, put a little vegetable oil into it. Porridge should not be overcooked! It’s better to insulate it by wrapping it in a towel and let it “sit” for another half an hour.

The benefits and harms of which have long been known to everyone, it is irreplaceable in our diet, although many, to put it mildly, do not like it, in particular men who enjoyed it in the army. It’s not for nothing that people call it “peasant”.

The cereal is made from barley and its name comes from the word “perla”, which means pearl. This is due to the fact that its shape and color resemble this beautiful stone. We will devote our article to this particular product and try to figure out what the harm is, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product. useful product will also be considered by us.


A long time ago, Japanese scientists proved that barley is one of the most valuable products for our body, which is necessary to maintain health.

Pearl barley, the benefits and harms of which are also well known traditional medicine, contains vitamins A, B, E, D, PP. It is also rich in magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, chromium, nickel, potassium, iodine, bromine, and phosphorus. Barley is a rich natural source of amino acids; it contains lysine, which slows down the aging process, maintains skin elasticity and is involved in collagen production. This substance also has an antiviral effect, especially fights those viruses that cause herpes.

What medicinal properties does pearl barley have?

The benefits and harms in this case are ambiguous, because this porridge helps with various diseases thanks to its rich composition. So, for example, in case of illness gastrointestinal tract because of great content fiber, this cereal helps to get rid of constant constipation, as well as cleanse our intestines of unwanted deposits.

The water in which the barley was soaked is also very useful. It contains hordecin, which has antibiotic properties and cures various fungal diseases.

The benefits and harms of pearl barley are well known to people suffering from stone formations in the kidneys, gall and bladder, thanks to the content it contains, which has a detrimental effect on all kinds of toxins, sand and stones that have settled in our body.

This product has a beneficial effect on immune system, on the protective functions of the mucous membranes due to the provitamin A it contains.

How to cook pearl barley porridge correctly

Most of us don't like it healthy dish only because they cannot cook it correctly, so below we will describe how to prepare it pearl barley porridge.

In order to achieve crumbliness and “deliciousness”, you should try hard. Before cooking, be sure to wash the cereal under running water to remove dark coating. Then it should be soaked in water overnight - this way pearl barley, the benefits and harms of which were known to our ancestors, will cook faster. After this, you can proceed directly to the cooking itself. To do this, take one glass of cereal and one liter of water. It is very good to cook pearl barley in milk preheated to 40 o C. Next, you need to wait for the porridge to boil and continue cooking it in a water bath for about 6 hours. You can refuel butter, cream, full fat milk or onion-carrot frying.

Pearl barley diet

Below we will figure out what the diet that includes pearl barley is, what the benefits and harms of its use are, and whether it brings the desired results.

In the first days of use, nausea, dizziness, constant feeling hunger. But this, we repeat, is only in the first days. In order not to harm your health, follow some rules.

Compliance Rules

There are two types of pearl barley diet:

  • five-day;
  • seven days.

The five-day diet is more effective, since the diet includes only pearl barley, the beneficial properties of which are excellent for those who want to quickly say goodbye to extra pounds and significantly improve your well-being. It is only allowed to diversify drinks, for example, for a shift mineral water can come without gas green tea or herbal infusions.

The benefits and harms of pearl barley for the fight against extra pounds are incommensurable, since there are practically no contraindications to the diet. It is only forbidden to follow the pearl barley diet for people who have serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers in acute stage. Otherwise, it can be observed by everyone without exception.

The seven-day diet is distinguished by a wide variety of products, so, for example, if you follow it, you can use green apples and prunes in your diet for breakfast, add vegetable salad and lean meat, and diversify dinner with low-fat cottage cheese and kefir.

The benefits and harms of pearl barley

How is pearl barley porridge useful for weight loss? The first thing you should feel is lightness, because you got rid of extra pounds, toxins, fat that have accumulated in your body for a long time.

Among other things, the skin should also improve and look younger. But there is also some harm from its use.

Contraindications and harm

No matter how much I would like this, the topic of harm still has to be touched upon.

  1. People suffering from gastritis with high acidity should not consume pearl barley regularly.
  2. You shouldn't overeat on porridge if you suffer from constant constipation.
  3. You should not give pearl barley to small children and pregnant women because of the gluten content it contains.
  4. It is undesirable for men to overuse porridge. This can lead to digestive problems.

Pearl barley masks

Barley porridge rightfully deserves to be called one of the healthiest, but, as you know, everything should be in moderation. If you learn how to cook it correctly, it will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure when consuming it.