What causes clots during menstruation? Reasons why blood clots come out during menstruation. What influences the nature of female discharge

Are clots during menstruation normal or a symptom of some gynecological or other kind of pathology? This complaint is very common among women. different ages. But talk about some specific reasons why a doctor is unlikely to be able to see blood clots come out during menstruation without conducting at least a small examination and questioning. The fact is that clots of moderate size, less than 2 cm, if there are a small number of them, can be a variant of the norm; this is nothing more than endometrial tissue that exfoliates from the uterus. But abundant blood clots during menstruation, larger than 2-2.5 cm in size, should cause alarm. They indicate large blood loss. You need to pay attention to the amount of blood lost. Of course, doing this by eye is very problematic. But you can weigh it hygiene products before and after use. The difference in weighing will be the amount of blood lost. Normally, this is up to 50 grams for the entire menstruation. 50-80 grams is borderline, there is a risk of developing anemia if there are associated factors, for example, frequent nosebleeds, poor nutrition. And now possible reasons, consequences and solutions to the problem.

1. Just heavy periods. There are women who, because individual characteristics body or due to gynecological diseases such as adenomyosis and uterine fibroids, they lose a lot of blood during menstruation. In this case, surgery can help or conservative therapy. This includes oral contraceptives. This hormonal pills, protecting from unwanted pregnancy. But this is not their only purpose. When taken, the endometrium remains thin, so periods with blood clots are observed much less frequently. Menstruation becomes moderate or even scanty. However, you need to take into account that these tablets have many contraindications. Age over 35 years plus smoking, severe kidney and liver pathologies, history of thrombosis, etc. There are a lot of them. Therefore, you need to see a doctor first. The choice of drug is not made on the basis of hormone tests, contrary to popular belief. You can take any modern drug, which suits the price. If he gives side effects in the form of intermenstrual bleeding for more than 3 months, then it can be changed.

If oral contraceptives are not suitable for some reason, perhaps the woman is planning a pregnancy, then you can consider taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, for example). This drug will not only provide pain relief, if necessary, but will also reduce blood loss and the number of clots. Dosage - approximately 800 mg of Ibuprofen (Nurofen) or 500 mg of Naproxen per day. These drugs should not be taken in the acute phase of diseases of the digestive system.

2. Interrupted pregnancy. If during menstruation clots similar to liver come out, get checked for pregnancy. You can at least do a test. If there was a pregnancy, then even after its termination, hCG remains in the urine and blood for some time. If two lines appear on the test, you need to do an ultrasound. If the miscarriage was incomplete, uterine curettage will most likely be prescribed.

3. Iron deficiency anemia. It happens that blood clots during menstruation mean this particular pathology. And after its correction, taking an iron supplement for literally 3-4 months, menstruation becomes less abundant, health improves, skin color becomes healthy, not pale, hair stops falling out. Just be aware that there is a so-called hidden iron deficiency, which is not detected by a general blood test for hemoglobin. You need to donate blood for ferritin.

4. Sexual infections. In the case of abnormal menstruation, women are always tested for various sexually transmitted infections. The fact is that they can cause an inflammatory process in the uterus and affect the endometrium. Smears are given. And if endometritis is suspected, then discharge from the uterus can be checked for the presence of an infectious pathogen. Treatment of endometritis involves taking antibacterial agents.
It should be noted that an untreated inflammatory process in the uterus is practically a guarantee of infertility. And also - ectopic pregnancy.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that clots during menstruation are a reason to visit a doctor, but not to be upset. All this can be treated. If the gynecologist does not find the cause, visit an endocrinologist and hematologist. Perhaps they will be able to identify pathology in their part.

Many women experience whole blood clots along with menstrual blood in the first days of menstruation, and this is considered normal. The body usually produces anticoagulants, which prevent blood from clotting. However, when menstruation is heavy, the body does not have time to produce enough anticoagulants, which is why large blood clots form. Large blood clots are usually the result of heavy bleeding, so to prevent large blood clots from forming during your period, you need to prevent heavy bleeding in the first place.


Part 1

Detection of heavy menstruation and clots

    Pay attention to blood clots. One of the main signs of heavy menstruation (also called menorrhagia) is the presence of blood clots in the discharge. Blood clots larger than 2.4 cm in diameter should be considered large. Check the pad or tampon for large blood clots.

    • Blood clots look like regular menstrual blood, but they are a little more solid and jelly-like.
    • Small blood clots are considered completely normal occurrence, and you don't need to worry about them.
  1. Pay attention to how often you change your pad or tampon. If you change your pad or tampon every 2 hours, then you have a heavy period. Heavy menstruation usually interferes with your normal lifestyle and makes you constantly worry about a pad or tampon leaking.

    Pay attention to the duration of menstruation. Typically, menstruation lasts 3-5 days, although menstruation from 2 to 7 days is also considered normal. If your period lasts longer than 10 days, it means you are bleeding heavily.

    Pay attention to spasms. Cramping and pain can also be a sign of heavy menstruation. As noted, large blood clots are a sign of severe bleeding. These clots are often difficult to clear, causing cramping. Therefore, if you severe cramps, then heavy menstruation is quite likely.

    Pay attention to symptoms of anemia. Anemia is a lack of iron in the blood. Very often, anemia occurs with severe blood loss. The main symptoms of anemia are fatigue, lethargy, and weakness.

    Part 2

    Consultation with a doctor
    1. Write down all your symptoms. Before seeing a doctor, you should be well prepared: write down all your symptoms. Try to be more precise. Don’t be shy about the details, the doctor has seen and heard about everything.

      Get a blood test for anemia. If you are concerned that you are anemic, ask your doctor for a blood test. A blood test can determine the level of iron in the blood. If you have low level iron, your doctor will recommend taking certain food additives or vitamins containing iron.

      Get a physical exam. Doctors usually do a physical exam, including a Pap smear, to make the diagnosis. With a Pap smear, your doctor takes a small sample of cells from your cervix and examines them.

    Part 3

    Treating heavy periods and preventing clots

      Check with your doctor about taking NSAIDs. NSAIDs are a class of pain medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen. These medications help relieve pain associated with menstruation. In doing so, they also reduce the amount of blood lost during menstruation, which in turn can reduce the number of clots.

Every woman knows and has a presentiment if something goes wrong during her period. And one of the most common phenomena is that during menstruation the discharge comes in chunks.. Why does this happen, is it normal or pathological, which diseases can be considered harmless and which can lead to severe consequences- let's look at it below.

What is menstruation and the duration of the menstrual cycle

A woman's menstrual cycle - the period of time from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of another, on average (and is the norm for most women) is 28 days. It may vary significantly between different women and vary, especially at a young age, since the cycle is controlled by female sex hormones.

The cycle begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts up to 7 days, while the inner mucous membrane of the uterus - the decidual layer (endometrium) - is renewed, after which the body begins to produce specific hormones that serve as a signal for the creation of a new mucous membrane of the uterus.

The endometrium then thickens to accept the egg - this is around the 14th day of menstruation. When the ovary prepares a mature egg for release from the ovary into the fallopian tube, the period of ovulation begins (in the middle of the cycle). For a few more days the egg moves along fallopian tube ready for fertilization, but if it is not fertilized by a sperm, it will simply dissolve.

And if the whole body is already ready for pregnancy, but it does not occur, then the production of hormones decreases, the uterus rejects the endometrium, and the inner lining peels off - we observe this process in the form of menstruation.

This means that discharge during menstruation is a mixture of a small amount of blood, particles of mucous tissue and endometrium. Normal menstrual flow is up to 200 ml.

Top layer separation

Clot - what is it: why do large pieces of blood come out and how normal is this?

Availability blood clots in the discharge does not always indicate pathology. There can be many reasons for this. Normal discharge Every woman has her own color and thickness.

The body is designed in such a way that during menstruation it produces special enzymes that can act as anticoagulants and slow down blood clotting. When they cannot cope with a task effectively, when heavy menstruation- blood clots form. Such coagulated blood, dark burgundy in color with a jelly-like consistency and up to 10 cm long, is absolutely safe.

Also, do not worry if the clots are not accompanied elevated temperature, severe pain and high volume of secretions.

Clots should not bother you (without additional reasons) if:

  • You are under 18 years old;
  • If less than a month has passed since birth;
  • If you have recently had an abortion, surgery, curettage, miscarriage;
  • Do you use intrauterine contraceptives, causing copious discharge during menstruation;
  • You know that you have an abnormal position of the uterus, which makes it difficult for blood to flow out normally, causing clots to form.

Blood clots also form if a woman long time stayed in one position, and then abruptly changed it. For example, from horizontal (during sleep, rest) or sitting (in a bus, car, office) - to vertical (while walking). Thus, a woman moves from a stationary state to a mobile one, and the stagnation of blood in the uterus during calmness has time to coagulate, forming clots that come out as soon as movement begins.

This is considered the norm.

Such lumps are not a cause for concern if your normal body activity and hormonal state are not disturbed. If present painful sensations and increased discomfort – there are reasons for concern.

Menstruation with clots reasons

Hormonal imbalance

During adolescence. When a girl’s body is just beginning its menstrual activity and rhythmic ovulation has not yet been established. This is the time to establish the process; this period lasts about 2 years.

Then cycle duration failures are possible, high sensitivity body to stressful situations, any most insignificant negative factors. So, reproductive system may react with juvenile bleeding, prolonged periods of menstruation (up to 2 weeks) and blood comes out in the form of clots, like the liver.

Disturbances after childbirth or curettage of the uterine cavity. Within a month after the birth of the child or in the case surgical intervention The woman in labor may discharge huge bloody lumps. It is a normal phenomenon if there is no increase in temperature along with the discharge; otherwise, you need to check whether there are any fragments of the placenta left in the uterus.

During menopause, when the female reproductive and menstrual function(over 45 years of age).

Hormonal imbalance is visible if it occurs dysfunction of the endocrine glands and cycle failure, then a huge output with lumps is observed brown blood.

Often the disorder occurs in women after 45 years of age, during perimenopause. The frequency of ovulation decreases, the amount of blood and endometrium rejected is disrupted, discharge occurs with a large number clots.

Endometriosis and adenomyosis

Endometriosis. It is characterized by the growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus outside its boundaries, which is accompanied by painful and prolonged periods, cycle failure and an increased volume of blood that comes out.

Abnormal development of the uterine mucosa (adenomyosis) through damage to its walls is accompanied by constant severe pain and large volumes of discharge with clots.

Adenomyosis no longer affects only the space of the main female organ, but has a chance to move to the ovaries, intestines and other organs. The appearance of endometriosis is still unclear, although it is generally accepted that endometrial “dropouts” form on inflamed tissues. The reproductive space inside becomes like a honeycomb in painful lesions.

Blood doesn't clot well contractile function the organ is malfunctioning and clinical intervention is required for surgical treatment.

Polyposis as a disorder of the endometrium

For women after thirty years of age and even for those who are premenopausal (about 50 years old), discharge in the form of clots common occurrence. Endometrial polyposis (polyps) is a disorder of the internal tissues of the uterine cavity. These tissues grow, covering the uterine cavity in the form of polyps, which during menstruation may cause blood clots and pain in the lower abdomen, disorders monthly cycle through an unregulated “growth” of the uterine mucosa on the walls and the same unsystematic “removal” of it.

Endometrial disorder

These lumps are also caused by other diseases, such as:

  • Obesity– an excess of adipose tissue leads to disruption of the level of estrogen in the blood and affects the growth rate of the endometrium;
  • Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease or hypertension– accompanied by an increased amount of discharge due to disruption metabolic process in the body;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (pelvis), both internal and external: is infectious in nature and causes inflammatory reaction, in which the main role is played by blood vessels.

Ectopic pregnancy and pregnancy pathology

The pathology of pregnancy occurs when a pregnant woman discharges in large lumps (she may not even be aware of her “ interesting position"), this may warn of the threat of miscarriage. There is profuse bloody discharge, and menstruation is painful, with severe discomfort in the lower abdomen in the form of contractions.

Ectopic pregnancy is very rare occurrence, but it happens that during an ectopic pregnancy, brown dark pieces of small diameter are released.

Anomalies of the female genital organs

Early problems individual development the fetus, during pregnancy, may manifest itself in the form of abnormal sexual development, and the body of the uterus may have pathological form. That is, when separation in progress, the uterus functions abnormally, which leads to heavy bleeding and forms lumps.

Pathologies of the cervix and uterine cavity.

  1. Uterine fibroids. Benign tumor or the nodes disrupt the process of normal “removal” of the endometrium with the onset menstrual cycle. In such cases, periods are heavy and contain large clots. Such bleeding with pieces occurs as a result of menstrual irregularities, and can occur both during the day and at night.
  2. Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus- the most common disorder, with many blood clots coming out after menstruation, including dark clumps. May accompany diseases such as diabetes mellitus, increased body weight or hypertension.
  3. Oncological pathologies of the cervix and uterine cavity. Due to the obstructed movement of blood from the uterus and blood clotting still in the uterine cavity, many clots form and the menstruation itself is very painful. If you do not consult a gynecologist in time, a woman will develop a lot of “concomitant” diseases in protracted forms, which are manifested by constant bleeding.
  4. Availability cystic change ovary. Gynecological diseases ovarian related hormonal disorders. The process is painful, especially in the middle menstrual period, which manifests itself in the form of sharp pain in the lower abdomen, delayed cycles and vaginal bleeding between menstruation.

Endometrial hyperplasia

Taking medications to induce menstruation

It happens that a woman self-medicates with drugs like Norkolut or Dufason, which are applicable during delayed menstruation. The appearance of menstruation occurs with heavy discharge, which is associated with insufficient quantity progesterone. When a woman has more estrogen in her body than progesterone, it stimulates the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) to grow, it grows and an imbalance occurs.

There is a lot of endometrium, there are relatively few vessels and the cells begin to die, the vessels become exposed and bleeding begins, which can be prolonged and profuse. This leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Contraceptives and intrauterine device

Oral contraceptives may cause short-term bleeding (for example, between pills). Intrauterine device (IUD). It can be gold, silver or regular polymer. In 7 out of 10 cases it causes increased bleeding, as the body perceives the coil as foreign body.

With discharge from the uterus is coming along with clots. Some claim that such lumps appear in connection with monthly miscarriages, but this is a completely erroneous assumption, since contraceptive and is located inside the uterus. To prevent sperm from getting on the way to the egg, which means it cannot fertilize it.

Accordingly, the theory about miscarriages is completely baseless. Sometimes increased menstrual flow is associated with an individual reaction female body on a foreign body - a spiral.

Other (additional) reasons

When and for what discharge should you consult a gynecologist?

Any clots should alert a woman. You can't just ignore them.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist for an unscheduled examination if:

  • The discharge does not stop within 7 days;
  • Bleeding has not decreased in all days and has reached an amount of over 150-200 ml;
  • If bleeding occurs “at the wrong time”;
  • You are planning a pregnancy and trying to conceive a child: here clots may indicate egg rejection and possible miscarriage;
  • The discharge has a sharp, unusual odor or very large clots;
  • Discharge is accompanied by severe pain, this may indicate infectious (inflammatory) processes or hormonal imbalance;
  • Shortness of breath, weakness, lethargy, tachycardia, and pale skin appeared, which indicates large blood loss.

Methods for treating pathological processes during menstruation

If huge monthly blood losses are observed, with the formation of clots, then it is imperative to undergo a course of treatment.

  1. Conservative treatment– its goal is to replenish the body with iron. This is the use of vitamins and iron, both through food and medication, bed rest, especially during juvenile uterine bleeding and hormonal treatment.
  2. Surgical treatment- prescribed when difficult cases, such as uterine fibroids, the presence pathological endometrium, internal partition. It occurs by curettage or hysteroresectoscopy. In the most dangerous situations or in case of malignant pathologies, the uterus is removed.

Let's sum it up

The most important thing to remember is that clots can be normal if menstruation is painless, does not create additional discomfort and there are no disruptions to vital functions. And if you have concerns or doubts, the presence of blood clots in the form of a liver or a painful condition, make an appointment with a doctor, get examined to avoid diseases dangerous to your health.

Need to go gynecological examination, including ultrasound, to exclude any pathology of the uterus, do general analysis blood to determine a sufficient number of platelets. Next, the attending doctor will prescribe medications that will increase blood clotting and normalize hormonal background(depending on what disease is detected), and in complex malignant diseases- surgery is performed.

But it is better for a woman to be regularly observed by a gynecologist in order to prevent pathology, and not to get rid of its advanced form.

Video - traps for women. Painful periods

It is important for a woman to know what they should normally be critical days: how many days they can last, how much blood the body loses in one cycle. And if blood clots suddenly appear during menstruation, similar to liver, is this normal? Many reasons lead to increased bleeding during menstruation. This can be either a harmless pathology that is not life-threatening or serious. oncological diseases, as well as an incipient miscarriage or systemic diseases. Blood clots can appear in a woman of any age, but where is the line between normal and pathological?

Read in this article

Reasons for appearance

Uterine fibroids are the cause of heavy discharge in the form of clots


Therefore, the total volume of blood removed from the genital tract during menstrual periods... But its existence leads to the fact that clots are found in the secretions, and in general the mucus becomes more viscous. ... Very similar articles.
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  • The main symptom of hypermenstrual syndrome is excessive discharge (often with blood clots). ... Very similar articles. ... with the viscosity of blood, tumors reproductive organs, hormonal imbalance, liver diseases, etc.
  • Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

    Hello! You did not specify for what reasons you were diagnosed with a miscarriage last time. To confirm pregnancy, you need either a histological report from the uterine cavity (if there was curettage to stop bleeding), or positive test, or positive test blood for hCG. If none of this was done to you, then the diagnosis is not entirely correct. It’s difficult to say what the reason is now. In addition to pregnancy, uterine fibroids, polyps, endometriosis and other diseases behave this way. The algorithm should be approximately the following:
    1. pregnancy test or blood test for hCG (the latter is better and more informative)
    2. if the bleeding is very heavy and will not stop during conservative hemostatic therapy - curettage of the uterine cavity.
    3. As soon as the discharge becomes less, it is necessary to conduct a pelvic ultrasound to check for polyps, fibroids and clarify the condition of the postoperative scar.
    After such an examination, it will become clearer what is happening to you. In the future, you may need a more in-depth examination for hereditary thrombophilias and other blood diseases. This is the case if your periods are constantly heavy. All the best!

    From about 12 years old, every girl has a monthly menstrual bleeding. By the nature and regularity of these discharges one can judge the woman’s health status and any possible pathologies. It often happens that menstruation comes in clots. Why does this happen and is this a reason for an unscheduled consultation with a gynecologist?

    What is menstrual flow?

    Throughout a woman's entire menstrual cycle, the lining of the uterus prepares for the possibility of pregnancy. In order for the fetus to be securely attached to it, its walls constantly thicken. If the conception of a child does not occur, the next period begins, during which not only menstrual blood, but also the rejected endometrial layer comes out of the woman’s body. After the end of the monthly discharge, the endometrial layer will begin to grow again in anticipation of fertilization.

    Typically, the blood released during the “red days of the calendar” has clearly defined characteristics: a bright scarlet color, a rather unpleasant specific odor and low coagulability. On average, discharge lasts about 4 days, and during this time no more than 250 ml of blood leaves the female body. The nature of menstruation may differ significantly in the first and last days. At first they are scarlet in color and high intensity, and after the third day they become less abundant and acquire a brown or dark red hue.

    Read also:

    • When do periods start after childbirth?
    • How long does your period last after childbirth?
    • Duphaston for delayed menstruation

    Every woman childbearing age is well aware of the individual characteristics of her monthly discharge. In particular, many regularly experience fairly large clots ranging in size from 5 mm to 4 cm. Most often, this phenomenon, if it occurs constantly, is due to the fact that anticoagulant enzymes that prevent blood clotting cannot cope with excessive heavy bleeding. In this case, some of the blood may coagulate in the vagina, leaving it in the form of similar formations.

    Causes of clots during menstruation

    For what reasons does blood clot, why do menstruation also clot? The most common are the following.

    • Endometriosis, or pathological growth endometrial tissue. Absolutely all women of childbearing age can be susceptible to this disease. But in most cases it affects girls who have repeatedly had abortions and curettage. Usually this condition is accompanied by severe painful sensations, heavy menstruation and spotting before and after it.

    • Sometimes the first periods after childbirth begin in a similar way. This pathology can be caused by the fact that particles of the placenta remain in the uterus. IN advanced cases curettage may be required.
    • Immediately after the curettage procedure (for example, during a frozen pregnancy), notches may form on the uterine mucosa. Blood sometimes gets into such holes, which coagulates and is released along with menstruation in the form of clots.
    • When female hormonal levels are disrupted, namely the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, in some cases the blood clotting function is enhanced - this leads to the formation of clots.
    • Uterine fibroids - benign neoplasm, which changes the nature and process of menstruation.
    • Subject to availability intrauterine device Particles of the fertilized egg may come out in the form of clots.
    • Finally, a change in the nature of menstruation and the formation of blood clots can be caused by low hemoglobin, an excess of B vitamins, and abuse alcoholic drinks and nicotine, as well as psycho-emotional instability and regular stress.

    Should I see a doctor if my periods come with clots?

    As a rule, women do not go to the gynecologist if they notice blood clots during menstruation.

    Indeed, this is often a variant of the norm and does not require a medical examination.

    At the same time, in some situations it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to determine why your periods are coming with clots and to rule out the presence of serious illnesses The following symptoms may be a reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor:

    • heavy bleeding with clots when the pad gets wet in less than 2 hours;
    • sudden change in the nature of menstrual flow;
    • strong sharp pain in the stomach;
    • heavy periods with clots lasting more than 7 days;
    • presence of clots larger than 5 centimeters;
    • irritability, nervousness, feeling depressed and constant fatigue, feeling unwell generally.

    Treatment of pathological clots during menstruation

    In order to get rid of clots caused by any pathologies, it is necessary to first determine the cause. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs will be prescribed. This research method will be able to determine the presence or absence of the main cause of clots during menstruation - endometriosis. Can be used to treat it hormonal drugs. However, in most cases, only a drastic measure helps to completely get rid of this problem - surgery. In addition, the doctor may perform an MRI of the urogenital system to rule out the presence of any neoplasms.

    Also in case of complaints about the appearance in menstrual flow clots are almost always prescribed a blood test for male and female sex hormones, as well as a general blood test, which can be used to determine the level of hemoglobin. Depending on the detected cause, appropriate medicines, normalizing hormonal levels or increasing iron levels in the blood. Finally, along with complex treatment a disease that has caused changes in the nature of menstruation, ascorutin or calcium gluconate is very often prescribed.

    If your periods come in clots, this is equally likely to be both normal and a sign that requires medical intervention. It all depends on how typical this phenomenon is for a particular woman and whether it provokes serious blood loss in her. In addition, you need to be attentive to your well-being during menstruation and quickly respond to obvious deviations from the usual course of events.