Blood clots during menstruation. Brown periods with clots: causes and treatment

A regular menstrual cycle is the key to the health of every woman, but sometimes during absolutely normal periods unusual discharge is observed, which frightens many. These include the appearance of blood clots. They usually come out in chunks and are very disturbing to women. Usually, if it looks like meat, you should contact medical care. Sometimes the cause of such discharge is inflammatory process in the body or gynecological diseases.

Approximately one in three women experience discharge in the form of large pieces of blood during menstruation. They can be divided into two groups, the first of which is the norm and is not accompanied by others dangerous symptoms. The second type appears due to the presence of a gynecological disease in the body.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, the inner lining of the uterus gradually becomes thicker, thus preparing for possible fertilization. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrial layer, along with the blood, is torn off and comes out of the vagina, sometimes in the form of pieces of exfoliated endometrium, which is not a pathology.

Menstrual blood has a dark red color and a characteristic odor. Usually there are no clots present, but some women report the appearance of small pieces of blood as a monthly occurrence.

Appear when the enzymes responsible for its coagulation fail to cope with heavy discharge, so it can curl up directly into the vagina. For this reason, pieces that look like meat come out, but in fact it is just coagulated blood. When a clot comes out of the vagina, like skin or tissue, it may just be separated endometrium.

Main symptoms

Despite the fact that discharge in the form of clots is considered normal, in most cases you need to consult a gynecologist about this. You should urgently seek medical help in the following cases:

  • the size of the isolated pieces is more than 3 cm;
  • simultaneously with the clots, the woman’s temperature rises;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen.

If during menstruation a clot comes out simultaneously with other symptoms, a pathological process may develop in the body.

Pathological changes

When a woman's periods are usually long and heavy, there is no need to worry about this. But there are other reasons for the appearance of atypical discharge.

The enzymatic system is responsible for the normal process of blood clotting in women, failures in which lead to the appearance of small clots, which changes the nature of the discharge. They contain particles that did not have time to coagulate in time. If a woman's blood clots too quickly, a clot will certainly appear during her period.

A lack of enzymes most often leads to poor coagulation and the release of meat-like pieces. Such discharge also occurs with anemia in women. If at the same time as clots, weakness, high temperature, you can’t put off visiting a doctor.

Presence of an intrauterine device

An intrauterine device, which is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy, also often causes bleeding in the form of pieces. After its installation, menstruation changes slightly. Clots appear due to the fact that foreign body in the form of a spiral, does not always take root well in female body, as well as due to rejection of the fertilized egg.

Almost always, when installing an IUD, the color, nature and consistency of menstrual blood changes. A large piece also comes out due to the septum on the cervix, when the spiral does not allow the egg to attach to the walls of the uterus, and it comes out of the vagina in the form of bloody pieces. In this case, a large clot will appear every time during menstruation.

Adhesive processes

Changes in the structure of the uterine wall lead to the formation of adhesions. The uterine cavity is affected adhesive process and because of this, the normal menstrual cycle is disrupted. Menstruation can be quite scanty, but with the presence of clots, the size and number of which depend on the degree of development of adhesions.

Without treatment, adhesive formations often result in the absence of menstruation and infertility, so it is necessary to consult a specialist for any changes in menstrual blood.

Endometrial polyposis

When endometrial cells grow locally, polyps form. Because of them, it may appear big clot during menstruation. Endometrial polyposis is characterized by strong cutting pains. True, clots can come out at almost any time during the menstrual cycle. Discharge during polyposis increases, but its nature depends on the size of the polyps, which can separate and come out of the vagina as a clot.

Childbirth as a cause of clots

Women who have just given birth have no reason to worry, for whom heavy periods with pieces of blood are the norm. Childbirth is a complex process, which is why the female body requires a lot of effort to recover after it. After the birth of a child, excess epithelium comes out of the uterus simultaneously with blood discharge, so that in the best possible way clean its cavity.

During childbirth, the uterus participates in the process of the birth of a child. It contracts intensely, and after the newborn comes the placenta. But blood clots still remain in the cavity of the female organ and then come out along with menstruation. Such discharge should not bother a woman unless it is accompanied by a rise in temperature and poor health.

Termination of pregnancy

Sometimes the discharge of pieces of blood or tissue can mean termination of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion or medical intervention lead to discharges of this kind.


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, women will always have within ten days. Overall this normal phenomenon, because the body needs to cleanse itself of excess clots in the uterine cavity. Such discharge is not considered menstruation, but a kind of body response to stress after an abortion. Their duration depends on individual characteristics woman's health.

In this process important role plays color and size bloody discharge. Strongly large pieces blood, abdominal pain, fever should be a reason immediate appeal to the doctor. The type and amount of blood released depends on the type of abortion. At drug interruption During pregnancy, heavy bleeding is observed only in the first days after taking the drugs, and then they become spotting.

Vacuum and surgical abortion characterized by copious discharge. Availability of any additional symptoms at the same time can be dangerous to a woman’s life.


A large blood clot in some cases means a miscarriage early pregnancy. One more characteristic feature miscarriage is the appearance of gray mucus with a yellow tint. Conception is interrupted by various reasons when the fertilized egg is not accepted by the body.

Every month a woman goes through the same thing - the onset of menstruation. Simple natural process brings a lot of worries, and in some cases, pain. The color, quantity, consistency, and duration of the discharge are important.

Clots during menstruation: a warning sign?

A woman's biological role is determined by her ability to bear children. If the egg is not fertilized, the endometrial layer peels off and is released as blood. But if blood clots appear or a woman notices other changes in her body during menstruation, she should consult a doctor.

A third of women experience clots during menstruation childbearing age, they can be divided into two groups: some consider such manifestations to be the norm, others, noticing large pieces of blood, go to a specialist.

If you remember that you once had a similar situation, you should not rush headlong to the doctor. Isolated cases when blood comes out, so to speak, in “pieces”, are natural, but with regularity it is worth taking care of your health. For peace of mind nervous system simple gynecological examination will answer the question: “Why do pieces of blood appear and is this associated with serious diseases?”

What precedes the appearance of blood clots?

Why during critical days Can the discharge be in the form of clots? First, let's remember the basic norms of discharge:

  1. The blood is scarlet in the first days of menstruation, and darker until brown, in recent days.
  2. The blood doesn't clot.
  3. The maximum loss is 250 ml.
  4. Heavy discharge occurs 2–3 days after the start of menstruation.

Blood clots or blood clots are a common occurrence during menstruation for some women. After a detailed examination, after contacting a gynecologist with similar problem, disturbances are identified at the level of body systems (for example, endocrine system) and at the organ level (for example, uterus, ovaries). The causes of such discharge may be diseases various systems body, which we’ll talk about later.

Possible causes of blood clots

Clots during menstruation may appear in the following cases:

  • Insufficiency of enzymes - anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting in the walls of the vagina. This is why blood clots may appear during menstruation. Massive bleeding determines the onset iron deficiency anemia. Enzyme deficiency can hardly be called a pathology or disease, but a regular course of medications will help cope with increasing anemia.
  • Over the course of a long time, the body presents more and more surprises: appetite disappears, general weakness, and during menstruation the scarlet color of the blood changed to permanent brown, and blood clots became an integral part of this period? After a row gynecological examinations Often the gynecologist makes a diagnosis of “endometrial hyperplasia.” More simple and accessible language, the endometrial layer grows excessively and is not completely shed during menstruation.
    This serious illness does not develop out of nowhere, it is preceded by numerous hormonal disruptions, endocrine diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, obesity, arterial hypertension.
  • The main organ of the female reproductive system is the uterus. Uterine fibroids are benign neoplasms. The inner layer of the organ changes and becomes lumpy. Menstruation periodically appears, accompanied by strong and profuse discharge, and after removal benign tumor Brown clots are a common surprise during menstruation.
  • There is no reason for young mothers to be upset, much less panic. In the first month after childbirth, women notice slight discharge in the form of blood clots, which is normal. However, do not forget about other symptoms: blood clots that occur simultaneously with an elevated temperature are a sure sign of infection in the uterus. In this case, an appointment with a gynecologist is carried out urgently.
  • According to medical workers, the endocrine system is the conductor that controls the body. This means that when the endocrine system is disrupted, first of all, the functioning of hormonal-dependent organs and systems, including the reproductive system, is disrupted. At hormonal imbalances at work thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, blood clots may appear.
  • Endometrial polyposis or local proliferation of endometrial cells in the form of polyps. This disease is one of the reasons for the appearance of lumps during menstruation and other clinical symptoms– pain in the lower abdomen of a cutting nature (due to trauma to polyps large sizes), frequent between menstrual bleeding. It’s easy to find out what polyps look like - photo in medical books or on the portals they will help.
  • Intrauterine device - contraceptive method, preventing the fertilization of an egg or the attachment of a fertilized one. With an intrauterine device, clots appear periodically; in their composition, upon cytological examination, parts of a fertilized egg are isolated.
  • Is the color of the released clot gray-yellow? Possible reason- rejection of the fertilized egg. Establishment main reason Spontaneous abortion can be achieved by a doctor, whose consultation is necessary.
  • An ectopic pregnancy may be asymptomatic until certain period, but soon there is an obvious clinical picture requiring urgent medical attention. Clinical manifestations: sharp increase body temperature, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left, discharge of blood in brown clots.
  • Do not forget that excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and constant stressful situations, can also be the reason why clots appear during menstruation.

Don't rely on chance. Contact your gynecologist. Untimely health care will negatively affect not only the state of the reproductive system and the ability to give birth, but also the entire body.

Abnormal periods are a problem that almost all representatives of the fair sex have encountered. State women's health is reflected in the features of the menstrual cycle as in a mirror.

Menstruation with blood clots and mucus, as well as any changes in the duration of the cycle, is a reason to take a closer look at yourself.

What is it

Bloody menstrual discharge contains more than just blood. In fact, they are a mixture of blood, rejected endometrial cells and vaginal mucus. Normally, their volume is about 80 ml and they may contain small blood clots. If the number and size of clots increase, this may be one of the first symptoms of a gynecological disease.

Another warning sign is a change in the smell of the discharge. It usually smells like raw meat or iron. The appearance of something disgusting is a direct indication of problems in the reproductive system.

Among the reasons that provoke heavy periods with blood clots and mucus may be:

  • Postpartum period;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Abnormal structure of the uterus;
  • Installation of an intrauterine device;
  • Gynecological diseases of various origins.

In the latter case, the abnormal appearance of the discharge is often accompanied by unpleasant odors.

Clots larger than 2 cm in size are considered to be large. When they appear, it is better not to look for a way to stop heavy periods on your own, but to contact a gynecologist. By self-medicating, a woman risks wasting time and only aggravating the problem.

Causes of unpleasant odor during menstruation

There are various factors, causing the appearance of an unpleasant odor during the menstrual cycle. Some of them are safe for health and are of an extraneous nature. Others indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Improper hygiene

Neglect hygiene procedures- not the best best solution, especially during menstruation. A sanitary tampon or pad is an ideal environment for the rapid development of putrefactive microorganisms.

It's warm, humid, and has a rich source of nutrition - protein contained in the secretions. If hygiene product If you don’t replace it in time, it will be impossible not to notice the presence of bacteria - the increasing smell of rotten meat will indicate it.

This is the most easily removable cause of the problem. However, its appearance with careful adherence to the rules intimate hygiene- a fairly serious signal about trouble in the body.

Infectious diseases

Violations of intimate hygiene are far from safe. The “reserve” of microorganisms in the most intimate part of the body is a real time bomb.

Menstruation with the smell of rotten meat is a symptom of several diseases, including:

  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Endometritis;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Sexually transmitted infections.

For candidiasis vaginal discharge become abundant, curdled, their smell is usually sour, less often putrefactive, intensifying during menstruation. IN menstrual flow there are mucus impurities.

Admixtures of foamy, foul-smelling mucus in normal bloody discharge during menstruation are one of the symptoms of Trichomonas colpitis. – characteristic symptom of this disease, they persist throughout the entire cycle. If you suspect infection with Trichomonas, you should consult a gynecologist. In the absence of treatment, possible serious complications, including infertility.


Clinical manifestations of different gynecological diseases are very similar, so self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable.

But still, if you find blood clots during your period, consult your doctor and undergo an examination to determine the cause of their occurrence. We will try to understand the main reasons why periods come in clots further in the article.

Why do clots come out during menstruation?

Throughout the entire cycle, the inner lining of the uterus prepares for the onset of probable pregnancy, gradually thickens. If pregnancy does not occur during menstruation, the rejected endometrial layer comes out with blood. Approximately 250 ml of blood (40-60 ml per day) is lost by the female body during the four days of menstruation. Menstrual blood, as a rule, has a bright red color, low coagulability and a specific odor. A woman’s body replenishes blood loss quite quickly, so there is no need to worry about this.

The color of blood and its consistency change during menstruation, which is normal. At the beginning of menstruation, the blood is scarlet; towards the end, its color becomes dark red or brown. These changes in blood color are considered normal.

It happens that a woman develops blood clots (blood clots) during menstruation, measuring 0.5-4 cm. For some, their appearance in menstrual blood is a common occurrence. It is due to the fact that anticoagulant enzymes that prevent blood clotting cannot cope with heavy menstrual bleeding, and some blood clots in the vagina. This contributes to the fact that menstruation comes in clots. Heavy menstrual bleeding often causes anemia. Therefore, if the amount of blood loss during menstruation is large, you should undergo a medical examination.

Why is my discharge brown after my period? There is a very clear answer to this question. Since the main volume of bloody discharge occurs during the first two or three days, then the amount of blood released gradually decreases. Changes in iron levels in the blood lead to a change in color.

Another situation is when there are scant brown discharge instead of menstruation. As a rule, this is a warning sign. For women who have entered menopause, this behavior of the body is typical, since reproductive functions gradually decrease, but the endocrine system still produces hormones to create favorable conditions for conception.

As for teenage girls, they may also experience brown discharge and scanty periods. Especially - on initial stage, when the young organism has not yet completely adjusted to new level growing up. This determines the scarcity and color of the discharge.

Brown discharge on the day of menstruation, as a rule, is the very first discharge, which seems to warn about the onset of menstruation. The second day is considered the most abundant. At this time, the girl loses from 50 to 150 mm of blood.

If a girl notices that she has brown discharge, but her period should be later according to schedule, then it is better to consult a gynecologist. Such discharge can be both a harbinger of menstruation and a sign of a serious illness.

With the disease endometrial hyperplasia, often appear large clots blood during menstruation. A characteristic feature of this disease is excessive growth of endometrial tissue. Endometrial hyperplasia is caused by diabetes mellitus, hormonal changes, obesity and hypertension. Symptoms of the disease: weakness, poor appetite, brown periods with clots.

Uterine fibroids – benign neoplasm in the uterus. In this pathology, the main female organ becomes lumpy and increases in size, normal cycle menstruation is disrupted. Subsequently, heavy, painful periods with large clots may appear.

Within 30 days after giving birth, a woman may have bleeding with clots. This is the norm. If such discharge is combined with a high temperature, this may indicate the presence of placental remnants in the uterus. A visit to the doctor in this case is mandatory.

Brown periods with clots can be caused by hormonal imbalance. Hormones regulate all processes that are associated with the menstrual cycle. Hormonal disruptions at the level of the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and brain disrupt monthly cycle and may affect clot formation.

A disease called endometrial polyposis - focal growth endometrial cells in the form of polyps can also become a provoking factor for the appearance of clots. Polyps can reach large sizes and prevent the egg from implanting in the uterus. Signs of endometrial polyposis: menstruation comes in clots, stomach hurts.

The intrauterine device can also be one of the reasons causing menstruation with clots. In this case, clots are parts of an egg that comes out with blood that has been fertilized.

If your periods come with clots, the reason often lies in an abnormality in the development of the uterus. Pathologies that disrupt the normal flow of blood during menstruation include the intrauterine septum: unicornuate and double uterus.

If you find a large clot during your period, you most likely have an early miscarriage. Gray-yellow color blood clots indicate that conception has taken place, but for some reason the fertilized egg was rejected. Visiting a doctor in such a situation is necessary.

It should be noted that brown periods with clots are observed in women suffering from anemia. To increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, doctors usually prescribe iron-containing medications. Women suffering from this disease should include liver, meat, apples, beets, and eggs in their diet.

If blood clots appear during menstruation, there may be an excess of B vitamins in the body, which is also one of the reasons.

Brown periods with clots, accompanied by severe abdominal pain and high fever, may be a sign of the initial stage ectopic pregnancy posing a mortal threat to a woman’s life. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, go to the hospital immediately.

Reasons that cause menstruation with clots also include smoking, alcohol abuse, elevated temperature body, stress.

It happens that women experience brown discharge before menstruation. The reason for this is often various women's diseases. But it should be noted that when menstruation begins with a “daub,” as a rule, there is nothing wrong with that. If the discharge is brown before menstruation, observed several days before its appearance, this is no longer the norm.

Such violations often occur when hormonal imbalance, which is temporary in nature, as well as in diseases such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, adenomyosis.

The reason why periods are smeared brown is quite often endometrial polyps, endometrial hyperplasia (a condition that often precedes uterine cancer).

Sometimes the reason that periods are brown and scanty can be cervical erosion.

Therefore, to find out the real reason why your periods are brown, consult a doctor. After all, if a disease is detected in time, it can be cured faster and more effectively.

Intrauterine device, contraceptives

As a rule, light brown periods appear in a woman after she has had intrauterine device. This is specific side effect this method protection against unwanted pregnancy. If no abnormalities were detected during diagnosis using ultrasound or other examination methods, then normalize this state possible with the help of medications prescribed by your doctor.

When a woman takes hormonal contraception, she may experience brown discharge. When using these drugs, endometrial atrophy may develop. If upon admission birth control pills Over the course of 3-4 cycles, instead of menstruation, you have scanty brown periods, you should give them up.

Surgical interventions

Any intrauterine surgical procedure - medical abortion, removal of polyps in the uterus, removal of fibroids, laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, removal of part of the uterus, curettage - may also be the reason why periods are brown and scanty. Please note that if the discharge is bad smell If pain and fever appear, you should consult a doctor.

Sexually transmitted diseases

When a woman had hypothermia and then her cycle was disrupted, this usually indicates the presence of inflammatory diseases cervix, uterus and its appendages. In addition, if a woman has had suspicious sexual intercourse, and she feels pain in the abdomen, burning and itching in the vagina, discomfort during sexual intercourse, the reason is most likely the presence of hidden sexually transmitted infections, which include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. .

External factors

Do you have brown periods? The reasons may often be hidden in external factors. Constant nervous feelings bad dream, chasing the parameters of a supermodel or, on the contrary, overeating, heavy physical activity, bad habits, acclimatization - all these factors have an extremely negative impact on our health and can be the reason why periods are brown and irregular. Take care of your health, take walks fresh air, give up bad habits, because your health depends only on you.

Brown periods with clots: treatment

Menstruation with clots is not always a sign of pathological disorders in the female body. The main reasons to seek medical help may be:

  • when a woman has scanty or heavy periods with clots that were previously unusual for her;
  • menstruation comes in clots, their duration is more than 7 days, the stomach hurts severely;
  • the feeling doesn't leave you severe fatigue;
  • a clot came out during menstruation large size, having a yellowish-gray color;
  • menstruation comes with large clots, and they have an unpleasant odor;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • heavy bleeding.

Diagnosis and treatment of bleeding with clots involves treating and eliminating the causes that caused their appearance. In case of uterine pathology, after a thorough full examination and procedures such as hysteroscopy and hysterography are often prescribed surgical method treatment.

If no pathologies are detected on ultrasound, the gynecologist will most likely prescribe an examination aimed at identifying neoplasms in the urogenital system - magnetic resonance imaging computed tomography. If the diagnosis showed the absence of tumors, the gynecologist will prescribe medical supplies containing gestagens. In case of heavy bleeding associated with the onset of menopause, are appointed hormonal drugs containing progesterone.

Monophasic contraceptives are prescribed in the presence of uterine fibroids. They restore the balance of hormones and help reduce bleeding. If treatment does not bring any results, then they are used to remove fibroid nodes. operative method. When the disease is severely advanced, it becomes necessary to remove the entire uterus. On at the moment embolization is used to treat fibroids. This modern technique involves blocking blood access to fibroid nodes, as a result of which tumor cells stop multiplying, growing and dying.

To identify endometriosis, either laparoscopic examination or hormonal drugs are prescribed. This disease is dangerous because in many cases it is asymptomatic, and if not treated promptly it leads to infertility.

If tests show that bleeding is associated with low level hemoglobin in the blood, you will most likely be prescribed iron supplements, for example, tardiferon.

If your periods come in clots, but no diseases or pathologies have been identified, the doctor will prescribe you calcium gluconate or ascorutin.

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Regular menstruation in a woman reproductive age- This physiological phenomenon, by which one can judge gynecological health. Heavy periods with blood clots can cause a variety of reasons, but if this does not repeat every cycle, then it is not correct to talk about the presence of pathology. In this material, we will understand why heavy periods occur with blood clots, how this can be dangerous for health, and how to stop the process at home so as not to harm your body. We will also consider situations when it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Common reasons for having heavy periods with clots

In order to understand the common causes of menstruation with clots, you need to understand the physiology of the menstruation process itself. After puberty, each woman has her own cycle, during which the body prepares for ovulation and possible fertilization of the egg. Ovulation is not a monthly process; in some cycles it is absent. And this can affect the state of the uterine mucosa, whether or not it is preparing to receive a fertilized egg. In the first case, the thickening is insignificant, blood vessels not dilated, minimal bleeding, without clots or foreign inclusions. In the second case, the place probable growth the placenta will be stunned by the enhanced circulatory network, which provokes heavy menstruation upon his rejection. Due to the large volume of blood, dense clots can form at the rupture site.

Rejection of the mucous layer is a protective mechanism that does not allow the development of various tumor processes. In the absence of fertilization, all excess tissue is rejected and removed from the uterine cavity naturally.

If your period comes with clots during the cycle when ovulation occurs, this is considered absolutely normal, physiological process. An unformed placenta with a well-developed circulatory network can emerge in the form of various dense inclusions. She is literally permeated tiny capillaries. Therefore, the mucous membrane may look like a blood clot.

Why do heavy periods with clots cause anxiety and concern about your health? First of all, because of the unpleasant appearance and lack of basic literacy in this matter. Experts recommend that in case of any unusual phenomena in the gynecological area, immediately consult a doctor for preventive examination. This can be done during menstruation. In the arsenal modern medicine there is a huge number of diagnostic tools that allow you to instantly establish correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is worth knowing that normally, during menstruation, a woman loses approximately 260 milliliters of blood over the entire period. Physiological blood loss in 1 day is 60 ml. Color - scarlet, no foreign inclusions. Starting from the 3rd day, the blood becomes cherry or dark brown color and small clots may appear. This indicates that the blood clotting mechanism is activated, which prevents excess blood loss.

The blood clotting system is based on the aggregative properties of platelets (their ability to stick to each other and form blood clots). At normal physiology under the influence of hormonal factors at the beginning of menstruation, aggregation decreases, which promotes painless and unhindered discharge of the mucous membrane. But the effect of the hormonal factor is short-lived. After 48 hours the blood acquires its normal properties. Blood clots begin to form in order to prevent massive blood loss and stop menstruation. It is this factor that can cause heavy periods with clots (thrombi). And what’s most interesting is that it is this factor of thinning and subsequent restoration of blood that plays an important role in preventing the development of strokes in women in the period before menopause.

Pathological causes may also be present and should not be forgotten. Most often, heavy periods with blood clots cause the following diseases:

  • hyperplasia of the mucous layer due to obesity, diabetes mellitus, hormonal pathologies and hypertension(rejection of the thickened layer occurs, resulting in extensive blood loss);
  • uterine fibroids are accompanied by changes in menstrual cycle and causes pain and profuse menstruation;
  • polyps of the uterus and its cervix are another reason, and the release of blood clots is typical from the first day of bleeding;
  • an incorrectly installed intrauterine device injures tissues and can cause discharge even during a period of rest;
  • false pregnancy - the placenta forms, grows, and then is rejected during one of the cycles;
  • hydatidiform mole;
  • consequences after childbirth and spontaneous abortions in the form of placental remnants;
  • endocrine pathologies in the form of damage to the adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid gland and hypothalamus can cause heavy bleeding and disorders of the blood clotting system.

The possibility of early spontaneous termination of pregnancy should not be ruled out. Especially if there are unnaturally large clots with mucous contents. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take a blood test for hormones. At elevated level An ultrasound is performed and, if necessary, curettage of the uterine cavity in order to eliminate the threat of hydatidiform mole.

In what cases should a doctor’s help be immediate?

Situations are different and in some of them, medical help should be provided immediately because there is a threat to the woman’s life. In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

First of all, you should pay attention to general health. If dizziness is present, severe pain lower abdomen, this may be a symptom of a developing rupture of the fallopian tube or ovary. This happens most often due to a developing ectopic pregnancy.

Second important factor- delay of menstruation (at least 72 hours). This may indicate pregnancy spontaneous miscarriage. Required thorough examination and gynecological surgery as necessary.

Duration of menstruation - if it exceeds the usual by at least 3 days, suspect pathological bleeding.

How to stop heavy periods with clots - what to do?

The question of how to stop heavy periods with clots worries every woman who is faced with a similar problem. The most the right choice If you contact a doctor, the specialist, based on the examination data obtained, will be able to recommend an adequate treatment regimen. But you can also do something at home. So, what to do during menstruation with clots to stop blood loss? First of all, you should give up bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol), as they have negative influence on the blood clotting system. The second is to eliminate unusual physical activity. This doesn't mean you need to lie down in bed and not move. Not at all. But you should definitely not run, jump or lift weights during this period, since stress combined with tension muscle fibers may increase bleeding.

Review your diet if it is large number bakery products, sweets, then this can cause an excess content of B vitamins. They negatively affect platelet aggregation, forming blood clots during menstruation. Introduce large amounts into your diet fresh fruit and vegetables - the vitamin C and iron they contain will help the body stop. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day, not counting tea, coffee, broth and other liquid dishes.

If the bleeding increases, it is important to get tested. It includes ultrasound, hysteroscopy, general and biochemical analysis blood, coagulogram and hormone test. In controversial cases, a magnetic resonance computed tomogram is prescribed.

If pathologies are identified, etiotropic treatment is prescribed. Thus, in particular, in the presence of endometriosis, the use of various drugs With hormonal factor influence, and in case of fibroids, embolization is performed to prevent its growth and stimulate the reverse process of tumor development. At hormonal disorders a corrective technique may be indicated pharmacological drugs. This is carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.

For anemia, medications containing iron are prescribed (Ferroplex, Tardiferon and others). Taking Ascorutin, which strengthens vascular wall, ascorbic acid. In some cases, a decoction of nettle helps; how to drink it correctly is described here.