Famous phrases of Adriano Celentano. Adriano Celentano: quotes from films, aphorisms, sayings. Quotes from Adriano Celentano from other films

Despite the fact that no new films with his participation have been released for almost 15 years, the films included in Celentano’s golden fund are still popular. ELLE - about films, quotes from which have become aphorisms and catchphrases.


The second film, made by Celentano together with director Sergio Corbucci, enjoyed incredible success both in Italy and in the Soviet Union. Critics, dissatisfied with the fact that Corbucci, known for hard westerns (Django, which inspired Tarantino's Django Unchained), betrayed the genre for the sake of pure comedy, Bluff was criticized, but the audience did not care. Immediately after “Bluff,” Sergio Corbucci shot, by the way, another hit of the Soviet film distribution, “Signor Robinson,” in which women’s breasts were shown, and it was, of course, a bomb.

Listen, mosquito, if you say anything else, I'll beat you! But since you're at a different weight, there won't be a fight.

What will you drink?

Half a double whiskey.


The script for the aforementioned “Signor Robinson” was written by the duo Franco Castellano and Giuseppe Moccia (by the way, co-authors of Ryazanov’s masterpiece “The Adventures of Italians in Russia”). It was Castellano and Moccia who became Celentano's next partners, after Corbucci, in the great business of producing super comedies. The first on the list was the satirical “Uncle Adolf, nicknamed the Fuhrer,” about which many say that Celentano played his best role in it. But the second was the comedy “Velvet Hands”, where our hero, without much changing his role, still surprised the audience by portraying an engineer in love. Not without an adventurous streak, of course.

Tell your brother not to make things up! Names must be normal! Otherwise, last time I called them Giovanni Pascudini, Nicollo Perdalucci. No good


Ornella Muti was 24 at the time of filming, Celentano was 41. She fell in love with him without memory, and the heart of the convinced bachelor trembled. According to rumors, an affair began between the actors, and for Celentano, a promoter of family values ​​and marriage, this relationship became the only trip “to the left,” which he later repented of. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is the film itself, incredible, funny, a true classic, a national blockbuster, which earned, scary to say, 40 million dollars at the Italian box office - and this in 1980! Celentano's character, farmer Ilia, a macho, sexist, whom today's feminists would crucify, is the ideal bad guy, for whom beauties are ready to go through thick and thin, and trade Valentino dresses for simple village joys.

You will live with me for the first time, and then go home in the morning.

Or let's do it as I said!

Or as I said, let's do it.

- Why are you so interested in my plans for the weekend?

- I’m thinking where to go so as not to meet you.

I will definitely marry you, at least we’ll call you

You haven't said anything about my suit yet.

What should I have said?

I put it on for you. Do you like it or don't like it?

But you were in it yesterday too.

No, yesterday it was different. Today I'm wearing a Valentino suit.

From Valentino? I thought it was yours.

Listen, are you really like this or are you pretending to be?

I really am, I'm just pretending.

- My name is Lisa.

- It's not your fault.

I can't make love to a woman unless I'm in love with her.

How many times have you fallen in love?



Another comedy on a card theme (after “Bluff”), now in its purest form: Celentano portrays a gambler who preferred a fight at the card table to his wedding night, won, and then was killed and returned to his wife in the form of a ghost. The wife of Celentano's hero is played by the Italian sex bomb Edwige Fenech, for whom all the men in the country went crazy.


Police. Who's speaking?


Yes, it's the police! Who's speaking?


I thought about my future. Just great! Imagine - I get up at six in the morning, take the metro to the city hall... seven hundred thousand a month, plus a bonus... home at seven... dinner, TV, and then sleep.

-Are you satisfied?

- You can shoot yourself.


The second and last joint film of Celentano and Ornella Muti, a stupid but touching and funny love story between a bus driver and a princess. Another killer movie hit that forced most Italians to part with money for movie tickets. The Soviet audience also did not stand aside.

Fine. But with one condition.

I don't accept any conditions. With which one?

You are beautiful, and I am much more beautiful!

Free on Monday at five?

Sorry, I'll be busy.

In 20 years you will be 40... But somehow I will get through it

We've been together for three years, and in all this time you've only called me first twice.

I agree, I'm a bit confused.


A comedy in which the formula “A man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey” is embodied almost literally. Celentano plays a kind of Tarzan, discovered in the jungle and transported to Italy, where a beautiful scientist tries to make a man out of him. The intellectual Carole Bouquet is needed here, as they say, for furniture, but what a one! And Celentano takes the image of a charming and uncouth male to the absolute extreme.

What are you doing here?

Go do something else somewhere.


The benefit performance not only of Celentano, but also of three popular comedians in Italy, Enrico Montesano, Carlo Verdone and Diego Abantantuono, turned out to be vulgar, but still funny. Celentano follows here the well-trodden path of his hero from The Taming of the Shrew: again an unsociable boor, treats women poorly, they are ready to commit suicide because of him, but he doesn’t give a damn about himself. Some dialogues and jokes could easily fit into The Taming. Only Ornella Muti is not here, alas.

I'm frozen.

The penultimate film by Celentano and the duo Franco Castellano and Giuseppe Moccia was made according to the standard scheme, in which Celentano is given the usual role of the imperturbable breaker of women's hearts. In this case, the authors walk the very edge: the star’s partner is Federica Moro, Miss Italy, for whom “Beautiful Boy” became her film debut. The piquant thing is that Moro turned 17 at the time of filming.

A car is a transport for paralytics!

To Milan.

In pajamas?

What's wrong?

Okay, I'll put on another one.

Italian actor Adriano Celentano conquered millions of women's hearts. The first films with the participation of the unsurpassed actor are already more than 55 years old, and they are still popular among film fans. Adriano Celentano is a bright, multifaceted and very talented personality. In addition to acting in films, he was successful as a musician, singer and composer. He was one of the first performers of rap and rock and roll songs in Italian.

Adriano Celentano starred in 41 films, directing 4 of them. The beginning of cinematic activity coincided with the beginning of musical creativity. The actor made his debut in 1959 in the film “Guys and the Jukebox,” and in 1960 he played a rock singer in one of the episodes of the film “The Sweet Life.” The film “Serafino” can be considered the starting point of this career. Since then, films with the participation of Adriano Celentano have been released annually, where he was no longer assigned minor, but leading roles. One of everyone's favorite films is The Taming of the Shrew. The comedy “Madly in Love” is no less successful.

Adriano Celentano tried on various images. The public saw him as a gangster, a communist, a misogynist, a heartthrob, a street singer and an aristocrat. In each film, he played characters completely opposite to the previous one, however, Adriano Celentano always coped with any role “excellently,” which is why he received recognition and love all over the world.

Quotes from Adriano Celentano from the film The Taming of the Shrew

I always eat a lot when I'm nervous.
- Judging by your figure, a quiet life is generally unknown to you.

A tolerant answer, nothing to say.

You can talk, but I'm not listening to you.

It would be something to listen to, but...

No, yesterday I was wearing a different dress, and today I’m wearing a Valentino dress.
- From Valentino... So it’s not yours yet?

What else did you borrow for today?)

It's so easy to say no when you're not in love.

Sometimes lovers, oddly enough, say “no.”

You seem to love animals very much.
- I love.
- What about people?
- I can stand it, but not very much.

People still have to learn and learn from them.

100 to 100 is how much?
- 10 thousand.
- Why?
- such is life...

And you don't need to go to math lessons.

I don't require any special care. You can leave as usual.

Just leave quickly.

I can't give false compliments, so I say sincere nasty things.

But what, it’s fair.

With your permission, I will introduce myself. My name is...
- Let's finish here. I don't want to overload my memory.

I still won't remember.

Yes or no? What is your positive answer?

And how can you say “no”?))

My name is Lisa.
- It's not your fault.

Yes, it’s not my fault at all!

Why are they needed at all?.. these same women...

And really, why?!)

How old are you?
- I don’t remember...
- I would give less!

Definitely less...

Animals are not your people, you can come to an agreement with them.

You can at least build a business with them, let alone a relationship.

Quotes from Adriano Celentano from other films

I thought about my future. Just great! Imagine - I get up at six in the morning, take the metro to the city hall... seven hundred thousand a month, plus an allowance... home at seven... dinner, TV, and then sleep.
-Are you satisfied?
- You can shoot yourself.

There will be a bonus, why shoot yourself right away?!)

Hello colleagues! I'm a little late today, so I'll leave early.

And I'll come back a little later tomorrow.

- So are you sure you want to get married?
In my opinion, you deserve better.
(He's worse than me)

True, much better than me!

Free on Monday at five?
- Yes.
- It's a pity, I'll be busy. (Lovestruck)

Why did you ask? Yes, to clarify...

You know what I'll tell you: you're arrogant and spoiled, but when we get married, I'll re-educate you! (Lovestruck)

And we will definitely get married!

When I fight with myself, I'm terrible. (Lovestruck)

Do you often fight?

Todeus I'm frozen
-Here, take my jacket...And now I’m cold...Give me my jacket, and I’ll whip you on the cheeks so you don’t freeze.
(Grand Hotel Excelsior)

A true gentleman!

If someone here told all sorts of horrors about me, don’t believe it! I'm much worse than they say. (Grand Hotel Excelsior)

How much worse can it be?!

Speak silently and little! (Grumpy)

Better yet, go out altogether.

A car is a transport for paralytics! (Special features: handsome)

It's a bicycle!

Films where Adriano Celentano starred were literally dismantled into quotes. The hero's mouth contains witty phrases that constantly bring the viewer to his senses, they make him laugh and think. Adriano Celentano starred in the same films with world-class celebrities, including Anthony Quinn, Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti. This once again confirms the skill and professionalism of the actor, musician and simply talented person.

Adriano Celentano's quotes always bring a smile to my face. Although there is nothing unusual in them, simple everyday wisdom, dressed in healthy self-irony and seasoned with a good dose of sarcasm, is quickly remembered by people and becomes theirs.

Funny sayings

In films with Adriano Celentano, all the images created by him are so bright and charming that you simply cannot remain indifferent to them. And his role as a wayward hero-lover with his famous expressions helps to look at life from a positive side. These brilliant quotes from Adriano Celentano will always lift your spirits.

- Free on Monday at 5?

- It's a pity, I'll be busy.

Well, how can such a dialogue not bring a smile to the viewer’s face? This is a great way to intrigue a woman for those young people who follow Pushkin’s principle (remember his poetic discussion about how to love women?).

“We will make a wonderful couple! You are beautiful, I am even better!” What can you object to when your loved one tells you this? Even his egoism, which was played out so wonderfully, can be forgiven.

Adriano Celentano about songs

Adriano is not only a talented actor, but also a wonderful singer. Therefore, it would be wrong not to recall a few of his quotes related to musical creativity and music in general.

"Life without music is dull, but music without life is terrible". This statement can characterize Celentano’s attitude towards his work. Many modern performers should take this as a rule, because people are gradually forgetting that a piece of the performer himself should be present in the music. Without this, songs will not be able to touch people's hearts.

Adriano does not consider himself a professional musical performer, so he compares himself to a watchmaker who sings only when he has free time. Songs are one of his ways of communicating with people. He believes that through music, even for a short time, people can come together.

Adriano Celentano about love

The talented Italian knows firsthand about love and family relationships. Adriano has been married to Claudia Mori for over 50 years. Their relationship was like serious Italian passions. Quotes from Adriano Celentano will tell you how to preserve your feelings for many years.

It is clear from them that it is very important for the Italian star to know that the woman who is next to him continues to love him. This saying can be applied to men as well. After all, everyone wants their other half to continue to love them throughout their lives. This is one of the secrets of family happiness.

Here's what Celentano once said: “Family is either constant sabotage or a reliable support. In the latter case, you are very lucky.”. And this is really true, because it is very important to know that your loved ones will always understand and support you.

Adriano Celentano about the profession of an actor

All films with his participation enjoyed enormous success not only in Italy, but throughout the world. And it’s not just the actor’s amazing charisma. An important role is played by a person’s attitude towards his profession, which can be understood by reading quotes from Adriano Celentano.

The Italian was calm about the fact that women adored him and did not consider this some great achievement. He said that if an actor acts in a large number of films, it will be natural that everyone will adore and admire him.

“A self-respecting actor will not act in just any films for the sake of a fee.”. This, one might say, is one of the main principles that Celentano followed in his acting profession. And you should never forget about this, because it happens that, seduced by money, a person starred in a low-quality film. The main thing in the profession of an actor is to evoke emotions in the audience, which does not depend on what the budget of the film is.

Adriano Celentano is undoubtedly one of the brightest and most charismatic representatives of his profession. But despite his fame, he managed to find a balance between public and family life, and his statements are full of wisdom and a healthy sense of humor, which makes them so memorable and bright.

Perhaps only Maxpark is shaken daily by political battles.
On other social networks, people have fun and relax. For example, thoughts, aphorisms, statements of the legendary Adriano Celentano, as well as quotes from famous films with his participation - “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Madly in Love”, “Bluff”, “Bingo Bongo”, “Ace” have become very popular lately. etc.
I made a small selection from the forums and invite you to read, watch and remember these wonderful films.

- Call me.
- Call yourself.
- No. You're better.
- Of course, I’m better, but you call.


If I agree with you, then we will both be wrong.

- Sometimes you just want to punch someone!
- And me.
- Yes, you too!

- I need to talk to you, can you give me a lift? Which way are you going?
- ... to another.

- But what is the reason for all these sins?
- Women, I really like them! But the worst thing is, you know what?
- What?
- They really like me!

- Do you always turn like this?
- Only at the turn.

-Can I kiss you?
-No, you can’t, only after the wedding!
-Okay, when you get married, dial it.

- So you don’t care whether I’m naked or dressed?
- Doesn't matter! (Here she takes off almost everything)
- Then tonight I’ll walk around like this, do you like it?
- NO!
-Are you ashamed of me?
- No, I feel cold for you.

-Are you free on Friday?
- Yes
- It's because you're ugly.

- Darling, did you have girls before me?
- Today?

- Is there anything to drink?
- Water.
- How about something stronger?
- Ice.

- Darling, look what a beautiful day!
-What are you hinting at?
- Well, you yourself said that you would leave me one fine day.

- Do you love me?
- Yes.
- How?
- Until death.
- I thought more.

I went outside and realized how many beautiful girls were sitting at home.

- Could you torture someone else?
- No. I have already chosen you.

- What are you thinking about?
- If only all the Chinese would chip in a dollar for me...

- So, yes or no? What is your positive answer?

“I had no idea that you were such a wonderful man.”
- If you asked me, I would tell you.

- I love you!
- Thank you.
- I expected a different answer.
- Thank you very much.

- Darling, let's give each other a great weekend?
- Oh! Of course my favorite!
- Well, until Monday then.

- Darling, your shoelace is untied.
- Darling, my shoes are without laces.
- I know. I played a trick on you. You are not my favorite.

Animals are not your people, you can come to an agreement with them.
Life is a vertical dance. Every day you learn one step.
The most ferocious of animals is man. He kills even if he is not hungry.
The dew at dawn washes our two bodies, united into a flower.
He who does not work does not make love.
Life is the most beautiful song.



