How to deliciously salt large tomatoes for the winter. Salted tomatoes - recipes for the winter

During the vegetable harvest season, almost every housewife is concerned about preparing a sufficient amount of tomato juice and fruit juice for the winter, marinating and pickling tomatoes, because without them it is impossible to imagine preparing many of your favorite dishes. Of course, now fresh tomatoes are sold in stores all year round, but how can they be compared in taste and aroma (and also in price) with seasonal tomatoes - ripe, juicy and sweet.

There are countless recipes for salting tomatoes in jars for the winter. Most of the technologies used and traditional ingredients have come down to us from distant ancestors, but as new products and technical capabilities appear in the kitchen, old “grandmother’s” recipes are adapted, simplified and become even more interesting.

Recipes for pickling tomatoes

First of all, let us clarify that for whole-fruit pickling it is best to take medium-sized red or pink tomatoes, which fit well in jars (for example, it is now very popular to pickle cherry tomatoes), round or plum-shaped, of the same degree of ripeness, with fleshy, uniform pulp and sufficient thick skin. It is desirable that they taste rich and balanced: quite sweet with pronounced sourness. Salt for any of the harvesting methods it is necessary stone coarsely ground, extra and iodized are not suitable.

Tara any one is used, the main thing is that it is made from non-oxidizing materials, and its volume must correspond to the number of vegetables and the possibilities of subsequent storage. That is, you can pickle tomatoes either in a bucket (barrel, tub, large saucepan), which you will then have to keep in the cellar or on the balcony, or in small portioned jars or even in a plastic bag and allocate space for storage in the refrigerator or pantry .

To pickle tomatoes, cold and hot methods, fermentation and pickling, as well as the dry method (without water) or pouring natural tomato juice are used. We offer you some of the most popular and simple recipes.

This is the most ancient method in which vegetables are salted during the process of lactic fermentation (fermentation). If you prefer large-sized fruits, you can pickle the tomatoes in a saucepan (whole or in halves), but for small ones, it’s more convenient to take a regular three-liter jar.

Number of servings/volume: 3 liter jar


  • tomatoes – 1.8-2 kg;
  • water (purified) – 1-1.5 l;
  • rock salt – 60-100 g;
  • garlic – 3-5 cloves;
  • dill (umbrellas) – 3-5 pcs.

Optionally you can add:

  • tarragon (tarragon) – 2-3 sprigs;
  • thyme – 5-7 sprigs;
  • cherry leaf – 3-5 pcs.;
  • black currant leaf – 3-5 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf – 2-3 pcs.

Cooking technology:

  1. Sort the tomatoes and wash with water.
  2. Wash the greens and dry them on a towel, peel and chop the garlic.
  3. Prepare the brine. Pour water into a saucepan, heat it, dissolve salt in it and leave to cool.
  4. Place a layer of prepared spices on the bottom of a clean jar, then fill it with tomatoes. During the laying process, the jar needs to be slightly shaken and tapped on the table so that the tomatoes lie more tightly. It is not recommended to press or compact them.
  5. Place the remaining leaves and cloves of garlic on top of the tomatoes, tightly covering the neck of the jar with the herbs.
  6. Fill a jar of tomatoes with cold brine to the very top, cover with a layer of gauze or a lid and place it in a deep bowl where excess liquid will drain during fermentation.
  7. Leave the workpiece for a day at room temperature (18-22 ℃) so that the lactic acid bacteria are activated and start the fermentation process. Its onset can be determined by some cloudiness of the brine and the appearance of foam on its surface.
    If a saucepan or other container with a wide neck is used for pickling, then the contents in it should be covered with a plate or lid and a slight pressure should be placed on top.
  8. To prevent the tomatoes from peroxidizing and acquiring excessive sharpness with a “carbonated” effect, fermentation must be interrupted in time by putting the workpiece in a cold place.

You can eat such tomatoes already on the 4-5th day, first as lightly salted, and then increasingly salted and fermented. The timing of full readiness depends on the size of the fruit, their quantity and degree of ripeness: when pickling real barrel tomatoes in large containers, it can take up to 40-50 days.

This preparation allows you to get an almost fresh product that can be sealed without any spices and seasonings (even without salt) and then very conveniently used in winter for preparing borscht, soups, sauces and other dishes.

Number of servings/volume: 3 l


  • fresh tomatoes – 3.5-5 kg.

Optionally you can add:

  • rock salt – 25-30 g (1 tbsp per 1 liter of juice);
  • dry mustard (powder) – 10 g;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • hot pepper – 0.5-1 pcs.;
  • celery (stem) – 1 pc.;
  • basil/oregano – 2-3 sprigs;
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
  • black currant leaf – 5-7 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf – 2 pcs.

You can cook tomatoes in tomato sauce either cold or hot. Let's take a step-by-step look at the technological features of each of them.

Cooking technology (cold method):

  1. Select strong, whole (brown or pink) tomatoes for pickling, wash and remove the stems.
  2. Wash, cut and grind all crushed, overripe, spoiled fruits in a meat grinder or through a juicer. Add salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of the resulting crushed mass.
    For 1 kg of tomatoes, about 600 ml of tomato filling is required.
  3. Line the bottom of the prepared container with horseradish and black currant leaves. Lay out the tomatoes in rows, sprinkling them with salt and dry mustard. After laying every 2-3 rows, fill the fruits with tomato.
  4. Place the remaining leaves on top of a container filled with tomatoes, pour in the tomato mixture and close tightly with a lid.
  5. The workpiece should be stored in a cool place.

Cooking technology (hot method):

  1. Wash strong, dense tomatoes selected for pickling and dry on a towel. Some housewives believe that it is correct to prick each tomato in the area of ​​the stalk with a knife or toothpick to prevent cracking.
  2. Prepare the tomato: process the too ripe and soft fruits into juice (you can use it together with bell peppers and stem celery), pour it into a saucepan, add salt at the rate of 20 g (1 level tablespoon) of salt per 1 liter and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Place whole tomatoes in sterilized jars, add the ingredients you like: pepper, herbs, bay leaf.
  4. At the same time, boil purified water in a saucepan and pour it into jars filled with tomatoes, cover them with lids.
  5. When the jars have cooled slightly, drain the water from them, pour boiling tomatoes over them and seal tightly.
  6. Place closed jars upside down, cover with a warm rag and leave until completely cool. The workpiece can be stored under normal conditions.

To make the “tomatoes in a tomato” more tender, some people prefer to remove the skins from the tomatoes and then cover them using hot technology. In this case, instead of pouring boiling water, additional sterilization or pasteurization is used: peeled tomatoes in jars (possibly without adding spices) are poured with boiling juice and placed in a pan with hot water or in the oven. Jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters are boiled for 7-8 minutes, 1 liter - 8-10 minutes, after which they are immediately sealed and left upside down for air cooling.

It is much easier to quickly peel the skins of tomatoes if you first blanch them for 1-2 minutes and then rinse them with cold water.

For better preservation at home, tomatoes are often sealed for the winter using additional preservatives: vinegar, citric acid, aspirin, that is, pickled. Here is one such recipe:

Number of servings/volume: 3 l


  • fresh tomatoes – 1.5-2 kg;
  • rock salt – 30-40 g (1.5-2 tbsp.);
  • sugar – 60 g (3 tbsp);
  • citric acid – 1 tsp. (with a slide);
  • purified water (for pouring and marinade) – 1.5 l;
  • hot pepper – 0.5-1 pcs.;
  • black and allspice peppers (peas) – 5-6 pcs.;
  • dry mustard (beans) – 1 tsp;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
  • black currant leaf – 3-4 pcs.;
  • dill (umbrellas) – 2 pcs.

Technology preparations:

  1. Sort the tomatoes, select whole and firm ones - not overripe ones, wash them, tearing off the stems (you can leave them on cherry tomatoes).
  2. Place some of the leaves and spices (except garlic) at the bottom of the sterilized jars, fill the jars with tomatoes and place the remaining leaves on top (they will prevent the skins on the top fruits from cracking when pouring boiling water).
  3. Boil water in a saucepan and pour it into the filled jars to the very top so that they warm up well. Cover with lids and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. When the water has cooled a little, pour it back into the pan, add a little more clean water (so that there is enough to spare) and put it on the fire to prepare the marinade.
  5. Add salt, sugar and citric acid to boiling water, stir and leave to simmer over low heat.
  6. Place chopped garlic in jars, pour boiling marinade over them and roll up the lids.
  7. Turn upside down, cover with an old blanket and leave until completely cool.

In winter, these tomatoes are perfect for hot meat or fish dishes, cereals and pasta. It will be delicious!


We offer you a few more interesting video recipes on how to pickle tomatoes for the winter in jars with traditional spices and unusual ingredients, for example, carrot tops:

For several years she worked as a television program editor with leading producers of ornamental plants in Ukraine. At the dacha, of all types of agricultural work, she prefers harvesting, but for this she is ready to regularly weed, pull, shed, water, tie, thin out, etc. I am convinced that the most delicious vegetables and fruits are those grown with your own hands!

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Did you know that:

“Frost-resistant” varieties of garden strawberries (more often simply “strawberries”) need shelter just as much as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners must remember that no one has yet managed to change the root system of strawberries.

From varietal tomatoes you can get “your own” seeds for sowing next year (if you really like the variety). But it is useless to do this with hybrids: you will get seeds, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments in cloning several varieties of grapes grown in cold regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

Natural toxins are found in many plants; Those grown in gardens and vegetable gardens are no exception. Thus, the seeds of apples, apricots, and peaches contain hydrocyanic acid, and the tops and peels of unripe nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) contain solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have “negative calorie content,” that is, more calories are consumed during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

You need to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is highest. Flowers are supposed to be picked by hand, tearing off the rough stalks. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattered in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

In little Denmark, any piece of land is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to growing fresh vegetables in buckets, large bags, and foam boxes filled with a special earthen mixture. Such agrotechnical methods make it possible to obtain a harvest even at home.

Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. It is prepared like this: the manure is piled up in a heap or pile, layered with sawdust, peat and garden soil. The pile is covered with film to stabilize temperature and humidity (this is necessary to increase the activity of microorganisms). The fertilizer “ripens” within 2-5 years, depending on external conditions and the composition of the feedstock. The output is a loose, homogeneous mass with a pleasant smell of fresh earth.

Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns developed an unusual variety of multi-colored corn called Rainbow Corn. The grains on each cob are of different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selecting the most colored ordinary varieties and crossing them.

The brine for salted tomatoes is prepared as follows: add 2 cups of salt and 1 cup of sugar to a bucket of cold boiled water. That's all! Everything ingenious is simple!

Prepare greens, leaves and roots.

Rinse fresh tomatoes under running water. It's up to you to decide which tomatoes to choose for pickling. Red ripe tomatoes will be more tender, and when you bite into them, juice will flow. Brown (unripe) tomatoes will be slightly elastic. And green salted tomatoes will not lose their shape, but will not have a sweetish taste like red ones. Each ripeness of tomatoes has its own advantages and different tastes. All you have to do is try and choose what you like best. And for me, everything is delicious!

I needed quick salted tomatoes, so I chose small ones, similar to the Lady’s Finger or Dulka varieties, and pricked them with a wooden kebabs skewer.

Lightly line the bottom of the prepared container for pickles (I chose a 10-liter glass jar) with dill, cherry, currant and horseradish leaves. Chop garlic and horseradish root into slices.

Place the tomatoes tightly in the jar, not forgetting to add several layers of leaves and garlic again. To make the tomatoes tasty and aromatic, the dill must have branches and umbrellas.

Place the tomatoes in the jar to the very top and fill with cold salted brine.

I prepared the tomato preparation in a jar in the kitchen, and since it is inconvenient to carry it to a cool place with liquid, I poured the brine on the spot. Of course, I forgot my camera in the kitchen, so I didn’t immediately take a photo of the tomatoes in salted brine. And then, due to my busyness, I completely forgot. I only remembered when the delicious pickled tomatoes were already finished.

But I managed to take the final photo!

I hope you will find my recipe for cold salted tomatoes and garlic useful in the midst of autumn preparations!

Sincerely, owner of the Notebook Anyuta!

All photos of tomato preparations are clickable and enlarge when viewed.

You might like this recipe for delicious Korean tomatoes:

Pickling is a common method of preservation, thanks to which you can eat vegetables until spring. Sodium chloride blocks the growth and reproduction of microorganisms that cause rotting. The technology of this method is almost the same for all vegetables, but tomatoes require a special approach. What recipes for pickling tomatoes for the winter should you choose, and how to make the taste of the preparation unforgettable?

Easy to prepare

It’s hard to believe that just a couple of centuries ago this vegetable in Rus' was considered an inedible and useless overseas “curiosity.” There was even a misconception that the fruits were poisonous. But today agriculture has more than 2 thousand species. How to understand such diversity and choose the “right” tomatoes? After all, when pickling, it is so important to preserve the shape and juiciness of the vegetable.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter: “tomato” subtleties

Tomatoes, unlike some vegetables, such as cucumbers or zucchini, have their own unique bouquet of taste. In order not to drown out the taste and aroma of tomatoes, when pickling them you need to use about half as many spices as when preserving the same cucumbers. High-quality pickling of tomatoes requires compliance with four rules.

  1. Do not use large containers. Hard cucumbers can be pickled in large containers, even in a barrel. For tomatoes, it is advisable to use smaller dishes - containers of 1-10 liters. Because they deform under their own weight.
  2. Make a stronger brine. The sugar concentration in tomatoes is higher than in cucumbers, so more salt is needed for preservation. Traditionally, brine for green fruits is made using a ratio of 300-400 g per 5 liters of water, and for ripe ones - 250-350 g.
  3. Correctly calculate the ratio. Typically, the amount of fruit and brine takes up half the volume of the dish: 1.5 kg of fruit and 1.5 liters of brine are placed in a three-liter container. A deviation from this indicator by 100 g (or 100 ml) is allowed when the density of the masonry increases or decreases.
  4. Consider the duration of the fermentation process. Fermentation lasts approximately two weeks at a temperature of 15-20°C (cold method). This is due to the fact that tomatoes, especially unripe ones, accumulate a toxic substance - solanine.

Choosing a “pot-bellied” vegetable...

When choosing “material” for future harvesting, carefully inspect the fruits. Unspoiled ones, the skin of which is not damaged, should be used. It is worth paying attention to two more nuances.

  1. Preference for the plum form. These fruits are covered with a dense peel, which does not allow them to deform during preservation, and at the same time they are juicy and fleshy inside. The following varieties of tomatoes are perfect for pickling: “Humbert”, “Mayak”, “Gribovsky”, “Fakel”, “Novinka”, “De Baro”, “Titan”, “Ermak”, “Bison”.
  2. Degree of maturity. Green tomatoes hold their shape well and are also of medium ripeness. However, you can also pickle ripe, red fruits, although you need to handle them more carefully.

Tomatoes will be better salted if you put fruits of the same variety and approximately the same size in one jar.

...and other ingredients

In addition to tomatoes, salting requires water and salt. Regular table water, iodized cannot be used. The originality of the preparation is achieved through spices. Pairs perfectly with tomatoes:

  • dill;
  • red pepper;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • garlic;
  • tarragon.

To keep the tomatoes strong and elastic, oak and cherry leaves, which contain a large amount of tannins, are thrown into the container with pickling.

Technology: 3 ways

Before you start salting, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures. Before salting tomatoes in jars for the winter, the tomatoes must be thoroughly washed without damaging the skins, laid out on towels and allowed to dry, and then carefully remove the stems. All other vegetables from the selected recipe, herbs and leaves are also thoroughly washed and freed from excess water. Pickling containers and lids must be washed with laundry soap or soda and sterilized. If vegetables are cold-pickled, sterilization of containers is not necessary. There are three methods of pickling:

  • cold - room temperature brine is used;
  • hot – boiling brine is used;
  • without brine - whole fruits are pickled in tomato puree.

Each of these methods has its own specifics, which are reflected in the table below.

Table - Features of salting methods

Cold- The fruits are not deformed;
- long fermentation process (6-14 days);
- sterilization of jars is not required;
- vegetables retain more nutrients
Hot- Tomatoes may become deformed and crack;
- the method is more suitable for green fruits;
- some nutrients are lost;
- jars need sterilization;
- there is no fermentation process
Without brine- Sterilization of jars is necessary;
- the workpiece turns out juicy;
- this method is great if there are a lot of cracked and overripe fruits

7 cold methods...

In the recipes below, except for the last one, the brine is prepared in the same way. Salt, for better dissolution, is poured with half a glass of hot water, diluted with the remaining volume of cold water according to the recipe. The brine settles and is filtered through gauze folded in several layers.


Peculiarities. This “grandmother’s” recipe has remained unchanged for several generations. The main rule is tomatoes and nothing but them. Well, maybe a couple of spices for flavor.


  • main ingredient – ​​1.5 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • salt – 150 g;
  • hot pepper - one pod;
  • dill – 50 g;
  • parsley, tarragon and celery – 15 g;
  • currant leaves - two pieces.


  1. Make a brine.
  2. Place a third of all the greens in a jar.
  3. Place tomatoes, alternating them with herbs.
  4. Pour in the brine.
  5. Close with lids and keep at 15-20°C for two weeks: the brine should become cloudy during this time.
  6. Clean the surface of the tomatoes from foam and mold, add fresh brine to the container.
  7. Roll up and store in a cool place.

You can add chopped onions to the pickling.

With bell pepper

Peculiarities. Any spices in this recipe, as in any other, can be changed to your taste, but the salt concentration cannot be adjusted.


  • main ingredient – ​​10 kg;
  • water – 8 l;
  • salt – 0.5 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 250 g;
  • hot pepper - one pod for each jar;
  • garlic – 30 g;
  • dill – 150 g.


  1. Prepare the brine.
  2. Remove the sweet pepper from seeds and stalks, cut into strips, and remove the skin from each clove of garlic.
  3. Place the main ingredient in jars, alternating with layers of herbs, bell pepper and garlic.
  4. If desired, place a pod of hot pepper in each container.
  5. Pour in brine and close.
  6. Leave for 10-12 days at 15-20°C.
  7. Clean the tomatoes from mold and foam, add fresh brine to the container.
  8. Roll up.

With horseradish and garlic

Peculiarities. This preservation can be made more spicy by doubling the amount of horseradish and cutting the hot pepper before putting it in the jar. In this case, you need to add 200 g of dill, and take not 400, but 600 g of salt.


  • main ingredient – ​​10 kg;
  • water – 8 l;
  • salt – 400 g;
  • garlic – 150 g;
  • horseradish root – 20 g;
  • tarragon – 25 g;
  • hot pepper - one pod for each jar.


  1. Make a brine.
  2. Peel the horseradish, cut into large pieces, peel the garlic cloves and cut in half. Place the tomatoes in jars, alternating with herbs and seasonings.
  3. If desired, add hot pepper to each container.
  4. Pour in brine and leave in a warm room for 12 days.
  5. Peel the tomatoes, add fresh brine, roll up and place in a cool place.

With cinnamon

Peculiarities. Tomatoes salted with cinnamon have a spicy, warming taste. You can add other spices to this preparation, but it is better to do without dill so as not to interrupt the oriental aroma.


  • main ingredient – ​​10 kg;
  • water – 10 l;
  • salt – 0.5 kg;
  • cinnamon - one and a half small spoons;
  • bay leaf – 5 g.


  1. Place tomatoes in jars, placing bay and cinnamon between the vegetables.
  2. Pour in brine and close.
  3. Keep for 10-12 days at 15-20°C.
  4. Peel the fruits, add fresh brine, and roll up.

With green fruits

Peculiarities. This preparation can be made without heat treatment of the fruits, but then they will turn out a little harsh for everyone.


  • green tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • water – 5 l;
  • salt – 250 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • dill – 200 g;
  • currant leaves – 100 g.


  1. Make a brine.
  2. Keep the tomatoes in boiling water for one or two minutes, then cool with running water.
  3. Place the cooled tomatoes in jars mixed with herbs.
  4. Pour sugar into each container and pour in brine.
  5. Leave in a warm place for six to seven days.
  6. If necessary, peel the fruits and pour fresh brine into the container.

Pickled green tomatoes are a popular dish in Georgia. Prepared according to the recipe described, they turn out fragrant and crispy.

With carrots

Peculiarities. Carrots will prevent tomatoes from turning sour. Therefore, you can pickle tomatoes coldly in a bucket or large enamel pan. There is no need to remove the stem from tomatoes; this will help the fruit retain its shape.


  • tomatoes and carrots in a ratio of 10:1;
  • salt at the rate of 0.5 kg per bucket of water;
  • garlic, bay leaf, parsley, hot pepper and other spices to taste.


  1. Make a brine.
  2. Place the tomatoes in a prepared bowl, sprinkle with chopped carrots and spices.
  3. Pour brine over vegetables.
  4. Cover the workpiece with a natural cloth napkin on top, place a large wooden cutting board, and press down with a weight.
  5. Place the container in a cool place. In this way, tomatoes can be stored all winter.

As soon as mold appears on vegetables, it should be removed immediately with a clean napkin.

With cloves

Peculiarities. For this method, the brine is prepared in a special way. Mix salt and sugar in a full volume of water and add laurel. Boil for about five minutes, then cool.


  • main ingredient – ​​1.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • garlic - three to four cloves;
  • hot pepper - pod;
  • parsley - two sprigs;
  • dill - two umbrellas;
  • cherry and currant leaves - three pieces each;
  • cloves - two or three buds;
  • mustard beans - a small spoon;
  • allspice - two peas;
  • bay leaf - two pieces;
  • salt – 4 large spoons;
  • sugar - a small spoon.


  1. Prepare the brine.
  2. Place some of the greens in a jar, then the tomatoes, and put peppers between the fruits. Cover the vegetables with herbs and sprinkle with mustard.
  3. Pour in the brine. Close the jar.
  4. Refrigerate for three weeks.

You can mix a teaspoon of citric acid into the brine along with sugar and salt. This will give the tomatoes a characteristic sourness and extend the shelf life of the product.

...and 5 hot ones

When implementing the hot method, experienced housewives recommend making a puncture near the stalk of each tomato with a toothpick or needle before putting the vegetables in jars. This measure will prevent cracking of the fruit.


Peculiarities. This method can be used to preserve tomatoes, apples, plums and even beets. To do this, the components are laid out in the following sequence: half the greens, apples (or other fruits or vegetables), tomatoes, the remaining greens.


  • main ingredient – ​​2-3 kg;
  • water;
  • salt - two large spoons;
  • sugar - two to four large spoons;
  • vinegar 9% - large spoon;
  • cherry, horseradish, currant leaves;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • garlic, black peppercorns to taste.


  1. Place half the leaves and herbs, garlic and pepper into jars, then put the tomatoes, and on top there is another layer of leaves and herbs.
  2. Pour in boiling water and wait five minutes.
  3. Carefully pour the water into the pan, stir in the sugar and salt and boil for five minutes. At the end, add vinegar.
  4. Pour the brine into the jars and roll up.
  5. Turn them upside down and place them on a tray or baking sheet. After complete cooling, store in a cool place.

Jars can be sterilized in any way: in the oven, slow cooker, microwave or steam bath.

With carrot tops

Peculiarities. A jar of tomatoes salted in this way will have not only an unusual appearance, but a very original and memorable taste. It is advisable to take tops from large vegetables.


  • main ingredient – ​​15-20 pieces of medium size;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt - a large spoon;
  • sugar - four large spoons;
  • vinegar 9% - large spoon;
  • carrot tops - four to five branches;
  • aspirin – one tablet.


  1. Place some of the carrot tops in a liter jar.
  2. Fill the container with tomatoes.
  3. Cover the top with small sprigs of tops.
  4. Pour water into the pan, stir sugar and salt, boil and cook over medium heat for three to four minutes.
  5. Pour the brine into the tomatoes, cover and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Carefully pour the liquid into the pan, return to a boil and cook over medium heat for five minutes. The container with vegetables should be covered with a lid.
  7. Pour the brine into the jar and wait seven to ten minutes.
  8. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and boil for five minutes.
  9. Crush an aspirin tablet and pour the powder into a jar.
  10. Pour the solution into the tomatoes, pour vinegar into the container, and cover with a lid.
  11. Let sit, rotating the jar from side to side to release excess air.
  12. When all the air bubbles have come out, screw the jar on, turn it upside down and wrap it in a blanket.
  13. After a day, store it for storage. The workpiece will be ready after two to three months.

If you salt tomatoes with aspirin, the tomatoes will last longer and the jar will not “explode.”

In a saucepan

Peculiarities. The pan should be thoroughly washed with soda or laundry soap and doused with boiling water.


  • main ingredient - how much will go into the pan;
  • salt at the rate of 350 g per 5 liters of water;
  • spices to taste: garlic, black peppercorns, basil, mint, cherry and currant leaves, dill.


  1. Place the tomatoes in a saucepan, adding spices to the fruits; there must be a layer of greens on top.
  2. Dissolve salt in water, put on fire and boil for five minutes.
  3. Cover the tomatoes placed in a bowl with a large plate (the diameter should be approximately equal to the diameter of the inner walls of the pan) and pour the brine into the container directly on top of the plate to the brim.
  4. Close the container with a lid.
  5. Keep it cool. The tomatoes will be ready in a month.

Pickling tomatoes using a hot method does not allow you to store vegetables in a pan for a long time. It is advisable to place them in jars after the tomatoes are ready.

With garlic filling in honey brine

Peculiarities. Salted tomatoes in jars will acquire an exotic taste if prepared with honey.


  • main ingredient - how much will go into a three-liter jar;
  • salt - two large spoons per liter of water;
  • honey – 1.5 large spoons per liter of water;
  • parsley and garlic - to taste.


  1. Grind the garlic with a press and mix with finely chopped parsley.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut the stems out of the tomatoes, making a hole down to the middle of the fruit.
  3. Push a mixture of garlic and herbs into the resulting “pits”.
  4. Place the tomatoes in a jar.
  5. Stir salt and honey in water and boil.
  6. Pour the brine into a jar and wait ten minutes.
  7. Carefully pour the liquid into the pan and boil.
  8. Pour into a jar, screw on the lid.

Express recipe

Peculiarities. If you have stomach problems, it is better to use recipes for pickling tomatoes without vinegar. The described option is perfect for this, and the preservation will be ready after a few days. Another peculiarity of the method is that it is not whole tomatoes that are salted, but chopped ones.


  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • water – 5 l;
  • salt - two large spoons;
  • garlic - head;
  • sugar - ten large spoons;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • hot pepper to taste.


  1. Place dill, pepper and garlic in a jar, and tomatoes cut in half on top. Place the second part of the herbs and garlic on top.
  2. Boil water, stir in sugar and salt, leave over medium heat for five minutes.
  3. Pour the brine into the containers with the workpiece, close the lids.
  4. Leave for 24 hours at 20°C.
  5. Keep cool. After three days, the pickling is ready.

By adding celery as a spice, you can get a special, unconventional taste of salted tomatoes.

Without brine

Preparing salted tomatoes without brine involves an additional step: preparing tomato puree. This is where “illiquid goods” come in handy in the form of bruised and cracked fruits, which are not suitable as the main ingredient in other methods.


Peculiarities. The tomato mass for this recipe is prepared from overripe vegetables processed in a blender. First, you need to remove the skin from the fruit.


  • whole tomatoes – 5 kg;
  • tomato mass – 5 kg;
  • salt – 250 g;
  • currant leaves - 15-20 pieces.


  1. Spread the leaves at the bottom of the jars, then lay the tomatoes, sprinkle the fruits with salt, then again the leaves, again the main ingredient and again the salt. Continue until containers are full.
  2. Pour the tomato mixture into the container.
  3. Close the jars and keep for six to seven days in a room where the temperature is maintained at 15-20°C, then transfer the containers to cool storage.

With mustard

Peculiarities. Salted tomatoes with mustard captivate with their delicate spiciness. In addition, mustard acts as an additional preservative.


  • whole tomatoes and tomato puree – 5 kg each;
  • salt – 150 g;
  • currant leaves – 125 g;
  • mustard powder - half a small spoon.


  1. Prepare a puree from cracked and overripe tomatoes by processing the fruits in a meat grinder. Grind the mixture through a sieve to remove seeds and skins.
  2. Line the bottom of the jars with leaves, lay out a layer of whole tomatoes, sprinkle with salt mixed with mustard. Then repeat the sequence: leaves - tomatoes - a mixture of salt and mustard. Continue until the jars are full. The last layer must be leaves.
  3. Pour tomato puree over the preparation.
  4. Close the containers with lids, keep for six to seven days at a temperature of 15-20°C, then put in a cool place for storage.

They say that if you dream of salted tomatoes, expect changes, and unfavorable ones. Therefore, it is better to enjoy pickles not in a dream, but in reality. Moreover, to salt tomatoes for the winter, you will not need either culinary talents or exotic ingredients. A little free time and a couple of interesting recipes - and the original preparation is ready.

Reviews: “Almost like grandma did”

I can preserve tomatoes using a similar recipe, in the sense of salt-sugar-vinegar proportions. I put tomatoes, a little onion rings, carrot slices, garlic, a piece of hot red pepper (or more - if it’s spicier), a couple of pieces of red sweet pepper, peppercorns and bay leaves, and from the greenery I only put celery - a very aromatic and tasty brine then in jar.


This is the second year I’ve been making these tomatoes – very, very tasty! and, what is very important for me personally, there is always a stable result - on the 4th day the tomatoes are perfect) there has never been any mold. And even my terribly picky mother said: “Delightful! almost like my grandmother did in my childhood))"


The most difficult thing is to prepare the jars, lids and all the ingredients; the process of pickling and canning itself takes very little time. For a 1 liter jar it takes approximately 0.5 kg of tomatoes and 0.5 liters of marinade. The exact volume will depend on the size of the tomatoes.


Before starting to prepare various pickles and preserves, any housewife must first properly sterilize the jars.
The sterilization process is simple, although it takes an extra five to seven minutes. However, despite the time spent, you will protect yourself from problems with cloudiness or souring of the cans later during storage.

Today I will share this recipe with you.
In general, there are many ways to pickle tomatoes: in barrels, in jars, pickling, in their own juice, etc. But I’ll tell you my way, the one I’m used to. For my family it is very tasty.

So, in order to deliciously pickle tomatoes for the winter, we will need the following ingredients:

- tomatoes are the same, medium size – 9-10 pieces
- salt (according to the scheme - see the recipe itself)
- sugar (according to the scheme - see the recipe itself)
- bay leaf (3-4 leaves),
- dill seeds (a handful),
- allspice peas (6-8 pieces),
- cloves (6-8 pieces)
- garlic – 4-5 cloves
- water.

We will do the salting in two-liter jars. The fact is that sometimes in winter you take out a three-liter jar, open it, everyone eats a little bit, and this jar sits in the refrigerator, sour, covered with mold, until you throw it out completely.
Therefore, in recent years, I decided not to waste my money and my strength, but to carry out the salting in two-liter jars.

So, step by step recipe .

1) Step one.
Preparing the ingredients.

2) Step two.
Place ingredients in jars.

At the very bottom we place garlic, bay leaf, allspice, and cloves.
On top – fill the jar with tomatoes. After the first layer of tomatoes, pour dill seeds into the jar. Then we lay the next layers of tomatoes to the very top (as in the photo).

3) Step three.
Filling it for the first time.

Fill the contents of the jar with boiling water from the pan for the first time and let it brew for five minutes. Then pour it back into the pan and put the pan back on the fire.
While the pan is on the fire, pour salt and sugar into the water according to the following scheme:

The usual ratio is 2 tablespoons salt – 3 tablespoons sugar,
- if the tomatoes are sour, then the ratio should be as follows: for 2 tablespoons of salt - 8 tablespoons of sugar,
- if you want the finished tomatoes to be sweeter, then the ratio should be this: for 3 tablespoons of salt - 16 tablespoons of sugar.

4) Step four.
Fill it a second time.

As soon as our brine in the pan has boiled, pour it into our jar of tomatoes a second time. Fill to the very neck.
Finally, add two teaspoons of 70% vinegar directly to the jar.

5) Step five.
We twist it.

Cover the jar with a metal lid that has also been sterilized in advance and screw it on.
Then we turn the jar of salted tomatoes upside down with the lid and quickly place it on a blanket and cover it with a blanket (as in the photo) so that it does not cool down for a long time, so that the hot brine penetrates better into the tomatoes.

So, basically, I told you the secret of how to salt tomatoes.
Fast and reliable. Everything takes me 30 minutes for three two-liter jars.
The shelf life of pickles with tomatoes is 1-2 years in the cellar. In warm conditions - up to 1 year.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars- This is one of the best ways to prepare vegetables. Due to the content of lactic acid and salt, seaming can be stored for several years and retain its excellent taste.

Recipe for pickling tomatoes in jars for the winter

Required Products:

Red pepper pod
- red tomatoes – 1.6 kg
- 50 g green dill
- black currant leaves - a couple of pieces
- tarragon, parsley, celery – 15 g each

To prepare the brine:

Salt - about three glasses
- 10 liters of water

Cooking features:

Prepare the brine: dilute kitchen salt in a small amount of hot water and combine with cool water. After settling, strain it through a thick cloth. For pickling, select pink, identical tomatoes. Wash them thoroughly in a basin, changing the water several times. Cut off the stems. Wash all the greens, leaving the water to drain. Fold on the bottom, place the tomatoes. After pouring brine, transfer to a room with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees. Don’t forget to cover with nylon lids and let stand like that for 2 weeks. This time is enough for fermentation to take place. The brine will become cloudy and will be partially absorbed into the vegetables. Remove foam and mold from the surface, add saline solution up to the neck. Now you can sterilely seal the caps and transfer them to a cool place.

Consider and.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars - sweet

You will need:

Sweet pepper - one piece per jar
- apples – 3 pcs.
- a handful of grapes, blackberries and currants
- tomatoes
- 3 pieces of bay leaf
- 50 g sugar
- 50 g table salt
- peppercorns – 10 pcs.

Cooking features:

Chop the apples into slices and place them in the previously prepared container. You can also add a handful of blackcurrants, blackberries and grapes - the taste will be piquant and very interesting. Place the tomatoes in a thick layer in containers. Add pepper, cut into 4 parts. Fill each container with water. Pour the water into a saucepan and boil. Fill the jars with boiling water again and leave for a couple of minutes. Drain the liquid and prepare the marinade. Add sugar, peppercorns, bay leaves, and salt to the water. Boil the marinade, pour into containers, cover with prepared steamed lids. Roll up the container and turn the rolls upside down.

You will like it too.

Pickling tomatoes in liter jars for the winter

Required components:

25 g tarragon
- 150 g garlic
- horseradish root – 20 g
- tomatoes – 10 kg
- chilli pepper - several small pieces

For the brine:

Salt – 400 g
- 8 liters of water

How to prepare:

Prepare the brine in advance: dissolve table salt in water, let it sit for a while, strain. Prepare clean jars with lids. Select strong tomatoes: rinse in cool water, tear off the stems. Remove the garlic husks and rinse in water. Cut large cloves in half. Remove the peel from the horseradish root, rinse, and chop into slices. Rinse the peppers and herbs. Spread the tomatoes in a dense layer, layering with spices and herbs. Throw one pepper into each container. Fill with brine and cover with plastic lids. Leave in a warm place for 12 days. Remove moldy foam from the surface and add more clean brine. Close with simple lids and transfer to the cellar. If you want it to be spicy, add more horseradish.

Consider and.

Simple pickling of tomatoes in jars for the winter

You will need:

Hot pepper - several small fruits
- 30 g garlic
- 145 g dill
- tomatoes – 10 kg
- capsicum bell pepper – 0.25 kg

To prepare the brine:

8 liters of water
- salt - ? kg

How to prepare:

First prepare the brine: dilute the salt in some water, set aside for a while until it becomes concentrated. Prepare lids and jars in advance. Select ripe tomatoes, wash them, and pick off the stems. Remove the husks from the garlic and wash it. Wash the bell pepper, divide in half, cut out the seed part. Chop into long slices. Rinse fresh dill in a basin. Place the tomatoes in a container, layer with herbs, pepper slices and garlic cloves. Pour the brine on top and transfer to a warm place for ten days. After fermentation is complete, remove any mold or foam from the surface. Add new brine, cover with lids, transfer to a warmer, and seal tightly.

Browse and pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars video. You will learn a lot of useful things from it.

Cinnamon Recipe


1.5 teaspoons cinnamon
- 5 g bay leaf
- tomatoes – 10 kg
- 8 liters of water
- half a kilogram of salt

How to cook:

Make the brine in advance: dilute salt in it. After it has settled, strain it. Select strong and red tomatoes. Wash them, cut off the stalks. Place in a thick layer in jars. But it’s not worth accepting. Add cinnamon and bay leaves to each container and distribute the number of tomatoes equally. Fill with brine, cover with plastic lids, and let sit for at least 10 days to infuse. In this case, the room temperature should be at least 20 degrees.

Pickling green tomatoes in jars for the winter

Required components:

Sugar – 0.2 kg
- black currant leaves – 90 g
- green tomatoes – 10 kg
- fresh dill – 0.2 kg

To prepare the brine:

Fine table salt – 0.25 kg
- five liters of water

How to prepare:

Make a pickle. After settling, strain it. Select green tomatoes and wash them. Cut off the stems. You can also carefully tear them off. Rinse the greens. Dip the tomatoes into boiling water in small batches and soak for two minutes. blanching. Cool them quickly under a stream of cold water. If you exclude heat treatment, the vegetables turn out to be harsh. Place the fruits in a dense layer in a clean container. Top with fresh herbs. Pour sugar into each container. Add brine and leave for fermentation in a warm room for a week. Be sure to add fresh brine. After sealing with nylon caps, transfer to a cool place.

Try also

Recipe with tomato paste


Tomato weight – 10 kg
- currant leaves – 40 pieces
- red tomatoes – 10 kg

How to cook:

Wash good, ripe tomatoes, tear off the stems and stems. Rinse the picked currant leaves in clean water. Line the bottom of the containers with currant leaves, arrange the tomatoes, and add salt. Place the currant leaves again and the vegetables again. Sprinkle with salt again. Fill all containers in the same way. Prepare tomato paste from overripe tomatoes. Rinse the vegetables first in cool water. Cover the containers with lids and keep for a week at 20 degrees. Once fermentation has begun, move to a cooler location.

Pickling cherry tomatoes in jars for the winter

You will need:

Cherry – 0.6 kg
- parsley with herbs – 50 g each
- garlic clove – 3 pieces
- aromatic peppercorns – 3 pcs.
- laurel leaf – 2 pcs.
- bell pepper

To prepare the marinade:

Liter of water
- 0.025 liters of acetic acid
- a couple of tablespoons of salt and spices

Place 2 garlic cloves, chopped herbs and aromatic peppers into the processed container. Prick the cherry tomatoes in the area of ​​the stalks and place them in containers, starting with large tomatoes. Layer the fruits with parsley and sweet pepper. Add spices and water. Pour into the canned food and let it sit? hours. Pour back into the saucepan and boil again. Combine the marinade with vinegar and roll up with tin lids. Turn the preserves over, place them on the lids, wrap them in a warm cloth, and let them cool completely for several weeks.

Cold salting of tomatoes in jars for the winter


Red tomatoes – ? kg
- garlic clove - a couple of pieces
- acetic acid – 30 ml
- table salt – 15 g
- a tablespoon of sugar
- water – 500 ml
- greens
- aspirin tablet

Place fresh herbs, garlic, bay leaves and peppercorns in a treated glass jar. Fill the container with ripe, whole tomatoes. They should be pressed tightly against each other. Prepare a brine using cool filtered water and spices. Stir the contents thoroughly and leave for two minutes. Add cold brine on top. Crush an aspirin tablet and pour it on top. This will prevent nasty mold from forming.

Recipe with cloves

Prepare the following components:

One and a half kilograms of tomatoes
- a pair of dill umbrellas
- aromatic and black peppercorns
- two sprigs of fresh parsley
- two clove buds
- a small spoon of mustard
- cherry and blackcurrant leaves
- a pod of hot pepper
- garlic clove – 3 pieces

To cook the brine:

A small spoon of granulated sugar
- 4.2 tbsp. spoons of salt
- two liters of water
- laurel leaf – 2 pieces

How to cook:

Sort out ripe plum-shaped tomatoes with thick, whole skin. Wash and pick the stalks. In a bowl of clean water, rinse the cherry leaves, parsley, and dill. Remove the husks from the garlic and wash it. Wash the pepper pods and cut off the dried husks. Try not to damage the flesh, otherwise the workpiece will turn out extremely sharp. Prepare clean containers with lids. Place some of the spices on one. Fill containers with tomatoes. Place peppers between the fruits. Cover the top layer with mustard seeds and greenflies. Fill a saucepan with water, throw in the bay leaves, add granulated sugar and salt. Boil the brine for exactly five minutes. Remove from the stove and cool. Fill the contents with cold brine and seal the container with plastic lids. Place the rolls in a cool room for three weeks.

There are many variations of pickling tomatoes. It doesn’t matter which one you choose for yourself, because each recipe is original in its own way. The preparation can include other vegetables and even fruits and berries. This makes the taste of the preparations even more interesting!