Is lamb a dietary meat? Lamb: benefits and harm to the body. Video: about the benefits of lamb

From time immemorial, humanity lived by animal husbandry and gathering, eating in addition to plants the meat of domestic animals, which include pork, beef and, of course, lamb.

Moreover, many Asian and Caucasian peoples prefer it, which is not an accident. Lamb has a mass useful qualities, largely thanks to which the inhabitants of the East live to a very old age.

The benefits of lamb lie primarily in its dietary properties. The fat in its composition is quite refractory, but it is 2 times less than in beef, and 3 times less than in pork. Rams are usually slaughtered in early age– up to a year, when their meat contains a minimum of fat and has a beautiful pale pink color.

The meat of adult sheep is tough, smells bad and is very fatty, so it is not highly valued, but the product obtained from dairy lambs is considered a real delicacy. Animals raised for slaughter, and not for wool, are provided with unique living conditions and are fed only environmentally friendly food.

As a result, a person gets the opportunity to enjoy a 100% protein product, rich in vitamins and valuable minerals.

The benefits of lamb can hardly be overestimated. The pulp of this meat contains a minimal amount of cholesterol, which acts main reason development of cardiovascular diseases and thrombosis. It also contains lecithin, a substance that plays the role of a means of delivering essential vitamins to cells and tissues. nutrients, oxygen.

Lecithin is part of cell membranes and provides normal work brain and central nervous system. Lamb, like no other product of animal origin, acts richest source B vitamins.

It also contains vitamins E, K, D, and many more minerals - iron, copper, manganese, zinc, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium.

Iron – There is enough iron in the pulp that a person who consumes it regularly will forget about anemia forever. The meat of these animals normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can be safely taken by people with diseases of the digestive system.

Besides, this product reduces the risk of progression diabetes mellitus and has a positive effect on pancreatic function.

Fat rendered from lamb is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases - influenza, acute respiratory infections, sore throat, bronchitis. Lamb improves erection, so its health benefits for men are undeniable.

Along with its benefits, lamb can also cause harm. to the human body. As is known, protein food produces secretion gastric juice, therefore, persons with increased acidity stomach, its use is contraindicated. Sheep meat can be consumed only in moderation, and this especially applies to persons with biliary dyskinesia.

Indigestion may occur due to lack of bile. The harm of lamb is also associated with the low content of iodine in its composition. Therefore, those who prefer it to all other types of meat can be advised to start preparing food from them, otherwise problems with the thyroid gland cannot be avoided.

The meat of these animals is contraindicated for people suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, and gout. Young children and the elderly are also not recommended to eat lamb.

As already mentioned, meat from young animals is more expensive, which means it is better to buy it in trusted places to be sure that the animal was not more than three years old at the time of death. To confirm this, the flesh will have a dark pink tint or close to light red, but if it is dark, it means the sheep has already crossed the 3-year mark.

Depending on what dish you plan to cook, you should choose meat. Lamb can be boiled, baked, made into shish kebab, shurpa, manti, lagman, pilaf.

For minced meat, it is worth purchasing peritoneum or shoulder blade, but it is better to boil drumstick, hip part, brisket, neck or ribs, although shoulder and belly can be cooked using the same method.

When fried, loin, rib, tenderloin and shoulder are good. Many people have heard that lamb has a specific smell. However, the meat of the Kalmyk breed of sheep does not have this unpleasant quality.

But even if you purchased lamb of a different variety, with the help of special seasonings you can prepare tasty and healthy food without any unpleasant odor. It's about about garlic, marjoram, ginger, cumin, onions and spicy sauces.

Experienced chefs use vegetables and legumes as a side dish, and the taste of this meat is perfectly complemented by dates and apricots.

Before cooking, the meat should be thoroughly cleaned in running water and fat removed. When boiling, be sure to remove the foam and simmer under the lid for at least 1.5–2 hours.

Any product can be both harmful and useful, the main thing is to observe moderation in everything and then the health problems described above will not be terrible.

Meat mutton, harm and benefit which we will now mercilessly examine - meat. On the one hand, in ours, lamb was in penultimate place. On the other hand, there are a lot of dishes that their inventors simply cannot imagine without lamb: shish kebab, pilaf, shurpa, beshbarmak, etc. So what are the harms and benefits of meat? mutton It makes sense to look into it in more detail.

Unambiguous benefits of lamb meat (no harm so far)

  • This meat contains a lot (20 percent more than pork), so it will be beneficial for anemia.
  • Lamb also benefits the pancreas, which helps prevent diabetes.
  • This meat contains a lot of fluoride, which is obvious.

Both harm and benefit of lamb meat

  • Lamb is considered to be the meat of one-year-old sheep. They have not yet gained much fat, and therefore their meat is usually not as fatty as, say, pigs - 15 g of fat versus 28 (on average). In addition, lamb fat is low in cholesterol, and the lecithin it contains further contributes to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism.
  • On the other hand, lamb fat is very refractory, and although this meat is less fatty than pork, it is not far behind it. So if such meat is regularly consumed in excessive quantities, then colossal damage can be caused to blood vessels. And at the same time you will get obesity with atherosclerosis.
  1. It is advisable to remove lamb fat from meat (although it is believed that when colds it is beneficial);
  2. If you fry, do it in vegetable oil;
  3. And the main thing is to eat it in combination with a vegetable side dish.

Harm, not benefit of lamb meat

  • Lamb is quite heavy meat. Therefore, it can be harmful to people who have any problems with the gallbladder or liver, as well as gastrointestinal problems. For the same reason, this meat should not be given to children and the elderly.
  • Lamb also harms people suffering from the following diseases:
    1. Arthritis (lamb bones contain bacteria that exacerbate this disease).
    2. Gout.
    3. Kidney diseases.

Conclusion about the dangers and benefits of lamb meat

In light of everything that has been said about the dangers and benefits of meat mutton The author’s attitude towards it is as follows: you can eat it, but:

  1. Sometimes (on holidays).
  2. Without fanaticism.
  3. In dishes that are traditionally prepared from it (in others it is better to use less controversial meat).
  4. Be sure to follow the rules for reducing harm listed in section “Both harm and benefit of lamb meat” .

And then this meat, and even with a glass, instead of harm, will bring us only exceptional benefit. Let's be healthy!

Lamb occupies a leading position among all the available varieties of meat. It's no wonder it's high nutritional value and unforgettable taste favorably emphasize the advantages of lamb. Not everyone knows how to properly cook this type of meat, but true adherents will not prefer any other to it. It is for them that today we will talk about the beneficial and harmful qualities of lamb.

Composition of lamb

Meat contains a lot of rare vitamin B12, which must be supplied to the human body through food. Lamb is not deprived of retinol, thiamine, and beta-carotene.

From mineral compounds great benefit possesses iron, sulfur, zinc, manganese, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and copper. Young lamb meat accumulates all the same vitamins and minerals, but in addition it is also dietary.

Lamb is an environmentally friendly product, since sheep eat only grain, hay and grass. It is a mistake to believe that there is no protein in an animal’s diet. It comes along with the grass when the sheep eats grasshoppers, snails, and worms.

Lamb meat contains vitamin D large quantities. It is needed for formation bone tissue and prevention of rickets in children. Lamb is used to treat ailments related to the heart muscle.

Benefits of lamb

  1. The product contains proteins that are in an easily digestible form. They quickly saturate the body with energy and retain this feeling for long term, contribute to the formation muscle fibers and bones. Without protein, the body quickly becomes depleted, and a person constantly suffers from chronic fatigue.
  2. Interestingly, meat contains less fat than protein. This makes lamb a dietary product that is included in the diet of people with overweight and obesity. The ability of meat to increase metabolism is used for weight loss. In addition, lamb contains virtually no cholesterol, thereby not leading to the development of atherosclerosis.
  3. Young lamb meat has a low calorie content - about 134 Kcal. per serving weighing 100 g. If you care about proper nutrition, lamb must be included in the diet. It is quickly absorbed, does not burden the stomach, and does not ferment in the intestines.
  4. For people who naturally have low hemoglobin levels, lamb meat is simply necessary. It accumulates a lot of iron, which also prevents anemia (anemia) in adults and children. Girls during menstrual cycle Lamb will help avoid dizziness that appears due to a decrease in hemoglobin.
  5. The product contains a lot of fluoride. This mineral compound is responsible for the strength of teeth and enamel in particular. Lamb prevents the development of caries, fights unpleasant smell from the mouth, which appeared against the background of stomach problems.
  6. Meat should be included in the diet of people who are prone to developing diabetes. Lamb controls the secretion of gastric juice, facilitating the activity of the pancreas. Lamb meat promotes the outflow of bile, improving liver function.
  7. If you have gastritis with low acidity, you need to consume broth made from young lamb meat. The product contains heart vitamins such as magnesium and potassium. These mineral compounds increase blood circulation and are needed to prevent stroke.
  8. At varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, you need to eat lamb meat for up to a year. It contains practically no cholesterol, such a product will cleanse blood channels and compact the vascular walls.
  9. Interestingly, lamb meat soaked in vinegar is applied to the site of a rabid dog bite. This piece will prevent harmful influence bacteria on the body. When a snake bite occurs, it is necessary to apply a fresh piece of meat to prevent the poison from spreading into the deeper layers of tissue.
  10. The product contains vitamins from group B, which are necessary for the human central nervous system. These substances support the psycho-emotional environment, prevent the development of depression and apathy, and normalize sleep.
  11. Rare folic acid is necessary for pregnant girls so that the baby in the womb is formed in accordance with the term. At breastfeeding lamb enhances lactation.

  1. To say goodbye to extra pounds, you need to reduce the number of calories consumed per day. In this case, you don’t always need to resort to extreme measures and give up your favorite foods. You shouldn’t force your body with mono-diet once again.
  2. Nutritionists recommend replacing fatty foods products with low calorie content. To lose weight, you don't have to give up meat completely. Such products contain microelements necessary for the body and active substances. Lamb is a dietary meat, so it will help normalize weight.
  3. For weight loss, raw materials cut from the back of the animal are suitable. This meat has the least amount of fat and a high percentage of beneficial enzymes. To bring the lamb maximum benefit for the body, it must be boiled or stewed.
  4. Boiled meat contains a minimum amount of calories, while the taste remains quite pleasant. This method of preparing lamb allows you to save a lot of raw materials. useful elements. The product makes an excellent dietary broth. Fried meat can also be eaten in small quantities, it will have less benefit.

The benefits of lamb for children

  1. Children preschool age have an unformed digestive system. Therefore, most products may simply not be digested and cause a number of troubles. In this case, lamb can be given to children after 6 years of age.
  2. No need to cook various dishes Based on such meat for children, the gastrointestinal tract is not able to cope with such a task. Keep in mind that at first lamb can be given to children only in small quantities.
  3. Any meat in a weak body can provoke disease gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, take this procedure seriously. The best solution would be to consult with a pediatrician in advance.

  1. If you overuse meat, significant harm can be caused to your body. Lamb in this case is no exception. Raw materials are relatively difficult to digest in the intestines, some enzymes are deposited in the form of waste. As a result, sclerosis, obesity and inflammatory processes bone tissue.
  2. Lamb contains no large number cholesterol, but the presence of heavy fats negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract. Enzymes are difficult to partially digest. This meat does not contain carbohydrates at all. Oversaturation with fats and proteins may not in the best possible way affect general condition health.
  3. It is important to know in what conditions the animal was kept. What was he fed, and were there any diseases? Meat should not contain GMOs and various carcinogens. Not every seller will tell the whole truth about the product, keep this in mind. Try to buy meat from friends.
  4. Lamb is strictly prohibited for consumption if you have gastritis with high acidity, ulcers, liver, gallbladder or kidney pathologies. Meat is contraindicated when diagnosing gout, arthritis and hypertension.
  5. Elderly people should use the product with extreme caution. Try to eat young lamb. This meat is safer and contains less fat. Do not give this product to children under 5 years of age.
  6. In some cases, experts recommend giving lamb meat to babies. This product will help the musculoskeletal system develop properly. Young meat can also be eaten during pregnancy.

Lamb can be beneficial to the body if it is completely natural. Consuming meat in moderation will have a positive effect on the health of children, the elderly, pregnant women and the lactation period. If possible, purchase raw materials from farms and small populated areas. The animal must be kept in free conditions.

Video: about the benefits of lamb

Kira Stoletova

Animal products are an essential element of the human diet. But there is food that is difficult for domestic gourmets to accept. What are the benefits and harms of lamb meat? Let's look at the main pros and cons of unusual raw materials.

What is lamb

Sheep dishes are common in Central Asian countries, the Caucasus and Mongolia. There they use the product for preparing both first and second courses. However, the traditional food of those peoples can cause rejection among Europeans who are not accustomed to it.

What is lamb? This is the name given to the meat of young animals slaughtered at a certain age. Raw materials from young livestock are suitable for culinary needs. In older individuals, the fibers become tough and acquire a specific aroma, which many untrained gourmets find terrible.

According to the current GOST, there is a classification of lamb that divides products by type.

  1. Dairy lambs. Tiny animals feed from their mother for up to 2 months. Their meat is different delicate taste and no unpleasant odor.
  2. Young rams. Animals from 90 days to a year. The most common type, used in many cuisines.
  3. Mature individuals. Age ranges from 12 to 24 months. They have hard fibers, so this meat is most often used in the form of minced meat.

The older the animal, the less enjoyable the lamb becomes. Lamb meat is best option for your first gastronomic acquaintance. It is practically no different from young beef and does not fall apart into fibers.

Depending on the breed, the weight of males on average ranges from 100 to 180 kg, females are 30% lighter. When purchasing live volume, the output is a third less meat. The cost of the pure product is affected by production waste: wool, entrails and limbs.

Why is the product so popular? The raw material is a unique combination of enzymes and microelements, which is complemented by low calorie content. The table details the nutritional value of main dishes per 100 g of food.

IN chemical composition Lamb contains vitamins B, E and D. Minerals the same amount as in beef and pork. Easily digestible iron exceeds that of “competitors” by 30%. Additionally, lamb contains:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • calcium.

The increased concentration of protein with a minimal amount of fat makes it possible to use raw materials in dietary nutrition. Reasonable consumption will help enrich the menu with a tasty component. On average, 1 kg of flesh per month will provide the body of an adult with important elements.

Useful properties

Due to its balanced composition, sheep meat is considered a healthy delicacy. High content B vitamins speed up metabolism, which has a positive effect on the overall tone of the body. Microelements improve the functions of the central nervous system, prevent stress and stabilize sleep.

Thanks to the unique combination of vitamins and enzymes, product lovers reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Folic acid supports immunity and is responsible for natural metabolism. By the way, in countries where healthy lamb is a national dish, a large percentage of centenarians are recorded.

The presence of a huge amount of fluoride improves the quality of teeth and prevents caries from activating. Thanks to vitamins E and D, calcium is maximally absorbed, which affects bones and blood vessels. Regular consumption of dishes will make it possible to forget about joint problems.

According to its properties, lamb meat belongs to dietary products. Low content cholesterol and a minimal amount of fat will not harm your figure. This feature allows you to include tasty, healthy food in the diet of patients with diabetes and obesity.

Harmful properties

Excess protein at low physical activity reduces benefits and negatively affects weight. Daily consumption of meat dishes contributes to the development of sclerosis and obesity. By the way, in the body of sheep there are bacteria that provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases in humans.

The product contains solid and saturated fats. They are poorly absorbed by the body and settle on blood vessels in the form of plaques, and therefore unreasonable abuse will lead to problems in the cardiac system. The product increases the acidity of the stomach, which causes gastritis and ulcers.

If you constantly overeat on meat, all the benefits will quickly turn into harm. The abundance of calcium and phosphorus has negative impact on urinary organs, resulting in kidney diseases go to chronic stage. Impaired removal of fluid from the body will lead to swelling of the limbs and increased blood pressure.

If lamb is not natural food for your family, then there is no need to suddenly introduce it into the diet. For an unprepared body, such a dish will be very heavy. It is worth remembering that this is food, not medicine, which needs to be treated.

How to choose

In order for a sheep meat dish to fully reveal its usefulness and taste potential, you need to choose the right piece. Distinguish good product Attentiveness will help against poor quality. Fresh raw materials have a light surface covered with thin layers white fat. The older the animal, the yellower its fat, and the fibers look brighter and more saturated.

It is worth sniffing the lamb: if it smells unpleasant, this is a sign of the old age of the individual or the usefulness of the male. A castrated young animal does not have a specific, pungent aroma. Such a product will not be useful and can spoil best dish. The price of such products is often lower than that of other sellers.

If you press your finger on the surface of a cooled piece, the dent will quickly smooth out. The fibers are smooth and do not contain mucus. Not available in frozen versions dark spots and inclusions.

Lamb meat is not universal, so for each type of dish there is a certain part of the carcass. For boiling and pilaf, it is better to choose shoulder, brisket or neck, and for frying and chops it is recommended to use loin and fillet. Fans of oven food choose the hind leg and the “saddle”.

How to store

Lamb, like pork and beef, is a perishable product. Without low temperatures Microbes quickly develop inside the fibers. The missing raw materials have a foul aroma, cloudy mucus forms on the surface, and the color changes to light green.

How long does meat last? If you keep it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, the initial characteristics are not lost within 48 hours. For a young animal, the shelf life is no more than a day. Safe temperature is not higher than 1°C.

Fresh minced meat can be kept in the chamber for no more than 720 hours, and the presence of herbal additives (onions, garlic, spices) instantly reduces storage: such products are cooked immediately. By the way, many are sure that the marinade increases the length of time it stays raw. Scientists have proven that bacteria develop in liquids that are harmful to humans.

Boiled meat should not be stored in broth, as this oversight will significantly reduce the shelf life. A fried product when cold loses its taste qualities, so we don’t recommend leaving it for later. The specific taste of lamb fat is difficult to soften after reheating.

In the freezer, the product retains its beneficial properties for 3 months. If the carcass weighs a lot, it is first divided into portioned pieces, which are then wrapped in polyethylene. However, gourmets are sure that after defrosting the aroma and quality of the raw materials become worse.

How to cook

Many people believe that even the most tender sheep meat stinks. Proper cutting will help get rid of the smell. To do this, remove the film, external fat and tendons from the surface. Excess lard gives the dish juiciness, but affects the aroma.

To remove the amber, before heat treatment, the raw materials must be marinated in sauce for 10 to 18 hours. Caucasians recommend soaking apples with garlic in juice: such a liquid will eliminate any negative odors and give the dish a refined taste. Do not soak the product in vinegar, as the acid will make the fibers drier and stiffer. Popular fillings include wine, yogurt or olive oil.

Baking in a sleeve or foil is ideal option for lamb. This treatment keeps the food juicy and soft, leaving a subtle aroma. Even the simplest dish takes on an unexpectedly delicate sound. If frying in a frying pan or grill, the fibers should not be exposed to heat for a long time.

If sheep are slaughtered at home, the fillets may become wilted. It is better to try what you bought on the market after heat treatment. Boiled goes well with vegetables. Recommended for use with problematic digestion meat broths that do more good than harm.

It is advisable to cook the lamb for 1.5-2 hours, periodically removing the foam.

To prevent specific notes from appearing in the dish, it must be served immediately from the heat to the table. In this case, the fat will not have time to harden. Gourmets coat pieces of meat with horseradish, mustard and sprinkle with herbs for piquancy. Spices and aromatic herbs make food more tasty and aromatic.


Lamb, like pork, is a difficult product to digest. To mitigate harm, you should be careful when choosing food. If you are obese, you need to look for lean varieties of meat that should not be overused.

Animal foods increase acidity and make digestion difficult. Any chronic diseases kidney, liver and gastrointestinal tract problems may worsen. The abundance of calcium and fluoride is dangerous for people with atherosclerosis, gout and arthritis. Before use, consultation with a physician is required.

You should not feed lamb to elderly people and children under 3 years of age. In this category of the population digestive system does not function at full capacity and cannot cope with the processing of coarse fibers. Constant use will provoke the emergence of dangerous diseases that will quickly become chronic.

Lamb is a favorite in the kitchens of many nations, but gradually its compatriots began to taste its flavor. Excellent taste and chemical characteristics made the raw material a good alternative to the usual pork. Our recommendations will help determine the harm and benefit of the product.

Mutton is the meat of a slaughtered ram, lamb or sheep. Moreover, not just any sheep’s meat can be eaten. The most delicious, tender and low-calorie meat is lamb meat, especially that which was fed only on mother’s milk.

But it is advisable to slaughter adult animals before they reach two years of age, then there is still a chance to get tasty, nutritious meat. In older individuals, the meat will be tough and have an unpleasant specific odor.

Among other types of meat, lamb is considered the lowest in calories and the healthiest in its composition.

For example, it contains almost 30% less fat than pork. But it is much richer in iron content than other types of meat.


Conclusion about beneficial properties you can make lamb by looking at what vitamins and microelements are included in its composition. These are almost all the main ones useful substances– B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, fluorine, phosphorus and others.

Lamb also contains a large amount of easily digestible proteins, which makes this meat especially nutritious.

The amount of fat in this meat is even lower than protein, and therefore it practically does not contain cholesterol that is harmful to the human body.

At the same time, lamb is quite low in calories. Especially young lamb meat, which can contain only 135 calories. Therefore, this food product can rightfully be called dietary. And it deserves the attention of those people who care about proper nutrition.

Iron-rich lamb will be beneficial for people with low level hemoglobin and iron deficiency anemia, it has a good effect on blood composition.

It has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, and can even help prevent caries. After all, it contains a sufficient amount of fluoride, which is beneficial for dental tissue.

It is good to eat lamb meat for people with pancreatic diseases. It regulates the production of gastric juice and can prevent serious illness diabetes mellitus

Since the meat itself is a rather heavy product, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can use broths made from it. So, lamb broth will be useful for gastritis and low acidity.

If other types of meat are not harmless for people with poor condition blood vessels and atherosclerosis, then lamb is even useful. It can be eaten in moderation. It is better if it is young lamb meat, because it has very little cholesterol.

Potassium, sodium and magnesium contained in lamb have a beneficial effect on heart health. vascular system, so this meat is useful for people with heart disease.

This meat has several other unusual beneficial properties. For example, burnt lamb is useful for scorpion or snake bites. It will help prevent the poison from spreading into the human body.

But lamb with wine will help with rabid dog bites, preventing harmful effects on humans.

As rich in protein, B vitamins and various macro- and microelements, this product, with regular but moderate consumption provides beneficial influence on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. But it is not used in cosmetology.


Without undue modesty, lamb can be called a highly nutritious product. It contains a large amount of proteins and fats, which cover almost a third of the daily requirement.

Nutrient Daily norm/g Quantity per 100 g of product Percentage of Daily Value
Squirrels 81 16,3 20,1
Fats 54 15,3 28,3
Carbohydrates 202 0 0
Saturated fatty acids 12 9 75
Monounsaturated fatty acids 25 9 36
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 2 1,5 75

Vitamins and minerals

Types and amounts of vitamins contained in 100 grams of lamb:

Vitamin and its chemical name Contents per 100 g of product
A (carotene (retinol)) 0 0
B1 (thiamine) 0.08 mg 5,3
B2 (riboflavin) 0.1 mg 5,6
B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.5 mg 10
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.4 mg 20
B9 (folic acid) 8 mg 2
B12 (cobalamins) 2 mg 66,7
C (ascorbic acid) 0 0
D (calciferol) 0 0
E (tocopherol) 0.5 mg 3,3
N (biotin) 3 mg 6
K (phylloquinone) 0 0
R (rutin) 0 0
PP (nicotinic acid) 5.2058 mg 26
L (motilmothionine) 0 0

It is rare to find a product with such a rich content of B vitamins and nicotinic acid like lamb.

Types and amounts of macro- and microelements contained in 100 grams of lamb:

Type of trace element Contents per 100 g of product Percentage of Recommended Daily Allowance
Bor 0 0
Vanadium 0 0
Iron 2 mg 11,1
Iodine 7 mg 4,7
Potassium 270 mg 10,8
Calcium 3 mg 0,3
Cobalt 7 mg 70
Silicon 0 0
Magnesium 18 mg 4,5
Manganese 0.035 mg 1,8
Copper 180 mg 18
Molybdenum 12 17,1
Sodium 80 mg 6,2
Selenium 0 0
Sulfur 230 mg 23
Phosphorus 178 mg 22,3
Fluorine 63 mg 1,6
Chlorine 60 mg 2,6
Cholesterol 0 0
Kholin 70 14
Chromium 10 20
Zinc 3 mg 25

From the table data we see how rich lamb is in cobalt, iron, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, potassium and other elements. In addition, it contains almost all useful substances, even in smaller quantities.

Everything about the benefits of lamb meat becomes clear; you just have to see its chemical composition and find out nutritional value. But this product should not be abused, since it is quite difficult to digest, and its waste is eliminated from the body for quite a long time.