How long to treat with a blue lamp. How to use a blue lamp for treatment

Research recent years confirmed that blue color has a positive effect on biochemical composition blood, helps improve heart function, strengthens the immune system.

Application of blue lampuseful because blue color enhances energy synthesis in cell mitochondria. Blue light relieves fatigue and helps to relax during times of great mental stress. The blue lamp also has an analgesic effect. On discomfort associated with intestinal disorders, the lamp can also have an effect. Minin's lamps are also valued for their positive influence on the health of people with diabetes.

Therapeutic effects of the Minin lamp

Among health effects The following blue lamps stand out:

  • decreased blood viscosity;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • stabilization and regulation of metabolism;
  • treatment of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections);
  • analgesic effect;
  • strengthening the immune system, activating immune system body.

That is, the use of a blue lamp is justified both for colds and ARVI, and for problems associated with vascular and heart diseases. At the blue lamp wide range applications.

Treatment of diseases

The blue lamp will help you relieve the symptoms of many diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary disease hearts;
  • migraine (blue lamp treatment - good alternative tablets);
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • myocarditis;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • runny nose, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • neurosis, neuritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • tissue swelling;
  • muscle pain, sprains.

And that's not yet full list. So, if you have the opportunity to try the healing effects of a blue lamp on yourself, don’t hesitate, try it.

Blue lamp for children can also be used. It helps mothers a lot when their children have a runny nose or otitis media, as it helps the baby recover. The lamp can be used in combination with other products.

How to use the blue lamp

The Minin lamp emits infrared, ultraviolet and visible rays. Blue light applies heat to problem areas. At use of blue lamps disappear in certain areas painful sensations, blood circulation improves.

The distance from the lamp to the surface of the patient’s skin is determined individually (depending on the sensations), but usually it varies between 30-50 cm. Of course, you should not bring the lamp too close to the surface of the skin, because moderation and caution must be observed in any treatment. The intensity can be changed by adjusting the distance between the device and the skin surface.

The course of treatment is 25- 30 procedures. Procedures are performed in 2 steps- 3 times a day. Warm-up time for adults is about 20- 30 minutes. Blue lamp for children used within 10- 15 minutes.

It must be remembered that a certain method is suitable for each organism, that is, the number of warming sessions, their duration and intensity depend on the disease, on the sensations and well-being of the patient. For a cold, using a lamp is possible if the patient does not have an elevated body temperature. When warming up in the face area, you need to close your eyes.

As an alternative to many physical procedures, infrared lamp treatment can be effectively used at home. It really helps with many diseases, including the treatment of runny nose, joint pain and skin diseases. But treatment must be carried out following several rules.

Principle of treatment.

The basis of treatment with an infrared lamp is thermal radiation, which, penetrating into tissues, stimulates metabolic processes in the area of ​​​​warming. In addition, blood flow increases, as blood vessels dilate under the influence of heat, and the activity of leukocytes and lymphocytes is activated. It is these three main factors that provide effective treatment foci of inflammation and reduction of pain syndromes.

When using the red lamp for the first time, it is possible short-term deterioration conditions – pain may increase or worsen slightly general health. This reaction of the body is explained by the fact that infrared radiation initially causes a spasm. blood vessels located in the epidermis and dermis.

Usually, after 2 - 4 hours, the condition returns to normal. And the second time you use the lamp, and throughout the course, the body’s condition noticeably improves.

Duration of the course is 10 – 15 procedures. Session duration is from 15 to 30 minutes. The optimal distance from the heated area of ​​the body to the lamp is 20–30 cm. This depends on the age of the patient, the condition of the skin and the area of ​​the body.

When treating children, in order to avoid thermal burn, the optimal distance is 30 cm. During treatment skin diseases in adults - the same distance, especially in cases where long-term non-healing wounds are treated, with acne, psoriasis.

In the treatment of pain in muscles and joints, radiculitis, shoulder area and lumbar, distance – 20 – 25 cm. In this case, it is not necessary to direct the radiation to a naked area of ​​the body. In order to prevent burns, it is better to carry out the procedure through cotton clothing.

Contraindications to the use of an infrared lamp.

The use of thermal infrared radiation is contraindicated in purulent processes, when oncological diseases and tuberculosis, with renal, pulmonary and heart failure, during pregnancy, during treatment hormonal drugs and immunomodulators.

Indications for use of an infrared lamp.

For muscle pain and cramps.

Thermal radiation promotes relaxation muscle tissue, more intense blood flow and oxygen supply to muscles and nutrients. The feeling of warmth causes a feeling of comfort. Gradually the muscles relax and pain decreases. The duration of the session depends on the intensity of the pain, and can be 15 – 20 minutes

For arthritis and arthrosis.

When treating joint pain, infrared radiation provides intense blood flow, reduces the inflammatory process due to the activity of leukocytes, and removes toxins from tissues. Warming up is carried out for 20 - 30 minutes.

For acute respiratory infections and diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

Most often, at home, an infrared lamp is used to treat tonsillitis, otitis and rhinitis, and for coughs. When directing heat rays to unprotected areas of the body, be extremely careful.

The distance to the lamp should be at least 30 cm, depending on individual perception temperature regime, which is provided in the device. It varies between models, so check with your dealer and read the instructions carefully.

When warming up the area of ​​the nose and cheekbones, the eyes should be closed, and ideally protected with a bandage. The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes, but it is better to start with 5 minutes.

For hypertension.

If you carry out regular courses consisting of 7 - 10 sessions, with a break of 5 - 7 days, you can significantly improve the condition of the blood vessels. This will help avoid hypertensive crisis and normalize blood pressure.

You can warm it up chest, avoiding the area of ​​the heart, arms, especially the most sensitive, back part from the wrist to the elbow, legs, occipital region. Session duration is 10 – 15 minutes.

For skin problems.

During treatment and also before cosmetic procedures To make them more effective, the session duration is 5 – 10 minutes.

When treating cellulite, as a supplement, the duration of sessions is 10 - 15 minutes for each problem area.

In the treatment of wounds, burns, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, during rehabilitation period after surgery, infrared radiation can be used only after consultation with your doctor.

He will help you choose right time session and distance to the device.

Many people have grandma's at home collecting dust. blue lamp. Previously, they were widely used, but now they are undeservedly forgotten. Therefore, I will tell you about the use of a blue lamp, its benefits, history, physics, methods of exposure and indications. By the way, I have a blue lamp (see photo).

Blue lamp history and physics

The therapeutic effect of the blue lamp is based on electromagnetic (infrared) radiation (wavelength from 760 nm to 2 microns). The source of infrared waves are incandescent lamps (our blue lamp), electric arc, nichrome emitters, gas discharge lamps, etc. 56% solar energy- this is the infrared spectrum; any heated body is also a source of infrared waves.

A. V. Minin (1851-1909), military doctor, invented (1891) the blue lamp. He gave great value specifically blue color, indicating its supposed bactericidal and analgesic properties. Today we know that this is not so, and anyone can play the role of a blue lamp. But the blue color is pleasing to the eye and more traditional.

The maximum spectrum of the blue lamp falls on the border of the short- and medium-wave range of infrared radiation, so it warms up the surface layers of the skin more. Infrared rays are reflected, refracted and absorbed by tissues. 60% of infrared waves are reflected from untanned skin, and only 42% from tanned skin. The rays of the blue lamp are predominantly absorbed by the upper layers of the skin and only 15% reaches the fatty tissue.

Today, the blue Minin lamp with a power of up to 60 W is produced only by the Kalashnikov Electric Lamp Plant, and the reflector is assembled only in Novosibirsk at Plyumazh LLC.

Blue lamp indications, contraindications and effects caused

In the area of ​​irradiation, microcirculation is activated, the permeability of blood vessels and tissues increases, metabolism is accelerated, which promotes the removal of decay products from the site of inflammation (impact, sprain). At the same time, the activity of leukocytes increases and the differentiation of fibroblasts, which replace defects in damaged tissues, is accelerated. These effects are enhanced by an additional portion biologically active substances, which also stand out under the influence of a blue lamp.

Activation of microcirculation and increased permeability vascular wall promote the resorption of infiltrates and reduce tissue swelling, especially in chronic stage inflammation. Under the influence of a blue lamp, tactile sensitivity increases and pain sensitivity decreases. The analgesic effect is due to the relief of spasms, the elimination of edema and hypoxia of nerve fibers.

The blue lamp is shown at all inflammatory processes, sprains, bruises, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, sinusitis, runny nose, skin diseases, etc.

Contraindications to the use of a blue lamp: oncology, pregnancy and acute purulent processes. It is not recommended to combine it with hormone therapy, cytostatics and immunomodulators.

Blue lamp application

When performing treatment with a blue lamp, the patient should not feel significant warmth . It should be light and pleasant. The area exposed to the blue lamp must be clean and free of grease. Impact distance: 30-50 cm strictly perpendicular to the irradiated surface. If the face is irradiated, the eyes should be closed and contact lenses removed. Duration is about 15-25 minutes, no more than 3 per day. A course of up to 20 procedures, repeated in a month.

Ladies and gentlemen, the blue lamp really helps.
If it burns out, screw in a regular 60 W one with the same effect.

The use of various physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat significantly reduces the duration of the disease and helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time.

Minin's blue lamp for warming the nose and ears is one of the most famous and time-tested ways to help the body cope with the disease. Let's look at what this device is and when it can be used.

Blue warming lamp: application. What is the effectiveness?

The blue lamp (Minin reflector) is a physiotherapeutic device, which is a light bulb of blue shades, enclosed in a special mirror lampshade. This device operates from the electrical network.

In fact, this is an ordinary incandescent lamp, which is painted blue. This shade penetrates less through closed eyelids and does not dazzle the eyes. A mirrored lampshade helps focus and direct the light to one point.

In literary sources, the authorship of this device is attributed to the military doctor A.V. Minin. Except medicinal use, the benefits of blue lamp are widely used in crop farming as artificial sun, in livestock farming for raising chickens and for other purposes.

The therapeutic effect and properties of this device are based on the effect of infrared radiation on skin person. This radiation warms up the upper layers of the skin well and partially penetrates into the area of ​​subcutaneous fat.

This thermal effect helps reduce swelling, improves microcirculation in the area of ​​impact, and relieves pain syndrome and stimulates natural immune protection body. Local heat has a positive effect on vascular microcirculation, improving nutrition and blood supply to the inflamed area.

How to properly use a blue lamp to warm up your nose

Despite the apparent simplicity of the device, many patients do not understand what the blue lamp is for and how it functions. Let's look at how to use the blue lamp for its intended purpose.

After turning on the device, the light bulb should light up, which, thanks to the mirror reflector, creates a certain thermal field.

Important! Depending on the reflector (lampshade), the luminous flux can be of different area and intensity. The smaller the diameter of the lampshade, the smaller area impact and a stronger thermal effect. In addition, the latest models of these devices have adjustable handles that can be bent at different angles.

The thermal energy of the lamp affects the skin. It is brought to the exposed site of treatment at a distance of 30-40 cm. At the same time, the patient feels pleasant warmth. The light falls perpendicularly or slightly at an angle to the irradiated area.

How to warm your nose and other areas of the face with a blue lamp? Everything happens exactly the same, but when working with the face, the patient’s eyes must be closed, since this thermal effect dries the mucous membrane of the eye and can provoke the development of conjunctivitis and the appearance of dry eyes. Source: website

For sinusitis

The use of this type of influence for sinusitis is possible only in cases of catarrhal non-purulent forms or during the period of recovery of the body after an illness to accelerate reparative processes.

Warm up the area with a lamp maxillary sinuses 5-7 minutes on each side twice a day until sustained clinical improvement or for 5-7 days.

If after the treatment session the patient’s condition worsens, you need to stop the procedure and contact a specialist. It is contraindicated to heat the sinuses during sinusitis, which is accompanied by purulent-necrotic processes.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy and period breastfeeding are a contraindication for this type of treatment.

Indications for use of the Minin reflector: what can be heated?

Indications for the use of this method of physiotherapy are:

  • myositis (muscle inflammation);
  • nonpurulent inflammatory pathology ENT organs (ear, throat, nose);
  • bruises, injuries, sprains;
  • skin diseases, etc.

What else can be heated with a blue lamp? It is used to treat indolent skin ulcers and erosions, helps cope with the consequences of injuries, burns and frostbite.

Warming up your nose when you have a runny nose is very easy with this device. The session itself lasts 7-10 minutes. Therapy begins with three minutes, then increases daily by a minute and brings it to 7-9 minutes per session. This procedure can be performed 2-3 times a day, depending on the indications and individual sensitivity of the body.

How long should you warm your nose with a blue lamp?

To get rid of a runny nose, sessions are carried out three times a day for 8-10 minutes on the bridge of the nose. The course of therapy ranges from 3 to 6 days.

Blue lamp for warming up the ear

The Minin reflector is used in the treatment of catarrhal non-purulent otitis, eustachitis and ear congestion. To warm up, the patient must pull auricle backwards and upwards so that heat penetrates the inflamed area. In addition, you can influence the area mastoid process, which is located behind the auricle.

How to warm your ear with a blue lamp?

Warming up begins with a few minutes, gradually increasing the session time to 10-12 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day for a week. Prohibited for use when purulent otitis and mastoiditis.

Blue lamp: contraindications

It is not advisable to carry out treatment against the background hormone therapy, taking cytostatics and immunostimulants. It is prohibited to use the device if the patient has severe decompensated diseases of the internal organs.

Features of use in children

For children, choose devices with a larger reflector diameter and lower light intensity. Treatment with a blue lamp must be supervised by an adult.

How to warm up a child's nose at home?

To do this you need to sit or lay down little patient. The device is held at a distance of 30-40 cm from the face and the baby is asked to close his eyes. Begin to warm up the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and sinuses for the first time for one minute.

At the same time, they monitor the reaction of the child’s skin and his well-being. When sharp redness or pain, the session is stopped. If everything is in order, then continue to warm up daily inflamed areas, adding 1 minute every day, and bringing the session duration to 5-7 minutes.

The entire course of treatment for a runny nose and other ENT pathologies lasts 5-6 days. If profuse purulent discharge from the nose appears, treatment with a blue lamp is stopped.
The Minin reflector and its effect are based on beneficial influence heat on inflamed tissue. Its effectiveness is evident in initial stages illness and during convalescence.

It is contraindicated to use the device in acute period diseases, with purulent processes and oncological pathology. In difficult cases, you should consult a doctor.

Blue lamp: reviews

We warmed up our child when his ear hurt. Blue He clearly liked it and was interested, so the procedures were carried out in a relaxed manner. The advantages are that the device does not dazzle the eyes and carries dry heat. How aid very effective for treatment. Anna, 28 years old

A device to warm your nose when you have a runny nose and are not breathing. Warm-up time 10-15 minutes. It is also advisable to keep your eyes closed, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the retina. Can also be used to warm the throat when coughing (you need to open your mouth). Vadim, 32 years old

Warming up the nose is enough effective procedure at . In a short period of time, this procedure can quickly relieve symptoms and nasal congestion. How to properly warm your nose when you have a runny nose?

The essence of the procedure

When heated, certain areas are affected locally elevated temperature. As a rule, when a runny nose occurs, it concerns areas of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Thanks to the procedure, the following results are achieved:

  1. Puffiness is relieved
  2. Metabolic processes accelerate
  3. Venous congestion of the mucous membrane is reduced
  4. Accelerates the process of cell and tissue regeneration
  5. Improves blood circulation due to vasodilation

All these facts allow you to get rid of congestion and restore free nasal breathing. In addition, the heat affecting the facial part has a positive effect on the functioning of other systems: nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular.

It is most effective to carry out the procedure on initial stage diseases. Are rising protective functions immunity, and recovery occurs much faster. At chronic rhinitis warming up prevents the development of exacerbations.

You can't warm up your nose if it's coming from purulent discharge. In this case warm environment is favorable condition for the propagation of pathogenic bacterial flora. An increase in their number can cause the infection to spread to neighboring organs.


Warming the nose should be performed when there is a runny nose or enlarged adenoids, but not for any form. Impact high temperature allowed at . And only on early stage. This stage is characterized by transparent heavy discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing and lack of well-being. The effectiveness of the procedure has also been proven during the recovery stage.

If the consistency of the mucus secreted by the nose changes or the presence of pus in it, the warming procedure should be stopped.

Diagnostic value of warming up

Warming the nose has a positive effect on the patient's well-being during. It makes nasal breathing easier and relieves congestion. Heat has a beneficial effect on the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues and wound healing.