How to make a warm dry compress. How to make a warm compress at home? So, how to make a compress?

Warm compresses can be used to treat various problems, from muscle pain to joint stiffness. While you can buy heat packs at the drugstore, they're just as easy to make yourself using simple, cheap materials you're likely to find at home. Warm compresses can help relieve pain from menstrual cramps, abdominal cramps, and muscle spasms. Before treating a condition with a warm compress, make sure you know whether it is best to treat your medical problem, applying heat or cold, and make sure you take correct measures precautions to protect yourself from possible burns. In this article we will look at how to make a warm compress. .

How to make a warm compress at home

Creating aromatic warm compress.

gather materials. For a basic compress, all you need is a clean, dry sock (or small bag) and uncooked rice, legumes, or oats to place inside. However, if you want to give a compress pleasant aroma, you will also need some powdered peppermint, cinnamon or any other flavor you prefer. You can use some herbs from your kitchen, the contents of the herbal tea bag or essential oils. Try adding relaxing lavender, chamomile, sage, or peppermint to your compress for an even more soothing feeling.

2. Fill the sock. Whether you use rice, beans or oats, pour them into the sock until it is ½ - ¾ full. Just leave enough sock material at the end to tie a knot unless you plan to sew the end of the sock to make a permanent warm compress. Then you can fill it almost to the top. As you fill the sock, you can add small pinches of your scented powder or herbs to make the compress smell nice. .

3. Microwave compress. Once you have sealed your compress, microwave it for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds you can feel and see how warm it is. If you are happy with the heat level, you can take it out and use it. If you want it warmer, continue holding in 10 second increments until the compress is as warm as you would like. Please be aware that placing scalding hot materials on your skin may cause blisters and burns. The optimal range is from 21.1 to 26.7 ° C.

4. Place a barrier between the skin and the compress. You can wrap the compress or place a towel or T-shirt on the skin where you plan to use heat. This will prevent skin damage or burning. Make sure you check your skin every few minutes to make sure your skin is still in good shape. How to make a warm compress using steam?

Making a warm steam compress.

1. Dampen a clean rag. Run water through the rag until it is saturated with water. It should be damp. Then place the fabric in a resealable plastic bag. Fold the cloth carefully to ensure even heating when you put it in the microwave. Do not seal the bag yet.

2. Put it in the microwave. When the bag remains open, place the bag and the rag in it in the center microwave oven. Heat for 30 - 60 seconds, adding time in 10 second increments until it reaches the temperature you are looking for. ?

3. Alternatively, use a kettle. If you don't have a microwave or it's inconvenient to heat the bag, you can simply heat the water in a kettle on the stove. Place the washcloth in a bowl and pour boiling water over the rag. Then use tongs to place them in a plastic bag. You can also apply a warm cloth directly to the skin if you want moist heat, but you must be very careful that the compress is not too hot. This type of warm compress is helpful for sinus pain, but you should be aware of the risk of burns.

4. Be careful when handling plastic bags. Because the cloth has been saturated with water, scalding may occur from the hot steam from the plastic bag. Use caution when removing the bag and cloth from the microwave oven to prevent burns. Hot steam can seriously burn your skin even if you don't come into direct contact with a hot object. Use a pair of kitchen tongs to handle materials if they are too hot to the touch.

5. Wrap a plastic bag in a clean towel. You don't want to apply the hot pack directly to your skin, so use a clean towel as a protective barrier. Place the plastic bag in the center of the towel, then fold the towel around the heated material. Do this so that the bag does not slide off the towel and leaves only one layer of towel between the compress and the skin.

6. Place the wrapped compress on the skin. Let the compress cool if you feel it is very hot. Remember to give your skin a break from the heat every ten minutes and not apply the compress for longer than 20 minutes. If your skin begins to look dark red, purple, patchy red and white, blistered, swollen, or have a rash, see your doctor. You may have skin damage from heat. How to make a warm compress for certain diseases? .

Determining how to use a warm compress

1. Apply heat to sore muscles. Sore muscles often result from excessive accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue. When you use a warm compress on a sore muscle, the heat attracts more blood to this area. Increased circulation flushes away excess lactic acid, making your muscles less sore. It also brings more oxygen to the area, speeding up the healing process damaged tissue. Warm sensation can be distracting nervous system, reducing the number of pain signals sent to the brain.

2. Use Moist Heat to Treat Muscle Spasms. If you are experiencing prolonged muscle spasms, your first step is to rest the affected muscle. Take it easy and avoid the activity that strained your muscle to the point of cramping in the first place. Wait 72 hours to apply heat, allowing inflammation in the area to decrease. After three days, apply a moist, warm compress to the affected area to speed up the healing process.

3. Treat joint stiffness and arthritis pain with either heat or cold. Both methods can be effective in treating joint problems, although some people prefer one of the two. You can try alternating between them until you figure out which one works best for you. Cold ice covers the soreness you feel and reduces inflammation and swelling in the joints by compressing blood vessels. Although extreme cold may be uncomfortable at first, it is very beneficial for relieving acute pain. .

  • Warm compresses dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow, which speeds up the healing process. Heat also loosens the tissue and ligaments in the tight area, increasing their range of motion.
  • You can also apply heat by soaking the affected area in warm water. This might mean swimming in a heated pool or simply lying in a warm bath.

4. Avoid heat therapy if you suffer from certain conditions. Pregnancy, diabetes, poor circulation and heart disease (eg, high blood pressure) may respond poorly to heat therapy. Talk to your doctor before using a warm compress to relieve muscle or joint pain. You should always keep a layer of cloth between the heat source and your skin to prevent burns.

5. Do not use heat for acute injuries. Heat is best used for healing chronic problems such as persistent muscle soreness, spasms, or chronic joint pain. On the other hand, it is better to use cold immediately after acute injury, for example, when a joint is dislocated. So, if you pull a muscle, apply ice immediately to reduce swelling for the first 48 hours. If pain persists for several days, use heat to speed up the recovery process. See above for how to make a warm compress.

A compress is a multi-layer bandage used for treatment. It can be warming, cold, hot, medicinal. It must be remembered that when using compresses, medications can cause skin irritation, and therefore, before making a compress, the skin must be lubricated with baby cream or Vaseline oil.

So, how to make a compress...

Warming compresses.

They are based on the fact that they do not use external heat, such as heating pads, but internal heat, which accumulates in the tissues of the body. They increase blood circulation not only in the skin, but also in deeper tissues and organs, as a result of which swelling is reduced, inflammatory processes are relieved, and convulsively contracted muscles relax. Indications for the use of a warm compress are infiltrates, inflammatory diseases of the joints, and sore throat.
How to make a warm compress?
It is made of four layers.
The first layer is a cotton cloth, napkin or gauze folded in four, slightly larger in size than the painful area. This fabric should be wetted with water at room temperature and wrung out.
The second layer - compress paper or oilcloth is applied on top of the fabric, which protects the fabric from drying out and retains heat. The paper should be slightly larger in size than the first layer (one or two fingers on all sides).
Third layer - both layers are covered with cotton wool, a woolen scarf or a scarf, larger size than both previous layers. This layer should be thick enough to provide warmth.
And finally, the fourth layer - all this is not tight, but tight enough so that air does not get inside the compress, bandage it and keep it for 6-8 hours. After removing the compress, wipe the skin with a warm soft towel.
Acute inflammatory skin diseases, skin diseases are a contraindication for such procedures.
An alcohol compress is a type of warming compress with a more pronounced irritating effect. The technique for applying it is the same as for a regular warming one, with the difference that the fabric is moistened not with water, but with diluted alcohol in a ratio of 1:3 or vodka in a ratio of 1:2.

We'll tell you how to make a compress on the ear. To do this, you need to lubricate the skin around the ear with Vaseline or baby cream. Then soak gauze or a clean soft cloth in a slightly warmed alcohol solution (50 ml of alcohol per 50 ml of water) or vodka, wring it out and place it around the auricle. The concha itself and the ear canal should remain open. Cut a circle out of wax or compress paper, make a cut in the middle and put it on sore ear, again leaving the concha and ear canal open. Place cotton wool around the ear on top of the paper and secure it with a bandage. Keeping the compress for 1-2 hours is enough; you don’t need to put it on at night, but then you can repeat it every day as long as your ear hurts. Can be used for the procedure and camphor alcohol, half diluted with water.

Medicinal compress. How to make a compress?

They have a more pronounced effect and are used with 1% soda solution, drilling fluid, Vishnevsky ointment. The liquid or ointment used for compresses is warmed in warm water, then the first layer is moistened with it. For angina pectoris, it is recommended, for example, to put a compress on the heart area with 5% alcohol solution menthol. It is held until the pain decreases.

Hot compresses. How to make a compress?

Used to reduce pain during spasms of blood vessels and muscles internal organs. In addition, they stimulate the activity of the heart. For migraine they are placed on the head, for angina - to the heart, for spastic pain in the bladder- to the stomach, with bronchial asthma- To chest. A hot compress is made as follows.
Moisten the fabric of the first layer hot water(60-70 degrees), quickly squeeze and apply to the sore spot. Continue as usual, but do not bandage the hot compress, but hold it with your hand for several minutes, and then change the cooled cloth back to the hot one.
If there is a danger of bleeding, abdominal pain of unknown origin, inflammatory diseases in abdominal cavity hot compresses are contraindicated. They should not be placed on the head at elevated temperatures. blood pressure.

Cold compresses. How to make a compress?

They “take away” heat at the site of application, cause a narrowing of not only superficial, but also deeper vessels, and relieve pain. Apply cold compresses to fresh traumatic injuries soft tissues. joints, ligaments, local inflammatory processes, strong heartbeat, nosebleeds. Used in hot weather various parts bodies. In this case, it is recommended to soak a cotton cloth in cold water, wring it out, apply it to the inflamed area, wrapping it with a dry cloth on top, and hold for 40 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Cold compresses are applied to the forehead and back of the head in case of overload. This procedure replaces the use cold water in large quantities.

For some characteristic pains, the situation can be improved with the help of a compress. Applying a compress is essentially applying sore spot dressings impregnated with one or another drug. There are several types of them: hot and cold, warming and medicinal compresses. However, when applying any of them, it should be remembered that in order to avoid irritation and other allergic reactions skin, before starting work directly, the affected area of ​​the body must be lubricated with cream or Vaseline, and now we will learn how to properly make a compress at home and what types of compresses there are.

photo of applying a cold compress to the head

Learning how to make a compress correctly

Now we will tell you which compress is best suited to each option.


  • Warming. This type is used to remove painful sensations for joint diseases inflammatory in nature, sore throat, infiltrates. Its action is based on the warming effect of the internal tissues of the human body. Thanks to this, you can achieve a significant reduction in swelling, relaxation of muscles contracted by cramps, and relief from inflammation. Knowing in practice how to make a warming compress, you can apply it at home, significantly alleviating the patient’s condition until qualified assistance is provided.
  • A cotton cloth, moistened, is first applied directly to the diseased area of ​​the body. plain water 20 0 temperature. Instead of fabric, you can use gauze folded in four or a table napkin. The material must be squeezed out well.
  • Special compress paper is placed on top of it. You can also prepare regular oilcloth. The main thing is that it does not allow the wet fabric to dry out and lose heat.
  • The third layer is a warming material - a woolen scarf or cotton wool. It is important that the material is thick enough. All this must be tightly bandaged on top, so that no air gets inside. This method is left for 8 hours (can be done overnight), and then removed and wiped the sore spot with a warm towel.

Four-layer, and each subsequent layer should be slightly larger than the previous one. We must remember that any skin diseases will be the main contraindication to the use of this type. A stronger effect can be obtained by using an alcohol warming compress. It must be applied in the same way as described above, only instead of water, the first layer is moistened with an alcohol or vodka solution in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:2, respectively.

In your ear

Some peculiarities exist when applying a compress to the ear.

  1. The first layer, soaked in an alcohol solution 1:2 (camphor alcohol can be used), must be squeezed out well and applied around the auricle so that both the ear canal and auricle remained free.
  2. The compress paper is cut into a circle shape and a cut is made in the center.
  3. Through the incision, you can put the paper on the sore ear, again, so as not to close the concha and ear canal.
  4. Then cover the top of the paper with cotton wool and bandage it.
  5. It is not recommended to leave it overnight. A few hours is enough.
  6. You can repeat the procedure every day until the pain symptoms disappear.


The first layer for making a medicinal compress is moistened in 1% soda solution, drilling fluid, or even Vishnevsky ointment, preheated a little in warm water. Has a more pronounced analgesic effect.


Spasms of blood vessels and muscles of internal organs will be an indication for applying a hot compress. Can be used for migraines, angina, pain in the bladder, and bronchial asthma. Apply directly to the affected area. The system of using four layers is the same as when applying a warm compress. The first layer is wetted with hot water with a temperature of up to 70 0, which must be quickly wrung out and applied. In addition, hot compresses are not bandaged, but only pressed firmly with your hand, until total loss temperature, after which the first layer is replaced with a new one and continues to be held. It should not be applied if there is a risk of bleeding, with high blood pressure, as well as with abdominal pain and inflammation in the abdominal cavity.


This is applied for nosebleeds, various injuries to the upper tissues, ligaments, and strong heartbeat. Can also be used to cool the body when elevated temperatures air, for example, in summer time. Its effect is reduced to vasoconstriction due to the cooling effect. The fabric for the cold compress procedure is pre-moistened cold water and squeeze it out. Applying it directly to the area of ​​concern, wrap it with a dry bandage.

The question often arises: how long to keep the compress on? It is enough to hold it for about an hour. Such procedures are not carried out at night. In case of severe overload of the body, a similar compress can be applied to the forehead and back of the head. This way you can replace the use in large quantities cold water.

A warm compress can be used to relieve many unpleasant symptoms, from muscle pain to impaired joint mobility. Although bags for such compresses can be purchased at the pharmacy, they are easy to make yourself from readily available and inexpensive materials that you may already have in your home. Warm compresses will help relieve pain caused by menstrual and muscle spasms. Before using warm compresses, find out whether cold or warm compresses are better for your case. After reading this article, you will learn how to make a warm compress with your own hands.


Making a Scented Warm Compress

    Gather the necessary materials. For a simple compress, you'll need a clean sock and some dry rice, raw beans, or oatmeal to fill it with. However, if you want to make a compress that has pleasant smell, you'll also need a small amount of peppermint powder, cinnamon powder, or other flavoring. You can also use dried herbs and spices, the contents of tea bags or essential oils.

    • To relax and enjoy the compress even more, try adding lavender, chamomile, sage or mint.
  1. Fill the sock. Whether you use rice, beans or oatmeal, pour them into the sock, filling it ½–¾ full. Don't fill the sock so full that you can tie it, unless you're going to make a permanent compress by sewing up the opening of the sock, in which case you can fill it to the brim.

    • After filling a sock with cereal or beans, you can add a pinch of aromatic powder or herbs to it, which will give the compress a pleasant aroma.
  2. Seal the opening of the sock. You can close it temporarily or more permanently, depending on how long you intend to use the compress. By tying a strong knot, you will seal the compress, and at the same time you will be able to disassemble it and reuse the sock for its intended purpose. To use the compress for a longer time, the hole in the sock can be sewn up.

    • Please note that if you tie or sew the sock close to its contents, the compress will turn out to be quite tight, but if it is further away from the filling, it will be looser and softer. Before closing the compress completely, experiment a little with it to determine the best option.
    • If you make a loose compress, you can easily apply it to your neck or shoulders.
  3. Place the compress in the microwave. After tying or sewing a sock, place it in the microwave for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, open the oven and touch the compress to check how warm it is. If its temperature is right for you, take it out and use it. If you want it warmer, continue heating it in the microwave until required temperature, adding 10 seconds each time.

    Create a protective barrier between the skin and the compress. You can wrap the compress or place a towel or T-shirt on the skin where you plan to apply it. This will protect your skin from burns. When holding the compress, be sure to check the skin every few minutes.

    Apply the compress to the relevant area of ​​the body. If the compress is too hot, remove it immediately and wait until it cools down before reapplying. When the compress has cooled to a suitable temperature, apply it to the sore area and hold for ten minutes. After this, remove it, allowing the skin to cool slightly. After the skin has cooled, you can apply the compress for another ten minutes.

From time immemorial, heating bandages have been used as one of the mandatory therapeutic techniques in the treatment of a number of ailments. However, despite the wide popularity of this cheap physiotherapeutic procedure, there are often cases of incorrect application of warm compresses and ignorance of the algorithm for their use. General technology Any warming application is simple: take a warming agent (you can use heated water), soak a bandage or cotton-gauze bandage with this agent; Cover the area on the body with material soaked in a warming agent; We put compress paper on top, a dry cotton layer and bandage the compress so that it holds well and does not interfere with blood circulation.

Materials for applying a compress are cheap

Types of applying warm compresses at home

Warming compresses are used to increase blood circulation in tissues and organs, the restoration of health of which requires increased metabolism (metabolism) in areas affected by the disease.

The algorithm for performing a warm compress at home is simple. For this technique you will need:

  • heating component ( warm water, alcohol, turpentine, ointment, etc.);
  • bandage and cotton wool;
  • cling film or compress paper.

Cling film or compress paper can be replaced with any other material that does not allow heat to pass through and can create a damp " greenhouse effect" This could be a plastic bag, tracing paper, etc. Another mandatory requirement for the covering material is that it should not injure or irritate the skin in places of contact with it.

The compress must be firmly fixed

Sequence (algorithm) of actions when applying a warming water compress:

  • heat the water to the required temperature (40-45ºС);
  • moisten cotton wool in heated water (there should be enough cotton wool so that when applied to the surface of the skin it covers the entire area of ​​influence of the heating application and the thickness of the cotton layer is no less than 1 cm);
  • On top of the layer of cotton wool it is necessary to apply 2-3 layers of compress paper or any other material that retains moisture and heat;
  • a layer of dry cotton wool is placed on top of the compress paper;

last of all it is necessary to apply bandage, which would completely cover all previous layers (the bandage should not be tight or very loose, it should ensure normal adherence of the compress to the affected area and free blood circulation).

The technique of applying a bandage is similar to bandaging wounds.

Warming compresses also include a vodka or alcohol compress.

Overlay algorithm vodka compress which is made at home:

  • dilute 96% alcohol with water in the following ratio: 1 part alcohol to 3 parts water or dilute vodka in a ratio of 1 part vodka to 1 part water;
  • soak a layer of cotton wool in diluted alcohol or vodka, squeeze out the cotton wool and place this layer on the surface of the skin in the place where a warming effect is required;
  • cover the layer of cotton wool with compress paper or any other material that does not allow water to pass through external environment heat and moisture;
  • make a layer of dry cotton wool;
  • Apply a loose bandage on top of the compress paper or a material replacing it (the bandage must be applied in several layers so that it completely covers the surface of the compress).

For patients whose skin reacts painfully to the aggressive effects of alcohol, it is recommended either not to do alcohol warming applications at all, or to apply a semi-alcohol compress.

The peculiarity of the algorithm for applying a semi-alcohol compress is that when preparing it, you should increase the amount of water: instead of 3 parts of water, dilute the alcohol with 5-6 parts of water.

Application of warm compresses based on medicinal ointments should be done in strict accordance with the instructions for the data medicines. The method and time of action of the warming components in such specialized medications may differ greatly from the mechanism of action of a conventional warming compress and, accordingly, the algorithm for using such agents is also different.

In accordance with the algorithm, the time for applying a warming bandage is 5-8 hours. After the specified time interval, it is necessary to remove the bandage, and wrap the area on the body where the warming effect was used with a soft natural fabric. This gentle heat can be used before applying the next compress, which can be done after 5-6 hours.

When is heating applied?

Warming compresses are one of the physiotherapeutic means in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints, muscle tissue, for some vascular diseases.

Also, the effect of warming neck bandages is used in restorative and rehabilitation therapy in the treatment of sore throats and other inflammatory diseases in the area of ​​the larynx.

If you have a sore throat, applying a warm compress will help.

Indications for the use of a compress should be made by the attending physician, who observes the entire course of the disease and can prevent the occurrence of complications due to inappropriate warming. It is almost impossible to make such a forecast on your own. Ideally, the doctor should determine the algorithm for using such warming applications.

The use of warm compresses for joint diseases

The algorithm for applying warming bandages for joints and the preparation technique for this procedure are quite simple; it is easy to do it yourself at home. However, due to the fact that such a compress is considered a potent remedy and its use affects the entire body, experts advise that before using warming, consult a therapist to determine the presence of contraindications.

According to doctors, such a compress can be used for arthrosis, arthritis, bruises, and sprains.

You can relieve pain and swelling from a bruise using a compress.

Warming application can be done according to the mechanism indicated in the first part of this review.

Warming components allowed for use:

  • alcohol;
  • vodka;
  • alcoholic infusions of herbs;
  • turpentine;
  • medicinal warming ointments, etc.

Such warming bandages have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The compress is applied for 6-8 hours, twice a day: in the morning and at night.

To avoid the compress slipping when applying it to the moving joints of the upper and lower limbs(elbow, knee bend), it is necessary to increase the area of ​​application of the compress itself with a warming component and increase the area of ​​bandaging. It is not recommended to use adhesive tape to strengthen such a compress on the joint.

Warming applications for throat diseases

For sore throat, cough, and other diseases respiratory tract Compresses can be performed only if there is evidence from the attending physician.

This precaution is due to the fact that sore throat and cough - infectious diseases. As is known, the infection begins to actively spread in warm environment. That is why premature manipulations associated with the treatment of throat and cough compresses can only aggravate clinical picture diseases.

You need to treat your throat with a compress after consulting a doctor.

In these cases, a compress can be applied only after the body has overcome the infection, i.e. at the stage of recovery and getting rid of negative action infectious agents.

If there is evidence from the attending physician, a warm compress on the throat area when coughing or other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract can be performed according to the algorithm and using the technique indicated in the first part of this article.

For a warming application on the neck when coughing, gentle warming components are used, such as warm water, semi-alcohol solution, boiled potatoes, honey, etc.

When not to apply a compress

Even if there is general indications Such a physiotherapeutic remedy cannot be used in relation to the use of warming applications if there are a number of contraindications.