Why do you need a 60 watt blue lamp? Blue lamp for warming up - how to use the device

The popularity that the device with a blue lamp had in the last century is explained by the ease of its use and the effectiveness of light therapy. Before the invention of antibiotics, the Minin reflector ( medical name lamps) have been successfully used for the treatment of diseases for which it is indicated dry heat. With the advent of synthetic painkillers and antibacterial drugs The physiotherapeutic device has ceased to be widely used, although it has not lost its medicinal properties, which are worth learning more about.

What is a blue lamp

The invention of the reflector (reflector) is attributed to the military doctor A.V. Minin, who was the first to use an incandescent lamp painted in blue, for treatment inflammatory diseases aseptic nature. At its core, the Minin lamp is an ordinary light bulb placed in a special design that ensures the direction of thermal radiation. The blue color was not chosen by chance - the blue tint reduces surface heating of the skin and stimulates the synthesis of energy in cells. Therapeutic effect blue radiation is:

  • improving blood microcirculation;
  • regulation of the hemostatic system;
  • vascular strengthening effect;
  • analgesic effect;
  • increased oxygen metabolism in tissues;
  • regenerating effect.


The physiotherapeutic device is designed to provide targeted heating to a specific area of ​​the patient’s body, while minimizing the risk of eye damage. Concentrating the direction of light and heat is achieved through a mirror coating inner surface lampshade. The design of the reflector itself is a lampshade with a handle, inside of which is placed an incandescent light bulb with a bulb painted blue. An electrical wire with a power plug passes through the handle, made of insulating material. The photo shows a classic Minin lamp

The source of infrared radiation in the device is a 60 W lamp. Coating the bulb with a special blue paint reduces the brightness of the light and reduces the possibility of glare when it is necessary to warm up the facial area. The diameter of the standard reflector is 16 cm, but modern manufacturers of medical equipment offer several options for the device - for large areas and for targeted exposure. The intensity of the infrared radiation can be adjusted by changing the distance between the lamp and the affected area.

Therapeutic effect from using a blue lamp is thermal effects light waves onto a small area of ​​skin. Under the influence of radiation, the body begins to experience biochemical reactions, which contribute to the acceleration metabolic processes and recovery. Visible radiation from the colors of the main color spectrum has different wavelengths, which affect the body in a certain way. Blue color, unlike others, is intensively absorbed by many human photoreceptors.

The blue light lamp for warming up has the following medicinal properties:

  • eliminates swelling;
  • reduces severity pain syndrome;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, which promotes the outflow of fluid from the source of inflammation;
  • removes muscle spasms;
  • suppresses activity pathogenic bacteria;
  • eliminates joint stiffness;
  • increases immune defense.

Thermal radiation is exposure to infrared rays different lengths. Long-wave radiation, from a medical point of view, has beneficial effect on the human body, helping to increase immunity and improve health internal organs. Such rays are generated by the Minin reflector, provided that it is used according to the instructions.

Instructions for using the blue lamp

Medreflector is used to treat diseases inflammatory in nature that are not caused by any pathogen. Physiotherapy is prescribed in combination with other therapeutic methods and cannot be considered as a panacea. Using a device with a blue lamp is only permissible after consulting a doctor, because in some pathologies, heating the painful area is dangerous to health.

Reflector as a means complex therapy, may enhance the effect medicines, normalize blood pressure due to toning of blood vessels, eliminating the need to take large doses antibiotics. Some types of medications can be completely replaced by the heat radiation of the lamp (for example, nasal drops for the treatment of a runny nose or warming ointments for joint pain).

Due to the fact that a lamp with a blue bulb is safe to use, it is often recommended by pediatricians for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs in children. This physiotherapeutic procedure is useful for sore throat with inflammation of the adenoids, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, and dry cough. According to the instructions, a lamp for warming the nose and throat can be used for bruises and superficial damage to the skin of a child. For adult patients, dry heat can be used to relieve problems such as:

  • radiculitis;
  • ligament sprain;
  • arthritis;
  • aseptic myositis;
  • acute respiratory viral diseases occurring without an increase in body temperature;
  • disorders of the central nervous system (neuroses, depression, fatigue syndrome);
  • migraine-like pain;
  • organ diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • inflammation of skin structures (pimples, acne).

How to use the blue lamp

In order for treatment with a blue lamp at home to be effective and safe, you should follow the rules for using the device. It is convenient to use a heat reflector with a flexible handle - this will ensure the correct angle of inclination of the lamp to the heated surface and relieve the load while holding the device. Basic instructions regarding correct use the devices are as follows:

  • the patient should take a comfortable position so as not to experience muscle strain during the physiotherapy session;
  • You must put a dark bandage over your eyes or wear safety glasses;
  • an infrared lamp for the treatment of runny nose in children is used while the baby is sleeping;
  • patients who wear contact lenses, they should be removed during the procedure to avoid drying out of the mucous membrane;
  • directed infrared rays should be at right angles to the heated surface of the body;
  • After connecting the reflector to the network, you must wait 1-2 minutes. for the lamp to heat up;
  • the distance from the electrical device to the skin surface should be in the range from 20 to 60 cm (depending on the heated area and the age of the patient);
  • the sensations during the procedure should be pleasant (the heat emanating from the lamp should be pronounced, but not too intense);
  • the duration of one session should not exceed 30 minutes;
  • the number of procedures per day is limited to 3 sessions.

Depending on the indications for the procedure using a blue lamp, the area of ​​application and the age of the patient, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic sessions of the following nature:


Area of ​​influence

Distance from the device to the body surface, cm

Session duration, min. (adults/children up to 3 years old)

bridge of the nose

Maximum term treatment is 15 days

Arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis

Cervical or lumbar regions spine

It is contraindicated to treat the following pathologies using infrared radiation:

Blue lamp price

You can buy a reflector in pharmacies in the section with medical equipment or in the online store, choosing the appropriate option from those available. The cost of a blue lamp depends on the complexity of the design and the size of the device. Average price for physiotherapy remedy in Moscow is 1500 rubles. A simple classic reflector can be purchased for 1000 rubles. (you can find it even cheaper on free classifieds sites), and the most advanced option costs from 1800 rubles. up to 2500 rub.


Until now, many families use the old, proven method of treating a runny nose using a blue lamp for colds and runny noses. This simple device, created more than a hundred years ago, often turns out to be more effective than many medicines. This simplest physiotherapeutic remedy can be used to treat both adults and children.

What is the blue lamp?

Scientifically, this device is called a Minin reflector, named after the scientist who created it. But among the people the name “blue lamp” has long been assigned to it. The device has a simple structure: a metal body with a reflector, a handle and an incandescent lamp.

This design ensures that light is focused on a specific area of ​​the body and creates a warming effect. The most commonly used universal lamp is 16 centimeters in diameter.

Blue lamp emits infrared thermal radiation, which does not heat the skin, but penetrates into its deeper layers. The effectiveness of the device for a runny nose is ensured by the color of the light bulb - blue color prevents burns and does not dazzle the eyes.

What effect does the Minin reflector have?

Why is it so popular to treat a runny nose with this device? Experience shows that after a few days the patient’s breathing is restored and the runny nose goes away.

Based on research, it has been proven that warming the sinuses with a blue lamp has the following effect:

  • Expands blood vessels and improves blood circulation;
  • Eliminates venous congestion and swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • Facilitates breathing and saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • Strengthens capillaries in the nose;
  • Destroys many bacteria and reduces the rate of virus reproduction;
  • Improves metabolism and restores mucous membranes;
  • Calms nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

Such warming turns out to be more effective for a runny nose than any other methods. The use of a blue lamp speeds up recovery. This treatment is also popular because it does not have side effects and can be used even in small children.

When can the device be used?

Despite the fact that this device is simple, not everyone is allowed to use it. Warming up in the facial area is contraindicated in case of sinusitis and other purulent processes, at elevated temperatures, a tendency to bleeding and impaired cerebral circulation. It makes no sense to warm the nose with allergic, vasomotor and atrophic rhinitis.

But the use of a blue lamp is effective for the following diseases:

  • For a cold;
  • For rhinitis;
  • With ARVI occurring without fever;
  • For sore throat.
Doctors recommend using warming only for initial stages disease while nasal discharge is clear. With a purulent runny nose, the procedure will not only be useless, but can also be harmful.

How to use the lamp correctly?

For treatment, just turn on the device and direct the light to the bridge of the nose. The distance from the blue lamp to the body should be from 20 to 60 centimeters in order to feel a pleasant, non-burning warmth.

The device must be positioned so that the rays fall on the body at an angle. If the patient feels discomfort, the lamp should be moved further away.

The duration of the procedure depends on the age of the patient, usually from 5 to 15 minutes for children, 20–25 minutes for adults. Warming can be done 2-3 times a day. In most cases, a runny nose goes away within a few days.

In order for warming to have only a positive effect, you need to follow some rules during the procedure:

  • You can use the blue lamp only after consulting a doctor;
  • The eyes must be covered with a napkin, and if the patient wears contact lenses, they must be removed;
  • After the procedure, you should not immediately go outside or be in a draft;
  • It is not recommended to use a blue lamp to treat a runny nose for longer than 15 days.

Features of treatment for children

Warming up with a blue lamp is very effective and safe way get rid of a runny nose at any age. The procedure can be carried out while the child is sleeping. It is advisable to cover your eyes with a flap thick fabric, and adjust the distance to the lamp by constantly checking the degree of heating of the body with your hand.

You can also relieve nasal congestion by heating the areas behind the ears. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure for young children longer than 10 minutes. Subject to these simple rules You can cure a child’s runny nose in a few days.

Quite often in complex treatment For colds, warming with a blue lamp is used. This is convenient to do at home, since the device is compact and easy to use.

Dry heating sinuses relieves the patient's condition and speeds up recovery. And if you resort to this method when the first symptoms of ARVI appear, you can ensure that the disease will proceed in a milder form.

– a device for heat therapy at home. Using the device will help you cope with warming up colds and joint pain, improve general condition and increase immunity. The medreflector will benefit the elderly and children. With proper use, the therapeutic result is guaranteed, and the risk side effects comes down to zero.

The blue lamp is used for warming up

What is a blue lamp

The blue lamp (the so-called Minin reflector) is an ordinary incandescent lamp, only blue, which is placed in a reflective shade. A mirror shade for a blue lamp can be bought in the price range of 1000-1500 rubles. depending on the diameter, a lamp with a blue bulb costs 150-200 rubles. The device is not sold in pharmacies; you need to buy it online; it is preferably produced in Russia or Ukraine, since Chinese analogues do not have a heat-resistant safety rubber band, which increases the risk of burns.

The blue lamp is not sold in pharmacies

Useful properties of the Minin reflector

The reflector has many beneficial properties, providing positive influence per person:

  • activates blood circulation processes;
  • stimulates metabolic processes, accelerating regeneration several times;
  • relieves muscle pain and swelling after injuries and sprains ;
  • relieves pain;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect.

The device is often used for diseases that require dry heat, applying it in various areas medicine. Blue light has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improving the conductivity of nerve impulses, therefore it is actively used in the treatment of seasonal depression, syndrome chronic fatigue and neuroses.

The device is indispensable for atherosclerosis, ischemia, strokes, and circulatory disorders, because:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps reduce blood viscosity;
  • increases blood flow speed;
  • regulates the hemostatic system.

The blue lamp has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system

Heat therapy is indicated in the treatment of non-purulent inflammatory pathologies ENT – organs that occur without high fever:

  • otitis and sinusitis;
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • acute rhinitis.
For these diseases, the lamp is used at the end of the disease to speed up the recovery period.

Operating principle of the device

The principle of action of blue light is based on increasing the body’s energy capabilities and photochemical reactions.

The medical reflector concentrates light and heat using the mirror inner surface of the lampshade. The blue light bulb provides a non-contact warming effect due to infrared radiation penetrating the upper layers of the epidermis. You cannot use an ordinary lamp, as it can cause burns. Blue light does not affect the retina of the eyes, reduces heating skin and improves heating of underlying body tissues.

Instructions for using the blue lamp

There is no need to confuse ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Minin's blue lamp emits only infrared energy, which does not have the properties of ultraviolet - it does not have bactericidal properties, does not promote tanning, and acts only with heat on diseased areas of the body.

Warming up the nose

Treatment of a runny nose begins with 3 minutes of warming up the nose, adding one minute every day, bringing it to 9 minutes per session. Treatment should be carried out 3 times a day.

Warming the nose with a lamp will help cure sinusitis

Warming the throat is only possible when treating tonsillitis and coughing. Treatment of all types of sore throat with the presence of purulent plaque on the tonsils and elevated temperature are strictly prohibited.

Warming with a lamp should be used for coughs and tonsillitis

When coughing, it is enough to warm up first the chest for 15 minutes, and then the back in the lung area. After completing the procedure, wrap the heated areas with a woolen scarf.

Treatment of otitis media

For non-purulent ear diseases, you can use healing lamp. To warm up the ear, you should pull it auricle up and slightly back to provide directed heat into the ear.

Blue lamp helps cure otitis media

How to treat bronchitis

When treating bronchitis, only a doctor can prescribe heating with a device, based on general condition patient and associated symptoms.

If your doctor approves breast warming with a blue lamp, you should:

  • choose the optimal distance to the body area;
  • direct blue light to the area of ​​the sternum below the collarbone;
  • warm up the area for at least 20 minutes;
  • After warming up, wrap the heated area with a warm scarf or shawl.

After the procedure, you need to wrap the warming area

How to treat acne

The blue lamp does not have bactericidal properties, so it will not help in treating acne. The Minin reflector can only help dry the skin and relieve inflammation. It can only serve as an additional home remedy to the main set of medicinal and cosmetic procedures.

Blue lamp does not cure acne

Treatment of jaundice in newborns

For mild forms of infantile jaundice, it is possible to treat at home with a device with a blue lamp if recommended. Irradiation of a baby with a Minin reflector will be especially effective when breastfeeding in combination with drug treatment.

During the procedure, you should not leave the child alone; be sure to change his position so that the infrared radiation acts evenly on the baby’s body.

The baby's position needs to be changed when warming up.

Monitoring the child’s weight is mandatory, as treatment with a blue lamp dehydrates the body.

The procedures must be carried out in full accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, but should not exceed 15 minutes in time.

Treatment of colds in newborns

You can replace the treatment of colds in infants with mustard plasters with dry heat from a blue light bulb. Controlling the degree of heating with your hand, you should warm up the baby’s chest, back and heels. Warm up each area of ​​the body for no more than 10 minutes.

The blue lamp can be used to treat infants

Harm of a healing lamp

The Minin reflector can only cause harm if the lamp is used for contraindications and without prior consultation with a therapist. Dry heat negatively affects the body if the rules of use are not followed, and treatment with a blue lamp for certain diseases.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the device, you cannot use it yourself, without the advice of a doctor.

The blue lamp can be used after consulting a doctor


Indications for the use of a blue lamp for physical therapy at home have limitations.

Contraindications to warming are:

  1. Any types of bleeding, including capillary.
  2. Problems with blood clotting.
  3. New growths or injuries on the skin, regardless of origin.
  4. Tuberculosis in any form.
  5. Purulent processes.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Oncological diseases.

Do not use a blue lamp even for minor bleeding

Do not point the operating device into the area thyroid gland, warm up the stomach in case acute pain and subject to heating varicose veins. It is not advisable to carry out treatment against the background hormone therapy and taking immunostimulants.

To avoid harm to health, consultation with a doctor is required. Only a doctor can determine whether heat treatment is possible in the case of a particular disease.

The device for physiotherapeutic procedures was first used in the treatment of many pathologies by doctor Minin. Therefore, the blue warming lamp began to be named after the doctor. It was first used as a pain reliever in dental practice. But then it became in demand among therapists and ophthalmologists, since it had a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. Currently, the Minin reflector is widely used in the treatment of ENT diseases in patients of any age.

How does the blue warm-up lamp work?

A reflector is a device with a metal rim, with inside which has a mirror coating applied. An incandescent lamp has a rich blue color. Heating is carried out by a tungsten filament.

If you compare the Minin reflector with a simple home lamp, they differ quite a bit. The shade of the blue lamp helps to reflect the light and direct it to the desired point. It is due to mirror coating that the device works as a reflector.

Diseases are treated using infrared radiation and warm energy. A beam of directed light is absorbed by the skin and converted into dry heat. Infrared rays help improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. The blue lamp helps the body fight inflammation on its own. And radiation destroys various types of infections.

Indications for use: who can use IR radiation?

The Minin reflector is prescribed as a physiotherapeutic device to eliminate the following pathologies:

  • Symptoms of colds: rhinitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, osteochondrosis, ligament injuries
  • Diseases of the nervous system: neuralgia, radiculitis, migraine, constant fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, hepatitis
  • Diseases cardiovascular system, ischemia

When exposed to infrared radiation, patients experience functional restoration various systems and organs. Thanks to the effects of dry heat, metabolism is regulated, reducing painful sensations. In case of injury or tissue damage, good regeneration is observed. Reviews show that the treatment of acute infectious diseases is improving respiratory function, the immune system is strengthened.

The use of the Minin reflector improves the conduction of nerve impulses. Because heat causes blood vessels to fill with blood, oxygen delivery and nutrients accelerates to tissues. This effect stimulates the synthesis of cellular energy.

In case of circulatory disorders, the blue lamp reduces blood density, regulates hemostasis, strengthens vascular walls and promotes better capillary circulation. The device is also used in the treatment of fungal infections, in particular candidiasis.

Instructions for use of the Minin reflector

In order for the blue lamp to have the most positive effect, it is used for various pathologies according to certain rules. If the inflammation is localized in a specific part of the body, for example, in the knee or on the back, then the device is directed to the affected area so that the lamp is at a distance of 60 cm from the skin. The duration of light radiation can reach 10-20 minutes, but no longer. It is best to conduct physical therapy sessions several times a day.

While exposed to the switched on lamp, you must keep your eyes closed. There are no other precautions when using the reflector.

After a single warm-up physiotherapy, the patient must remain indoors and not go outside, so it is better to buy such a device for home use.

A blue lamp is used to warm the nose twice a day. The duration of a single application can be 5-20 minutes. Patients' health status noticeably improves after just three warm-ups.

If rhinitis is accompanied by a cough, then the reflector is directed to chest in the projection of the location of the lungs. It is also recommended to warm up your back.

For sinusitis, a blue lamp is directed to the area of ​​the maxillary cavities and forehead. Otitis media is treated by heating each ear in turn.

How to warm up a child's body?

It is best to carry out warming procedures with a blue lamp when the baby falls asleep. At this time, a cloth folded in several layers is placed over the child’s eyes so that the radiation does not wake him up.

The distance from the reflector to the skin must be calculated independently. The temperature should be comfortable and pronounced. Treatment of a runny nose in children is carried out within 5-15 minutes. But parents should check from time to time how warm the baby's skin is. If it becomes hot, then the procedure should be completed or the device should be moved a little further.

Reviews from parents who use the reflector show that the warming device can be used in another way. For example, it is recommended to buy a blue lamp for a warming procedure instead of mustard plasters or cans. Some parents warm up their child’s back and heels. And if you influence the feet, you can stimulate the points responsible for the functioning of the baby’s inflamed organs. In addition, such warming up with a reflector will increase the ability immune system fight diseases.

As a rule, the physiotherapy procedure lasts up to 10 minutes. Sometimes this time can be increased to 20, but no longer. Less than 5 minutes is also not recommended, because the skin will not receive enough dry heat and the body will not respond fully to infrared radiation. Therapy can be repeated twice a day.

Since there is a place to buy a blue lamp even in small towns, parents are recommended to use it in the treatment of colds in children. Thus, the following positive points can be achieved:

  • Not used that often antibacterial therapy, which will be required in advanced stages of a cold and the appearance of complications
  • Increase the impact of topical medications, such as nasal decongestants

To prevent your child from avoiding the warming up procedure, you can tell him a fairy tale.

Contraindications: who is prohibited from using a blue lamp to warm the nose and other organs

Despite high efficiency, the Minin reflector has contraindications, which you need to familiarize yourself with before starting the physiotherapeutic procedure. These include:

  • Acute inflammatory processes accompanied by an increase in temperature
  • Oncological diseases
  • Periodic exacerbation of severe chronic pathologies
  • Dysfunctions of the autonomic system
  • Purulent inflammation (for example, sinusitis)
  • Cerebrovascular accident
  • Urolithiasis
  • Tuberculosis in active phase
  • Pregnancy
  • Serious heart problems
  • Varicose veins
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Sympathalgia

It is also contraindicated to warm up thyroid gland, even if the patient does not have dysfunctional disorders.

The use of the Minin reflector is prohibited in the treatment of patients who have insensitivity to thermal energy. These include patients with diabetes mellitus, people who are intoxicated.

Also, do not use a blue lamp when the patient's skin has open wounds or worsened injury.

Questions and answers about using a blue lamp

Many people ask not only where to buy a lamp and how effective it is. They are also interested in other questions. Let's look at the most popular ones.

  1. Is the blue lamp ultraviolet?

No, despite the fact that the bulb has a blue tint, Minin’s reflector has nothing in common with ultraviolet.

  1. Does the lamp disinfect the air?

Not either. To destroy viruses and bacteria, use a quartz or bactericidal lamp.

Research recent years confirmed that blue color has a positive effect on biochemical composition blood, helps improve heart function, strengthens the immune system.

Application of blue lampuseful because blue color enhances energy synthesis in cell mitochondria. Blue light relieves fatigue and helps to relax during times of great mental stress. The blue lamp also has an analgesic effect. On discomfort associated with intestinal disorders, the lamp can also have an effect. Minin lamps are also valued for their positive effect on the health of people with diabetes.

Therapeutic effects of the Minin lamp

Among health effects The following blue lamps stand out:

  • decreased blood viscosity;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • stabilization and regulation of metabolism;
  • treatment of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections);
  • analgesic effect;
  • strengthening the immune system, activating the body's immune system.

That is, the use of a blue lamp is justified both for colds and ARVI, and for problems associated with vascular and heart diseases. At the blue lamp wide range applications.

Treatment of diseases

The blue lamp will help you relieve the symptoms of many diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary disease hearts;
  • migraine (blue lamp treatment - good alternative tablets);
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • myocarditis;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • runny nose, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • neurosis, neuritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • tissue swelling;
  • muscle pain, sprains.

And that's not yet full list. So, if you have the opportunity to try the healing effects of a blue lamp on yourself, don’t hesitate, try it.

Blue lamp for children can also be used. It helps mothers a lot when their children have a runny nose or otitis media, as it helps the baby recover. The lamp can be used in combination with other products.

How to use the blue lamp

The Minin lamp emits infrared, ultraviolet and visible rays. Blue light applies heat to problem areas. At use of blue lamps pain disappears in certain areas and blood circulation improves.

The distance from the lamp to the surface of the patient’s skin is determined individually (depending on the sensations), but usually it varies between 30-50 cm. Of course, you should not bring the lamp too close to the surface of the skin, because moderation and caution must be observed in any treatment. The intensity can be changed by adjusting the distance between the device and the skin surface.

The course of treatment is 25- 30 procedures. Procedures are performed in 2 steps- 3 times a day. Warm-up time for adults is about 20- 30 minutes. Blue lamp for children used within 10- 15 minutes.

It must be remembered that a certain method is suitable for each organism, that is, the number of warming sessions, their duration and intensity depend on the disease, on the sensations and well-being of the patient. For a cold, using a lamp is possible if the patient does not have an elevated body temperature. When warming up in the face area, you need to close your eyes.