How to treat lower back pain. Treatment of the back and lower back, relief from pain in the spine. Warming up with dry heat

90% of adults will experience an attack of back pain during their lifetime. This is the second most common reason for visiting a doctor after infection of the upper respiratory tract. Every day, 2% of the working population misses work due to lower back pain.

Pain that primarily affects the back should be distinguished from manifestations of spinal diseases. They predominantly lead to pain radiating down the leg, called sciatica. Sciatica is the result of a pinched nerve in the spine. In most cases, the cause of sciatica is clearly identified - a disc or arthritic condition of the spine. The difficult to determine cause of an attack may be associated with intervertebral discs, joints, vertebrae or surrounding areas soft tissues(muscles, ligaments, tendons).

Folk remedies for quick back treatment at home

Back pain is classified as acute and chronic. Exacerbation is associated with movement and excessive stress, injuring muscles, ligaments, bones and tendons. Chronic lumbago occurs during normal movements for no particular reason. It also affects tendons, ligaments, and bones.

Causes of attacks - problems related to internal organs, kidney infections, inflammation of the prostate, organ disorders female pelvis, bladder, and even constipation felt in the lower back.

Back pain is common during pregnancy. This is associated with significant anatomical changes and stress on the body. Carrying a child changes position internal organs, increases pressure on the lower parts of the spine. Contributors to this problem include weight gain, the muscle-relaxing effect of the hormone progesterone, and a change in center of gravity. Therefore, as the child grows, it becomes more and more difficult to get out of the chair and bed.

Other causes of pain: poor posture, strains, microtrauma, muscle tension and deficiency nutrients. Repeated episodes of injury create the conditions for arthritis and related diseases. Swelling and compression of the nerves in the spine lead to neuritis, neuralgia and radiculitis.

Let's look at folk remedies for back treatment that are available at home. They are much safer than medications, especially for pregnant women.

List of home remedies for back pain

Have someone massage the affected area with herbal oils and slowly increase pressure. After a few minutes you will feel a decrease in discomfort. Massage relieves tension and relaxes muscles in the inflamed area.

  1. When lifting anything, bend your knees. This prevents tension in the lower back and prevents damage to the spine and back muscles.
  2. Do not turn when lifting weights. This is bad for the spine.
  3. During the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, avoid lifting heavy objects.
  4. Support your lumbar region with a pillow when sitting in an office chair. This will ensure the correct position of the lower back.

Traditional herbal medicines

Medicines plant origin- A popular treatment option for back pain. Twice a day it is recommended to take juice squeezed from one lemon and mixed with table salt. Pain is soothed by applying garlic oil directly to sore spot. It is beneficial to eat 2 cloves of garlic on a daily basis. Calming effect on smooth skin muscle tissue provides chamomile tea and extract of this plant mixed with water and also in capsule form.

  • Capsaicin ointment.
    You may not have heard of capsaicin, but if you've eaten a chili pepper and felt it burn your mouth, you know exactly what it is. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili peppers. When the product is applied to the skin, the substance that transmits pain signals is neutralized. This creates an analgesic effect.
  • Feverfew.
    Most of us are not familiar with tansy, a flowering plant in the daisy family. It is considered prophylactic for the treatment of tinnitus, colitis, headaches, migraines, arthritis and muscle tension.
  • Turmeric.
    This famous spice is used at home by specialists in the field. traditional medicine for the relief of joint pain and heartburn for a long time. Turmeric also relieves inflammation. Because of chemical substance curcumin in its composition, this spice has gained popularity as a effective remedy against free radicals that destroy joint functions and cause inflammation in digestive system and accelerate aging.
  • Mint.
    Peppermint is associated with candy, mouthwash, aromatherapy and toothpaste. However, this plant is not widely known as home remedy for back pain. Oil extracted from peppermint, used as a massage. Its use relieves muscle soreness. The oil penetrates deep into the skin, relieving muscle spasms, including those occurring in the back.

Despite the fact that people who relieve lower back pain herbal remedies natural, these plants and other plant components may also potentially cause harm. They call allergic reactions, unwanted drug interactions and side effects.

Pharmaceuticals and methods of temporary and long-term pain relief

Prescription medications are a popular choice for dealing with back pain. Painkillers, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed medicines. Pain relievers Aleve, Tylenol, and Advil are over-the-counter drug options. Felxeril, OxyContin and Percocet are prescription drugs used to relieve back pain. They should only be used as directed by a qualified healthcare practitioner.

Treatment of acute back pain

The attack can be treated within 2 weeks with minimal medical intervention. Simple and effective methods Treatment of exacerbations - painkillers, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. X-rays and scans (MRI, CT) are rarely required.

Warning signs, red flags requiring urgent medical assessment: fever, intensification, radiation into the leg and pain that does not go away at rest or interferes with sleep.

What to do for chronic persistent pain

If lower back pain does not go away after 2-4 weeks, additional medical examination is required. To determine the exact cause of the problem, this assessment focuses on a thorough examination medical history and physical examination. Malignant neoplasm and infection is rarely detected. Most discomfort is associated with inflammation vertebral joints, discs or supporting muscles.

MRI does not help in determining the cause in most cases. This provides little information about the condition of the ligaments, muscles and tendons. MRI demonstrates degenerative and wear-related changes in the discs and joints of the spine. However, often there are no symptoms with these changes. Therefore, understand whether diseases visible on MRI can be blamed for pain.

An aggressive, conservative approach to treating back pain

Most cases of chronic constant pain in the back area can be successfully treated without surgical intervention. After careful medical examination using X-rays and MRI in rare cases, serious reasons inflammation treatment focuses on symptom relief and active, mobility-oriented back rehabilitation. Excessive time spent in bed and limited activity contributes to muscle stiffness, maladaptation, and delayed recovery.

Medications are primarily used to relieve symptoms and enable activity and exercise oriented toward a rehabilitation program. Many new medications are now available to achieve this goal.

New functions of old drugs that are useful in the treatment of the disease in question have also been identified. Consider sleep disturbance in chronic pain. Bad dream, it turns out, strengthens it. Improving sleep quality with a low dose of an antidepressant (doxepin) relieves pain. Anticonvulsants (gabapentin) used for symptoms nervous irritation, burning and numbness. Less commonly, function and quality of life are improved by careful use of long-acting opioid painkillers.

Active, exercise-oriented physical therapy for people with chronic back pain is the cornerstone of treatment. Methods such as heat, ice, massage, and ultrasound provide temporary relief, but rarely provide long-term relief. Training programs should be individualized by an experienced specialist, a physiotherapist. The exercise program is performed at home without special equipment. Subsequent visits to the therapist are necessary to fine-tune the program.

When back pain is chronic, persistent and paralyzing, it is necessary to integrated approach to treatment. It involves consideration of all its aspects, including physical, as well as psychological problems, which gives hope for rehabilitation and recovery. The likelihood of returning to an active, productive life is enhanced by treatment provided by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a physician, physical therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist, and pain management specialist.

Treatments for back and neck pain

Diagnostic imaging, rapid pain relief, physical therapy and surgery:

Diagnostic tests:

  • Discography.
  • Electromyography.

Painful conditions of the back and neck:

  • Disc degeneration.
  • Disc herniation.
  • Kyphosis.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Spinal fractures.
  • Spinal stenosis.

Disc degeneration

Disc degeneration, also known as degenerative disc disease, is a change in the spine that occurs with age.

Each spinal disc is like a jelly donut, with a soft center (nucleus) surrounded by a hard outer shell(capsule). With age, the capsule becomes fragile and cracks. This causes the core to leak or bulge. The disc tissue puts pressure on nearby spinal nerves, causing back pain and weakness. Causes such as osteoarthritis also lead to disc degeneration.

Spinal disc displacement

Manifestations of a hernia intervertebral discs vary. Therefore, each patient is offered individual plan Treatment depending on medical history and needs.

A herniated disc is one of the most common reasons for visiting a spine specialist.

In a herniation, the nucleus is squeezed out through a lesion in the lining of the disc. It's annoying spinal cord or nearby nerves, weakness, numbness of the arms and legs. A severe herniated disc results in paralysis (the inability to move the arms or legs).

A disc herniation can occur anywhere in the spine, but is more common in the lower back ( lumbar region) and neck.


Kyphosis is a rounding of the upper back. With normal kyphosis, the back is slightly arched forward. When it bends too much, it causes pain and affects the ability to move normally.


Conservative (non-surgical) procedures and physical therapy are used in treatment. The operation is performed only if necessary.

What is scoliosis? This is a condition in which the spine is curved from side to side. In some cases, it is also rotated, causing one shoulder blade to protrude further than the other. Scoliosis affects the thoracic spine (middle of the back) and the lumbar spine - the lower part.

Non-surgical and surgical methods, depending on age, type of scoliosis, and how long the patient has been experiencing symptoms. Treatment options:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Surgery.

Spinal fractures

The goal of treatment is to relieve back pain and prevent future fractures.

Fractures of the spinal bones occur as a result of an accident or injury. Another reason is that bones become weaker and more fragile over time. This is called a vertebral compression fracture. When bones are weakened, even minor impacts from regular activity are enough to cause injury.

Compression fractures are common in people with osteoporosis (highly brittle bones and bone loss).

Spinal stenosis

Age-related changes cause sections of the lumbar and thoracic the spine narrows. At the same time, places for the spinal cord and spinal nerves it becomes scarce. The condition is referred to as spinal stenosis. If there is pressure on the brain or nerves intervertebral discs, joints or bone spurs, pain, weakness and other symptoms occur.

Treatments for cervical, lumbar, and thoracic spinal stenosis without surgery are performed depending on the severity of symptoms. Conservative methods treatment:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Epidural steroid injections.

Alas, almost every person encounters such a thing in their life. unpleasant problem, like back pain, and not everyone is in a hurry to see a doctor. “Well, what’s special here, it will hurt and go away,” - this is exactly what most people think, especially when the pain is still tolerable. And not everyone wants to crowd in endless queues to see a doctor at a clinic because of “banal” back pain. What remains to be done? Treat yourself at home. We are by no means supporters of self-medication, so we still recommend visiting a doctor. But if you don’t have time for this, you can try to alleviate the condition at home. In this article we will tell you what the main reasons lead to pain and how to treat your back at home.

Main causes of back pain

If you want to know how to quickly heal your back, then you first need to understand what leads to similar problems. According to statistics, almost 90% of people experience back pain at some time. There are many reasons for this. Starting from banal overvoltage or being for a long time in the wrong position up to more serious illnesses. Only a doctor can determine the nature of the pain. Let us tell you briefly about the main reasons. So, more than half of such cases are associated with excessive stress, even if you do not carry heavy loads or do not play sports. However, if the pain continues for more than a week and is periodic in nature, and does not subside with rest, then you should consult a doctor for a more detailed examination.

From the medical side, there are several diagnoses related to lower back pain. For example, herniated intervertebral discs. This is a fairly common problem associated with tissue degeneration and compression of the nerve roots due to the “subsidence” of the spine. Also found compression fracture when bones become less dense and break down from mass own body. Various inflammations ( rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or Reiter's syndrome) and infections also lead to pain in the spine.

General and effective rules for treating back pain at home

Before we tell you how to cure your back at home, you must understand general rules that will help you achieve what you want:

  1. Start leading active image life. Of course, at first this will seem impossible to you, since with back pain you don’t even want to make unnecessary movements. However, this is the only way you can get rid of troubles. Nobody forces you to run or go to the gym. Start with walking. Walk more often, visit the pool. And if you have sedentary work, then at least don’t be lazy to get out of your chair every half hour and stretch.
  2. This rule does not apply to men, but the fair sex will have to give up high heels.
  3. Even if the pain has subsided, you need to massage regularly. Ask someone at home about this. The procedure does not necessarily have to be carried out by a specialist, since you only need to relax the muscles.

Drug therapy

When a person first encounters lumbar pain, he first of all runs to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Of course, the pharmacist knows how to cure and will advise you on the appropriate medications. We would like to briefly talk about what you can use as first aid for severe pain. Both the doctor and the pharmacist will first recommend painkillers. For example, Ibuprofen or Nurofen are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have an analgesic effect. Ibuprofen, by the way, costs two to three times less than Nurofen.

You can also take muscle relaxants. In addition to the analgesic effect, they relieve muscle spasm. These include Tizanidine, Baclofen or Tolperisone. But you cannot take these drugs without the supervision of a doctor, just like everyone else.

Treatment of back pain with compresses

First of all, the use of traditional medicine comes down to the use of compresses, as they can relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Here are a few recipes you can use at home:

  1. The most common are compresses made from herbal infusions, such as chamomile, St. John's wort or thyme. Take a small piece of thick fabric or a towel, soak it in a warm herbal solution, apply it to your back and wrap yourself thoroughly. This compress can be used while sleeping.
  2. Burdock leaves are also suitable for wrapping. Pour boiling water over them and apply to your back. Wrap your back with a warm scarf or blanket and leave for an hour.
  3. How can you cure your back? Use plain mustard, it's great for warming up. Take one tablespoon mustard powder and dilute in warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Make a small cake and apply it to the sore area. Cover yourself and lie down for a few minutes.
  4. Horseradish root will also help warm up your back. Grate it and mix in a small amount with sour cream. Apply a thick layer to the sore spot and cover thick fabric. Keep the compress for about an hour.
  5. Well, the last one effective recipe compress using beets. Grate it and mix with kerosene (one tablespoon). Wrap the paste in gauze and apply to your back overnight. In the morning you will notice significant relief.

Important to know! Everything shouldn't burn, so as soon as you feel strong burning sensation, immediately remove the compress and lubricate the skin with soothing agents.

How to cure your back with rubbing?

Rubbing will also help reduce lower back pain. These procedures can be easily carried out at home using medicinal tinctures. The most common tincture for rubbing is considered to be a tandem of “Triple” cologne, a couple of drops of a three percent iodine solution, red pepper and a couple of bottles of valerian. Everything is thoroughly mixed in a dark glass vessel and infused for 24 hours. But at night, treat your lower back with the resulting product and wrap your back with a warm shawl or blanket.

Therapeutic baths for back pain

As you might have guessed, the problem of lower back pain needs to be approached comprehensively; any one specific remedy is unlikely to help you, so we bring to your attention medicinal baths. They will help improve general condition and relieve tension. But there is one important point: It is not recommended to take medicinal baths during an exacerbation, as this will only make things worse. The simplest recipe medicinal bath- with sea salt. This natural product will help improve blood circulation, relax muscles, and also improve joint mobility. sea ​​salt you can buy it at almost any pharmacy. Baths with pine extract are also very useful. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy and used according to the prescription on the package. By the way, sage, namely its infusion, also has an analgesic effect for back pain. Take 200 grams of herb, pour boiling water (5 liters) and let it brew for about 3-4 hours. Then add to the bath.

We'll give you a few rules on how to cure your back with medicinal baths without harming yourself:

  1. The water should be comfortable (about 37-38 degrees).
  2. Take a bath for no more than 15 minutes.
  3. Do not immerse your whole body in the bath; leave the heart area outside.
  4. And be sure to rest for at least 30 minutes after the bath.

Other folk recipes

We will give you a few more simple folk recipes that helped our ancestors get rid of lower back pain. Horse chestnut was used very often in the past. It is ground into powder and mixed in equal proportions with camphor oil and melted lard. The resulting mixture is applied to the problem area for several hours. You can prepare a tincture from horse chestnut, then moisten gauze in it and apply it to the sore spot, and you will notice how the pain gradually recedes. And one more unusual recipe using poisonous fly agaric. To prepare the tincture, take a small glass jar (preferably 0.5 liters), fill it one third with mushroom caps, cut into small pieces. Fill everything with vodka. True, you need to infuse the solution for half a month, then strain everything and rub it into your back.

Exercises for back pain

Many people during periods of back problems wonder: is it possible to cure their back with gymnastics? But not the one you thought about. No sudden movements should be made under any circumstances, otherwise you will aggravate the situation. Those specialists who know how to cure your back at home recommend breathing exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, relax and breathe calmly through your nose. Don't speed up or hold your breath. Inhale air through your nose, focus on the problem area and try to blow air through it, as if exhaling through your back. This exercise is called “Breathing through the back”, it will relax the muscles and relieve you of acute pain.
  2. If the pain is chronic, then this exercise will help you. It must be performed regularly and no more than twice a day. To begin, sit on a chair and lean on the back. Close your eyes and take a deep breath for 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 7 seconds. Exhale smoothly for 8 seconds. During exhalation, the transverse abdominal muscle tenses, which reduces pain. Repeat 3-4 times.

If you do these two regularly simple exercises, you will notice that your back pain begins to subside.

When should you not self-medicate?

There are times when a person simply strains their back, for example when lifting heavy objects or playing sports. Then you can use home treatment methods. But you must understand that if the reason is obvious and trivial, then the pain should go away in the near future, that is, within a few days. If this process has dragged on and more than a week, or even two, has already passed and you still have back pain, you simply don’t know how to cure it, then immediately run to the doctor.


We told you how to treat your back (lower back) at home, and if you do not want the pain to find you again, you must follow preventive measures:

  1. An active lifestyle has been mentioned more than once, but we will repeat it anyway. To prevent your back from hurting, it must work. Move more!
  2. Watch your posture: your back should be straight.
  3. It is recommended to sleep on a mattress with medium hardness.
  4. If you have to carry heavy weights, distribute the weight on both hands.
  5. Do not make sudden movements when lifting loads.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that your health is in your hands, so you need to approach the issue of treating back pain competently. From the article you learned how to cure your back folk remedies at home, but if the pain does not stop, be sure to see a doctor.

Lower back pain

Painful sensations in the lower back can occur in anyone, at any age. No one is immune from this. And there are also many reasons for pain. It could be excessive load on the back, and any diseases of the internal organs, and a banal draft leading to inflammatory processes, etc. But, unfortunately, more and more often people are faced with serious diseases of the spine. These diseases are truly serious, and treatment must be approached accordingly.

Any disease can be avoided if you treat your health correctly and competently. For example, don’t be lazy to play sports, do exercises in the morning, or choose regular, daily hiking. It's probably not worth reminding that healthy image life, always useful and popular at any time and at any age. You should also avoid hypothermia and stress. So these reasons are significant for us.

But what to do if the problem still appears? First of all, consult a doctor. After all, only a specialist in his field can provide you with proper assistance. A study of the body, plus a series of tests, will be able to show the true picture of the disease. You should be treated with medication if prescribed by a doctor.

Only after all this can you self-medicate.

The doctor can prescribe you tablets, injections, patches, gels, ointments.


Ibuprofen, Balcofen, Prednisone, Dexamethasone, Codeine, etc.

At home, on your own, you can use a drug such as Diclofenac or Diclak. Fastum gel or DIP Relief also provides assistance. Again, the doctor can choose medications for you that will be effective.

What are the benefits of ointments in this case?

The effect of using ointments is good because when applied, the unhealthy area is irritated and blood flow to the area increases inflammatory process, and thus the Sami’s metabolism improves. With the above drugs, you can simultaneously use products (ointments, gels) that contain chondroprotectors. This combination will give a positive, healing effect.

In addition, painkillers are administered intramuscularly. There are quite a lot of them.

At home, you can use patches that are attached to the lower back. Such patches have good reputation. The painful area is relieved of pain very quickly. At the same time, the skin does not burn and is not irritated. Through certain time the patch should be replaced if necessary.

It is possible to cure your lower back at home with the help of physiotherapy.

This includes massages, exercise therapy, paraffin treatment, mud treatment. Let's take a closer look at these types of treatments at home.


Today, massage is the most common and popular method in the treatment of many diseases. His session can be carried out not only by visiting a specialist, but also at home.

Exercise therapy – physical therapy

Under physical therapy understand the complex special exercises against the backdrop of correct breathing. Such exercises are aimed at the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A set of therapeutic exercises is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the patient’s illness. Initially, such exercises are performed under the supervision of a doctor, and later the patient performs these exercises independently at home.

This lifestyle should become habitual and mandatory for everyone who has problems with the spine.

Exercises for the lumbar spine (for patients with intervertebral hernia)

Mud treatment

Mud therapy was and is a very popular treatment method. Many of us are familiar with these procedures. For example, mud compresses. They are good at removing various types of pain and inflammation. With the help of mud procedures, growths are resolved.

In order to perform these procedures at home, you first need to find out from the doctor whether it is possible to resort to this practice specifically in your case. If there are no contraindications, then feel free to go to any cosmetics store or pharmacy and purchase medicinal mud.

In order to do one mud therapy session you need to mix 100g of mud with one tablespoon of honey. Heat the mixture in a water bath to about 40 degrees, but no more, so as not to get burned. Then you need to apply the mixture to the unhealthy area, wrap it well and remain in this state until the mixture cools completely. The procedure will take approximately 4 hours. After cooling, wash off any residue warm water. The course lasts for ten days.

Treatment with paraffin

Another excellent treatment method at home is paraffin treatment. It is especially good to use it when the patient is experiencing acute attacks.

Using a brush, apply warm (not hot) paraffin to the sore spot, in about two or three layers. Then we wrap this place well and remain in this position until the paraffin cools. The course of treatment with paraffin can be up to a month, depending on the disease.

Folk remedies

Let's not forget about grandma's recipes, about folk remedies. Treatment with herbs, decoctions, infusions from rhizomes and plants, natural products requires patience and time. This treatment is very different from medication, as the effect does not occur immediately, but only after a certain period of time.

With this type of treatment, the sore area of ​​the back is well warmed up. For example, if you take a bath with mustard, or make compresses with honey and vinegar, if you warm up with warm salt, etc. All these methods are very effective, and you can always choose the method that you like and suits you best. How to cure lower back pain at home can be done in completely different ways. What one person likes and treats may not be suitable for another person. Therefore, choose yours for yourself.

If you are not a supporter of treatment at home, then there are other options. Yes, it could be manual therapy, acupuncture, etc. The doctor will always advise and help you choose for you individually the method of treatment that will be acceptable and suitable for you.

You can cure your lower back at home if you follow all of the above methods, or with a well-chosen program from a specialist. In any case, the choice is always yours. Which means safety good health is only in your hands.

In the lumbar region it may be due to several factors. These factors include the presence of a hernia, osteochondrosis, and radiculitis. Sometimes a woman may experience pain during menstruation.

Naturally, the method of treatment and relief from pain should be selected based on its occurrence. Therefore, if you feel pain, you should consult a doctor immediately.

What to do if you can’t turn to a professional for help? In this case, you need to relieve the pain symptoms yourself. There are several ways to do this.

Ways to relieve lower back pain on your own

In cases where the pain is very strong and unknown, it is best to follow bed rest. Only after two or three days can I get out of bed and move around. At the same time, it is good to use it to reduce the degree of load on spinal column. As for the bed for the patient, it should be hard.

To reduce the sensation of pain, you can use ointments. Finalgol, Kapsin, Tiger, or Chaga cream are good options. You need to rub these ointments on the part of the lower back where the feeling of pain is most pronounced.

You can also use the following ointments: orthophenic, indomethacin. In some cases, it is a good idea to use ethyl chloride, which is applied to the lumbar region.

If you know that you suffer from myositis, you can use a hot compress. On a sore spot or glue it pepper patch, or a mustard plaster is installed. For a more serious effect, you should wrap a wool scarf around your lower back.

Often with pain in the lumbar region you have to deal with muscle tension. To achieve this, muscle relaxants are used. After leaving the reception painful sensations tension-related stress will subside.


Most often stupid lumbar pain associated with constant muscle tension in this area. To avoid complications, you should learn to control your body and take control of the muscle tone of your back. Yoga and Pilates classes are good for this.
It is always important to maintain your posture and ensure the correct position of your back, the muscles of which should periodically relax.

Professional methods to relieve lower back pain

To remove dull ache suitable for the lumbar area following procedures which can be obtained from specialists: electrophoresis using novocaine, transcutaneous electroanalgesia, the action of dynamic and sinusoidal-modeled currents. Moxibustion and acupuncture are excellent for relieving pain.

In cases where pain occurs due to displacement of discs in the spine, traction therapy is necessary. It consists of stretching the torso. In ancient times, our ancestors used a device called the Rule. With its help, the spine was stretched and the joints were aligned. Nowadays, similar stretching is practiced in some cities, but first you need to consult a doctor.

In hospitals and for pain relief, radon, sodium and chloride baths and the application of therapeutic mud are used.

The most common symptom, often occurring in medical practice, are back pain. In 80% of cases, patients complain of pain in lumbar region. People aged 30-60 years are most susceptible to this. Such symptoms may occur due to various reasons. There are primary and secondary pain syndromes.

At primary symptom degenerative-dystrophic changes occur in the spine, the cause of which is: osteochondrosis (defeat intervertebral disc) and spondyloarthrosis (arthrosis of the intervertebral joints). Secondary causes may be: vertebral fractures, bone tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, osteoporosis, spinal circulatory disorders, intestinal obstruction, atypical appendicitis, renal colic, infectious gynecological diseases.

To find out the causes of lower back pain, first of all, a person should consult a doctor. After diagnosis, the doctor will definitely prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is also possible to use folk remedies that help relieve inflammatory symptoms and have a sedative and analgesic effect. They should improve the functioning of internal organs and normalize salt metabolism in the human body.

Before using traditional medicine recipes, consultation with a doctor is required so as not to harm your health.

Treatment of lower back pain with compresses

1. You can apply grated horseradish or radish to a sore lower back. To avoid burning, mix this mass with sour cream. Cover the top with a napkin and tie it with a wool scarf or scarf.

2. For hot compresses with wraps, an infusion of chamomile, black elderberry, St. John's wort and thyme is suitable. Such procedures are best performed at night.

3. If you dilute a tablespoon of mustard powder in warm water (about 40 degrees), you will get a mixture that resembles sour cream in consistency. This mixture should be smeared on the sore spot and insulated. Keep the compress for no more than 5 minutes so as not to burn the skin. Remember: all warming compresses should not cause pain, maximum - tolerable heat and slight tingling. Otherwise, you need to remove the compress and rinse the sore area with warm water.

1. Healing effect possess burdock leaves. To make a compress, you need to dry them, pour boiling water over them and apply to the lower back. The top of the burdock leaves is wrapped in a warm woolen scarf and the compress is kept for an hour.

2. Use bodyaga powder for treatment, diluted with olive oil in a ratio of one to thirty. Warming compresses should be made from the resulting ointment. The duration of the procedure is just under an hour.

3. A good folk remedy for treating lower back pain is horse chestnut. It is ground into powder and mixed with melted lard and camphor oil. All components should be taken in equal quantities. A thin layer of this healing mixture Apply to a piece of black bread and apply to the sore spot.

4. Cold compresses are made from garlic. The garlic infusion is mixed with lemon juice and a cotton napkin is soaked in the resulting mixture. The procedure for applying a compress lasts twenty minutes: during this time, the napkin will have time to warm up to body temperature. After some time, you will definitely feel relief if you repeat the procedure regularly.

5. Popular remedy are compresses made from dough. The lower back is wrapped in a thick layer of gauze, and a thick (about 2 cm) layer of sour dough is placed on top. The procedure should be carried out daily before bed. The course of treatment is ten days.

6. It is also useful to lubricate the sore lower back with honey. Rub it intensively, abruptly, to normalize blood circulation and restore muscle tone.

Treatment of pain with pharmaceutical ointments

What do you need to know? To treat joint pain, many people independently prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID ointments) based on diclofenac, without first consulting a doctor. These drugs are really powerful and effective, but they cause large number side effects up to a stomach ulcer. It is precisely because of the presence of side effects of NSAIDs cannot be used long time, and ideally they should be alternated with warming ointments - harmless, but no less effective. For example, Capsicam ointment perfectly warms up and relieves pain, which is suitable for both long-term use, and as a means of alternation with NSAID drugs.

Treatment of lower back pain with rubbing

Various rubbings help relieve lower back pain. Prepare medicinal tinctures possible at home.

For example, a rubbing liquid is made from Triple cologne by adding a couple of bottles of a three percent iodine solution, five red hot peppers and two bottles of valerian tincture to one bottle. The ingredients are mixed in a dark glass bottle, shaken well and left to infuse for 24 hours. Before going to bed, you need to lubricate the sore lower back with tincture, or draw a grid with a cotton swab. The lower back is wrapped with a warm scarf or woolen scarf. This medicine works best if the cause of lower back pain is sciatica.

A proven folk remedy that can cope with pain is an alcohol tincture of eucalyptus or Adam's root. It's good to rub yourself alcohol tincture burdock. This product can also be used for compresses.

To relieve lower back pain, you can apply it to the sore spot. fresh leaves horseradish, wrapping a scarf on top. They change them every day.

Treatment of back pain with a mixture of grated beets and kerosene

Take a medium-sized beetroot, wash it thoroughly and dry it. After this, grate the beets together with the peel on a fine grater. The juice should be squeezed out, and the remaining cake mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of kerosene. Apply the resulting mixture evenly onto a cotton cloth and apply the compress where the pain is felt most. To avoid burns, there should be a cloth between the skin and the mixture.

A film and a warm woolen scarf or handkerchief are applied over the compress. Go to bed and in the morning there will be no trace of pain left.

Treatment with a mixture of egg white, incense and soap

If you feel pain in the lower back, apply a compress at night from a mixture of 1 bag of white incense, 1 tbsp. tablespoons pre-grated on a coarse grater laundry soap and whipped into thick foam egg yolks in the amount of 2 pieces. Mix everything thoroughly. The mixture is applied to wool fabric, which is wrapped around the lower back. After several such procedures, you will forget about lower back pain.

Burdock leaf

To use this recipe Burdock leaves can be prepared for future use by drying them thoroughly under a canopy on outdoors. Before use, dry leaves are sprinkled with warm water and gently straightened. They should not be stored in thick stacks, otherwise they may rot.

For pain in the lower back or joints, 3-5 burdock leaves, pre-moistened with vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, are placed in a pile. The sore spot can be lubricated with any vegetable oil and apply a compress to it overnight. The top is wrapped in a thick woolen cloth. In the morning, after removing the compress, the skin should be wiped with a damp cloth or cotton wool. Usually after 3-4 procedures the pain subsides.

Treatment with mustard plasters

If you experience lower back pain effective means To reduce it, there may be the following folk recipe. Take 1 tablet of Furacilin and dissolve it in 50 ml of water. Add 1 tbsp to the liquid. spoon of honey and mix the mixture thoroughly. After this, dip mustard plasters in the solution one by one and apply them to the sore spot. You need to keep mustard plasters for as long as you can stand it. After removing the compress, apply cream or oil to the lower back, cover with plastic wrap and tie a thick woolen cloth on top.

Recipes for lower back pain

Recipe 1. For pain in the right or left side of the lower back, prepare an ointment based on horse chestnut. In this case, rendered fat (gut fat) and camphor oil mixed with horse chestnut grass, ground into powder. All components are added in equal proportions. The ointment is applied thin layer into pieces of black bread and they are applied to the sore lower back.

Recipe 2. For lower back pain, soak a cotton cloth or gauze in horse chestnut tincture and apply to the sore spot. Gradually painful sensations leaving.

Golden mustache tincture. Pain in the joints and lower back is well relieved with tincture of golden mustache on “Bishofite”. For cooking medicine You should add 35-40 crushed joints of the plant to 0.5 liters of “Bishofite” and leave for 14 days. After this, strain the tincture and rub the sore spot or apply compresses at night.


Using the above folk recipes, you should remember that banal lower back pain can be a harbinger of serious diseases of the pancreas, kidneys, reproductive system organs, bone tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on timely diagnosis and initiation of medication. Accurate diagnosis quite often requires close interaction between specialists of different profiles. Do not self-medicate so as not to waste time, thereby causing even more harm to your body.