Seduxen radar. Storage and release rules. Additional effects of Seduxen

Seduxen is a sedative drug.

Pharmacological action

The active substance of Seduxen is dibazole, a compound related to benzodiazepines.

This substance has an anxiolytic effect, which is expressed in a calming, hypnotic effect due to the reaction of the central nervous system. Relieves cramps and has a central muscle relaxant effect. Reviews of Seduxen from experts confirm: its use reduces the level of anxiety, helps to dull fear and anxiety, and increases pain threshold. Helps reduce blood pressure and dilate coronary vessels. Renders beneficial influence at alcohol withdrawal: helps reduce motor-speech excitation, reduces tremor, symptoms alcoholic delirium, weakens hallucinations. Seduxen has virtually no effect on psychotic states of a different genesis (schizoid, delusional, etc.). Reduces production gastric juice at night.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

The active ingredient in Seduxen is diazepam.

Composition of tablets: 1 tablet of Seduxen contains 5 mg of diazepam + excipients (corn starch, talc, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate). 10 tablets in a blister, each package contains 2 blisters.

Solution for injection: Seduxen ampoules 2 ml, 10 mg diazepam in each ampoule + 4 mg lidocaine hydrochloride. 5 ampoules per package.

Each package contains enclosed Seduxen instructions.

Seduxen's analogs

Analogues of Seduxen are: Ansiolin, Apaurin, Aposepam, Atilene, Bensedin, Valitran, Valium Roche, Vatran, Vival, Diazepabene, Diazepam, Diazepex, Diapam, Duxen, Quetinil, Lembrol, Pacitrian, Relanium, Relium, Saromet, Serenamin, Serensin, Sibazon , Sonacon, Stezolin, Usgamir, Friedan and others.

All analogues of Seduxen contain the same active ingredient – ​​diazepam.

Indications for use

In accordance with the instructions, Seduxen is indicated for the following conditions:

  • Neuroses and neurosis-like conditions;
  • Psychopathy and psychotic-like conditions caused by organic brain lesions or schizophrenia;
  • Pathological conditions accompanied by excessive psycho-emotional stress, anxiety, fear, hypochondria;
  • Phobias;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Psychomotor overexcitation and agitation;
  • Epilepsy, status epilepticus and epilepsy-like seizures;
  • Muscle spasms of various origins;
  • Withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism;
  • Dermatoses accompanied by itching;
  • IN complex therapy gastric ulcer as a remedy to help relieve night (hunger) pain;
  • Cardiac arrhythmias;
  • Children's enuresis;
  • Behavioral disorders in children;
  • As part of complex therapy in the treatment of hypertensive crisis;
  • Menopausal disorders;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Threat of premature birth.

According to reviews of Seduxen, the drug is effective as a premedication before surgical interventions.

Instructions for use of Seduxen

In accordance with the instructions, Seduxen is prescribed to adults in a dosage of 5 to 15 mg per day, divided into 2-3 doses. In a hospital, the daily dose can be increased to 30 mg, with acute conditions and good tolerability up to 60 mg. The dose is selected depending on the indications and individual sensitivity.

The use of Seduxen for various pathologies:

  • As a sedative, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 2.5-10 mg per day, divided into 2-4 doses;
  • When treating spastic conditions: 5-10 mg of the drug, divided into 2-3 doses per day;
  • In the treatment of internal diseases (hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, etc.): 2.5-5 mg 2-3 times a day;
  • In gynecological practice (menopause, menstrual disorders): 2.5-5 mg 2-3 times a day;
  • If there is a threat of premature birth, 10 mg once intravenously, after intramuscular injection 10 mg 3 times a day, after removal acute threat prescribe a maintenance dose of 5 mg orally 3 times a day;
  • For premedication: in the evening before surgery, 10-20 mg of Seduxen as a single dose, if necessary, 30 minutes before surgery 10 mg intramuscularly;
  • When treating alcohol withdrawal: administered intramuscularly, on the first day, 10 mg of the drug in 3-4 doses, then the dose is reduced to 5 mg 3-4 times a day;
  • IN pediatric practice: children under 7 years old 2.5 mg 2 times a day, aged 7 years and older from 2.5 to 5 mg 2 times a day. Start with minimal doses, increasing them gradually if necessary, the daily dose is divided so that the majority falls on the evening dose.

The use of Seduxen in elderly patients, weakened and with atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, is limited to minimal doses, especially at the beginning of treatment - start with 2.5 mg 2 times a day.

If the patient is undergoing treatment without interruption from work, the dosage is calculated so that most of the drug is taken at night.

Side effects of Seduxen

Reviews of Seduxen indicate its good tolerability. However, in clinical practice The following side effects associated with the use of Seduxen have been recorded:

  • From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, decreased concentration, memory impairment (anterograde amnesia), disorientation, depression, catalepsy, dystonic extrapyramidal reactions, asthenia, hyporeflexia, confusion, possible outbreaks unmotivated aggression and suicide attempts;
  • From the digestive system: salivation disorders, dyspepsia, pain in the epigastric region, appetite disorders (decreased appetite, bulimia), liver function disorders;
  • From the outside cardiovascular system: violation heart rate, hypotension;
  • Blood disorders: anemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia;
  • From the urinary system: impaired renal function, urinary incontinence;
  • From the outside immune system: urticaria, skin itching;
  • Other: dysmenorrhea, decreased libido, depression of the respiratory center, diplopia, weight loss, phlebitis is possible at the injection site with intravenous and intramuscular administration;
  • When Seduxen is used in obstetric practice, newborns may experience dyspnea, decreased muscle tone, hypothermia, depression of the central nervous system, and deterioration of the sucking reflex.

Special instructions

Attention! Seduxen and analogues have a damaging effect on the fetus when taken in the first trimester!

Causes drug dependence. If you stop taking it abruptly, there is pronounced syndrome withdrawal, manifested in depression, anxiety, irritability, psychomotor overexcitation, sleep disorders, muscle spasms, increased sweating, nausea, photophobia, convulsive seizures, psychotic states and hallucinations may rarely appear.

Seduxen enters into unwanted interactions with other medications (antidepressants, muscle relaxants, etc.) and alcohol.

During the period of use of Seduxen, it is necessary to avoid activities that require quick reactions.

Contraindications to the use of Seduxen

In accordance with the instructions, Seduxen is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to benzodiazepine drugs;
  • Angle-closure glaucoma, exacerbation of glaucoma;
  • Myasthenia gravis;
  • Chronic hypercapnia;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • Breast-feeding;
  • Age up to 6 months.

Since reviews of Seduxen from obstetricians and neonatologists indicate undesirable effects on the fetus, both early and late late period pregnancy, the drug should be taken during this period only when absolutely necessary and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Storage and release rules

Store tablets in a dry, dark place at room temperature, solution for injection at a temperature of 2 to 5°C, shelf life 5 years. Keep away from children.

Seduxen and analogues are available by prescription and are not intended for self-medication.





Anxiolytic agent from the group of benzodiazepine derivatives.
The effect of diazepam is due to an increase in the GABAergic inhibitory effect, primarily in subcortical structures.
The drug also has antiepileptic and central muscle relaxant effects without causing extrapyramidal disorders.

Absorption of diazepam in the gastrointestinal tract occurs quickly, binding to plasma proteins is high.
The main metabolites are: N-desmethyldiazepam, oxazepam.
The concentration of diazepam in plasma decreases in two phases: after the first fast phase distribution, which continues for 1 hour, the release phase begins, lasting for 24-48 hours; Diazepam metabolites can be excreted by the kidneys; enterohepatic circulation plays a role.
The half-life can increase many times in newborns, elderly patients, as well as in kidney and liver diseases.

Indications for

Seduxen is prescribed for various neuropsychiatric diseases:
- neuroses, psychopathy, as well as neurosis-like and psychotic-like states in schizophrenia;
- organic brain lesions, including cerebrovascular diseases (cerebral vascular diseases);
- for somatic diseases (diseases internal organs and tissues), accompanied by signs emotional stress, anxiety, fear, increased irritability, senestohypochondriacal (mental disorders characterized by fear for health and imaginary illness healthy organs);
- obsessive and phobic disorders;
- for sleep disorders.
Also applicable for cupping (removal) psychomotor agitation and anxious agitation (motor agitation against a background of anxiety and fear) in these diseases.
In pediatric neurological practice, seduxen is prescribed for neurotic and neurosis-like conditions accompanied by the above phenomena, as well as headaches, enuresis (bedwetting), mood and behavior disorders.

Seduxen is used for:
- epilepsy for the treatment of convulsive paroxysms (fits);
- mental epileptic equivalents (short-term mental disorders/poor consciousness or mood disorders with a predominance of melancholy, anger, gloominess, fear/, replacing epileptic seizures);
- for relief of status epilepticus (series epileptic seizures, in the intervals between which consciousness is not fully restored).
Due to its muscle relaxant effect, the drug is also used for various spastic conditions.
In combination with other drugs Seduxen is prescribed for the treatment of withdrawal syndrome (a condition resulting from a sudden cessation of alcohol intake) in alcoholism.
In anesthesiological practice used for preoperative preparation sick.
In dermatological practice(treatment of skin diseases) is used for itchy dermatoses ( skin diseases).
The drug reduces the night secretion (secretion) of gastric juice, which can play a role in important role when prescribed as a sedative and sleeping pills patients with peptic ulcer stomach. It also has an antiarrhythmic (normalizing heart rate) effect.

Directions for use:

The dose of the drug is selected individually, and it is necessary to take into account both the patient’s condition and the response to treatment; The following are general guidelines only.
At the beginning of therapy, it is recommended to use small doses of the drug with a gradual increase.
Divide the daily dose into 2-4 doses (individually).
It is advisable to take 2/3 parts daily dose In the evening.
For adults
Neurological disorders, psychosomatic diseases, anxiety-phobic disorders: common single dose is 2.5-5 mg (1/2-1 tablet). The average daily dose for adults is 5-20 mg.
A single dose of seduxen should not exceed 10 mg!
Symptomatic treatment convulsive syndrome: usually used 2.5-10 mg (1/2-2 tablets) 2-4 times/day.
In the complex treatment of mental disorders of organic origin: the initial dose is 20-40 mg/day (4-8 tablets), the maintenance daily dose is 15-20 mg/day (3-4 tablets).
Muscle contractures, spasticity, rigidity: 5-20 mg/day (1-4 tablets).

In elderly and cachetic patients, as well as with decreased liver function, the elimination of Seduxen can be significantly prolonged.
It is recommended to start treatment with a lower (approximately half) dose, which can be gradually increased, taking into account individual tolerability of the drug.
For children must always be determined individually, taking into account age, level physical development, general condition and response to treatment.
The initial dose is 1.25-2.5 mg/day, divided into 4 doses.
This dose can be reduced or increased, taking into account the individual response to the therapy.
The use of anxiolytic drugs from the benzodiazepine group is contraindicated in children under 6 months of age.

Side effects:

Most common side effects - fatigue, drowsiness, muscle weakness. In most cases, they go away on their own within a few days (or can be eliminated by reducing the dose of the drug used).
Rarely noted occurrence of the following side effects: ataxia, psychotic reactions, dizziness, headaches, depression, visual impairment, skin rash, autonomic disorders, constipation, dysarthria, arterial hypotension, urinary incontinence, atony bladder, nausea, dry mouth or hypersalivation, exanthema, tremor, changes in libido, bradycardia, adaptation disorder.
Extremely rare: increased levels of liver transaminases and alkaline phosphatase in blood serum, jaundice.
A paradoxical reaction to the drug can manifest itself in the form of increased muscle tone. In such cases, it is necessary to stop using the drug.

Drug addiction
With long-term use, especially in large doses and if there is a predisposition, it can form drug addiction from Seduxen.
Withdrawal syndrome in less severe cases manifests itself in the form of tremors, restlessness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, headaches and decreased concentration. Possible occurrence increased sweating, muscle cramps, spasmodic abdominal pain, sensitivity disorders, delirium (rarely) and convulsions of central origin.
To reduce the risk of dependence on the drug, Seduxen should be used for as short a time as possible and after carefully determining the indications.
To avoid the development of withdrawal symptoms at the end of treatment, it is advisable to gradually reduce the dose of the drug.


Myasthenia gravis;
- closed-angle form of glaucoma and acute attack glaucoma (however, in open-angle glaucoma, its use is allowed if patients receive therapy adequate to the disease);
- severe chronic hypercapnia;
- pregnancy;
- period breastfeeding;
- childhood up to 6 months;
- increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as to other benzodiazepine derivatives.
Relative contraindications(required special care when prescribing the drug):
- sleep apnea syndrome;
- cardiopulmonary failure.

At respiratory failure, sleep apnea syndrome, coma careful assessment of indications is required due to the possibility of respiratory depression.
Selection of the dose of the drug requires special care in patients with reduced renal and liver function, in the presence of chronic pulmonary insufficiency, in elderly and cachectic patients, with severe general condition, as well as in children, incl. in newborns.
In cases of severe depression, as well as if hidden depression is suspected, the patient must be treated under special supervision due to the increased risk of suicide.
Children under 6 months of age the use of anxiolytic drugs from the benzodiazepine group is contraindicated.
In the first trimester of pregnancy according to individual studies Benzodiazepines increase the risk of fetal developmental abnormalities, so the use of the drug is strictly prohibited during this period.

During breastfeeding The use of Seduxen is not recommended, since the drug passes into breast milk.
Impact on driving vehicles and operating machinery: V initial phase use of Seduxen within 12-24 hours after taking the drug, driving a car and vomiting associated with increased risk injuries. In the future, the degree of limitation requires an individual approach.
It should be taken into account that the release of the drug may be significantly prolonged, especially in the elderly and in patients with kidney and liver diseases.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages during treatment with Seduxen is strictly prohibited!

Interaction with
other medicinal
by other means:

Medicines that depress the central nervous system can enhance the effect of Seduxen (anesthetics, barbiturates, phenothiazines, analgesics, MAO inhibitors and other antidepressants, alcohol).
Drugs that cause induction of liver enzymes, incl. antiepileptic drugs (for example, carbamazepine, phenytoin) can accelerate the elimination of Seduxen.
With long-term use of cimetidine or omeprazole Seduxen clearance may decrease.
The effect of combined use with peripheral muscle relaxants is unpredictable; the risk of apnea increases.


In the first trimester of pregnancy, according to individual studies, benzodiazepines increase the risk of fetal developmental abnormalities, therefore, during this period, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited.
In later stages of pregnancy, the use of Seduxen can lead to depression of the central nervous system and respiratory center in the fetus, so the use of Seduxen is possible only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
During breastfeeding, the use of Seduxen is not recommended, as the drug passes into breast milk.


Symptoms: depression, muscle weakness, drowsiness may occur, psychotic disorders, comatose state, in in rare cases- paradoxical excitation.
Excessive overdose may cause coma, decreased reflexes and decreased cardiac and respiratory systems, apnea.
Treatment: in case of early onset of symptoms of drug overdose, gastric lavage should be performed.
It is necessary to monitor respiratory, circulatory and renal function.
General symptomatic and supportive treatment should be provided, including ensuring patency respiratory tract, intravenous fluid replacement, and, if necessary, artificial respiration and the use of drugs that increase vascular tone.
Flumazenil can be used as a specific benzodiazepine receptor antagonist. In case of an overdose of Seduxen, the use of hemodialysis is ineffective.

Release form:

Seduxen tablets 20 pcs. in cardboard boxes.
Seduxen solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration transparent, colorless to light green - 10 mg/2 ml in ampoules of 5 pcs.

Storage conditions:

Store at a temperature of 15-30 °C out of the reach of children!
Best before date- 5 years.
Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.

1 tablet of Seduxen contains:
- active substance: diazepam - 5 mg;
- excipients: corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil), lactose monohydrate, talc, magnesium stearate.

Nervous system disorders cause patients a lot of troubles and problems related to well-being and relationships with others. Nervousness, mood swings, insomnia, headaches and convulsions are just a few of the symptoms that characterize various diseases of the nervous and psychosomatic system.

Often, specialists prescribe the drug “Seduxen” for such disorders, the instructions for use of which will be discussed in this article. What kind of remedy is this? For what specific diseases is it prescribed? Does Seduxen have any contraindications? The instructions for use of this drug answer these and many other questions.

Moreover, in this article we will look at how to take the drug. Let's get acquainted with its release form, analogues and reviews. From the instructions for use of “Seduxen” you can also find out how to take the drug depending on the patient’s age and his disease.

Active ingredient

It is with the definition of the main component that we will begin the description of the drug “Seduxen”. Instructions for use this tool explains that its main constituent is a benzodiazepine-derived tranquilizer called diazepam. The substance has a relaxing, sedative and anticonvulsant effect.

How does the main component act when it enters the human body?

Impact on diseases

The effect that diazepam has on the patient’s body is described in detail in the instructions for use for the drug “Seduxen”. Getting into the body, active substance has a direct effect on the central nervous system. It has a beneficial effect on the impulses and reactions of the brain, having sedative, relaxing, anticonvulsant, hypnotic and other similar effects.

Active ingredient can suppress causeless fear and anxiety. The effect on blood vessels is expressed in a decrease in blood pressure and dilation of the coronary vessels. Effectively used when alcohol intoxication. It has virtually no effect on delusional, schizoid and similar psychotic states. What else can you learn from the instructions for use of Seduxen?

Description of the method of influence

How does the drug work when it enters the human body? The time it takes for the active substance to enter the blood is relatively fast - within an hour and a half it penetrates into the plasma, where it combines with proteins for further interaction. Diazepam then enters cerebrospinal fluid, penetrating the placental barrier. The metabolic process occurs in the liver, the drug is excreted mainly through urine (about seventy percent). Passes into breast milk.

For what diseases is the remedy prescribed?

Diseases and their conditions

In what cases is it prescribed this drug? What are the teachings of “Seduxenus”? In the instructions for use of this product you can find answers to these and many other questions.

First of all, a tranquilizer is prescribed for cerebral atherosclerosis and other brain lesions accompanied by neuroses, mental disorders, anxiety, and so on.

The remedy also effectively helps to cope with mental disorders, expressed in overexcitation, anxiety, fear, hypochondria, as well as schizoid disorders.

I can often prescribe the drug for serious problems with sleep, uncontrollable phobias and worries. In some cases, Seduxen may be prescribed to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome observed in chronic alcoholics.

Epileptic diseases and seizures of the epileptic type are also indications for the use of the drug. Various kinds muscle spasms, severe itching with dermatosis, increased muscle tone - all this can cause the prescription of diazepam.

Also, this substance can be prescribed by a specialist for childhood neuroses and other mental disorders manifested in insomnia, severe headaches, increased anxiety, nervous tic, tremors, obsessive stubbornness and so on.

In some cases, “Seduxen” may be prescribed by the attending physician for menopause or irregularities in regularity. critical days, threat of miscarriage last weeks pregnancy and before surgical interventions. Due to the properties of diazepam, the drug is used in complex therapy for stomach ulcers (to relieve hunger pain during night sleep), hypertensive crisis and serious interruptions in the functioning of the heart.

These are the diseases listed in the instructions for use of Seduxen. Reviews from specialists and patients boil down to the fact that this medicine is effective and effective means in the fight against numerous psychoneurological illnesses. It also helps, thanks to its use in combination with other drugs, to achieve the desired effect in as soon as possible.

In what form is this active substance produced that can have such a beneficial effect on the human body?

Release form and its features

The benzodiazepine tranquilizer is produced by pharmaceutical companies in two forms - tablets for oral use and solutions for injections.

According to the instructions for use, Seduxen tablets are white or light cream pills without a specific odor. Each tablet contains five milligrams of diazepam, as well as excipients such as lactose monohydrate, talc, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

What is “Seduxen” in ampoules? The instructions for use of this product explain that each two-milliliter ampoule contains ten milligrams of diazepam, as well as four milligrams of lidocaine hydrochloride. Excipients 95 percent ethanol, propylene glycol, sodium citrate and others are used. The solution is clear liquid colorless or light green in color.

How should you take the medicine to achieve results as quickly as possible?

How to take the drug according to the instructions for use? Reviews of “Seduxen” from both patients and specialists boil down to the fact that treatment with diazepam should be started with small doses, gradually increasing to those indicated in the annotation or recommended by the attending physician. The solution is administered intravenously for one to two minutes in adults and three to four in children. If the drug is prescribed intramuscularly, then the injections are administered as deeply as possible.

Tablets are taken regardless of food, with a glass clean water. The daily dose of the drug is divided into three or four doses, taking into account that the evening dose should be the largest (preferably 65 percent of the daily dose).

Use of injection solution for adults

In this case, everything depends on the disease and age of the patient. Let's talk about adults first. To stop excessive anxiety, the solution is injected into the muscle once in an amount of ten or twenty milligrams. If necessary, the injections are repeated three more times during the day, ten milligrams each.

If we're talking about about withdrawal syndrome in people suffering from alcoholism, then “Seduxen” is prescribed five or ten milligrams three to four times a day intramuscularly. The same applies to patients who have increased muscle tone.

If a person suffers from epilepsy, then to stop an attack, ten to thirty milligrams of the drug is administered intravenously, and then this dose is repeated every half hour or hour. If there is improvement, you should stop injecting the solution; injections can be resumed after four hours. As soon as the patient’s convulsions have passed, you can switch to intramuscular administration of diazepam according to the schedule prescribed by the attending physician. In this case, you should be prepared for frequent administration of the drug and long-term treatment (about three to four days). however, the daily dose of the main substance should not exceed eighty to one hundred milligrams.

For the treatment of tetanus, “Seduxen” is used both intravenously and intramuscularly and by drip. Ten to twenty milligrams at intervals of two to eight hours. The interval between injections will depend on clinical picture and the patient's well-being.

To relieve spasms skeletal muscles before surgery, five to ten milligrams of the drug are administered half an hour before the start of the surgical procedure.

In some cases, diazepam can be prescribed to pregnant women when the cervix is ​​dilated by two to three fingers. Then to the expectant mother Ten or twenty milligrams of the drug are injected into the muscle.

So it is necessary to take “Seduxen” in ampoules. Instructions for use and reviews from specialists recommend refraining from any nervous or physical stress during the treatment process, as well as adhering to a diet and a healthy lifestyle.

What can you say about children? How is Seduxen used in pediatrics?

Injection solution for small patients

First of all, it should be noted that diazepam is prescribed to children under five years of age only in critical situations, for example, with epilepsy or tetanus. In such cases, treatment of newborns from one month of age with the drug is allowed. The baby is given the medicine slowly intravenously every two to four hours. Optimal dosage calculated using the following formula: from 0.1 to 0.3 milligrams per kilogram of the baby’s weight. The daily dose is five milligrams.

For children over five years of age, diazepam is prescribed in a dose increased to one milligram every three to five minutes until the maximum dose is reached, equal to the amount of 0.2 milligrams per kilogram of the child’s body. If the treatment does not help, then the injections are repeated after three to four hours.

If a child over five years of age has a complex epileptic seizure, then Seduxen is administered intravenously in a single dose of two to ten milligrams. This dose is repeated as necessary after half an hour, an hour and four hours.

It is necessary to mention that, according to expert reviews, diazepam should not be used more than three times a day by young children. However, if we are talking about such complex diseases as tetanus and epilepsy, then frequent administration of the drug is allowed under the strict supervision of a doctor.

What can be said about treatment with tablets?

“Seduxen” tablets

The instructions for use explain that the schedule for using pills also depends on the disease and age of the patients. For adults with neuralgia, phobias, and psychosomatic disorders, the drug is prescribed from 2.5 to 5 milligrams at a time, but not more than fifteen to twenty milligrams per day.

For seizures, your doctor may prescribe 2.5 to 10 milligrams two or four times a day.

For mental pathologies, Seduxen is taken in combination with other drugs, twenty to forty milligrams per day during exacerbations and fifteen to twenty milligrams during remissions.

For rigidity, muscle contractures, spasticity, the drug is used at a rate of five to twenty milligrams per day.

What can be said about young patients? Children under seven years old are prescribed the tablet drug 2.5 milligrams twice a day, and children over seven years old - five milligrams twice a day.

However, when it comes to small patients, exact dosage calculated by the attending physician. He also prescribes a specific schedule for taking medications.

Elderly patients

How to take the drug for people old age? It is necessary to start with half the daily dose determined for an adult. If diazepam is tolerated satisfactorily, the dosage can be increased to the recommended one. The same principle must be followed when prescribing the drug to people suffering from liver diseases.

When not to take the drug

First of all, Seduxen should not be used by pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, or nursing mothers. The drug is also contraindicated for glaucoma, kidney and liver failure, and suicidal tendencies.

When prescribing the drug, it should be taken into account that it is addictive, so abruptly stopping diazepam is strictly prohibited.

The active substance can slow down the reaction, so while taking it, you should avoid driving, as well as work that requires increased concentration attention.

What are the possible side effects?

It is clear that such a strong drug has many side effects, which may include: negative manifestations:

  • From the cardiovascular system, the following may be observed: palpitations, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure.
  • A negative reaction of the nervous system may relate to increased drowsiness, chronic fatigue, dizziness, impaired consciousness, memory loss. Less commonly, symptoms of euphoria, muscle weakness, mood swings, and tremors may occur. In rare cases, aggression, uncontrollable fears, causeless worries, hallucinations and so on.
  • The digestive system may respond to taking the drug with nausea, heartburn, constipation, decreased appetite, dry mouth and similar disorders.
  • On the part of hematopoiesis, leukopenia, anemia, chills, thrombocytopenia, and so on can be observed.
  • Negative reaction genitourinary system may lead to disturbances in urination, libido, and improper functioning of the kidneys.

“Seduxen” and other medicines

You should know that active ingredients such as propranolol, ketoconazole, valproic acid, fluoxetine, disulfiram can increase the effect of the drug. The same substances as strychnine and corazole, on the contrary, minimize its effect.

It is also necessary to take into account that the following drugs can cause unpredictable adverse reactions when used. sharing with “Seduxen”: sleeping pills, tranquilizers, analgesics, antidepressants, cardiac glycosides, omeprazole, clozapine and many others.

Moreover, alcohol consumption is contraindicated during treatment with diazepam.

Conditions and periods of storage of the drug

Seduxen should be stored in a dark place, protected from children and pets. Tablets are stored at temperatures from fifteen to thirty degrees for five years. The injection solution is stored in the refrigerator at eight to fifteen degrees for three years.

Drugs prescribed as a replacement

If for some reason Seduxen is not suitable for the patient, then the attending physician may prescribe others medicines with similar composition and spectrum of action. To choose the right substitute drug, you must carefully study the instructions for use of Seduxen. The following drugs can be considered analogues of this tranquilizer:

  • “Apaurin.” Main active tablets The substance is diazepam. A remedy is prescribed for insomnia, brain and spinal cord, arthritis, osteoporosis, angina, hypertension and so on. The recommended dose is from two to ten milligrams two or three times a day. Children over three years of age are usually prescribed the drug two milligrams three times a day.
  • “Bensedin.” The product is available both in tablet form and as an injection solution. The active ingredient is diazepam, so the instructions for the drug are very similar to the instructions for use of Seduxen.
  • “Diazepex.” Created on the basis of diazepam, the drug is available in tablets and injection solutions and is prescribed for depression, prolonged depression, unreasonable worries, as well as as a complex treatment for alcoholism, hypertension, menopause, cancer, peptic ulcers, post-traumatic stress, epilepsy, tetanus and so on. Tablets are prescribed two to ten milligrams three to four times a day. Intravenous and intramuscular injections can be prescribed by the attending physician according to an individual regimen (for example, 0.1-0.3 milligrams every two to four hours for tetanus or ten to twenty milligrams for relief epileptic seizure). For children under three years of age, the daily dose should be reduced by four times from the daily dose for adults; for children from three to twelve years of age, the amount of the drug should be reduced by approximately half.

We have analyzed in detail the instructions for using Seduxen analogues. Tablets and injection solutions that replace this drug have similar properties and composition. However, only the attending physician with special knowledge and skills can prescribe them, as well as prescribe a specific dosage and schedule.

*GEDEON-RICHTER RUS *(GEDEON Hungary) Gedeon Richter - Rus, JSC Gedeon Richter A.O. Gedeon Richter OJSC/Gedeon Richter-RUS, CJSC Gedeon Richter Romania JSC/Gedeon Richter-RUS, Z

Country of origin

Hungary/Russia Russia Russia/Hungary

Tranquilizer (anxiolytic)

Release forms

  • 10 - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.

Description of the dosage form

  • Pills

Pharmacological action

Anxiolytic, sedative, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant. It has a regulatory effect on neurovegetative functions, reduces nighttime secretion of gastric juice.


Well absorbed. Cmax in plasma is reached after 90 minutes. Plasma protein binding - 98%. Penetrates through the placenta, into the cerebrospinal fluid, and is excreted from breast milk. Metabolized in the liver. Excreted by the kidneys (70%).

Seduxen indications for use

  • Use strictly as prescribed by your doctor to avoid complications! - therapy anxiety states(neuroses, psychopathy), as well as treatment of tension, fear, autonomic symptoms(sweating, tremors, rapid heartbeat, etc.) resulting from psychological trauma; - complex treatment mental disorders of organic origin; - as symptomatic remedy for the treatment of conditions associated with increased muscle tone.

Seduxen contraindications

  • - myasthenia gravis; - closed-angle form of glaucoma and acute attack of glaucoma (however, with open-angle form of glaucoma, its use is allowed if patients receive therapy adequate to the disease); - severe chronic hypercapnia; - I trimester of pregnancy; - period of breastfeeding; - children's age up to 6 months; - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as to other benzodiazepine derivatives. Relative contraindications (special caution is required when prescribing the drug): - sleep apnea syndrome; - cardiopulmonary failure; - II and III trimesters of pregnancy.

Seduxen dosage

  • 5mg/ml

Seduxen side effects

  • The most common side effects are fatigue, drowsiness, and muscle weakness. In most cases, they go away on their own within a few days (or can be eliminated by reducing the dose of the drug used). The following side effects have rarely been reported: ataxia, psychotic reactions, dizziness, headaches, depression, blurred vision, skin rash, autonomic disorders, constipation, dysarthria, hypotension, urinary incontinence, bladder atony, nausea, dry mouth or hypersalivation, exanthema, tremor, changes in libido, bradycardia, adaptation disorder. Extremely rare: increased levels of liver transaminases and alkaline phosphatase in the blood serum, jaundice. A paradoxical reaction to the drug can manifest itself in the form of increased muscle tone. In such cases, it is necessary to stop using the drug. Dependence on the drug With long-term use, especially in large doses and in the presence of a predisposition, drug dependence on Seduxen may form. Withdrawal syndrome in less severe cases manifests itself in the form of tremors, restlessness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, headaches and decreased concentration. Increased sweating, muscle cramps, spastic abdominal pain, sensitivity disorders, delirium (rarely) and seizures of central origin may occur.

Seduxen is an anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative, muscle relaxant drug.

Active ingredient


Release form and composition

Seduxen is sold in the form of a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration and tablets.

  • The solution is available in glass ampoules (2 ml volume) placed in cardboard boxes 5 pcs.
  • The tablets are produced in blister packs (10 tablets each), placed in cardboard boxes of 2 pcs.

Indications for use

Indications for use are: eclampsia, neuroses of all types, as well as psycho- and neurosis-like conditions with anxiety syndrome when organic damage brain (including cerebral atherosclerosis) and endogenous pathologies, mental illnesses accompanied by severe anxiety, agitation, motor restlessness, nervous tension, endogenous psychoses (as an auxiliary drug), anxiety in psychosomatic pathologies, status epilepticus, epilepsy (as an auxiliary drug, including mental equivalents) , frequently recurring, severe seizures (particularly with parenteral administration).

Also among the indications for use: spasms, contractures, muscle rigidity, anxiety accompanying diseases of the internal organs, enuresis, neurotic disorders in pediatric practice (sleep disorders, anxiety, bad habits, headache, tic, stubborn reaction), diseases accompanied by spasticity, increased muscle tone or hyperkinesis, induction of anesthesia, tetanus and all types of convulsive conditions, premedication before surgical interventions, premature birth as a result muscle spasm(at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy).


Absolute contraindications to the use of Seduxen are:

  • Severe chronic hypercapnia.
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • The period of bearing a child (in particular, the first trimester) and breastfeeding.
  • Glaucoma in the acute stage, including closed-angle form (for open-angle glaucoma, the use of the drug is allowed if patients receive adequate treatment for the disease).
  • Children's age up to 6 months.
  • Hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components, as well as to other benzodiazepine derivatives.

It is prescribed with extreme caution for cardiopulmonary failure, sleep apnea syndrome, and the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Additionally for the solution: indications in the anamnesis of medicinal or alcohol addiction(except for acute withdrawal).

Instructions for use of Seduxen (method and dosage)

Seduxen tablets

The drug in tablet form is intended for oral administration. The dose is selected individually for each patient (taking into account the condition and response of the body to therapy). At the beginning of treatment, it is necessary to use small doses of Seduxen with a gradual increase. The daily dose should be divided into 2-4 doses individually. It is advisable to use 2/3 of the daily dose in the evening.

Adult patients with psychosomatic pathologies, anxiety-phobic and neurological disorders the usual single dose is prescribed - 2.5–5 mg (1/2–1 tablet). The average daily dose for adults is 5–20 mg. The maximum permissible single dose is 10 mg.

For symptomatic treatment of convulsive syndrome, 2.5–10 mg (1/2–2 tablets) is prescribed with a frequency of 2–4 times a day.

Muscle contractures, rigidity, spasticity - 5–20 mg per day (1–4 tables).

In complex therapy of mental disorders, the initial dose is 20–40 mg per day (4–8 tables), daily maintenance dose is 15–20 mg (3–4 tables).

Cachectic and elderly patients, as well as functional disorders liver excretion of the drug may be significantly prolonged. In this case, it is recommended to start therapy with a lower (half) dose, which is gradually increased. In this case, the individual tolerability of Seduxen should be taken into account.

For children, the dose is determined individually, taking into account the level of physical development, age, response to therapy and the general condition of the patient. The initial dose is 1.25–2.5 mg per day, divided into 2–4 doses. If necessary, this dose can be reduced or increased.

Children under 6 months of age are not allowed to use anxiolytic drugs from the benzodiazepine group.

Seduxen solution for IM and IV administration

The drug must not be administered into the arteries or extravasally. When administered intramuscularly, the solution should be injected deep into the muscle. Inject slowly into a vein: no more than 5 mg (1 ml) over 1 minute, since rapid administration can provoke apnea. For children, administer the solution very slowly: over 3 minutes.

Relief of psychomotor agitation - 10–20 mg intramuscularly, in severe cases - intravenously. If necessary, prescribe 10 mg of solution 3-4 times a day.

For tetanus - 10–20 mg intravenously (including drips) or intramuscularly, every 2–8 hours, depending on the clinical picture.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome, conditions that occur with an increase in muscle tone, delirium - no more than 10 mg with a frequency of 3-4 times a day (intramuscular).

To relieve spasms of skeletal muscles - half an hour before the start of the operation, 10 mg of Seduxen intramuscularly.

The initial dose for status epilepticus is 10–30 mg intravenously. If necessary, it can be repeated after 1 hour, then after 4 hours. The maximum daily dose is 80–100 mg. When the cramps stop, you can switch to intramuscular administration of the solution (10 mg every 4-6 hours).

Newborns over 5 weeks (over 30 days) are prescribed a dose of 0.1–0.3 mg/kg body weight intravenously, slowly. Maximum permissible dose is 5 mg. If necessary, the injection can be repeated after 2–4 hours (depending on the clinical picture). However, administration of more than 3 injections per day is permissible only for status epilepticus and tetanus. Except absolute readings Prescribing the solution to children under 6 years of age is not advisable due to metabolism, age distribution characteristics and safety of use.

Children over 5 years of age are prescribed 1 mg of Seduxen intravenously every 2–5 minutes until maximum dose 0.2 mg/kg (for convulsions - up to 0.3 mg/kg). If necessary, therapy can be repeated after 2-4 hours. For status epilepticus and increased frequency of epileptic seizures, the initial dose is 2–10 mg intravenously. The dose can then be repeated after 0.5–1 hour, and then after 4 hours.

Side effects

The use of the drug may cause the following side effects:

  • Central nervous system: muscle weakness, dizziness, drowsiness; rarely - tremor, confusion, diplopia, depression, ataxia, visual impairment, headache, dysarthria; in rare cases, paradoxical reactions (sleep disturbances, agitation, hallucinations, anxiety). After intravenous administration, hiccups sometimes occur. With prolonged use, there is a risk of memory impairment and the development of drug dependence.
  • Cardiovascular system: lowering blood pressure (with parenteral use).
  • Digestive system: rarely - drooling, constipation, dry mouth, attacks of nausea; in rare cases - jaundice, increased levels of alkaline phosphatase in the blood plasma and increased transaminase activity.
  • Respiratory system: in rare cases - respiratory problems (with parenteral use).
  • Urinary system: in rare cases - urinary incontinence.
  • Endocrine system: rarely - changes in libido.
  • Allergic manifestations: rarely - rashes on the skin.


Symptoms of overdose: suppression of reflexes, confusion, drowsiness, coma.

Treatment consists of gastric lavage and measures aimed at increasing blood pressure.


Analogs by ATC code: Apaurin, Valium Roche, Diazepam, Diazepabene, Relium.

Do not decide to change the drug on your own; consult your doctor.

Pharmacological action

Seduxen is a tranquilizer, a benzodiazepine derivative that has anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant, and central muscle relaxant effects. The mechanism of action is associated with an increase in the inhibitory effect of GABA in the central nervous system. The muscle relaxant effect is also due to inhibition of spinal reflexes. Taking the drug may cause an anticholinergic effect.

Special instructions

In case of coma, sleep apnea syndrome, respiratory failure, a careful assessment of the indications for the use of Seduxen is necessary due to the risk of respiratory depression.

In cases of severe depression (including suspected hidden depression), the patient should be treated under special supervision. In this case, the risk of suicide increases.

Seduxen dose selection requires special care in patients with reduced liver and kidney function, in the presence of pulmonary insufficiency ( chronic course), in severe general condition, in elderly and cachectic individuals, as well as in children, including newborns.

For children under 6 months of age, the use of anxiolytic drugs from the benzodiazepine group (which includes Seduxen) is strictly contraindicated.

During breastfeeding, the use of the drug is not recommended, as it passes into breast milk.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages during therapy with Seduxen is strictly prohibited.

When discontinuing treatment, the dose should be reduced gradually. If diazepam is abruptly discontinued after prolonged use, tremors, anxiety, convulsions, and agitation are possible.

According to individual studies, in the first trimester of pregnancy, benzodiazepines increase the risk of fetal abnormalities. At a later date, it can provoke depression of the respiratory center and nervous system.

In the initial phase of using Seduxen (especially within 12-24 hours after taking the drug), driving and work associated with the risk of injury are prohibited.

Diazepam should be discontinued if paradoxical reactions occur (sleep disturbances, acute agitation, hallucinations and anxiety).

After intramuscular injection diazepam there is a risk of increasing CPK activity in the blood plasma (which must be taken into account when diagnosing myocardial infarction).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Seduxen should not be taken in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, unless absolutely necessary. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, it is prescribed with great caution.

During lactation, taking the drug is prohibited.

In childhood

Use in newborns should be avoided.

In old age

No information available.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of Seduxen with drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system, the depressant effect on the central nervous system increases, respiratory center, severe arterial hypotension.

When taken simultaneously with tricyclic antidepressants, it is possible to enhance the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, increase the level of antidepressants and enhance the cholinergic effect.

In patients receiving long-term antihypertensive drugs central action, anticoagulants, beta-blockers, cardiac glycosides, extent and mechanisms drug interactions unpredictable.

When taken simultaneously with muscle relaxants, the effect of muscle relaxants is enhanced and the risk of developing apnea increases.

When used simultaneously with oral contraceptives, an increase in the effects of diazepam is sometimes observed. The risk of breakthrough bleeding increases.

Drugs that cause induction of liver enzymes may accelerate the elimination of diazepam.

With simultaneous use of Seduxen with caffeine, the sedative and anxiolytic effects of diazepam are reduced.

When taken simultaneously with clozapine, severe arterial hypotension, respiratory depression, and loss of consciousness may occur; with levodopa - suppression of the antiparkinsonian effect is sometimes possible; with lithium carbonate – a case of the development of a coma has been described; with metoprolol - decreased visual acuity, worsening psychomotor reactions.

When taken simultaneously with rifampicin, the excretion of diazepam increases due to a significant increase in its metabolism under the influence of rifampicin.

When taken concomitantly, diazepam sometimes suppresses metabolism and increases the effects of phenytoin. Phenobarbital and phenytoin may accelerate the metabolism of diazepam.

When taken concomitantly, fluvoxamine increases plasma levels and side effects of diazepam.

When taking the drug Seduxen simultaneously with cimetidine, disulfiram, omeprazole, the intensity and duration of exposure to diazepam may increase.

When taking ethanol-containing drugs simultaneously, the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system increases, and pathological intoxication syndrome may also occur.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed strictly according to a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

Store at 8–15 °C. Keep away from children.

3.81 out of 5 (13 Votes)