If you have a headache and pressure on your eyes, how is this connected and how to treat it? Painful sensations and a feeling of pressure in the eyes Headache and heaviness in the eyes

Any pain does not make a person happy. Headache is familiar to everyone, sometimes it occurs even in healthy people.

When you have a headache, and at the same time there is a feeling that there is also pressure on your eyes, it is almost unbearable. A person seeks relief, while at the same time trying to understand and identify the cause of pain.

Causes of pain

The source of painful sensations can be:

  1. Physiological reasons - no diseases.
  2. Development of the pathological process.

Factors that provoke headaches that are not related to the disease

The effect of emotional stress. People are vulnerable, overly emotional, and perceive negative events more acutely than others. As soon as such a person gets upset, a headache occurs instantly. Moreover, it is intense and can be felt as pressure on the eyeballs from the inside.

Overwork. Workaholics, or people forced to work for a long time without rest, periodically involuntarily rub their brow ridges. This is a mechanical action. Gestures of placing a hand on the site of pain are programmed by nature. The person is trying to show himself: it hurts here. But to realize: it’s already painful, it’s time to rest, maybe not always.

Unprofessional selection of glasses. The peculiarities of the market economy made it possible to trade glasses without control. Previously, it was impossible to purchase them without a prescription. But independently “checking” whether glasses are suitable or not for a particular person is incorrect. It is imperative to take into account the distance in mm between the pupils. This value is individual. In markets and pharmacies, people look more at the frames. I liked it, you can read it - they take it. The probability of “hitting” the correct distance between the focusing centers of the lenses is very small. Eye overload is guaranteed. And this is a headache and eye pain.

Eye fatigue. Long work with strain on the eyes (handicrafts, typing, looking at the monitor, etc.) affects your well-being. The head begins to hurt, the eyes burn, the pressure on them is exhausting.

Fluctuations in blood glucose. You don't have to be diabetic to experience discomfort from these changes. If a healthy person has not eaten for a long time, blood sugar will inevitably drop. When its value is significantly below normal, the headache and eye pain are debilitating. Just have a snack and everything will return to normal.

Unphysiological pose. Being in a position that is unnatural for the functioning of systems - in a dream, while reading, at the computer - is a provocateur of pain in the head. A curved spine, especially the neck, has a worse supply of nutrition to the brain - blood. Impaired blood supply forces the control center, the brain, to signal a problem with pain.

Bad habits. A person suffering from frequent headaches with pressure on the eyes may not see the reason. At the same time, smoke often and do not remove the glass from the table. The scary words “smoking kills” on cigarette packs do not scare smokers. True, they act on the subconscious and actually kill. Previously, I was tormented by headaches. Tell the smoker about the spasm of blood vessels with each puff. What will he answer? It's good if he remains silent.

Drinkers become irritated at any attempt to “denigrate” alcohol. And the mechanism is simple. At first there is a sharp dilation of the blood vessels, then their narrowing. The head hurts, a drunk person can complain about it. But then forget, I was “under anesthesia.” Tomorrow he will remember. And it will hurt your eyes, your temples, and your whole head. But drinkers are “treated” by adding poison. Thus aggravating the condition.

Insufficient sleep. Regular lack of sleep is a prerequisite for equally regular headaches. Especially if you miss “brain time” - from 11 pm to half past one in the morning. The only period of time when the brain allows itself to rest. By conflicting with your own brain, forcing it to work during its rightful hours of rest, you will create headaches.

Food for the night. Or drinking stimulating drinks, such as coffee. Instead of vigor, you will get depressed.

Lack of physical activity. Humanity first lay down on the sofas to watch TV. Then he moved to computers - he transferred part (at times significant) of his life to the virtual. Even if the work is not physically difficult, apparent comfort is catastrophic for health. The headache comes first. If the target figured out what was going on, maybe the person would change their habits. Or at least try. No - the pain will progress. It is necessary to move, and actively.

All of these are lifestyle costs that depend directly on the sufferer himself. Headaches have other causes.

Factors triggered by diseases

Increased intracranial pressure. A disease with which it is not recommended to joke. The pain occurs sharply and can be associated with rapid bending and straightening or effort. Heavy lifting, a cold cough attack, severe sneezing. There is a lot of pressure on the inside of the eyes, and there is an intense headache. Disturbances are visible in the fundus. There is a risk of stroke.

Tumors. The type of tumor (benign or cancer) does not always affect the intensity of pain. At first, the leading cause of pain is its localization. By squeezing certain areas of the brain, a small benign tumor can also cause headaches. Often this is a cyst. Oncology often does not appear immediately. But if it affects nerve receptors, squeezing them, it is detected quickly.

Problems of cerebral vessels. The brain matter itself does not hurt. The pathology is “reported” by the nerves passing through the affected area. Spasmodic vessels or vessels with thickened, swollen walls also cause pain.

Sinusitis. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a common complication of ARVI. This disease is characterized by bursting, “pushing” eye pain from the inside. The headaches are unbearable. The acute form cannot be overcome without painkillers. Both inflammation and pain are concentrated in the frontal part. With sinusitis you feel chills (fever) and want to sleep (weakness). The pain spreads to the temples.

Migraine. Previously, it was called the privilege of royalty. They deserved the unfortunate reward of supposed physical inactivity. After all, it was not appropriate for “lordships” to even put on and take off their clothes on their own. It was considered indecent.

Now we do little things ourselves, but migraines are experiencing a second youth. It puts pressure on the eyes, more often on one, and causes pain in part of the head. This is painful, and often long - up to three days.

The nature of the disease has not been precisely established. But it has been noticed that an increase in attacks is provoked by:

  • Power supply errors;
  • Emotional shocks;
  • Insufficient sleep;
  • Change of weather;
  • Severe fatigue.

The disease warns of the next attack with characteristic symptoms:

  • Drowsiness;
  • Dejection;
  • Anxiety;
  • Tense state;
  • Visual effects - aura (colored circles, zigzags in front of the eyes, decreased vision).

Not all symptoms are present at the same time, but some are combined. Sometimes it is possible to stop and prevent an attack. Patients usually know what helps best.

Concussion. Falls and head hits happen. Sometimes the bruise is minor, but afterwards there is nausea, headache and eye pain. The possibility of a concussion cannot be ruled out. A characteristic sign: with a bruise, there is at least a second loss of consciousness. The victim may not notice this. But the situation is serious and requires treatment.

Hypertension. High blood pressure, especially a hypertension crisis, provokes headaches. Only their intensity is different. When it is very large and accompanied by pressure on the eyes, it is better to call a doctor. These are possible warning signs of a stroke.

Infectious diseases. Almost anything hits you on the head. At first the head will hurt, and after a while symptoms characteristic of specific diseases will appear. Depending on the nature of the trouble, these could be:

  • High temperature;
  • Rash;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Vomit;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Nausea;
  • Gastrointestinal disorder.

There are many symptoms, only a few are listed.

Glaucoma. A sight-threatening disease. Intraocular pressure is sharply increased. The eye pain is severe and emergency help is needed. Without it, vision loss is possible.


Use methods available to the patient:

  • Initial examination, survey;
  • Examine blood biochemistry;
  • Encephalogram;
  • Brain MRI is an expensive, but most informative examination;
  • Ultrasound (duplex scanning) of the neck arteries - brachiocephalic;
  • Fundus examination.

These methods will allow you to clarify the diagnosis and choose effective treatment tactics. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional tests.


Prescribed by the attending physician. Follow the instructions strictly, this is important. Different diagnoses mean different plans for overcoming the disease.

You can eliminate mild uncomplicated cases (overwork, overheating, lack of sleep) yourself. If you cannot relieve the pain symptom for a long time, still consult a doctor. He will understand the situation.


By avoiding the causes of headaches that radiate to the eyes at the stage of non-compliance with the regimen, you will insure yourself against the pain becoming chronic. Get enough sleep, eat natural foods, and relax actively. Try to eliminate unhealthy habits. This will be the best prevention of headaches and others too.

There are no people asking in surprise: “What is a headache?” She is a bad friend of ours. But there is knowledge on how to feel this friend as a guest less often. Stay healthy all year round. Strengthen it even when you feel great. Your quality of life will benefit greatly, just put a little effort into it.

Headache and pressure on eyes. There is hardly a person who has never experienced such a painful condition. When this pain is fleeting, they do not pay attention to it. But what if you constantly have a headache and pressure on your eyes? What to do in such a situation? Let's figure out why this happens and how to deal with it.


Possible reasons for this condition may be:

  • signs of overvoltage;
  • migraine;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • benign or malignant brain tumors;
  • pathologies of cerebral vessels;
  • inflammatory colds;
  • infectious diseases of the brain;
  • trigeminal and facial neuralgia;
  • toothache;
  • allergy;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • all kinds of traumatic brain injuries, bruises;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • reflex pain (gastritis, colitis);
  • chemical poisoning;
  • mental illness;
  • bad habits;
  • weather dependence;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • period of menstruation in women;
  • reaction to bright light, smells.


Let's analyze why the head hurts and puts pressure on the eyes. Reasons for each specific case:

  • Overvoltage. Occurs when there is excessive strain on the eyes - this is a prolonged stay at the computer, preparing students for exams. Also, a headache in this case may be associated with some kind of stressful situations or emotional breakdowns. If you have an incorrect posture while sleeping or at the computer, pain may appear due to muscle strain: in the back, neck, and head. Usually the nature of the pain is compressive, moderate intensity.
  • Migraine- often a hereditary disease. It is characterized by acute, throbbing pain, involving half of the head: that is, the eye, forehead and temple on the right or left.
  • Increased intracranial pressure. The pressure increases due to an increase in cerebrospinal fluid, which stretches the arachnoid membrane of the brain. And this stretching causes pain in the head. It is typical that the pain intensifies in the morning.
  • Brain neoplasms. The outflow of cerebrospinal fluid is obstructed, therefore intracranial pressure increases. Also, neoplasms put pressure on certain areas of the brain, which causes headaches.
  • Pathologies of cerebral vessels. They can be congenital, for example arteriovenous malformation, or acquired, for example atherosclerosis. With these diseases, the pain is similar to that that occurs with migraine.
  • Infectious diseases of the brain: encephalitis, meningitis are serious diseases that can result in death if not treated in a timely manner. Very severe headaches around the eyes and neck.
  • Inflammatory diseases. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, sinusitis. Headaches are caused by intoxication of the body. Along with the headache, a rise in temperature and runny nose are noticed.
  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve- one of the most excruciating types of pain. The pain, like an electric shock, can be localized near the nose and in the eye area.
  • Toothache. Pain in the frontal region of the head occurs when the incisors are damaged.
  • Allergy. Headache and pressure on the eyes combined with other symptoms characteristic of allergies. Unpleasant feeling.
  • Increased eye pressure. Occurs with glaucoma, colds and inflammatory processes in the eyes. There is a pressing pain in the eyes, and a headache mainly in the forehead area.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: are open and closed. Depending on the severity of the injury, headaches can last for months or even years.
  • Women suffer from headaches during menopause, during PMS, as well as during pregnancy.
  • For hypertension headache is caused by increased intracranial pressure, muscle pain, ischemic pain (poor blood circulation to the brain). With hypotension, headache occurs due to fluctuations in vascular tone.
  • Osteochondrosis. If the headache is provoked by muscle contractions, then the pain is dull. Vertebral artery syndrome is involved - burning pain. An additional symptom may be pressing pain in the eyes.
  • Reflex headache. Occurs with diseases of internal organs (stomach, liver, intestines), astigmatism, incorrectly selected glasses, adenoids and other diseases.
  • Chemical poisoning. Almost all poisonings: drugs, varnishes, paints, pesticides and others result in a headache and pressure on the eyes.
  • Bad habits, such as smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, also cause headaches due to vascular spasms, in particular cerebral vessels.
  • Mental illness accompanied by headache.

A headache is not a diagnosis, but just a symptom of a disease. Therefore, if you often experience headaches, you need to consult a doctor who can examine, find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment. To do this, you will have to undergo an examination: a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, and measure your blood pressure. Check the functioning of the heart and internal organs (liver, stomach). The doctor may order an MRI of the brain, as well as other diagnostic tests. Only after a diagnosis has been made can headaches be properly treated.

Where to start treatment?

And yet, when there is a headache in the forehead and pressure on the eyes, how to treat such conditions?

Treatment of headaches must begin with diagnosis of the disease that caused it.

Nervous tension

If this is pain caused by tension, then you need to remove the source of irritation, that is, give your eyes rest, take a comfortable position. And the most important thing is not to get nervous over trifles.


If it is a migraine or migraine-like pain, then you should not delay taking medications such as Citramon or Askafen, since they are effective in the first half hour from the onset of the headache. It is also necessary to provide the patient with peace.

Reflex pain

If you have a headache and pressure on your eyes due to reflex pain, then first of all you should treat the underlying disease. That is, removing adenoids, treating gastritis, vision, etc. After all, a headache can be overcome only by neutralizing its causes.


When a headache begins due to chemical poisoning, the first thing you need to do is neutralize the effects of poisons on the body. Induce vomiting, drink Almagel, activated carbon. For inflammatory diseases that occur with an increase in temperature, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

For allergies, it is necessary to treat with antihistamines.


Drugs such as Aspirin, Indomethacin and others are effective against pain, but they have a bad effect on the gastric mucosa. “Sedalgin”, “Pentalgin” also help well, but they become addictive. For many diseases there are a number of other specific drugs. Therefore, if your head hurts very often and puts pressure on your forehead and eyes, then it is best to consult a doctor. After all, many headache medications cannot be sold without a doctor’s prescription.

Traditional medicine

Here are some effective folk methods that will not harm, but can quickly relieve headaches:

  • An old proven grandmother's method is to tie a cabbage leaf to a sore spot, that is, to the head.
  • To cleanse and heal the body, take a teaspoon of honey diluted in a glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Rub the temples with “Star” balm or apply lemon peel to them.
  • It is useful to take a warm bath, adding sea salt or pine extract to it. Some people benefit from a hot shower, others benefit from a cold shower. You can take a contrast shower if there are no contraindications.
  • Massaging the muscles that have caused tension can also help relieve pain.
  • Hot tea with lemon with the addition of honey, mint, St. John's wort will help as a sedative.

Headache prevention

Adequate sleep, walks in the fresh air, maintaining rest, alternating mental and physical work are the main prevention of headaches. If you know what irritants cause headaches, you should try to have as little contact with them as possible. Do not abuse bad habits and undergo preventive medical examinations more often in order to earlier identify a disease that can cause headaches.

When you have a headache in the forehead, pressure on the eyes and nausea, this can be a symptom of a variety of conditions - from nervous strain to serious illnesses. This article will describe the possible causes of such ailments and ways to combat them.

What do headaches, heaviness of eyes and nausea mean?

Types of headaches

Tension pain

The most common headaches are tension headaches. They may indicate overwork or, in the worst case, a head or neck injury. Basically, this type of headache is concentrated in the upper part of the head and may be accompanied by a pulling sensation in the eye area. Any aspirin tablet will help you quickly get rid of such pain.

Cluster pain

The rarest type of headache is cluster headache. It manifests itself in the frontal part and can radiate to the eye area, creating an unpleasant pressing or squeezing sensation. Often such pain is accompanied by lacrimation and a runny nose, but the causes of cluster pain, unfortunately, are still not precisely known.


Migraines plague many people. These are pains that occur in the temples or forehead, often there is a pressing sensation in the eyes and all this can be accompanied by nausea. In some cases, migraine is indicated by numbness of the limbs and speech impairment; in such cases, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor. One way or another, migraine is the least of the troubles, which can be characterized by pain in the forehead and temples, pressure on the eyes and nausea.

What causes pressure on the eyes?

The feeling of pressure on the eyes occurs when overwork or severe mental stress. But most often this is a sign of increased intracranial pressure. Only competent specialists can tell you for sure the cause of pressure on your eyes. The cause of discomfort in the eyes and headaches may also be an allergy; in this case, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests to identify the causes of the allergy.

It is quite possible that you have recently changed the climate, having arrived from a distant country, or have experienced a stressful situation. Then the pressure on the eyes will soon pass, but, nevertheless, be sure to go to the ophthalmologist and measure the pressure every day.

When does nausea occur?

Nausea can indicate many disorders and changes in the body. But when we are talking about nausea as a syndrome accompanying headaches, most likely poisoning and stomach upset will have to be excluded. If nausea is accompanied by headaches, this may indicate an intracranial hematoma or brain tumor. The presence of a particular disease can only be detected after an MRI, and treatment must be prescribed by a surgeon; surgery may be required, so do not delay visiting a specialist.

Headache: in the forehead area in combination with pressure on the eyes and nausea indicate fatigue or some kind of illness, in any case you should consult a doctor

How to get rid of headaches?

First of all, you need to contact specialists. Completing Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brain (MRI) and Doppler Ultrasound (USD) of the vessels of the head and neck will help to immediately identify or, on the contrary, get rid of doubts about brain anomalies and pathology.

Regarding pressure on the eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist who will examine the fundus of the eye and be able to identify the causes of the pressure. You may have to go to a neurologist. In general, if you are often tormented by all of the listed symptoms, it would be a good idea to take a sick leave and conduct a full examination of the body, since such simple symptoms as headache, nausea and discomfort in the eyes can be signs of serious illnesses that require immediate medical intervention.

Complex restoration of the body

When you have a headache in the forehead, pressure on the eyes and nausea, you need to take medications to quickly get rid of the discomfort. But, since medications must be prescribed by doctors, this article will provide recommendations on what can be done to relieve and prevent unpleasant sensations.

Proper rest

Constant work, stress and nerves cause most modern diseases, which cause headaches, nausea and general malaise.

The meaning of fresh air

Banal recommendations to walk more often and breathe fresh air would seem easy to implement, but few people can afford more than a walk to the grocery store or to work. Try to get out to a park or village at least once a week on weekends; fresh, non-polluted air can work wonders and relieve the body of many unpleasant sensations.

Quality sleep

Constant lack of sleep affects the accumulation of fatigue and overwork. 8 hours a day is a luxury for many in busy environments. However, ventilating the room before going to bed, purchasing an orthopedic mattress and a comfortable pillow is not so difficult, because your sleep will become much more efficient, and your workday will be more productive after such sleep.

Correct nutrition system

At the very least, start your day with porridge. Don't skip lunches that require soup and don't overeat at night. If you follow these simple rules, migraines and nausea will not bother you, which can be said if you switch completely to a balanced diet.

Obviously, my head doesn’t just hurt, there’s no pressure on my eyes, and nausea doesn’t come out of nowhere. A timely visit to a doctor will save you from more serious consequences, and in order not to suffer from migraines, try to rest more often, spend time in nature and get enough sleep.

It often happens that the head hurts and there is pressure on the eyes. This is not surprising, since the eyeballs share a common circulatory system with the choroid of the brain and other organs located in the cranium.

When you have a headache and pressure on your eyes, the reasons can be divided into several groups.

Vascular diseases

This is an inflammation of blood vessels that has an immunological development mechanism. It can cause pain in the temples and eyes; the reason for this is swelling of the intima of the temporal artery, which reduces its lumen, slows down the blood flow and creates conditions for the formation of blood clots. The disease can affect any arteries, arterioles, veins and capillaries, but temporal arteritis is the most common and easiest to detect. If you look closely at the temple, you will see that the skin here is quite thin and the inflamed vessel clearly appears under it. Due to its swelling, an acute headache occurs in the temples and eyes, which can radiate to the neck, tongue and even shoulder. It can occur against the background of partial or complete loss of vision, which is a signal that the eye vessels are involved in the inflammatory process. Vision deteriorates and diplopia occurs.

The arteries in the temples can be easily felt and their pulsation can be determined

Pain in the eye and temple increases with chewing, partial ptosis (drooping) of the eyelid on the affected side is visible, the temporal part of the head is swollen.

As a rule, the disease affects older patients, as their blood vessels become more fragile and susceptible to immune inflammation. Headache in the temples and eyes due to arteritis can be triggered by changes in hormonal levels, hereditary predisposition, infectious-toxic inflammation of blood vessels (the most dangerous in this sense are staphylococci and viruses that cause hepatitis).

Pain in the eyes in this case is just one of the symptoms, which is eliminated only by treating the underlying disease. Vascular strengthening, venotonic and antithrombotic drugs are used for treatment, and glucocorticosteroids are used to suppress the immunological mechanism of arteritis. Also, the area of ​​the thrombosed vessel can be surgically removed.


Thinning of the wall of a blood vessel for any reason (atherosclerosis, inflammation, arteritis, congenital pathology) leads to the formation of a protrusion in this place, and then a kind of “pocket”. The most typical place for the formation of such protrusions is:

  • the internal carotid artery at the site of its division into the posterior communicating and ophthalmic arteries;
  • anterior cerebral arteries;
  • area of ​​division of the middle cerebral artery.

Typically, aneurysms are small in size - up to a centimeter, so protrusions measuring about two centimeters are considered gigantic. These formations pose a danger to the patient's life, as they can spontaneously rupture with profuse hemorrhage. But even the very presence of a foreign formation in the brain manifests itself in pain in the temples and pressure on the eyes. Possible visual impairment due to pressure on the optic nerve, epileptic seizures, and cerebral ischemia.

Aneurysms cause compression of surrounding tissues and cranial nerves

When it breaks through, the oculomotor nerve is most often affected. The frontal part of the head begins to hurt locally first, which is a harbinger of a full-blown symptom complex of hemorrhage from an aneurysm of the internal carotid artery.

If a cerebral aneurysm is detected, surgical intervention is indicated to isolate this area from the general circulation.


Intracranial hematomas can occur either due to a rupture of an aneurysm or due to a bruise or penetrating head injury. In this case, the resulting hematoma gradually compresses the substance of the brain, damaging its nerve centers. I feel a headache pressing on my eyes. If the hematoma is located close to the optic chiasm or optic tract, then visual impairment may occur.

The pain is intense and is not relieved by taking analgesics.

High blood pressure



Increased eye pressure (glaucoma) is characterized by a feeling that there is pressure on the eyes from the inside. This occurs due to the formation of a large volume of aqueous humor by the ciliary body and disruption of its physiological outflow through the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye. As the pressure in the eyes increases, it certainly puts pressure on the optic nerve nipple. Compression causes pinching and swelling, and a characteristic blurred vision appears in the periphery of the visual field. Increased intraocular fluid pressure causes pain, pain, redness in the eyes, “rainbow circles” around light sources, and worsening twilight vision. The eyes and head hurt; when you press on the eyeball, you feel increased turgor (tension). This disease is usually treated with local dosage forms - antiglaucoma drops.


Hypertension is one of the common etiological factors for headaches that radiate to the eye. However, this only happens with a sharp rise in pressure. If it is chronically elevated, then the receptors of the vascular walls adapt and constantly high pressure does not cause headaches. During an episode of a sharp increase in blood pressure, a person feels nauseous, and “spots” flash before the eyes. There is a throbbing pain in the right temple and pain in the left temple, which intensifies when the head is tilted forward, creating a feeling that there is pressure on the eyes from the inside. Increased pressure can be diagnosed by redness of the facial skin, dilation of blood vessels in the eye, and the appearance of small hemorrhages in the sclera.

An increase in blood pressure is dangerous for the development of acute hypertensive encephalopathy. At the same time, there is a lot of pressure on the eyes, and the phenomenon of papilledema and retinopathy develops. A bursting headache is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, photopsia - bright light flashes on the retina.

It must be remembered that a sharp increase in blood pressure can be provoked by some medications and drugs: ephedrine, cocaine, amphetamines; adrenaline, MAO inhibitors, high doses of corticosteroids.


Tension headache

This type of pain occurs against the background of muscle spasm or nervous strain. In this case, the organs of vision experience discomfort, the top of the head and the occipital-parietal region hurt. Massaging the collar area, active physical exercise, and a relaxing bath relieve tension and soothe pain, but psycho-emotional activity, on the contrary, can provoke it. A headache pressing on the eyes can be the result of emotional stress, hysterical or depressive syndrome.

First of all, muscle relaxation is necessary, for which acupuncture, acupressure, sedatives and muscle relaxants can be used.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

This formulation is used if it is impossible to establish the exact cause of the violation of autoregulation of vascular tone. Usually there is a headache of a bilateral pulsating nature in the temples and the back of the head, tension in the eyeballs. Also, in some people, VSD is manifested by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and fluctuations in blood pressure.

When the eyes hurt due to VSD, help is to improve the hemodynamics of the cerebral vessels, take sedatives and reduce intracranial pressure.

Infectious causes

With inflammation of the brain or its membranes (meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis), inflammatory exudate or even pus is formed, which increases the pressure inside the skull. In this case, the patient experiences headaches that cannot be relieved with analgesics, decreased vision, convulsions, weakness, and other neurological disorders. The crown of the head may also hurt, and the scalp may feel sore, often followed by a feeling of numbness.

Brain infections cause increased intracranial pressure

In infectious diseases, poisoning with pathogen toxins always occurs, so headaches that radiate to the eyes can be experienced even with a banal ARVI.


Pain in the eyes is caused by inflammation of the superior branch of the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for the eye and upper part of the face. Some of the diseases listed above may be its root causes:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • meningitis;
  • vascular aneurysms causing nerve compression;
  • herpes virus. It can only affect one nerve, resulting in unilateral right temple pain or left temple pain;
  • injuries;
  • ARVI, cold.


Most people have headaches and pressure on their eyes after intoxication with alcoholic beverages or nicotine. As a rule, the culprits of painful sensations are considered to be dehydration of the body, blood thickening, poisoning with the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol and fusel oils.

As you can see, it can be very difficult to independently understand the reasons why your head hurts and pressure on your eyes. If you experience prolonged discomfort, be sure to consult a doctor.

Modern life with a huge amount of stress, spending many hours at the computer, contributes to weakness, dizziness, and visual pathologies. But we must not forget that prolonged pressing pain in the eyes and headaches are also caused by serious illnesses. And the correct diagnosis is established by a specialist.

Causes of discomfort

The above symptoms have many causes.

  1. Fatigue . When working for a long time with documents, and especially with a computer, sometimes you get the feeling that your head hurts and there is pressure on your eyes. They become red and inflamed, because when working with the monitor the condition of the mucous membrane worsens.

    Itching in the eyes can also be caused by glasses that are chosen incorrectly, which overstrains the optic nerve. Trust the selection of optics only to a specialist.

  2. Hypertension - with high blood pressure, a person has a feeling of bulging eyes and a heavy head. When it decreases, on the contrary, the eyelids seem heavy and you want to close them.
  3. With allergies, a headache in the eye area is accompanied by burning, itching, and lacrimation.
  4. Unbearable pain that radiates to the eye is a migraine. It causes visual distortion, sensitivity to smells, and lighting.

    Important: this condition cannot continue for more than 70–72 hours.

    Pain that is similar to a migraine but causes watery eyes is called cluster pain. Why they occur is unknown.

  5. Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses causes pain in the eyes, swelling, and fever.
  6. Improper circulation of cerebrospinal fluid(cerebrospinal fluid) - when the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted, pressure surges inside the skull appear, fever, dizziness, pain in the forehead and eyes. Causes: inflammation in brain tissue caused by cysts, neoplasms, hematomas, when the movement of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted.
  7. Cervical osteochondrosis. When the spine is immobilized, it becomes deformed and the nerve roots are pinched, which causes pain in the back of the head and eyes. The pain is concentrated in one part of the head and becomes stronger when bending over. There is also discomfort in the arms and chest.

    Remember: movement is the best prevention of osteochondrosis.

  8. Infectious diseases- pain in the head with sinusitis and meningitis is stronger than in the eyes. The pain seems to be concentrated at the back of the eyeball. Discomfort increases with changes in head and body posture.
  9. Ophthalmological disorders. False myopia or accommodation spasm is a spasm of the eye muscle when vision deteriorates and a person does not react to changes in focal length. This causes pain in the eyes. To get rid of negative symptoms, you need to relax the muscle using eye drops or laser therapy.

    Glaucoma, leading to blindness, is considered a serious problem. When sick, a person suffers from eye pain, headache, dizziness and nausea. The pupil dilates and the eye swells.

How to remove pain

The most common cause of discomfort in the eye sockets and head is fatigue. You can get rid of it using simple relaxation techniques:

  • if you are at home, lie down, turn off the lights, close the curtains;
  • try to get enough sleep;
  • do not turn on the TV and computer for a day or two;
  • massage your head from the back of the head to the temples and neck;
  • pain caused by spasms is eliminated by spasmalgon. But if the symptoms recur, rush to the doctor.

Traditional medicine methods

Eye pain and headaches are relieved with traditional medicine.

  • Mint decoction. Pour boiling water (1 cup) over peppermint (1 tablespoon). After straining, drink 50 g before meals.
  • Garlic elixir. Add 9 - 10 cloves of garlic to half a glass of milk, boil and cook for 4 - 6 minutes. Cool, strain. Place a few drops (5 - 7) of the decoction into the ear. After a couple of minutes, remove by tilting your head.
  • Valerian decoction. Pour boiling water over the chopped rhizome (1 tablespoon). Steam for 25 - 27 minutes in a water bath. Consume before meals.
  • Honey cocktail. Mix 1 part agave juice, 2 parts each honey and wine (red). Drink a cocktail before meals.
  • Therapeutic compresses. To prevent headaches, compresses made from cabbage leaves and raw potato gruel are applied to the temples and forehead. A cold, damp towel also relieves pain.

Important: if you have a severe headache in the eye area, do not self-medicate. Contact your doctor. This will help protect against the development of serious diseases and their consequences.



Severe pain in the eyes and head has good reasons; they are identified using the following diagnostic methods.

Complex treatment is usually carried out:

  • medication - taking painkillers, sedatives, antiemetics, antidepressants, also for osteochondrosis, the doctor prescribes medicinal ointments and gels;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • massage, physiotherapy.


To avoid pain in the eyes and head, you need to follow a routine, eat right, breathe fresh air more often, and move more. Gymnastics is especially useful for the development of osteochondrosis.

By following these instructions, you will live a full life, and the question: “Why do my eyes and head hurt” will never bother you.

Author of the article: Vladislav Solovyov