Do eggs raise cholesterol or not? New research on chicken and quail eggs: do they increase cholesterol?

“It’s time to dispel the myths about the connection between eggs and heart disease and restore their rightful place in our diet, because they have great value For balanced diet" I quote the latest issue of a very serious medical publication, the journal of the British National Nutrition Foundation. And here are a couple more quotes from the same: “Eggs are rich in nutrients, they are a valuable source of high-quality protein and at the same time contain few unhealthy fats and calories. ... The high protein content of eggs may help maintain normal body weight or reduce overweight and through this play a big role in the fight against obesity.”

Russian trace

Why have eggs been “painted” exclusively black in the last 40 years?

It was the time of triumph of the cholesterol theory of the origin of atherosclerosis, says Konstantin Spakhov, doctor, candidate of medical sciences. - Its creator was a young Russian doctor Nikolai Anichkov. In 1912, he conducted experiments on rabbits, feeding them horse doses of cholesterol. The latter was deposited in the vessels of animals, causing atherosclerosis in them. Then Anichkov began to deal with other problems, gained fame and even took the post of president of the Academy of Medical Sciences. In the West they went their own “original” way, repeating Anichkov’s experiments in the 20-30s. By the 70s, doctors had “matured” and declared war on cholesterol on all fronts.

And they were especially up in arms against eggs rich in this substance. At the same time, scientists ignored many facts. For example, huge doses of cholesterol in the diet did not cause atherosclerosis in horses, dogs and some other animals. Then it turned out that people are more like horses than rabbits in their absorption of this substance. In 1991, the most authoritative American medical journal “NEJM” (The New England Journal of Medicine) published an almost anecdotal article with the telling title “ Normal level plasma cholesterol levels in an 88-year-old man who eats 25 eggs per day."

The hero of the publication, who lived in a nursing home, was bought 20-30 eggs daily, which he happily ate. This went on for at least 15 years, and his cholesterol was normal, and his health was no worse than that of his peers.

The devil is in the details

Despite many contradictions, eggs and cholesterol continued to scare ordinary people. The logic of the belief was something like this. High cholesterol in the blood increases mortality from heart and vascular diseases (which is true). Reducing blood cholesterol reduces mortality from these diseases (which is also true). This means that foods rich in cholesterol contribute to the development of these diseases and increase mortality from them. But this is no longer true.

Cholesterol in foods and in the blood are two different things. The effect of cholesterol-rich foods on blood cholesterol is weak and insignificant. Cholesterol from food in the blood is converted into two different cholesterol- harmful and useful. The first promotes the formation of plaques in blood vessels, the second prevents this. Therefore, eggs, to a certain extent, can even reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Whether cholesterol behaves well or poorly depends on its environment. It does not float in the blood on its own, but in a “company” of fats and proteins. Such complexes are called lipoproteins. If they have low density, then they contain harmful cholesterol, but in lipoproteins high density- cholesterol is healthy.

What exactly will be the cholesterol contained in an egg? It depends on what foods you eat it with. For example, from a hard-boiled egg with butter, it will predominantly be converted into “bad” cholesterol in the body. From fried eggs cooked in the same oil or with sausage, bacon and lard, too. But the scrambled eggs vegetable oil or any eggs themselves concentration bad cholesterol in the blood will definitely not increase.

True, there is one exception - people with hereditary characteristics metabolism, in which the liver produces a lot of bad cholesterol or little good cholesterol. It is better for them to stick to the old recommendations and eat no more than 2-3 eggs per week. These diseases are not very common, affecting approximately one person in 500. Those whose parents had heart attacks and strokes at a young age are at risk.

In fact, the British Nutrition Foundation experts have voiced the world's position on eggs. Medical organizations Europe and the world also no longer limit the consumption of eggs, and they can be eaten every day. Only in Great Britain they did it loudly - to the whole world. And in other countries it’s quiet. For example, in the United States, advice on limiting egg consumption was simply deleted from all official recommendations.

Their great virtues

  • only 78 kcal,
  • 6.5 grams of premium protein,
  • contains almost no carbohydrates (this is a classic product for a low-carb diet),
  • healthy fats: 2.3 grams
  • monounsaturated fats and 0.9 grams of polyunsaturated fats,
  • unhealthy saturated fat: 1.7 grams,
  • cholesterol 227 mg,
  • retinol (vitamin A) 98 mcg,
  • vitamin D 0.9 mcg,
  • riboflavin (vitamin B6) 0.24 mg,
  • folate (vitamin folic acid) 26 mcg,
  • vitamin B12.3 mcg,
  • phosphorus 103 mg,
  • iron 1.0 mg
  • zinc 0.7 mg,
  • iodine 27 mg,
  • selenium b mcg.

Due to their availability, eggs are the most common food product, suitable for breakfast, snack, and light dinner. They are consumed on their own or added to salads, sauces, dough, desserts, side dishes, first and second courses.

How much cholesterol is in eggs

Chicken eggs are considered harmful due to their high cholesterol content. However, quail eggs contain twice as much. If you compare 100 g of chicken and quail product, the amount of cholesterol is 423 mg and 884 mg.

That's enough high rate, since the daily rate of exogenous cholesterol coming from food should not exceed 300 mg/day. Eating one chicken egg, a person receives 70% (180-200 mg) of the daily requirement, one quail egg 40% (80-100 mg).

Beneficial properties of chicken and quail eggs

Chicken eggs are a valuable food product, a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Composition includes (% daily norm per 100 g):

  • Vitamin A (29%) is responsible for normal work reproductive, immune system. Improves vision and skin.
  • Vitamin B2 (25%) acts as an antioxidant. Maintains performance good mood, stimulates metabolism. Lack of vitamin leads to hair loss, dry skin, and poor vision.
  • Vitamin B5 (26%) is an essential element in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cholesterol, hemoglobin - necessary for the absorption of amino acids from the intestines. Supports the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Vitamin B12 (17%) is responsible for metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and improves blood quality. Deficiency leads to the development of anemia and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin D (22%) is essential for normal development, skeletal formation, calcium and phosphorus metabolism bone tissue. Deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin H (41%) is responsible for fat synthesis, amino acid metabolism, supports good condition skin.
  • Vitamin PP (18%) regulates redox reactions of energy metabolism, maintains good condition of hair, skin, and nails. Improves performance nervous system, organs digestive tract.
  • Phosphorus (24%) is necessary for energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, strengthens bones and tooth enamel. Chronic phosphorus deficiency can cause rickets.
  • Iron (14%) is an important part of enzymes. Carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency causes anemia, skeletal atony, leads to increased fatigue, diseases of the heart muscle.
  • Iodine (13%) supports normal function thyroid gland. Its deficiency leads to hormonal imbalances, memory impairment, hypertension, dyslipidemia.
  • Cobalt (100%) is responsible for the exchange fatty acids, folic acid.
  • Selenium (58%) – powerful antioxidant, which has a protective, immunomodulatory effect.

The energy value of the product is 152 kcal, proteins/fats/carbohydrates – 13/12/0.7 g.

Benefits of eating eggs

  • provide the body with necessary macro- and microelements, minerals, strengthen the immune system;
  • are good prevention of the appearance of malignant tumors;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract, slow down development peptic ulcer stomach;
  • have a good effect on vision, prevent the development of glaucoma and cataracts;
  • contain large number protein that is responsible for growth muscle mass, This good alternative dairy products, meat;
  • contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • cholesterol in eggs maintains lipid balance; it is necessary for the body, since it itself produces only 80% of sterol, the rest must come from food;
  • reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects in a child during intrauterine development;
  • prevent anemia, stimulate the functioning of the circulatory and immune systems;
  • improve neuromuscular transmission, reaction speed;
  • eggs can be consumed by obese people;
  • have a beneficial effect on memory and psycho-emotional state;
  • support metabolism.

Chicken eggs are best eaten soft-cooked or hard-boiled, since the white and yolk may contain pathogenic bacterium salmonella, which enters through the pores of the shell.

Is it possible to eat eggs if you have high cholesterol?

If you have hypercholesterolemia, eggs can be consumed 2-3 times a week. A healthy person can eat one chicken or quail every day. If you want more, eat only proteins. For example, if you mix one yolk with several whites, you can prepare an omelette rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals without excess fat.

It is better to steam scrambled eggs or omelettes. Frying kills beneficial microelements, increases calorie content, and damages blood vessels.


Diseases for which eggs should not be consumed:

  • Biliary dyskinesia. It is forbidden to eat yolk or white in any form. They enhance the motility of the gallbladder, stimulate bile synthesis, which causes an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Cirrhosis. Once a week you can eat protein steamed omelettes. Egg yolk increases the load on the organ, which worsens the patient’s condition.
  • It is contraindicated to eat white or yolk if you have pancreatitis. Cholesterol and saturated fats can aggravate the disease.

Diets containing egg yolks or whites are well tolerated and safe because they support metabolism and the balance of fats and carbohydrates.

Eggs are harmful only when they are consumed more than normal or combined with harmful products. For example, an omelette fried on butter with sausage, lard will turn into unhealthy fats.

Last updated: February 6, 2019

Many are sure that eating eggs (specifically egg yolk) leads to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, in order not to cause irreparable damage to health, you should not eat more than three eggs per week.

Scientists have proven that the main amount of cholesterol coming from food is contained in saturated fat, not in eggs. Therefore, on the contrary, it is not recommended to limit the number of eggs. Otherwise, the body will develop a deficiency of essential minerals and trace elements.

Eggs do contain some cholesterol. More specifically, it is found in the yolks. On average, one chicken egg contains from 200 to 300 mg of this substance.

Some people wonder what kind of cholesterol is in eggs. The scientific literature describes that in the liver, brain, eggs and shellfish only “ good cholesterol" Moreover, the share of harmful fats is only 2-3% of the total amount.

In addition, eggs contain a lot of lecithin, choline and phospholipids, which are necessary to nourish the tissues of the whole body. These compounds are especially important for brain function. Following this, doctors concluded that controlled consumption Chicken eggs are good for health. Therefore, most therapeutic diets include this product.

However, nutritionists disagree on how many eggs you should eat per day. Many experts believe that a healthy person is recommended to eat 1 egg daily. In this quantity the product will go to the human body only for the benefit.

Cholesterol in quail eggs

Regarding quail eggs, then the situation here is even better. Quail eggs contain much less cholesterol than chicken eggs. This is predetermined by the lower specific gravity of the yolk (about 14%, and in chicken about 11%), which is a source of cholesterol.

Besides quail eggs contain much more useful compounds(minerals and vitamins) and less cholesterol, which cannot be said about chicken eggs. But how realistic is the statement that they are interconnected, you can find out on our website.

Therefore, quail eggs are more beneficial than chicken products.

Please note that quail eggs can be consumed even raw without fear of becoming infected with such a dangerous infectious disease, like salmonellosis.

Benefits of eggs

This product is very useful.

  1. In terms of nutritional value, eggs are on the same level as red and black caviar.
  2. One egg can easily replace one glass of milk or 50 grams of meat.
  3. The value of egg white is no less than the value of milk and beef protein.
  4. Eggs are a complete, nutritious food, just like cod.

The difference between eggs and many other foods is that they are almost completely digestible (about 98%) no matter how much you eat them. But this only applies to cooked eggs that have undergone heat treatment. Raw eggs are poorly absorbed in the body.

The calorie content of eggs is determined mainly by proteins and fats. 100 grams of eggs contain 11.5 g of fat and 12.7 g of protein. Since fats are almost twice as high in calories as proteins (9.3 kcal versus 4.1 kcal), the total calorie content of eggs is 156.9 kcal.

Most of the calories come from fat. at the same time, it can be recommended, so the benefits of this product are still undeniable.

The bulk of fats and cholesterol is contained in the chicken yolk, and the proteins are mainly in the white. Chicken eggs contain almost no carbohydrate compounds.

It is important to know that by consuming raw eggs you can become infected with a dangerous intestinal disease - salmonellosis. At heat treatment Salmonellosis pathogens die, and raw chicken eggs are the source of this life-threatening disease.

The main symptoms of this infection are:

  • high body temperature;
  • pain in the digestive tract;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

If medical assistance is not provided in time, death is possible.

Salmonella can survive inside the shell, so even thoroughly washing eggs before eating them raw does not guarantee protection against infection. Although it is necessary to wash eggs in any case. In addition, eating raw eggs can lead to inability to absorb iron in the intestines and reduce the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

If a person normal concentration cholesterol in the blood, it is recommended that he eat one egg every day. In this case, this product will only bring benefits to the body. If cholesterol is high, then eggs can be consumed only 2-3 times a week.

Eggs are a product that is present in the diet of every person. Many myths revolve around them, primarily related to the content in them. dangerous cholesterol. But let's try to figure out what is true and what is fiction.

The difference between eggs and other products is that they are almost completely, approximately 97-98%, absorbed by our body. However this fact applies only to heat-treated eggs. Raw eggs are much less digestible.

Eggs contain cholesterol - this is not a myth. But egg cholesterol, present in the yolk of the egg, is balanced by lecithin, choline and phospholipids necessary to nourish nerve cells. As a result, it is believed that eating eggs will not increase cholesterol levels in the body.

Many doctors recommend including chicken eggs in various therapeutic diets. But do not forget that we are talking about controlled consumption of this product, and not excessive consumption.

More recently, nutritionists have concluded that the cholesterol contained in eggs is not as dangerous as many people think. In fact, the cholesterol in eggs is good for your heart. Only a third of the total cholesterol consumed comes from food, and the share of egg cholesterol is negligible. Most cholesterol comes from confectionery and meat.

Thus, eggs certainly contain a certain amount of cholesterol, but they do not increase it in any way. general level in the body and has no harmful effects.

Eggs are very healthy products. By nutritional value they can compete with such delicacies as red and black caviar. One egg eaten will replace 50 grams of meat and 200 ml of milk drunk. Egg white is in no way inferior in terms of nutrients to beef and milk protein. Simply put, eggs are a nutritious and complete food.

The cholesterol found in eggs can be relatively harmful to the body, depending on how you cook the eggs. For example, scrambled eggs in vegetable oil will have a detrimental effect on the body, causing an excess of cholesterol in the body. It is also not advisable to eat eggs with lard, bacon or sausage. If there are simply soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, then total quantity It won't affect your cholesterol levels.

However, people with bad heredity and metabolic disorders, when the liver produces little good and a lot of bad cholesterol, it is undesirable to eat eggs. For such people, it will be enough to eat no more than 2-3 eggs per week. Such violations usually occur in one person in 500.

Remember that eating raw eggs can reduce hemoglobin levels in the blood and poor absorption gland.

Eating raw eggs can trigger the development of salmonellosis, a dangerous intestinal disease. When an egg is thermally treated, salmonellosis bacteria are completely destroyed. But if you eat a raw chicken egg, you can get this disease, which is life-threatening.

Symptoms of salmonellosis:

  • , vomit
  • severe pain in
  • increase in body temperature

It is obvious general condition, reminiscent of poisoning. If you do not apply for it in a timely manner medical care, then it is not excluded death. Washing a raw egg before eating does not guarantee that bacteria will not be present under the shell.

If in medicinal purposes, you need to drink exactly raw eggs, then it is recommended to opt for quail.

Cholesterol found in blood and in foods are two different things. Rich in cholesterol food products have little effect on the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol, which comes from food into the body, is converted into two various substances- good and bad cholesterol.

Harmful cholesterol promotes the formation of plaques in blood vessels, and good cholesterol prevents this, as a result of which eggs can even help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol in eggs is one of the controversial issues diet therapy for various diseases vascular system. Is it okay for people suffering from high cholesterol to eat eggs?

New research into the cholesterol content of eggs and its effect on the body has shown that despite high values it is not dangerous to the body and is 98% processed during digestion. On the contrary, the need for the presence of eggs in the diet has been proven to prevent slagging of the body, including the vascular network.

Also, consuming the product in sufficient quantities helps prevent the development of oncological processes. Yolk cholesterol differs significantly from blood cholesterol, negative impact on the body can only be caused personal qualities body. This suggests the need to determine the harmfulness of egg dishes in each specific case. For healthy person this cholesterol is not harmful and can be consumed without fear negative consequences, in moderation and without the use of oil and mayonnaise. However, for people with impaired assimilation functions nutrients cholesterol can be harmful. Therefore, if your doctor advises you to limit your consumption of eggs, you should not abuse this product.

How much cholesterol is in an egg

To determine how much cholesterol is in an egg, scientists studied in detail the composition of the protein and yolk. On average, a chicken egg contains 350-380 mg of cholesterol per 100 g of product, contained in the yolk, and it is completely absent from the white. At the same time, the protein contains an abundance of enzymes that allow the components of the product to be completely absorbed without causing harm to the body.

Is yolk harmful for people suffering from cholesterol?

To determine whether eggs can be eaten when high cholesterol, let us turn to the composition of the product in question. Studies have found that cholesterol has 2 fractions: “bad” settles on the walls of blood vessels, and “good”, on the contrary, prevents this process and helps cleanse the blood of lipids.

Cholesterol in chicken eggs represented by both fractions, while the ratio of harmful and good cholesterol are in balance, which does not allow the cholesterol contained in the egg to linger in the bloodstream. It should be noted high content unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic), which prevent the formation cholesterol plaques and combating existing deposits.