Gynecology. Free appointment with a gynecologist The best gynecologist


If you need an appointment with a gynecologist in Moscow, contact Family Doctor JSC. Paid gynecologists are accepted in all clinics of our Network. The examination is carried out in the most patient-friendly manner. Modern and effective diagnostic methods are used, including video colposcopy, CT scan, hysterosalpingography, Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Our own laboratory allows us to carry out all the necessary laboratory tests efficiently and quickly. Test results the patient can see in his personal account on our website. If necessary, surgical treatment is performed (surgery on the uterine appendages, removal of benign tumors, etc.). Operations are performed in the company’s high-tech divisions – the Hospital Center and the Surgical Hospital.

What does a gynecologist treat?

Gynecologist is a specialist in the field of women's reproductive health. The quality of life of every woman largely depends on the health of her genital area. The task of a gynecologist is to prevent the development of pathologies, treat emerging diseases, and restore reproductive function (in case of infertility).

Scheduled and preventive visits to the doctor

Planned and preventive observation by a gynecologist

Since many diseases of the female genital area are asymptomatic in the early stages, doctors make an appointment with a gynecologist without waiting for complaints to appear. By seeing a good specialist, you can save yourself from many problems.

Brings its own difficulties puberty. During this period, a teenage girl may need to consult a pediatric gynecologist.

Entering into sexual activity brings new risks: the likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases increases; A frivolous attitude towards contraception poses a significant threat to health.

At planning pregnancy It is highly advisable to undergo a high-quality examination and eliminate possible threats to the normal bearing of the child.

From the beginning of pregnancy itself, a woman is under special medical care. You can choose pregnancy management program“Trust”, which is offered by JSC “Family Doctor”. The program includes all necessary analyzes and studies. You can connect to the “Trust” program starting from any trimester.

Women over 35 years of age I need an annual appointment with a gynecologist. Age-related changes are a favorable factor for the development of many gynecological diseases, including such dangerous ones as genital cancer. Observation by a gynecologist will allow you to detect diseases in the early stages and begin their timely treatment.

During menopause the doctor will help eliminate the most unpleasant manifestations of menopausal syndrome and restore quality of life.

Treatment in acute cases

When do you need to see a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist is necessary in case of symptoms indicating diseases of the genital organs. Such symptoms may include pain in the lower abdomen, especially associated with menstruation or sexual activity, menstrual irregularities, itching and burning in the genital area, pain during urination or sexual intercourse, atypical discharge from the genitals and bleeding.

On the basis of the gynecological departments of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31, a clinic of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian National Research Medical University has been established.

Gynecology of City Clinical Hospital No. 31 is rightfully considered one of the best in Moscow. All types of conservative and surgical treatment of any gynecological diseases are used. Hysteroscopic and laparoscopic diagnostics are possible, and surgical treatment using these methods makes it possible to speed up the recovery period as much as possible and is the most gentle for patients.

Since 2004, the hospital has firmly established a modern organ-saving method of treating uterine fibroids and adenomyosis - uterine artery embolization.

detailed information

general information

Head of Department No. 1 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.N. Kauhova.
Senior nurse of the department - Yu.N. Tarasova.

Head of Department No. 2 - Ph.D. O.I. Mishieva.
Senior nurse - N.G. Kosolapova.

In two gynecological departments of the hospital, all types of conservative and surgical treatment are successfully used, including for the following diseases:

  • uterine bleeding of the reproductive, perimenopausal periods, menopausal periods;
  • cervical diseases;
  • physiology and pathology of the postmenopausal period;
  • intrauterine pathology (uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, endometrial polyps, endometriosis, synechiae, foreign bodies);
  • ovarian formations in patients of different age periods
  • inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs.

Main types of surgical treatment:

  • diagnostic laparoscopy;
  • abdominal sectioning and laparoscopic operations including amputation and hysterectomy;
  • abdominal sectioning and laparoscopic operations on the appendages;
  • vaginal extirpations;
  • plastic vaginal surgeries, including for uterine prolapse and prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • laparoscopic surgeries for the treatment of infertility;
  • laparoscopic organ-saving operations for tubal pregnancy; restoration of pipe patency;
  • hysteroscopic treatment of intrauterine pathology;
  • electrosurgical, laser and thermal ablation of the endometrium, embolization of the uterine arteries.

The motto of the team of gynecological departments is
warm and attentive attitude towards patients.

The clinic receives dozens of letters of gratitude. The implementation of high-tech methods is carried out by the doctors of City Clinical Hospital No. 31 in close professional contact with the staff of the department.

general information

    • Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the presidium of the board of the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, chairman of the presidium of the Moscow Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, member of the New European Surgical Academy (NESA), member of the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ( FIGO)- Kurtser Mark Arkadevich— student of the founder and honorary head of the department — Savelyeva Galina Mikhailovna, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist, Vice-President of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Faculty of Pediatrics from 1971 to 2017.
      Currently, the clinic’s achievements are associated with performing a wide range of laparoscopic therapeutic and diagnostic interventions on the pelvic organs. Over the past 20 years, one of the department’s employees, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Vyacheslavovich Shtyrov a school of endoscopic gynecology was created on the basis of 31 hospitals.Professor Valentina Grigorievna Breusenko- founder of the hysteroscopic method in City Clinical Hospital No. 31. At the present stage, with the introduction of hysteroresection, laser ablation and thermal ablation of the endometrium, the arsenal of hysteroscopic operations performed has been significantly expanded. Since 2004, the hospital has firmly established a modern organ-saving method of treating uterine fibroids and adenomyosis - uterine artery embolization. Over the past 5 years, cooperation with the department has allowed practitioners to defend 4 doctoral and 38 candidate dissertations. Currently, a grant has been received to carry out scientific research on the topic “Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer.” To the employees of the department: Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G.M. Savelyeva, professors V.G. Breusenko, S.V. In 2003, Shtyrov was awarded the Russian Government Prize for the development and implementation of endoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment in gynecology.

general information

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is one of the modern areas of surgical treatment of uterine diseases, which consists of puncture of the artery on the thigh, catheterization of the uterine vessels and the introduction of particles of a special embolization drug.

Symptomatic or growing uterine fibroids

  • Size up to 20 weeks of pregnancy in the absence of significant pathology of the cervix, endometrium and ovaries.
  • In patients interested in pregnancy, with a confirmed role of uterine fibroids in the pathogenesis of infertility or with a high risk of miscarriage, when it is impossible to perform a safe myomectomy.
  • As preparation for myomectomy or hysteroresectoscopy.

Intense uterine bleeding of various etiologies, when other treatment methods are impossible or are associated with a real threat to the patient’s life.

When determining indications for UAE for fibroids, the motivation of patients is important: the patient’s strong desire to preserve the uterus, avoid surgery, interest in pregnancy.

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is performed in:

general information

Robotic surgery is a new, high-tech type of minimally invasive surgery, which consists of surgical intervention through small incisions on the patient’s skin and the ability to operate remotely. This ensures minimal trauma, faster recovery, reduces the patient's length of stay in the hospital, and minimizes the likelihood of further complications.

Benefits of Robotic Surgery

The da Vinci Si robot does not perform operations on its own, contrary to popular belief. But thanks to remote control and high-quality visualization, it allows the operating surgeon to make more precise movements and eliminates hand tremors. That is, the robot follows all the movements of the surgeon, and it is not able to move or program itself.

These factors create ideal conditions for the surgeon and facilitate complex laparoscopic operations. As a result of the maximum precision of even very complex instrument movements, thanks to excellent image quality and the ability to perform surgery in small and difficult-to-reach areas, the length of hospital stay for patients is reduced, they feel less pain, lose less blood, have a better aesthetic result, undergo faster rehabilitation and return to work sooner. Everyday life.

Robotic surgeries in gynecology, City Clinical Hospital No. 31

In the 70-80s, the widespread introduction of laparoscopy into clinical practice began, which was associated with the advent of fiber optics and special instruments. As a result, not only the quality of diagnosis has improved, but also some interventions on the abdominal organs have become possible. By the way, in our country, the experience of using laparoscopy in gynecology was summarized in 1977 in the monograph by G.M. Savelyeva - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor and our doctor, under whose leadership the first operation was performed in our hospital after its opening in 1970.

At the moment, almost all gynecological operations are performed using laparoscopy and a robot. Robotic surgery in gynecology is one of the fastest growing fields and is used in the treatment of all benign and malignant gynecological diseases. Our gynecologists perform operations on women with the problem of genital prolapse (prolapse), including pelvic floor support (promontofixation using a mesh implant), removal of myomatous nodes (myomectomy) with preservation of the uterus, panhysterectomy with lymph node dissection. Thus, operations previously performed laparoscopically can now be reliably performed robotically.

Surgery for uterine fibroids and ovarian tumors

Today, endoscopic operations are routinely performed regardless of the size of the uterus. Depending on the location of the myomatous nodes and their number, removal can be done with small incisions and without resorting to open surgery. In this case, uterine fibroids, regardless of their size, are removed from the abdomen in small sections using a marcellator.

Radical hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is a classic and effective method of treating cancer of the uterus and appendages at the initial stage. Robot-assisted surgery makes it minimally invasive, with less blood loss and hospitalization time.

Experience in performing robotic operations in City Clinical Hospital No. 31

At the moment, in City Clinical Hospital No. 31, robotic operations of varying complexity using the da Vinci robotic system are carried out on a regular basis.

Today, gynecological robotic surgeries include removal of ovarian tumors, myomectomies, promontofixations, total and partial hysterectomies, treatment of endometriosis, as well as treatment of endometrial and ovarian cancers.

general information

Laparoscopy is an endoscopic method of emergency and elective surgery. It allows you to examine the internal organs of the abdomen through a small hole in the abdominal wall. The inspection is carried out using an optical tube. After 2-3 other punctures, the necessary manipulations with the organs are performed. Laparoscopy is practically bloodless and low-traumatic.

At the origins of laparoscopic gynecology in Russia is Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian State Medical University Galina Mikhailovna Savelyeva. Every laparoscopy specialist rightfully calls her your Teacher.

The range of surgical interventions performed using laparoscopic access is wide: gynecological operations, cholecystectomy and hernioplasty, gastrectomy, pancreaticoduodenectomy and operations on the colon and rectum.

general information

Ectopia of the cervix (also Ectopia of the cervical epithelium, Pseudo-erosion of the cervix, Cervical erosion, Endocervicosis) is the location of the columnar epithelium lining the canal of the cervix on its vaginal surface, which outwardly looks like a red spot around the external opening of the canal. Ectopia occurs in approximately half of women of reproductive age and almost never occurs in women over 40 years of age.

general information

Hysteroscopy is an examination of the walls of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope, followed by (if necessary) diagnostic and surgical procedures. Hysteroscopy allows you to identify and eliminate intrauterine pathologies, remove foreign bodies, take tissue biopsies, and remove endometrial polyps.

Indications for the diagnostic procedure are:

  • Anomalies of the uterus.
  • Bleeding in postmenopause.
  • Infertility.

Indications for the surgical procedure are:

  • Submucosal uterine fibroids.
  • Intrauterine septum.
  • Intrauterine synechiae.
  • Endometrial polyp.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.

Contraindications are:

  • Recent or existing inflammatory process of the genital organs at the time of the study.
  • Progressive pregnancy.
  • Profuse uterine bleeding.
  • Cervical stenosis.
  • Common cervical cancer.
  • Common infectious diseases in the acute stage (influenza, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, thrombophlebitis).
  • The patient is in a serious condition with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, and kidneys.

Indications for the diagnostic procedure are:

  • Submucosal uterine fibroids.
  • Intrauterine septum.
  • Intrauterine synechiae.
  • Endometrial polyp.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Removing remnants of the intrauterine contraceptive device.

Indications for the surgical procedure:

  • Suspicion of internal endometriosis of the uterine body, submucosal fibroids, synechia (adhesions) in the uterine cavity, remnants of the fertilized egg, cervical and endometrial cancer, endometrial pathology, perforation of the uterine walls during abortion or diagnostic curettage.
  • Suspicion of uterine malformations.
  • Menstrual irregularities in women of childbearing age.
  • Anomalies of the uterus.
  • Bleeding in postmenopause.
  • Infertility.
  • Control examination of the uterine cavity after surgery on the uterus, in case of miscarriage, after hormonal treatment.

Beauty and health are inextricably linked. Not only her external attractiveness and mood depend on a woman’s health. Good health is the key to moral and physical well-being.

The female body is a delicate and complex system, the smooth functioning of which is quite difficult to maintain. Regular observation by a specialist should become the norm for every representative of the fair sex who respects herself and values ​​her health.

About the causes of women's health problems

Gynecological disorders can result from:

An undoubted achievement that characterizes gynecological clinics in Moscow is the use of high reproductive technologies, which provide high-quality assistance to patients in solving the problem of infertility and pregnancy planning.

In the capital's gynecological centers, surgical and medical termination of unwanted pregnancies is practiced.

Today, in the capital's gynecological practice, such a direction as intimate plastic surgery is actively developing, represented by a variety of surgical measures that provide cosmetic correction of defects of the female genitalia.

Moscow gynecologists focus on the prevention of female diseases and the development of screening programs that provide health support for patients of any age.

About the work of one of the best clinics in Moscow

Modern women are increasingly choosing those gynecological clinics in Moscow that combine highly qualified staff, affordable services, the introduction of the latest scientific achievements, attention and individual approach to patients and a general friendly atmosphere.

One of the best, according to reviews from Internet users, gynecological clinics in the capital - the Evpomedprestige obstetrics and gynecology clinic - meets the highest modern requirements.

The clinic provides accurate diagnosis, highly effective treatment, as well as preventive measures to preserve the female reproductive system, using the latest achievements in the field of genetics, immunology, endocrinology, and pharmacology. The clinic’s specialists successfully treat:


Inflammation of the genital organs;

Hormonal and fungal diseases;

Ovarian dysfunction;

Disorders of the monthly cycle;

Cervical erosions;

Correct external defects of the genital organs.

The center's specialists also provide obstetric services and help with:

Conceiving and bearing a child as quickly as possible;

Providing assistance during childbirth;

Postpartum support.

The clinic has all the capabilities to provide diagnostics and treatment at the modern level:

Our own laboratory with the latest high-precision equipment, guaranteeing results in the shortest possible time;

A full complement of related specialists (cardiologist, therapist, mammologist, endocrinologist, etc.).

The priority in the work of the staff is a harmonious combination of providing effective treatment with creating maximum physical and psychological comfort for patients.

The networks are full of warm, grateful reviews of the work:

Reproduction centers “Vitroclinic”, “Nova Clinic”, “Test Tube Babies”, “Mama”;

Gynecological hospitals “Ginamed”, “Doctor Leader”, “In Time”;

Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child";

Gynecological centers “Blagovest”, “Diagnostic”, “Marriage and Family”, “Euromed”, “Lera”, “For Birth”, “Elegy”, etc.

One of the best metropolitan multidisciplinary institutions, “Garant Clinics”, which has received numerous grateful reviews, is said to be equipped with the latest technology, whose specialists successfully treat the most advanced cases of female diseases. The advantage of contacting the “Garant Clinic” is the opportunity to receive help from highly qualified doctors, ensuring the accuracy of diagnosis, efficiency and confidentiality (if desired, anonymity) of treatment, physical and psychological comfort.

Reviews on forums, communities, and Internet sites help you choose good gynecological clinics in Moscow in the best possible way.

After reading the reviews, you can form an opinion about this or that medical institution and choose a worthy one for yourself.

Rating of gynecological clinics in Moscow

The website offers to the attention of all interested a rating of the best metropolitan clinics, presenting the institutions that scored the highest points.

Institution in Zhulebino - 3.

- “DeltaClinic” - 10.76.

- “Grandchildren of Hippocrates” - 11.58.

- “Women’s Health Center” - 11.11.

- “Miracle Doctor”, - 8.92.

- “Family Doctor” - 8.33, etc.

About the selection criteria

It’s a good idea to have acquaintances among specialists: a professional, like no one else, will be able to give a real assessment of the level of the establishment and will notice existing shortcomings.

But not everyone has this opportunity. Often women have to choose a specialist on their own. Experts recommend that you be guided by the following criteria:

How attentive is the clinic to the patient? Are complaints heard, how thoroughly is the inspection carried out, and is there any undue haste?

How simply and clearly does the doctor explain the symptoms, tests or medications prescribed? Does the doctor “bombard” the patient with terminology that is difficult for him or ignore requests to explain anything?

Does the clinic have the necessary equipment for examinations and operations?

What is the nature of the doctor’s order to be additionally examined by other specialists: recommendatory or demanding, specifying? The latter gives rise to a negative assessment of the clinic.

Is a comprehensive examination carried out at the first visit to the gynecologist (smears, internal mammary glands)?

If doubts creep in at any point, you should think about choosing another clinic.

Which clinic do you prefer: public or private?

Today, the patient, among other things, has to decide the question: which clinic to go to for treatment - a public one, in the old fashioned way, or a private one, of which there are now a large number on the medical services market? A special wealth of specialized private clinics is presented in the capital.

First of all, you need to figure out how private gynecological clinics in Moscow differ from public ones?

The attitude towards the patient is the main difference. The staff of a private clinic is always interested in the client contacting their institution again; in a public clinic, on the contrary, they strive to reduce the number of visitors. Therefore, in a private clinic, unlike a state clinic, the attitude towards patients is as friendly and warm as possible, all specialists are aware of the important role of the psychological aspect in the effectiveness of treatment. In government institutions, there are known cases of outright rudeness.

In a private clinic, the patient knows what she is paying money for and goes for it consciously. As in any other city, gynecological clinics in Moscow (state-owned, in which treatment should, in principle, be free) require various donations from visitors, which affect the quality of service.

State clinics often refer patients to laboratories in private hospitals, but if they have to take tests at a budgetary medical institution, they have to wait for the results within a week.

Lack of innovative equipment and highly efficient diagnostic equipment, use of outdated techniques, shortage of drugs, long queues, negligence of staff - all these “charms” will have to be encountered if preference is given to a public clinic.

Relatively inexpensive treatment in a public clinic does not compensate for its dubious quality.

A woman facing a gynecological health problem, in order not to make a mistake in her choice, should collect information on the Internet about clinics and specialists practicing in the city, study the ratings and choose the best for herself. You should definitely ask on the forum whether other patients are satisfied with the work of the chosen clinic, and ask about possible pitfalls of treatment. The more thoroughly the problem is monitored, the easier it will be to find “your own” gynecological clinic in Moscow - an institution that you can safely entrust with the most valuable thing - your own health.

It is important to understand that regular monitoring of women’s health and consultation with a specialist allows you to monitor all changes in the body. This is the only way to promptly detect the development of pathology at the initial stage. The doctors of our gynecology department are ready to advise you on all questions, conduct a routine examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Gynecology as a science

Gynecology is a special branch of medicine that studies the structure of the female genital organs and related diseases. Gynecology is often called the “science of women,” and its importance for every representative of the fair sex is enormous.

A gynecologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the female reproductive system. The scope of this doctor’s professional activity is quite diverse:

  • routine examination and emergency medical care;
  • detection and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital area;
  • identification of hormonal disorders;
  • establishing the causes and treatment of infertility;
  • planning and management of pregnancy;
  • consultation for women during menopause.

A gynecologist treats ovarian dysfunction, cervical erosion, dysplasia, polyps, and benign neoplasms.

A woman chooses her own gynecologist. She can go to the clinic at her place of residence or make an appointment with a paid specialist.

When is it necessary to consult a gynecologist?

Every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. Even if there are no complaints, a simple examination by a doctor and a conversation with a gynecologist will make sure that the body is working correctly. Consultation with a gynecologist is the first step towards identifying and treating pathologies at an early stage.

The absolute indications for contacting a gynecologist are the following gynecological complaints:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge and bleeding;
  • itching and other unpleasant symptoms in the vaginal area;
  • menstrual cycle disorders;
  • painful menstruation.

If symptoms are severe, you should make an appointment with a qualified gynecologist immediately. The lack of adequate treatment can lead to a deterioration in the general condition, the development of dangerous infectious processes, and increased pain. An experienced doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints, conduct an examination and prescribe an examination in order to eliminate the cause of the disease as soon as possible.

You should definitely consult a gynecologist if you have problems conceiving. The doctor will conduct all the necessary examinations and prescribe therapy.

How is an examination by a gynecologist carried out?

Before visiting a gynecologist, no special preparation is required. The main thing is to follow simple rules of intimate hygiene and prepare yourself psychologically. A consultation with a gynecologist always begins with a conversation, during which the doctor asks questions about disturbing symptoms, characteristics of the menstrual cycle and sexual life, and contraceptive methods used.

The initial appointment and consultation with a gynecologist includes examination on a chair, visual examination, palpation, and examination of the cervix with mirrors. Having received a general idea of ​​the patient’s health status, the gynecologist can prescribe an extensive examination (ultrasound, taking smears for analysis).

If tests were taken during the initial examination, their results will be announced during a follow-up visit to the gynecologist. When a disease is detected, the doctor prescribes therapy, selects a gentle diet, and draws up a treatment and health regimen. Following the recommendations will allow you to get rid of the pathology as soon as possible.

Appointment with a gynecologist at the Clinic of Modern Medicine

If you truly value your health, then monitoring it should be entrusted to real professionals. The gynecologists of our center are specialists with extensive experience, who have the most modern techniques in their arsenal.

An appointment with a gynecologist in our clinic is:

  • friendly attitude towards each patient;
  • confidentiality;
  • reasonable cost of consultations and examinations.

An appointment with a paid specialist is made by phone in Moscow. Contact our representatives to get detailed advice on prices for services and the work of the gynecological department.

Gynecologist is a doctor who monitors the condition of the female genital organs, as well as identifies and treats diseases characteristic only of the female body. Very often, his area of ​​competence includes obstetrics - monitoring the dynamics of processes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy, and the condition of her genital organs at this time, as well as in the postpartum period. To determine the objective condition of the genital organs of the youngest patients, a visit to a pediatric gynecologist may be necessary.

The examination, as a rule, begins with a conversation, during which the doctor finds out whether the patient has any complaints and measures her blood pressure. First, the gynecologist will examine the external genitalia and the development of the woman’s mammary glands in order to timely identify possible pathologies. If necessary, the gynecologist can refer the patient for additional examination to a consultation with a mammologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing diseases of the mammary glands) or for a mammogram.

Then the examination will continue on a special gynecological chair.

A mandatory procedure during a visit to a gynecologist is taking a smear for analysis. Moreover, such a smear will be taken from a child or a young girl only from the outer labia.

The doctor examines virgins through the anus, inserting a finger there and feeling the internal genital organs.

Women who are sexually active are examined using special mirrors. Such mirrors can be either metal or plastic (disposable). This way the doctor can see the condition of the cervix and assess the vaginal environment.