School essay "a healthy mind in a healthy body." “A healthy mind in a healthy body”: an essay on enduring values ​​“A healthy mind in a healthy body” – an essay-reasoning

Municipal state educational institution secondary school with in-depth study

individual items of Nolinsk, Kirov region

Fairy tale

“A healthy mind in a healthy body”

student of 4th grade, 10 years old.

Head: Filimonova Lyudmila


Nolinsk – 2015

Grandma Afanasia lived in one village. She was old, but she always looked cheerful and cheerful. Every day, early in the morning, the old woman did exercises, and then went into the forest with her old friend - a dog named Druzhok. In the forest she collected various herbs, roots, and berries. Afanasia was very loved and respected by the village residents, especially the local children, and it was rumored that she knew some secret of a long-liver. Grandmother brewed “magic” tea from her forest collection. It was tasted not only in this village, but tea was also famous in neighboring villages. Anyone who gets sick or simply has an illness goes to Athanasia for her medicine.

One evening my grandmother was drinking her tea when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Opening the doors, Afanasia saw her beloved granddaughter on the threshold.

Olechka, hello, I've been waiting a long time! - Grandma was delighted.

Grandma, put the food in the microwave to warm up, I really want to eat,” the girl asked gloomily.

“You, granddaughter, wash your hands, and I’ll get you porridge from the stove,” Afanasia smiled caringly.

Porridge? No, I eat it, I won’t! – Olya puffed out her cheeks.

It’s okay, eat it, porridge is good for everyone,” answered the old woman.

Okay, but tomorrow I need to buy Rolton noodles, chips and crackers, Olya said.

Olyushka, you’d better eat some apples from my apple tree and some sweet carrots.

“Oh, granny, I don’t like carrots, and I don’t want to reach for apples,” Olya muttered.

Olya came for the summer holidays from the big city. She didn't like to run, jump or play outside. Her favorite pastime was computer games; she could spend hours in the virtual world. Due to her sedentary lifestyle, she was plump, with chubby cheeks and white skin. Olya loved to sleep long in the morning and lie on the sofa.

The next day, the grandmother got up early and began to wake up her granddaughter.

Olya, come with us to the forest, we’ll do exercises in the fresh air. And then we’ll swim in the river,” the grandmother suggested.

Grandma, I never get up so early, but I don’t want to break my back doing exercises! – the girl sleepily shouted back.

Afanasia sighed, put on a swimsuit, tracksuit and sunglasses and went to her favorite place - a forest clearing. The faithful dog Druzhok ran merrily next to his owner.

Drops of dew glittered and shimmered on the grass.

My friend, look how beautiful it is! - exclaimed the grandmother. Let's toughen up!

She took off her shoes and began to walk barefoot through the morning dew. The friend squealed happily.

Get ready to exercise! - Grandmother commanded.

The friend obediently stood on his hind legs.

Charging is complete, let's take water treatments.

Grandmother Afanasia ran to the river with a light jog.

There Afanasia saw local children frolicking and splashing in the river.

“Come on, kids, let’s swim in a race,” the grandmother suggested.

The fun knew no bounds.

Grandma, you seem to be old, but you don’t lag behind us,” said Petya.

And I, Petenka, do exercises every day, swim in the summer, and in winter I douse myself with cold water from the well, drink tea from forest herbs and berries,

“I eat vegetables from my garden,” said my grandmother.

By lunchtime Afanasia and Druzhok returned home. They didn't recognize their home. There were candy wrappers, chip wrappers, and half-eaten sandwiches lying around everywhere. The refrigerator was empty, dirty dishes lay on the table. Olya, without looking up from her tablet, shouted:

I'm hungry!

You've been sitting at home all day, there's trash everywhere, you haven't prepared lunch! - the dog barked. - What a lazy person you are!

And mind your own business! – the girl shouted at Druzhka. The dog pressed its tail and ran out into the street. Grandma shook her head and began to clean the house.

For lunch, grandma prepared pancakes with strawberry jam.

Granddaughter, let’s drink forest tea,” the old woman smiled slyly. - My grandmother told me the recipe for this tea.

Olya, having tasted the tea and pushing the mug away, said:

Coca-Cola is a hundred times cooler!

I don’t do it for coolness, but for health, vigor and beauty! - answered the grandmother.

And my mother, in order to stay beautiful, goes to a beauty salon,” the girl smiled.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. A stomp was heard in the hallway. The village children were standing on the threshold and decided to go to Grandma Afanasia’s for tea.

In a cheerful company, Grandma’s tea seemed tasty and fragrant to Olya. The girl was interested in communicating with new friends. She didn't notice how the evening flew by. Leaving home, the guys invited Olya to the forest to pick berries.

In the morning Olya woke up early and went with the guys to the forest. It was hard for her to walk along the forest path, but the girl did not show it. The guys showed Olya many interesting secrets of the forest, taught him to distinguish the sounds of birds and see the beauty of nature. The girl's head was spinning from the clean forest air.

In the evening, Olya returned home with a full basket of sweet raspberries and immediately fell fast asleep.

Since then, the girl has changed a lot. She began doing exercises with her grandmother in the morning and walked barefoot through the dew. She no longer wanted to eat noodles and chips; vegetable salads seemed tastier to her. Instead of sweets, she ate apples and berries, and in the evening she and her grandmother drank fragrant forest tea.

Every day the girl ran with the boys to the river and helped her grandmother with the housework. The girl became energetic and cheerful.

Granddaughter, how you have changed! Your cheeks have become pink and you have lost weight! – a joyful old woman once said.

Grandma, your “magic” tea helped with this,” Olya smiled.

No, it's not the tea. Until a person himself wants to be healthy, no magic will help him,” Afanasia answered.

The dog, agreeing with her, barked:

A healthy mind in a healthy body!

Summer flew by unnoticed. Saying goodbye to her granddaughter, Afanasia said:

Come for the winter holidays, you and I will go skiing, play in the snow, take a steam bath and dry ourselves off with snow!

I’ll come, grandma, I’ll definitely come! – Olya promised.

The relationship between physical and mental states is known not only at the level of intuitive knowledge. The influence of the spirit on the body is also confirmed by various studies in the field of psychology, in particular psychosomatics. How does it manifest itself and how did this belief arise?

What the Ancient Greeks Really Said

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is an essay that high school or even middle school students can receive as homework. How can you make this work interesting for yourself? Firstly, when writing a text, you need to remember: the ancient Greeks, thanks to whom this expression became known to us, understood it a little differently. Which, however, does not change its meaning completely. “A healthy mind in a healthy body, so let’s pray for it” - this is the full version of the catchphrase that has come to us since the heyday of the cradle of European civilization. Secondly, it is necessary to expand on this topic by turning to the realities of modern life and historical examples.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body.” Essay and examples from history

It is known that the Olympic Games originate precisely from the times of Ancient Greece. Many people primarily associate examples of cultural heritage with the ancient era. For example, an elegant sculpture or perhaps a statue of Laocoön and His Sons. But the ancient Greeks paid as much attention to the physical condition as to the development of the spirit. Gymnastics was a discipline no less important than exercise in oratory. Understanding the integrity, coherence, and synergy of various aspects of human nature resulted in the expression “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” The essay that will be written by the student should reflect this view.

Constancy of values ​​and progress

How can this understanding be correlated with the way of life that modern man leads? After all, existence in the conditions of the beginning of the development of our civilization and life in the present world are completely different things. It is known that a person was given little in those days, and we often do not appreciate the advantages that we have. People do not need to die from many diseases now, because they can be cured with the help of invented drugs. Also, civilization and progress helped humanity realize that the slave and feudal system is not an ideal option for the successful economic, political and cultural development of a country or nation.

But for an individual born in the twentieth or twenty-first century, the phrase “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is still just as relevant. An essay, a brief description of this principle, giving examples and relevant arguments should be based on the fundamental idea - a person cannot be successful in any area of ​​life without being physically resilient and strong.

Synergistic approach

Moreover, the interaction between spirit and body is never one-sided. The human nervous system contains special substances called neurotransmitters. They carry many physiological and psychophysiological functions. For example, the neurotransmitter serotonin is responsible for good mood and attention. When it decreases, for example, in the autumn season, a person may feel depressed. This happens because due to the lack of sunlight, his body produces less serotonin.

The essay-reasoning “A healthy mind in a healthy body” can also contain its own examples. However, this situation is very indicative. After all, a decrease in serotonin levels and, as a result, depression can occur even in the sunny season. For example, if an individual experiences any stress related to work or study. Then the spirit of a person influences his body. Serotonin levels drop. The individual becomes lethargic, depressed, and inattentive.

Another negative example

An alcoholic, for example, cannot have a good body. By drinking large amounts of alcohol, he destroys his psyche and physical health at the same time. This harmful habit affects health both directly and indirectly. Firstly, drinking high doses of alcohol destroys internal organs - most notably the liver and pancreas. Secondly, this weakness is fatal for the state of mind - thus, retribution also occurs indirectly.

The person is no longer interested in his professional and personal development. Such degradation leads to a decrease in financial income, and, as a result, the inability to fully care for oneself and loved ones. “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is an essay (4th grade or older students can also receive a similar homework assignment), which can contain both negative and positive examples.

Positive examples

As the latter, the lifestyle of a person who treats his physical condition more judiciously will serve well. For example, he watches his diet, enjoys sports, and perhaps even hardening procedures. He also has a sound understanding of the need for timely rest. physically, he will be able to make more adequate decisions in his life, and reveal his potential with greater success. Thus, he will become the living embodiment of the catchphrase “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” The essay may include similar examples from the lives of famous people. For example, athletes, politicians, historical figures who did not neglect both the development of their professional horizons and physical health.

After all, most likely, they would not have been able to achieve such outstanding successes if their fortunes had been undermined for external or internal reasons. An essay on the topic “A healthy body means a healthy mind” should also reflect the student’s personal attitude to this issue. Therefore, it will be useful to express your thoughts and considerations on this matter, not forgetting to argue them and support them with examples from life.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” – essay-reasoning

Taking care of your health

Many have heard the expression “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” This phrase has been around for decades, but it is still relevant, and it should always be so. In most cases, not only our physical well-being, but also our mental health depends on the state of our body.

Can a person independently influence the preservation of his health? Certainly! And it's not very difficult. You just need to play sports and give up bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and other harmful substances hit our body very hard. I generally cannot understand why people use such substances, knowing that they can cause serious harm to their health.

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Nowadays, the choice of different sports that you can play is simply huge. Now a wide variety of sections and halls are opening, even in schools. For example, I chose swimming. I really like this sport. Exercising in the pool gives me energy and a positive attitude. We have a wonderful team led by an excellent coach. Our coach is a master of sports and has trained several generations of athletes. I try not to miss a single workout so as not to lose shape and keep up with others.

I also like to walk in the fresh air, I especially like walks in the forest. We go there with the whole family. It's just a pity that this doesn't happen so often. I try to captivate my parents with ideas. My mother supports me in this; for example, she attends yoga classes. But with dad it’s more difficult. He just can’t give up his bad habits and love of unhealthy food. We often get into arguments with him because of his habit of adding mayonnaise to almost any dish.

I believe that each person is responsible for his own health, so we need to treat it with care. After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Of course, now there are a huge number of different medications, but we must understand that there is no magic pill that would be a panacea. You need to take care of your health, take care of it and strengthen your body.

The following topics for argumentative essays can also be interesting, like the topic “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

What and how should you do to be healthy? Why was the expression “A healthy mind in a healthy body” at first given a completely different meaning than we are accustomed to attaching now? And, in general, where did this expression come from? You can read about all this below. For the essay “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” you should first draw up a plan.


Introduction. Where did the expression “A healthy mind in a healthy body” come from?

1. The most important thing is movement!

2. Nutrition is also important.

3. What is important for a healthy mind?


Who said, “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” and did he say it at all?

This expression came to us from the Roman poet Juvenal, who lived in the first century AD. In his verse these words sounded like this: “We must pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body.” That is, at first it was assumed that human harmony and health consisted precisely in the fact that both mind and body should be healthy. A distorted semantic version of the expression “a healthy mind in a healthy body” has reached us, as if the spirit is a consequence of leading a healthy lifestyle: everything will be fine with the body - and the mind will not be affected by illnesses. But this is not true at all. Contemporary Russian poet Igor Irtenev wittily remarked:

A healthy mind in a healthy body.

In fact, one of two things!

However, this statement is also incorrect. Because in order to remain active for as long as possible and not get sick, your health must be protected and strengthened as a whole - both body and mind.

We will tell you what needs to be done for this in the essay “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

The most important thing is movement!

While a person is active, his muscles are trained and his joints are preserved. The body trains - the heart works more rhythmically, blood flow improves. Their work depends on how oxygen is supplied to various organs. In a completely immobilized person, over time, hearing and vision are impaired, the heart muscle works worse, and blood pressure increases. The nutrition of the skin is disrupted, which causes bedsores. And the volume of the lungs also decreases - because such patients cannot breathe deeply.

Here's an example: with age, bones become brittle, and older people sometimes broke their hips when they fell. Doctors even have the understanding that this is a specific senile fracture. After all, the femoral neck is quite thin, and the load on it is heavy. Now this problem is solved by endoprosthetics surgery, that is, replacing the entire joint. Previously, a person who broke a femur remained bedridden. So, most often death overtook such patients due to problems with the lungs. Inflammation of the lungs due to congestion in them was common.

In fact, moving at least to the minimum extent that still remains is very important and effective for any condition and any age. A variety of techniques can help here. Such, for example, as Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, the Buteyko method, Anokhin’s isometric complexes, Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics, etc.

In the essay “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body,” I would like to say that it is also very important to be able to organize time. After all, many people live like cogs in a mechanism. This is a movement in a circle: home - work - home. It's depressing, of course. Especially if you make him the main culprit of all the troubles in life. But you don’t have to do it.

Try to cut what you can cut. For example, hang out less on social networks, don’t waste time on TV series. Although you can spin an exercise bike, an ellipse or do press exercises in front of a TV screen. Oddly enough, even this type of physical activity (although it is still better to train in the fresh air) trains well and mobilizes vitality.

Nutrition is also important

Pythagoras also said that “man is what he eats.” And his student Plato remarked: “Here is a man who prays for health and a good old age: however, huge dishes and dishes stuffed with meat prevent the gods from fulfilling his prayers.” And even later, naturopath Paul Bragg sadly joked that a person digs his own grave with a spoon and fork.

Many smart people suggested starting your path to maintaining health by taking care of your diet. And for good reason. After all, food is like putting firewood into a stove. Whatever their quality, they will burn. And how long this stove will work also depends on the wood. Well, from the owners, of course.

In the essay "In healthy body - healthy mind" as one of the examples of healing methods, we can recall the system Doctor of Sciences Galina Shatalova. IN In the 1970s of the twentieth century, she proved in her “System of Natural Health” that we consume much more food than our body needs. Moreover, most often this food is not only harmful, but also dangerous. Man, as Shatalova argued, is not a carnivorous creature, but also not a ruminant animal that feeds only on pasture. Man is a frugivorous creature. Since ancient times, its diet consisted of cereals, legumes, nuts and other fruits. They should not be subjected to heat treatment, or they can, but to a minimum. Shatalova proposed to impose a taboo on the consumption of sugar, fish, meat, refined flour, confectionery, tea, coffee, and alcohol.

The “Natural Health System” she developed still has its followers and continues to find new ones, because it really helps sick people and includes elements of a balanced diet, as well as breathing exercises, physical training, and hardening procedures. But that's not all. Shatalova gained worldwide fame when, with a team of her patients and followers (and these, as a rule, were people suffering from some kind of chronic disease), she went on expeditions to show the real capabilities of the human body. Groups led by Shatalova climbed mountains and crossed deserts, content with a meager daily ration of one hundred grams of cereals and dried fruits.

And this is just one of the methods. And there are also works by Paul Bragg, Ilya Mechnikov, there is a system of raw food diet, separate nutrition, vegetarianism, nutrition according to blood type, a method of therapeutic fasting and much more. All of them are useful in their own way, and books about them contain a whole storehouse of valuable information about the human body. What exactly is right for you - you already need to consult with doctors and delve into the essence of the methods yourself.

Conversations about nutrition are especially relevant in our time. There are so many temptations around us! A variety of different ones, including food ones. Children want to try everything and get their own opinion about everything. All this - sweet, chewy, sucking - as a rule, is not just a waste of money, but also of dubious benefit to the body, especially children.

What is important for a healthy mind?

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” - is this an event or a principle? Many people think they know what needs to be done. Like exercise in the morning, and not to get too cold, eat not too high in calories, etc. But naturopaths will tell you that the basis of everything should be the harmony of spirit and body (“peace in the soul,” as they say in Orthodoxy). This state is characterized by calmness, lack of desire to judge anyone, irritability, aggression, depressive attacks and melancholy. It would be nice to learn to enjoy the most ordinary things. After all, this joy and tranquility already helps to be healthy. And, if you force yourself to do morning exercises and harden yourself under pressure, with the thought that nothing good will come of it anyway, then, really, it’s unlikely that anything will work out.

Rationally organized nutrition and movement are valuable for overall well-being - both physical and spiritual. The connection here is double: being, for example, depressed due to some everyday problems, a person gives up, mopes, and moves little. And this only aggravates his depressive state. This means that you need to start by fighting despondency and laziness. It would probably be worth writing a whole book about how to do this, and not at all an essay “In healthy body - healthy mind" but everything has already been written a long time ago. Relatives, friends, priests, psychologists and even managers with their own methods, not to mention esotericists, will help you fight despondency and restore order in your soul. Depending on what is important to you. And this is up to you to decide.


In my essay “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body,” it is worth summing up: it is impossible to heal and become younger at once. Even if you dramatically change your life in all respects.

Following all the principles of a healthy lifestyle is not easy work. After all, it involves constant adherence to a number of rules. And, unfortunately, these rules become more numerous the further a person lives from their natural habitat. A metropolis is not the best place to live. Gas pollution, supermarkets with their fast food, many pharmacies with a variety of medicines that offer the illusion of an instant cure, as well as cramped apartments and everyday problems...

But is it necessary to say that health is worth working for?

How often do you hear such a phrase from the media and literature? Everyone talks about the importance of having a healthy body. But what is a healthy spirit located in this very body?

Health is the key concept of this saying, which has been “walking” among the people for so long. Now it could not be more topical.

A healthy body is a feature of the state of a person’s body who takes care of his health, that is, eats right, regularly checks with doctors, plays sports, strengthening all muscle groups. Playing sports is the development of self-discipline in a person, the formation of a special worldview in him, when he constantly must not only maintain his body in good shape, but also improve it, strive for the ideal.

Connection 2

Health is one of the most important human values. As children, we often hear that we need to take care of our health from a young age. Throughout your life you can earn a lot of money, gain fame and recognition, buy a house, a car, have the opportunity to travel to different cities and countries, with a great desire you can achieve everything you want, but you cannot buy health.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is hard to argue with this expression. All life processes, mood, thoughts depend on the work of the human body. When the body suffers, negative emotions immediately appear, which degenerate into irritation, anger, anger and other negative emotions

How to maintain your health? First of all, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, neither smoke nor take alcoholic beverages, much less drugs. Lead an active lifestyle, eat right, exercise, and get a healthy eight hours of sleep.

Nowadays, there are a large number of sections: swimming, wrestling, volleyball, tennis, football, gymnastics, dancing, figure skating, etc. Such activities will not only help you maintain your health, but will also strengthen your character and teach you discipline and a daily routine.

Nutrition is very important for our health. What we eat directly affects our health. Fresh milk, cottage cheese, cheese, meat and fish, vegetables and fruits are all the foundation for good digestion, which will result in a great mood, clarity of mind and purity of thoughts.

Walking in the fresh air is a beneficial factor for our health. People who live in big cities cannot boast of a clean environment. Factories, exhaust gases from cars - all this is detrimental to health. Therefore, you should get out into nature with your family as often as possible, breathe fresh air, and simply enjoy the landscapes of our country.

Everyone has the right to choose how they want to live. However, we must always remember that everything we do, eat, and breathe affects our health. Nowadays, it has become very popular to lead a healthy lifestyle, and I really want this fashion to last as long as possible!

5th grade. 4th grade. 6th grade.

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