Calculate flying days online. Dangerous and favorable days for pregnancy after menstruation, how to calculate these days. What are the dangerous days for pregnancy?

Despite the level of development modern medicine, it is still difficult for women to reliably prevent unwanted pregnancy without health consequences. Many contraceptives are far from harmless side effects, and terminating a pregnancy may be completely unsafe for health. In this situation you can rely on natural methods preventing pregnancy. Safe days for each woman are a purely individual phenomenon, depending on the duration of menstruation. But counting these days is generally safer than using contraception.

Safe days from pregnancy

Relatively speaking, the menstrual cycle includes dangerous and safe days. Days are considered safe when the probability of getting pregnant is close to zero. There are quite a few such days in the menstrual cycle - with an average duration of 28 days, only 2-3 days have the maximum probability of pregnancy. It is important to remember that on all other days you can still get pregnant. That is why this method is not always reliable, and if you want to be guaranteed to avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is better to use other methods of contraception.

Menstruation, as already mentioned, different women vary in duration. The cycle includes safe days from pregnancy, the so-called sterility period, days on which the probability of becoming pregnant is highest - the fertile period, and days with a low, but still not zero, probability of fertilization. It is important to remember that these periods may occur with an error of a couple of days, which is why the method of interrupted coitus is not reliable and does not belong to the methods of contraception.

Phases of the monthly cycles

To understand which days are safe and which are not, you first need to understand how the menstrual cycle works. It consists of three phases:

  1. Follicular phase, a period of relative sterility.
  2. Ovulatory phase, period most likely conception.
  3. Secretory phase, a period of complete sterility.

The ovulation phase is the most undesirable phase for you if you do not want to get pregnant. Although fertilization can occur with a fairly low probability on any day of your period, ovulation days almost guarantee fertilization.

Definitely without dangerous days in a loop you can only call secretory phase. During the follicular phase, the probability of fertilization is, of course, also low, due to menstruation creating an unfavorable environment, but it is still present. But even if you know exactly the duration of your cycle and its individual phases, there is always a chance that your periods will change their character. Besides, external factors can also affect the duration of the phases.


The simplest, and therefore the most popular, method of calculating safe days is the calendar method. It involves tracking your menstrual cycle and its duration to determine safe days to conceive. Yes, when average duration menstruation in 28 days, ovulation, that is, the period of fertility, occurs on the fourteenth day.

To create a calendar and determine the time of ovulation, count the length of your menstrual cycle over several months. After this, you need to subtract 18 from the duration of your shortest cycle, and 11 from the longest. The first number will be the number of the day on which ovulation is likely to begin, and the second will be the number of the day it ends.

The calendar method is simple and free, but it requires compliance with certain requirements. serious conditions. Main role In compiling a truly suitable calendar, sampling plays a role, that is, the duration of its maintenance. In order for it to be considered relevant and effective, it must be maintained for at least eight months, and preferably even for a year.

Again, there is no guarantee that you will not become pregnant outside of your ovulation phase. The calendar simply helps determine the days on which the likelihood of fertilization is highest. If pregnancy is simply undesirable, then you can turn to this method, but if you need to avoid pregnancy by any means, then you are better off using practical contraception.

Pros and cons of the calendar method

Like all methods of contraception, the calendar method has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, first of all, it is worth highlighting:

  • absence of any side effects;
  • versatility;
  • does not require any material expenses;
  • lack of influence on the partner’s body;
  • if necessary, allows you to determine safe days for conception.

And although positive aspects This method has quite significant advantages, but there are also some disadvantages:

  • the body remains vulnerable to STDs;
  • during the period of ovulation it is still necessary to either use protection or abstain from intimacy;
  • Since the duration and periodization of menstruation can vary due to hormonal surges, safe days can be difficult to calculate.

Often the main obstacle to using this method for women with a regular partner is the need for abstinence. In addition, this method is not suitable for women with fickle cycle, and there are quite a lot of them.

If your menstrual cycle is inconsistent, then you're better off looking at other methods, such as measuring basal temperature or cervical mucus.

How to determine after menstruation

There are several ways to calculate safe days after menstruation. So, the most popular is the calendar method and its simplified variations. If you cannot or do not want to keep a calendar yourself, you can use the safe days calculator. To count days using an online calculator, all you need to do is remember the start date of your last menstruation and its duration. But this method is not very reliable, since it does not take into account individual characteristics body. Because of this, it is only suitable for women with the same menstrual cycle.

If it is not possible to calculate safe days using an online calculator, you can approximately calculate their duration and moment of onset using average indicators: with a menstrual cycle of four weeks, the first week and 18–28 days will be harmless; with a five-week period, the first two weeks and the last ten days.

If a woman has an unstable menstrual cycle, then the days of ovulation can also be determined by basal temperature. To do this, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum, which during the fertile period rises by approximately 0.5 degrees, and before that drops below 36 degrees. You can also simply buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy and carry it out.

Symptoms of cervical mucus

Another way to determine ovulation is to record changes in the cervical mucus that accumulates in the genital tract. Outside of ovulation, mucus is usually thick and sticks to the skin. However, as ovulation approaches, it becomes more liquid and transparent, and its quantity increases. This happens under the influence of hormones.

Some time after the cervical mucus returns to its normal state, a period of sterility begins. But this method is not reliable enough to be completely relied upon. Because of this, the most reliable method is symptothermal, which includes measuring basal temperature and determining mucus cervical canal and calendar maintenance.

Opinion of gynecologists

Doctors have already formed a clear opinion regarding the definition of safe days. So, although they think that this is the most safe method preventing pregnancy, not associated with any complications or contraindications, they cannot fully approve of it. This is primarily due to the fact that the probability of fertilization cannot simply be calculated using a calendar or other methods.

Despite this, no one is trying to protect women from this method. Still, it does not affect the body in any way, is quite universal and easily accessible. However, you still need to remember that no one guarantees the effectiveness of this method. Also, do not forget to use other means of contraception along with it, since calculating safe days will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.


Despite the huge variety of contraceptives, large number Women still use the definition of safe days as the main means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Although this method is not considered the most effective, it is definitely the most convenient, simple and affordable. We also must not forget that for maximum effectiveness this method requires discipline and a long time of use, since you need to know the characteristics of your body and its menstrual cycle.

Planning long-awaited pregnancy- that's pretty difficult task. In order to solve it, you should know the table of dangerous and safe days for conception. A calculation calculator can also help you easily determine these days.

Calculator of dangerous and safe days for conception

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Pregnancy planning calendar

Planning a pregnancy is impossible without basic knowledge about the menstrual cycle. The latter consists of several successive stages or phases, each of them has its own characteristics. The main task of each of these phases is to prepare the female body for the upcoming conception. With irregular menstrual cycle reproductive function women is significantly reduced.

The pregnancy planning calendar allows women to quite easily navigate when the next ovulation will occur - the most favorable period for conceiving a child. By entering the start dates of menstruation into the calendar, you can quite easily calculate and favorable time to conceive a baby.

You can keep a calendar in different ways. The most visual of them is graphic. In this case, the woman circles the dates on the calendar with different felt-tip pens or colored pens. As a rule, for convenience, the period favorable for conception is highlighted green, and inappropriate days (primarily menstruation itself) are red or black.

You should keep a pregnancy planning calendar quite carefully and responsibly. Any mistakes and inaccuracies made may contribute to the fact that the calculation of subsequent ovulation will be incorrect.

To ensure the accuracy of the calendar, you should keep it for several months - in this case, it is easier to understand the individual tendency of ovulation, and you can also correctly calculate safe and dangerous days for conceiving a baby.

Favorable period for conception

Most on the right days For conception, the days immediately before and after ovulation are considered to be the easiest time to get pregnant. Most high probability pregnancy occurs on the day of ovulation– at this time the egg has already matured and is ready to meet the sperm.

In a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs approximately in the middle. It should be noted that this is not true in all cases, because ovulation is a highly individual process. If cycles are irregular or even anovulatory (without follicle maturation), calculate exact date the onset of ovulation is almost impossible.

The table below shows the safest days for conception using the example of a 28-day and 32-day menstrual cycle.

This simple method of calculating days that are safe for conception is called calendar or mathematical. It is quite simple to perform it, knowing the duration of the menstrual cycle. If the cycle is irregular, then the calculation performed quite often contains errors.

When the cycle is disrupted, the date of ovulation constantly shifts. In such situations, doctors recommend that women use other methods of determining the date of ovulation.

Quite frequently used alternative way planning favorable days for conception is to determine ovulation by measuring basal temperature. This indicator should be measured in the morning, or even better, done while in bed. All measurements obtained must be recorded in a notebook or notebook - this will make it easy not to forget them, and also track the dynamics of changes.

The first half of the menstrual cycle is characterized, as a rule, by fluctuations in basal body temperature from 36.6 to 36.8 degrees Celsius. During ovulation, the indicator can reach a value of 37 degrees. Then the peak temperature decreases. Determining basal body temperature will help determine the approach of ovulation, and therefore the onset of favorable period to conceive a child.

In some cases, especially if there are a number of concomitant diseases, measuring basal body temperature is not in a reliable way determine ovulation. This means that such a test should not be used in such a situation.

You can also determine ovulation using:

  • the appearance of vaginal mucus and additional clinical symptoms(pain in the projection of the ovaries, breast enlargement and swelling);
  • ready-made ovulation tests (similar to pregnancy tests) that can be performed at home;
  • carrying out folliculometry ( ultrasound examination ovaries).

Each method has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. It should be noted that errors and inaccuracies are also possible, in all ways. Many women, in order to most accurately calculate the date of ovulation and safe days for conceiving a baby, use several methods at once.

Unfavorable period for conception

In addition to favorable days for conceiving a baby, there are also dangerous ones during the menstrual cycle. At this time, the possibility of fertilization of the egg is significantly reduced. Doctors believe that Not favorable days for conception is the period of menstruation itself (“menstruation”), as well as several days before and after it. In order to understand exactly why everything happens this way, we should again turn to biology.

During menstruation, the inner cellular layer of the uterus (endometrium) begins to shed. This feature is physiological and indicates the normal course of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the inner lining of the walls of the uterus is quite soft and loose. It is quite difficult for an egg to attach to such a surface, that is, the possibility of embryo implantation is quite low.

With each subsequent day after menstruation, the inner cellular layer in the uterus begins to recover. In such a situation, the possibility of attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall already increases.

It is immediately worth noting that menstruation is an unfavorable period for planning conception, however, the possibility of pregnancy at this time still exists. Such situations occur quite often in gynecological practice. Women who become pregnant during pregnancy often turn to gynecologists. last days menstruation and immediately after it.

The development of such a situation may be due to several reasons. First of all, these are the characteristics of the female body. The presence of diseases of the female genital organs or dyshormonal disorders contribute to “unplanned” ovulation. In this case, ovulation occurs earlier. In this case, the mature egg is already ready to meet the sperm, and, despite the unprepared endometrium, such a meeting can still occur. In this case, difficulties with embryo implantation may occur, but pregnancy is still possible.

Less favorable days for conception are also 3-4 days before and after the onset of menstruation. The table below shows most Not favorable days for planning conception with a 28-day and 32-day menstrual cycle.

Duration of the menstrual cycle

Many people believe that pregnancy is impossible on certain days of the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that fertilization of the egg can only occur after ovulation for several days. But:

1) under the influence emotional experiences, stress, hormonal imbalances during the cycle, not one, but two eggs can mature;

2) the egg can mature before the middle of the menstrual cycle, and after - this is often associated with hormonal fluctuations.

3) sperm can remain
viable and capable of conception in the female genital tract for up to 5-7 days.

It turns out that any unprotected sexual intercourse any day of the menstrual cycle is fraught with conception. There are no safe days in the menstrual cycle!

There are only dangerous and very dangerous days for an unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor in advance
choose planned contraception.
There are several techniques for calculating so-called safe days.
Among them are the Ogino-Clauss method (calendar method), the method of measuring basal temperature (temperature curve method) and the Billings method (tactile method).
The Ogino-Clauss method, or calendar method for calculating so-called safe days, is based on the fact that ideally menstrual bleeding ( critical days) occurs 14 days after ovulation. Thus, if the established menstrual cycle is 28 days, ovulation should be expected on days 13-14, with a 30-day menstrual cycle - on days 15-16, and so on. Further, the fact that the egg can be fertilized within two days after ovulation is taken into account , that is, two days are added to the ovulation date.
Spermatozoa remain viable in the woman’s genital tract for about 3 days (although, as stated above, options up to 5-7 days are possible), that is, 3-5-7 days must still be counted back from the date of ovulation.
In this way, the most dangerous days of the cycle are calculated; during the rest of the time, pregnancy is supposedly impossible. Main disadvantage This method is that it assumes a perfectly regular menstrual cycle, which, perhaps, no woman has. For almost all women living in cities, it is rarely possible to talk about a stable menstrual cycle - all sorts of disruptions occur too often. Even the healthiest people have situations (from 1 to 3 cases during the year) when ovulation does not occur at all, and menstruation comes as usual. In young girls, the ovaries often work irregularly, and therefore ovulation may occur a little earlier or a little later. In turn, mature women The timing of ovulation may depend on the emotional and mental state or stress that affects hormonal balance.
To summarize, we can say that the notorious calendar method is not a means of contraception and there is no point in talking about its reliability at all. Sooner or later, all women capable of giving birth who are protected in this way become pregnant. Thus, the percentage of pregnant women using the calendar method is 70%.
Another similar method for calculating safe days and ovulation - the Billings method - is based on observation of vaginal secretion and its changes. The secretion secreted by the cervix reflects the processes that occur in the ovary, and during ovulation it becomes
transparent and liquid, causing a feeling of wetness in the vagina. Such physiological process occurs to make it easier for sperm to move towards the egg.
At the moment when the egg has already left the follicle and can be fertilized, the secretion becomes thicker and the discharge is less abundant. From the moment this changed secretion appears, sexual intercourse without any other contraceptives should be avoided. After three days from the moment the discharge reaches its maximum, the woman again practically cannot become pregnant. The Billings method is quite complex for home use. Firstly, not every woman will be able to distinguish the secretion of the cervix from others vaginal discharge. Often this can only be done
to a specialist doctor. In addition, this method of determining safe days and ovulation implies that the woman knows her body very well and notes any slightest changes that occur in it. In this regard, for very young girls who are just beginning to establish a regular menstrual cycle, this technique for calculating safe days is not suitable.
The method of measuring basal temperature, also based on the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, is perhaps the most reliable among all of the above. The principle of its operation is to determine the approximate date of ovulation using the temperature curve. To do this, you need to measure your rectal temperature every day (it’s more convenient to use a thermometer specially designed for this area) and mark it by drawing a kind of graph. You should start from the first day of the cycle, which corresponds to the first day of menstruation. It is best to carry out this procedure in the morning, without getting out of bed, for
5-6 minutes. It has been noticed that, as a rule, ovulation occurs on the day when the temperature is lowest. Then, the next day, the temperature rises sharply, and this corresponds to the beginning of the second, luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. It must be remembered that the egg lives from 24 to 48 hours after leaving the follicle, therefore when
As the temperature rises, you should abstain from sexual intercourse for several days. The first phase of the menstrual cycle is considered relatively safe, when the segment temperature chart is an approximately flat straight line. A menstrual cycle without ovulation, or with two ovulations, is also reflected in the temperature curve graph. The method of measuring basal temperature leaves a not too long period during which pregnancy is impossible. For example, with a cycle of 28 days, only 10 of them are safe. In case of progesterone deficiency, which can be detected by special examination, the safe period is even shorter. The method is also inconvenient because
The temperature must be measured daily, especially at the beginning of its use. Later, when several menstrual cycles have passed safely, you can stop changes during menstruation and after a significant increase in temperature has been recorded during
second phase of the cycle. It should be noted that any viral or respiratory disease makes the results unreliable. The same applies to heavy physical activity, to active sports. The method of measuring temperature is most suitable only for those women who have established a regular menstrual cycle lasting no less than 26 and no more than 30 days, leading a fairly calm lifestyle, not susceptible to stress, colds and other negative reactions environment. Presumably, less than one percent of women would classify themselves in this category.
Therefore, if you are interested in reliable protection from unwanted pregnancy, you should choose a planned reliable method of contraception, which only happens at an appointment with a doctor. If you are interested in achieving pregnancy, you can focus on the schedule rectal temperature to calculate the most favorable days for conception (of course, only with a regular menstrual cycle).

1st day of last menstruation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Average cycle length

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Duration of menstruation

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Global statistics say that the number of abortions has not decreased. In developing countries, women are increasingly terminating their pregnancies, despite the serious risks involved.

Today there are the most various ways protection, but ladies are still inclined to use such a method as a safe days calculator. It will help you calculate the period when there is virtually no chance of conception. By entering the data into the calculator, safe days in the given menstrual cycle will appear on the screen.

Questions a calculator can answer

The calculator built into our website will help clarify the situation and avoid conception if it is not desired. Safe days are considered to be those when you can conduct open sex life without worrying about pregnancy.

If your period doesn’t come according to schedule, doctors advise keeping a chart of your basal temperature. This method is one of the most common in determining ovulation. The indicator is measured in the rectum. It is advisable to do this in the morning, before the lady gets out of bed. Correctly determining ovulation will help calculate the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Making calculations

Unlike the safe days calendar, you need to enter three indicators in the calculator for it to show correct result. So, in the first cell you need to indicate the start date of the last bleeding. Next, enter the duration of the menstrual cycle in the field.

To calculate the result, the program requires one more figure - the duration of the second phase. It is worth noting that the cycle is correctly calculated from the first day of the last menstruation to the start date of the next menstruation.

The indicator of the duration of the second phase is very important, because it is in it that those very safe days are located. It begins after the completion of the ovulatory phase.

Calendar management

A woman must be responsible, attentive and disciplined when introducing a calendar of safe days. By the way, you need to keep a diary for several months, because only then can you track the dynamics and conduct an analysis. In addition to entering the data, you must also consult with your doctor.

It is important to understand that no one can give an exact guarantee that the results obtained are 100% correct, since the body sometimes behaves unpredictably. Calculations are more likely to determine the fertile period when the chance of successful conception high

At the same time, this method has the following advantages:

  • calculations will help not only with contraception, but also when planning a new addition to the family;
  • none side effects, which cannot be said about birth control pills;
  • A man's responsibility for a woman's health increases.

Unfavorable days for conception are the period before the next menstrual cycle. At this time, the body is preparing for the onset of menstruation, so the consolidation of sperm in most cases will not occur.


The safe days calculator is a kind of contraceptive method. Knowing these dates will help couples understand when they can have unprotected sex. At the same time to this method It should be treated quite carefully, especially if there are difficulties with abstaining from sexual intercourse during the period of fertility. The calculator may not help women who do not have regular partners determine safe days. Sometimes, in case of sudden sex, a second ovulation occurs, so the chance of getting pregnant increases.

The topic of pregnancy planning is very relevant today. More and more often married couples take this issue seriously, while trying to calculate the safe days from pregnancy. After all, not many people like to use condoms, and the benefits of the products hormonal contraception doubtful. Every woman has heard at least once that there are sterile or safe days for sex in the monthly cycle, when the chances of getting pregnant are almost zero.

Is it possible to independently determine such days in your own cycle?

It is known that starting from a certain age, in women. The first day of menstruation is considered the beginning monthly cycle, during which the endometrium matures in the uterine cavity - a layer ready to receive a fertilized egg. If conception does not occur, the endometrium is rejected and exits through the vagina, and a new one is formed in its place.

This kind of replacement of the “bed” for the unborn child usually occurs within 28 days, although the female cycle may well be several days longer or shorter.

The maximum risk of becoming pregnant remains in the middle female cycle. The following will help you count sterile days more accurately:

  • calendar method (Oggino-Klaus method);
  • monitoring changes in basal temperature;
  • monitoring cervical mucus;
  • ovulation test;
  • symptothermal method.

Calendar method

Usually on the 14th–16th day of the cycle, ovulation occurs and the egg matures in the ovary. Considering the period of her life and life expectancy in female body sperm, safe days of the cycle are easily determined when the likelihood of conceiving a child is much lower.

  • According to the calendar method, you need to start abstaining from unprotected sex 2-3 days before and after the middle of the cycle.
  • Let's take for example the most common cycle lasting 28 days.
  • We exclude the first 4–5 days with almost 100% probability - this is the time of menstruation, during which there are unlikely to be many people who want to have sex.
  • Suppose ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. The egg is most active in the first 12 hours after ovulation. The possibility of fertilization remains approximately the same, although with less probability.

Now about male reproductive cells. These small tadpoles can live in a woman’s body much longer than the egg, retaining the ability to fertilize for several days. They may be in the uterus and fallopian tubes, waiting for an egg to be released. Conventionally, the lifespan of a sperm is 2–3 days.

Thus, abstaining from unprotected sexual intercourse 3-4 days before and after ovulation makes it possible to significantly reduce the risk of unplanned conception.

The main disadvantage of this method is that in reality, not all representatives of the fair sex can boast of a regular cycle. Much depends on your state of health and emotional mood. This can be caused by stress, depression, an overly strict diet, excessive physical activity or a simple cold.

Basal temperature measurement

To create a calendar of safe days with a higher probability, a woman will have to record certain body indicators daily in a special diary for at least three months. A similar diary is often kept for a completely opposite purpose - to determine favorable days for pregnancy.

Starting from the day your period ends, you must record your basal temperature. Measure it in the morning, preferably at the same time and before getting out of bed. Indicates the onset of ovulation sharp jump temperature and tracking it over a long period of time is necessary to more accurately determine the average duration of the cycle and the day of ovulation.

For example, twice during the observation period ovulation occurred on the 14th day and once on the 15th day. In this case, you will have to exclude unprotected sex from the 11th to the 17th day.

Monitoring Cervical Mucus

The advantage of this method is that it is not necessary to take any measurements. It is enough to simply observe how vaginal discharge changes. Closer to “dangerous” days, cervical mucus becomes more liquid and transparent, reminiscent of raw egg white. Mucus facilitates the penetration of sperm into the uterus, but often the discharge causes discomfort to the fair sex in the form of wet underwear.

When the volume of mucus decreases, it becomes thick and acquires a whitish color, we can assume that the “dangerous” days have passed.

Ovulation test

Such a test can be easily purchased today at most pharmacies. There is no need to carry out calculations, measurements and record the temperature. It is enough to carry out the test approximately on the 11-12th day of the cycle. Two stripes appear in the window - ovulation has occurred and it is better to postpone sex. The same thing happens when the second line on the test appears weakly. This means that the ovarian follicle is almost mature and the egg is preparing to be released.

Symptothermal method

Simply put - this is integrated approach to monitoring your body. Using two or three methods at once, for example, recording in a diary not only BT indicators, but also noting how vaginal discharge changes, makes it possible to obtain much more reliable data on sterile days.

And finally, many sites offer their readers to calculate the date of ovulation online. Simply enter the length of your cycle in days and the start date of your last period. And then - three days before and three to four days after this date, exclude unprotected sex.

Such a safe days calculator will undoubtedly be useful if you want to minimize the risk of unwanted conception, but we should not forget that each body is individual, and women in particular. In addition to disruptions in the duration of the cycle, he is capable of throwing a trick on his mistress in the form of additional ovulation (happens in the form of a reaction to violent sexual intercourse or during infrequent, episodic meetings with representatives of the opposite sex).

The male body is also not perfect. There are cases where particularly tenacious sperm have patiently waited in the wings of a woman for more than 10 days.

You can use any of the methods we described or several of them at once, but do not forget that none of them will give a 100% guarantee that conception will be excluded on any day. About a fifth of women who use a calendar of such a plan to calculate safe days from pregnancy still become pregnant.

Did you find what you were looking for?

In our practice, we use this method to calculate favorable days for conception in order to help a woman become pregnant, and not vice versa (defining safe days).

We consider using the method of determining safe days by measuring basal temperature as protection against pregnancy extremely unreliable, and we do not advise any of you to tempt fate in this way! This method you can deservedly “retire” and turn your attention to more worthy inventions of modern medicine.

Degree of reliability: 55-60% (only with a regular menstrual cycle!!!).


Despite the fact that any pharmacy today offers a large selection modern contraceptives, not every couple is protected during sexual contacts. The reasons are different: from financial problems to reluctance to reduce the severity of sensations using barrier or hormonal methods. Most women have heard about the method of calculating dangerous and safe days in the menstrual cycle, but not everyone knows how to correctly determine these days. The method does not guarantee one hundred percent protection against fertilization, but has the right to exist as one of the family planning methods when pregnancy is theoretically allowed.

The calendar method is based on the existence of “dangerous” and “safe” days in the menstrual cycle, that is, those on which it is most likely to become pregnant, and all the others. Calculations are based on the fact that ovulation in a standard 28-day cycle occurs, on average, on the 13-14th day, which means, on average, for 11-15 days it is necessary to protect against pregnancy or not have sex. Other days of the cycle are considered safe and do not require contraception.


Ovulation most often occurs 14 days before the next period. This day is most favorable for conception and, accordingly, dangerous for those who do not intend to become parents.

If you subtract 18 from the duration of your own short cycle, and 11 from the longest, you get numbers indicating the beginning and end of the “dangerous” period. For example, the shortest cycle is 26 days, and the longest is 32, then you should abstain from sexual contact from days 8 to 21 (26-18=8 and 32-11=21). The remaining days are conditionally “safe”.


The calendar method is a system for determining safe and dangerous days of the menstrual cycle, can be used by women aged 25-35 years, provided that the cycle is regular, there is no stress, chronic diseases, numerous trips and business trips. In addition, health should allow a woman to occasionally use emergency contraceptives if sexual contact occurs on dangerous days.

Obviously, the reliability of the method leaves much to be desired, because not many can boast good health and lack of stress. Moreover, in each menstrual cycle, disruptions are possible when safe days become dangerous, but this often becomes known already during pregnancy.


Gynecologists say that regular cycle for a modern woman - a rarity. At the same time, no more than a third of women even mark the beginning of their periods on the calendar, without tracking which it makes no sense to do any calculations. If you use the calendar method for family planning (that is, allowing pregnancy or wanting it to occur), you must regularly record the dates of your periods. Records for at least two years are informative.

The calendar method cannot be a full-fledged method of contraception, if only because sperm in a woman’s genital tract can remain active, according to various sources, from 3 to 9 days, and “survive” until ovulation. In addition, even the most stable cycle is sometimes disrupted; ovulation can occur earlier or later. Even if this happens only once, such a failure is enough to cause an unplanned pregnancy. Ovulation can occur several times in one cycle, which further reduces the effectiveness of the method.

To calculate “dangerous” days more accurately, you can measure your basal temperature daily.


This is one of the most reliable methods associated with calculating safe days. In the process of measuring basal temperature, numbers are recorded that quite accurately determine the day of ovulation. In order for the error to be minimal, the following rules must be followed:

  • temperature is measured from the first day of the cycle;
  • BT is measured with a mercury thermometer for at least 5-6 minutes;
  • measure the temperature in the morning, after 6 hours of continuous sleep, without getting out of bed;
  • the reliability of the results is affected by medications and alcohol, as well as sex the day before or in the morning before measuring the temperature.

On average, during the first two weeks of the cycle, the temperature fluctuates between 36.2-36.4 degrees. On the day of ovulation it decreases, after which it rises sharply to 37.0 or higher. Conception is possible on the day of ovulation and within two days after it; the remaining days are considered conditionally safe (it is worth remembering that sperm can remain active for several days, so it makes sense to add 2-3 days before ovulation). The graphs are most informative after three months of measurements.

Basal temperature helps determine hormonal fluctuations in a woman’s body. It is important to measure it at the same time in the rectum, in the oral cavity or in the vagina. The measurement is taken immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. The thermometer is inserted 4-5 centimeters and held for about 10 minutes (mercury) or until the beeper sounds (electronic).

The information read from the thermometer is entered into the graph. Temperature is plotted along its vertical axis (as on an ordinary thermometer), horizontally - days of the monthly cycle. Usually, before the temperature rises (ovulation occurs), a slight decline is visible in the graph. Ovulatory period begins in the period between a decrease in temperature and its jump up.


A. Basal temperature chart for normal ovulation

B. Basal temperature chart in a cycle without ovulation

B. Chart of basal temperature during ovulation and subsequent pregnancy

Women who have a regular and stable menstrual cycle can track the days when they ovulate using basal temperature charts, and use measurements to control “dangerous” periods. On average, these are considered to be 5 days before ovulation and 5 days after it. The remaining days are conditionally safe.

Traditionally, gynecologists use basal temperature measurement and charting specifically to help a woman become a mother. As a contraceptive method, measuring temperature is somewhat more reliable than counting calendar days, but, nevertheless, both of these methods are not considered effective (reliability is no more than 55-60%, and only with a regular menstrual cycle). It is better to pay attention to more modern and reliable means of contraception.


The essence of the method is that, on average, menstruation begins 14 days after ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. That is, with a cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on days 13-14, and after another 14 days menstruation begins. The Ogin-Clauss method takes into account the ability of sperm to remain active in a woman’s genital tract for up to three days (in in rare cases they live up to 7 days) and the viability of the egg within 2 days. Using this method, dangerous days are calculated as follows: 2 days are added to the expected day of ovulation - before and after. For a 28-day cycle, these are the 11th and 16th days. Just in case, counting on cycle failures, add another 2 days to the resulting figures. Total: from 9 to 18 days of the cycle are considered dangerous days. The effectiveness of this method is no more than 30%.


The method is based on the fact that the structure of vaginal discharge changes during the monthly cycle. During the period of ovulation, mucous discharge from the cervix becomes transparent and watery, so that it is easier for sperm to reach the egg. When an egg leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube, the discharge thickens, becomes viscous and more scanty. It is at this time that the likelihood of conception is greatest. After about 3 days, safe days come when pregnancy is no longer possible. The main disadvantage of the method is that not all women are able to correctly assess the consistency of mucus, or indeed any inflammatory process may affect the structure of secretions, making the method ineffective.

On what days can you not get pregnant?

June 30, 2013260475 Category: Conception and pregnancy planning

This question is very relevant for women who do not limit intimacy with their sexual partner to any contraceptives, but at the same time do not want to get pregnant. Of course, every woman has heard at least once in her life that there are certain days of the cycle on which pregnancy is practically excluded.

In order to better understand the issues of pregnancy, let's first say a few words about female physiology. So, every healthy girl ovulates almost monthly. These days the egg is as ready as possible for fertilization. And, therefore, the risk of getting pregnant these days is quite high. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle and lasts several days.

It would seem that everything is simple, having calculated the most dangerous days, you can have sex without thinking about the consequences. However, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule. So it is in this case, otherwise the percentage of unwanted pregnancies would not be so high.

On what days can you not get pregnant?

For those who plan to abandon other methods of birth control, using only the calendar method, I would like to immediately say that a woman can become pregnant almost any day. There are simply days when the likelihood of pregnancy is very low, but, alas, it is impossible to talk about the complete safety of such days.

The most safe days you can call it 2 days before menstrual bleeding and 2 days after its end. To calculate the time of ovulation and calculate the days on which you cannot get pregnant, first of all, you need to know the duration of the menstrual cycle. It is worth noting that when using the calendar method, your cycle must be stable, otherwise you risk getting pregnant, in other words, if you have an unstable cycle, then it is basically impossible to calculate the days when you cannot get pregnant.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the cycle can change and shift; the regularity of the arrival of menstruation can be influenced by the most various factors: stress, medication, diseases of the female reproductive system and many others.

How to calculate safe days using the calendar method?

To calculate safe days, you need to analyze your cycle over the course of a year, provided that you did not use hormonal contraceptives during this period. If the cycle was not regular, then you should not rely entirely on the calendar method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, in this case it does not provide any guarantees!

If menstruation comes constantly, without taking into account small deviations, then you can start calculating the days when you can’t get pregnant.

Determine the duration of the shortest and longest menstrual cycles for the analyzed period. You need to subtract 18 from the number of days in the cycle in which there are a minimum number of days, so you will calculate the day from which the probability of getting pregnant is very high.

And 11 should be subtracted from the number of days of the longest cycle - this will be the last day when you need to actively protect yourself in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The “dangerous” period interval is usually about 12 days.

How likely is it to get pregnant before your period?

It would seem that pregnancy can occur before menstruation, because at this time the conditions necessary for egg implantation become significantly more complicated. But if a girl does not have a permanent partner and her sex life is irregular, then the likelihood of becoming pregnant increases with each sexual intercourse; the body may react to the sudden possibility of becoming pregnant with unscheduled ovulation.

This also happens when a couple uses interrupted sexual intercourse as protection. In this case, substances that are in the partner’s sperm can provoke ovulation. It is possible to exclude pregnancy before the onset of menstruation if sexual activity is regular and with a regular partner.

Is it possible to conceive during menstruation?

The chances of you getting pregnant during your period are quite low. Bleeding is not favorable environment for the development of pregnancy - this is explained by heavy bleeding.

You can get pregnant if your menstrual period is long or if your cycle is disrupted due to some illness.

Is it possible that you will become pregnant immediately after your period ends?

There is an opinion that pregnancy cannot occur during this period, but doctors say that an unwanted pregnancy can occur during this period.

It is worth considering that sperm remains viable in the female genital tract for three days after sex, and sometimes this period can increase. Using the same calendar method, you can easily calculate that if you have sex immediately after your period, you risk getting pregnant, since the sperm can wait until the egg is ready for fertilization.

To summarize the above, I would like to note that the calendar method can guarantee safety only in some cases; you should not fully rely on this method of contraception, since it does not provide any guarantees that unwanted pregnancy will not come.

How to calculate your menstrual cycle: find out dangerous days

Women and girls know about the existence of days favorable for conception. Those who have unprotected sex life should definitely know them. But only those women who have a regular menstrual cycle can independently calculate the days that are dangerous for pregnancy.

This method is called physiological method contraception and is based on the cessation of sexual activity during the onset of ovulation. During this period of the menstrual cycle, you can have sexual intercourse, but use additional ways contraception.

How to calculate dangerous days?

A woman can become pregnant during the period when her egg meets a sperm. U healthy woman The process of egg maturation occurs in the middle of the cycle and is called ovulation. You need to calculate dangerous days for pregnancy from the first day of your last menstruation to the first day of the next.

In order to correctly calculate the days when pregnancy may occur, a woman needs to calculate average duration of your menstrual cycle last six months, or better yet, within a year. If the cycle lasts 28 days, then approximately ovulation will occur on the 14th day. At the same time, we should not forget that the viability of an egg remains for 24 hours, and that of sperm – up to 5 days. It turns out that 5 days before expected ovulation are dangerous for pregnancy.

However, in the case when a girl has irregular menstruation, her body is subject to stress and physical activity, it is quite difficult to calculate ovulation. In gynecology, several methods are used to calculate the days when conception can occur. To do this, women keep a menstrual cycle calendar, measure basal temperature, and use special tests.

What is an ovulation calendar?

The conception calendar is also called the Ogino-Clauss method or the method of safe days for sex. Gynecologists claim that the calendar method of calculating days favorable and unfavorable for conception is ineffective, its reliability is very low - from 30 to 60%.

The main disadvantage of the system is that in order to determine dangerous days, a woman must have a regular menstrual cycle. If you nevertheless decide to carry out the calculation using a calendar of dangerous days for pregnancy, you need to have a regular calendar on hand, on which the days of menstruation are marked over the last six months.

Then you must find the smallest and longest cycle from them, subtract 18 from the minimum, and 11 from the maximum. For example, if the duration of the shortest cycle is 26 days, and the longest is 30, we carry out the following calculations: 26–18 = 8 , 30–11=19. It turns out that in this case the most dangerous period for conception there will be an interval from 8 to 19 days of the menstrual cycle. Modern science allows each girl to automatically calculate the days that are safe and unsafe for conception.

To do this you need to enter the following data:

  • average duration of menstruation;
  • the first day of the last menstruation.

The main task of such an automatic program is to show the days when a woman’s body is most ready for conception. Some women believe that using an ovulation calendar can program the sex of their child.

Genetics say that the likelihood of having a girl increases if you conceive a child before the peak of ovulation, and if you conceive a boy immediately during the maturation of the egg. This is due to the fact that sperm with a female set of chromosomes are more resilient and last longer, but move more slowly. Whereas sperm with a male set are less tenacious and die faster, but they move faster.

What does basal temperature mean?

You can find out which days are dangerous for pregnancy by measuring your basal temperature. Most gynecologists prefer this proven method, and consider its results to be as reliable as possible. Basal temperature is measured in the rectum immediately after waking up, while the woman is still in bed.

Measurements should be carried out for at least 3–4 months, and the results obtained should be recorded in a table. In the first days of menstruation, the basal temperature normally does not reach 37 degrees, it is in the range of 36.6–36.7.

Then, when ovulation occurs, it decreases somewhat, and then steadily remains at 37 degrees, these are dangerous days.

Ovulation test

Sometimes, for those women who want to get pregnant, but cannot calculate favorable days for this, gynecologists recommend purchasing an ovulation test at pharmacies. These are special test strips that allow you to determine the period high concentration female hormones, increasing during ovulation.

Each woman must independently choose for herself the most suitable method determining days for safe sex, taking into account the characteristics of your own body and the menstrual cycle.

Liked Now you don’t need to calculate your safe days using a pencil - everything is much simpler! Our online calculator will do everything for you. You will get the result with maximum accuracy! Working with our online calculator is very easy and simple. All you need to do is indicate the first day of your last menstrual period, the average length of your cycle and the duration of your period. If you haven't tracked your menstrual cycle before, we encourage you to start doing so. The more accurately you define average length cycle and duration menstrual days, the more accurate the result will be!
