Wen on the labia: how to get rid of lipoma and atheroma? Atheroma on the labia: safe methods of treating it

Very often, wen are localized on the skin of the face, upper and lower extremities and other parts of the body. The appearance of a wen in intimate places is a rather delicate problem that immediately requires medical intervention.

This type of formation can occur in both men and women. In order to prevent the negative consequences of this phenomenon, you need to know what can cause a wen on the genitals and how to properly deal with it.

What is a wen?

Wen is a benign formation that is formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous ducts. In most cases, it is not considered dangerous to human health, but experts still do not recommend leaving the situation to chance, because over time, the wen on the pubis will increase and cause discomfort in everyday life.

Wen on the labia

Quite often women face this problem. The wen on the labia has a rounded appearance, while its internal contents are very soft, one might even say “jelly-like”. White wen on the labia are well mobile, but do not cause severe pain in the genital area. If it reaches large sizes, the woman begins to experience a feeling of discomfort and aesthetic dissatisfaction.

The causes of wen in intimate places in women lie in the following:

  • Too oily skin (due to the fact that the sebaceous glands actively produce sebum, the likelihood of blockages increases significantly).
  • Frequent and profuse sweating.
  • Disturbances in female hormonal levels.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Non-compliance with the diet (frequent intake of fatty, spicy and salty foods).
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco.
  • Negative environmental impact.
  • Injury to the sebaceous glands (for example, during hair removal or shaving).

Wen on the scrotum

In men, a wen on the scrotum is also one of the benign neoplasms, the contents of which consist of adipose tissue. A lipoma that is rapidly increasing in size (this may also be called a wen) resembles a small pea, which is quite soft when touched and can change its location if you press on it.

Such formations begin to cause discomfort when they increase in size and the internal contents begin to fester.

In such cases, self-treatment is unacceptable; it is best to seek medical help!

Unfortunately, the exact reasons causing the formation of wen on the male genital organs have not been identified, but experts have come to the conclusion that the condition of the man’s body and his lifestyle have a significant influence:

  • Passive lifestyle (as a result, the development of obesity and related health problems).
  • Wrong daily routine.
  • Nutrition is unbalanced and in small quantities (causes a decrease in motility of the gastrointestinal tract).

Even though wen are classified as harmless formations, after their removal it is mandatory to conduct a histological examination. The doctor may also recommend an ultrasound examination, which will help completely eliminate the possibility of tissue cells transforming into malignant tumors.

Effective solution to the problem

If the situation is not advanced, then it is possible to cure the wen using traditional methods. However, if there is uncertainty about whether a wen has actually formed on the genitals, then you will need to consult a doctor.

Wen on the scrotum can be treated with a regular Kalanchoe leaf. So it will be enough to apply a small piece of the leaf to the sore spot and secure it with a plaster. This bandage is applied 2 times per day.

Wen on the labia can be easily treated by applying a bandage, for which the medicinal plant coltsfoot is used. Lamb fat also has a positive effect (it is applied to the sore area).

Cosmetic clay is also a safe and effective remedy for treating wen on the genitals. A little sour milk must be added to it. This mixture is applied to the affected area and covered with cling film. Treatment must be continued until the formation disappears!

Wen in intimate places is a problem that both women and men have to face. To prevent such situations, it is important to pay special attention to your lifestyle and diet. If the problem makes itself felt, it is best to seek medical advice first!

Very often, women of different age categories are faced with such a common problem as the appearance of wen on the surface of the labia majora. A fatty tissue, which in modern medicine is also called a lipoma, is a benign subcutaneous neoplasm consisting of subcutaneous fat tissue. Such neoplasms have a round shape, their consistency is quite soft, “jelly-like”. At the same time, the wen that appears in the area of ​​the external intimate organs remains quite mobile and is practically not accompanied by pain. But the presence of formations on the mucous membrane of the external genitalia can cause a woman significant physical or aesthetic dissatisfaction.

Types of wen on the labia

Depending on the specific location and composition, lipomas on the labia are divided into several types.

  1. Fibrolipomas - such benign neoplasms contain a significant amount of connective tissue.
  2. Myolipomas – these neoplasms are composed of fatty, connective and muscle tissues.
  3. Angiolipomas - in addition to the above tissues, they contain a fairly large number of blood vessels.
  4. Osteolipomas - in the composition of these fatty tissues, a certain proportion is allocated to bone tissue.

Symptoms of wen on the labia

In the vast majority of cases, identifying wen on the surface of the labia is not difficult. A simple visual examination of the intimate areas is sufficient, as a result of which the presence of a benign neoplasm can be determined.

  1. A subcutaneous compaction appears on the mucous surface of the intimate areas, which gradually takes on the shape of a ball. In some cases, the formation may acquire a light yellow or beige tint - this is due to the presence of a large amount of adipose tissue in its composition.
  2. Wen on the labia can be single or multiple.
  3. In the vast majority of cases, these benign neoplasms do not cause women pain or even discomfort. Most often, the presence of wen is diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination.

Causes of wen on the labia

The reasons for the development of lipomas in the external genital area can be very different. Let's list the main ones.

  1. Most often, the development of lipomas on the external genitalia is typical for women with oily skin type and increased sweating.
  2. Sometimes wen appears on the labia as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands in the bikini area due to increased production of sebum. That is why those with oily skin need to pay special attention to monitoring the condition of their intimate areas.
  3. Obesity, poor nutrition with an excess of spicy, sweet or salty foods in the diet, and systematic smoking have a negative impact on the condition of the mucous surface of the labia majora and minora. In this case we are talking about women who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes per day.
  4. Neglect of personal hygiene rules or the use of inappropriate cosmetics for the intimate area.
  5. Mechanical injury to the labia, which may be the result of poor-quality depilation in the intimate area or as a consequence of sexual intercourse.

Treatment of lipomas on the labia

Despite the absence of pain and discomfort in women, any lipoma requires immediate treatment, since this benign neoplasm can turn into a malignant form at any moment. Generally, the most commonly used treatments are:

  1. Drug therapy - in this case, certain medications are injected under the skin of the external genitalia, which contribute to the gradual resorption of the wen. It should be noted that today this technique is used extremely rarely - most often it acts as an addition to other treatment techniques. This is due to numerous disadvantages of drug therapy - the wen can partially resolve, which will provoke subsequent relapses of the disease.
  2. Also, lipomas on the labia can be removed through surgery. During the operation, the wen is opened, its contents are removed, and the damaged tissues are treated with special antiseptic solutions; stitches are placed on top.

Modern medicine offers removal of lipomas on the skin of the external reproductive organs using an endoscope. During this manipulation, a small incision is made on the surface of the lipoma, after which so-called liposuction of the internal cavity of the wen is performed using a special medical device - an endoscope.

Many people think that a wen does not pose any danger to human health, and its main drawback is an external cosmetic defect when it appears in a visible place. Is it really?

Wen are small formations of benign etiology that appear as a result of blockage of the sebaceous duct.

Wen can appear on any part of the body. The female genital organs are no exception, so the appearance of wen on the labia is not unusual. However, a wen formed on the labia causes a woman a feeling of shame and moral discomfort.

  • Often all neoplasms that appear on the body are called wen. This name combines growths of two types:
  • lipoma is a formation consisting of subcutaneous fat cells;

atheroma is a benign tumor that appears as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland.

Lipoma is a subcutaneous formation filled with fatty tissue

Both types of wen do not pose a direct threat to health and do not cause physiological changes in the body, being, in essence, a cosmetic defect. However, neither atheroma nor lipoma on the labia should be ignored.

Atheroma is a skin cyst filled with sebum

When to worry

  1. In some cases, the growths can cause harm to other organs.

The growths are easily injured and are not difficult to damage. The skin in intimate places is very thin and delicate, and is often subject to mechanical stress, so the risk of damage to the wen is very high.

The contents of the formations are an excellent breeding ground for various pathogenic microorganisms. When pathogenic bacteria enter the capsule, an inflammatory process begins to develop. As a result, pus is formed.

  1. Important! In case of rupture of a suppurating lipoma, purulent inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the pathological focus may develop.
  1. Often women themselves open the white growths and squeeze the contents out of them. This is strictly prohibited, since there is a high risk of infection of the opened wen.
  1. The increased size of the wen on the labia minora can affect the internal genital organs. Often, when formations occur in intimate places, women do not seek medical help because of false shame, but listen to the advice of friends or acquaintances. However, this cannot be allowed, because a normal growth may turn out to be a malignant tumor.

Advice. If a formation of unknown etiology appears in an intimate place, you must consult a doctor to carry out the necessary tests and make a diagnosis. There is no need to delay treatment so as not to infect internal organs.

Therapy: basic principles

We must remember that you cannot remove tumors yourself. It is not recommended to smear them with creams or oils. This may make the situation worse. You can get rid of these growths forever only with the help of a qualified doctor. He will prescribe the necessary treatment based on examination data and laboratory tests.

There are several ways to remove wen on the labia:

  1. Small seals in the absence of pathological inflammatory processes in them are removed using an endoscope. This manipulation is performed with local anesthesia. The doctor punctures the tissue of the formation, inserts a special device through the puncture and sucks out the contents or excises the entire wen.

The big advantage of this method is that it is less traumatic. No stitches are required after this operation. There are no scars left on the skin.

  1. Small growths are removed using modern methods: laser or radio waves. The operation is performed without anesthesia. With this method, infection is excluded.

The advantages of this method are obvious: there is no postoperative scar left, and after a few days the woman can lead a normal sex life (following the doctor’s recommendations).

  1. Surgical intervention can have several options. If there is no inflammatory pathology, then it is possible to treat the wen on the labia with the help of medications. These drugs are injected into the formation (or subcutaneously next to it) with the aim of its further self-resorption. The result of treatment is observed 3 months after the intervention.

Another surgical option is to cut the growth and squeeze out the contents. Next, stitches are applied. After such an operation, a scar remains.

Finally, to remove a lump on the labia when it is large in size and when the inflammatory process develops, a classic operation is used to excise the tumor within healthy tissue. The intervention is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Subsequently, a scar is also formed.

Note. After surgery, antibacterial medications are prescribed to prevent wound infection and inflammation.

Prevention: how to avoid formations

Removing a wen on the labia does not guarantee that it will not appear again. Therefore, women are interested in the prevention of this pathology. There are several simple rules to avoid the appearance of unpleasant formations:

  1. Compliance with hygiene rules. It is recommended to wash or shower 2 times a day. It is necessary to change your underwear every day. Use only suitable intimate hygiene products.
  2. Streamlining sexual life: one partner and the use of protective equipment during sexual intercourse (contraceptives).
  3. Using underwear of comfortable styles, made from natural materials, which does not put pressure on the genitals.
  4. Systemic observation by specialists (gynecologist, endocrinologist).
  5. Diversify your diet with healthy vegetables, fruits, and cereals. It is necessary to exclude fats and carbohydrates.
  6. Weight control.
  7. Healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits.

There is no 100% method of getting rid of wen on the labia, but following simple preventive rules will significantly reduce the number of formations that arise, and perhaps forget about them forever.

Benign neoplasms of the intimate area often appear in women over 35 years of age with an excess layer of fatty tissue and diseases of the internal organs. Wen on the genitals in the initial stage of development does not cause concern, but as they gradually grow, they require monitoring and seeking medical help due to the high risk of injury and complications.

Neoplasms on the external genital organs are divided into 2 types - lipomas, which form under the skin in fatty tissue, and atheromas, which are cysts of the sebaceous gland. Wen are observed as concomitant signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, and diabetes. Often formations accompany people with high blood cholesterol.

Wen are observed as concomitant signs of gastrointestinal diseases

Main causes:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • accumulation of toxins, waste due to poor nutrition, slow metabolism;
  • overweight, oily skin;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • increased sweating of the delicate area;
  • microtrauma of the sebaceous glands of the genitals (depilation, piercing, tight underwear, sexual intercourse);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • unsuitable hygiene products;
  • inadequate night's rest.

When the outlet or duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked, its secretion ceases to be excreted, accumulates and forms a mobile unit. The metabolic processes of the dermis are affected by hormones and excess nutrition with the consumption of unnatural foods, fried fatty and spicy foods. Metabolic processes are slowed down by a sedentary lifestyle, lack of daily exercise, fitness, and walks.

Hot climates and work in hazardous industries increase the risk of fatty deposits.

Symptoms and signs of wen on the labia

Neoplasms can appear on the labia minora, labia majora, and pubis. A lipoma looks like a lump that rises above the skin and is not connected to it. The growth of fatty tissue never becomes inflamed, does not hurt and reaches large sizes - up to 15 cm.

Atheroma is part of the dermis, mobile, painless, symmetrical in shape, always contains a capsule, the size reaches 3 cm. It feels like a pea, the color is white or yellowish.

Since the formation is associated with the ducts of the sebaceous glands, there is a risk of their damage, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase in volume, itching;
  • pain when pressed;
  • hyperemia, swelling;
  • increased body temperature, headache;

When opened independently, a fistula is formed, from which the contents of the capsule emerge.

Differential diagnosis

Women discover wen on the genitals during hygiene procedures. To be sure of health safety, contact a gynecologist.

Upon visual examination, the doctor will determine the type of fatty formation based on size, appearance, depth, and other distinctive features.

Appearance of the wen

Since the most effective way to get rid of it is radical measures, you need to visit a surgeon. He will advise on a specific case, rule out or confirm the need for surgical removal of the wen. If surgical intervention is required, the doctor sends the patient for x-rays, ultrasound, and computed tomography. These methods reveal the boundaries of the lipoma, its structure and location.

For small atheromas, when their signs are not so clearly expressed, consult a dermatologist to exclude other skin diseases

Histological analysis is carried out after surgery. With its help, cells of biological material are examined for oncogenicity, which will determine the need for further treatment.

Pharmacy remedies for wen on the labia

To remove atheromas at the initial stage of formation, doctors prescribe medications that are purchased in pharmacies. These include ointments, creams, balms.

Indications for surgical treatment

The most effective way to get rid of lipomas and atheromas is surgical removal. There are several ways to radically influence unwanted fatty tumors.

  1. Classic surgical method. Used for large lesions. Local anesthesia is performed using an anesthetic injection. After the onset of its action, the wen is excised. After its removal, stitches are applied. The doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Healing of a postoperative wound takes from three to ten days. Rehabilitation after a lipoma takes more time, since it lies deeper.
  2. Radio wave removal. It occurs using a radio scalpel in a non-contact manner. High-frequency radio waves burn out the tumor in a targeted manner. An anesthetic injection is required. The operation takes place in a doctor's office and takes 20–40 minutes. It is recommended to treat the wound with an antiseptic for a week.
  3. Endoscopy. A small incision (0.5 cm) is made and a tube is inserted into it. Through it, the contents of the lipoma are sucked out with a vacuum, which can be easily separated. The method differs from the classical method in that it is less traumatic, has a shorter rehabilitation period, and lacks scars.
  4. Laser coagulation. Small wen is removed in 20 minutes. The procedure is painless and bloodless, leaving no scars. For tumors larger than 2 cm, an incision is made with a scalpel, and then laser coagulation of the wen itself. In this case, local anesthesia and postoperative sutures are used.

Traditional medicine recipes

Many women prefer home treatment to surgical removal. You should not expect the complete disappearance of wen in an intimate place using folk remedies. They will help only at the initial stage of the formation of lipomas and atheromas. The most popular recipes are those using homemade potions from medicinal herbs and food products.

  1. Ivy tincture. Plant raw materials (100 g) are poured into a glass of vodka. The container is placed in a dark place for 3 days. A compress is made from a cotton swab dipped in the tincture. The duration of the procedure is 2–3 hours.
  2. Chamomile decoction. Pour 200 g of dried flowers into a liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. The resulting product is used as a lotion or taken in a bath with it every other day for a week. The duration of exposure to the decoction in both cases is 20 minutes.
  3. Aloe, Kalanchoe. The healing leaves of the plants, having previously been washed and cut, are applied to the wen at the cut site for 10–15 minutes or simply wiped over the defective area.

Complications of wen on the labia

If the tumor does not change in size and does not impair the quality of life, then you should simply monitor it. But since atheromas are located in the epidermis layer, they are exposed to the mechanical effects of underwear and feminine hygiene products.

When the atheroma is damaged, a bacterial infection occurs, which causes inflammation and suppuration. If surgical intervention is not taken in time, phlegmon will form. The formation must be drained or removed, since when the capsule ruptures, its contents enter neighboring tissues and an abscess is formed.

In cases of attempts to squeeze out or puncture the wen, the atheroma may degenerate into a malignant tumor. If there is an increase in size or inflammation, it is recommended to consult a doctor; under no circumstances try to use radical methods to remove the formations on your own, since the consequences of such actions are difficult to predict.

Prevention methods

To prevent the appearance of primary wen and their recurrence, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • monitor hormonal levels by periodically visiting an endocrinologist;
  • lead an active lifestyle, play sports, do gymnastics in the morning;
  • control weight;
  • maintain personal hygiene, overweight women take a shower at least once a day, and in the summer in the morning and evening every day;
  • wear cotton underwear, which should be changed every day;
  • do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol;
  • have a regular sexual partner, practice protected sex;
  • protect the skin with special clothing in hazardous industries;
  • avoid rubbing the labia, excessive sweating in the perineum;
  • When washing, use gels for intimate hygiene.

A healthy, balanced diet plays a big role in preventing the appearance of atheromas and lipomas. The rules are simple - eat more vegetables, fruits, seafood and white meat. Limit fried, fatty, smoked foods. Products containing fast carbohydrates affect weight gain and should be excluded from the diet. Normal metabolism, which affects the condition of the epidermis, depends on proper nutrition.

Many people, especially ladies, are familiar with such a defect as a wen. Most often, wen are localized on the skin of the face and limbs, less often they appear on other parts of the body. However, lipomas (the medical name for lipomas) can also form in intimate places, namely on the labia.

What are lipomas and atheromas?

Wen is the name given to various types of neoplasms that appear on human skin. Doctors call these lipomas and atheromas. What is the difference between these terms?

Lipoma is a formation that consists of fatty tissue and is located just under the skin.

Atheroma is a kind of benign tumor that occurs for the same reason as lipomas - as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands. Since the latter are located throughout the human skin, then, accordingly, the appearance of wen on the external genital organs is not excluded.

Are white wen on the labia majora and minora dangerous?

By themselves, they do not pose any danger. Usually the problem is hidden in the fact that women consider such neoplasms to be unaesthetic.

If such a defect is small in size and does not cause concern, then you should not worry about its presence. However, we cannot completely forget about it. The fact is that under the influence of certain factors, the integrity of the wen can be disrupted, which is why infection gets into the wound and inflammation appears. As you know, the skin on the external genitalia is very thin and delicate, and is also constantly exposed to external influences (friction from underwear, pads), so the risk of injury is quite high.

In addition, some ladies try to open the wen on the labia themselves and squeeze out its contents. This should not be done under any circumstances! Such manipulations can lead to suppuration, severe inflammation, which will spread to tissues and organs located nearby.

However, there is another reason why you need to constantly monitor the wen - timely treatment. When it becomes large and continues to grow, becoming painful on palpation (palpation), it is necessary to urgently visit a specialist, as there is a risk of a malignant tumor.

Why do wen appear on the labia minora and labia majora?

  1. Oily skin. If the skin on the face is prone to oiliness, then it is oily throughout the body, even in intimate places. This feature is accompanied by excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. As a result, they are more likely to become clogged. On the face, for example, this manifests itself in the form of pimples, comedones, etc.;
  2. Excessive sweating – hyperhidrosis. This phenomenon can also lead to clogged sebaceous glands;
  3. Disturbances in hormonal balance. Some disruptions can lead to overactivity of the sebaceous glands, resulting in oily skin;
  4. Excess body weight may be a provoking factor;
  5. Nutrition also plays a role: excessive consumption of fatty, sweet and spicy foods can aggravate the situation;
  6. Bad habits;
  7. Contaminated skin due to lack of personal hygiene, or due to improper care;
  8. Use of care products that are inappropriate for your skin type;
  9. Metabolic disorders due to disease (eg diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism);
  10. Poor environmental conditions in the area of ​​residence;
  11. Injury to the sebaceous gland, for example, during sexual intercourse or during depilation.

What does a wen look like on the labia majora or minora?

Typically, a lipoma is a small lump that looks like a regular pimple. Through the skin, its contents can be seen - yellowish adipose tissue. Its dimensions vary significantly, but usually do not exceed a few millimeters.

The wen is quite hard to the touch, but when pressing on it there is no pain. There is also no redness, swelling, or other inflammatory phenomena. That is why such defects are most often discovered by chance, mainly during water procedures.

How to get rid of wen that appears on the labia

As a rule, this problem does not go away on its own. It is also not recommended to squeeze them out, as there is a risk of infection. Products for topical use (creams, ointments, gels, etc.) do not have the desired effect, since their active components do not cause fat cells to dissolve. The only way to get rid of the problem is through surgery.

Surgical treatment of wen on the labia:

  1. Injection of drugs under the skin. These act in such a way that the wen gradually dissolves on its own. However, the effect does not occur immediately; you will have to wait 2-3 months to see the result. It is worth noting that the result may not be satisfactory, for example, the atheroma or lipoma will not completely resolve. The latter, in turn, can lead to relapse of the disease and even greater growth of the defect;
  2. Opening and removing the contents of the wen along with its capsule. Self-absorbing sutures are placed on the incision. But treatment with this method also does not guarantee a complete cure, because some of the contents may remain. As a result, it may begin to grow again;
  3. A large and inflamed wen is removed along with a small part of nearby healthy tissue, including skin. This manipulation allows you to minimize the risk of relapse of the pathology. However, after such an operation, scars remain. The procedure itself is quite painful, so it is performed under anesthesia (usually local);
  4. Now you can resort to endoscopic intervention. Such manipulations in the area of ​​the labia minora and labia majora involve inserting an endoscope through a puncture (not an incision) and subsequent removal of the atheroma by suction (as in a liposuction procedure) or excision. In this case, there is no need for sutures because the puncture is quite small. Scars, accordingly, are also absent;
  5. Laser removal is one of the innovative techniques. Removing the defect using this method is low-traumatic and leaves no scars. But it is advisable to use a laser in the presence of small formations.

How to avoid relapses?

After removing the problem, you need to follow some rules. This is very important, since the neoplasm can reappear in the same place or change its location. Firstly, you need to monitor your health, especially your hormonal levels. If alarming signs appear, do not hesitate to visit a specialist. Secondly, you need to be responsible when choosing intimate hygiene products: they must be of high quality.