If the cycle is inconsistent, how to get pregnant if the menstrual cycle is interrupted and irregular: when will pregnancy occur? Is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods? How to get pregnant if your periods are irregular

Irregular menstruation is a malfunction of the reproductive system, which is often combined with changes in basic indicators: discharge becomes more abundant or, conversely, scarcer, pain appears or health worsens. Is it possible to get pregnant if your menstrual cycle is irregular? How to increase your chances of conceiving? Let's figure it out together.

Why is the menstrual cycle irregular?

An irregular cycle causes a lot of trouble both for those who are planning to conceive a child and for those who are trying with all their might to avoid unwanted pregnancy. So why is this happening? Most often, the root of the problem lies in one of seven reasons:

- thyroid dysfunction

This organ is responsible for the production of hormones responsible for endocrine system and sexual libido. The imbalance caused by the malfunction can lead to irregular menstruation and even amenorrhea.

Reference! Amenorrhea is the absence menstrual cycle for six months or more.

- first use or interruption of a course of oral contraception

Oral contraceptives are a fairly popular method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. They work according to the following principle: the drug increases estrogen levels and the woman’s body perceives this signal as pregnancy, which prevents actual conception. In some cases, medications of this kind can “assure” the body that pregnancy has occurred so much that menstruation simply stops. The same thing can happen if you suddenly stop taking birth control pills without consulting your doctor.

Reference! Statistics show that about 29% of women who stopped taking oral contraceptives, suffer from the absence of menstruation for two or more months.

- physical stress

Intensive physical activity may affect performance thyroid gland, medullary appendage and adrenal glands. About 80% of women involved in bodybuilding and weightlifting suffer from irregular cycles and problems with conception.

- hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance often occurs against the background of polycystic ovary syndrome. The level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone is disrupted, as a result of which the cycle may also become disrupted, and sharp jumps weight, hair growth in unwanted places or skin rashes.

- inflammatory processes

Inflammation of the female genital organs is a large and common group gynecological diseases. It includes many pathologies, including those that affect the frequency of the menstrual cycle.

- food allergy

Allergies to certain foods can lead to disruption of the thyroid gland and, as a result, irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

- improper or too poor nutrition

Abuse of products with low nutritional value or dependence on diets is a serious blow to the body. Not getting enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals, the body begins to work in “emergency” mode, day after day destroying itself more and more. Such destructive process can lead to menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea and even infertility.

Reference! More than 90% of girls who go through anorexia have problems with reproductive function.

Is it difficult to get pregnant if you have an irregular cycle?

Irregular cycles are not a death sentence or a “stigma” of infertility, as many people think. They do not reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant to zero, but only reduce it. The key and most important moment for conception is ovulation. If there is ovulation, then there is a chance of getting pregnant.

But you shouldn’t sit idly by and wait for the problem to resolve on its own: you can and should work together with your doctor to debug the cycle.

How to improve your chances of pregnancy?

To increase your chances of conceiving despite circumstances such as an irregular period, you should take the following series of measures :

  1. Get a medical examination. First of all, you need to visit a gynecologist and describe to him all the symptoms that accompany an irregular cycle, and also tell him about what preceded the failure. Depending on the condition you describe, your doctor will give you a referral to other doctors.
  2. Calculate the day of ovulation. A gynecologist can help you with this by taking a sample of your cervical mucus for analysis, pharmacy ovulation tests, or daily monitoring basal temperature bodies. For a more accurate result, it is better to combine these techniques together.
  3. Bring your weight back to normal. Obesity disrupts hormonal balance, increasing production male hormones. Lack of weight, on the contrary, indicates a lack of female hormones and inability to bear additional load.
  4. Work on your diet. Calculate KBJU according to your body mass index and eat as many rich foods as possible folic acid, saturated fatty acids, calcium, iron and vitamin E.
  5. Don't forget to take your medications. If your doctor has prescribed you medications to stimulate ovulation, do not forget to take them. Follow the prescription, do not increase or decrease the dosage on your own. The most popular and effective on at the moment the drugs are Clomid and Serophene.
  6. Sport as a guarantee of health. The main thing in this point is moderation and regularity. Be results-oriented, but don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

Pay attention! Try your hand at yoga, Pilates or water aerobics. This way you will not only put your body in order, but also calm your nerves, shaken by an unstable cycle.

When to take a pregnancy test if your cycle is irregular?

The first and most obvious sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. But what if they never arrive on time? Stock up on a pregnancy test in advance and follow the instructions:

  1. Remember when you last had unprotected sex and count 10-12 days from this date (the period of embryo implantation).
  2. After waiting for the required date, take the test strictly following the instructions.
  3. If you are active sex life, do the test once every 4-5 days.

Pay attention! With irregular menstruation, the test often gives a false result positive result. Therefore, if you want to know for sure whether you are pregnant or not, visit a doctor.

How is the gestational age calculated for an irregular cycle?

At irregular cycle incubation period may occur much earlier or later than generally accepted norms. For example, in a woman with an average cycle length of 35 days, conception will be possible only on the 21st day of the cycle, and not on the 14th, as usual. You should not try to calculate the age of the fetus yourself - this will lead to confusion and in the end you will still have to seek medical help.


According to medical statistics, about 20% of girls with irregular cycles find out about their pregnancy after the first attempt to conceive a child. On average, from the first visit to the doctor with complaints about the absence of menstruation until the desired pregnancy occurs, 3 to 6 months pass.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

An irregular menstrual cycle is a violation of the periodicity or duration of the cycle. Standard Methods often do not help to choose the day of conception for pregnancy in case of disruptions in menstruation. The solution to the problem is to plan fertilization over a long period of time. This method helps in 90% of cases.

The remaining 10% indicate the presence of pathology, which is typical for women who cannot get pregnant after a year of active sexual activity and independently calculating the day of ovulation. In this case, the woman needs to undergo examination, identify the cause of infertility and cure it.

Almost every woman experiences menstrual irregularities at least once in her life. The irregularity may disappear, but sometimes it does not go away at all. The causes of failures may be the following factors:

  • disruption of daily routine;
  • depression;
  • climate change;
  • nervous breakdown;
  • overwork;
  • mental disorders;
  • obesity;
  • improper diet;
  • stress.

In such cases, the doctor prescribes special pharmacological agents: magnesium (for stress), hormonal drugs or vitamins. The action of the drugs is intended to eliminate the root of the problem and normalize monthly cycle. Treatment becomes ineffective when the cause of menstrual irregularities is far from ordinary mental problems.

Pathological causes of menstrual irregularities:

  • improper functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system: ovaries, uterus;
  • lack of stabilization of hormone levels;
  • taking psychotropic drugs medicines, used primarily for the treatment of depression;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • antiulcer drugs and drugs for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux.


If your periods are irregular, is it possible to get pregnant in the early stages of planning for future fertilization? Experts identify 20% of women who managed to become mothers. At unsuccessful attempts The doctor advises you to keep trying. You can get pregnant with an irregular cycle in such a situation after 12 weeks with a 50% chance.

At psychological reasons menstruation disorders, pregnancy can occur only 6 months after the start of planning. If you have irregular periods and are unable to get pregnant after a year has passed, you need to go to a clinic for full examination and identifying the problem.

According to statistics, pregnancy occurs within 5 months. Other cases are purely individual and require doctor's supervision.

The difficulty in obtaining the desired result lies in precise definition the day the egg is released from the ovary. Therefore, to answer the question: “How long after menstruation can you get pregnant with an irregular cycle?” - definitely not possible. Menstruation disorder - constantly adjusts its scope and with a direct impact on the root of the problem (for example, worsening mental state) can be completely changed.


If the cycle is irregular, then in order to get pregnant you should contact a specialist who will tell you in detail how best to carry out the planning procedure and provide complete instructions after studying hormonal levels, the patient's medical history.

To get a positive result, you need to be registered with a gynecologist throughout the entire course, that is, before pregnancy. To find out when the egg is released from the ovary, it is prescribed ultrasound diagnostics. It is used to determine the size of the follicles and the date of ovulation.

To make calculations yourself, you can use the measurement of basal body temperature (BT) - this is a test functional diagnostics, which allows you to assess the state of hormonal homeostasis in a woman’s body and indirectly allows you to determine the fertile phase.

To measure BT, you need a thermometer that shows the value accurate to tenths (mercury, electronic). Normal body temperature is 36.6; when the egg leaves the follicle, it exceeds this figure and should be about 37. Measurements are taken in the morning immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed.

Also, if you have irregular periods, you can get pregnant by eliminating stressful situations and providing a favorable environment. This helps in normalizing the cycle, determining the day of successful conception and avoiding obtaining incorrect basal temperature readings.

The most important thing is to be patient and follow simple tips. Sometimes it takes time to get the long-awaited two stripes on an express test.

  • Comprehensive examination of the whole body. It includes a visit to a gynecologist, who will examine your medical history, refer you for blood tests (general and biochemical), as well as urine and hormone tests. In addition, it is worth undergoing ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvis. Sometimes, to normalize menstruation, a slight adjustment with pharmacological drugs is necessary.
  • Determining the right moment for fertilization, that is, calculating the day of ovulation.
  • Taking soothing herbal infusions if you are not allergic. A regular one might work green tea, chamomile decoction.
  • Normalization of nutrition and sleep. The diet should contain vegetables, proteins, and the woman should consume junk food to a minimum.
  • Treatment of anorexia or fight against overweight(depending on your problem, if any).
  • Refusal to take medications that negatively affect reproductive system women and not prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to independently stop medications prescribed by a specialist. In this case, consultation is needed.
  • Regular sexual intercourse helps in normalizing menstruation and increasing the chances of getting the long-awaited motherhood.
  • Limiting situations that may lead to stress or depression.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, she should not self-medicate. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, and then you can think about planning a child. It must be remembered that cycle disturbances can occur according to the most various reasons, from inflammation to oncology. Which is not only fraught with infertility, but is also completely dangerous for the patient’s life.

Irregular cycles are one of the most common reasons that directly affect the likelihood of getting pregnant. Using standard pregnancy calculations, it is impossible to calculate the period of conception for women with menstrual irregularities. Optimal solution in this case, long-term planning, which, according to statistics, in 90% of cases gives the expected positive result. Read on to learn how to plan a pregnancy if you have an irregular cycle.

Cycle irregularity

Almost 100% of women experience menstrual irregularities different period life. For some, the cycle does not return to normal throughout their lives. Usually, in this case, doctors suggest changing your lifestyle, getting rid of stressful situations and even changing your job if it provokes depression, nervous breakdowns, tense emotional state. For those who are not helped by the first option, they are prescribed special drugs hormonal action, which are generally capable of establishing a cycle, but this method does not work with one hundred percent probability in all cases.

Therefore, planning a pregnancy with an irregular cycle is a method that women use in cases where the cycle could not be adjusted using the methods proposed by the gynecologist.

Chances of becoming a mother

The first stage of planning gives relatively low conception results. Only about 20% of girls become pregnant during it. If you continue planning, then within 3 months this chance increases to 50%. 75% of girls manage to see the desired two stripes after six months of planning. If, apart from an irregular cycle, the expectant mother does not have any problems that slow down the pregnancy process, then within a year from the start of planning, about 90% of people become pregnant.

In general, if you take the arithmetic average, then the probability of getting pregnant is about 4.5 months.

Pregnancy during an irregular cycle causes inconvenience only at the stage of calculating the ovulation period. Since the cycle is constantly changing, it is not possible to determine the ideal moment of conception.

Calculating ovulation for an irregular cycle

Most the right way– contact a competent gynecologist whom you trust and strictly follow his instructions. Most likely, you will have to see a doctor for several months. Ovulation can be identified by the specific size of the follicles, which can be clearly seen on an ultrasound.

  • You will need a thermometer with the ability to measure basal temperature - the device scale determines the temperature to tenths of degrees.
  • At the beginning of menstruation general temperature body decreases, and by the time of ovulation it begins to exceed the standard 36.6 human body. Therefore, a temperature of about 37 degrees indicates that the egg has dropped into the uterus and is ready for fertilization.
  • Try to remove yourself from possible stressful situations. Nervousness can affect body temperature and give incorrect readings.
  • Be patient. With an irregular cycle, as we have already noted, the chances of success are not so great. But they are rising next month.

Planning algorithm for irregular periods

In general, women with fickle cycle I can give you some valid tips:

  • Swipe general examination: go to the gynecologist, get tested for hormones and undergo an ultrasound. Perhaps the irregularity of the cycle can be balanced drug treatment and this will be enough for a successful pregnancy.
  • Catch ovulation. We described how to do this above.
  • Traditional medicine. The walking cycle can be partially balanced with a decoction of oregano. One teaspoon per glass of water, brew until completely cool. Take a glass three times a day. In addition to oregano, herbalists recommend drinking linden teas. Of course, you will have to abandon this method if you are allergic to the listed fees.
  • Weight. Sometimes excessive thinness or, conversely, overweight, can lead to disruptions in the monthly cycle. To identify the problem, again, you need to consult a gynecologist.
  • Regular sex. This will not only increase your chances of getting pregnant, but will also help normalize your monthly cycle.
  • Don't be nervous. We also mentioned this above - try to avoid stressful situations.

Finally, it is probably necessary to add that having sex solely for the sake of pregnancy is also not entirely healthy. This can adversely affect the psycho-emotional state of both partners.

All women, some earlier and some later, begin to dream of a child. And it’s wonderful if your health is such that these dreams come true right away. What if not? For example, is it possible to get pregnant if you have irregular periods? The answer is clear: yes!

The body reacts sensitively to external stimuli. In this regard, the cycle is disrupted and the time of ovulation is difficult to calculate, since it occurs in different ways, shifting in different sides. This is especially true for young people nulliparous girls. Although adult ladies also have problems under the influence of stress or illness.

So, irregular periods - how to get pregnant with them?
Maximize the possibility of fertilization of an egg by a sperm. The egg is viable for 1 day, the sperm for about 3 days. Those. exists for about 4 days highest probability get pregnant. Those. the question of how to get pregnant with irregular periods comes down to determining the moment of ovulation and concentrating efforts on these 4 most fruitful days.

  1. Keep a calendar! Sometimes shifts that seem chaotic turn out to be cyclical, i.e. the first month is a forward shift, the second month is a backward shift. Calculate at least approximately average duration cycle.
  2. Keep an eye on the discharge, closer to the release of the egg it becomes more abundant and thicker, at the time of ovulation it can become slightly whitish, like egg white and streaked with blood (but this is not necessary). The sensations are also important: pain in the lower abdomen or in the ovary area approximately in the middle of the cycle can indicate the moment of follicle rupture. Mark the moment on your calendar.
  3. Measure your basal temperature. Mark it on your calendar.
  4. Buy an ovulation test, many of them also work for irregular cycles.
  5. Connect observations from 1-4 points.

Did you manage to find day “X”? Take action! Having sex every day for 4 days works wonders.

It didn’t work on the first try, repeat, adding a day on each side. And stop tormenting yourself with the question: is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods. To you unnecessary stress no use.

How to get pregnant the first time with an irregular cycle, and is this even possible in principle? It is well known that the frequency of menstruation directly affects the possibility of successful conception. In women whose cycle is regular, it is possible to calculate ovulation without any problems - the days when fertilization of the egg by sperm is most likely. Of course, otherwise optimal period for conception can only be determined after long planning.

To begin with, let us present some statistical data that very clearly reflect modern reality. They show that with proper pregnancy planning successful conception is achieved quite easily. According to them, at least 90% healthy women with an incomplete cycle, sooner or later they become mothers.

Chances of getting pregnant with an irregular cycle

A woman’s age plays a huge role in conception if menstruation is irregular. A young body (up to 25 years of age) has on average double the chances than a 40-year-old body. On average, the results when planning a pregnancy are as follows:

  • first planning cycle (1 month) – no more than 20%;
  • third planning cycle (3 months) – about 50%;
  • sixth planning cycle (six months) – about 75%;
  • twelfth planning cycle (year) – up to 90%.

Thus, getting pregnant with an irregular cycle is not only possible, but also no more difficult than with regular periods. It may be difficult to do this the first time, but on average it takes no more than 4 months to plan a pregnancy. The only thing is that you need to accurately learn how to calculate ovulation.

Learning to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle

Most effective way To calculate the most favorable time for conception is to seek help from a specialist. Ovulation begins when the follicle - initial stage the nascent egg descends into the uterus. Just before they emerge, the follicles reach a diameter of up to 2 centimeters, so identifying them during an ultrasound examination is quite simple.

But you can also do ovulation calculations yourself. To do this, you just need to stock up on a special thermometer for measuring basal temperature (scale to tenths of a degree). During menstruation, the temperature in the body of women with regular or irregular cycles changes equally. At the beginning it decreases to approximately 36.4 ºС, then to approximately 35.9 ºС, after which it sharply exceeds normal temperature human body. The mark on the thermometer is just over 37 ºС and indicates that the egg has descended into the uterus - ovulation has begun.

When planning a pregnancy with an irregular cycle, we must not forget about such important components as emotional stability. Stress, neuroses - all this interferes with the establishment of the required temperature in the body and harms the process of egg formation.

And although the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time with an irregular cycle is in most cases extremely small, it is still present. Perhaps in your case, successful conception will occur as quickly as you want.