How many days is constipation dangerous? How many days is constipation considered? How to understand that it is constipation

When getting married, any man wants to maintain the relationship. But life turns out to be unpredictable - many families break up without passing the test of time and everyday life. And who is to blame for this? Is it just one? It’s worth admitting honestly that the husband has a great responsibility. The wife deserves special treatment.

Rogers is not a certified expert, but 16 years of marriage give him the opportunity to realize all his mistakes. Now he advises not to repeat his negative experience.

Don't stop courting. Men who get married believe that their task of winning a woman is already completed. You should never assume that a woman is a won prize. When we ask her to marry us, it is implied that we will be the owner of her heart and the protector of her feelings. This is the most sacred treasure we have received in life. Don't forget - she chose us. Always remember this and do not be lazy in expressing your feelings to your beloved.

Protect your heart.

It is not enough to be the protector of a woman’s heart; one must protect one’s own, being vigilant in this matter. It is worth loving yourself, being open to the world around you, but at the same time maintaining a special place in your soul. No one except the wife should have access there. Let your heart always be open for her, and only for her.

Fall in love again and again.

We will constantly change, tomorrow we will become different, not the same as we were yesterday. Moreover, spouses who have lived together for years also change. You have to be prepared that changes will come. Based on this, you will have to choose each other again every day. And the chosen one should not just be nearby, her heart must be won every time, like the first. If this is not done, she will give her heart to someone else, and it will be difficult to return her beloved. The advice is simple - fight for your love every day in marriage, just as during courtship.

See only the best in her. It's worth focusing on what you love about her and constantly expanding those boundaries. If you think only about its shortcomings, it will only result in irritation. Focusing exclusively on love, even if it doesn’t help, redeems you in this bright feeling. Having seen what you love this person for, you can become the happiest person on the planet who has such a wonderful wife.

Changing it is not our task. The husband's task is to love her for who she is, without expecting or demanding changes from her. If this does happen, then you need to love the woman for who she has become. And this is also part of a responsible relationship.

Take full responsibility for your feelings. It is worth understanding that it is not your wife’s job to make you happy or sad. We ourselves are responsible for this; the joy born within us will result in harmonious relationships and love.

Never blame your wife for anger or frustration.

We get angry and it seems to us that the wife is to blame for all the problems? But these are our feelings and our responsibility for them. When there is a feeling that anger is beginning to manifest itself, you need to quickly look at yourself from the outside and find ways to suppress anger. After all, this woman once attracted us to herself, which means that she is the person who is best suited for healing childhood mental traumas. And when we learn to heal them together, they will stop bothering us, and only bewilderment from our previous behavior will remain.

Let a woman just be herself. When she's upset or sad, it's not our job to fix it. A man must support his chosen one and let her know that nothing bad happened and that he is next to her. It is important that a woman understands that she is heard, that she is important to her husband. He must remain someone you can always rely on. The female soul is full of emotions, everything changes quickly. Some feelings go away and are replaced by others. But she will trust a strong and impartial partner and open her whole soul. Don't turn away and run away when she's upset. Be strong and make it clear that you are not going anywhere. And it’s worth listening to what really stands behind the words and emotions.

Be stupid. Don't be too serious all the time. Give free rein to your laughter and teach your loved one this. Having fun makes life easier. Just don't overdo it in this field.

Fill her soul every day. You need to find out her love language and those little features that she considers important. A man should make a list of things that help his wife feel loved. And then you should remember them and give them priority every day. Let her feel like a princess, whose every day is like a small holiday.

Stay close. You need to give your wife not only your time, but also your attention. Let your head be freed from your own affairs and routine during moments of communication. Give yourself completely to her, showing her that her problems are the most important. Your wife is the most important client in your life, and you should treat her that way.

Be willing to accept her sexuality. A rude man who only wants to consume a woman's body is an option that should only be used occasionally. A woman wants us to penetrate into the very depths of her tender soul. Allow yourself to lose yourself in her softness so that she can trust you completely.

Don't be an idiot. You can’t be a fool, but you also can’t be afraid of getting into ridiculous situations. No one is immune from this. Each of us makes mistakes, both men and women. You just need to try to avoid serious mistakes, and if they do happen, then you need to learn from this experience. We cannot be perfect, but trying not to be stupid is quite possible.

Give her privacy.

Women share themselves so much and qualitatively that sometimes we need to remember about her development and personal space. Let her have the freedom and time to find herself and develop. All you have to do is let a woman go for a while, and she will certainly return with fresh emotions and impressions. It is especially important to give her freedom when children appear in the family. She needs to spend a little time in her personal world, to find herself there. After all, in a vicious circle of serving children and husband, a woman gradually gets lost.

Be vulnerable. You can't always be as hard as flint. Sometimes you need to share your fears and feelings, quickly admit your mistakes.

Grow together. If the water in the pond stands motionless, it will become covered with mud. And human muscles atrophy if you don’t work on them. All this also applies to relationships that will suffer the same fate if they are not developed. We need to find common goals, dreams and ideals and continue to work in this direction.

Don't think about money. You should treat money like a game. We just need to find ways to work as a team to win such a prize. If you are scattered alone, you will not be able to win anything. It is worth finding ways to use the two sides of the force.

Goodbye quickly. You can't let history take your relationship hostage. It is worth learning to immediately forgive your loved one and focus on the future. This is much more constructive than dragging the past along with you. When we hold on to past mistakes, no matter even ours or hers, then our marriage is tightly tied to the past and does not allow it to develop. Forgiveness is freedom. It is worth getting rid of such an anchor in favor of your love.

Always choose your love. This advice is the most important, in fact, it is the only one that should be followed. Let this principle be the main one in making decisions, then there will be nothing in life that could jeopardize the marriage. Love has the ability to endure and endure troubles. Marriage is not a period of complete happiness, but painstaking work. Thanks to the willingness to grow together, to constantly invest in creating something, you can endure for an eternity. Thanks to such work, happiness will appear.

Apr 4, 2015 tigress...s

Any family may sooner or later face a crisis. Unfortunately, a large number of married couples are unable to cope with it, which leads to breakup. But there are also those who successfully fight for family happiness. This is not an easy matter, it requires the participation of each party. A person starting a family must understand that for a happy marriage you have to stop being selfish and put your desires first. Now you need to be willing to understand your spouse's needs and make compromises.

For a marriage to be successful, you need to learn to build family relationships and be honest with your loved ones, but above all with yourself. Sometimes saving a family is not the right solution if all that is left of it is appearance, and the feelings are gone. How to save a family on the verge of divorce or just improve relationships?

Why do marriages break up?

Reasons for suddenly ended love maybe a lot. The main ones:

Every family may face such problems sooner or later. But some couples overcome difficulties with honor, while others run away from problems and break up. If you don't want to be among the last, listen to the advice of psychologists.

When people meet and begin to fall in love, they try their best to show only their positive qualities. They take care of each other, show understanding and do not allow themselves unnecessary reproaches, much less swearing. But time passes, and the couple begins to get more and more used to being together.

When a woman and a man get married or simply start living together, it seems that everything, the beloved has been won, and now you can relax. But that's not true. Now it begins The main job is to build the right relationships. You need to learn not only to be happy in marriage, but also to make your partner happy. Psychologists give the following advice on this matter.

Learn to understand

Your man will not be able to come home at the same time all his life. Someday he will stay late at work, and someday he will want to meet with friends. Sometimes he will sit at home all day without washing the dishes. And he may also forget about the date of your first kiss.

The wife may not cook dinner or forget to iron her shirt. Someday she will get tired at work and take out her bad mood on her husband. And she can also be offended by all sorts of nonsense.

But is this really a reason to be angry? Isn’t it possible to turn one situation into a joke, and in another simply show patience and understanding? It's actually very simple. The main thing is not to seethe with anger, but to put yourself in the place of another. Even if it seems to you that you would never do such a thing, you probably also have some qualities that irritate your other half. Just understand and accept it.

Thank you sincerely

Another situation. The husband decided to give his wife a huge bouquet, or the wife suddenly prepared a luxurious romantic dinner for no special reason. Don't take it for granted! Thank you sincerely. Even if it seems to you that this is an unnecessary waste of the family budget or is inappropriate for other reasons. The man tried for you In order not to discourage him from such a desire in the future, appreciate this gesture.

You need to be grateful not only for something global. You also need to be grateful for a washed cup or a carefully ironed shirt. And at least sometimes be affectionate with each other and talk about the positive qualities of your loved ones. Even if this is not visible, such words please the partner and make him imbued with similar feelings. And thoughts about the positive qualities of your loved ones will bring joy to you too. You will remember why you fell in love with your spouse and why he is worthy of respect. Think about this more often, and not about how you were underestimated or offended. Mutual respect and good mood are the key to strong relationships.

Be honest and open

Sometimes we cannot understand ourselves, how can we demand this from others? If something doesn’t suit you or upsets you, or you want to get something from your partner, just say so! Just not in an ultimatum form.

But also you need to learn not only to speak, but also to listen. If a complaint has been made to you, there is no need to take everything with hostility. Or conjecture what was not said. There is no need to immediately pour out retaliatory complaints on the person, this will certainly quarrel between you. Try to understand what your spouse wants from you and ask yourself if you can help him with this. Even if you do not agree with his claim, explain your opinion calmly.

Look for compromises

For family well-being, you do not have to always agree with your spouse. Even if you live in perfect harmony, there are probably issues on which you have diametrically opposed opinions. It is possible and necessary to argue and defend your point of view. But try to do it in a civilized way - without scandal. Imagine expressing your opinion at work in front of your boss. You won't be hysterical and stamp your feet there, will you? Keep a low profile and stay at home. Don't get personal or criticize your loved one in general. Thoughtless words can bring great hurt and disappointment.

The result of the dispute should be a compromise and resolution of the problem, and not its aggravation. Make sure that emotions do not take precedence over reason. If you feel like you're starting to lose control, or a heated discussion has gone on for more than 15 minutes and no one is willing to give in, take a break.

Express your opinion politely, in a conciliatory tone. First of all, talk about your feelings, rather than blaming your partner for everything. Gently point out what is upsetting you. Try to understand what he answers or objects to you, take his place. Before attacking your spouse, evaluate your claims. Are they justified?

Respect your partner

Respect for a partner is, first of all, respect for one’s own choice. Nobody forced you to connect your life with him. Therefore, you will have to be caring, helpful and faithful to your significant other, and also seek advice before making any decisions. You will have to delve into all the problems of your spouse and try to solve them together, or at least show sympathy. In this case, you will be treated accordingly, which will make your marriage even stronger.

It’s great if your family never faces this misfortune, but no one is safe from betrayal. This could be a new love or a momentary impulse, depending on the circumstances, and a decision is made whether to come to terms with the problem or end the family relationship.

If you have been cheated on regularly and only a semblance of family remains, there is most likely nothing to save. If it was an accidental mistake, you can try to find the strength within yourself to forgive. But in the latter case, you will not be reminded of how your partner stumbled. You cannot tell a person that he is forgiven and every day load him with more and more guilt. Are you sure that you can forget about the offense or at least pretend to do so? If not, then such a strained relationship will only delay the breakup, but will not help avoid it.

Some forgive betrayal quite easily, others - considered a betrayal. These are the internal values ​​of a person, which do not depend on the strength of the love experienced for the cheater. Don’t overstep yourself if you can’t understand; it’s better to leave a person and continue moving forward than to stay and hate him for it.

But even if you want to save your family, prepare for the fact that it will not be easy. In addition to the fact that you will not be reminded about the betrayal, you will also have to take steps to improve your family life. Yes, yes, you too.

Of course, it seems that since you forgive such an offense, the guilty person must bend over backwards to make amends. But this is not entirely true. Since you have decided to forgive, then you will have to continue to fight for family happiness together. If the weakness was not momentary and your spouse experienced strong feelings for the new woman, then you need to fall in love with each other again, and for this you will need the following tips.

Time passes and feelings calm down. It may look like they are fading away. People stop trying for each other and enjoying meetings, because they see each other every evening after work. All conversations gradually come down to family problems and everyday life. What to do in this case?

Advice from a psychologist: is the family worth saving for the sake of the child?

Of course, it is best for children to grow up in a complete family, with a loving mother and father. But what if parents no longer love, but only tolerate each other? Isn’t it better in this case not to get on your and your child’s nerves, but to let them go? If neither spouse has any desire to be together, It’s not worth saving the family for the sake of the child. And here's why.

In any case, everyone must make their own decision whether to save the relationship or break up. Even the happiest marriage can be destroyed, but happiness can also be restored even in the most hopeless family. The main thing is to determine whether you need it. Will it be for the sake of the children, the reluctance to leave the comfort zone, or out of love for each other? If the answer is the latter, fight for your happiness and appreciate it, because it is so easy to lose loved ones and then regret it.

Attention, TODAY only!

My husband Alex is a night owl, and I always fall asleep early. So every night, after I brush my teeth, Alex comes into our bedroom, lies down next to me on the bed, and we chat. Usually we remember the past day, tell interesting stories, share rumors, whisper all sorts of endearments to each other. Or we talk about children, discuss important life decisions, our worries and fears.

There is something deeply tender and intimate about lying together like this in the evenings - it’s much more comfortable than waving to each other and saying “good night” as you leave the living room.

2. Let go

In a family, we see each other at different moments - when we are happy and shining and when we are sick and stressed. When spinach gets stuck in our teeth, when we are depressed, our eyes are swollen from crying or our head is pounding from fatigue after a sleepless night with a newborn and we no longer have the strength to cope. So, of course, there are times when we grumble and snap.

Don't skimp on apologies and kisses, do it five minutes after the disagreement

If your partner is going through such a time right now and gets irritated on random occasions, ignore it. Don't escalate the situation. Don't take things to heart. Understand to yourself what the reason is and remain calm. On the other hand, if you expressed your irritation, do not skimp on an apology and a kiss, do it five minutes after the disagreement.

3. Be polite to each other

Say "please" and "thank you." Give compliments (“you smell amazing,” “you were so cool at the party,” “I’m proud of you”). Smile when your partner enters the room. Laugh at each other's jokes, even if they are corny. Focus on the best qualities of your spouse.

Overall, try to be a partner you enjoy going through life with. It sounds like a truism, but we are strangely easy to forget about it when we are stressed or distracted. It's amazing how much warmer we are towards each other when we remember this.

4. Try something new together

The biggest discoveries happen in our family when we try something new together. Every now and then we shake up the old routine and try a new restaurant in the neighborhood, or stop to check out an art exhibition, or kayak down the Hudson. Even just playing a board game at home one evening can be enough to feel new in the relationship and learn something interesting about your partner.

5. Don't forget to be alone

When my husband and I first moved in together, we spent all our free time together until the day when - oh horror! - He told me that he would like to spend the day alone. An extrovert by nature, I always believed that the more time we spend together, the more fun, so I decided that, apparently, I had angered my husband in some way.

It is allowed to be irritated by each other's habits - this does not make love weaker

That evening, of course, he explained to me that he was not wired like me - he needed time alone with himself to recharge his batteries. Now we both enjoy spending time separately from each other sometimes and value this independence of ours. (Even on vacation!) This may not be a revelation to some, but for me it was an important lesson in marriage.

6. Say “I love you” in the middle of an argument.

Over the years, I have learned several important things about marriage (and am still learning, of course). Always present a united front when raising children. It is allowed to be irritated by each other's habits - this does not make love weaker. Kiss each other in the kitchen. But my husband (he is older and wiser than me) taught me a truly amazing lesson. If we argue, he says “I love you” in the middle of a verbal spat. This is incredible.

Here's what he told me this morning: “The foundation of a long and happy marriage is not that nothing bad will ever happen, but that if something bad does happen, you know how to get through it together. It is very important during an argument not to escalate the situation, but to be able to defuse it. For example, say in the middle of a quarrel “I love you. You are the most important person in the world to me." Say it, even if at this moment such words are difficult to get through your throat, because you are furious.

They keep you both from losing sight of the big picture, your life as a whole. Words of love will not immediately improve the situation, but they will help to slow down and moderate the ardor. And then, half an hour later, when you come to your senses after the confrontation, you are not tormented by questions. You know everything is still good."

Is your marriage falling apart? You don't know what to do to make it survive? A way to protect a family and make it happy has long been invented.
Surprised? But everything ingenious is simple...

Notes from a patient: “Our relationship started like everyone else’s. We met
and almost immediately fell in love with each other. Soon they got married.
The first months were like in paradise. We doted on each other. In a year we have
a daughter was born. My husband and I were very happy. But then tenderness for each other
began to fade. I devoted almost all my time to my daughter.
My husband was at work from morning to night. Came late in the evening tired.
I also fell off my feet.
We paid little attention as a husband to his wife. Both became irritable.
Quarrels began over trifles. Our marriage is falling apart. But I still love him.
And I want our relationship to become the same as it was in the beginning."


As you sit here reading this, many families are already working to improve their marriages. It's time for you to join their ranks!

You love your partner. After all, if they didn’t love you, they wouldn’t want to save your marriage. Love is a powerful tool. With the help of love, you, despite constant quarrels, insults and reproaches in the family, continue to live with your husband. Let's leave quarrels and resentments in the past, and start building relationships from a new leaf.

Families in which love and understanding reigns know what exactly can destroy their happiness. And in order to improve your relationship with your husband, you also need to know what leads to quarrels and conflicts in your family.

Why do marriages fail?

The first reason for the destruction of a marriage is focusing on the negative aspects of a partner , on its shortcomings. This is where reproaches, reproaches, “nagging” and quarrels arise in the family.

There is a certain pattern: the more a person is told that he is bad, the sooner he will believe it.

If you want your husband to be attentive, gentle, and kind towards you, concentrate your attention on these qualities, on the positive aspects of his personality. Say, for example, that you feel good when he hugs you, gently presses you to him. Thank your loved one for the help he rewards you with.

Let these be minor actions - but only those that you really like. Say thank you to your husband for them, and you will see that he will do even better!

The second reason for the destruction of a marriage is unsatisfied sexual needs of spouses.

Irregular sex or its absence leads to irritation, frequent quarrels, displeasure, and disappointment in the husband or wife as a sexual partner.

As a result, spouses may have a desire to go “left”. This is what happens betrayal. Sex between a man and a woman is closely related to their emotional state and relationships. Good sex often means a good relationship, and it’s easier for a couple to gain understanding with each other. Bad sex means frequent scandals and quarrels in the family. And the more often they occur, the less sexual desire remains.

If it so happens that your husband cheated on you, you should first ask yourself the question: “Am I ready to forgive him for this offense?” If you are ready, try to figure out what exactly provoked your husband to cheat. Sit down and have a calm, heart-to-heart talk, without complaints or raising your tone.

Note from a psychologist. A heart-to-heart conversation is possible in one case:
if the partner is sure that the truth he has told will not be used against him.
That is, you will not reproach and reproach your husband in the future for the mistake he made -
but try to forgive him and do everything possible so that he
There was no such desire in the future.


Yes, of course, you may feel hurt because your trust was betrayed. But if you want to save your marriage and not break up, try to forgive.

Of course, continuing the relationship after cheating is possible if the husband promises not to do this to you again. If he wants to save the relationship as much as you do, he will change and try not to hurt you anymore.

Saving a relationship is possible when you can trust your spouse again. Forgiveness will not be easy, but if you love, it is possible!

What to do if You cheated on your husband?

You also need to understand why you did this. And decide for yourself whether you are ready to continue to be faithful if your husband forgives you?

The further development of the relationship depends on you and your partner. Only your joint efforts can restore the old trust in marriage. If one cannot promise the other that he will not cheat again, and does not consider this to be his fault, it may be better to separate if one is offended by the fact of betrayal.

It is worth saying that repeated deception is treason - if it is unacceptable for one of the spouses,
will lead to an even greater rift in the relationship.


The third reason for the destruction of marriages is alcoholism.

In a fit of grief and resentment, when life seems insignificant, some people drink away their suffering. In this way they want to forget about what happened, to escape from problems. Such behavior is nothing more than fear, fear. It is difficult for a person to accept what happened, and he decides to alleviate his suffering. But the effect of alcohol is short-lived, and the person again comes face to face with his thoughts.

This behavior indicates that the person does not have the strength to face the problem and solve it. At the slightest failure, he rushes into the bushes with a bottle. A person needs to gain confidence in himself and his own abilities.

The fourth reason for the destruction of marriages is intrusion into the relationship of two third parties: moms, dads, relatives.

These are the so-called “good” advisers who want to help the spouses in everything. But their help turns against the husband and wife, and against themselves. Quarrels begin that spoil relations between all parties to the conflict.

How to restore happiness in the family?

So, having established the reason why your marriage is falling apart, it’s time to eliminate it.

If the reason for the destruction of your marriage is constant reproaches, reproaches, “sawing,” you first need to regain respect for each other.

Stop reproaching and nagging your partner.
Watch your words, especially in a fit of irritation and anger.
Start focusing your attention on his positive qualities.
Let him change and show his good side.

Let him do what you like, but don’t make comments; on the contrary, praise him.

Praise is a powerful and effective method that motivates a person to continue to change for the better.

If your husband reproaches and insults you, let him read the above recommendations. It is also rational to seek help from a psychologist.

To improve relationships in the family, you need to return your husband’s old feelings and confidence that you love him. Do what your loved one enjoys.

Ask your husband about his desires and preferences. And then go and make them a part of your life. Bring into your relationship what your partner likes.

An integral part of a happy family life is the opportunity to feel that you yourself are loved. Let your partner love you.

Many people, after failure in their family life, have closed themselves off from love. Perhaps you did the same. Most people think that this is easier to cope with their grief. But unjustified dreams and expectations remind us from time to time. People closed their hearts and learned not to let feelings in. But the wounds remained.

Therefore, let your partner give you love again, give him another chance!

If the reason for the destruction of your marriage is alcoholism - Seek help from a drug addiction specialist. It is necessary, first of all, to cure this addiction.

A person needs to learn to cope with his feelings and be able to experience them, and not run away from them. You should work with a psychologist who will help you gain confidence. It is also necessary to understand the reason why a person drinks, instead of solving the problem situation in an adult way.

If the reason for the destruction of your marriage is an intrusive relative, you should talk to him immediately.

He constantly pokes his nose into your relationship. The relative thinks that he is doing something for your benefit. But in reality everything is different. If the conversation does not yield anything, if the person still does not understand that with his advice he does not strengthen your marriage, but, on the contrary, destroys it, then you should limit contacts with such a relative.

Very often in such a situation, one of the partners takes the side of a relative. This is very bad for relationships. A husband and wife should support each other and feel this support. Therefore, the next step is to gain confidence in the husband or wife that he/she is supported in the family.

If your marriage is falling apart due to infidelity, you should learn to trust your spouse again.

Without trust, you will not be able to move on, and constant suspicions will only worsen your already difficult relationship. In addition, your partner feels that you do not trust him, and somewhere at the subconscious level he is ready to confirm your guesses. Do not provoke your spouse into further infidelities. Trust each other!

If you cheated, you need to see your husband as a sexual partner again. Ask him to transform himself, perhaps change his image.

Bring into your relationship novelty.

Destroy the usual monotony and dullness. Visit the place where you spent time when you were first dating. Give a surprise to your loved one, which he will certainly be delighted with - make his wish come true, which he dreamed of making come true, but has not yet been able to do. Arrange a romantic date, or vice versa, an extravagant one - the main thing is that it suits your partner’s taste.

Don't choose only based on your preferences, think about what your partner wants as well.

Loving means giving, not just taking.

* * *

Act now so that tomorrow is not too late!

Every woman knows an example from the life of a friend when a happy marriage suddenly collapsed before her eyes. And I really want my own marriage to last.

  • Always treat your spouse with respect, no matter how angry you are with him.
  • Avoid being categorical. Strive for compromises and learn to find them.
  • Create family traditions that cannot be broken even during periods of quarrels and disagreements. This will strengthen your family and create some protection from the outside world. Such traditions could be: wishing “good night” before going to bed, celebrating the New Year with your family, attaching cute notes to the refrigerator. In fact, it can be anything as long as it brings pleasure to both of you and sets you apart from other families. It was something personal.
  • Try to always have dinner and breakfast together. Lunch usually takes place at work. It is advisable to elevate dinner and breakfast at the same table to the rank of a family tradition. This way the husband will feel that he is needed, that he is always welcome at home.
  • Don't notice your spouse's shortcomings, much less point them out. Treat your loved one's mistakes with good humor.
  • Respect the tastes of your loved one. Don't criticize what he chooses. After all, you are also his choice.
  • If you feel like you've done something wrong, don't hesitate to ask for forgiveness.

Marriage is in jeopardy

  • Find the reason

If your marriage is at risk, the first thing you need to do is understand the reasons for what is happening. And try to eliminate them. Perhaps the reason will be a normative crisis of marriage. Such crises arise in the 1st, 3rd, 7th years of marriage. And during the period when adult children leave the family.

  • Don't quarrel in public

Never make scandals in public. Any disagreement is a matter of only two people. Do not insult your husband in front of other people, relatives, friends, especially in front of children.

  • Don't hurt your partner's pride

How sometimes you want, when you feel offended, to hurt your partner more painfully. Only the heat of the quarrel will recede, but the resentment will remain. Don’t try to hurt your husband’s pride; this is the most painful point for men. Especially there should be no statements about what kind of lover he is.

  • Accept each other with all their flaws

There is no need to try to re-educate your partner. Your spouse is an established, integral personality with a certain set of character traits, habits, interests, and worldview. Accept and love him for who he is.

  • Respect your spouse's relatives and friends

Don't scold your husband's friends and relatives. Moreover, do not try to quarrel with them. Respect his surroundings.

You shouldn’t put everything on the altar of the family. And demand the same from your partner. Each spouse must have a private area. This includes: friends, work, interests, hobbies, hobbies, sports, goals, self-development. You cannot devote yourself entirely to your family. Otherwise, you will cease to be interesting, including to your own husband.

  • Change of scenery

When tension arises, you feel that the marriage is under threat, but there is no open conflict - then you just need to change the situation. Arrange, for example, another honeymoon. It should be something that you both like. At the same time, it’s better to go somewhere you’ve never been. Or, on the contrary, to a place that you and your spouse associate with romantic memories. Seeing each other in a new light will make it easier for you to return to your previous relationship and refresh your feelings for each other.

  • Leave the past in the past

Don't bring up past mistakes. If you have once forgiven your partner for some sins, it means that they have been annulled and worked out. You cannot reproach your partner with these actions at every quarrel.

  • Don't scare your partner with divorce

Even if the marriage is under threat, you should not mention the terrible word “divorce”. In the heat of a quarrel, it often asks to come out. If you want to save your family, do not use such expressions: “if you don’t like it, look for someone else,” “leave,” “let’s get a divorce,” “I’ll file for divorce.” Such words can play a cruel joke, because all thoughts are material, especially if they are expressed to the spouse. An interesting article on the topic of when a man can leave and how to keep him

What should a wife do to save her marriage?

The most important thing is to love your husband and accept him for who he is. You need to be patient with your loved one. Be attentive and gentle. And don't forget about sex life in marriage.