Job description for pipelayer fitter. Job description of a repairman in the department of the chief engineer

Added to the site:

1. General occupational health and safety requirements

1.1. To perform the duties of a repairman engaged in the repair and maintenance of lifting structures (hereinafter referred to as PS), persons are allowed to have the appropriate qualifications of a repairman, at least 18 years of age, who have passed a medical examination and have no contraindications, who have been additionally trained in the appropriate program and who have passed exams at the certification commission organizations (with obtaining a certificate for the right to work independently).

Have a second qualification group in electrical safety. Repeated testing of knowledge on electrical safety at least once every 12 months.

1.2. Admission to independent work for mechanics in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines is issued by order of the organization after initial instruction on labor protection and safety in the workplace with training in safe methods and techniques for conducting work and providing first aid to victims of industrial accidents who have completed an internship in accordance with the established procedure, handing over this instruction (against signature). Repeated instruction is carried out at least once every 3 months.

1.3. Repeated testing of mechanics' knowledge is carried out by the certification commission in the scope of this:

1.3.1. Periodically, at least once every 12 months;

1.3.2. When moving to another place of work;

1.3.3. At the request of the specialist responsible for carrying out production control during the operation of the substation or an inspector from Rostechnadzor.

The results of the repeated knowledge test are documented in a protocol with a mark on the certificate.

1.4. When using lifting machines controlled from the floor for repair, the repairman must comply with the requirements of the instructions “On labor protection, safety and production instructions for workers operating lifting structures controlled from the floor.”

1.5. A mechanic - repairman engaged in the repair and maintenance of substation must know:

1.5.1. The purpose, structure and principle of operation of all mechanisms of the machine being serviced and a manual for maintenance and repair of the technical device.

1.5.2. The main causes of malfunctions and accidents in the mechanisms of a lifting machine, be able to find and eliminate them;

1.5.3. Technological process of repair, assembly and installation of mechanical equipment of a lifting machine, purpose and application of technological documentation;

1.5.4. Methods and techniques for performing plumbing and installation work;

1.5.5. Purpose, design, rules for the selection and use of working, measuring and plumbing tools, their handling and storage rules;

1.5.6. Range and purpose of lubricants used for lubrication of mechanical equipment of lifting machines.

1.5.7.Instructions for a mechanic and repairman and these instructions.

1.5.8. The procedure established at the enterprise for exchanging signals when moving goods using PS (Appendix 1);

1.5.9. Inspection procedure and rejection standards for removable load-handling devices, ropes and containers.

1.5.10. Limit standards for rejecting elements of lifting machines (Appendix 2);

1.5.11. Requirements for rail tracks, their maintenance and grounding, maximum standards for rejecting the main elements of rail tracks (Appendix 3);

1.5.12. Measures to prevent exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors;

1.5.13. Methods of providing first (pre-medical) aid to a victim in case of an accident, poisoning or sudden illness.

1.5.14. Personal and collective protective equipment and the procedure for their use.

1.6. When receiving a new (unfamiliar) job, request additional instruction on labor protection and safety from the foreman.

1.7. On the territory of the organization it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the instructions....

1.8. Repairmen are required to comply with the “Internal Labor Rules for Employees”.

1.9. Comply with the work and rest schedule established in the organization; working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week.

The total time for rest and personal needs during the shift is 35 minutes.

Overtime work is allowed in cases provided for.

1.10. The main dangerous and harmful production factors, depending on the location of the mechanic, are:

Moving machinery can cause injury;

Moving parts of production equipment can cause injury;

Sharp edges, burrs and rough surfaces on equipment, tools and fixtures can cause injury;

Increased dust and gas contamination in the air of the work area can lead to poisoning and illness;

Increased or decreased temperature of equipment surfaces, materials and work area can lead to illness;

Increased noise levels in the workplace can lead to hearing loss;

Increased or decreased air humidity and air mobility

may lead to illness;

A dangerous level of voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body, can lead to electrical injury;

Insufficient illumination of the work area can lead to diseases of the organs of vision;

The location of the workplace at a significant height can lead to injury (fall);

Toxic effects of mineral oils, kerosene, solvents, etc. may lead to poisoning.

1.11. Standards for issuing workwear, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.


Duration /month/

Cotton suit GOST 27575

Combined mittens GOST 12.4.010

Leather boots R 12.4.187

Safety glasses 12.40.13

before wear

For outdoor work in winter, additionally:

Jacket with insulated lining GOST 29335

Protective helmet GOST EN 397-012

Balaclava under helmet

1.12. The repairman must receive fire safety training, know the properties and rules for handling flammable, flammable and other hazardous substances, know the rules of behavior in case of fire and when signs of combustion are detected, and be able to use fire extinguishing means in the workplace if necessary.

1.13. A repairman engaged in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines must:

1.13.1. Immediately notify your immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of any accident that occurs at work, or of a deterioration in the health of yourself or another employee, including the manifestation of signs of acute poisoning or an occupational disease.

1.13.2. Notify the manager about malfunctions of equipment, devices and tools before starting work or during the working day after detecting a malfunction.

1.4. A repairman must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash his hands with soap before eating, and not eat in the workplace, but use a special room for this purpose. At work, wear clean and proper work clothes.

1.5. Responsibility.

Repairmen engaged in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation for violations of the requirements of these instructions.

2. Occupational health and safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Wear appropriate clothing and special shoes that are in good condition. Select the necessary personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves, etc.).

2.2. Carefully inspect the work area, put it in order, remove all foreign objects that interfere with the work. Place tools and parts in such a way as to avoid unnecessary movements and ensure safe work.

Keep your work area clean and tidy.

2.3. Check the availability and serviceability of the tool in accordance with clause 3.1. of this instruction.

When working, use only serviceable tools and devices.

2.4. Carry the tool to the workplace on the PS only in a special bag or box. Carrying tools in the pockets of overalls or in hands when entering the stairs to the substation is prohibited. When descending and ascending the stairs of the substation or repair platform, hold on to the handrails with both hands, grabbing each hand in turn. It is prohibited to lift both hands from the handrails at the same time.

2.5. Check the lighting of your workplace to ensure it is sufficient and does not dazzle your eyes.

2.6. If electric welding work is being carried out nearby, ask the administration to install a shield (screen) to protect your eyes and face from exposure to ultraviolet rays or wear special safety glasses.

2.7. Before cleaning, repairing, or inspecting a lifting machine in operation and its parts (mechanical parts), request that it be stopped and disconnected from the electrical network, which must be done by an electrician.

2.8. When working near moving parts of machines and mechanisms, require fencing of dangerous places.

2.9. The substation is brought out for repair and maintenance by a specialist for maintaining the substation in working order, in accordance with the maintenance schedule.

2.10. Permit orders are issued for scheduled repairs of bridge and cantilever mobile substations, as well as when it is necessary to enter the rail tracks.

3. Occupational health and safety requirements during work

3.1. When performing work required by the qualifications of a repairman, comply with the requirements set out in the instructions “On labor protection for repairmen of production equipment”

3.2. Melt lead, babbitt and other metals directly under exhaust ventilation while wearing safety glasses.

3.3. If it is necessary to repair the electrical part of the lifting machine, inform the specialist responsible for maintaining the substation in working condition.

3.4. Wash parts with kerosene and blow them with compressed air in specially designated areas under local exhaust ventilation in compliance with fire safety rules.

3.5. When conducting periodic inspections of lifting machines, carefully check the condition and operation of all mechanisms, cargo ropes, hook suspension, metal structures, and the condition of rail tracks. Make an entry about the inspection results in the “Logbook of technical maintenance of lifting machines installed in the workshop” or the technical equipment logbook.

3.6. If you find defects that you cannot eliminate, inform the specialist responsible for maintaining the PS in working condition.

3.7. Change oils within the time limits specified in the instructions, drain contaminated oil from gearboxes, wash and fill them with clean oil according to established standards, and lubricate the ropes.

3.8. When checking the mechanisms of the PS, the repairman is obliged to:

3.8.1. Check the keyed fastening of couplings connecting the shafts of electric motors, gearboxes, etc. If play is detected, eliminate it. If the keys are worn out, replace them with new ones.

3.8.2. If a loosening of the bolted connection of the coupling halves is detected, tighten the loose nuts. If the leather or rubber rings at the fingers of the elastic couplings are worn out, install new rings.

3.8.3. If the fastening of the bronze ring of the worm wheel on the rim in the gearbox or its keyed fastening to the shaft is loosened, eliminate this dangerous defect.

3.8.4. Avoid longitudinal movement of the worm in the thrust bearing, causing shocks when starting and stopping the electric motor.

3.8.5. Do not allow the outer rings of the ball bearings to rotate in the bearing housing and ensure that the inner rings are tightly seated on the shaft journal.

3.8.6. If a broken tooth of any gear of the mechanisms or a crack in the rotating parts of the PS mechanisms (gears, blocks, brake pulley, coupling, etc.) is detected, stop operating the PS until the defective part is replaced, informing the specialist responsible for keeping the PS in working condition.

3.8.7. Check and adjust the brakes of lifting machines in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If even small cracks or tears are detected

in the brake band, stop the operation of the substation, informing the specialist responsible for keeping the substation in working condition. If the linings of the brake pads are worn by an amount greater than that specified in the operating instructions, replace the worn linings.

3.8.8. Make sure that all accessible rotating parts of the lifting machine mechanisms, such as gears, shafts, ratchets, sprockets, keys, etc., are covered with guards of the appropriate design.

3.8.9. Check the condition of the fastening of the rails, the presence and fastening of safety shields at the wheels of the substation and the trolley, their supporting parts, as well as stops at the ends of the track.

3.8.10. Monitor the good condition of fences, railings, fencing cladding along the bottom of the PS bridge gallery, as well as the condition of the stairs leading to the PS landing areas and repair areas.

3.8.11. Periodically check the condition of the decking on the substation gallery, and also check whether there is a danger of accidentally touching the trolleys when exiting the cabin onto the substation deck.

3.8.12. Check to see if there is any slipping of the running wheels of the bridge, causing the truss to skew; if this malfunction is detected, immediately eliminate it, and if it is impossible to eliminate it, stop the operation of the substation, informing the specialist responsible for keeping the substation in working condition.

3.8.13. Ensure timely lubrication of all PS mechanisms and the absence of lubricant leakage from bearings and gearboxes.

3.8.14. Regularly inspect metal structures for cracks in welded joints and deformations.

3.9. Proceed with scheduled repairs and maintenance of the lifting machine only with the permission of the specialist responsible for keeping the lifting machine in working condition.

3.10. Repair of PS should be carried out only at repair sites. Before starting repair work, the substation must be de-energized by turning off the switch of the main trolley wires.

In addition, turn off the switch in the PS cabin. Do not close the blocked entrance doors to the bridge. Be sure to hang prohibiting posters on both switches: “Do not turn on - people are working.”

3.11. When working on rail tracks or near them, warn the crane operator about this and require the installation of stops that make it impossible for the substation to approach the workplace.

3.12. Walking on rail tracks is strictly prohibited. Access to elevated rail tracks is permitted only with a permit.

3.13. Test switching on of the substation at the end of the repair can be carried out only on the instructions and in the presence of a specialist responsible for keeping the substation in working condition, after he and the crane operator have checked the possibility of starting the substation and the absence of foreign objects and tools on the substation.

3.14. If you call the crane operator, proceed with repairs only after receiving the brand key for the substation being repaired.

Make a corresponding entry about the repairs made in the logbook of the lifting machine (technical device).

3.15. During a test run of the substation, while on the bridge, beware of clothing being caught by the rotating parts of the mechanism, as well as impacts on the floor trusses, especially if there are several bridge substations on the same rail tracks.

Do not stay near trolley wires, do not drive on the PS bridge unnecessarily.

4. Occupational health and safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If you detect a possible danger, warn other workers and immediately notify the workshop administration.

4.2. If natural disasters occur (strong wind, thunderstorm, fog, hurricane, earthquake, etc.), stop work and warn other workers about the danger.

4.3. If a fire occurs on the lifting machine, turn off the power supply, call the fire department by phone 2-01 or 112 (cellular) and begin to extinguish the fire using the available fire extinguishing equipment.

4.4. In the event of an accident or an accident, immediately notify the foreman, provide first aid to the victim, call an ambulance 112 (cell phone) and report in person or by phone. 1-93 to the health center. Ensure the safety of the situation of the accident or incident, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people and does not lead to aggravation of the emergency situation.

5. Occupational health and safety requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Tidy up your workspace. Wipe the tools and accessories and put them in the designated place.

5.2. Remove production waste from the workplace to designated places according to their markings.

5.2. Hand over your shift, inform your shift manager and the foreman about all the shortcomings found on the PS.

5.3. Put your overalls in order, put them in the designated storage area, wash your hands and face with warm water and soap, or take a shower.

Job description of a repair mechanic

(Job description for a repairman)


General manager


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1. General provisions

1.1. A repairman belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. A repairman is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the General Director on the recommendation of the chief engineer / site manager.

1.3. The repairman reports directly to the chief engineer/site manager.

1.4. During the absence of a repairman, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the organization order.

1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of repairman: primary vocational or secondary vocational education, work experience in the relevant field for at least a year.

1.6. A repairman must know:

Technological processes for manufacturing products;

2. Job responsibilities of a repairman

A repairman performs the following job duties:

2.1. Performs timely repairs of production site equipment.

2.2. Conducts scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) of equipment according to the PPR schedule.

2.3. Identifies the causes of premature wear of equipment, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

2.4. Repairs technical equipment and carries out minor repairs to components and mechanisms of machine tools.

2.5. Keeps records of existing equipment (mandrels, fixtures, etc.) and orders spare parts in a timely manner.

2.6. Performs operations related to setting up machines.

2.7. Treats equipment and accessories with care and maintains it in working condition and cleanliness, does not leave operating equipment unattended.

3. Rights of a repairman

A repairman has the right:

3.1. Require the administration to ensure labor protection, safety and fire safety rules.

3.2. Require the provision of protective clothing in accordance with current standards.

3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

4. Responsibility of the repairman

The repairman is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.

4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.

4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Russian Federation Sample documents and reporting forms

Production instructions for a repairman

set bookmark

set bookmark

This production instruction for a repairman was developed on the basis of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory (ETKS N 2, part 2), Safety Rules when working with tools and devices RD 34.03.204.


1.1. A repairman is a worker and reports directly to the foreman (the head of the business department, or the head of the technical department, or the head of the construction department).

1.2. The repairman must perform his duties in accordance with the requirements of these Instructions.

1.3. A person with secondary education and appropriate training in the specialty is appointed to the position of repairman.

1.4. A repairman must know:

installation of repaired equipment, units and machines;

rules for regulating machines;

methods for eliminating defects during repair, assembly and testing of equipment, units and machines;

device, purpose and rules of use of the control and measuring instruments used;

design of universal and special devices;

methods for marking and processing simple various parts;

system of admissions and landings;

qualities and roughness parameters;

properties of acid-resistant and other alloys;

basic provisions for scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment;

design features of the equipment, units and machines being repaired;

technical conditions for repair, assembly, testing and regulation and for the correct installation of equipment, units and machines;

technological process of repair, assembly and installation of equipment;

rules for testing equipment for static and dynamic balancing of machines;

geometric constructions with complex markings; methods for determining premature wear of parts;

methods for restoring and strengthening worn parts and applying a protective coating.

1.5. A repairman is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, theoretical and practical training, tested knowledge of labor safety requirements in the prescribed manner and have received permission to work independently are allowed to work as a repairman.

1.7. The repairman is provided with special clothing and safety footwear in accordance with current standards.

1.8. A repairman needs to know and strictly comply with the requirements for labor protection, fire safety, and industrial sanitation.

1.9. The repairman must:

comply with internal labor regulations and the established work and rest schedule;

perform work that is part of his duties or assigned by the administration, provided that he is trained in the rules for the safe performance of this work;

apply safe work practices;

be able to provide first aid to victims.


Before starting work, the repairman must:

2.1. Check your workplace: the presence of uniform lighting, absence of clutter with foreign objects.

2.2. Check the serviceability of plumbing tools and devices and make sure that their condition complies with labor safety requirements.

2.3. When receiving power tools and hand-held electric machines, check:

serviceability of the cable (cord), its protective tube, plug, insulating parts of the case, handle, brush holder covers, presence and serviceability of protective covers;

clear operation of the switch;

idling operation.

2.4. Check the serviceability of portable ladders.

2.5. Before carrying out repairs on the equipment, make sure that it is stopped and disconnected from the electrical network.

2.6. When using a portable lamp, check: the presence of a protective mesh, the serviceability of the cord and insulating tube, the serviceability of the socket and plug. The voltage of portable lamps should not be higher than 42 V.

2.7. While working, the repairman is obliged to:

start work on repairing equipment only after disconnecting it from all types of energy;

When manually cutting metal with a hacksaw, use safe work techniques;

When cutting metal with a chisel, wear safety glasses;

When using a screwdriver, firmly secure the part in a vice, do not hold it in your hand;

When straightening metal, wear gloves;

Place the removed components and parts stably on wooden supports;

when disassembling press connections, use special pullers;

removal and installation of heavy parts of equipment should be carried out using lifting mechanisms;

wash parts with kerosene in a special container;

work with the use of an extension ladder must be carried out by two people

to perform work at height, in the absence of stationary platforms, use mobile platforms, stepladders, and follow the requirements of the labor protection instructions when carrying out work at height.

2.8. During work, a repairman is prohibited from:

when performing work with wrenches, extend them with pipes, other wrenches, use large wrenches with metal plates placed between the edges of the bolts or nuts and the jaws of the wrench;

when working on scaffolding and scaffolding, allow them to be overloaded with materials, parts, and tools;

leave equipment parts loose even during a short break in work;

performing work with power tools and pneumatic tools, carrying out hot work from a ladder;

eat, smoke, have extraneous conversations.

2.9. Repairman at the end of the working day:

puts his workplace in order;

puts tools and equipment in the designated place;

personal protective equipment used during work is located in places intended for these purposes.


The repairman is responsible for:

3.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of assigned duties.

3.2. Organization of your work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from management, regulations on your activities.

3.3. Compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and Traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

3.4. Maintaining documentation required by current regulations.

3.5. Promptly taking measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

3.6. For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a repairman may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.


A repairman has the right:

4.1. Receive from enterprise employees the information necessary to carry out their activities.

4.2. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform your job duties.

4.3. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.

4.4. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to issues of his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.

4.5. Interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in its functional responsibilities.

4.6. Enjoy all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


5.1. An employee is familiarized with this instruction upon acceptance (transfer) to work in the profession for which the instruction has been developed.

5.2. The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with these instructions is confirmed by a signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of the instructions kept by the employer.

Developed by:

Head of structural unit:

(last name, initials)



Head (specialist) of the labor protection service:

(initials, surname)



Head (legal consultant) of the legal service:

(initials, surname)



Head (specialist) of the HR service:

(initials, surname)


I have read the instructions:

(initials, surname)


1. General provisions

1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a repairman.

2. A person with secondary education and appropriate training in the specialty is appointed to the position of repairman.

3. The repairman must know the design of the equipment, units and machines being repaired; rules for regulating machines; methods for eliminating defects during repair, assembly and testing of equipment, units and machines; device, purpose and rules of use of the control and measuring instruments used; design of universal and special devices; methods for marking and processing simple various parts; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters; properties of acid-resistant and other alloys; basic provisions for scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment; design features of the equipment, units and machines being repaired; technical conditions for repair, assembly, testing and regulation and for the correct installation of equipment, units and machines; technological process of repair, assembly and installation of equipment; rules for testing equipment for static and dynamic balancing of machines; geometric constructions with complex markings; methods for determining premature wear of parts; methods for restoring and strengthening worn parts and applying a protective coating.

4. A repairman is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The repairman is directly subordinate to the deputy head for chemical engineering, or the deputy head for technology, or the deputy head for construction, or the head of the economic department, or the head of the technical department, or the head of the construction department.

2. Job responsibilities

Carrying out repair work. Disassembly, repair, assembly and testing of components and mechanisms. Repair, installation, dismantling, testing, regulation, adjustment of equipment, units and machines and delivery after repair. Metalworking of parts and assemblies. Manufacturing of complex devices for repair and installation. Preparation of defect reports for repairs. Carrying out rigging work using lifting and transport mechanisms and special devices. Identification and elimination of defects during equipment operation and during inspection during repairs. Accuracy and load testing of repaired equipment.

3. Rights

A repairman has the right:

1. make proposals to the management of the institution on the organization and conditions of their work;

2. use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties;

3. undergo certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

4. improve your skills.

A repairman enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The repairman is responsible for:

1. timely and high-quality implementation of the official duties assigned to him;

2. organization of its work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from management, regulations on its activities;

3. compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety regulations;

4. maintaining documentation provided for by current regulations;

5. promptly taking measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a repairman may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

The locksmith profession is predominantly male. To obtain it, you do not need to have a higher education; a secondary vocational education will be sufficient. Few enterprises, the work of which depends on the serviceability of production equipment, can do without technical specialists, in particular a mechanic for its repair.

This determines the advantages of this specialty: the presence of stable wages at the average level, or above it, constant demand in the labor market. In addition, by improving his qualifications, a mechanic can achieve a better position, initially increasing his ranks, and then becoming a manager.

List of duties performed

The nature of the tasks solved in the work process depends on the rank of the employee and his specialization. So in plumbing, the level of qualification is indicated by the assigned rank. It depends on the level of practical knowledge and experience. There are six of them in total, where the easiest tasks are performed by first-class repairmen. In some workshops that use pilot and experimental equipment, it is possible to assign the 7th and 8th category.

Such qualification as a rolling stock repairman deserves special attention. These specialists work not just with production equipment, machines and machines. A rolling stock repairman repairs cars and locomotives, as well as troubleshooting their parts and eliminating detected faults.

The tasks that repairmen of industrial equipment, machine tools and other things perform in the course of their professional activities are somewhat different. Their activities are more narrowly focused, focused on servicing machines and mechanisms of a certain type.

Tasks solved by rolling stock repairers and requirements for them

Those candidates applying for the position of rolling stock mechanic must be physically resilient and have the following knowledge and skills.

  • A specialist must understand the general principle of the design and manufacture of cars and locomotives, as well as their individual parts.
  • It is necessary to have knowledge about the methods and methods of checking the serviceability of elements and parts of rolling stock.
  • It requires skills to restore parts that have been subjected to mechanical and physical wear.
  • The specialist must have knowledge of the purpose and characteristics of liquids intended for washing and lubrication of components and assemblies.

Based on the required knowledge, it is possible to determine the nature of the work and the operations performed by the rolling stock repairman.

It is important that a worker involved in the maintenance and repair of locomotives and carriages and their elements must have good vision and hearing. And also have flexible hands. Such requirements are formed from the specifics of the work processes being performed.

Just like industrial equipment mechanics, rolling stock repairmen have a degree of qualification designated by the corresponding categories.

Tasks solved by industrial equipment mechanics and requirements for them

The job responsibilities of a repairman involve performing such functions as installation and dismantling work, maintenance and repair of machine parts, their components and assemblies, and selection of spare parts required for this. Also, in the course of their professional activities, specialists at this level carry out processing and sharpening of necessary parts, and carrying out preventive maintenance.

Based on this list of operations performed in the work process, a list of requirements for candidates for the position of repairman is formed.

  • Knowledge of the manufacture and design of the equipment being serviced.
  • An understanding of basic kinetics and mechanics is required.
  • A specialist must have accuracy, patience and responsibility.
  • The employee must have skills in the selection of lubricating fluids, their purpose and characteristic properties.
  • A mechanic must have an understanding of the general principles and methods of repairing equipment and its parts and be able to apply this knowledge in practice.

The qualifications of repairmen are confirmed by assigned ranks.

Operations performed by mechanics according to available categories

As the employee's qualifications increase, the complexity and responsibility of the processes performed increases. According to the unified tariff and qualification reference book (ECTS), a repairman has the following job responsibilities.

The list of job responsibilities of a 1st category mechanic includes operations for adjusting threaded connections, preparing parts and mechanisms for repairs, and cleaning them. As well as preparing metalwork tools for technical work: cleaning, sharpening and lubrication.

Worker 1st qualification category must have knowledge of the basics of the operations performed, the names of the tools used, types of lubricating fluids and their purpose.

Repairman 2nd category performs the functions of repair and maintenance of simple mechanisms, components and mechanisms. If it is necessary to carry out work with parts of medium complexity, it is carried out under the supervision of a more qualified employee. Allowed to perform work using electrical and pneumatic equipment.

Requirements for workers at this level include knowledge of the basic principles of prefabricated and disassembled operations of components and assemblies, the purpose and methods of using precision measuring instruments, and the physical properties of materials used during the work.

Workers of the 3rd category perform operations on metalworking of parts, carrying out prefabricated and disassembled work on components and assemblies of medium complexity. As well as repair and testing work with various mechanisms and elements.

Due to the nature of the tasks performed, workers in this category are subject to requirements such as knowledge of the principles of the design and operation of the equipment being repaired. Also technologies for assembly and disassembly operations. The employee must know the physical properties of the materials being processed.

Responsibilities of a 4th category repairman equipment. This implies installation and dismantling work in the units and assemblies of these mechanisms, and commissioning work. A repairman of this qualification must draw up defect sheets for equipment. Professional responsibilities also include the manufacture of instruments for repair and installation work.

In accordance with this functionality, a repairman must know the structure and principle of operation, the main devices for carrying out repair work, and the technology of using precision measuring instruments. The employee must be able to troubleshoot problems during repairs and maintenance. Have knowledge in the field of marking parts and skills in adjusting mechanisms.

Responsibilities of a 5th category repairman repair and maintenance of complex equipment and mechanisms under stressful and dense conditions. Installation and dismantling, as well as commissioning work for complex components and assemblies. Handover of equipment after necessary repair operations. Elimination of premature wear of equipment.

A locksmith of the 5th category must know and be able to, in addition to other basics of plumbing, technology for making adjustments and monitoring the correct installation of equipment. And also have the skills to conduct static and dynamic balancing tests. It is important that the employee can determine the presence of premature wear of equipment elements and eliminate it using reinforcements and the application of protective coatings.

Professional responsibilities repairmen of the 6th and higher categories. At the same time, they apply to complex large-sized and experimental equipment. For example, a repairman of this skill level must be able to work with supercentrifuges, computer-controlled machines, hydraulic and steam-hydraulic presses, and others.

Seventh and eighth qualification category assigned only when working in those workshops that use unique and experimental equipment in their work.

According to the principle described above, as the operations performed become more complex, qualifications are assigned to rolling stock repairmen.