Tests to determine the level of physical fitness. Testing and assessment of physical fitness Tests for assessing human physical fitness

2.1. Control tests (testing).

A measurement or test taken to determine a student's condition or ability is called a test. Only those that meet the following metrological requirements can be used as tests:

    1. the purpose of using a particular test must be determined;

    2. a standardized testing methodology should be used;

    3. it is necessary that the tests used meet the requirements of reliability and information content;

    4. a system for assessing test results should be developed;

    5. it is necessary to indicate the type of control (operational, current, stage-by-stage, final).
An informative test is one whose results can be used to judge the property (quality, ability, etc.) measured during control. Sometimes, instead of the term “information content,” the equivalent term “validity” is used. The measure of information content of a test is determined by comparing it with a sports result or with a criterion test.

Test reliability is the degree to which results are consistent when the same people are tested repeatedly under the same conditions. Reliability criteria are:

  1. stability (reproducibility) is a type of reliability that is manifested in the degree of agreement between test results when the first and subsequent measurements are separated by a certain time interval;

  2. consistency – independence of test results from a person’s personal qualities;

  3. equivalence – equivalent test results when using control exercises.
Let's consider a metrologically correct description of the test “flexion and extension of the arms from emphasis on gymnastic bars” (for schoolchildren of school No. 723).

  1. purpose of the test: to determine the strength endurance of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

  2. age of schoolchildren: 16 – 17 years.

  3. gender: only boys perform the exercises.

  4. equipment: parallel bars, their height is set so that the subject, while performing the exercise, does not touch the floor with his feet.

  5. testing procedure: I.p. – emphasis on straight arms. Bend your elbows and lower yourself until they are fully bent. Then do push-ups, straightening your arms to I.P. When performing the exercise, keep the body in an upright position; swaying is not allowed. Perform as many repetitions as possible (“to failure”).

  6. test reliability: r = 0.90 if repeated measurement was taken the next day. If the second attempt followed immediately after the first, then the reliability was low r = 0.56.

  7. consistency of test scores: 0.99.

  8. The information content of the test: according to the results of a logical examination, it was recognized as high.

  9. Evaluation of results: points are awarded depending on the number of repetitions on the following scale.

School physical education is aimed, first of all, at the general physical fitness of students, so the teacher needs to know tests to determine the level of development of basic physical qualities, especially those tests that can be used in a school setting.
2.2. Analysis of the results of a study of physical fitness in the process of age-related development.

When analyzing Table 1 for each type of test, one can see that the level of physical fitness of both girls and boys is increasing, but for each type of test the growth of achievements has its own characteristics: in some types there is a steady and almost uniform increase in achievements for boys and girls ; in others, the growth of achievements occurs in the form of “scissors”: the older the age, the greater the difference in results between boys and girls.

2.2.1. Mandatory test exercises.

  1. Standing long jump test (to measure dynamic muscle strength of the lower extremities). From the starting position standing, feet together or slightly apart, toes in line with the starting line, jump forward from a standing position to the maximum possible distance. The participant first bends his legs, moves his arms back, tilts his torso forward, shifting the center of gravity of the body forward, and swings his arms forward and pushes both legs to perform a jump. The jump from two legs is determined in cm. For this test, it is advisable in the gym to mark with paint the place - the line from which the jump will be performed, and a line perpendicular to it with marked divisions every 1 cm to determine the length of the jump. During testing, three attempts are given.
A characteristic feature of the age-related development of standing long jump movements is that the achievements of boys and girls increase unevenly. A small amount of jumping ability and a uniform increase in results at a younger age from 8 to 13 years (106.0 - 146.2 cm in girls and 119.8 - 184.2 cm in boys), from the age of 13 in boys jumping ability increases sharply (194.1 - 216.5 cm), while in girls (152.9 – 170.7 cm) it increases slightly. These gender differences persist in subsequent years; for boys, the results significantly increase, reaching 216.5 cm, and for girls only 170.7 cm.

The data obtained allow us to draw practical conclusions related to control jumping exercises for educational activities in the classroom. The gradual, uniform increase in jumping requirements does not coincide with the actual capabilities of schoolchildren, especially girls. Therefore, for boys from 14 years of age, the requirements for increasing the length of the jump should be somewhat less compared to other possibilities. For girls, a consistent increase is possible until the age of 14. And then, from 15 years of age and older, it is very important to maintain the level of results achieved by this age (with two hours a week for physical education lessons).

The results of achievements by age groups and classes are presented in Appendix 1 (Table 1).

  1. The 1000-meter run test (to determine general endurance) is carried out in a stadium or a flat dirt track after a preliminary warm-up. The presence of medical personnel is recommended. Time is recorded with an accuracy of 0.1 seconds.
To ensure medical safety, testing must be preceded by the following exercises:

  1. Running shortened segments (200 – 400 m) with an intensity of 50% of the maximum and at a heart rate of 120 – 140 beats/min;

  2. Running the entire distance in segments in interval mode (5 times 200 m with 5-minute rest intervals and heart rate 120 - 140 beats/min;

  3. Running the entire distance along segments in interval mode (5 times 200 m each with decreasing rest intervals and a gradual increase in heart rate intensity from 120 – 140 beats/min to 150 – 170 beats/min;

  4. Control estimates taking into account the time of running the entire distance with gradually increasing intensity: from 50% to 75% of the maximum and heart rate from 120 – 140 beats/min to 150 – 170 beats/min.

  5. Control estimates. It is allowed to start walking while running, if tired.

  1. Test “Pull-up on the bar” (to assess the strength and strength endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle).
Hanging on the bar, arms straight, perform as many pull-ups as possible. A pull-up is considered performed correctly when the arms are bent, the chin is above the bar, then fully extended, the legs do not bend at the knee joints, movements without breaks or swings. Incorrectly performed pull-ups are not counted. Determines the strength of the arm and shoulder muscles by counting the number of pull-ups. I.p. hang on the bar with a straight grip, feet not touching the floor. When performing pull-ups, swinging and swinging movements of the legs are not allowed. When moving up, the chin should be above the bar; when moving down, the arms are fully straightened.

  1. “Trunk Raising” test (to measure the speed-strength endurance of the trunk flexor muscles). From I.p. lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints strictly at an angle of 90º, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head, elbows spread to the sides, touching the floor, partner presses the feet to the floor. On the command “March!” perform the maximum possible number of torso lifts in 30 seconds, bending vigorously until your elbows touch your hips and returning to IP, spreading your elbows to the sides until your shoulder blades, elbows and the back of your head touch the floor. The exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat or carpet. For safety, place a low (no higher than 10 cm) pillow under the head. Incorrect execution: failure to fully touch the floor with three parts of the body (shoulder blades, back of the head, elbows). The participant, lowering the body into the I.P., can touch the floor sequentially, first with the shoulder blades, then with the back of the head, then with the elbows. However, in the final phase, the participant’s body must come to the I.p., i.e. touch the floor with three parts of the body at the same time: shoulder blades, back of the head and elbows.
2.2.2. Additional test exercises.

1. Test “Shuttle running 10 times 5 meters each” (to assess speed endurance and agility associated with changing the direction of movement and alternating acceleration and braking. In the hall, at a distance of five meters from each other, two parallel lines are drawn on the floor. On command “March!” participants (participant) start from the first line, run to the second, step over it with one foot, making sure to touch the floor, turn around and return to the starting line. It is necessary to perform 5 such closed cycles as quickly as possible, turning in the same direction all the time. side (there and back - one cycle). Movements with side steps, turns in different directions are not allowed. The time is measured with an accuracy of 0.1 seconds at the moment of crossing the line from which the start was made. Special non-slip shoes. attention must be paid to turning while running. To prevent injuries to the foot and knee joint, work with students on the correct positioning of the foot and torso for entering the turn and starting after the turn.

The subject on the command “March!” runs a five-meter segment, takes a block (5X5X10 cm), runs the second segment, puts down the block and, having run the third segment, finishes the test. The travel time of the three segments is determined.

  1. Seated Forward Bend test (to measure active flexibility of the spine and hip joints).
The subject without shoes sits on the floor with his feet apart, the distance between the heels is 30 cm, feet vertical, arms forward - inward, palms down. As a measure, you can use a ruler or a measuring tape placed between your feet along your legs. The countdown (zero mark “0”) starts from the number located at the level of the subject’s heels. The partner presses his knees to the floor, preventing him from bending his legs while bending. Three slow tilts are performed (palms slide forward along the ruler), the fourth tilt is the main one. The subject must remain in this position for at least 2 seconds.

The best result - the maximum possible number that the student can reach is counted from the fingertips with an accuracy of 1 cm. This number is recorded with a “+” sign if the subject was able to touch the number in front of the feet, and with a “-” sign if his fingers did not reach the level of the heels.

To make the test faster, use two cubes (supports) to support your feet and keep your legs straight without outside help. Between the participant’s legs there is a cube, which during the third bend he tries to push forward with his fingers towards the heels to the maximum possible distance.

This test is borrowed from the "US Presidential Tests". The distance between the feet is 20 - 30 cm. Standards (in cm) that are adopted in the USA, where the assessment of two levels is “fulfilled” and “not fulfilled” (see Appendix 3, Table 3).

  1. Test “Hang on the bar” (to assess the strength and static endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle).
After accepting the I.p. hanging on the bar with your arms folded (bent) as much as possible, the chin is located above the bar, but without touching it and without helping to stay hanging, start the stopwatch. The maximum possible hanging time is assessed: from the start to the moment of initial extension of the arms. This test characterizes strength endurance.

Before testing, it is necessary to train students to correctly perform each test exercise through introductory exercises and preliminary assessments. The teacher must ensure that each student can perform the test exercise technically correctly. It is recommended to begin testing at the end of September and beginning of May after students have fully practiced and familiarized themselves with the test exercises. The list of necessary equipment for school and testing is given in table. 5.

2.2.3. Tests to determine the general physical fitness of schoolchildren.

Tests to determine security forces possibilities:

1. Throwing a medicine ball, moving your arms behind your head, sitting on the floor, legs apart. Determines the strength of the extensor muscles of the torso, shoulder girdle and partly the arms. The throwing distance is measured in meters from the stop line. The weight of the medicine ball is selected depending on the preparedness of the students. Approximately – 3 kg.

2. Bending and extending the arms from emphasis on gymnastic bars. The strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle is determined by counting the number of movements performed (the procedure for this test is presented in detail in section 3.1.).

Tests to determine speed and strength capabilities:

1. Jump up from a place. The height of the jump up in cm is determined. For this, a device designed by V.M. is used. Abalakova. In the practice of our school, we carry out testing as follows: a square of 40x40 cm is marked on the floor, in the middle of it a plank 8–10 cm long and 1.5–2 cm thick is attached to the floor with screws, another plank 4–6 cm long is placed on top of it. two planks are fastened together with screws. A measuring tape is passed between the slats, the clamping density of which is regulated by the screws that fasten these two slats. The upper end of the measuring tape is attached to the subject's belt.

In I.p. standing in the main rack in a square of 40x40 cm, the initial number on the tape is fixed in the lower pulling device. The subject is given the task to perform a maximum upward jump with a mandatory landing in the designated square. When performing a jump, the tape naturally stretches, and the difference between the initial number on the tape and the number on the tape after the jump will be the height of the jump. For example, the initial value was 41 cm, and after the jump it was 69 cm. Therefore, the height of the jump was 28 cm (69 – 41 = 28).

Each subject can be given two attempts. The best of them is entered into the protocol. The test can be performed with or without a wave of the hands.

2. Number of squats in 10 seconds. The second option is to determine the time to perform ten squats. Requirement for the exercise: when performing, fully straighten your legs in the upper position and bend them completely when squatting. The second option allows you to more accurately determine the result.

The level of motor capabilities most fully reflects the functional state of the body of schoolchildren, which is manifested in the ability to perform various motor actions at the appropriate level of development of motor qualities.

  1. The number of flexions and extensions of the arms from I.p. lying position. The number of movements in 10 seconds is determined. The second option is to determine the execution time with the maximum frequency of ten specified movements. Requirements for the exercise: when bending your arms, touch your chest to the floor, when extending your arms, keep your arms completely straight. The second option is preferable.

  2. The number of flexions and extensions of the arms from emphasis on gymnastic bars in 10 seconds. The second option is to determine the execution time with the maximum possible frequency of ten movements. Requirements when performing the test: when extending your arms, they are fully straightened, when bending, your legs do not touch the floor.
The second option allows you to more accurately determine the result, because during the first testing option, at the time of expiration of 10 seconds. the subject can occupy any intermediate position in the indicated movement.

  1. The number of flexions and extensions of the torso in 10 seconds from the I.p.: lying on the floor (or on a mat), hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90°, the partner holds the feet of the person performing the test, pressing them to the floor. When bending the body (lifting it), the elbows touch the knees. The second testing option is to determine the execution time with the maximum possible frequency of 10 movements. It can be given preference during testing.
Tests to determine the speed of movement.

    1. Running 20 or 30 m on the move. The time spent running these distances is recorded, i.e. The maximum running speed is determined. 2 - 3 m from the running line, on one side or the other of it, two posts are installed on the start and finish lines. The assistant coach stands on the starting line 2 - 3 m from the stand; the coach is on the finish line, also 2–3 m from the counter. The test subject accelerates (usually 10–15 m is enough for acceleration) so that he reaches the maximum speed possible for him towards the starting line. At the moment the test subject runs into the starting line, the assistant gives the go-ahead, upon which the coach starts the stopwatch, and at the moment the test subject runs into the finishing line, he turns off the stopwatch. The stands are installed in order to more accurately record the moment of strut and finish. The go-ahead is performed by an assistant as follows: the arm is bent at the elbow at an angle of approximately 90°, held in front of you, the hand is extended forward, the go-ahead is made with a sharp movement of the hand towards you.

    2. Frequency of movements while running in place. In the first option, the number of running steps that the subject is able to complete in 10 seconds is determined; in the second, the time it takes to complete 20 running steps is determined. To conduct testing, it is necessary to pull an elastic band or cord between two posts at such a height that the test subject’s leg, bent at the knee, takes the “thigh parallel to the floor” position, touching the stretched cord. On the command “March!” the subject begins running in place with the maximum possible frequency of movements, touching the stretched cord with his hips. If testing is carried out with 20 running steps and the movement begins, say, with the right foot, then the 20th step will be performed with the left foot, i.e. The stopwatch should be turned off under the left foot and vice versa. The second testing option is preferable.

    3. The visual-motor reaction can be determined using an electric or electronic stopwatch. The essence of this test technique is to determine the time of motor response to a certain light signal.
In school practice, the ability to take a start and the ability to perform a starting acceleration can be determined by the difference between the time of running 20 or 30 m from the start and the result shown at the same distances when running on the move.

Tests to determine endurance.

Their use depends on the specific type of manifestation of this physical quality.

Determination of general endurance.

  1. Running a distance in 5 or 6 minutes. When testing, it is necessary to tell subjects how much time they still have left to run. If they are not sufficiently prepared, test takers can start walking and, having recovered, start running again.

  2. Distance covered in 12 minutes (K. Cooper test). This test is widely used in the world. The method of its application is the same as in the previous test. With its help, you can determine the level of development of general endurance; it is a very informative indicator of a person’s cardio-respiratory capabilities, i.e. largely characterizes the state of his health (see Appendix 3, Table 4).

  3. Determination of critical speed in running. The critical speed in running is the lowest speed (intensity) at which maximum oxygen consumption (VO2) is achieved. And, as you know, the MOC indicator largely determines the level of general endurance. In other words, critical speed (Vcr.) is a pedagogical expression of the physiological indicator of a person’s aerobic capabilities, i.e. his IPC level. According to this value of Vcr. In many ways characterizes the degree of development of general endurance. Along with this Vcr. serves as the main criterion for determining the intensity of running during the development of this physical quality. To calculate Vcr. use the calculation method. For this purpose, two distances are run at competitive speed. For schoolchildren 16 – 18 years old – 800 and 2000 m.

Vcr. = ----------- ,

t 2 – t 1
Where S1 is the length of the first distance, m;

S2 – length of the second distance, m;

t 1 – time shown at the first distance, s;

t 2 – time shown at the second distance;

When developing general endurance, it is advisable to use a running intensity of 70–80% of Vcr.

The volume of the load is determined as follows: by running to failure, the distance that a student is able to overcome at a speed that develops overall endurance is determined (running intensity is 70%). Let’s say he is able to run N minutes at this speed, i.e. N m. This will be its maximum load. A load of 25% of it is considered low, 50% - medium, 75% - high and 100% - maximum. Gradually, starting with a low load, observing how schoolchildren tolerate it, regulate the degree of impact on the body.

A year later, Vcr is determined again. and accordingly, physical activity that develops general endurance is selected for her. Thus, using the objective criterion Vcr., it is possible to methodically correctly regulate the load during the development of a given physical quality.

Definition of speed endurance:

  1. Determination of the time to run 600 m by schoolchildren aged 16–18 years.

  2. Determination of distance covered in 90 seconds.
Definition of strength endurance:

  1. Number of squats on one leg. The subject, holding the gymnastic wall with his hand (so as not to lose balance), squats on the leg closest to the wall, then, turning to the wall with the other side, squats on the other leg. Grab the gymnastic wall with your hand - at the level of the lowered hand in the position of the main stance.

  2. the number of flexions and extensions of the torso in 1 minute from I.p.: lying on the floor
(or on the mat), hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90°, the partner holds the feet of the person performing the test, pressing them to the floor. When bending the body (lifting it), the elbows touch the knees.

Definition of endurance in static efforts (static endurance):

  1. Holding hands with a load of 1 kg in a horizontal position. I.p. – main stance, arms to the sides, each with a 1 kg load (dumbbells can be used as a load). Planks with 1 cm divisions are installed next to the hands. The static endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle is measured. Depending on the preparedness of the test takers, the weight of the load can be increased to 2 kg.

  2. Maintaining the “angle” position while hanging on a gymnastic wall (depending on the preparedness of the test takers, this test can be performed in support on a gymnastic bench, in support on parallel bars, in support while sitting on a bench). The time of holding the “angle” position until the feet are lowered by more than 10 cm is determined. The level of static endurance of the abdominal muscles is determined.

  3. Maintain a half-squat position. I.p. – standing on your toes in a semi-squat position, the angle between the hips and shins is 90°, the torso is vertical, arms forward – up. The level of statistical endurance of the muscles of the thighs and lower legs is measured.

  4. Maintain the supine position while lying on the table. I.p. – lying on the chest on the table so that the edge of the table is at waist level, legs extended parallel to the floor, the person being tested is held by the shoulders. The time of holding the specified position until the feet drop by more than 10 cm is determined. The static endurance of the back muscles is revealed.

  5. Alternately hold your legs in the “angle” position. I.p. – basic stance, straightened leg raised to a right angle (90°) in relation to the body, hands on the belt. A bar with 1 cm divisions is installed next to the foot. The time of holding the leg until the foot drops by more than 10 cm is determined. The static endurance of the pelvic girdle is measured.
Definition of flexibility:

  1. Bend forward with straightened legs. The subject stands on a gymnastic bench in the basic stance. Then, without bending his legs, he smoothly bends forward - down to the limit, pushing the latch of the bar, marked every 1 cm, with his fingers. In the final tilt position, it is necessary to fix the position of the hands for 1 - 2 seconds. The amount of inclination is measured in cm, and the level of the bench is taken as the “0” mark, up from it there is a marking with a “-” sign, downwards – with a “+” sign. The test is carried out twice in a row, the best result is recorded in the protocol. Flexibility (mobility) in the hip joint is revealed.

  2. Movement of the straight leg at the hip joint forward - upward. I.p. – lying on your back, on the floor (or mat). One leg (straight) is held on the floor by a partner, the other leg (free) swings forward and upward. To measure the amplitude of movement in degrees, a special device is used - a goniometer or protractor.

  3. Movement of the straight leg at the hip joint backwards and upwards. I.p. – lying on your stomach, the goniometer is fixed in the inner part of the lower leg at the ankle joint. The test subject performs the maximum swing movement of one or two legs back and up. The mobility result is also measured in degrees.

  4. Movement of the straight leg at the hip joint to the side - up. I.p. - lying on your side, hands behind your head. The goniometer is attached to the back of the leg at the ankle joint. The subject performs the maximum possible swing movement to the side - upward. The result is measured in degrees.

  5. Circular movements with straight arms in the shoulder joints with a gymnastic stick (“twist”). I.p. – basic stance, hands with a gymnastic stick in front. From this position, make a circular movement with straight arms so that the hands with the gymnastic stick are behind you. Mobility in the shoulder joints is determined by the distance between the hands.
Definition of agility:

As you know, the criterion for the appearance of dexterity is a person’s coordination capabilities. A number of authors believe that coordination abilities include the manifestation of the entire complex of the motor sphere: motor qualities, motor skills, the ability to control and regulate motor actions, energy and aesthetics of movements, social factors of motor activity.

In this regard, we offer a wide range of tests to determine dexterity:

  1. Jumping on the markings. The subject jumps from a box 110 cm high onto a marked line (1.5 - 2 m from the box) so as to hit this line with his heels. After an explanation, he is given two attempts. The result (in cm) is determined by the deviation from the line (the average of the two). The deviation is taken as the most distant heel of one of the legs. Rating: “excellent” - 3 cm, “good” - 5 cm, “satisfactory” - 9 cm, “sufficient” - 12 cm, “poor” - more than 12 cm.

  2. Assessment of the ability to kinesthetic differentiation. A 1x2 m gymnastics mat is attached to the wall; you can mark a rectangle of the specified size on the gym wall with paint); a hoop with a diameter of 0.8 m is attached to the center of the mat (you can mark it with paint). The subject, standing with his back to the target two meters from it, throws a tennis ball at the target, throwing it over his head or shoulder (as is convenient for the person being tested), half-turning while looking at the target. After the explanation, one trial and 5 scoring throws are given. Score: hitting the mat - 1 point, hitting the hoop - 2 points, between the hoop and the ball - 3 points, hitting the ball - 4 points.

  3. Assessment of spatial orientation ability. Around a large medicine ball at a distance of 3 m (in a sector with a radius of 3 m) there are 5 small balls, 1.5 m between them. Flags with numbers from 1 to 5 are placed near the small balls (you can write these numbers with paint on the balls themselves). Execution: the subject stands facing the large ball (he should not see what numbers are installed on each small ball). On command (a number is called), he turns around and runs touching the named ball, runs back touching the big ball with his hand, at the moment of touching the big ball the command follows again (another number is called), etc. The test ends when the subject runs 3 times, i.e. three numbers will be called sequentially. The time is determined. It is advisable to change the location of the balls (their numbers) after testing each subject.

  4. Throw at a moving target. At a height of 2.3 m, a rope 0.6 m long is attached to the wall, to which a hoop (0.8 m) is tied. Execution: the teacher releases the hoop from a horizontal position. The test taker, standing three meters from the wall, throws a tennis ball, trying to hit the target of the hoop, after it begins to move in the opposite direction. One trial and 5 test attempts are given. Hitting the hoop on target is 2 points, hitting the hoop is 1 point. Rating: “excellent” - 9 points, “good” - 7, “satisfactory” - 4, “sufficient” - 2, “poor2” - less than 2 points.

  5. Assessment of the ability to perform complex reactions. Two gymnastic benches are attached to the gymnastic wall at a height of 1.2 m with hooks so that there is a space of 10–12 cm between them (a kind of chute along which the ball will roll). At the upper end of this chute the teacher holds the ball. The test taker stands on the line of the lower ends of the benches 1.5 - 2 m from them with his back to them (without looking at the ball). At the signal, the teacher releases the ball. The person being tested must turn around, quickly run up and stop the rolling ball. The distance in cm traveled by the ball to the place where it stopped by the subject is estimated (the best of two attempts.

  6. Assessment of dynamic balance ability. The subject, standing 1.5 m from the inverted gymnastic bench (its narrow part at the top), with the fingers of his left hand under his right hand, takes hold of his right ear, in the palm of his outstretched right hand is a ball (volleyball or light rubber). On command, the test taker runs along the bench, pushes the lying medicine ball with his foot at the opposite end of the bench and returns back. The test execution time is determined. If the test subject, losing his balance, jumps off the bench more than 3 times, then the test is not counted. For each touch of the floor with one foot, one second is added to the total time.

  7. Assessment of the ability to static balance. Standing on one leg, the other leg is bent, turned in the frontal plane, its heel touches the knee joint of the supporting leg, hands on the belt, head held straight. Testing is performed with eyes open and closed. The countdown of time begins from the moment a stable position is assumed, and stops at the moment of loss of balance. Slight vibrations of the body are allowed (see Appendix 5, Table 6).

  8. Assessment of the ability to static balance (test by A.I. Yarotsky). Execution: basic stance, eyes closed, continuous rotation of the head to one side at a pace of 2 rotations per second. The time is recorded from the beginning of the head rotation until the loss of balance. Rating: “excellent” - 35 seconds, “good” - 20, “satisfactory” - 16, “poor” - less than 16 seconds.

  9. Sed for 3 sec. The level of motor capabilities most fully reflects the state of the student’s body, which is manifested in the ability to perform various motor actions at the appropriate level of development of motor qualities.
Taking into account the unequal level of physical fitness, each student should be approached individually, since everyday life has confirmed the position that a physically prepared person has better labor productivity, high performance, and high physical capacity.

Thus, the physical preparedness of schoolchildren in standing long jump shows the uneven growth of achievements across age groups. Achievements are gradually increasing, but for girls after 16 years of age it is still insignificant, while for boys their jumping ability increases more.

The results for hand strength and hanging on bent arms for boys are higher than for girls; greater variability indicates insufficient educational work on these types of movements.

In speed running (10X5 m), the pattern of development of achievements has its own peculiarity. School-age boys run faster than girls, while girls should have equal speed development. This fact is not taken into account in the teaching and educational work of teachers.

    1. Characteristics of the physical training program for students at school No. 723.
Each age period of schoolchildren is characterized by anatomical and physiological characteristics. These features are used by teachers, psychologists, doctors, and physical education specialists when drawing up a school physical education program; they determine the objectives, content, forms, workload in physical education lessons and other issues. Based on the characteristics of childhood and adolescence, physical development and physical training, educational standards are established. These characteristics of children are not constant and unchangeable. As a result of a number of environmental factors, a set of living conditions, including the organized process of physical education, signs of their capabilities typical for school age change.

As L.P. writes Matveev (1994) “taking into account age characteristics, it is very important to proceed from the fact that the teacher’s task is by no means a passive adaptation to it. On the contrary, he must contribute to their progressive change, thoughtfully using their conditions and the laws of the objective process of human development. It is necessary to actively reinforce and correct, even deliberately cause the desired changes in the functional manifestations of the body. It is even more necessary to identify and very strictly take into account in the process of teaching and upbringing all individual manifestations of age-related characteristics in order to build educational work on the basis of the real capabilities of children.

In this regard, first of all, one must keep in mind the process of intensive growth and development of the child’s body, which proceeds, although unevenly, but continuously throughout all school age periods. Metabolism in the body can be activated by a significant amount of physical activity in the daily routine of students. Sufficient energy resources can be preserved by regulating physical activity, avoiding exhausting efforts that exhaust energy resources, as well as by ensuring the necessary rest and proper nutrition.

The second feature, characteristic of the entire school age and requiring constant attention, is the immaturity and lack of stability of the child’s body in relation to various external influences, which is associated with a high degree of vulnerability. In this regard, it is necessary, firstly, to protect the body from such impacts and influences that do not yet correspond to its capabilities and therefore cause various overstrains and inhibit the development process, and secondly, to persistently, but strictly consistently strengthen and harden the body, increase its vitality and resistance to adverse external influences.

To achieve this, it is necessary to know the specific conditions in a given period of all systems and organs, thoughtfully select and apply exercises, calculate the volume, intensity, and its distribution over time of the corresponding loads, with great responsibility to ensure optimal hygienic conditions for training, as well as the technical serviceability of equipment, sufficient insurance, etc.

Also A.A. Lisin (1989) points out that, taking into account the characteristics of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to persistently avoid incorrect postures, high loads on the spine, unilateral tension of the trunk muscles, strong shocks and shocks of the body, overstrain of the joint-ligamentous system and muscles during prolonged muscular efforts, especially static character, etc. at the same time, you should constantly intensify the activity of the muscular system, leveling the level of development of individual muscle groups and controlling this work on posture.

Great care must be taken when exercising in relation to the circulatory and respiratory organs, especially in middle school age. It is always worth remembering the danger to the heart of excessive, excessively compacted loads in running and similar cyclic movements, large muscle tension with straining, as well as the formation of effort after the flu, sore throat and other painful conditions.

The greatest attention should be paid to the still fragile nervous system of children, to which very high demands are constantly made by all academic subjects. Intellectual efforts in the process of learning motor actions, monitoring and managing one’s movements, increased volitional and emotional stress associated with overcoming various kinds of difficulties in the conditions of motor activity - all this is also a significant load for the nervous system. Correct regulation and a gradual, strictly consistent increase in this load allows you to strengthen the nervous system and increase its performance. It is necessary to keep in mind one more feature of children - their mild, often changeable excitability, as well as reactivity closely related to it. Mild excitability is characteristic of most children of all age groups, although the degree of its expression varies. It is highest in younger schoolchildren, persists for a long time in adolescents and begins to noticeably subside only in high school age. This phenomenon is due to the general functional characteristics of the nervous system of children. The work is also complicated by insufficient stability of attention, superficiality of perceptions, emotional incontinence, etc. the high reactivity of children is expressed in fast, often premature and strong reactions. However, they are not always quite appropriate, and sometimes even dangerous. This quality appears most clearly in adolescence.

When faced with undesirable manifestations of reactivity in physical exercise classes, it is necessary, along with general educational work, to tactfully, based on persuasiveness, restrain students from being overly enthusiastic about their chosen physical exercises, strictly limit loads, rationally organize independent work, and steadily increase the requirements for accuracy of action and restraint in emotional manifestations .

In addition to those discussed, children have other, more specific features. All of them, if possible, should be taken into account by the teacher, specifically in relation to each student. To do this, you need to carefully and continuously study your students.

The following should be taken under special control: the state of health, the level of physical development and the degree of physical fitness of the students’ personality, because in accordance with these indicators, the content, forms, total volume and plans for conducting educational work, as well as the nature and intensity of the workload are determined.

Control exercises help to identify the level of development of various motor qualities and compare the preparedness of both individual students and entire groups. Tests are carried out to determine the state or individual students involved in physical education according to tests, and the stability of the test is taken into account, i.e. reproducibility of results when repeated after a certain time under the same conditions. Then you can see the dynamics of physical fitness.

In order to achieve high effectiveness of the educational process in physical education lessons, it is necessary to focus on ensuring a number of defining conditions and compliance with basic organizational and methodological requirements.

To ensure the process of physical fitness of students, each teacher must have a clear physical training program. When developing this program, the teacher must clearly understand the ultimate goal of the physical education process for the period of time he has established. In this case, the goal is to prepare students to pass the standards of the physical education program.

Before developing a program of targeted physical training, you need to know the physical and anthropometric data of each student. The teacher, with the help of tests and control tests, must establish the initial state of the controlled system, then calculate the time and sequence of the program. In order to properly plan a program of targeted physical training for students, it is necessary to take into account educational objectives, climatic conditions, students’ preparedness, and the availability of educational and material resources.

In the conditions of lesson work, the program of directed physical training is an annual plan for passing the program material and lesson planning. The structure of lesson planning includes the following points: specific educational objectives of the lesson, relevant material on theoretical information, motor skills and abilities, the ability to study independently, dosage, homework, methodological instructions, as well as interdisciplinary connections that promote better learning of exercises in this lesson.

An important condition when developing a program is maintaining continuity between previous and subsequent material. A number of important conditions and principles should also be taken into account: the amount of time required to cover a particular type of material depending on its complexity, the gradual complication of the exercises being studied in a series of lessons, and the consolidation of skills through repetition at certain intervals. For example, repeat the basic athletics exercises learned in the first quarter in the fourth academic quarter.

When determining the number of lessons to learn and consolidate a given motor action, one should adhere to the rule: consolidating a movement skill requires approximately half the time it took to master a motor action. One of the essential aspects of annual planning is the specification of the goal, to achieve which the appropriate material is selected. For example, the teacher set the goal of the sixtieth lesson to prepare students to master the standards for running long jump. To do this, the teacher, for a series of lessons prior to passing this standard, plans exercises to develop jumping ability, mastery of jumping technique, deepening knowledge using interdisciplinary connections, and a series of exercises to develop physical qualities in the form of homework.

When planning educational material (in annual and lesson plans), it is necessary to provide for checking the level of physical fitness of students (tests) to regulate the process of physical training and develop corrective actions using an additional program.

Pursuing the goal of constantly improving the educational process, it is advisable for the teacher, after the end of each academic year, to analyze planning from the standpoint of its effectiveness, identifying shortcomings and miscalculations in order to make appropriate adjustments to the plans for the next year.

Methodology for conducting diagnostic testing of physical fitness of students.

The implementation of the educational program on physical fitness provides for diagnostic testing of the physical fitness of students.

Twice a year, in October and April, the teacher conducts physical fitness testing of children and enters its results into a table.

These tables reflect the individual dynamics of physical fitness during the school year and enable the teacher to adjust his activities and differentially work to increase the level of physical fitness of each student.

When recording the results, a three-color ink is used. Results corresponding to a low level of physical fitness are entered in blue, average - green, high - red. Test protocols are used for information and analysis at teacher councils and parent-teacher meetings. Test results help in developing the content of homework, as well as recommendations for additional activities (for students with a high level of physical fitness - in sports sections; with an average or low level - in recreational groups, for example, swimming).

To determine the physical fitness of students, such as: running 30 m, shuttle running 3 x 10 m, long jump, 6-minute run, bending forward from a sitting position, pull-ups on the bar from a hanging position (boys) or push-ups (boys) and girls) in 30 seconds, lifting the body in 30 seconds.

A set of tests for indicators of the level of physical fitness are taken from the “Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11 of a comprehensive school” (1992).

Tests are always carried out at the same time whenever possible. Students are pre-trained in the correct technique for performing control tests.

The test is a diagnosing one of the indicators of physical development.

Heart rate (pulse).

Execution method

Determined by palpation before and after exercise (20 squats). The pulse is listened to in the lower part of the forearm (in the recess on the radius) with three fingers (index, middle and ring) for 15 seconds. To determine the pulse in 1 minute, you need to multiply the resulting figure by 4.

Before you start testing students, you need to do a warm-up. This will prevent possible muscle injuries (strains), excessive fatigue due to unpreparedness of the musculo-ligamentous system and improve performance, where the result is very dependent on the manifestation of flexibility, speed, strength and jumping ability.

Warm-up includes exercises similar in structure to the test exercises.

Running. Within 30 s. running on your toes at a calm pace.

Tilts. Within 30 s. bend forward towards the right and left leg.

Squats. Within 30 s. spring squats with full amplitude.

Stretching. For 30 seconds, standing in a deep lunge to the side, stretch, alternately springing on your right and left leg.

Jumping. Within 30 s. jumping in place: on the right, on the left, on both legs.

Turns. Within 30 s. turns right and left.

Physical Fitness Testing

Prepare in advance for testing tasks.

    30m sprint

Execution method. IN At least two people take part in the race. The run is performed from a high start position. At the command “Start!” The race participants approach the starting line and take their starting position. At the command “Attention!” The weight of the body is transferred to the front leg. Then the judge gives the command “March!” and sharply lowers the flag down. The judges at the finish line start the stopwatches based on the first movement of the flag. Time is determined with an accuracy of 0.1 s.

    Standing long jump.

Execution method. Draw a line on the floor and place a measuring tape perpendicular to it, securing it at both ends. The student stands near the line without touching it with his toes, slightly bends his knees and, pushing off with both feet, jumps forward. The distance is measured from the starting mark to the heels. Three attempts are given.

    6 minute b eg (m).

The test is designed to determine endurance.

Execution method. It is carried out in a gym, stadium or flat area along a dirt path marked every 10 m. The distance (in meters) that the student covered in 6 minutes is recorded. 6-8 people participate in the race. Before the race there is a warm-up. All participants must complete this distance at least once before testing in order to correctly run it for the result. This is especially necessary for young children. During running, a transition to a step is allowed.

    Shuttle run 3 x 10 m

The test assesses the speed and agility associated with changing direction and alternating acceleration and braking.

Execution method. In the hall, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 10 m from each other. At least 2 people participate in the race. On the 1st line, everyone has 2 cubes measuring 70x70 mm. On the command “March!” the participant starts from the 1st line, taking the cube, runs to the 2nd line, placing a cube behind it, returns to the 1st line for the 2nd cube in order to quickly bring it to the 2nd line (finish). While driving, stopping and changing direction are not allowed; time is recorded with an accuracy of 0.1 s. at the moment of crossing the finish line, all participants must wear the same shoes.

    Pull-up on the bar (boys)

Execution method. While hanging on the bar (arms straight), perform as many pull-ups as possible. A pull-up is considered performed correctly when the arms are bent and then fully extended, the chin is above the bar, the legs are not bent at the knee joints, and the movements are performed without jerking or swinging. Pull-ups performed with the arms not fully bent do not count.

    Push-ups (girls)

The test allows you to evaluate the strength endurance of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

Execution method. Using a bench, take the starting position: lying on the bench, arms straight at a distance of shoulder width, the torso does not bend at the hip joint, push-ups are considered performed correctly when the arms are bent to 90 degrees, then fully extended. The maximum possible amount is estimated in 30 s. Push-ups performed with the torso flexed at the hip joint do not count.

    Raising the body in 30 s.

The test is designed to measure the strength of the trunk flexor muscles.

Execution method. The exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat or carpet. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints at an angle of 90°, arms crossed on the chest (fingers touching the shoulder blades). The partner presses the feet to the floor. On the command “March!” bend vigorously until your elbows touch your thighs; return to I.p. in a reverse motion. The number of bends in 30 seconds is counted.

    Bend forward from a sitting position.

The test is designed to measure the active flexibility of the spine and hip joints.

Execution method. I.p. - sitting on the floor (without shoes), legs extended, feet vertical, distance between heels 20-30 cm, arms extended forward (palms down). The partner presses his knees to the floor, preventing him from bending his legs while bending. As a measure, you can use a ruler or a measuring tape stretched between the feet along the inner surface of the legs. Counting is carried out from the zero mark, located at the level of the subject’s heels. First, three slow tilts are performed (palms slide forward along a ruler or tape), then the fourth tilt is the main one. This position is subject d 2 s. The result is calculated based on the fingertips with an accuracy of 1.0 cm. It is recorded with a plus sign (+) if the fingertips are beyond the zero mark, and with a minus sign (-) if the fingers do not reach it.

Points are awarded on a 5-point basis.

Statistical system for recording test results.

1. The results of each test are recorded in summary electronic protocols. The protocols indicate the result and level of physical fitness of students (high, average, low) based on a comparison of test results with the indicators of the summary table of normative assessments in the table. Results corresponding to a low level of physical fitness are entered in blue, average - green, high - red.

2. Based on data on the level of physical fitness of students obtained at the beginning of the school year (October), the teacher adjusts the process of physical education in each class or parallel classes. Special motor modes and methodological techniques are being developed to correct or prevent deviations that characterize a low or average level of physical fitness. The process of implementing the educational program is subject to adjustment if more than 15% of students in groups are identified with a low level of development of one or more physical qualities. At a high level of development of physical qualities, educational and training models are used for their further development.

Test results are analyzed. This makes it possible to correct not only the learning process itself, but also the identification of prospects and direction in sports activities.

At the end of the school year (April), the teacher conducts re-testing. Indicators of physical fitness of students are also recorded in the physical fitness sheet.

Based on the final testing data, the teacher assesses the physical fitness of students, develops recommendations for them on individual physical education and health activities in the summer, and draws up plans for additional physical education and health activities for the new school year.


Vinogradov Viktor Vyacheslavovich, Medical College No. 8, head of physical education, Moscow
Monitoring is carried out not only to identify the level of preparedness of students, but also to determine the dynamics of their physical fitness over a certain period of time.

Explanatory note Testing protocol Classification of tests Tests Used literature

Explanatory note

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Education dated July 16, 2002 No. 2715, the discipline “Physical Culture” must be presented in state educational standards and basic curricula as the most important component of the educational process. The leading directions in the work of teams of educational institutions in “Physical Culture” include; - creating conditions that promote the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, - preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of students through physical education, - ensuring close interaction between the educational and extracurricular process of physical education for mastering the values ​​of physical culture, - objectifying the assessment of the level of physical development and physical readiness for future professional activity - prevention of antisocial behavior of students through physical education and sports. Monitoring of students' physical fitness is carried out with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of physical training and improving the health of students, I also in pursuance of the Decree of the Moscow Government of November 30, 1999 and the implementation of the program “Capital Education - 3” (Decree of the Moscow Government of November 20, 2001) and the implementation of the State program all-Russian monitoring. For this purpose: - monitoring is carried out at the beginning of the academic year and at the end of each semester in all study groups with students of the main medical group, - monitoring is carried out not only to identify the level of preparedness of students, but also to determine the dynamics of their physical fitness over a certain period of time , - the monitoring results form the basis for the certification of students according to the level of the average total grade in points at the end of each semester (each course has its own average score), - the data obtained as a result of monitoring form the basis for the analytical report, form the decision-making strategy for effectiveness of physical education classes.

Average test results score

Evaluation of students' general physical fitness tests
Note: in the testing table below, changes in the selection of tests are possible depending on the testing conditions.

Test protocol for general physical fitness

Group No. __________

Physical education teacher: ___________________________________

Test classification

Assessment of the level of development of physical qualities and motor abilities is carried out based on the results of testing based on a set of various exercises. The standard testing program for all sports includes: - endurance tests;running 1000 meters, running 3000 meters, running continuously for 5 minutes - speed tests;running 30 meters from the start, shuttle running 3x10 meters, 10-second running in place with maximum frequency, running 100 meters by movement, jumping rope in 1 minute - strength tests; standing long jump, standing upward jump, jumping with “increases”, pull-ups from hanging on hands, raising the body to a squat position in 30 seconds, bending and straightening the arms in a lying position, throwing a medicine ball from a sitting position on the floor, squats in 2 minutes
- flexibility tests;twist with a stick, bend forward while standing, bend forward while sitting
When conducting testing, special attention should be paid to compliance with the requirements of the instructions and the creation of uniform conditions for performing the exercise for all college students. Testing is carried out at the end of each semester and serves as a form of ongoing monitoring of the physical condition of students. The test results are entered into a protocol, which is stored in the department of “Physical Education” of the college. 1.Test “ Seated Forward Bend"(to measure active flexibility of the spine, hip joints and muscle elasticity). The subject, without shoes, sits on the floor with his feet apart, the distance between the heels is 20 cm, feet vertical, arms forward, palms down. The methodologist presses his knees to the floor. Three slow preliminary bends are performed. At the same time, the palms slide forward along the ruler lying along the subject’s legs between the feet, the zero mark is at the level of the heels. The fourth inclination is the main one - the subject must stay in it for at least 20 seconds. The best result is counted according to the fingertips with an accuracy of 1 cm. This figure is recorded with a (+) sign if the participant touched the number beyond the line on which his heels are located or with a minus sign (-) if his fingers did not reach the heel line. To make the test faster, two cubes (supports) are used to support the feet and keep the legs straight without assistance. A cube is placed between the participant’s legs, which he, during the fourth, main tilt, tries to push forward with his fingers towards the heels to the maximum possible distance. The participant is given 2 attempts.

2.Test " Twisting hands with a stick(cm.)” Markings are marked on the stick with an accuracy of 1 cm /or a measuring tape is pasted on. From a standing position, hands below, grip the stick from above. Raise your straight arms up and move the stick back behind your back. Without bending your arms at the elbow joints, return the stick to its original position. Determine the distance between the internal grip points.

3. Test " Bend forward from a standing position on a gymnastic bench", legs together, straightened. The depth of the inclination is measured by the distance between the tips of the fingers and the upper surface of the bench using 2 rulers fixed vertically to the bench so that the zero marks coincide with the upper edge of the bench. One ruler faces up, the other faces down. If the test subject's fingertips are below the top edge of the bench, the result is recorded with a plus sign, if higher - with a minus sign. It is not allowed to bend your knees or make jerking movements.

4.Test " Raising the body into a squat position in 30 seconds.”(to measure the speed-strength endurance of the trunk flexor muscles, starting from 6 years). From the starting position, lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints strictly at an angle of 90 degrees, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head, elbows spread to the sides, touching the floor, the partner presses the feet to the floor. On the command “March!” perform the maximum possible number of torso lifts in 30 seconds, bending until your elbows touch your hips and returning with a reverse movement to IP, spreading your elbows to the sides until your shoulder blades, elbows and the back of your head touch the floor. The exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat or carpet. For safety, place a low (no higher than 10 cm) pillow or soft cloth rolled up under the head. The participant is given 1 attempt. Incorrect execution: failure to fully touch the floor with three parts of the body: shoulder blades, back of the head and elbows. The participant, lowering the body into IP, must touch the floor sequentially, first with the shoulder blades, then with the back of the head and elbows. Thus, in the final phase, the participant’s body must come to I.P., i.e. touch the floor with three parts of the body at the same time: shoulder blades, back of the head, elbows.

5.Test " Standing long jump"(to measure the dynamic strength of the muscles of the lower extremities). From the starting position, standing with your feet slightly apart, with your toes in line with the starting line, perform a standing jump forward to the maximum possible distance. The participant first bends his legs, moves his arms back, tilts his torso forward, shifting the center of gravity of the body forward, and swings his arms forward and pushes both legs to perform a jump. The length of the jump is measured from the line to the point where the jumper's foot touches the line closest to the line. The test must be carried out on a mat or soft ground surface (a sand pit can be used). The participant is given 3 attempts. The best result counts.

6 Test " Jump up»It is performed by pushing two legs with a wave of the arms from the floor surface. The height of the jump is measured using a tape measure or a measuring tape according to Abalakov’s method.
7. Test " Jumps with increments» - the number of minimum increases in standing long jumps. The testing procedure is as follows: based on the maximum standing long jump result, the boundaries within which the student will have to make increments are determined. At a distance of 1/4 of the student’s maximum result, the first boundary is marked with chalk or another landmark that does not interfere with the exercise. The second boundary line is marked at a distance of 3/4 of the maximum result. Within the range of marked boundaries, each time from the starting line, the student makes jumps, successively increasing their range. The calculation of increments is stopped as soon as the student has reached the second boundary (the landmark farthest from the start) or if in two jumps in a row he has not added the length of the jump. Jumps that are longer than the previous ones are counted. The subject has the right to a trial attempt.
8.Test " Pull-up while hanging on the bar", number of times. Performed from a hanging position with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart. The pace of execution is arbitrary. The pull-up is considered completed if, when bending your arms, your chin is above the bar. Attempts with auxiliary movements of the legs and torso are not counted.

9.Test " Throwing a medicine ball weighing 2 kg (1.5 kg.)" forward from behind the head. Performed from a sitting position with legs apart, the ball on outstretched arms above the head. Before throwing, the student takes a position at the starting line in which the pelvic angle formed when spreading the legs does not go beyond the starting line. The throwing distance is measured with a tape measure.

10.Test " Squats in place"Performed from a standing position in 2 minutes. The position of the hands is arbitrary (resting your hands on your knees is not allowed).
11.Test " Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down"Performed from a lying position. The pace of execution is arbitrary. Mandatory straightening of the arms at the elbow joint.

12.Test " 30m sprint from a high start".. It is carried out on the track of a stadium, athletics arena or park in sports shoes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.

13.Test " Shuttle run 3x10 m" The test is carried out in the gym on a flat track at least 12-13 m long. A 10-meter section is measured, the beginning and end of which are marked with a line / start and finish line / Behind each line there are two semicircles with a radius of 50 cm centered on the line. A wooden cube /5cm/ is placed on the far semicircle behind the finish line. The athlete stands behind the nearest line on the start line and, at the command “march”, begins running towards the finish line; runs around a semicircle, takes a cube and returns to the starting line. Then he puts the die (throwing is not allowed) in a semicircle on the starting line and again runs to the far-finish line, running through it. The time required to complete the task from the “march” command to crossing the finish line is taken into account.

14. Test " Running in place at maximum pace: take into account the number of running steps within 10 seconds" Testing is carried out indoors using the simplest device: an elastic rubber bandage is pulled between two posts at a distance of 1 m at the height of the athlete’s knee, the leg bent at a right angle. At the “march” command, the athlete begins to quickly run in place with maximum frequency of movements, each time touching the stretched rubber with his thigh. Steps are counted by touching the rubber with your right thigh and multiplied by 2/.

15.Test " 100m sprint". It is carried out on the track of a stadium, athletics arena or park in sports shoes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.
16.Test " Jumping rope"The number of push-offs with both legs in 1 minute is counted.
17.Test " Continuous running for 5 minutes
18.Test " 1000 meters run" It is carried out on the track of a stadium or park (on a standard measured circle) in sports shoes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.
19. Test " Running 2000 girls (3000 boys) meters" It is carried out on the track of a stadium or park (on a standard measured circle) in sports shoes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.

Literature used

Yu.P. Bubble, A.N. Tyapin, “Physical health of students and ways to improve it” M. Center “School Book”, 2007.
Russian and foreign experience in building an educational testing system, M., - Ed. NGO "Education from A to Z", 2000.

Orlov V.A., Fudin N.A., Comprehensive program for assessing the physical condition and functional capabilities of the human body. – M. ARiNA Publishing Group, 1996.

11 tests for self-monitoring of physical fitness

Using these tests, you can independently determine your physical fitness and create an exercise program. When determining physical fitness, a calculator is used, and when drawing up an individual training program, an adder and dispenser are used. Fitness calculator is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system and physical fitness using the CONTREX-2 scoring system (control-express). The CONTREX-2 system was developed by domestic scientists S.A. Dushanin, E.A. Pirogova and L.Ya. Ivashchenko (1984), they created several diagnostic systems for primary (CONTREX-3), current (CONTREX-2) and self-monitoring (CONTREX-1). Indicators for determining the level of physical condition according to the CONTREX-2 system are given below. CONTREX-2 includes 11 indicators and tests, which are assessed as follows: 1. Age. Each year of life gives 1 point. For example, at age 50, 50 points are awarded, etc. 2. Body weight. Normal weight is estimated at 30 points. For each kilogram in excess of the norm, calculated using the following formulas, 5 points are deducted:

men: 50 + (height – 150)x0.75 + (age – 21)/4 women: 50 + (height – 150)x0.32 + (age – 21)/5

For example, a 50-year-old man with a height of 180 cm has a body weight of 85 kg, and normal body weight will be:

50 + (180 – 150) x 0.75 + (50 – 21)/4 = 80 kg.

For exceeding the age norm by 5 kg, 5x5 = 25 points are deducted from the total points. 3. Blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is estimated at 30 points. For every 5 mm Hg. Art. systolic or diastolic pressure above the calculated values, determined by the formula below, 5 points are subtracted from the total amount:

men: ADsyst. = 109 + 0.5 x age + 0.1 x body weight; ADdiast. = 74 + 0.1 x age + 0.15 x body weight; women: ADsyst. = 102 + 0.7 x age + 0.15 x body weight; ADdiast. = 78 + 0.17 x age + 0.1 x body weight.

For example, a 50-year-old man weighing 85 kg has a blood pressure of 150/90 mmHg. Art. The age norm for systolic pressure is:

109 + 0.5 x 50 + 0.1 x 85 = 142.5 mmHg. Art.

Normal diastolic pressure:

74 + 0.1 x 50 + 0.15 x 85 = 92 mm Hg. Art.

For exceeding the norm of systolic pressure by 7 mm Hg. Art. 5 points are deducted from the total. 4. Pulse at rest. For each hit less than 90, one point is awarded. For example, a heart rate of 70 per minute gives 20 points. If the pulse is 90 or higher, no points are awarded. 5. Flexibility. Standing on a step with your knees straight, bend forward, touching the mark below or above the zero point (it is at the level of your feet) and maintaining the pose for at least 2 seconds. Each centimeter below the zero point, equal to or exceeding the age norm given for men and women in the table. 1, is estimated at 1 point; if the standard is not met, no points are awarded. The test is carried out three times in a row, and the best result is counted. For example, a 50-year-old man, when bending over, touched a mark of 8 cm below the zero mark with his fingers. According to table. 1, the standard for a 50-year-old man is 6 cm. Therefore, 1 point is awarded for meeting the standard and 2 points for exceeding it. The total is 3 points.

Table 1. Motor test standards for assessing basic physical qualities

Age, years




what power, see

Speed ​​endurance

Speed-power output


General Stamina

2000 m, min.

UDC 796.8:796.015


V.G. Nikitushkin, D.S. Alkhasov

Informative and reliable tests are presented to determine the level of general and special physical fitness of athletes in oriental martial arts, selected based on the results of mathematical processing.

Key words: long-term sports training, martial arts, good tests.

The sports selection system developed in the country includes the organization of individual events that are closely related to the stages of long-term sports training. A unified selection system involves the development and experimental testing of the effectiveness of various selection models within the framework of the organizational activities under consideration. In the training of young athletes, pedagogical testing takes a leading place in the system of sports selection activities, showing the development of general physical qualities and abilities, as well as special motor abilities inherent in a particular sport.

When choosing tests, experts focus on the adequacy of the training property and evaluation of the results of its implementation. Also, when choosing control tools, the provisions of the mathematical theory of tests are taken into account, which involves their preliminary verification for compliance with standardization criteria. The results of numerous studies made it possible to formulate the basic requirements for control tests

1. Reliability, which implies stability (reproducibility of test results when repeated at certain intervals under the same conditions) and consistency (independence of test results from the personal qualities of the person conducting the test).

2. Standardity, which is understood as such regulation of the testing procedure and conditions, which excludes differences in the organization of tests that affect the results.

3. Availability of rating systems.

Processing of experimental data is traditionally carried out using mathematical and statistical methods, the main of which are: the method of maximum correlation path and varieties of factor analysis, which allow modeling the structure of preparedness

subjects. Despite the fact that the absolute data obtained as a result of testing depend on the initial characteristics, the advantage of these methods is the ability to determine the direction of shifts in the structure of preparedness.

An analysis of literary sources devoted to the organization of the training process in martial arts allowed us to propose the following indicators of general and special physical fitness in oriental martial arts.

Indicators characterizing primarily motor-coordinating abilities: “shuttle run” 3*10 m; accuracy of striking a stationary target out of 10 attempts (direct hand strike to the head, side kick to the torso); fixing direct kicks to the middle level and side kicks to the upper level.

Indicators characterizing predominantly speed: speed of motor reaction (pedagogical assessment); speed run 30 m from a high start; frequency (tempo) of elementary movements.

Indicators characterizing primarily speed-strength abilities: standing long jump; triple long jump; jump up; throwing a medicine ball with one hand from the chest; throwing a medicine ball with both hands from behind the head; lifting the body from a supine position in 30 s; rope climbing (5 m) for a while.

Indicators characterizing primarily the strength abilities themselves: squatting with a partner on the shoulders: the weight of the partner is equal to the weight of the subject; bench press: weight of the barbell - 70-80% of the weight of the test subject (boy); wrist dynamometry.

Indicators characterizing predominantly strength endurance: pull-ups on the crossbar; flexion-extension of the arms while lying down.

Indicators characterizing predominantly speed endurance: the maximum number of side kicks with one leg on the bag at an average level for a while; the maximum number of punches on the bag for a while.

Indicators characterizing mainly general endurance: 1000 m run, 2000 m run, Cooper test.

Indicators characterizing primarily flexibility: bridge from a standing position; bending forward from a sitting position; cross twine.

All indicators that were obtained in the process of testing martial arts athletes were subjected to two mathematical procedures: determining stability by calculating coefficients between indicators IeB1;-ge1ev1 and structuring the obtained data using the method of factor analysis with rotation of orthogonal planes according to the varimax criterion according to the values: 0 .95-0.99 - excellent reliability; 0.90-0.94 - good; 0.80-0.89 - acceptable;

0.70-0.79 - bad; 0.60-0.69 - the test is suitable only for characterizing one group of subjects. For diagnostic purposes, an information content of at least 0.6 is recommended. Tests that had a stability of at least 0.80 and information content of at least 0.60 were excluded from the studies.

In accordance with the stages of long-term sports training, the subjects were divided into groups; age, sex and qualification characteristics were also taken into account. Group “A” included athletes 13-14 years old (n=25); in group “B” - 15-16 years old (n=25); in group “C” - 17-18 years old (n=20).

Athletes of group “A” aged 13-14 years demonstrated a high reliability coefficient - above 0.9 points in the “standing long jump” - 0.912 and in the test “flexion and extension of the arms in a prone position” - 0.910 and “transverse split” - 0.926 ; the minimum coefficient was found in the standing bridge test - 0.830.

In group “B”, athletes aged 15-16 years, a reliability coefficient above 0.9 points is noted in “standing long jump” - 0.914 in “flexion and extension of arms in a prone position” - 0.931, “raising the body from a lying position on back" - 0.904, in the "1000 m run" - 0.916.

In the group of athletes “C”, 17-18 years of age, high reliability indicators are noted in the following exercises: “standing long jump” - 0.923, “raising the body from a lying position” - 0.912, “flexion and extension of the arms in a prone position” - 0.944, “3000m run” - 0.910, “throwing a medicine ball with one hand from the shoulder” - 0.911 and “motor reaction speed” - 0.903.36.

The table shows good tests selected based on the results of mathematical processing.

Good tests for pedagogical control of athletes

in martial arts

Indicators Stable-Inform-


Shuttle run 3*10 m (s) 0.843 0.634

Speed ​​run 30 m from a high start (s) 0.885 0.607

Standing long jump (cm) 0.912 0.647

Raising the body from a supine position in 30 s (times) 0.882 0.657

Squats with a partner on the shoulders (times) 0.820 0.614

Pull-ups on the bar (times) 0.868 0.684

Flexion - extension of the arms in a lying position for 15 s (times) 0.910 0.591

Run 1000 m (s) 0.894 0.631

Standing bridge (score) 0.830 0.614

Forward bend from a sitting position (cm) 0.859 0.629

End of table.

Motor reaction speed (ms) 0.846 0.640

Transverse twine (point) 0.826 0.658

General physical fitness tests

Shuttle run 3*10 m (s) 0.840 0.628

Speed ​​run 30 m from a high start (s) 0.873 0.612

Standing long jump (cm) 0.914 0.652

Raising the body from a supine position in 30 s (times) 0.904 0.680

Pull-ups on the bar (times) 0.821 0.618

Flexion-extension of arms in a lying position for 15 s (times) 0.931 0.610

Run 1000 m (s) 0.916 0.637

Forward bend from a sitting position (cm) 0.835 0.603

Tests for special physical training

Accuracy of hitting a stationary target out of 10 attempts: 0.819 0.612

Throwing a medicine ball with one hand from the shoulder (cm) 0.847 0.619

Motor reaction speed (ms) 0.881 0.673

General physical fitness tests

Shuttle run 3*10 m (s) 0.868 0.632

Speed ​​run 30 m from a high start (s) 0.889 0.620

Standing long jump (cm) 0.923 0.657

Raising the body from a supine position in 30 s (times) 0.912 0.664

Pull-ups on the bar (times) 0.826 0.620

Flexion-extension of arms in a lying position for 15 s (times) 0.944 0.627

Run 1000 m (s) 0.910 0.631

Bend forward from a sitting position 0.844 0.612

Tests for special physical training

Accuracy of hitting a stationary target out of 10 attempts: 0.824 0.614

direct punch to the head (one time)

Accuracy of hitting a stationary target out of 10 attempts: 0.810 0.607

side kick to the body (one time)

Throwing a medicine ball with one hand from the shoulder (cm) 0.911 0.628

Motor reaction speed (ms) 0.903 0.681

Of the 29 tests used to measure the group of 13-14 year old athletes, 12 were selected, the rest had a reliability coefficient below 0.8: general physical training (10 tests) and special physical training (2 tests).

In the group of athletes aged 15-16 years, 12 tests were selected. At the same time, in comparison with testing of athletes aged 13-14 years, the “standing bridge” and “cross split” tests were not selected. At the same time, the tests “throwing a medicine ball with one hand from the shoulder”, “accuracy

delivering a direct blow with a hand" and "accuracy of delivering a side kick", which characterize special physical training (SPT). Thus, 12 tests were selected for athletes aged 15-16 years, 8 of which reflect general physical training (GPP), and 4 tests - special physical training.

In the group of 17-18 year old athletes, 12 were selected, of which 4 tests characterize SPP, and 8 - GPP, as well as in the group of 15-16 year old athletes. At the same time, in comparison with the testing of athletes 15-16 years old, the “squatting with a partner on the shoulders” test was not selected.

Analyzing the results obtained, it can be stated that as sports mastery develops, the number of selected tests on general physical fitness decreases from 10 in group “A” to 8 in group “B”, and the number of tests on physical fitness increases from 2 in group “A” to 4 in group "B and C". This indicates the gradual specialization of athletes, the transition of the training process from fundamental to narrowly focused training.

It was revealed that some tests that reflect general physical fitness and are informative for young athletes: “squats with a partner on the shoulders”, “bridge from a standing position” become not informative for qualified athletes. In general, as athletes improve their skills, their demonstrated stability increases.

It is also worth noting a fairly large number of “end-to-end” tests: “shuttle run”, “30 m speed run”, “standing long jump”, “pull-up on the bar”, “raising the body from a lying position”, “flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position”, “running 1000 m”, “leaning forward from a sitting position”, “speed of motor reaction”. This indicates that, despite the difference in stages, throughout the entire long-term training, the focus remains on achieving and maintaining the specifics of general physical training and physical training in martial arts: speed-strength training, speed, flexibility and endurance.


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Nikitushkin Viktor Grigorievich, doctor of pedagogy. Sciences, prof., head. department, [email protected], Russia, Moscow, Moscow City Pedagogical University,

Alkhasov Dmitry Sergeevich, Ph.D. ped. sciences, head, [email protected], Russia, Moscow region, Noginsk, Noginsk branch of the state educational institution of higher education of Moscow State Regional University


V.G. Nikitushkin, D.S. Alkhasov

The informative and reliable tests for determining the level of the general and special physical fitness of athletes by east types of single combats selected by results of mathematical processing are submitted.

Key words: long-term sports training, martial arts, sturdy tests.

Nikitushkin Victor Grigoryevich, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, professor, chair, vnikitushkin@,mail.ru, Russia, Moscow, Moscow City Pedagogical University,

Alkhasov Dmitry Sergeyevich, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, head of physical education, 6 7ads@ mail. ru, Russia, Moscow region, Noginsk, Noginsk branch of the State educational institutions of higher education Moscow State Regional University