Protection of subjects of tax legal relations is. Protection of the rights of subjects of tax legal relations. Judicial procedure for protecting violated rights of taxpayers

If the rights and legitimate interests of taxpayers (payers of fees), as well as other participants in tax legal relations, are violated, the legislation provides for the possibility of their protection in administrative or judicial proceedings. The means of protecting these rights and interests include appealing the actions of the tax authorities. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of every taxpayer to appeal against acts of tax authorities of a non-regulatory nature, actions or inactions of their officials, if, in the opinion of the taxpayer, they violate his rights. At the discretion of the taxpayer, a complaint can be addressed to a higher tax authority (higher official), i.e. in an administrative (extrajudicial) procedure, or in court.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone is guaranteed judicial protection of their rights. At the same time, an administrative complaint does not exclude the right to simultaneous or subsequent filing of a similar complaint with the court. Regulatory acts of tax authorities can also be appealed in the manner prescribed by federal legislation. When appealing in court, organizations and individual entrepreneurs submit statements of claim to arbitration courts, which are considered on the basis of the Arbitration Procedural Code. However, this code allows for the right to appeal to the arbitration court for citizens who do not have the status of individual entrepreneurs in cases provided for by the APC and federal legislation. Individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs file claims in a court of general jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation on appealing to the court unlawful actions of government bodies and officials. Consideration of these cases is carried out in civil proceedings, taking into account the features established by the above-mentioned legislation. An important role in protecting the rights of taxpayers (as well as other subjects of tax law) belongs to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. It examines the constitutionality of the law applied or to be applied in a particular case, based on complaints from citizens about violations of their constitutional rights. This also applies to the area of ​​tax legal relations.

The administrative procedure for appealing the actions of tax authorities is more efficient. A complaint against an act of a tax authority, the action or inaction of its official is filed, respectively, with a higher tax authority or a higher official of this body within three months from the day the taxpayer learned or should have learned of a violation of his rights. This deadline can be restored if there is a valid reason for missing it. If the person who filed the complaint withdraws it before a decision is made, then he is deprived of the right to file a second complaint on the same grounds, to the same tax authority or to the same official. The complaint must be considered no later than one month from the date of its receipt. The taxpayer must be notified of the decision in writing within three days. However filing a complaint does not suspend the execution of the act or action being appealed. But the tax authority (official) has the right to suspend their execution if there are sufficient grounds to consider these acts or actions to be inconsistent with the law.

The rights of taxpayers to protect their legitimate interests are ensured by the corresponding duties of tax officials. They are liable for unlawful actions or inaction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The legislation provides guarantees for compensation for losses caused by unlawful actions (decisions) or inaction of tax authorities employees in the performance of their official duties. These losses must be compensated from the federal budget..

In order to protect his rights, the taxpayer can contact the bodies of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, which supervises the implementation of laws, including tax legislation, and the observance of citizen rights, including control bodies and their officials.

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UDC 336.1:34 BBK 67.402 P 80 Published by decision of the editorial and publishing council of the Bel YuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Prokopenk

Finance functions
Finance has four functions: distribution, control, regulation and social. They are carried out by finance simultaneously. This is explained by the fact that every financial

Financial activities of the state and municipalities
Functionally, finance is implemented in the process of financial activities of the state and municipalities. Financial activity of the state –

Subject of financial law
Finance is regulated by various branches of law, but only financial law fully covers this area. Financial law has its own subject of regulation, which is not typical

Methods of financial law
The main method of financial and legal regulation is imperative. It consists in authoritative instructions to some participants in financial relations from others acting from and

Interaction of financial law with other branches of law
Financial law interacts most closely with administrative law. This is also due to the fact that in the period from 1917 to 1991 financial law did not exist as a department

The rules of financial law of the Russian Federation are contained in a large number of different legal regulations, or sources. These include acts of representative and executive bodies of the state

The concept of financial and legal norms
Financial legal norms are the initial primary elements that make up financial law as a branch of law. They have all the general features of a general legal norm, but also have special

Financial legal relations
The concept of financial legal relations, their features and types. Subjects of financial legal relations, their classification. Methods of legal protection of the interests of subjects of financial relations. Meth

Legal facts in financial law include actions (inaction) or events
Actions are legal facts that are the result of the will of persons. They may be legal, i.e. meet the requirements of the law, and unlawful - do not comply with them. IN

Subjects of financial law
Financial law determines the circle of participants or subjects of financial legal relations and gives them legal rights and obligations. The bearers of these rights and obligations are

Protection of the rights of subjects of financial legal relations
To implement the rights of subjects of financial legal relations, various methods are used. The first of these is the method of persuasion in various forms, which is implemented through

Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entities participating in financial legal relations is carried out administratively or judicially
In financial relations, both of the above-mentioned procedures for protecting rights apply, and resolving a case administratively if the outcome is unsatisfactory does not exclude the possibility of going to court in general.

Financial control
The concept and meaning of financial control. Financial control as a specialized type of government control. The role of financial control. The concept of financial discipline. Types of fin

Types of financial control
Financial control is divided into several types for different reasons (Fig. 5.1). Depending on the time of financial control, it may

Parliamentary financial control
In 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation introduced the principle of separation of powers, which changed the role of financial control of representative authorities over the activities of executive authorities

Presidential financial control
In order to ensure the effectiveness of presidential control, a special control body has been created under the jurisdiction of the President of the Russian Federation - the Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.

Government financial control
The Government of the Russian Federation, as an executive body of general competence, exercises general management of the work of subordinate federal ministries, including

Banking financial control
Modern banks and non-bank credit organizations perform some financial control functions in relation to the enterprises and citizens they serve. Commercial banks

Departmental and on-farm financial control
An integral and integral part of the functioning of finance within the state, its territorial entity and a specific enterprise is departmental and intra-economic financial

Independent financial control (audit)
In the context of intradepartmental and intra-economic control, audit control is widely used in world practice. The formation of market relations, the formation of a new tax

Public financial control
Financial control carried out by state bodies and local governments is complemented by public financial control, which is based on

Financial control methods
Financial control is carried out using a variety of methods. The use of one or another method is determined by the legal status of the bodies exercising control, the peculiarities of the activities of those being inspected

The concept of state and local budgets
State and local (municipal) budgets are the central link in the financial system of the Russian Federation, like any other state. Budget is a must

Budget law and budget legal relations
Social relations arising in the process of formation, distribution and use of state and local budgets are regulated by a special section (sub-sector) of financial

Budget system of Russia
All budgets of the Russian Federation are combined into a single complex, which is called the budget system. The budget system of the Russian Federation is based on economic

Budgetary powers of state authorities and local governments
Before January 1, 2005, the budget legislation contained the concept of budgetary rights (competence) of the Russian Federation, its constituent entities and municipalities. New edition

Budget revenues
Budget revenues are funds received by the budget, with the exception of funds that are sources of financing the budget deficit.

Budget expenses
Budget expenditures are funds paid from the budget, with the exception of funds that are sources of financing the budget deficit.

Balanced budgets
In characterizing budget expenses and revenues, not only the qualitative side (types, directions, etc.) is important, but also the quantitative side, including the ratio of the volume of income and

The concept of the budget process
The budget process is the activity of state authorities and local government bodies regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Budget drafting stage
This stage begins with the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly, which must arrive at the Federal Assembly no later than March preceding the next financial year.[

Budget execution stage
Fulfilling the budget means ensuring the full and timely receipt of all budgeted revenues and providing financing for all budgeted revenues.

Thus, the budget execution stage ends on December 31 and lasts exactly one year
Balances of budget funds not used by recipients of budget funds that are not in a single budget account are subject to transfer no later than the last two working days of the current financial year.

Responsibility for violation of budget legislation
Budgetary and administrative responsibility for violation of budget legislation. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the established procedure with

Targeted state and local funds
Concept, classification and fundamentals of legal regulation of targeted state and municipal funds. Legal regime of state extra-budgetary funds. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, source

State social extra-budgetary funds
Off-budget cash funds are a type of targeted state and municipal cash funds. They are created at the federal, regional (subjects of the Russian Federation

Extra-budgetary trust funds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and industry monetary funds
Targeted state funds of funds are formed at the disposal of ministries, departments, and sometimes executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are used as government

Decentralized government revenues
Decentralized government revenues are the income of enterprises and organizations that are fully or partially owned by the state and financial resources

Concept of tax and fee
Taxes are the main source of public finance through the withdrawal of part of the social product in the form of mandatory payments. Taxes have been known since time immemorial. TO

System of taxes and fees in Russia
Pursuing the goals of replenishing the treasury and other goals, any state seeks to diversify the taxes it imposes. Turning to the history of pre-revolutionary (before 1917) Russia, one can find

The procedure for establishing taxes and fees
The tax must be precisely defined. The law on each tax must contain a comprehensive set of information that would allow the obligated person to specifically approve the amount of taxes

Tax legal relations
The concept and essence of tax legal relations. Subjective composition of tax legal relations. Characteristics of the administrative and legal status of subjects of tax legal relations. Concept

A taxpayer is a person who has a legal obligation to pay tax out of their own funds. Taxpayer

Tax agents, tax collectors
Tax agents are persons who are charged by law with the obligation to calculate tax on amounts paid by them to the taxpayer, to withhold

Taxpayer representatives
A taxpayer may participate in relations regulated by tax legislation through a legal or authorized representative. At the same time, personal participation

Tax authorities
The tax authorities in the Russian Federation are the Federal Tax Service and its branches in the Russian Federation. Tax authorities draw up a single price

Other participants in tax legal relations
Other participants in tax legal relations include customs authorities, internal affairs bodies, financial authorities, and credit organizations. Customs authorities use

Tax liability
Tax liability is one of the most important categories of tax law, in relation to which most tax legal relations arise.

Responsibility of participants in tax legal relations. Responsibility for violation of tax laws
Tax and customs authorities are responsible for losses caused to taxpayers as a result of their unlawful actions (decisions) or inaction, as well as

Tax control
Tax control is one of the types of financial control. It is carried out by tax officials within their competence. To carry out tax control

Personal taxes
The essence of personal income tax. Objects of taxation of personal income tax. Tax period for personal income tax. Tax deductions. Tax status

Taxes from organizations
The essence of taxes on organizations. The essence of value added tax. Subjects and objects of value added tax. Tax base of value added tax. Taxes

Payments for the use of natural resources
The concept and essence of mineral extraction tax. Objects of taxation of mineral extraction tax. Types of objects. Tax base for mineral extraction tax

Land tax
This tax is a local, direct (personal) and regular tax. In 2004, the chapter “Land Tax” was added to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The tax is established by the Tax Code

Other fees and charges
The concept and essence of state duty. State duty rates. The procedure for calculating and paying state duty. The concept and essence of customs duties. Plat

Special tax regimes and international tax rules
Taxation system for agricultural producers (unified agricultural tax). Taxpayers. Objects of taxation for agricultural goods

International tax rules
The Constitution of the Russian Federation recognizes that the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If international dogs

The concept of state and municipal credit
One of the ways to mobilize funds into the financial system of the Russian Federation is a loan. The word “credit” comes from the Latin creditum – loan, debt, credere – to believe. In sense with

Features of financial legal relations in the field of state (municipal) credit
Financial legal relations in the field of state and municipal credit develop regarding the formation, functioning and repayment of state and municipal internal

Forms of state and municipal debt
The public debt of the Russian Federation includes debt obligations of the Russian Federation to individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, foreign

New Russian debt
Securities in foreign currency. Foreign currency securities make up the majority of the Russian Federation's current external debt. The types of securities are Eurobonds

Debt of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia
The debt of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of July 1, 2010 is 2.486 billion rubles and consists of debt on loans - 956 million rubles and securities issued in Russian rubles - 1.53 billion rubles

State and municipal debt management
Management of the public debt of the Russian Federation is entrusted to the Government of the Russian Federation. Specific measures to manage the internal debt of the Russian Federation are carried out by the Russian Ministry of Finance. Office of the State

General characteristics of insurance
Insurance is one of the elements of the Russian financial system. It is a necessary element of the socio-economic system of any society. Original meaning

Insurance can be compulsory or voluntary
Voluntary insurance is carried out by force of law and on a voluntary basis. In accordance with the types of insurance specified by law, the insurer establishes specific insurance conditions

Social insurance
Social insurance is divided into state social insurance and non-state social insurance. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Health insurance
Health insurance is a form of social protection of the population's interests in health care. The purpose of health insurance is to guarantee citizens

Pension insurance
The organizational, legal and financial foundations of compulsory pension insurance are established in our country by the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 “On compulsory pension

Compulsory insurance
Compulsory insurance is insurance carried out in pursuance of the law by the persons provided for in it and at their expense. At the same time, the law determines the types, conditions and procedure for conducting

Compulsory insurance at the expense of the policyholder
This group includes legal relations related to the requirements of laws or regulations for organizations and certain categories of citizens to enter into an insurance contract. These norms are imperial

Compulsory professional activity insurance
Compulsory professional liability insurance is carried out by virtue of special laws that determine the conditions and procedure for its implementation. The risk of a self-employed person

Mandatory insurance by individuals of their civil liability
Vehicle owners are required to insure the risk of their civil liability, which may arise as a result of causing harm to the life, health or property of others when using

Mandatory insurance of valuable objects
When temporarily exporting cultural property by state and municipal museums, archives, libraries, and other state repositories of cultural property, the application for temporary

Compulsory insurance at the expense of organizations
Organizations are required to insure not only their liability for harm to third parties, but also the life and health of certain categories of citizens. Moreover, some legislative

Compulsory insurance financed by the state
In order to ensure the social interests of citizens and the interests of the state, the law establishes compulsory state insurance of life, health and property of state

Personal insurance at the expense of the state
The life and health of the President of the Russian Federation, who has ceased to exercise his powers, are subject to compulsory state insurance at the expense of the federal budget in an amount equal to the annual

Judges and law enforcement and regulatory officials
In accordance with Federal Law No. 45-FZ of April 20, 1995, the following are subject to compulsory insurance in this category: · judges of all courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts, arbitration

Military personnel and persons equivalent to them
The life and health of military personnel and persons equivalent to them are subject to compulsory state insurance from the date of commencement of military service, service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State

Other state and municipal employees
The life and health of departmental security workers are subject to compulsory personal insurance at the expense of federal executive authorities that have the right to create a departmental security service.

The concept of state and municipal expenditures
State (municipal) expenses are the activities of the state regulated by the norms of financial law in spending various funds of money.

Estimated budget financing
Estimated budget financing is the procedure for allocating funds from budgets and state extra-budgetary funds to state and municipal non-profit organizations.

Financing of capital investments
Capital investments are used to develop production and improve infrastructure. Insufficient or lack of capital investment negatively affects the economy

Concept and principles of bank credit
A bank loan is one of the forms of movement of loan capital. With bank lending, economic (monetary) relations arise, during which

Principles of bank lending
The Bank has the right, on its own behalf and at its own expense, to place funds attracted into deposits on the terms of voluntariness, repayment, payment, urgency, purposefulness and security

Functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the main bank in the Russian banking system. To achieve its goals - protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble, developing and strengthening the banking system

Mandatory insurance of bank deposits of the population
In order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of depositors of Russian banks, strengthen confidence in the banking system of the Russian Federation and stimulate the attraction of savings from the population into the banking system of the Russian Federation b

Functions of money
Measure of value - money as a universal equivalent measures the value of all goods. What makes all goods commensurable is the socially necessary labor spent on their production. Commodity cost

Legal basis of money circulation
Money circulation is the movement of money in cash and non-cash forms, serving the circulation of goods, as well as non-commodity payments and settlements.

Non-cash money circulation
Non-cash money circulation is characterized by the fact that there are no real banknotes, but some kind of symbols are used, i.e. digital records of the circulating money supply.

The concept of currency and currency values
“Currency” is a monetary unit of the state or banknotes of foreign states, as well as credit and payment documents expressed in foreign monetary units and

Currency control
Currency control is one of the types of financial control that is carried out during currency transactions. The main directions of currency control are

Responsibility for violation of currency legislation
Responsibility for violation of currency legislation is provided for by the administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with administrative law

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (taking into account the amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 No. 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 No. 7-FKZ) // Russian newspaper. 2009. No. 7. 21 Jan

On September 15, a new Code of Administrative Proceedings (CAC) came into effect in Russia. It can be used to challenge regulations and by-laws adopted by government bodies at all levels. However, the procedure for appealing decisions of the tax service and extra-budgetary funds made in relation to organizations and individual entrepreneurs is prescribed in the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, and, despite the emergence of the CAS, has remained unchanged.

Protection of taxpayers' rights. The right to appeal against actions or inactions of tax officials

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation includes a separate section regulating the possibility and procedure for appealing acts of tax authorities and actions or inactions of their officials. The designated section VII combines two groups of norms:

    • Chapter 19 “Procedure for appealing acts of tax authorities and actions or inactions of their officials” and
    • Chapter 20 “Consideration of a complaint and making a decision on it.”

Article 137 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides each taxpayer or tax agent with the right to appeal acts of tax authorities, actions or inactions of their officials.

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

Depending on the differences in substantive norms and procedural order, the regulatory legal acts of Russia provide for the following ways to protect taxpayers' rights:

    1. presidential;
    2. administrative;
    3. judicial;
    4. self-defense rights.

More details

Any actions (inactions) of regulatory authorities in the financial sector can be appealed to the President of the Russian Federation.

Administrative method involves applying for protection and restoration of a violated right to a higher authority in relation to the body that made the decision or carried out the action. This method involves simplified proceedings on a filed complaint. At the same time, the administrative procedure does not deny the possibility of subsequently seeking protection in court, or an alternative procedure is provided for protecting the rights of subjects of tax legal relations.

The judicial method is regulated by the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2002 N 138-FZ, as well as by the Law of the Russian Federation “On appealing to the court of actions and decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens” dated April 27, 1993 No. 4866-1. The law provides that every citizen has the right to appeal if he believes that his rights and freedoms have been violated, that he has been unlawfully assigned any obligation or that he has been unlawfully held accountable for any purpose, or that obstacles have been created to the exercise of his rights and freedoms. Legal entities - subjects of tax law - have the right to seek judicial protection even if the disputed financial relationship was formalized by an agreement.

Methods of judicial protection of taxpayers' rights:

    • recognition by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of a legislative act as unconstitutional in whole or in part;
    • recognition by a court of general jurisdiction as contrary to federal law and, therefore, invalid or not subject to application of the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
    • recognition by arbitration courts or courts of general jurisdiction as invalid of a normative or non-normative act of a tax authority, other state body or local government body that contradicts the law and violates the rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayer;
    • cancellation by arbitration courts or courts of general jurisdiction of an invalid normative or non-normative act of a tax authority, other state body or local government body, contrary to the law and violating the rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayer;
    • failure by the court to apply a normative or non-normative act of a state body, local government body or other body that contradicts the law;
    • suppression of actions of an official of a tax authority or other government body that violate the rights or legitimate interests of the taxpayer;
    • forcing tax authorities, other government bodies or their officials to fulfill legally established duties, from which they evade;
    • recognition as not subject to execution of a collection order (order) of a tax or other authority to write off indisputably the amounts of arrears, penalties, fines for violations of tax legislation from the taxpayer’s bank account;
    • return from the budget of amounts of arrears, penalties, and fines that were unreasonably written off in an indisputable manner;
    • collection of interest for late return of overpaid or overcharged amounts of tax, fee, penalty;
    • compensation for losses caused by illegal decisions, actions or inactions of tax authorities or their officials.

At the same time, the named methods of judicial protection are the subject of claims by taxpayers.

A significant part of cases arising from tax legal relations are considered by arbitration courts. Article 29 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation includes the jurisdiction of arbitration courts to consider economic disputes and other cases arising from administrative and other public legal relations. Arbitration courts consider the following categories of cases related to the implementation of entrepreneurial and other economic activities by organizations and citizens:

    • on challenging regulatory legal acts affecting the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant in the field of business and other economic activities;
    • on challenging non-normative legal acts of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, decisions and actions (inactions) of state bodies, local governments, other bodies and officials affecting the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant in the field of business and other economic activity;
    • on recovery from organizations and citizens carrying out
      entrepreneurial and other economic activities, mandatory payments, sanctions, unless federal law provides for a different collection procedure;
    • other cases arising from administrative and other public legal relations, if federal law places their consideration within the competence of the arbitration court.

The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in the Information Letter “Review of the practice of considering disputes related to the collection of income tax” dated June 21, 1999 No. 42 indicated that “disputes between individual entrepreneurs and tax authorities arising in connection with the calculation of income tax are within the jurisdiction of arbitration courts regardless of the basis for the dispute.”

As a general rule (Article 35 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation) the claim is brought at the location of the tax authority, whose acts, actions or inactions are being appealed. Claims against state bodies and local self-government bodies arising from tax legal relations are filed in the arbitration court of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and not at the location of the body that made the contested decision.

Article 138 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes an important rule for judicial consideration of tax disputes - principle of determining the proper defendant:

    • in a case of appealing an act of a tax authority, the defendant should involve the tax authority, regardless of who exactly signed the contested act;
    • in a case of appeal against actions or inactions of tax authority officials, the proper defendant will be the official who carried out the contested actions or who failed to act.

Law enforcement practice in dealing with tax disputes shows that the following issues are inevitably considered in litigation:

    1. application of substantive legislation on taxes and fees;
    2. application of procedural rules that served as a reason for the taxpayer to go to court: the procedure for conducting a tax audit, proceedings for a tax offense, the procedure for collecting arrears or penalties, etc.;
    3. legal qualification of the status, nature of the financial and economic activities of the taxpayer in order to identify the tax consequences of these operations.

The role of the prosecutor's office in protecting the rights of taxpayers

A significant role in the protection and restoration of violated rights and legitimate interests of taxpayers belongs to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, which, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 129) and the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation” (as amended by the Federal Law of November 17, 1995 No. 168-FZ ), constitutes a single centralized system, supervises the implementation of laws in force in Russia, takes measures aimed at eliminating their violations and bringing violators to justice. Along with other areas, the functions of the prosecutor's office include oversight of the implementation of financial legislation. It does not matter from whom the violation comes: from representative or executive authorities, financial, credit authorities, taxpayers, tax agents, residents in foreign exchange relations, etc.

To perform the function of supervising the implementation of tax law, the prosecutor's office has the right to conduct inspections of the implementation and compliance with financial legislation. Such inspections are carried out in connection with complaints, statements, and other information about tax violations received by the prosecutor's office.

In accordance with Art. 137 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taxpayers or tax agents are subject to appeal against acts of tax authorities of both non-normative and normative nature:

    1. non-normative acts of tax authorities, as well as actions or inactions of officials of these authorities must, in the opinion of the taxpayer or tax agent, violate their rights;
    2. Regulatory legal acts of tax authorities are appealed in the manner provided not by the Code itself, but by other federal legislation.

The following non-normative acts of tax authorities specified in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation may be the object of appeal by the taxpayer:

    • decisions on additional assessment of tax or penalties (clause 3 of Article 40);
    • decisions on the collection of taxes, fees, as well as penalties from funds held in bank accounts (clause 3 of Article 46);
    • collection orders for the transfer of tax to the budget (clause 2 of article 46);
    • decisions to refuse to grant a deferment or installment plan for the payment of a tax or fee (clause 6 of Article 64);
    • decisions to suspend transactions on bank accounts of a taxpayer or tax agent (Article 76);
    • decisions to seize the property of a taxpayer or tax agent (Article 77);
    • etc.

In addition to the above-mentioned non-normative acts, decisions of higher tax authorities made on the consideration of taxpayer applications for unlawful actions, inaction or acts of lower tax inspectorates are also subject to appeal.

The following are not subject to administrative or judicial appeal:

    • tax audit acts, since they themselves do not contain mandatory instructions for taxpayers that entail legal consequences.

The taxpayer has the right to challenge:

    1. the legality of actions or inactions of tax officials, if the consequences of such behavior were violations of the legal rights and interests of the applicant;
    2. creation of illegal obstacles to the exercise of property rights or other property rights, as well as freedoms; imposition of additional duties or other illegal property encumbrances;
    3. illegal bringing to tax liability.

Actions of tax officials that violate the rights of taxpayers and, therefore, subject to appeal, can be expressed in various types of actions:

    • carrying out control activities in violation of tax procedural norms,
    • presenting a demand for payment of a tax or fee,
    • presentation of a written tax notice of tax payment, etc.

The inaction of tax officials, which violates the rights of taxpayers, is most often expressed in evasion of the return of excessively collected amounts of tax, fee or penalty.

The procedure for appealing decisions and actions of tax authorities

In accordance with Art. 138 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, acts of tax authorities, actions or inactions of their officials can be appealed to a higher tax authority (higher official) or to court.

Filing a complaint to a higher tax authority (superior official) does not exclude the right to simultaneous or subsequent filing of a similar complaint in court.

Moreover, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 101.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a decision to prosecute for committing a tax offense or a decision to refuse to prosecute for committing a tax offense can be appealed in court only after appealing this decision to a higher tax authority. In case of appealing such a decision in court, the period for applying to the court is calculated from the day when the person in respect of whom this decision was made became aware of its entry into force. Thus, the administrative (pre-trial) appeal procedure is mandatory.

Judicial appeal of acts (including regulations) of tax authorities, actions or inactions of their officials is carried out by filing a statement of claim:

  1. organizations and individual entrepreneurs - to the arbitration court in accordance with arbitration procedural legislation;
  2. by individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs - to a court of general jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation on appealing to the court unlawful actions of government bodies and officials.

At the same time, according to the Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2002 N 22-O, the costs of representation in the arbitration court and the provision of legal services must be included in the damages subject to compensation to the party in whose favor the decision was made.

As a general rule, appealing against unlawful behavior of tax authorities or their officials does not suspend the execution of the act or action being appealed.

In the case of appealing acts of tax authorities, actions of their officials to the court at the request of the taxpayer (payer of fees, tax agent), the execution of the appealed acts, the commission of the appealed actions may be suspended by the court (in the manner established by the relevant procedural legislation of the Russian Federation), and in the case of an appeal to higher tax authority - may be suspended by decision of a higher tax authority.

The procedure and deadlines for filing a complaint with a higher tax authority or a higher official are established by Art. 139 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Rules for the consideration of tax disputes in pre-trial order, approved by order of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation of August 17, 2001 No. BG-3-14/290.

A complaint to a higher tax authority (superior official) is submitted in writing, unless otherwise provided by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, within 3 months from the day the person learned or should have learned about the violation of his rights. Supporting documents may be attached to the complaint. If the deadline for filing a complaint is missed for a good reason, this deadline, at the request of the person filing the complaint, can be restored by a higher official of the tax authority or a higher tax authority, respectively.

An appeal against a tax authority’s decision to prosecute for committing a tax offense or a decision to refuse to prosecute for committing a tax offense is filed before the decision being appealed comes into force.

A complaint against a decision of a tax authority that has entered into legal force to hold accountable for committing a tax offense or a decision to refuse to hold accountable for committing a tax offense that has not been appealed is filed within one year from the date of the appealed decision.

An appeal against the relevant decision of the tax authority is submitted to the tax authority that made this decision, which is obliged to send it with all materials to a higher tax authority within 3 days from the date of receipt of the said complaint.

A person who filed a complaint with a higher tax authority or a higher official, before a decision is made on this complaint, may withdraw it on the basis of a written application. Withdrawal of a complaint deprives the person who filed it of the right to file a second complaint on the same grounds to the same tax authority or to the same official.

If the rights and legitimate interests of taxpayers, as well as other participants in tax legal relations, are violated, the legislation provides for the possibility of their protection in administrative or judicial proceedings. The means of protecting these rights and interests include appealing the actions of the tax authorities. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of every taxpayer to appeal against acts of tax authorities of a non-regulatory nature, actions or inactions of their officials, if, in the opinion of the taxpayer, they violate his rights. At the discretion of the taxpayer, a complaint can be addressed to a higher tax authority (higher official), i.e. in an administrative (extrajudicial) procedure, or in court.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone is guaranteed judicial protection of their rights. At the same time, an administrative complaint does not exclude the right to simultaneous or subsequent filing of a similar complaint with the court. Regulatory acts of tax authorities can also be appealed in the manner prescribed by federal legislation. When appealing in court, organizations and individual entrepreneurs submit statements of claim to arbitration courts, which are considered on the basis of the APC. However, this code allows for the right to appeal to the arbitration court for citizens who do not have the status of individual entrepreneurs in cases provided for by the APC and federal legislation. Individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs file claims in a court of general jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation on appealing to the court unlawful actions of government bodies and officials. Consideration of these cases is carried out in civil proceedings, taking into account the features established by the above-mentioned legislation. An important role in protecting the rights of taxpayers (as well as other subjects of tax law) belongs to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. It examines the constitutionality of the law applied or to be applied in a particular case, based on complaints from citizens about violations of their constitutional rights. This also applies to the area of ​​tax legal relations.

Administrative procedure for appealing the actions of tax authorities: A complaint against an act of a tax authority, the action or inaction of its official is submitted, respectively, to a higher tax authority or to a higher official of this body within three months from the day the taxpayer learned or should have learned about the violation of his rights. This deadline can be restored if there is a valid reason for missing it. If the person who filed the complaint withdraws it before a decision is made, then he is deprived of the right to file a second complaint on the same grounds, to the same tax authority or to the same official. The complaint must be considered no later than one month from the date of its receipt. The taxpayer must be notified of the decision in writing within three days. However filing a complaint does not suspend the execution of the act or action being appealed. But the tax authority (official) has the right to suspend their execution if there are sufficient grounds to consider these acts or actions to be inconsistent with the law.

The rights of taxpayers to protect their legitimate interests are ensured by the corresponding duties of tax officials. They are liable for unlawful actions or inaction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The legislation provides guarantees for compensation for losses caused by unlawful actions (decisions) or inaction of tax authorities employees in the performance of their official duties. These losses must be compensated from the federal budget..

In order to protect his rights, the taxpayer can contact the bodies of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, which supervises the implementation of laws, including tax legislation, and the observance of citizen rights, including control bodies and their officials.

74.Tax offenses - general provisions.

A tax offense is recognizedguilty of an illegal (in violation of the legislation on taxes and fees) act (action or inaction) of a taxpayer, tax agent and other persons, for which liability is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.Individuals can be held liable for tax offenses from the age of 16.

Is found guilty of committing a tax offense a person who has committed an unlawful act intentionally or through negligence. A tax offense is recognized as committed intentionally, if the person who committed it was aware of the illegal nature of his actions (inaction), desired or consciously allowed the harmful consequences of such actions (inaction). A tax offense is recognized as committed due to negligence, if the person who committed it was not aware of the illegal nature of his actions (inaction) or the harmful nature of the consequences that arose as a result of these actions (inaction), although he should and could have been aware of this. The guilt of an organization in committing a tax offense is determined depending on the guilt of its officials, representatives, whose actions (inaction) led to the commission of a tax offense.

The general conditions for bringing to justice for committing a tax offense are the following: 1) prosecution for committing a tax offense is possible only on the grounds and in the manner provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; 2) the impossibility of repeatedly bringing to justice for committing the same tax offense; 3) the liability provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for an act committed by an individual occurs if this act does not contain elements of a criminal offense; 4) holding an organization accountable for committing a tax offense does not relieve its officials from administrative, criminal or other liability provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation; 5) holding a taxpayer accountable for committing a tax offense does not relieve him of the obligation to pay the due amounts of tax and penalties; 6) a person is considered innocent of committing a tax offense until his guilt is proven and established by a court decision that has entered into legal force.

Article 137 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation gives each taxpayer or tax agent the right to appeal against acts of tax authorities of a non-normative nature, actions or inactions of their officials, if, in the opinion of the taxpayer or tax agent, such acts, actions or inactions violate their rights.

Depending on the differences in substantive standards and procedural order, the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation provide for the following methods of protecting the rights of taxpayers:

– presidential;

– administrative;

– judicial;

– self-defense of rights.

Any actions (inactions) of regulatory authorities in the financial sector, in particular decisions of the Federal Service for Financial Markets, can be appealed to the President of the Russian Federation.

The administrative method involves applying for protection and restoration of a violated right to a higher authority (in relation to the body that made the decision or carried out the action). At the same time, the administrative procedure does not deny the possibility of subsequently seeking protection in court, or an alternative procedure is provided for protecting the rights of subjects of tax legal relations.

Along with the administrative procedure, the judicial appeal procedure is used.

At the same time, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes two conditions, compliance with which is necessary to protect the violated rights of taxpayers or tax agents:

– non-normative acts of tax authorities, as well as actions (inaction) of officials of these bodies must, in the opinion of the taxpayer or tax agent, violate their rights;

– regulatory legal acts of tax authorities are appealed in the manner provided not by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but by other federal legislation.

Decisions of higher tax authorities made on the consideration of taxpayers' applications for unlawful actions, inaction or acts of lower tax inspectorates are also subject to appeal.

Acts of tax audits are not subject to appeal in administrative or judicial proceedings, since they themselves do not contain mandatory instructions for taxpayers that entail legal consequences.

In tax law, the administrative appeal procedure does not have the nature of a pre-trial procedure, therefore filing a complaint with a higher tax authority (superior official) does not exclude the simultaneous or subsequent filing of a similar complaint with the court.

A complaint against an act of a tax authority, actions or inaction of its official is submitted, respectively, to a higher tax authority or to a higher official of this body.

A complaint to a higher tax authority (superior official) is filed, unless otherwise provided by this article, within three months from the day the taxpayer learned or should have learned about the violation of his rights. Supporting documents may be attached to the complaint.

If the deadline for filing a complaint is missed for a good reason, this deadline, at the request of the person filing the complaint, may be restored by a higher official of the tax authority or a higher tax authority, respectively.

The complaint is submitted in writing to the relevant tax authority or official.

A person who filed a complaint with a higher tax authority or a higher official, before a decision is made on this complaint, may withdraw it on the basis of a written application.

Withdrawal of a complaint deprives the person who filed it of the right to file a second complaint on the same grounds to the same tax authority or to the same official.

Resubmission of the complaint to a higher tax authority or a higher official is made within two months.

A higher body or a higher official, within one month from the date of receipt of the complaint, is obliged to consider it and make one of the following decisions:

– leave the complaint without satisfaction;

– cancel the tax authority’s act and order an additional audit;

– cancel the decision and terminate the tax violation case;

change the decision or make a new decision on the merits of the circumstances of the case.

Any of the decisions made is reported to the person who filed the complaint within 3 days.

17.2. Judicial procedure for protecting violated rights of taxpayers

The judicial procedure for protecting the rights of taxpayers involves a person filing a lawsuit in the appropriate court.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following methods of judicial protection of the rights of taxpayers:

– recognition of a legislative act as unconstitutional in whole or in part by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

– recognition by a court of general jurisdiction of the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation as contrary to Federal Law and, therefore, invalid or not subject to application;

– recognition by arbitration courts or courts of general jurisdiction as invalid of a normative or non-normative act of a tax authority, other state body or local government body that contradicts the law and violates the rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayer;

– cancellation by arbitration courts or courts of general jurisdiction of an invalid normative or non-normative act of a tax authority, other state body or local government body, contrary to the law and violating the rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayer;

– non-application by the court of a normative or non-normative act of a state body, local government body or other body that contradicts the law;

– the intersection of actions of an official of a tax or other government agency that violate the rights or legitimate interests of the taxpayer;

– coercion of tax authorities, other government bodies or their officials to fulfill legally established duties, from which they evade;

– declaring as unexecutable a collection order (instruction) of a tax or other authority to write off from the taxpayer’s bank account in an indisputable manner the amounts of arrears, penalties, fines for violations of tax legislation;

– return from the budget of amounts of arrears, penalties and fines unreasonably written off in an indisputable manner;

– collection of interest for untimely return of overpaid or overcharged amounts of taxes, fees, penalties;

– compensation for losses caused by illegal decisions, actions (inaction) of tax authorities or their officials.

The named methods of judicial protection are at the same time the subject of claims by taxpayers.

According to Art. 29. Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation to the jurisdiction of economic disputes and other cases arising from administrative and other public legal relations

Arbitration courts consider the following categories of cases related to the implementation of entrepreneurial and other economic activities by organizations and citizens:

– on challenging regulatory legal acts affecting the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant in the field of business and other economic activities;

– on challenging non-normative legal acts of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, decisions and actions (inaction) of state bodies, local government bodies, other bodies and officials affecting the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant in the field of entrepreneurial and other economic activities;

– about administrative offenses;

– on the collection of mandatory payments and sanctions from organizations and citizens engaged in business and other economic activities, unless the Federal Law provides for a different procedure for their collection;

– other cases arising from administrative and other public legal relations, if the Federal Law places their consideration within the competence of the arbitration court.

If the rights and legitimate interests of taxpayers (payers of fees), as well as other participants in tax legal relations, are violated, the legislation provides for the possibility of their protection in administrative or judicial proceedings. The means of protecting these rights and interests include appealing the actions of the tax authorities. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of every taxpayer to appeal against acts of tax authorities of a non-regulatory nature, actions or inactions of their officials, if, in the opinion of the taxpayer, they violate his rights. At the discretion of the taxpayer, a complaint can be addressed to a higher tax authority (higher official), i.e. in an administrative (extrajudicial) procedure, or in court.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone is guaranteed judicial protection of their rights. At the same time, an administrative complaint does not exclude the right to simultaneous or subsequent filing of a similar complaint with the court. Regulatory acts of tax authorities can also be appealed in the manner prescribed by federal legislation. When appealing in court, organizations and individual entrepreneurs submit statements of claim to arbitration courts, which are considered on the basis of the Arbitration Procedural Code. However, this code allows for the right to appeal to the arbitration court for citizens who do not have the status of individual entrepreneurs in cases provided for by the APC and federal legislation. Individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs file claims in a court of general jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation on appealing to the court unlawful actions of government bodies and officials. Consideration of these cases is carried out in civil proceedings, taking into account the features established by the above-mentioned legislation. An important role in protecting the rights of taxpayers (as well as other subjects of tax law) belongs to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. It examines the constitutionality of the law applied or to be applied in a particular case, based on complaints from citizens about violations of their constitutional rights. This also applies to the area of ​​tax legal relations.

The administrative procedure for appealing the actions of tax authorities is more efficient. A complaint against an act of a tax authority, the action or inaction of its official is filed, respectively, with a higher tax authority or a higher official of this body within three months from the day the taxpayer learned or should have learned of a violation of his rights. This deadline can be restored if there is a valid reason for missing it. If the person who filed the complaint withdraws it before a decision is made, then he is deprived of the right to file a second complaint on the same grounds, to the same tax authority or to the same official. The complaint must be considered no later than one month from the date of its receipt. The taxpayer must be notified of the decision in writing within three days. However filing a complaint does not suspend the execution of the act or action being appealed. But the tax authority (official) has the right to suspend their execution if there are sufficient grounds to consider these acts or actions to be inconsistent with the law.

The rights of taxpayers to protect their legitimate interests are ensured by the corresponding duties of tax officials. They are liable for unlawful actions or inaction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The legislation provides guarantees for compensation for losses caused by unlawful actions (decisions) or inaction of tax officials in the performance of their official duties. These losses must be compensated from the federal budget..

In order to protect his rights, the taxpayer can contact the bodies of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, which supervises the implementation of laws, including tax legislation, and the observance of citizen rights, including control bodies and their officials.

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