Dostoevsky quotes about Jews. An educational resource for thinking and curious people. Quotes from famous people about Jewish Jews

"Blessed be the Jew.
May the Russians also be blessed."

Today marks the 188th anniversary of the birth of the Great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovch Dostoevsky. Undoubtedly, on such a day it is necessary to talk about Dostoevsky. I would like to discuss a topic that I have been interested in for a long time. Dostoevsky and the Jews. Many considered and still consider Fyodor Mikhailovich an ardent anti-Semite. Is this really true?
The opinion was this: Dostoevsky could hate and despise individual Russians, but he endlessly loved the Russian people; and, on the contrary, he respected individual Jews, maintained acquaintance with them, but on the whole he considered the Jewish nation destructive for all other peoples and, first of all, for the Russian.

Let's evaluate a few quotes from Fyodor Mikhailovich's letters.
Dostoevsky stipulates that he does not feel any hatred towards Jews:

“There has never been this hatred in my heart, and those of the Jews who are familiar with me and have had relations with me know this, then I, from the very beginning and before any word, withdraw this accusation from myself, once for all, with so as not to particularly mention it later."

Then Dostoevsky very aptly assesses the Jewish people:

“There is no other people in the whole world who would complain so much about their fate, every minute, every step and every word they say, about their humiliation, about their suffering, about their martyrdom.”

Dostoevsky did not live during the Second World War. And he could not see the suffering that befell the Russian or Jewish peoples. However, this output appears:

“I can’t quite believe the cries of the Jews that they are so downtrodden, tortured and humiliated. In my opinion, the Russian peasant, and indeed the Russian commoner in general, bears almost more burdens than the Jew.”

The lack of a state among Jews at that time is incomparable to the suffering that the Russian people had to endure:

“When the Jew “suffered in the free choice of place of residence,” then twenty-three million of the “Russian working masses” suffered from serfdom, which, of course, was harder than the “choice of place of residence.”

Well, actually, who said that Russians don’t like Jews? There is hostility - and there are reasons for it. But why do Jews treat Russians this way? Dostoevsky asks this question and answers it:

“I even happened to live with the people, in the mass of the people, in the same barracks, sleeping on the same bunks. There were several Jews there - and no one despised them, no one excluded them, no one drove them away. When they prayed (and Jews pray with a cry , putting on a special dress), then no one found it strange, did not interfere with them and did not laugh at them, which, however, is exactly what should be expected from such a rude people, in your opinion, as the Russians, on the contrary, looking at them; they said: “They have such faith, they pray like that,” and they passed by with calmness and almost approval. And well, these Jews were alienated from Russians in many ways, did not want to eat with them, looked almost down on them. (and where is this? in a prison!) and generally expressed disgust and disgust towards the Russians, towards the “indigenous” people. The same is true in the soldiers’ barracks, and everywhere throughout Russia: visit, ask if Jews are treated in the barracks, as they are. a Jew, like a Jew, is not offended anywhere for his faith, for his custom, and so throughout the people. On the contrary, I assure you that both in the barracks and everywhere the Russian commoner sees and understands too much (and the Jews themselves do not hide it) that the Jew won’t want to eat with him, he disdains him, shuns and protects himself from him as much as he can, and so what - instead of being offended by this, the Russian commoner calmly and clearly says: “It’s his faith, it’s his faith doesn’t eat and stays away” (that is, not because he’s angry), and realizing that higher reason, he excuses the Jew with all his heart. Meanwhile, sometimes a fantasy entered my head: well, what if there were not three million Jews in Russia, but Russians; and there would be 80 million Jews - well, what would the Russians be like and how would they treat them? Would they allow themselves to be equal in rights? Would they be allowed to pray among them freely? Wouldn't they turn you straight into slaves? Even worse: wouldn't the skin be completely torn off? Wouldn't they have beaten them to the point of complete extermination, as they did with foreign peoples in the old days, in their ancient history? No, sir, I assure you that among the Russian people there is no preconceived hatred of the Jew, but there is, perhaps, dislike for him, especially in localities, and perhaps even very strong. Oh, without this it is impossible that he is a Jew, not from tribal, not from some kind of religious hatred, but this comes from other reasons, for which it is no longer the indigenous people who are to blame, but the Jew himself."

For many centuries, Jews have been a “state within a state.” There is nothing wrong with such consolidation of the people. But only if it does not harm the state within which the Jews create their own, says Fyodor Mikhailovich:

"But without delving into the essence and depth of the subject, it is possible to depict at least some signs of this state within a state, at least outwardly. These signs: alienation and alienation to the level of religious dogma, lack of fusion, belief in what exists in the world only one national personality is a Jew, and although there are others, we must still consider that they did not exist “Come out from the nations and form your own individual and know that from now on you are one with God, destroy the rest, or in. convert slaves or exploit them. Believe in victory over the whole world, believe that everything will submit to you. Strictly disdain everyone and do not communicate with anyone in your everyday life. And even when you are deprived of your land, your political personality, even when you are scattered across the face of the whole earth, among all nations - it doesn’t matter - believe everything that is promised to you, believe once and for all that everything will come true, but for now live, abhor , unite and exploit and - wait, wait..." This is the essence of the idea of ​​​​this state within a state, and then, of course, there are internal, and perhaps mysterious laws. Protecting this idea."

Dostoevsky does not mean individual Jews. He calls attention to the entire system, which is clearly aimed at World Domination:

“the top of the Jews reigns over humanity more and more firmly and firmly and strives to give the world its own appearance and its essence, the Jews keep shouting that there are good people among them. Oh, God! Is that really the point? And we’re not talking about good people at all or are we talking about bad people? And aren’t there also good people among them? Wasn’t the late Parisian James Rothschild a bad person? We are talking about the whole and about the idea of ​​it, we are talking about Judaism and the Jewish idea that embraces the whole world, instead of the “failed” one. Christianity..."

Well, actually, what we see in the works of the Great writer:

The first Jewish character in Dostoevsky’s work is Isai Fomich Bumshtein (“Notes from the House of the Dead”), a Riga Jew and convict. The manners, appearance, prayer rituals and speech of Isai Fomich are depicted mockingly and unkindly, without the slightest attempt to penetrate into his psychology and the meaning of the rituals he performs.

Almost all Jews in Dostoevsky’s works are negative characters, at the same time dangerous and pathetic, cowardly and arrogant, cunning, greedy and dishonest. In depicting them, the writer often resorts to cliches and slander of vulgar anti-Semitism (the desecration of the icon of the Mother of God by the cross-Jew Lyamshin in “Demons”, the assumption of justice in accusing Jews of ritually consuming the blood of Christian babies in “The Brothers Karamazov”). Instead of the word “Jew,” Dostoevsky prefers to use derogatory nicknames: kikes, liquids, kikes, kikes, kikes.

At the same time, let's remember that the word "Jew" acquired an abusive connotation only in modern Russian. And in the time of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, this word did not necessarily have (as it later did) a crudely derogatory meaning. It was also used by Pushkin, Lermonotov, and our other great classics.

Culture is a collection of madmen and perverts


“I want to see better pagans than Jews; they are all cheats and deceivers.
I eradicate evil, not spread it.” One of Peter I’s orders read: “I prefer to see Mohammedans and pagans in my country rather than Jews. The latter are deceivers and swindlers.
They do not receive permission to settle and organize their own affairs. Despite my orders, they are trying to accomplish this by bribing my officials.”
The daughter of Peter I, Elizaveta Petrovna, issued the following order: “All Jews, men and women, regardless of their position and wealth, must immediately leave the border...”
Peter the Great

“From now on, no Jew, whatever his name, shall be given the right to reside here
without my written permission. I do not know a plague more harmful to the state than this people, due to their ability, through deception, usury and monetary transactions, to reduce people to beggary and engage in all those things that disgust every honest person.”
Maria Theresa

“The activity of the Jewish nation since the time of Moses, due to all its predisposition,
involved usury and extortion...
The French government cannot look indifferently at how low, degraded,
a nation capable of all sorts of crimes seizes into its exclusive possession both beautiful
provinces of old Alsace. Jews have to be considered as a nation, and not as a sect. This is a nation within a nation... Entire villages were plundered by Jews, they reintroduced slavery; these are real flocks of ravens...
The harm done by the Jews does not come from individuals, but from this people as a whole.
These are the worms and locusts that are ravaging France."

“Well, what if it were not three million Jews in Russia, but Russians; and there would be 80 million Jews - well, what would the Russians be like and how would they treat them? Would they give them equal rights? Wouldn't they turn you straight into slaves? Worse still: wouldn’t the skin be completely torn off? Wouldn’t they have beaten them to the point of complete extermination, as they did with foreign peoples in the old days, in their ancient history?.. (Writer’s Diary for 1877). “In our outskirts, ask the indigenous population what motivates the Jews and what has motivated them for so many centuries. Get a unanimous answer: ruthlessness: what drove them for so many centuries was only ruthlessness towards us and only one thirst to feed on our sweat and blood.”
F.M. Dostoevsky

“The International ordered that the Jewish revolution begin in Russia. And it will begin... Because we do not have a reliable rebuff for it, either in management or in society. The revolt will begin with atheism and the robbery of all wealth. They will begin to overthrow religion, destroy temples and turn them into barracks and stables; They will flood the world with blood... The Jews will destroy Russia and become the head of anarchy. Jew and his Kagal are a conspiracy against the Russians.”
F.M. Dostoevsky

“Jews always live in anticipation of a wonderful revolution that will give them their “Jewish kingdom.” Come out from among the nations and... know that from now on you are one with God, destroy the rest, or make them slaves, or exploit them. Believe in victory over the whole world, believe that everything will submit to you.
Strictly disdain everyone and do not communicate with anyone in your everyday life. And even when you lose your land, even when you are scattered across the face of the whole earth, among all peoples, still believe everything that is promised to you once and for all, believe that everything will come true, but for now live, abhor, unite and exploit and - wait, wait."
F.M. Dostoevsky

“The top of the Jews reigns more and more firmly and strives to give the world its appearance and its essence. (...)
The Jewish idea covers the whole world. (...) Throughout the 40-century history of the Jews, they were always driven by only one ruthlessness towards us... ruthlessness towards everything that is not a Jew... and only one thirst to get drunk with our sweat and blood.”
F.M. Dostoevsky

The Jew and the bank are now masters of everything: Europe, enlightenment, civilization, and socialism,
especially socialism, because with it it will uproot Christianity and destroy its civilization. And when only anarchy remains, then the Jew will become the head of everything. For, preaching socialism, he will remain united among himself, and when all the wealth of Europe perishes, what will remain is the bank of the Jew.
The Antichrist will come and stand in anarchy."
F.M. Dostoevsky

“Something will come that no one can imagine... All these parliamentarisms, all civil theories, all the accumulated wealth, banks, sciences... everything will collapse in an instant without a trace, except for the Jews, who then alone will be able to do this and tidy everything up.” with your own hands."
F.M. Dostoevsky

Yes, Europe is on the verge of a terrible catastrophe... All these Bismarcks, Beaconsfields, Gambettas and others, they are all just shadows for me... Their master, the ruler of everything without exception and of the whole of Europe is the Jew and his bank... Judaism and Banks now control everything and everyone, both Europe and socialism, since with its help Judaism will uproot Christianity and destroy Christian culture. And even if nothing happens, as soon as anarchy is the lot, it will also be controlled by the Jew. Since, although he preaches socialism, nevertheless he remains with his Jewish accomplices outside of socialism. So that when all the wealth of Europe is drained, there will be only one Jewish bank left. (...) The Jewish revolution must begin with atheism, since the Jews need to overthrow that faith, that religion from which came the moral foundations that made Russia both holy and great!”
F.M. Dostoevsky

“The customs of this criminal people (the Jews) have become so strong that they are widely spread in all countries; the vanquished imposed their laws on the victors.”

“We Jews have thus not only degenerated and are at the end of a civilization that has spent itself, we have spoiled the blood of all the peoples of Europe - we may have infected them in the first place.
Jew Dr. Münzer in the book “The Road to Zion”

“All the cowardly sighs and lusts of their (the Jews) hearts are filled with the desire to someday do to us pagans, just as they did to the pagans in Persia during the time of Esther. Oh, how they love this book of Esther, which is so in tune with their bloodthirsty aspirations and hopes, thirsting for revenge and murder!
The sun has never shone on a more bloodthirsty and vengeful people, who imagine themselves to be the people of God because they must kill and strangle the Gentiles.”
Martin Luther

“The Jews are nothing more than an ignorant and barbaric people, who from ancient times have combined the filthiest greed with the most disgusting superstition and the most insurmountable hatred of all peoples among whom they are tolerated and at the expense of which they enrich themselves.”

“... they (the Jews) represent a tribe that carries such a strong infection, is morally so leprous and dangerous that they deserve to be destroyed even before birth...
Jews are a people always base, servile, dishonest, isolated, withdrawn, avoiding intercourse with other peoples, whom they persecute with brutal contempt, thereby incurring completely deserved contempt on their part.”
Giordano Bruno

“All of us... have long been running under the whip of Jewish hubbub, Jewish hysteria, Jewish hypersensitivity, Jewish passion to dominate, the Jewish centuries-old soldering that makes this chosen people as terrible and strong as a flock of gadflies capable of killing a horse in a swamp. The terrible thing is that we are all aware of this, but a hundred times worse is that we only whisper about it in the most intimate company in our ears, and never dare to say it out loud. You can curse the Tsar and even God in print and allegorically, but try a Jew! Wow!
What a squeal will rise among these pharmacists, dentists, doctors, and especially loudly among
Russian writers - because... every Jew was born into the light of God with a destined mission -
to be a Russian writer. Hundreds of people think the same as me, but don’t dare say it. I spoke intimately with many of those who crucify themselves for Jewish interests, placing them much higher than those of the people, the peasants. And they told me, looking around fearfully, in a whisper: “By God, I’m so tired of messing around with their sores!”
A.I. Kuprin

“But I want the Jews to be removed from her maternal care. And to prove to you that my view is correct, I will give you thirty-nine points. One hairdresser was cutting a gentleman’s hair and suddenly, cutting off his head, said: “Sorry!”, he ran to the corner of the workshop and began to piss on the wallpaper; and when his client was frozen with amazement, the figure calmly explained: “Nothing, sir, we’re moving tomorrow anyway, sir.” Such a barber in all centuries was the Jew with his Zion, after whom he always runs, like a hungry nag after a piece of hay hung in front of its shaft.”
A.I. Kuprin

“And no matter what the Jew puts on himself: a yarmulke, sidelocks, lapsedak or top hat and tuxedo, extreme hateful fanaticism or atheism and Nietzscheanism - an irrevocable offended disgust for the “goyim” (a pig, a dog, a camel, a donkey, a menstruating woman - that’s “ unclean” according to descending steps, according to the Talmud) or a clever philosophical theory about “all-man,” “all-god,” “all-soul.” And therefore, every Jew is not connected with me in any way: neither the land that I love, nor language, nor nature, nor history, nor type, nor blood, nor love, nor hatred.”
A.I. Kuprin

“If we, all people, are the masters of the earth, then the Jew is an everlasting guest... That’s why it’s funny that we talk so sincerely about Jewish equality, and don’t talk about it, but often give our lives for it!
And there is nothing to expect from a Jew, neither tenderness nor gratitude.”
A.I. Kuprin

“Yeltsin has a special merit in fanning anti-Semitism. He surrounded himself with the scum of the Jewish nation - evil and ignorant people, mediocre and arrogant, predatory and merciless.
They were already disgusting. The “course of reforms” imposed by the West was alien to Russia
and only led into the swamp, and Yeltsin’s promoters only knew how to talk and destroy, with their hands
Yeltsin carried out the most dirty and vile things - like privatization. And the people hated them fiercely.”
V. Bushin

“The meaning and direction of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion corresponds in many respects to the teaching
and the worldview of world Jewry... The line of conduct of the corresponding direction exists in the leading circles of world Jewry and that, as the Russian revolution itself has shown, the actions and aspirations of Jewry are often quite consistent with the content of the so-called Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia
Anthony (Khrapovitsky)

“Point to some other tribe of Russian foreigners, which, in terms of its terrible influence, could be equal in this sense to the Jew. You won't find one like this; in this sense, Jews retain all their originality in front of other Russian foreigners, and the reason for this, of course, is this “status in statu” (state within a state) of them, the spirit of which breathes precisely this ruthlessness towards everything that is not a Jew, this disrespect for everyone people and tribe, and to every human being who is not a Jew.”
F.M. Dostoevsky

“Reading the Protocols of Zion, one cannot help but come to the conclusion that this is really not the work of one person, but the work of more than one generation of enemies of the Church, cunning, crafty, among whom were people of extraordinary intelligence and strong will, people, moreover, who have neither one spark of Christian principles of morality, ready to do anything to achieve their goal. And their goal is the foundation of a world kingdom under the leadership of their king. All this is similar to the cherished dreams of the Jews about their universal king, and according to the teachings of the Holy Fathers - the Antichrist. The protocols are entirely imbued with the Jewish spirit, Jewish ideals.”
Archbishop Nikon (Rozhdestvensky)

Jewish happiness, Russian tears... Representatives of the Russian public demand that the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation stop the unpunished spread of Jewish national and religious extremism "... initiate a case to ban all religious and national Jewish associations in our country as extremist."

“...the entire democratic world today is under monetary and political control
international Jewry, of which prominent bankers are now openly proud...
And we don’t want our Russia, against the revival of which preventive measures are being carried out.
a permanent war without rules would be among such unfree countries.”
From “letter 25000” to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

“...many anti-Jewish actions all over the world are constantly organized by the Jews themselves with a provocative goal - to apply punitive measures against patriots.”
From “letter 25000” to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

“We Russians are so created by our God,” Kuprin continued, “that we know how to suffer from someone else’s pain,
as my own... More firmly than in my tomorrow, I believe in the great world mysterious destiny of my country, and among all its other sweet, stupid, rude, holy and whole features - I passionately love it for its boundless Christian soul. But I want Jews to be removed from her motherly cares..."
A. Kuprin

The Science of Racism and Hate. Massacres of Arabs. Increased terror. Displacement of the local population. Israel's wars of conquest. The aggressor increases its territory five times. The desire to turn Israel into the center of world control.
Oleg Platonov

“Following the precepts of the Orthodox Fathers of the Church, we cannot follow the instilled false understanding of tolerance as humility before sin, evil, heresies and, in this case, Satanism. A Christian must, precisely out of respect for the image of God inherent in every person, and for the sake of saving his soul, openly point out to Jews their dangerous deviation from the truth into Satanism - this, from a Christian point of view, consists of a manifestation of genuine love for people, and “tolerant” indulgence in heresies and Satanism only contributes to their spiritual death.
And under their onslaught – and many of their victims.”
From letter 500 to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

“I maintain that the Jewish question is simply a racial question, and the Jews are not only alien to us, but also an innately and irrevocably corrupt race.”
Evgeniy Dühring

“The Jewish question is a Christian question. Passing through the entire history of mankind, from its very beginning to the present day (which cannot be said about any other nation), Jewry represents, as it were, the axis of world history. As a result of this central significance of Jewry in the history of mankind, all the positive, as well as all the negative forces of human nature are manifested in this people with particular brightness.”
Vladimir Soloviev

“The Jews themselves consider America their country. Since Truman, Jews have held 50 to 60 percent of all major political positions in the US government, and have complete control of business, finance, the media, science and culture. As the rabbi of the Washington synagogue Adat Israel noted: “Today in the United States we feel not in dispersion (diaspora), but as in our native country. The United States now does not have a government of goyim, but a government in which the Jews are full partners in decision-making at all levels of government.” Of particular importance, according to the rabbi, was the Clinton presidency, during which a number of changes were made that significantly expanded the power of the Jews ... "

The Protocols of Zion are an abyss of Talmudic hatred of humanity.
S. F. Sharapov

It's high time to understand - for them we are goyim,
It's high time to understand - for them we are cattle,
And we are still grumbling, cackling: “What is it?”
And we all think: “We’re just unlucky!”
We all regret: “They chose the wrong one!”
There will be elections, so let’s choose “that one”
We don’t know what the bandits calculated:
Everything for Kagal, nothing for Russia.
We are delirious, with our eyes closed,
We chew all the fables of democracy...
We laugh with them, we cry with their tears,
We forge shackles for ourselves with passion.
Come to your senses, Russian, throw off the shackles of slavery!
All games with Satan are deadly!
To resurrect the state from the ashes,
Drive away the filthy ones with a strong broom.
Nikolay Bogolyubov

“Almost every American president of modern times, to confirm his full
loyalty to Judaism, at least from time to time they perform the function of Shabes goyim
with a devout Jew. As you know, on Saturdays Jews, according to their religion, are forbidden to work and even put out candles on a ritual Jewish candlestick; only a non-Jew, a Shabes goy, can do this. And on some Saturdays, the US President’s motorcade stops near the house of one of his Jewish employees, and the head of the superpower enters the house to take part in a Jewish ritual - to put out the ritual candles.”

“You are talking about the “Jewish question”. If in any other country Jews enjoy such political and other rights, I would be glad to hear it. The Jewish population, making up 0.69 percent of the country’s total population, is represented in its political and cultural life on a scale of at least 10-20 percent.”
M. Gorbachev

“ was the Jews who fiercely resisted the teaching of the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” in schools, and it was on the initiative of the Jews that we, the nation-forming Russian people, are prohibited from indicating our nationality in our passports.”
From “letter 500” to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

“Jews are members of all Masonic lodges and organizations. At the same time, they have a number of
Jewish Masonic fraternities, into which non-Jews are not allowed, and meetings are held with special secrecy...” “... the core of Jewish Freemasonry is the Order of B’nai B’rith - “mind, honor and conscience” of the Jewish people. In the 60s, it united 400 thousand American Jews, of which 57 thousand worked in Washington, holding responsible positions in government and business.”

“They split society into beggars and bloodsuckers with stolen goods from foreign banks, they quarreled peoples, created chaos in many countries; their presidents, ministers and governors turned out to be incompetent, ignorant and stupid, cowardly and shameless, their arrogance and shamelessness have no limits.”
V. Bushin

“Some sections of society, which have already completed their similarity with the Jews, represent types of degeneration doomed, in any case, to disappear. Only these degenerates show a predilection for the Jews." "...the Jews came from a mixture of the dregs of all kinds of races, however, over thousands of years of mixing, this mixture turned into a kind of racial type." “Jewishness... is a symptom of the disease of humanity, a fact that even the Jew Heinrich Heine confirms, calling it “an eternal infection brought from the banks of the Nile.”
F. Roderich-Stoltheim “The Mystery of Jewish Success”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the whole world if it had been made public in those years. But the world is more complex and is ready to move towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and bankers of the world is undoubtedly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in past centuries...”

“It was in the process of secularization that very real Jewish chauvinism was born...
The idea that Jews are chosen has turned... into the idea that Jews are the salt of the earth.
From this moment on, the old religious concept of chosenness ceases to be the essence of Judaism
and becomes the essence of Jewry"
Jewish writer and sociologist H. Arendt

“We call the Jews Jews, and not Jews, as many Russian writers often call them
modern times, and we do this because Eber, the ancestor of Abraham, is considered the ancestor of many Semitic tribes, including the Arabs; Jews come from the descendants of Judah, which is why in all European languages ​​there are names for them derived from the word “Judas”: Jude (in German), Ju (in English), Juif (in French), Jew (in Polish) and so on; our chroniclers, as well as historians Karamzin and Soloviev, also invariably call the Jews Jews.”
Alexander Nechvolodov

“The very essence of Judaism is its militant hatred of everything non-Jewish”
Grigory Klimov

“Jews are not a nation or a people, they are a disease.” “Jews bring corruption to modern culture.”
Grigory Klimov

“From the Orthodox point of view... the Jews are descendants (both by blood, but most importantly - by spirit,
Satan's God-fighting spirit) those deicides who demanded the crucifixion of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who shouted before Pilate in the square: “His blood be on us and on our children!” (Matt. 27:25). These are Slutskers, Lazars and the like. We, the Orthodox, have no complaints about other Jews (for example, those who were baptized and sincerely rejected the Satanism of the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruch)....”
"Orthodox Rus'"

““Jewism”, “the Jewish yoke” is the yoke of Christ-sellers, who should be quite specifically called Jews, and not Jews, as is sometimes incorrectly written. We should not be afraid to call a spade a spade. This is a battle of creeds, not national differences. This must be clearly understood."
Outstanding theologian and historian, metropolitan
St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev)

“When close relatives marry each other, the children from this marriage will be degenerates.
This is an old, well-known fact. That is why the Church prohibits marriages between relatives. Up to the sixth knee. If a group of religious leaders does the opposite and encourages such marriages and even prohibits marriages outside their sect, then this sect, after 4-5 generations, will be full of degenerates.”
Grigory Klimov

“Many degenerates have unusual qualities - such as an insatiable desire to dominate, an abnormal, downright pathological desire to always be on top. Many of them have a clear and insatiable thirst for power. These degenerates feel “chosen”, “elite” (delusions of grandeur), but at the same time, they also feel “persecuted” and “persecuted” (delusions of persecution). After all, “delusions of grandeur” and “delusions of persecution” are sisters.”
Grigory Klimov

“People think that Yeltsin and the degenerates he recruited are all together
work for the benefit of Russia. This is a very dangerous misconception."
Grigory Klimov

“The Zionists have always shouted and continue to shout to everyone: “Anti-Semites!” - at the moment when they are grabbed by the hand at the crime scene. "Anti-Semitism" is one of the Zionists' means of defense, invented by them in order to fight their opponents - those who do not recognize the anti-divine essence of Zionism. When the monuments of Russian national culture were desecrated and destroyed, when the most ancient books and manuscripts were burned, when the Russian people were torn from their roots in a barbaric way, distorting their history, for some reason no one spoke about Russophobia, except for a handful of patriots, and let alone about Zionism, God God forbid there was anything to say. The genocide against the Russian people flourished unhindered and gained momentum, but as soon as the Russian people declared that they were Russians, that they had a rich culture and history, from which they would not allow a single page to be thrown away, frightened screams immediately rang out. about “anti-Semitism”, “chauvinism”, “nationalism”, “anti-Sovietism”. This trick is intended for the uninitiated.”
Igor Talkov

About the Holocaust: “Such a highlighting of the suffering suffered specifically by the Jews as some completely special phenomenon offends the moral sense.”
Igor Shafarevich

a Jew without God is somehow unthinkable; it is impossible to imagine a Jew without God. But this is a broad topic; we will leave it for now. What is most surprising to me is: how and where did I end up among the haters of the Jew as a people, as a nation? As an exploiter and for some vices, I am partly allowed to condemn the Jew by these gentlemen themselves, but - but only in words: in reality it is difficult to find anything more irritable and scrupulous than an educated Jew and more touchy than him as a Jew. But again: when and with what did I declare hatred of the Jew as a people? Since there has never been this hatred in my heart, and those Jews who know me and have had relations with me know this, then, from the very beginning and before any word, I withdraw this accusation from myself, once and for all, so as not to particularly mention it later. Is it not because I am accused of “hatred” because I sometimes call a Jew a “Jew”? But, firstly, I didn’t think it would be so offensive, and secondly, as far as I remember, I always mentioned the word “Jew” to designate a well-known idea: “Jew, Jewism, Jewish kingdom” and so on. Here a well-known concept, direction, characteristic of the century was denoted. You can argue about this idea, disagree with it, but not be offended by words. I will copy out one passage from a letter from a very educated Jew, who wrote me a long and beautiful letter in many respects, which greatly interested me. This is one of the most characteristic accusations against me of hating the Jew as a people. It goes without saying that the name of Mr. NN, who wrote this letter to me, will remain under the strictest anonymity.

But I intend to touch on one subject that I absolutely cannot explain to myself. This is your hatred of the “Jew”, which manifests itself in almost every issue of your “Diary”.

I would like to know why you rebel against the Jew, and not against the exploiter in general, I can’t stand the prejudices of my nation no less than you - I suffered a lot from them - but I will never agree that unscrupulous exploitation lives in the blood of this nation.

Really You cannot rise to the fundamental law of all social life, that All without exception, citizens of one state, if only they bear all the duties necessary for the existence of the state, must enjoy everyone rights and benefits of its existence and that for apostates from the law, for harmful members of society, there should be the same penalty, common to everyone?.. Why should all Jews have limited rights and why should there be special punitive laws for them? How is the exploitation of foreigners (Jews are, after all, Russian subjects): Germans, Englishmen, Greeks, of whom there is such an abyss in Russia, better than Jewish exploitation? Than the Russian Orthodox fist, world-eater,

kisser, bloodsucker, of which so many have multiplied in all Russia, better than those of the Jews who still act in a limited circle? How is so-and-so better than so-and-so...

Goldstein (who died heroically in Serbia for the Slavic idea) and working for the benefit of society and humanity? Your hatred of the "Jew" extends even to Disraeli... who probably himself does not know that his ancestors were once Spanish Jews, and who certainly does not lead English Conservative politics from the point of view of the "Jew" (? ) ...

No, unfortunately, you don't know any Jewish people neither his life, nor his spirit, nor his forty-century history, finally. Unfortunately, because you, in any case, are a sincere, absolutely honest person, and unconsciously cause harm to the vast mass of mendicant people, the powerful “Jews,” receiving the powerful of this world in their salons, of course, are not afraid of either the press or even the impotent anger of the exploited. But enough about this subject! It is unlikely that I will convince you of my view, but I would highly like you to convince me.

Here's the excerpt. Before I answer anything (because I don’t want to bear such a heavy accusation), I’ll draw attention to the fury of the attack and the degree of resentment. Positively, during the entire year of publication of the Diary, I did not have such a length of article against the “Jew” that could have caused such an attack. Secondly, it is impossible not to notice that the venerable correspondent, having touched upon the Russian people in these few lines, could not resist and could not stand it and treated the poor Russian people too condescendingly. True, in Russia there is not a single place left untouched by Russians (Shchedrin’s word), and it is even more forgivable for a Jew. But in any case, this bitterness clearly testifies to

how Jews themselves view Russians. This was truly written by an educated and talented person (I don’t think without prejudice); What can we expect, after that, from an uneducated Jew, of whom there are so many, what feelings for a Russian? I don’t say this as an accusation: all this is natural; I just want to point out that perhaps more than one Russian people is to blame for the motives for our separation from the Jew, and that these motives have accumulated, of course, on both sides, and it remains to be seen which side is to a greater extent. Having noted this, I will say a few words in my justification and in general how I look at this matter. And although this question, I repeat, is beyond my strength, I can still express something.




The great Russian writer-visionary F. M. Dostoevsky already a hundred years ago turned his attention to the role of Jews in Russian cultural and social life, into which they brought their own, purely Jewish, worldview and sense of justice, alien to the indigenous population - to the Russian people who created Russia.

In his works, he repeatedly expressed his thoughts on this issue, prophetically foreseeing everything that happened in Russia subsequently.

Here is what Dostoevsky wrote almost a hundred years ago:

“The International ordered that the European revolution begin in Russia. And it will begin... Because we do not have a reliable rebuff for it, either in government or in society. The revolt will begin with atheism and the robbery of all wealth. They will begin to overthrow religion, destroy temples and turn them into barracks, into stables, they will flood the world with blood, and then they themselves will become afraid...

The Jews will destroy Russia and become the leaders of anarchy. Jew and his kahal are a conspiracy against the Russians. A terrible, colossal spontaneous revolution is foreseen, which will shake all the kingdoms of the world with a change in the face of this world. But this will require a hundred million heads. The whole world will be flooded with rivers of blood.” (Vol. XI, pp. 63-66).

“Yes, a new spirit will come, a new society will triumph. There can be no doubt about this. And this evil spirit is close. Our children will see him... The world will be saved after being visited by an evil spirit (vol. XI, p. 381).”

In addition to individual statements about the role of Jews in Russia, Dostoevsky in his “Diary of a Writer” for 1877 devoted an entire chapter to this issue (Chapter Two), entitled “The Jewish Question.”

At present (1969), this question has become not only topical, but also of concern to the whole world, going far beyond the borders of Russia and the borders of Russian-Jewish relations

Essentially, the “Jewish Question” in the “Diary of a Writer” is the beginning of that “Russian-Jewish Dialogue” to which my book is dedicated.

Therefore, as a separate appendix, the book contains the entire second chapter of the “Diary of a Writer” for 1877, devoted to this issue.


Oh, don’t think that I’m really trying to raise the “Jewish question”! I wrote this title as a joke. I am not able to raise a question of such magnitude as the position of the Jew in Russia, and about the position of Russia, which has three million Jews among its sons. This question is not about my size. But I can still have some judgment of mine, and it turns out that some of the Jews have become interested in my judgment. For some time now I began to receive letters from them, and they seriously and bitterly reproach me for attacking them, “that I hate the Jew,” I hate him not for his vices, “not as an exploiter,” but precisely as a tribe , that is, something like: “Judas, they say, sold Christ.” This is written by “educated” Jews, that is, from those who (I noticed this, but I am by no means generalizing my note, I make a reservation in advance) - who always seem to try to let you know that, with their education, they no longer share “prejudices” for a long time. We don’t perform our nation, we don’t perform our religious rituals like other small Jews; we consider this to be beneath our enlightenment, and, they say, we don’t believe in God. I will note in parentheses and by the way that all these gentlemen from the “higher Jews” who stand so much for their nation are too sinful to forget their forty-century-old Jehovah and abandon him. And this is far from being sinful from a sense of nationality alone, but also from other, very high-level reasons. And it’s a strange thing: a Jew without God is somehow unthinkable; it is impossible to imagine a Jew without God. But this is a broad topic; we will leave it for now. What is most surprising to me is: how and where did I end up among the haters of the Jew, as a people, as a nation? As an exploiter and for some vices, I am partly allowed to condemn the Jew by these gentlemen themselves, but - but only in words: in reality, it is difficult to find anything more irritable and scrupulous than an educated Jew and more touchy than him as a Jew? But again: when and with what did I declare hatred of the Jew as a people? Since there has never been this hatred in my heart, and those Jews who know me and have had relations with me know this, then, from the very beginning and before any word, I withdraw this accusation from myself, once and for all, so as not to particularly mention it later. Is it not because I am accused of “hatred” that I sometimes call a Jew, “Jew”? But, firstly, I didn’t think it would be so offensive, and secondly, as far as I remember, I always mentioned the word “Jew” to designate a well-known idea: “Jew, Jewism, kingdom of the Jews” and so on. Here a well-known concept, direction, characteristic of the century was denoted. You can argue about this idea, disagree with it, but not be offended by words. I will copy out one passage from a letter from a very educated Jew, who wrote me a long and beautiful letter in many respects, which greatly interested me. This is one of the most characteristic accusations against me of hating the Jew as a people. It goes without saying that the name of Mr. N.N., who wrote this letter to me, remains under the strictest anonymity.

… “but I intend to touch on one subject that I absolutely cannot explain to myself. This is your hatred of the “Jew”, which manifests itself in almost every issue of yours. Diary".

“I would like to know why you rebel against the Jew, and not against the exploiter in general; I can’t stand the prejudices of my nation as much as you do - I suffered a lot from them - but I will never agree that unscrupulous exploitation lives in the blood of this nation.”

“Can’t you really rise to the fundamental law of all social life, that all citizens of one state, without exception, if they only bear all the duties necessary for the existence of the state, must enjoy all the rights and benefits of its existence, and that for apostates from the law , for harmful members of society, there should be the same penalty, common to all?... Why should all Jews have limited rights and why should there be special punitive laws for them? Why is the exploitation of foreigners (Jews are all the same Russian subjects): Germans, Englishmen, Greeks, of whom there is such an abyss in Russia, better than Jewish exploitation? How is the Russian Orthodox fist, the world-eater, the kisser, the bloodsucker, of whom so many have multiplied throughout Russia, better than those of the Jews who still act in a limited circle? How is so-and-so better than so-and-so?”...

(Here the venerable correspondent compares several well-known Russian fists with Jewish ones in the sense that the Russians will not yield. But what does this prove? After all, we do not boast about our fists, we do not present them as examples of imitation and, on the contrary, we highly agree that both are bad).

“I could ask you thousands of such questions.”

“Meanwhile, when you speak of a “Jew,” you include in this concept the entire terribly impoverished mass of the three million Jewish population in Russia, of which at least two million 900,000 are waging a desperate struggle for a miserable existence, morally purer not only than other nationalities , but also the Russian people you idolize. In this name you also include that respectable number of Jews who received higher education and distinguished themselves in all fields of public life; take it at least..."

(Here again there are several names that, apart from Goldstein, I do not think I have the right to publish, because some of them may be unpleasant to read that they come from Jews).

“Goldstein (who died heroically in Serbia for the Slavic idea) and working for the benefit of society and humanity. Your hatred of the “Jew” extends even to Disraeli... who probably himself does not know that his ancestors were once Spanish Jews, and who certainly does not lead English Conservative politics from the point of view of a “Jew” (?).

“No, unfortunately, you do not know the Jewish people, nor their life, nor their spirit, nor their forty-century history, finally. Unfortunately, because you, in any case, are a sincere, absolutely honest person, and you are unconsciously causing harm to the vast mass of mendicant people - the powerful “Jews”, receiving the powerful of this world in their salons, of course, are not afraid of either the press or even the impotent wrath of the exploited. But enough about this subject! It is unlikely that I will convince you with my gaze, but I would highly like it if they convinced me.”

Here's the excerpt. Before I answer anything (because I don’t want to bear such a heavy accusation on myself), I’ll draw attention to the fury of the attack and the degree of resentment. Positively, during the entire year of publication of the Diary, I did not have such a length of article against the “Jew” that could have caused such an attack. Secondly, it is impossible not to notice that the venerable correspondent, having touched upon the Russian people in these few lines, could not resist and could not stand it and treated the poor Russian people a little too condescendingly. True, in Russia and from the Russians there is not a single place left that has not been spat on (Shchedrin’s word), and it is all the more forgivable for a Jew. But in any case, this bitterness clearly demonstrates how the Jews themselves view the Russians. This was indeed written by an educated and talented person (I don’t think without prejudice); What can we expect, after that, from an uneducated Jew, of whom there are so many, what feelings for a Russian? I’m not saying this as an accusation: it’s all natural! I just want to point out that perhaps more than one Russian people is to blame for the motives for our separation from the Jew, and that these motives have accumulated, of course, on both sides, and it is not yet known which side is to a greater extent. Having noted this, I will say a few words in my justification and in general how I look at this matter. And although this question, I repeat, is beyond my strength, I can still express something.

Pro and contra

Suppose it is very difficult to know the forty-century history of such a people as the Jews; but in the first case, I already know one thing, that there is probably no other people in the whole world who would complain so much about their fate, every minute, every step and every word they say, about their humiliation, about their suffering, about their martyrdom. Just think, they are not the ones who reign in Europe, they are not the ones who control the stock exchanges there, and therefore, politics, internal affairs, and the morality of states. Let the noble Goldstein die for the Slavic idea. But still, if the Jewish idea were not so strong in the world, and perhaps the same “Slavic” (last year) issue would have long ago been resolved in favor of the Slavs, and not the Turks. I am ready to believe that Lord Beaconsfield himself may have forgotten about his origins, once upon a time, from the Spanish Jews (probably, however, he did not forget); but that he “led English Conservative policy” during the last year, partly from the point of view of a Jew, this, in my opinion, cannot be doubted. “Partly” cannot be avoided.

But let all this, on my part, be unfounded, light tone and light words. I give in. But still I can’t quite believe the cries of the Jews that they are so downtrodden, tortured and humiliated. In my opinion, the Russian peasant, and indeed the Russian commoner in general, bears almost more burdens than the Jew. My correspondent writes to me in another letter:

“First of all, it is necessary to grant them (the Jews) all civil rights (think that they are still deprived of the most fundamental right: the free choice of place of residence, from which many terrible restrictions arise for the entire Jewish mass), like all other foreign nationalities in Russia, and then demand that they fulfill their duties to the state and to the indigenous population.”

But think too, Mr. Correspondent, who yourself write to me, in the same letter, on another page, that you “incomparably love and pity the working masses of the Russian people more than the Jewish masses” - (which is too strong a word for a Jew ) - just think that when the Jew “suffered in the free choice of residence,” then twenty-three million of the “Russian working masses” suffered from serfdom, which, of course, was worse than the “choice of residence.” So, did the Jews feel sorry for them then? Don't think; in the Western outskirts of Russia and in the South they will answer this in detail. No, even then they shouted and complained in the same way that they were downtrodden and martyrs, and that when they were given more rights, “then ask us to fulfill our duties to the state and the indigenous population.” But then the Liberator came and liberated the indigenous people, and what, who was the first to rush at them as a sacrifice, who took advantage of their vices primarily, who entwined them with his eternal gold craft, who immediately replaced, wherever he could and in time, the abolished landowners , with the difference that although the landowners greatly exploited the people, they still tried not to ruin their peasants, perhaps for their own sake, so as not to deplete the labor force, and the Jew did not care about the depletion of Russian strength, took his own and left. I know that the Jews, having read this, will immediately shout that this is not true, that this is slander, that I am lying, that I believe all this nonsense because “I don’t know the forty-century history” of these pure angels, who are incomparably “morally purer not only other nationalities, but also the Russian people I idolize” (according to the correspondent, see above). But let them be morally purer than all the peoples in the world,” and the Russians, of course, and meanwhile, I just read in the March book “Bulletin of Europe” the news that the Jews in America, in the Southern States, have already attacked the multimillion-dollar mass of liberated blacks and have already taken it into their own hands, famous and eternal for their “gold mining”, and taking advantage of the inexperience and vices of the exploited tribe. Just imagine, when I read this, I immediately remembered that five years ago this same thing came to mind, namely, that the blacks have now been freed from the slave owners, but they will not survive, because this fresh sacrifice the Jews, of whom there are so many in the world, will just attack. I thought this, and, I assure you, several times later during this period the thought occurred to me: “Why don’t you hear anything about the Jews, why don’t they write in the newspapers, after all, these blacks are a treasure trove for the Jews, will they really let them in? “And so I waited, they wrote in the newspapers, I read it. And about ten days ago I read in Novoye Vremya (No. 371) correspondence from Kovno, the most characteristic: “they say that the Jews there attacked the local Lithuanian population so much that they almost killed everyone with vodka, and only the priests saved the poor drunken people by threatening them the torments of hell and arranging sobriety societies between them.” The enlightened correspondent, it is true, blushes greatly for his population, who still believe in the priests and the torments of hell, but he reports that enlightened local economists rose up after the priests and began to set up rural banks, precisely in order to save the people from the pawnbrokers - Jews, and rural markets, so that the “poor working masses” could receive basic necessities at the real price, and not at the one charged by the Jew. Well, I read all this and I know that in an instant they will shout at me that all this does not prove anything, that this is because the Jews themselves are oppressed, they themselves are poor, and that all this is just a “struggle for existence”, that only a fool cannot understand this, and if the Jews themselves were not so poor, but, on the contrary, if they were richer, they would instantly show themselves from the most humane side, so that the whole world would be surprised. But, of course, all these blacks and Lithuanians are even poorer than the Jews who squeeze the juice out of them, and yet they (read the correspondence) abhor such trade, which the Jew is so greedy for; secondly, it’s not difficult to be humane and moral when you yourself are fat and cheerful, and if it’s just a “struggle for existence”, don’t come close to me. This, in my opinion, is not exactly such an angelic trait. And thirdly, of course, I do not present these two news from “Bulletin of Europe” and “Novoe Vremya” as such fundamental and decisive facts. If you start writing the history of this global tribe, then you can immediately find a hundred thousand of the same and even larger facts, so that one or two extra facts will not add anything special, but what is curious about this: the curious thing is that as soon as you - whether in a dispute, or simply in a moment of your own reflection - as soon as you need information about a Jew and his deeds - then do not go to libraries to read, do not rummage through old books or your own old notes, do not work, do not search, do not strain , and without leaving your place, without even getting up from your chair, just stretch out your hand to whichever newspaper you want, the first one lying next to you, and look on the second or third page: you will certainly find something about the Jews and certainly something that interests you, certainly the most characteristic and certainly the same thing - that is, all the same feats! So, you must admit, this means something, indicates something, reveals something to us, even if you were a complete ignoramus in the forty-century history of this tribe. Of course, they will answer me that everyone is overwhelmed by hatred, and therefore everyone lies. Of course, it may very well happen that every single one is lying, but in this case another question immediately arises: if every single one is lying and is overwhelmed by such hatred, then where did this hatred come from, after all, does this universal mean something? hatred, “after all, the word everything means something!”, as Belinsky once exclaimed.

“Free choice of location!” But is it Russian? Is an indigenous person really so completely free to choose his place of residence? Don’t the old and undesirable restrictions on the complete freedom of choice of residence for the Russian commoner, to which the government has long been paying attention, continue to this day? As for the Jews, everyone can see that their rights in choosing their place of residence have expanded very, very much in the last twenty years. At least they appeared throughout Russia in places where they had not been seen before. But the Jews still complain about hatred and oppression. I may not be firm in my knowledge of Jewish life, but there is one thing I already know for sure and will argue with everyone, namely: that in our common people there is no biased, a priori, stupid, religious hatred of any kind towards the Jew, like: “Judas, they say.” “I sold Christ.” Even if you hear this from children or from drunks, then all our people look at the Jew, I repeat this, without any prejudiced hatred. I've seen this for fifty years. I even happened to live with people, among a mass of people, in the same barracks, sleeping on the same bunks. There were several Jews there - and no one despised them, no one excluded them, no one persecuted them. When they prayed (and Jews pray screaming, wearing a special dress), he found this strange, did not interfere with them and did not laugh at them, which, however, is exactly what should be expected from such a rude, in your opinion, people as Russians; on the contrary, looking at them, they said: “It’s their faith, they pray like that,” and they passed by with calmness and almost approval. And well, these Jews were in many ways alienated from Russians, did not want to eat with them, looked almost down on them (and where is this? - in prison!) I generally expressed disgust and disgust towards the Russians, towards the “indigenous” people . It’s the same in the soldiers’ barracks and everywhere else throughout Russia: visit, ask, are they insulting the Jew in the barracks as a Jew, as a Jew, for his faith, for his custom? They don’t offend anyone anywhere, and this is true throughout the entire nation. On the contrary, I assure you that in the barracks, everywhere, the Russian commoner knows and understands (and the Jews themselves do not hide it) that a Jew will not want to eat with him, he disdains him, shuns him and protects himself from him as much as he can , and what - instead of being offended by this, the Russian simpleton calmly and clearly says: “It’s his faith that he doesn’t eat and stays away” (that is, not because he’s angry) and , realizing this higher reason, excuses the Jew with all his heart. Meanwhile, sometimes a fantasy came into my head: well, what if it weren’t three million Jews in Russia, but Russians and x; and there would be 80 million Jews - well, what would the Russians be like and how would they treat them? Would they give them equal rights? Would they be allowed to pray among them freely? Wouldn't they turn them straight into slaves? Worse still: wouldn’t the skin be completely torn off! Wouldn't they have beaten them to the point of complete extermination, as they did with foreign peoples in the old days, in their ancient history? No, sir, I assure you that among the Russian people there is no preconceived hatred of the Jew, but there is, perhaps, dislike for him, especially in localities, and perhaps even very strong. Oh, it’s impossible without this, it exists, but this does not happen at all because he is a Jew, not from a tribal background, not out of some kind of religious hatred, but it happens from other reasons for which it is no longer the indigenous people who are to blame , and he himself is a Jew.

Related information.

They don’t talk about this in literature classes in schools, they try to avoid it at universities, and yet the writer’s attitude towards Jews occupies a special place in Dostoevsky’s journalism and artistic works.

Fyodor Mikhailovich did not like Jews: in his works you will not find good Jews among the heroes. They are always pathetic, mean, arrogant, cowardly, dishonest, greedy and dangerous.

The authors of the Jewish encyclopedia, in order not to label a world-famous Russian writer as an anti-Semite, ]]> make pathetic attempts ]]> to explain such a negative attitude towards Jews by the traditional enmity of a Christian and a Jew (the writer was a deeply religious person), as if justifying Dostoevsky: The “chosen” people are very offended by this attitude of the great Russian writer towards themselves. But they are even more afraid that the Jewish theme in the writer’s work will become widely known and will be actively discussed in society, that among philologists someone will become interested and engage in a comprehensive study of this topic and, perhaps, will discover that the reason for the writer’s dislike for Jews has little to do with with his religiosity.

Dostoevsky covered the “Jewish question” in especially detail in “The Diary of a Writer,” a collection of journalistic and artistic works published in 1873-1881.

“A Writer’s Diary” is interesting, first of all, because it contains Dostoevsky’s response to the events that took place in his time. A kind of document of the era.

1873 More than 10 years have passed since the abolition of serfdom in Russia.

In “A Writer's Diary” for 1873, Dostoevsky expresses concern about the widespread spread of alcoholism among the Russian people: “Mothers drink, children drink, churches are empty, fathers commit robbery; Ivan Susanin’s bronze hand was sawed off and taken to a tavern; but they accepted me into the tavern! Just ask medicine: what generation can be born from such drunkards?”

Reflects on the future fate of the people:

“...if the matter continues, if the people themselves do not come to their senses<… >then all, entirely, in the smallest time will be in the hands of all kinds of Jews <… > The liquids will drink the blood of the people and feed on the depravity and humiliation of the people<… >It’s a bad dream, a terrible dream, and thank God it’s just a dream!”

Alas, the writer’s terrible dream came true almost a century and a half later... But then Dostoevsky writes:

People have had to help themselves out more than once! He will find in himself the protective power that he has always found; will find in himself principles that protect and save - these are the very ones that our intelligentsia never finds in him. He won’t want the tavern himself; wants labor and order, wants honor, not a tavern!..

This prophecy of the writer is also coming true: more and more people are waking up from an alcoholic sleep, realizing the destructive power of alcohol poison and choosing a sober life.

In the “Diary of a Writer” for 1876, Dostoevsky talks about the economic dominance of the Jews, about the centuries-old peculiarity of this people to bring ruin with them to foreign lands. Along the way, he continues to reflect on the future fate of the Russian people, freed from serfdom:

In general, if the resettlement of Russians to Crimea (gradual, of course) would require some extraordinary expenses from the state, then such expenses, it seems, would be very possible and extremely profitable to decide on. In any case, if the Russians do not take their place, then The Jews will certainly attack Crimea and destroy the soil of the region ... (Diary of a writer. July and August, 1876)

Look, the Jews are becoming landowners, and now, everywhere, they are shouting and writing that they are killing the soil of Russia, that Jew, having spent capital on the purchase of an estate, immediately to return the capital and interest, drains all the strength and resources of the purchased land. But try to say anything against this - and they will immediately cry out to you about the violation of the principle of economic freedom and civil equality.

But what kind of equality is there here, if there is an obvious and Talmudic Status in Statu * first of all and in the foreground, if here not only the depletion of the soil, but also the future depletion of our peasants, who, having freed himself from the landowners, undoubtedly and very he will soon, with his entire community, fall into much worse slavery and to much worse landowners - to the very new landowners who have already sucked the juice out of the Western Russian peasant, to the very same ones who are now not only buying estates and peasants, but also liberal opinion has already begun to be purchased and continue to do so very successfully. (Diary of a writer. July and August, 1876)

* (State within a state (Latin). You can read more about this term in the “Diary of a Writer” for March 1877)

Of course, such attacks by Dostoevsky against Jews could not go unnoticed: the writer received a lot of angry responses from “God’s chosen ones,” among whom it is especially worth noting a certain Jewish journalist A.U. Kovner (who did not know or speak Russian until the age of 19), who openly accused Dostoevsky of anti-Semitism. At the beginning of 1877, while in prison (serving a sentence for failed fraud), he turned to the writer with a message, which was conveyed to Dostoevsky through a lawyer. Soon Kovner received the writer's response. But Dostoevsky decided not to limit himself to personal correspondence: he devoted an entire chapter to the “Jewish question” in the March 1877 issue of “A Writer’s Diary,” citing quotes from Kovner’s (Mr. NN) letter in the first part of this chapter:

“I will copy out one passage from a letter from a very educated Jew, who wrote me a long and beautiful letter in many respects, which greatly interested me. This is one of the most characteristic accusations against me of hating the Jew as a people. It goes without saying that the name of Mr. NN, who wrote this letter to me, will remain under the strictest anonymity.

... but I intend to touch on one subject that I absolutely cannot explain to myself. This is your hatred of the “Jew”, which manifests itself in almost every issue of your “Diary”.

I would like to know why you rebel against the Jew, and not against the exploiter in general, I can’t stand the prejudices of my nation no less than you - I suffered a lot from them - but I will never agree that unscrupulous exploitation lives in the blood of this nation.

Really you cannot rise to the fundamental law of any social life, that all citizens of one state, without exception, if they only bear all the duties necessary for the existence of the state, must enjoy all the rights and benefits of its existence, and that for apostates from the law, for harmful members of society should there be the same penalty, common to all?.. Why should all Jews have limited rights and why should there be special punitive laws for them? How is the exploitation of foreigners (Jews are, after all, Russian subjects): Germans, Englishmen, Greeks, of whom there is such an abyss in Russia, better than Jewish exploitation? How is the Russian Orthodox fist, the world-eater, the kisser, the bloodsucker, of whom so many have multiplied throughout Russia, better than those of the Jews who still act in a limited circle? How is so-and-so better than so-and-so...

(Here the venerable correspondent compares several famous Russian kulaks with Jewish ones in the sense that the Russians will not yield. But what does this prove? After all, we don’t boast about our fists, we don’t hold them up as role models and, on the contrary, we agree to the highest degree that both are bad.)

I could ask you thousands of such questions.

Meanwhile, when you speak of a “Jew,” you include in this concept the entire terribly impoverished mass of the three million Jewish population in Russia, of which at least two million 900,000 are waging a desperate struggle for a miserable existence, morally purer not only than other nationalities, but also the Russian people you idolize. In this name you also include that respectable number of Jews who have received higher education and distinguished themselves in all fields of public life, take it for example...

(Here again there are several names that, apart from Goldsteinov, I do not think I have the right to publish, because some of them may be unpleasant to read that they come from Jews.)

... Goldstein (who died heroically in Serbia for the Slavic idea) and working for the benefit of society and humanity? Your hatred of the "Jew" extends even to Disraeli... who probably himself does not know that his ancestors were once Spanish Jews, and who certainly does not lead English Conservative politics from the point of view of the "Jew" (? )...

No, unfortunately, you don't know any Jewish people, not their life, not their spirit, not their forty-century history, finally. Unfortunately, because you, in any case, are a sincere, absolutely honest person, and unconsciously cause harm to the vast mass of mendicant people, the powerful “Jews,” receiving the powerful of this world in their salons, of course, are not afraid of either the press or even the impotent wrath of the exploited. But enough about this subject! It is unlikely that I will convince you of my view, but I would highly like you to convince me.

Here's the excerpt. Before I answer anything (because I don’t want to bear such a heavy accusation), I’ll draw attention to the fury of the attack and the degree of resentment. Positively, during the entire year of publication of the Diary, I did not have such a length of article against the “Jew” that could have caused such an attack. Secondly, it is impossible not to notice that the venerable correspondent, having touched upon the Russian people in these few lines, could not resist and could not stand it and treated the poor Russian people a little too condescendingly. True, in Russia there is not a single place left untouched by Russians (Shchedrin’s word), and it is even more forgivable for a Jew. But in any case, this bitterness clearly demonstrates how the Jews themselves look at the Russians. This was truly written by an educated and talented person (I don’t think without prejudice); What can we expect, after that, from an uneducated Jew, of whom there are so many, what feelings for a Russian?

(Diary of a writer. March, 1877. Chapter two. “The Jewish Question”)

And indeed: before the March release of the “Diary of a Writer” in 1877, Dostoevsky mentioned the Jews in passing, but even these minor mentions caused unprecedented rage among the Jewish people. Moreover, “God’s chosen ones,” reproaching the writer for anti-Semitism, are not at all ashamed of their own Russophobia, and speak about the Russian people with contempt and arrogance.

Marya Dunaeva